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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"Saw some interesting technology, came in to take a closer look, someone triggered this-" I press it again. "-containment device. I don't suppose one of you could-" I point to the closest projector. "-smash one of those with a rock, could you?"
A smashing demonstration of why you should not explore alone. Have someone with you and someone who will come check on you if you don't return after some time. Otherwise you end up inconvenienced by some booby-trap.
"Wait a second, wait wait." Long haired white man comes closer, the group forming an arc around my prison. "How do we know we can trust you? I mean, we've only got your word for it you got stuck in their by accident."

Also, I'm left wondering if this the same version of PR-earth we saw previously, or a different one? If the same, is this before or after Billy left Earth?
Thank you, corrected.
Also, I'm left wondering if this the same version of PR-earth we saw previously, or a different one? If the same, is this before or after Billy left Earth?
A different one, and Billy's still on Earth. Remember, I only really watched the early parts of Power Rangers and probably won't refer to later stuff. Not because I dislike it, but because I don't know it.
Alright. Come right up to the barrier." He takes another breath, then steps forward. I reach out and hold my right hand against his chest. "This shouldn't hurt, but tell me if it does."
How can you touch his chest with the barrier in the way?
Thank you, corrected.

A different one, and Billy's still on Earth. Remember, I only really watched the early parts of Power Rangers and probably won't refer to later stuff. Not because I dislike it, but because I don't know it.
Hmm. Yeah I think I dropped off PR after Galaxy Ranger I think. Then I started bingeing it then stopped again by Ninja Steel though that point it was more I didn't like it from the
worse, this could be a hentai universe and the slimes will... Get invasive, if you know what I mean? So, then. the Renegade has gotten himself trapped
My first assumption was he got captured by Ivan Ooze.
first episode.
Black woman one does a frown-sneer. "Why can't you do it?"

I crouch, pick up a stone, stand back up and hurl it at the projector. The shield appears and blocks it in mid-air. "The people who built this weren't stupid."
Did she eat lead paint chips as a child? What part of trapped does she not understand?
Heh so they grow stronger over time. What will this season be called? Power Ranger Gods?
How can you touch his chest with the barrier in the way?
It doesn't block people going in.
Hmm. Yeah I think I dropped off PR after Galaxy Ranger I think. Then I started bingeing it then stopped again by Ninja Steel though that point it was more I didn't like it from the

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Se_cC4nvx8
My first assumption was he got captured by Ivan Ooze.
No, one of his grandfather's old captains. He's basically going around and tracking down all the Apokoliptians who could cause problems for Drax.
They're not actually Power Rangers, so no. Substitute Rangers?
It doesn't block people going in.
Then wouldn't it stop them from leaving?
They're not actually Power Rangers, so no. Substitute Rangers?
If it looks like a Ranger, fights like a Ranger, destroys Evil like a Ranger, the Morphing Grid may as well form a connection thus giving them it's seal of approval at some point. And if their growing New God souls absorb that Morphing Grid energy...
It doesn't block people going in.
So it only traps the first person in its containment area after first being activated everyone else can go in and out whenever they want? Weird maybe the field was made to contain experiments without stopping a scientist from going in or out?

Still this a very interesting idea I would love to see more about this world
If it looks like a Ranger, fights like a Ranger, destroys Evil like a Ranger, the Morphing Grid may as well form a connection thus giving them it's seal of approval at some point. And if their growing New God souls absorb that Morphing Grid energy...
Future Renegade is altering their bodies and souls in addition to giving them armor. They're not going to be able to keep a secret identity because the changes are going to be very obvious, especially if some of them want to show off.
Okay, basically, they stick their hand right on the edge of the barrier, narrowing poking through. Grayven touches it and does his thing, then they pull it out because as far as the system is concerned they weren't 'inside' it.
Future Renegade is altering their bodies and souls in addition to giving them armor. They're not going to be able to keep a secret identity because the changes are going to be very obvious, especially if some of them want to show off.
I mean, they probably will be able to have secret identities if they're careful.

They wear armor that covers them and unless their newfound godhood changes their appearance in a massive way then they can probably explain any physical changes by saying it's a new diet or workout.
Trivialities (part 1) New

3rd April 2013
11:36 GMT

"Recognised, Orange Lantern, B Zero Six."

I walk out into the Fortress of Solitude, and… Realise that the name is increasingly inaccurate as Kara looks around with a.. broad smile? Those weren't all that common before the Anti-Life-.

I do a quick scan to make sure that I'm looking at the right Kara. The practical and hard-wearing outfit suggests that I am, but-. Yes, I am.

She floats over, her eyebrows rising. "You just checked that I'm me, didn't you?"


She switches her smile from 'happy' to 'about to make rabbit soup with live rabbit' and widens her eyes. "How did you know it was me!?"

I roll my eyes. "Come on, she's not quite that bad."

She puts her face back to normal. "She is when she looks just like you. How do you cope with it?"

"With what? You mean my.. alter egos?" She nods, and I shrug. "They're not me. We have a lot in common, so… We just share information and stay out of each others' way."

"Doesn't that make it… Worse?"


"That they've got a lot in common. Like, you're not…"

I frown. "Is this a girl thing? Do you want me to get M'gann?"

"No, it's not a.. girl…" She looks thoughtful, her eyes moving to the side as she frowns. "Thing?"

I fan my hands out, palms up, and wait for her to reach a conclusion.

"And anyway, M'gann's whole species are shapeshifters. They wouldn't-. That's not the point."

"No, no, this is fascinating from a social scientific point of view. Do you find yourself trying to gather a support group of beta females whose plainness will make you look relatively more attractive?"

"Ah, no?"

I grin, craning my neck slightly. "Do you think you should?"

"Do.. human-? No. You know what? No."

She floats back up and goes back to overseeing the newly constructed factory unit. It's kryptonian and designed to work with minimal oversight, but having someone who actually knows how this works seems much more sensible than waiting for it to try rebuilding Krypton on Earth or something.

I float after her. "Everything working alright?"

"Well, it's kryptonian, so yes. I don't know how Kal managed this long without a basic fabricator."

"I think that was your uncle's influence."

I see the reflection in one of the crystal surfaces as she rolls her eyes.

"You're probably right. It took a lot of getting used to, but I… I think I get what he meant, about what kryptonian society was… Missing."

"So we don't have to worry about you heading off to Xudar?"

"No. Not while Earth's in the state that it is, anyway." She cough-laughs. "It's funny. After everything… I thought it would just… Bring everything back. About Krypton. But actually… Earth survived. And… I think it's going to keep on surviving…"

She slowly rotates around.

"Um. Why is it..? You're here?"

"I'm here to talk to Kal-El about the Phantom Zone. Ah. But thinking about it-."

"I should probably sit in on this." She nods. "Kal should be in the arboretum."

She flies upwards to a wall-mounted door and I follow her out into… Huh. It's not exactly a forest. It's more like a agricultural laboratory as various types of edible plant are grown in their own modules where the soil chemistry, microbes, heat, humidity and… Everything else are constantly monitored in real time. Kal-El himself is checking up on a… Tree-like plant with unusually thick, green/yellow leaves.

"The Phantom Zone, huh?" He finishes his note-taking as we land, then takes a deep breath before turning around. "I hope you don't want to put anyone else in there."

"No. Ah. You remember Amalak, one of the people I'm-." Huh, it's been a while. "One of the people I was working with in Vega?"

He nods. "General Zod destroyed his home planet."

"And Amalak wants his head. Which I put it to you has no negative consequences."

Superman shakes his head. "He's already been tried and sentenced."

"Only for his attempted putsch on Krypton. He wasn't ever tried under the law of Amalak's people."

"I assume they'd execute him."

"If he were found guilty, yes. And in my opinion the evidence is fairly conclusive. You are aware-."

"Yes." He nods. "I know that criminals that I've apprehended have been executed before. And I know that if anyone deserves it, he does. I'm just not really… Comfortable with…"

"There aren't enough of them living in one place to form a government, and even if they had one they don't have an extradition agreement with Earth. They had one with Krypton but that only really covered petty stuff like kryptonian marines getting drunk while on shore leave. There is no legal system here, just you making a choice about whether he spends eternity is a disembodied void or gets let out for a week before being killed."

"I… I'll think about it."

"Okay, and then there's the rest of them."

He frowns slightly. "I don't think that Nam-Ek wants to come out."

"No, but there are other inmates: Amalak would probably want Non and Ursa, though Non might get an insanity plea. But there are plenty of others. Faora Hu-Ul…"

Kara shakes her head. "I… Think she can stay where she is. Even if we tried putting her on Themyscira… It wouldn't be safe for anyone."

"But we have gold kryptonite. We can make sure that she never develops superpowers, and… She wasn't given the indefinite sentence that Zod, Ursa and Non were."

"She was given a three hundred year sentence. She's still got about two hundred and sixty years to go." Kara frowns. "I don't think you get time off for good behavior when it's physically impossible for you to misbehave."

"How about Ak-Var? He had a thirty year sentence for theft, and he's served it. The only reason he hasn't been released already is that there isn't anyone to release him."

Kal-El nods. "Then he should be released. But I'm not sure we've really got the facilities to handle a kryptonian on parole."

"Gold kryptonite radiation again. Have him help you out here. If he proves he can be trusted, then he can have more freedom."

"That sounds reasonable. Kara? What do you think?"

"I remember hearing about it. I thought his sentence was far too harsh." She smiles faintly. "It'll be nice to talk to someone from Krypton again."

3rd April 2013
11:36 GMT

"Recognised, Orange Lantern, B Zero Six."

I walk out into the Fortress of Solitude, and… Realise that the name is increasingly inaccurate as Kara looks around with a.. broad smile? Those weren't all that common before the Anti-Life-.
Ah, back to OL proper at last. Probably still a little annoyed and confused by his April First. So, then. Are we in for an episode of minor check-ins and small issues to be handled, or is something big on the way...

I do a quick scan to make sure that I'm looking at the right Kara. The practical and hard-wearing outfit suggests that I am, but-. Yes, I am.

She floats over, her eyebrows rising. "You just checked that I'm me, didn't you?"
Given how many Supergirls seem to be flapping around Earth Sixteen sometimes...


She switches her smile from 'happy' to 'about to make rabbit soup with live rabbit' and widens her eyes. "How did you know it was me!?"
Yeah, I don't think Kara One could manage that kind of grin...

I roll my eyes. "Come on, she's not quite that bad."

She puts her face back to normal. "She is when she looks just like you. How do you cope with it?"
Maybe wear your hair up? Ponytails are a good look, especially high ones...

"With what? You mean my.. alter egos?" She nods, and I shrug. "They're not me. We have a lot in common, so… We just share information and stay out of each others' way."

"Doesn't that make it… Worse?"
And to be fair, most of them don't have interdimensional travel capabilities. Those that do know better than to poke OL Sixteen.


"That they've got a lot in common. Like, you're not…"
A person can react to different circumstances in very different ways, especially when mind-altering technologies are involved...

I frown. "Is this a girl thing? Do you want me to get M'gann?"

"No, it's not a.. girl…" She looks thoughtful, her eyes moving to the side as she frowns. "Thing?"
I find the fact she is only just considering it now somewhat amusing.

I fan my hands out, palms up, and wait for her to reach a conclusion.

"And anyway, M'gann's whole species are shapeshifters. They wouldn't-. That's not the point."
I'm reminded of the Skrulls in 'Captain marvel' when they arrive on Earth. "Oi! This one's taken!"

"No, no, this is fascinating from a social scientific point of view. Do you find yourself trying to gather a support group of beta females whose plainness will make you look relatively more attractive?"

"Ah, no?"
I mean, with her Kryptonian looks, it wouldn't be hard to find people marginally less attractive.

I grin, craning my neck slightly. "Do you think you should?"

"Do.. human-? No. You know what? No."
Sadly, yes, some people do that.

She floats back up and goes back to overseeing the newly constructed factory unit. It's kryptonian and designed to work with minimal oversight, but having someone who actually knows how this works seems much more sensible than waiting for it to try rebuilding Krypton on Earth or something.

I float after her. "Everything working alright?"
True, last thing you want is a nano-assembler running rampant.

"Well, it's kryptonian, so yes. I don't know how Kal managed this long without a basic fabricator."

"I think that was your uncle's influence."
So, Jor-el wanted his son to basically be Space Amish? :p I know, I know, he wanted him to fit in, rather than be a conqueror...

I see the reflection in one of the crystal surfaces as she rolls her eyes.

"You're probably right. It took a lot of getting used to, but I… I think I get what he meant, about what kryptonian society was… Missing."
Quite a few things, thanks to its ultra-scientific utopia shtick.

"So we don't have to worry about you heading off to Xudar?"

"No. Not while Earth's in the state that it is, anyway." She cough-laughs. "It's funny. After everything… I thought it would just… Bring everything back. About Krypton. But actually… Earth survived. And… I think it's going to keep on surviving…"
What was Xudar again? The Daxamite world, or another Kryptonian colony thing? Anyway, Earth is surprisingly durable when it comes down to it. As if the Universe was protecting it for some reason. :sneaky:

She slowly rotates around.

"Um. Why is it..? You're here?"
Besides being his usual quirky self about seemingly minor details?

"I'm here to talk to Kal-El about the Phantom Zone. Ah. But thinking about it-."

"I should probably sit in on this." She nods. "Kal should be in the arboretum."
And he's probably been keeping an ear out on your conversation. Big Brother instincts, despite being officially younger than Kara.

She flies upwards to a wall-mounted door and I follow her out into… Huh. It's not exactly a forest. It's more like a agricultural laboratory as various types of edible plant are grown in their own modules where the soil chemistry, microbes, heat, humidity and… Everything else are constantly monitored in real time. Kal-El himself is checking up on a… Tree-like plant with unusually thick, green/yellow leaves.
Reminds me of the old 'Alien Zoo' concept in Silver Age 'Superman' comics. And some modern 'iconic' stories that draw on that era.

"The Phantom Zone, huh?" He finishes his note-taking as we land, then takes a deep breath before turning around. "I hope you don't want to put anyone else in there."

"No. Ah. You remember Amalak, one of the people I'm-." Huh, it's been a while. "One of the people I was working with in Vega?"
Hopefully things are still stable out that way. It's been a while since OL looked in, anything could be happening, even with the big villainous factions deleted.

He nods. "General Zod destroyed his home planet."

"And Amalak wants his head. Which I put it to you has no negative consequences."
Now, whether he'll be happy with just Zod's head, or continue his anti-Kryptonian vendetta...

Superman shakes his head. "He's already been tried and sentenced."

"Only for his attempted putsch on Krypton. He wasn't ever tried under the law of Amalak's people."
Which would likely go poorly for Zod. Especially if he's as charmingly arrogant as some versions show him as.

"I assume they'd execute him."

"If he were found guilty, yes. And in my opinion the evidence is fairly conclusive. You are aware-."
TO be fair, Dru-Zod isn't exactly a nice guy to start with even before the military enhancements.

"Yes." He nods. "I know that criminals that I've apprehended have been executed before. And I know that if anyone deserves it, he does. I'm just not really… Comfortable with…"

"There aren't enough of them living in one place to form a government, and even if they had one they don't have an extradition agreement with Earth. They had one with Krypton but that only really covered petty stuff like kryptonian marines getting drunk while on shore leave. There is no legal system here, just you making a choice about whether he spends eternity is a disembodied void or gets let out for a week before being killed."
And to be doubly fair, the former actually seems more cruel than the latter.

"I… I'll think about it."

"Okay, and then there's the rest of them."
Because Dru-Zod and his followers aren't the only occupants of the Phantom Zone.

He frowns slightly. "I don't think that Nam-Ek wants to come out."

"No, but there are other inmates: Amalak would probably want Non and Ursa, though Non might get an insanity plea. But there are plenty of others. Faora Hu-Ul…"
A none-too-pleasant woman.

Kara shakes her head. "I… Think she can stay where she is. Even if we tried putting her on Themyscira… It wouldn't be safe for anyone."

"But we have gold kryptonite. We can make sure that she never develops superpowers, and… She wasn't given the indefinite sentence that Zod, Ursa and Non were."
Still, do you want a straw-feminist lunatic with killer kryptonian martial arts running around? Bad idea.

"She was given a three hundred year sentence. She's still got about two hundred and sixty years to go." Kara frowns. "I don't think you get time off for good behavior when it's physically impossible for you to misbehave."

"How about Ak-Var? He had a thirty year sentence for theft, and he's served it. The only reason he hasn't been released already is that there isn't anyone to release him."
And he's likely to be reformed enough to actually make himself useful once he proves himself.

Kal-El nods. "Then he should be released. But I'm not sure we've really got the facilities to handle a kryptonian on parole."

"Gold kryptonite radiation again. Have him help you out here. If he proves he can be trusted, then he can have more freedom."
Just remember, it's not a long-term solution. Unless you want to cause long-term health issues.

"That sounds reasonable. Kara? What do you think?"

"I remember hearing about it. I thought his sentence was far too harsh." She smiles faintly. "It'll be nice to talk to someone from Krypton again."
Though I don't know how much they'd have in common.

Well, this is one way to get more Kryptonians out in the world, though I doubt many of them will take up a heroic mantle. Depends on how contrite they are after their imprisonment, I suppose. And letting out one might prove a good test of the waters to see how they'll adapt to this primitive Earth, still recovering from a global disaster as it is.
"There aren't enough of them living in one place to form a government, and even if they had one they don't have an extradition agreement with Earth. They had one with Krypton but that only really covered petty stuff like kryptonian marines getting drunk while on shore leave. There is no legal system here, just you making a choice about whether he spends eternity is a disembodied void or gets let out for a week before being killed."

If you are going to write Paul letting Zod, or any other Kryptonian out ANYWHERE besides a world orbiting a Red sun. Without a starship on the surface just to cover all your bullshit fated escapes I'm going to have to reach through this computer and do terrible things to you.
And to be doubly fair, the former actually seems more cruel than the latter

And while Zoat may only use the first two seasons as canon for this fic, the newer seasons showed that you don't want to let Zod have power.

Dude basically started a fascist cult.

Well, this is one way to get more Kryptonians out in the world, though I doubt many of them will take up a heroic mantle. Depends on how contrite they are after their imprisonment, I suppose. And letting out one might prove a good test of the waters to see how they'll adapt to this primitive Earth, still recovering from a global disaster as it is
And if Earth doesn't work out then maybe he can send them to Maltus.

It's technologically advanced and full of people that match or surpass Kryptonians, so they can feel at home and it would prevent them from potentially developing a god complex.
Stick Zod et al. on Daxam.

Also, does blue kryptonite have the same effect on kryptonians-16 as it did in Smallville?
Is it possible to cure Gold Kryptonite? Because if the thief eventually proves themself having another empowered kryptonian around would be nice

3rd April 2013
11:36 GMT
We return to the story. Yay.

Interesting point: Why are they treating it like Clark has authority over the Phantom Zone? He doesn't own it as a privet individual, or even have a claim on the projector. He isn't part of kryptonian government or law enforcement. There isn't any legal framework by which he could claim any right to decide what happens to anyone inside it.

Could also use one of the many non-yellow star systems that N.E.M.O doubtless has. Or better yet both. No need to keep this in-house if it would be inconvenient to do so.

"With what? You mean my.. alter egos?" She nods, and I shrug. "They're not me. We have a lot in common, so… We just share information and stay out of each others' way."
One way to put it. Another is that he has barely met the ones he has happened to encounter. And has expended zero effort in ever contacting any of them again, even when finding them would have been phenomenally useful.

Kara's situation is vastly different.

At last! We are back with the Illustres! It's been so long, I don't even remember where we left off or what he waa doing...
They rescued the Greek mythos from the Anti-Life, as the final step in Paul's involvement in putting the Earth back together.
Last edited:
One way to put it. Another is that he has barely met the ones he has happened to encounter. And has expended zero effort in ever contacting any of them again, even when fibding them would have been phenomenally useful.

Kara's situation is vastly different.

I agree with this. The Illustres has a degree of disinterest for his counterparts that borders on unhealthy to me. I understand if they may be some manner of antagonistic (like Blue Lantern), but with all of them? No curiousity at all? No interest on their well being?

And it's not like comparing Supergirl with Overgirl, where they both share the same role in their respective universes but actually re not the same individual at all. The Illustres and the other variations are literally the same guy put in multiple different situations.

I know the ones involved shared some info during the Crisis of Infinite Pauls event, but at the same time they were so detached that none of them even noticed Tangseid among them! Or the poor Paul in Nazi Earth, not even a hello.
Interesting point: Why are they treating it like Clark has authority over the Phantom Zone? He doesn't own it as a privet individual, or even have a claim on the projector. He isn't part of kryptonian government or law enforcement. There isn't any legal framework by which he could claim any right to decide what happens to anyone inside it.

He is the most senior Kryptonian in the known universe, is the head of the House of El and the projector is his property.

All of these things sorta do give him authority over the projector and other pieces of Kryptonian tech.

I agree with this. The Illustres has a degree of disinterest for his counterparts that borders on unhealthy to me. I understand if they may be some manner of antagonistic (like Blue Lantern), but with all of them? No curiousity at all? No interest on their well being?

And it's not like comparing Supergirl with Overgirl, where they both share the same role in their respective universes but actually re not the same individual at all. The Illustres and the other variations are literally the same guy put in multiple different situations.

I know the ones involved shared some info during the Crisis of Infinite Pauls event, but at the same time they were so detached that none of them even noticed Tangseid among them! Or the poor Paul in Nazi Earth, not even a hello.
This may be because he has so much on his plate in his own universe, so he can't be bothered to really care all that much about others.
Is it possible to cure Gold Kryptonite? Because if the thief eventually proves themself having another empowered kryptonian around would be nice
In Superman/Batman: Generations, Ultrahumanite had a cure. His plan was to depower Superman, transfer his brain into Superman's body, then re-empower himself. In this story, the Renegade re-empowered Superman after the attack on the Watchtower.
We return to the story. Yay.

Interesting point: Why are they treating it like Clark has authority over the Phantom Zone? He doesn't own it as a privet individual, or even have a claim on the projector. He isn't part of kryptonian government or law enforcement. There isn't any legal framework by which he could claim any right to decide what happens to anyone inside it.
Krypton had noble families. As the head of House El, he both has authority over the other members of his House and over things someone from his House invented. The legitimacy of that authority if a bit murky in terms of post-explosion Kryptonian law, but most other kryptonians would understand him being the main authority.

It's a bit like what would happen if London got nuked while every MP was in Parliament but the King was in Balmoral. Suddenly he'd be making a lot of decisions he wouldn't normally have to make.

Also, he's a member of the Justice League and has actual Earth authority.
Could also use one of the many non-yellow star systems that N.E.M.O doubtless has. Or better yet both. No need to keep this in-house if it would be inconvenient to do so.

One way to put it. Another is that he has barely met the ones he has happened to encounter. And has expended zero effort in ever contacting any of them again, even when finding them would have been phenomenally useful.
There are a number of places that kryptonians could be released. But Kal-El would rather keep other kryptonians close at hand, if he can do that without it being to dangerous. That's not a rational decision, he's just attached to Krypton. Someone like Ak-Var who stole an ornament as a prank and had the book thrown at him is worth taking a risk on.

Edit: Superman is a member of the Justice League. King Charles isn't.

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