Not again
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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This is a dream.
That is the first thought you have, the moment you regain consciousness.
It is night. You are in your room. And you went to bed less than two hours ago.
You should be asleep right now. You know that. You have a full day ahead of you tomorrow, and you have no business doing anything other than trying to rest.
And yet, you just woke up. Your eyes open, as if you have just received a shock, and you almost gasp for air while you fight a sudden wave of vertigo. You have no business being awake, and yet you already know you will not be able to sleep again even if you try.
Because your heart is just beating too quickly right now. The rhythmic, frenetic, almost panicked thumps coming from inside your chest fill your ears, to the point where you can barely hear yourself breathing.
Your mind, also, is too turned around for you to calm down. You feel nervous, and tense, and almost scared all at the same time. Even though you have no idea why. Your entire body is acting up, almost as if it is trying to fight you. And as the seconds drag on, even your soft bed begins to feel uncomfortable, and then hard, and then almost itchy in a way that you can't stand it anymore.
But still, despite all that, you still know that…
This is a dream.
You jump out of your bed. Because even though that is one of the most comfortable places in the world, the thought of being there even for a moment longer is simply unbearable right now. You jump out of bed, and this itching, panicked, grasping discomfort in your mind decreases a tiny little bit.
And somehow, that slight drop in your discomfort makes you realize what you have to do next.
This idea that you just had, this sudden understanding of what you are supposed to do, doesn't make any sense. You know it doesn't make any sense. It can't make any sense.
But thankfully, it doesn't need to make any sense either.
Because this is a dream.
So, you let your legs move underneath you. You let your hoofs guide you, to where you are supposed to go, and you take over once you realize where exactly you are going.
And with each step you take, this sting you are feeling in your head gets a little smaller. Not small enough for you to calm down, but at least you feel a little better.
You consciously avoid making any sound, as you make your way out of your room. Because even though this is a dream, you also know you aren't supposed to be here.
Still, you leave your room, and you walk down the long hallway, and you silently make your way to the top of the stairways that lead down to the entrance hall.
And then you stop. You hide, just behind that last corner. You are just shy of reaching the topmost step of the stairway. And if you peek around the corner, you will be able to see the entirety of the entrance hall while staying out of sight.
And that is exactly what you are going to do.
Because you aren't supposed to be here.
You are only supposed to see, but you can't be seen.
So, you crouch down on the floor. You bend your legs until your belly touches the floor. And then, you very slowly peek around the corner. Looking down the stairs and towards the entrance hall.
As you do that, the itching, heart-pounding tension you are feeling, it… well, it doesn't begin to fade. Not exactly. But it definitely changes into something else. And slowly, very slowly, that agonizing compulsion that told you to "come to this spot and stay quiet" turns into…
Into what? Concern? Alertness? Focus?
You hold your breath, focusing your eyes on the very center of the entrance hall.
Because there she is.
Velvet Axe is near the center of the entrance hall.
However, you can already tell that the mare looks different.
Her cloak looks more lustrous, its hems embroidered and shiny, completely different from the rags she insists on wearing. Her hood, also, is covering all of her face, to the point that you can barely see the tip of her snout.
But most alarming of all, you can see that the mare is tense. She is pacing back and forth, walking in a tight circle. Looking around her, shooting urgent glances at the corners of the hall, as if looking for something you can't see.
You can tell, even from this far, that her body language is frantic. And even though you can't see even a single patch of her coat, you can tell that she is not alright.
The alertness inside of you turns into a sudden wave of worry. The notion that you should go down there and help her, or at least ask what is going on, flashes through your mind for a moment.
But just as quickly, the idea is drowned down by the imperative that you can't.
Because this is a dream.
And you are not supposed to be here.
And you can't be seen.
So, you stay put.
And as your ears get used to the silence, you realize that Axe is also mumbling to herself.
Eventually, you begin to make out the words.
"Knew et would foken happen. Knew et'd come fer me. Foken knew et… canny have a foken moment o' peace. Canny even be happy for a damn' second befor' this foken…"
Velvet Axe's voice is…
There is no other way to put it. Her voice is shaking. Velvet Axe's voice is shaking.
The realization catches you by surprise. And you strain your ears for a few moments, because you simply can't believe this is happening. But sure enough, Velvet Axe is…. she is trembling, and her breath is short, and if you didn't know any better you would even say she is nervous.
Still, no matter how you look at it, the haughty, arrogant, self-important mare you have come to know is nowhere to be seen. And in her place is a mare who is… scared.
Mumbling to herself, nervously glancing all around her as if the shadows had eyes.
Talking to herself through gritted teeth.
That is, until she freezes. Out of nowhere, Velvet Axe stops moving. The stops walking, and talking, and maybe even breathing. She isn't even trembling anymore.
Instead, she is focusing the entirety of her attention on one of the side doors of the entrance hall. The one that leads to the dining room.
She focuses all of her attention in that direction, and even though her face is entirely covered by her hood, you can tell that she is glaring right now.
You have no idea what is happening, until-
-something lunges out of the shadows. The doors to the dining room literally burst open as something rushes towards Axe. A thin, arrow-like blur, that speeds towards the mare in a gale so quickly it causes a gale.
And at the same time, Velvet Axe turns into a blur herself. Her movement so quick it almost looks like she twisted in the air.
The deafening, cannonball-like sound of metal striking metal echoes in the entrance hall. Your eyes couldn't follow what just happened, but less than a moment later you can see the end result.
"Ye'll FOKKEN hav to do BE'AH than tha'!"
Velvet Axe shouts, her voice loud and angry.
The thing that lunged at her is now under her hoof. And you can finally take a better look at it.
It is a chain. A long, barbed chain made out of metal and rust. A great, tight shackle on its tip, like the jaws of a hungry predator.
Still, the long, vicious chain is being firmly stamped down by her hoof. Five of its links shattered against the floor. The rest of the chain is sprawled on the floor, its length trailing back to the dinning hall and away from your sight, like a dead animal.
Your heart almost jumps to your throat as you realize what just happened. As you realize that the chain was not only alive, but that it just hurled itself towards Axe. And that somehow, the mare reacted just as quickly.
However, you don't even have time to process your surprise.
Because all around Velvet Axe, coming from every door, and every window, and every shadow of the great entrance hall, you can hear the rattling of chains. The growing, almost deafening noise of chains upon chains upon chains trembling against each other. All of them moving, going into position, as they surround Velvet Axe from all sides.
You hear a low, piercing sound coming from Axe. One that you swear sounds too much like a hiss.
But before you can prepare yourself for what is about to happen, everything starts to move all at once.
An entire circle of chains, blur-quick and barbed, charge at the mare. All of them coming from a different direction. Some of them breaking through the glass of windows in a rain of shards, others bursting through wooden doors or out of the carpeted floor.
For a moment, you think the mare will be drowned by the chains. For a moment, you think the shackles are going to dig into every last part of the mare's body, and that they will all try to painfully drag her away in different directions.
But that moment never comes.
Instead, the mare lashes out. Her neck twists in a way that should not be possible, and before the first chain can reach even the halfway point towards her, the mare pulls out a great metal axe from her robes.
The thing is so large that the movement should have cut her, or her robes, as she pulled it out. But none of that happens.
Instead, the axe, firmly gripped in her mouth, makes a long circular motion through the air.
And for a moment, the entrance hall is filled with light.
A small, localized hurricane of sparks flares around Velvet Axe. She spins around so quickly, and the movement of her axe is so precise, that she immediately decapitates the first wave of shackles that lunged towards her. The barbed instruments of rusted metal cracking and breaking with sparks the moment her edge kisses their links.
And then comes the second wave. And then the third, and the fourth. Forcing Axe to leap and twirl to avoid them, punch and kick when her weapon is too busy elsewhere.
Until there are no chains left. None that are capable of moving, at least. And Velvet Axe is alone in the entrance hall, surrounded by leg-high piles of broken chains.
The mare, you can see, is heaving with exertion. Velvet Axe is exhausted, her cloak battered and stained with rust. Gleaming spots covering her fabric here and there, from where a chain struck her so hard that her coat bruised and bled under her clothing.
She lets go of her axe, the sharp edge burying itself on the floor. And she takes long, painful breaths with an expression that appears to be half-dazed.
Still, a few moments later she gets her bearings once again. Spitting on the floor before shaking her head.
"Es… Es tha' all ye fokken got…?"
She grits her teeth, that same hissing sound from before escaping her lips as she blinks her sweat away.
She yells that, and then she turns towards the entrance door.
The same doors that, despite the previous rush of chains, have remained closed shut. The one part of the entrance hall that, in sharp contrast to the previous violence, still remains unblemished and undisturbed.
The same doors from which you can hear… a rumbling, growing, almost cacophonous rattle of chains.
As if, right behind the entrance doors, there is a sea of chains preparing to charge. Enough chains, barbed and rusted and topped with vicious shackles, to make the previous attacks look like a drop in the ocean.
Still, the mare glares at the door, taking in a few more tense, barely-not-panicked breaths as she yells her defiance.
Her words echo through the entrance hall, washing over you and reverberating through the rest of the estate.
And almost as if in answer, the entrance door shakes. It shakes, and then it buckles, and then it bends as a river's worth of chains presses against it.
In response, the lonely mare picks up her antler-topped axe.
She doesn't have time to do anything else before the door bursts open.
The things that flow in through the door are not chains. They are not chains, nor a hydra made out of chains, and not even a battering ram made out of links and barbs. No.
The thing that bursts in through the entrance door, and hits Velvet Axe dead center, is a force of nature. An imperative of binding and joining that washes over her. It strikes her with the force of a hurricane, or maybe a stampede, and it carries so much momentum that it just keeps going. Even after it surrounds and envelops and completely covers the mare, it keeps going. Rushing towards the stairs, and flowing out to the rest of the hall, and filling every last part of the lower floor like water coming out of a broken dam.
You can't see Velvet Axe. Not anymore. But you can hear her struggle. You know she is somewhere down there, drowning in that sea of barbed chains. But even then, you can still hear her fighting.
Even though you can already tell that… that her efforts will all be for nothing.
Her struggles eventually die down. And slowly, like a retreating wave, the sea of chains retracts back towards the entrance doors.
And for a moment, your heart sinks. Your heart sinks because you think that, once the chains finish retracting, Velvet Axe will simply be gone. You think that once the chains are all gone, there will be nothing left but an empty and damaged entrance hall.
However, as the chains slowly crawl away, you notice a mass of resistance. You notice a blob of chains, at the bottom of the stairs, that are trying to pull themselves back. However, despite their supernatural efforts, you can see that those chains are only succeeding in stretching themselves taut.
And when the other chains are gone, you can finally see why that is happening.
Velvet Axe is at the bottom of the stairs. Holding on to her namesake weapon for dear life. The blade of her axe sunk deep into the ground, stuck on the stairs and stopping her from being dragged away.
And the mare herself… your heart aches when you finally get a better look at her.
Because Velvet Axe is hurt. She is hurt, and she is bleeding, and her previously beautiful cloak is now in tatters. Covered in sticky blood, ragged and pierced from hood to hem.
She is also completely chained and bound. Her four legs tightly clasped by spiky shackles, her chest and neck surrounded by painfully tight chains.
But the worst part is definitely her expression.
It actually hurts for you to look at her. But Velvet Axe is… she is simply broken.
Her expression is pained. It is pained, and sorrowful, and miserable. You have never seen her cry before, you didn't even think that was possible. But sure enough, the mare is crying. She is weeping, and sobbing, and shivering as much as the taut chains allow her to.
And for the first time in this entire night, Velvet Axe finally looks up at you. She looks up from where she is, chained and bound. Looking you in the eyes as if she knew you were there all along.
And when she speaks, her voice comes out in broken, stuttering sobs.
"A-ae… ae dinnae wan'… ae dinnae want to be alone ageen…"
And the last thing you hear is her scream, as her grip on her axe falters and she is dragged away into the darkness. Her desperate, grasping hoofs clawing at the floor to no avail.
Leaving you alone.
- - -
You wake up.
You wake up, and for some reason you know that your home is a little emptier than it was before.
Your legs move before you can even think about it. Your legs move, and moments later you are out of your bed, and then out of your room, and then you are walking down the hallway towards the guest rooms.
The door to Velvet Axe's room is already half-open when you reach it. Which is already enough to make you swallow something dry. Because in all these months, you have never seen her door like this.
You want to hesitate. You want to stop, right here and right now, and go back to your room. You want to tell yourself that you should give Axe her privacy, and that you should just go back to sleep.
But the recent and vivid memory, of her crying and lonely expression, won't let you.
So, your forelegs are already pushing the door further open. And you are walking into her room, even though you realize the mare will yell at you the moment she realizes you are there.
Still, you do it anyways. Because you want her to yell at you. You need her to yell at you, and to prove to you that you just had a silly nightmare, and that she is still here to grumble and scowl and complain about everything you do.
However, when you step into her room…
… you see nothing but darkness.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat.
"Axe…?" you ask, your voice low and hesitant.
You take another step into her room. Then another. Then another. Looking all around you, hoping one of the dark silhouettes in the room will turn out to be the hooded mare.
But you don't see her. You can't find her anywhere. And before you realize it, you have already reached her bed.
The covers are messy and strewn around, as if she had just slept here, tossing in her sleep. Everywhere you look, you see everything but the silhouette of a mare.
That is, until you see another shape on her bed. A peculiarly placed something, nestled on top of a soft pillow in a way that looks particularly careful.
You cautiously make your way towards it, but it doesn't take long for you to realize what it is.
A soft, stifled sniff comes out of your mouth. And you don't even try to stop the next few from following.
You slowly, delicately reach out to grab the… the little rag doll shaped like a pony. You bring it towards you, cradling it in your forelegs. Noticing how strangely smooth parts of it are, as if it has been hugged for too long by something that has scales instead of fur.
Still, you realize a part of the rag doll is strangely coarse. And as you turn it around, you notice there is something written on its underside. As if something corrosive had been used to very carefully write a few letters on the rag doll's belly.
You almost can't read it. You almost can't read it, because it is still too dark, and the setting moon is barely bright enough for you to be able to see. But also because, you just realized, there are tears coming out of her eyes because she said it was a silly gift and she scoffed when you said she should give it a name even though you knew she appreciated it an-
"Silky? Is that… Silky, what happened? Is everything alright?"
You can't really stop yourself anymore. You don't even care when you hear Soft's voice coming from somewhere behind you. You just cry. You cry as you remember Axe's expression, as she was dragged away in your nightmare. You cry at how lonely she looked. And you cry because, even though you know it doesn't make any sense, you know Axe is gone.
Worse than that, you know she didn't just leave. You know she didn't want to leave. Something, something that you saw in that nightmare, took her away. It took her away, and now she is alone.
"Shh, shh, it's alright Silky. It's alright, shh… But please, what happened? A-are you hurt? Did Axe say something mean again?"
You can feel Soft Sweeps hugging you, but you can't answer her. You can barely bring yourself to shake your head, to at least try to tell her she is wrong.
But still, you can't even do that properly.
The only thing you can do is hug the rag doll, the one you gave Axe all those months ago. The one that she named, even though she said that she wouldn't. The one where she carefully, almost delicately, wrote the word Pasharka. And even though you have no idea what that means, you know that word is a name, and you know that it must mean something very dear to Axe.
Still, you can't do anything but cry.
Because every time you close your eyes, the only thing you can see is her devastated expression.
And the only thing you can think of is that, wherever she is, she is alone now. Alone, and without her Pasharka.
It takes almost a full hour for your older sister to calm you down. And even then, you don't really feel happy for a long time.
The Daughter-of-Axes has been unsummoned. She will only be available for summoning again at the beginning of turn 19.
The Level 4 Influence "Wrong Door" has expired.
That is the first thought you have, the moment you regain consciousness.
It is night. You are in your room. And you went to bed less than two hours ago.
You should be asleep right now. You know that. You have a full day ahead of you tomorrow, and you have no business doing anything other than trying to rest.
And yet, you just woke up. Your eyes open, as if you have just received a shock, and you almost gasp for air while you fight a sudden wave of vertigo. You have no business being awake, and yet you already know you will not be able to sleep again even if you try.
Because your heart is just beating too quickly right now. The rhythmic, frenetic, almost panicked thumps coming from inside your chest fill your ears, to the point where you can barely hear yourself breathing.
Your mind, also, is too turned around for you to calm down. You feel nervous, and tense, and almost scared all at the same time. Even though you have no idea why. Your entire body is acting up, almost as if it is trying to fight you. And as the seconds drag on, even your soft bed begins to feel uncomfortable, and then hard, and then almost itchy in a way that you can't stand it anymore.
But still, despite all that, you still know that…
This is a dream.
You jump out of your bed. Because even though that is one of the most comfortable places in the world, the thought of being there even for a moment longer is simply unbearable right now. You jump out of bed, and this itching, panicked, grasping discomfort in your mind decreases a tiny little bit.
And somehow, that slight drop in your discomfort makes you realize what you have to do next.
This idea that you just had, this sudden understanding of what you are supposed to do, doesn't make any sense. You know it doesn't make any sense. It can't make any sense.
But thankfully, it doesn't need to make any sense either.
Because this is a dream.
So, you let your legs move underneath you. You let your hoofs guide you, to where you are supposed to go, and you take over once you realize where exactly you are going.
And with each step you take, this sting you are feeling in your head gets a little smaller. Not small enough for you to calm down, but at least you feel a little better.
You consciously avoid making any sound, as you make your way out of your room. Because even though this is a dream, you also know you aren't supposed to be here.
Still, you leave your room, and you walk down the long hallway, and you silently make your way to the top of the stairways that lead down to the entrance hall.
And then you stop. You hide, just behind that last corner. You are just shy of reaching the topmost step of the stairway. And if you peek around the corner, you will be able to see the entirety of the entrance hall while staying out of sight.
And that is exactly what you are going to do.
Because you aren't supposed to be here.
You are only supposed to see, but you can't be seen.
So, you crouch down on the floor. You bend your legs until your belly touches the floor. And then, you very slowly peek around the corner. Looking down the stairs and towards the entrance hall.
As you do that, the itching, heart-pounding tension you are feeling, it… well, it doesn't begin to fade. Not exactly. But it definitely changes into something else. And slowly, very slowly, that agonizing compulsion that told you to "come to this spot and stay quiet" turns into…
Into what? Concern? Alertness? Focus?
You hold your breath, focusing your eyes on the very center of the entrance hall.
Because there she is.
Velvet Axe is near the center of the entrance hall.
However, you can already tell that the mare looks different.
Her cloak looks more lustrous, its hems embroidered and shiny, completely different from the rags she insists on wearing. Her hood, also, is covering all of her face, to the point that you can barely see the tip of her snout.
But most alarming of all, you can see that the mare is tense. She is pacing back and forth, walking in a tight circle. Looking around her, shooting urgent glances at the corners of the hall, as if looking for something you can't see.
You can tell, even from this far, that her body language is frantic. And even though you can't see even a single patch of her coat, you can tell that she is not alright.
The alertness inside of you turns into a sudden wave of worry. The notion that you should go down there and help her, or at least ask what is going on, flashes through your mind for a moment.
But just as quickly, the idea is drowned down by the imperative that you can't.
Because this is a dream.
And you are not supposed to be here.
And you can't be seen.
So, you stay put.
And as your ears get used to the silence, you realize that Axe is also mumbling to herself.
Eventually, you begin to make out the words.
"Knew et would foken happen. Knew et'd come fer me. Foken knew et… canny have a foken moment o' peace. Canny even be happy for a damn' second befor' this foken…"
Velvet Axe's voice is…
There is no other way to put it. Her voice is shaking. Velvet Axe's voice is shaking.
The realization catches you by surprise. And you strain your ears for a few moments, because you simply can't believe this is happening. But sure enough, Velvet Axe is…. she is trembling, and her breath is short, and if you didn't know any better you would even say she is nervous.
Still, no matter how you look at it, the haughty, arrogant, self-important mare you have come to know is nowhere to be seen. And in her place is a mare who is… scared.
Mumbling to herself, nervously glancing all around her as if the shadows had eyes.
Talking to herself through gritted teeth.
That is, until she freezes. Out of nowhere, Velvet Axe stops moving. The stops walking, and talking, and maybe even breathing. She isn't even trembling anymore.
Instead, she is focusing the entirety of her attention on one of the side doors of the entrance hall. The one that leads to the dining room.
She focuses all of her attention in that direction, and even though her face is entirely covered by her hood, you can tell that she is glaring right now.
You have no idea what is happening, until-
-something lunges out of the shadows. The doors to the dining room literally burst open as something rushes towards Axe. A thin, arrow-like blur, that speeds towards the mare in a gale so quickly it causes a gale.
And at the same time, Velvet Axe turns into a blur herself. Her movement so quick it almost looks like she twisted in the air.
The deafening, cannonball-like sound of metal striking metal echoes in the entrance hall. Your eyes couldn't follow what just happened, but less than a moment later you can see the end result.
"Ye'll FOKKEN hav to do BE'AH than tha'!"
Velvet Axe shouts, her voice loud and angry.
The thing that lunged at her is now under her hoof. And you can finally take a better look at it.
It is a chain. A long, barbed chain made out of metal and rust. A great, tight shackle on its tip, like the jaws of a hungry predator.
Still, the long, vicious chain is being firmly stamped down by her hoof. Five of its links shattered against the floor. The rest of the chain is sprawled on the floor, its length trailing back to the dinning hall and away from your sight, like a dead animal.
Your heart almost jumps to your throat as you realize what just happened. As you realize that the chain was not only alive, but that it just hurled itself towards Axe. And that somehow, the mare reacted just as quickly.
However, you don't even have time to process your surprise.
Because all around Velvet Axe, coming from every door, and every window, and every shadow of the great entrance hall, you can hear the rattling of chains. The growing, almost deafening noise of chains upon chains upon chains trembling against each other. All of them moving, going into position, as they surround Velvet Axe from all sides.
You hear a low, piercing sound coming from Axe. One that you swear sounds too much like a hiss.
But before you can prepare yourself for what is about to happen, everything starts to move all at once.
An entire circle of chains, blur-quick and barbed, charge at the mare. All of them coming from a different direction. Some of them breaking through the glass of windows in a rain of shards, others bursting through wooden doors or out of the carpeted floor.
For a moment, you think the mare will be drowned by the chains. For a moment, you think the shackles are going to dig into every last part of the mare's body, and that they will all try to painfully drag her away in different directions.
But that moment never comes.
Instead, the mare lashes out. Her neck twists in a way that should not be possible, and before the first chain can reach even the halfway point towards her, the mare pulls out a great metal axe from her robes.
The thing is so large that the movement should have cut her, or her robes, as she pulled it out. But none of that happens.
Instead, the axe, firmly gripped in her mouth, makes a long circular motion through the air.
And for a moment, the entrance hall is filled with light.
A small, localized hurricane of sparks flares around Velvet Axe. She spins around so quickly, and the movement of her axe is so precise, that she immediately decapitates the first wave of shackles that lunged towards her. The barbed instruments of rusted metal cracking and breaking with sparks the moment her edge kisses their links.
And then comes the second wave. And then the third, and the fourth. Forcing Axe to leap and twirl to avoid them, punch and kick when her weapon is too busy elsewhere.
Until there are no chains left. None that are capable of moving, at least. And Velvet Axe is alone in the entrance hall, surrounded by leg-high piles of broken chains.
The mare, you can see, is heaving with exertion. Velvet Axe is exhausted, her cloak battered and stained with rust. Gleaming spots covering her fabric here and there, from where a chain struck her so hard that her coat bruised and bled under her clothing.
She lets go of her axe, the sharp edge burying itself on the floor. And she takes long, painful breaths with an expression that appears to be half-dazed.
Still, a few moments later she gets her bearings once again. Spitting on the floor before shaking her head.
"Es… Es tha' all ye fokken got…?"
She grits her teeth, that same hissing sound from before escaping her lips as she blinks her sweat away.
She yells that, and then she turns towards the entrance door.
The same doors that, despite the previous rush of chains, have remained closed shut. The one part of the entrance hall that, in sharp contrast to the previous violence, still remains unblemished and undisturbed.
The same doors from which you can hear… a rumbling, growing, almost cacophonous rattle of chains.
As if, right behind the entrance doors, there is a sea of chains preparing to charge. Enough chains, barbed and rusted and topped with vicious shackles, to make the previous attacks look like a drop in the ocean.
Still, the mare glares at the door, taking in a few more tense, barely-not-panicked breaths as she yells her defiance.
Her words echo through the entrance hall, washing over you and reverberating through the rest of the estate.
And almost as if in answer, the entrance door shakes. It shakes, and then it buckles, and then it bends as a river's worth of chains presses against it.
In response, the lonely mare picks up her antler-topped axe.
She doesn't have time to do anything else before the door bursts open.
The things that flow in through the door are not chains. They are not chains, nor a hydra made out of chains, and not even a battering ram made out of links and barbs. No.
The thing that bursts in through the entrance door, and hits Velvet Axe dead center, is a force of nature. An imperative of binding and joining that washes over her. It strikes her with the force of a hurricane, or maybe a stampede, and it carries so much momentum that it just keeps going. Even after it surrounds and envelops and completely covers the mare, it keeps going. Rushing towards the stairs, and flowing out to the rest of the hall, and filling every last part of the lower floor like water coming out of a broken dam.
You can't see Velvet Axe. Not anymore. But you can hear her struggle. You know she is somewhere down there, drowning in that sea of barbed chains. But even then, you can still hear her fighting.
Even though you can already tell that… that her efforts will all be for nothing.
Her struggles eventually die down. And slowly, like a retreating wave, the sea of chains retracts back towards the entrance doors.
And for a moment, your heart sinks. Your heart sinks because you think that, once the chains finish retracting, Velvet Axe will simply be gone. You think that once the chains are all gone, there will be nothing left but an empty and damaged entrance hall.
However, as the chains slowly crawl away, you notice a mass of resistance. You notice a blob of chains, at the bottom of the stairs, that are trying to pull themselves back. However, despite their supernatural efforts, you can see that those chains are only succeeding in stretching themselves taut.
And when the other chains are gone, you can finally see why that is happening.
Velvet Axe is at the bottom of the stairs. Holding on to her namesake weapon for dear life. The blade of her axe sunk deep into the ground, stuck on the stairs and stopping her from being dragged away.
And the mare herself… your heart aches when you finally get a better look at her.
Because Velvet Axe is hurt. She is hurt, and she is bleeding, and her previously beautiful cloak is now in tatters. Covered in sticky blood, ragged and pierced from hood to hem.
She is also completely chained and bound. Her four legs tightly clasped by spiky shackles, her chest and neck surrounded by painfully tight chains.
But the worst part is definitely her expression.
It actually hurts for you to look at her. But Velvet Axe is… she is simply broken.
Her expression is pained. It is pained, and sorrowful, and miserable. You have never seen her cry before, you didn't even think that was possible. But sure enough, the mare is crying. She is weeping, and sobbing, and shivering as much as the taut chains allow her to.
And for the first time in this entire night, Velvet Axe finally looks up at you. She looks up from where she is, chained and bound. Looking you in the eyes as if she knew you were there all along.
And when she speaks, her voice comes out in broken, stuttering sobs.
"A-ae… ae dinnae wan'… ae dinnae want to be alone ageen…"
And the last thing you hear is her scream, as her grip on her axe falters and she is dragged away into the darkness. Her desperate, grasping hoofs clawing at the floor to no avail.
Leaving you alone.
- - -
You wake up.
You wake up, and for some reason you know that your home is a little emptier than it was before.
Your legs move before you can even think about it. Your legs move, and moments later you are out of your bed, and then out of your room, and then you are walking down the hallway towards the guest rooms.
The door to Velvet Axe's room is already half-open when you reach it. Which is already enough to make you swallow something dry. Because in all these months, you have never seen her door like this.
You want to hesitate. You want to stop, right here and right now, and go back to your room. You want to tell yourself that you should give Axe her privacy, and that you should just go back to sleep.
But the recent and vivid memory, of her crying and lonely expression, won't let you.
So, your forelegs are already pushing the door further open. And you are walking into her room, even though you realize the mare will yell at you the moment she realizes you are there.
Still, you do it anyways. Because you want her to yell at you. You need her to yell at you, and to prove to you that you just had a silly nightmare, and that she is still here to grumble and scowl and complain about everything you do.
However, when you step into her room…
… you see nothing but darkness.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat.
"Axe…?" you ask, your voice low and hesitant.
You take another step into her room. Then another. Then another. Looking all around you, hoping one of the dark silhouettes in the room will turn out to be the hooded mare.
But you don't see her. You can't find her anywhere. And before you realize it, you have already reached her bed.
The covers are messy and strewn around, as if she had just slept here, tossing in her sleep. Everywhere you look, you see everything but the silhouette of a mare.
That is, until you see another shape on her bed. A peculiarly placed something, nestled on top of a soft pillow in a way that looks particularly careful.
You cautiously make your way towards it, but it doesn't take long for you to realize what it is.
A soft, stifled sniff comes out of your mouth. And you don't even try to stop the next few from following.
You slowly, delicately reach out to grab the… the little rag doll shaped like a pony. You bring it towards you, cradling it in your forelegs. Noticing how strangely smooth parts of it are, as if it has been hugged for too long by something that has scales instead of fur.
Still, you realize a part of the rag doll is strangely coarse. And as you turn it around, you notice there is something written on its underside. As if something corrosive had been used to very carefully write a few letters on the rag doll's belly.
You almost can't read it. You almost can't read it, because it is still too dark, and the setting moon is barely bright enough for you to be able to see. But also because, you just realized, there are tears coming out of her eyes because she said it was a silly gift and she scoffed when you said she should give it a name even though you knew she appreciated it an-
"Silky? Is that… Silky, what happened? Is everything alright?"
You can't really stop yourself anymore. You don't even care when you hear Soft's voice coming from somewhere behind you. You just cry. You cry as you remember Axe's expression, as she was dragged away in your nightmare. You cry at how lonely she looked. And you cry because, even though you know it doesn't make any sense, you know Axe is gone.
Worse than that, you know she didn't just leave. You know she didn't want to leave. Something, something that you saw in that nightmare, took her away. It took her away, and now she is alone.
"Shh, shh, it's alright Silky. It's alright, shh… But please, what happened? A-are you hurt? Did Axe say something mean again?"
You can feel Soft Sweeps hugging you, but you can't answer her. You can barely bring yourself to shake your head, to at least try to tell her she is wrong.
But still, you can't even do that properly.
The only thing you can do is hug the rag doll, the one you gave Axe all those months ago. The one that she named, even though she said that she wouldn't. The one where she carefully, almost delicately, wrote the word Pasharka. And even though you have no idea what that means, you know that word is a name, and you know that it must mean something very dear to Axe.
Still, you can't do anything but cry.
Because every time you close your eyes, the only thing you can see is her devastated expression.
And the only thing you can think of is that, wherever she is, she is alone now. Alone, and without her Pasharka.
It takes almost a full hour for your older sister to calm you down. And even then, you don't really feel happy for a long time.
The Daughter-of-Axes has been unsummoned. She will only be available for summoning again at the beginning of turn 19.
The Level 4 Influence "Wrong Door" has expired.