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    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    To answer your last question before bed, that's a philosophical question preachers, philosophers and popes, have been wondering about for thousands of years now and the general consensus has been as long as you actively try to atone for them and repent your good.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Its a question I put in as the problem of Hell as a setting is, the more worse someone has to be to go to Hell, the worse a character they are to write about
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    And I am liking this idea if you are into it, love to chat more of it
    I like how you have vets from the Warlord Era. Plenty with scary Quirks I bet. Ones once celebrated now feared
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Shared visiting each other households?
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The gift giving thing, see I don't ever find that in smut. A girl body modding and mind controlling herself for her love. It doesn't happen
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    It shows how much we rely on a dude overcoming the will of a girl and imposing upon them instead of just, asking
    How your morning
    So have basically a bunch of traumatized war vets that have committed a bunch of crimes all in the name of keeping the peace back when Villains were basically taking over, and none of them have been given the resources or help they need, and you have a bunch of stories like that of people and systems that were created out of desperate measures and never properly dealt with.
    So for corruption in the hero systems its less about how the systems itself is broken and more that the issues it does have, there's no political will or any type of movement to fix it. So for the average person they have no idea abut how many issues are hiding underneath the surface waiting to explode.
    And then of course if you have a super powerful or useful quirk your going to get the attention, money and opportunities, that other people won't. And if you have a quirk that is scary, like mind control, you will get discriminated against for that, but that's another topic entirely.
    Would you like more of Frozen Dream?
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    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The girls need to form love with each other and have hobbies and ambitions with the clan supporting their interests
    Of course, that's the fun parts that keep a girl a complete character and not a piece of furniture, although that might be something Hinata's into. Anyway, night. Talk to you tomorrow if I get a chance.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Sleep well and have a good work day
    I recall a book called Graceling. The character had the power to survive any situation, but she thought it was a fighting power because she'd survive by killing whoever got in her way. For escaping a situation, does that include lethal force with Gavin?
    And in the first Naruto arc, how is the Fox mutating Tsuande's desire and love, and what is the serious starting point? Secluded training after Sasuke beats him?
    Her finding him almost half dead and the Fox's Chakra entering her as she heals Naruto?
    Five buck says they don't got the fetish energy for it but a guy can dream of impregnated femboy baby mamas.

    Would Gewn make a girlfriend out of the earphones music quirk girl if spiders win?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Interesting duality. Sub is bad while Dom is good
    A nice little inversion of the usual story. Sub is what happens when Robin really embraces her past self and try's to control her children instead of letting them go. Its not pure evil, but it is embracing her darker more controlling nature and has the potential to go much worse.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Naruto, what's our first arc? Our starting point for characters
    Very cool idea with the fists and feet.
    With my work. I'm wanting bimbo domistiication and slave harem, but can't make the girls stupid as that is boring and personality and agency are key, even if manipualted
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Tsunade starts getting pressured by Jiraiya and others to stay. The more she teaches Naruto the more involved she seems to be getting back into the Ninja world, and the knowledge that as the jinchuriki, Naruto will one day be used as a weapon and the fear of losing him hangs over her head, until there is a breaking point.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Setting up next arc
    An argument breaks out, Naruto wanting a definite answer as to what she feels about him and Tsunade wanting a promise that he wouldn't get himself killed trying to be Hokage, leaves them both heart broken and angry. I'm at this point. Right now I'm trying to figure out a way that feels natural for this argument to get settled and for the two to start their relationship. What do you think so far?
    Zelo. Could Naruto seduce and fuck Garra to gain power over the Sand village
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Hail your eternal demon fox emperor god king
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Turn Ninja arts over into personal defense and hobbies or oh, combat sports?
    And will Naruto be getting some cool Taijutsu? I always liked the Subtle and Strong Fist styles and disliked how there aren't a lot of cool Taijustus. Where are the burning fire fist? The shadow kick styles? No variety
    I'm thinking he find a way to make clones of his fist and and feet as he;s fighting, blending in a few illusions, and maybe even have him grow a couple fox tails, all to combined together to make it seem like your fighting someone with a hundred limbs.
    Naruto helping Tusume show off her yandere bitch side to her kids to seduce them?
    I imagine that character wise, taking someone's mom away from them for the orphan Naruto would be a enraging thought. And incest sharing out a milf to their son and daughter is good vibes
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Switch. Definitely want to fuck his two moms and sister
    I'm going to bed, my stomach's been hurting a little since this afternoon. See you tomorrow when the votes have a little bit more time to settle in and I know if the next chapters going to be for spiders or chainsaws.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Hoping spiders
    What sort of ninja jutsu you want him to learn?
    Lean more into the taijustu or other stuff? How do you present danger when his wife is tusande?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    She's aware its not normal. That its the reason her husband left and her families broken, and there's this combination of self loathing and hatred at her husband she's crippled with. She knows if she exposes her true self to people, it will terrify them, but at the same time she can't help herself.
    So she'll hide it until she runs into Naruto, who is so desperate for love and affection, her obsessive needs are worshiped and encouraged.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I'm going to suggest something interesting. She becomes Naruto's pet, but Kiba is Naruto's friend so he also has her be Kiba's mommy pet. Tsume lovs her son. Any relationship with Naruto would have to evolve from that without breaking that bond.
    Played a little bit of Spider Man 2. I find the web slinging clunky and the web zip weird as it has to work on only highlighted areas. The combat doesn't hurl you at people like in a batman game, which is odd. However, the general feel, intro to the story, and gameplay is fucking amazing.
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    Reactions: Andy333
    the interviews still a couple hours away, but I tell you how it went when i get back.
    As Naruto, I don't think he'll ever become a traitor, but the village will take a back seat to his family. And considering Sasuke turns traitor, maybe Naruto will think its his responsibility to fix him and make sure he's stays here at home as his concubine.
    As for Naruto's relationship with his kids. I'm not sure haven't thought that far ahead in the story.
    How you like Tomas interlude? Curious as you have spoken of doing Seveist worldbuilding before.
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    There'a fine line to be tred here. Keeping that edge while having it be soft. And do you want a religious debate interlude?
    Maybe later, I'm going to go get some dinner. Probably pizza or something.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Pizza is good stuff. Thanks for reading our stuff
    No fucking power for two days
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Yeah the family is a mess, but by the end they do love each other. One of favorite lines in the movie was when he and Arthur are arguing and Arthur admits he never wanted to be king and he was a little insecure if he was doing a good job or not and Orm was shocked because he had grown up with his father telling him that one day Arthur would challenge him for the throne and win.
    Since Arthur's powers and connection to Atlantis was stronger.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Read Tomas interlude?
    Also, this angle gets more weird with them being of different skin tones which is a ocean of political subtext
    The cage movie sounds interesting but depressing
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    More space magic and demons
    Sith alchemy might as well been magic fueled by cocaine with some of the shit it pulled out, but it was one of the funnest powers the EU added to the sith.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Give Jedi TK and Sith more classic sorcery stuff like fire and lightning and other magical elemental forces
    But then the dreams people have about him start to turn into nightmares and he doesn't know how to stop it, all the suddenly all the fame he had morphs into a whole bunch of people hating him. Then it becomes kind of commentary on how destructive cancel culture and celebrity worship has become.
    By the end of it the guys life and totally been ruined by the whole thing. He had to stay away from his wife and kids because the negative attention he brought on them was too much. He was a professor who wanted to publish a book on evolution, but nobody bought it, they only cared that he was the dream guy.
    Again a lot sadder than i thought it would be. The first half pretty cool with the whole dream thing but by the end of it I was sad and a little confused since they didn't explain how any of it worked. Would not recommend. Although Nicholas Cage gave an amazing performance, totally over showed everyone else there.
    What for Deku mom?
    So something that could feasibly be built with enough money and high tech gadgets added on, but with just enough bullshit that if your paying close attention you'll notice something's wrong.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    How you want to go further with the corruption of Deku and Ochako?
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Starting to get into the sexual acts and layerings
    Tonight I will respond in detail with thoughts to your latest update
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I could see her getting revenge on her family by really embracing the breeding wife thing for Shoto out of love instead of Quirk combination and wanting to make loads of money as a new ambition
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    She's a blank canvas to play with in terms of personality and interests. With social class being the one canon bit to act as fuel
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The brother though, what for him?
    The sister easily fits into maid role or something else like that which is domestic
    Set up contrast between therapy being a surprise delight and first mission feeling like a annoyance. They want it done to return to the sexualizing of the students and dates with their moms and teachers.

    And have the MC contrast the mission to the dreams and personalities of the students
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    A femboy has to be distinctly a femboy in a way that is go too much masculine or just a chick with a flat chest,
    Sure I get that, but I don't want the femboy to have breast or anything. I want them to still be at least slightly male. I like exaggerated, but still based on something real
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Oh yeah, its the curves and hips and ass and face and limbs, you can't have tits
    How ya doing
    How your weekend? Players been bombarding me and Jackal with competing vote plans
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    But this guy was pretty quite in real life and never shared any personal information like that with the internet and none of his family was ever directly involved in a lot of what happened. That and while he was very important, at the end of the day it was more a internet craze like Kony 2012 than any actual movement. It didn't have any central leadership or central message like in the movie
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    How did the movie say his family influenced the choice? They needed money? And he was a youtuber who went on a congressional hearing. WTF.

    Central message in the movie being? And yeah, I never got the sense of a movement. It was an event that kept going
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Going to sleep. Talk later.
    You ever read Fist of the North Star or Fist of the Blue Sky or Breaker? Way of Open Hand Monk is a brutal nightmare that can destroy a lava covered adamante robot that is meant to party wipe you
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Read the newest part and find out. lol
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I shall. Play Ghost of Tushima? Fucking awesome samurai game
    I've heard really good things about it, but it seemed to much like the standard ubisoft open world game and I'm really burnt out on those.
    How your day and what you reading or watching for fun?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Would make for an interesting dynamic, especially if the sorcerer is the squishy weak target everyone aims for and the monster girls are the disposable tanks.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    They get all the physical boost while Sorcerers armor themselves in wards and power blades or spears for spell channeling.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    How have you been?
    Any chance Mrs Dallon will be updated this Sunday or sometime soon
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    I messed up and thought that since school was getting close to finishing it would start to slow down a little, but the good news is that I am almost done with school so while these next few weeks will be spotty on when the next chapters comes out once I'm done, my scheduled is gonna really open up.
    That fine.take your time your mental health. Is important to us
    hopefully Mrs Dallon will be updated soon. fully expecting a futa gangbang, gender banding, and of course more pregnancy .
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