Turn 19 - Results, part 5
Uh-oh, better hide those FOALS!
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[X] Plan Pittauro, With Changeling Detectives
-[X] Axe, yes! (Costs one VELVET action)
-[X][DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X][CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN one VELVET action for the next phase)
-[X][COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X][RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Edge. (Unlock her Edge skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Knock. (Unlock her Knock skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X] One extra Velvet action! (Costs 2 follower actions)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "The Key that Only Opens" the Daughter of Axe wants)
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare")
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] WRITE IN: Canterlot part 2 expedition
-[X] Attack your foe, or defend yourself. In war, there is no other option.
--[X][GUARD] You would very much like to keep this safe. (Your home)
[X] Plan Betterer Biedde
-[X] (AotL) Edge
-[X] (Forge) Edge 3, Knock 2 Edge 1, SH 1
—[X] Gift used on Knock 2 Edge 1 retroactively
-[X] (Steppes) Ask about any rumors and general perceptions of us, Fair Trial, and our respective institutions, among both nobles and the commonfolk.
-[X] (Social) Level up Jade
-[X] Summon Biedde
--[X] Sacrifice Edge 3 and Knock 2 Edge 1 reagents
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet
-[X] Study: Forge 3, Forge 3, Mystery Book
-[X] Explore the Mansus
--[X] Find a new location in the Ashen Wastes
--[X] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church
-[X][DETECTIVES] (FOLLOW UP) There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X][COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X][RARITY] Take a commission. (Gain at least 100 bits immediately, will "fail" her career roll)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Edge. (Unlock her Edge skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X][SELENE] Realize something about Knock. (Unlock her Knock skill) (TRAINING ACTION)
-[X] One extra Velvet action! (Costs 2 follower actions)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "The Key that Only Opens" the Daughter of Axe wants)
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] You need somepony to perform this ritual… (Reflection of the Tapestry, search for "the easiest lvl 6 book we can get for Baldomare")
--[X] To be performed on the safe place Baldomare directed you to. (Will expire at the end of turn 20)
-[X] WRITE IN: Canterlot part 2 expedition
-[X] Attack your foe, or defend yourself. In war, there is no other option.
--[X][GUARD] You would very much like to keep this safe. (Your home)
[X] Plan Betterer Biedde
-[X] (AotL) Edge
—[X] Gift used on Knock 2 Edge 1 retroactively
-[X] (Steppes) Ask about any rumors and general perceptions of us, Fair Trial, and our respective institutions, among both nobles and the commonfolk.
-[X] Summon Biedde
--[X] Sacrifice Edge 3 and Knock 2 Edge 1 reagents
--[X] To be performed on an inconspicuous place, located by Baldomare
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet
-[X] Explore the Mansus
--[X] Find a new location in the Ashen Wastes
--[X] Explore the depths of the Ruined Church
You are Lady Velvet Covers. And right now, you are more than just a little uncomfortable.
"This has to be wrong," you tell yourself, as you check the information for perhaps the hundredth time.
Because right now, it is midnight. This is the first night of the weekend, and although you cannot see it, you know the moon is currently at the very top of the sky. However, despite the time and the day of the week, you are not in your home right now.
Oh no, you are not in your home. Despite the late hour, you are not currently lounging in your balcony with your husband, as the two of you hold hoofs while looking up at the starry sky.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
You are currently in Ponyville. You are, quite literally, in one of the streets of Ponyville. In fact -and this is one of the reasons why you are so concerned, you are presently standing right in the middle of a cul-de-sac, surrounded on all sides by houses. Some of which even have the faint glow of candlelight coming from their windows.
Granted, you don't think anypony would be able to see you, since the skies are covered with clouds and the moonlight isn't shining down upon you.
However, the fact remains that you are in a very, very public place. And that at any given point, somepony might see you if they but peek out through a window.
And yet…
And yet.
"How in the heavens am I supposed to perform such a large ritual… here?!" you say to yourself, as you once again read the map Baldomare gave you.
Because sure enough, Baldomare marked this very specific place, at this very specific time, as a location where you should be able to perform "the largest rituals you know without any problems".
And sure, the cul-de-sac itself is shaped like an almost-perfect circle, breaking only where the street leads back to Ponyville at large. And the size is just right to what a summoning circle should be. In fact, you think the farthest edges of the circle will end precisely where the circular sidewalk begins.
On top of that, Baldomare's notes assure you that "nopony will look, as long as you don't yell", and that "the storm scheduled for the coming morning will wash all evidence away".
But… but still…
"Baldomare will be the death of me," you whisper to yourself, as you look back at the bags of supplies you brought all the way here. And not for the first time you ponder if you should just delay this for another week or two, or if you shouldn't just try to summon this in your estate despite the risks.
But ultimately, and despite the honest nervousness you have in your heart, you decide to go for it.
"And if the worst happens, I can just run… I hope," you say to yourself, as you pull down the hood of the cloak you are wearing, making sure it is covering as much of your face as you can.
And then, you begin to draw the great summoning circle for the ritual you will try to cast.
[Summoning Ritual]
You never stopped to think about it, of how you just "know" certain things. Or how you just "learn" or "realize" some ideas when you are in the Mansus.
Or maybe you did ponder those things, and you concluded that it is best to just not think about it too hard. After all, trying to understand the Mansus is folly at best, and a well-trod path to madness at worst.
But still, the fact remains that ever since you met him… ever since you met Biedde, that old pony whose names you know despite never being told, you have also known how to call him to the Wake.
Somehow, after you first saw him, you learned what to do. You know the words, and you know the oaths, and most important of all you know the rules that must be followed, in order to create a bridge that he will deign to cross into the Wake. Or at least, a path that he is willing to send a part of himself through, even as he continues his watch over that dark place within the Mansus.
And as you finish drawing the great ritual circle, thanking the heavens that Ponyville still has dirt roads that can be easily cut with a knife, you take one final deep breath before you begin.
[Moth Roll: 30 + 13 (Magic) + 40 (MOTH, Level 4) = 83]
You take your place at the very center of the circle, within the smallest circle focused on obfuscation and misdirection.
Ideally, this ritual would be performed by two ponies. Ideally, the next few steps would be carried out by the main celebrant, and mirrored by an assistant.
But alas, ideally this ritual would also take place on the eve of a battle, and in the early hours of the morning. However, the rules of this ritual allow for certain modifications or alternatives, and that is what you will be counting on.
So, since you do not have an assistant ritualist to play the second role, you will have to do it yourself.
And to that end, you pull up the long blindfold you have around your neck, firmly covering your eyes with the tightest knot you can make. You hope this will be enough for you to be considered "blinded", even though you can still see through your closed eyes.
Well, you can see the back end of your blindfolds, through your closed eyes, so you are as blind as a pony can be for this.
You feel a shiver run down your spine, and you swear that somepony is looking at you right now. But for some reason, you also know that nopony in the surrounding houses is looking out through a window.
And yet, the feeling that you are being observe will not leave you. Not anymore.
Still, you carry on.
Because one of the rules of this ritual, also, is that it may not be stopped once it starts.
[Knock Roll: 41 + 13 (Magic) + 40 (KNOCK, Level 4) + 20 (KNOCK reagent) = 114]
The second step is as inevitable as it is predictable.
Around you, and within the confines of the smallest circle, are seven knives. They are all respectfully placed on top of perfectly square pieces of cloth. But not silk, or linen, or anything fancy or expensive. Instead, the pieces of cloth are made out of cut uniforms, from maids and workers and ponies who knew toil and a rigorous routine, so that the knives know their purpose here is to serve.
You steel yourself for what comes next, and you try your best not to even graze our hoof out of the ritual circle as you blindly reach out for the first knife.
Because of course, the presence you are trying to call will not answer your summons if blood is not spilt.
So, you take the first knife, the one closest to your right, on your hoofs. And then you point its sharp edge to the place right where your left foreleg meets with your chest.
And then you open the smallest of paths, just enough for your blood to exit your body and cover the tip of the blade.
There is no need for grandeur, no need for pointless sacrifice. The rules are exacting, but they are not needlessly cruel.
Granted, you have no way of knowing if the tip of the knives have been truly bloodied, except for making sure you push them just enough. But still, despite the pain, you only do what is needed.
You do the first knife, then the second, then the third, moving your way clockwise as you do.
Until finally, you finish with the seventh.
Once you put the seventh down, you once again pick the first knife, gripping it firmly on your hoof as your try your best not to shake.
[Edge Roll: 67 + 13 (Magic) + 40 (EDGE, Level 4) + 40 (EDGE reagent) = 160]
You grip the knife firmly on your hoof, wondering for a split second if it wouldn't be better to hold it with your mouth.
But ultimately, you decide against it. It is a tradeoff between strength and precision, but you need both right now, there is no better alternative.
You grip the knife on your hoof, and then you let go of it as you lift your foreleg with a fluid motion.
You throw the knife over your shoulder, aiming at a very particular spot on the outer reach of the third circle.
And although you have no indication of whether you hit your mark or not, you pick up the second knife as soon as you hear the sound of a blade burying itself in the ground.
This, you somehow know, is a very old game. A pastime, or perhaps a competition, that was played in an age long past. This is test, of sorts, and also the reason of why two celebrants are ideal for this ritual.
You pick up another knife, and you throw over your shoulder. And then you pick up the next, and do it again.
Because right behind you, on the farthest reach of the largest and sharpest circle of this ritual, is a triangle-shaped sigil.
You call it a sigil because the symbol itself is quite ornate and detailed, but the interior of the triangle it draws is actually empty.
And that place, the empty space within the triangle, is where you are aiming the knives.
This is, in essence, a knife throwing game. But you know, although you have no idea how, that it carried a much greater significance a long time ago.
Because the blood oaths, or the life-bets, made before carrying out this competition could never be taken back. And this method has already been used, in a long-forgotten Era, to decide the fate and faith of far too many contestants.
The method used to decide the winner still eludes you, or perhaps it was an agreement the contestants themselves had to reach before beginning. However, for the purpose of this ritual, it is enough that you "merely" hit all the seven knives within the three-pointed sigil.
While blindfolded.
With your back turned to it.
And without any way to see how well, or how badly, you are doing between throws.
Still, you throw the sixth knife, and you reach out for the seventh. You reach out with your hoof, grab at the handle of the clay-wrought knife you took so many pains to craft, and then you take a deep breath.
But you only allow yourself that one breath. Hesitation is also against the rules of this ritual.
You throw the knife over your shoulder-
-and you realize that, unlike the previous six knives, you did not hear it burry itself on the ground.
[All three rolls successful]
[Ritual successful]
You… you can feel that… you can sense that…
Nothing happened.
You did not know what to expect. You do not know how things were supposed to play out.
But still, you can tell for certain that nothing happened.
There is no pressure in the air, like you felt in other similar rituals. No sensation of the world being opened, or a path being cut, or that something large and heavy is once again walking upon this world after so long.
You heart begins to pound inside your chest, as you start considering the implications of that. Did you really fail? Was all of this really for nothing? And what should you do next? Can… can you still retry it, with the materials you have on hoof? Do your reagents still retain their power, or were they spent?
A wave of shame, or perhaps regret, runs through your body. And you only realize you have been frozen in place this whole time after perhaps half a minute passes.
Still, you slowly begin to move once again. Raising a foreleg so you can remove your blindfold, realizing your hoof is shaking as you pull the cloth from over your eyes.
For some reason, you feel tense. More than just that, you feel stressed. And you don't know if it is because of your failure, or because of the powers you just tried to summon, or perhaps a mixture of both. But still, the cloak you are wearing feels damp on your skin, and you can already tell your fur is covered in sweat.
You breathe in the cold air of the night, and you… well, you turn around to see if you can still salvage something from this.
And you realize you are not alone.
You feel like you almost yelled in surprise, but you shut your mouth at the very last moment.
But still, you can't help but look wide-eyed at him. At the stallion who is very calmly waiting outside the ritual circle.
At Biedde, the Name of Edge.
He looks exactly like how you saw him, when you met him in the Mansus. A slightly short earth pony stallion, or at least a pony whose horn and wings you can't see. And he is wearing a uniform that seems to old and battered that it almost looks soft to the touch.
He has a beard on his face, not too long but not too short, and his bushy eyebrows are practically covering his eyes.
However, that is where the similarities between now and your last encounter end. Because he looks like how you remember him to be, but he…
But he definitely doesn't feel the same.
His expression looks soft and calm. Almost gentle. And the way he carries himself is more than just approachable, he quite literally looks friendly. Like an old pony who is all too happy with just letting the days pass him by, after a life well lived, offering advice to whatever youngster cares to ask for it.
He looks old, and he looks wise, and he looks patient. But most of all, he gives you this strange sensation that you are safe right now. As if merely being in his presence means that you have a solid stone under your hoofs, or a well-crafted hoofrail that you can lean upon while going up the stairs.
You can only remember the faintest echo of how cold and undeniable he was, back in the Mansus. And even that memory is starting to fade as you look at him.
And to your surprise, he is not even looking at you right now.
Instead, his attention seems to be solely focused on the triangle-sigil carved on the floor, right in front of his hoofs. The one within which six knives are now buried, almost all the way to the hilt.
He is looking down at the knives like an arbiter would look at a competition, or like a judge would look at a prisoner. Although, given his demeanor, even those comparisons seem a little too harsh for such a calm pony…
Yes, you are sure of it, you think the best way to describe him is like a grandfather, looking down at a painting made by a foal.
"Interesting…" he says to himself. And although you think his voice would have been deeper during his youth, you can clearly hear the weight and hoarseness of age in it.
There is something about him that is just so… disarmingly approachable, that you cannot help but start walking on his direction.
And he only seems to notice your presence once you completely step out of the Moth-circle, at the very center of the configuration.
"Ah, I did not see you there," he says, looking up at you a moment later. Pulling out his cap and revealing an age-worn spot of baldness on the top of his head. "Biedde, soldier of the Colonel, at your service. I will be your employee, until our contract is finished."
He places his cap on his chest and gives you a short, polite bow.
And you can't help but… give him a bow back? It would feel impolite not to, and you could see that he was waiting on you until you finished your movement according to the etiquette.
"The pleasure is all mine, sir," you say, still not entirely sure of how to proceed.
But before you can say anything else, he moves to collect something from within his uniform. And moments later, he is pulling out a small, clay-made knife from one of his pockets. That is, you can immediately tell, the seventh knife you have thrown. Although whether he grabbed it from midair after you threw it, or whether he collected it from the ground of the Mansus before coming here, you can't tell for certain.
"But before we discuss the terms of our business, would you absolutely mind if I asked a question?" he asks.
And you can only nod. Of course, his question was so polite you have no choice but to agree with it.
"Thank you. My question is…"
He says that, and then he drops the knife.
He drops the knife, tip down, and allows it to fall on the ground.
And as soon as the knife falls on the ground, it… well, it buries itself a little bit on the dirt road, but otherwise stays there.
He looks at the knife, as if that was his question. But before you can ask him what is going on, he once again picks it up, holds it in front of him…
… and then he does something. Something so minute and precise you can't even say you can see it. But he does something nonetheless.
And when he drops the knife a second time-
-it digs straight into the ground. Plunging tip-first into the dirt road until its hilt hits the road.
"… all the knives you threw… even this one, when I dropped it for the first time, they were all crooked. None of them were properly upright… So, can please tell me, why is it that the world is bent?"
He asks that as if it was the most natural thing in the world, but you… well, you have no idea how to answer him, for starters, but you have even less idea of how he could tell that just by looking at knives that are sticking from the ground.
"I ask this because it might throw off my aim, a little bit. But I would appreciate the information nonetheless."
He says that, and you…
Well, you don't feel intimidated enough to tell him that you don't know. You can tell that he will take no offense to it, and that he is not the kind of pony who is unreasonable about these sorts of things.
But still, although you cannot sense him, and although the rational part of your mind is telling you he is not even dangerous at all, you still treat him with the utmost respect as the two of you make your way back to your estate.
And thankfully, he is as direct as he is pleasant, and the two of you reach an agreement even before the farmlands come into view.
You have successfully summoned Biedde, the Name of the Colonel. And the two of you have discussed the terms of his "employment" as he stated it.
Following the rules of how a guest should act, he has accepted a room in your mansion, and will properly introduce himself to your family at a time of your choosing. But other than that, he will be at your disposal, and will await your orders.
Biedde's sheet has been updated as follows:
"An old and battered uniform, worn proudly. A small knife and a blowpipe, used to lethal effect. A sagged and wrinkled face, hiding eyes that are hard and cold. Everything about this stallion is old. And yet, he wears all those characteristics as if they are medals. He moves slowly, and carefully, like a mindful grandfather. But no action he performs, from lighting his pipe to crushing a pony's bone, may be denied."
Summoning requirements: EDGE 100, KNOCK 80, MOTH 60.
Summoning cost: 100 bits.
Summoning details:
-Biedde is willing to extend (reset) his summoning period indefinitely, according to the options he has listed to you (available at the end of this sheet).
-Biedde is capable of CHANNELING the highest intensity of an Edge Influence, and gifting it to you for a full month.
-Biedde is considered to be a Minion, and does not mind being sacrificed for Rituals.
Health: 5/5
General bonus: +30
"Combat-related" bonus: +50
Aspects: EDGE 6, MOTH 3
[NAME]: There is, or was, a hierarchy within the Mansus. He has reached high within its ranks.
[ONE WHO IS VERY GREAT]: Biedde is willing to offer you Sacrament in the Lore of Edge, should you fulfill his requirements.
[WEIGHT OF PRESENCE]: Biedde grants a full level up to the Secret Library for his preferred Lore.
[MY SCARS ARE LESSONS]: If Biedde is wounded during combat, he will receive a "+5 personal combat" for each wound received. Until he defeats, or is defeated by, the creature that wounded him, or until the combat ends.
[PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER]: Biedde will always perform a "Guard" action for free, on top of whatever orders he receives for the turn, unless his actions specifically require him to be totally unavailable for the turn.
[TERRIFYING OPPONENT]: Creatures that are capable of feeling fear will avoid combat with him as much as possible. They will not flee or refuse attacking him, but they will avoid "dogpiling" him whenever possible.
[UNIQUE]: Biedde is a unique creature. He may refuse summons at will, and will refuse re-summons for three full months should he be unsummoned for any reason (including if he is killed).
[HE WILL NOT RELEASE ME]: It is impossible to befriend Biedde.
The following options are available at the end of Biedde's stay:
Summoning requirements: EDGE 100, KNOCK 80, MOTH 60.
Summoning cost: 100 bits.
Summoning details:
-Biedde is willing to extend (reset) his summoning period indefinitely, according to the options he has listed to you (available at the end of this sheet).
-Biedde is capable of CHANNELING the highest intensity of an Edge Influence, and gifting it to you for a full month.
-Biedde is considered to be a Minion, and does not mind being sacrificed for Rituals.
Health: 5/5
General bonus: +30
"Combat-related" bonus: +50
Aspects: EDGE 6, MOTH 3
[NAME]: There is, or was, a hierarchy within the Mansus. He has reached high within its ranks.
[ONE WHO IS VERY GREAT]: Biedde is willing to offer you Sacrament in the Lore of Edge, should you fulfill his requirements.
[WEIGHT OF PRESENCE]: Biedde grants a full level up to the Secret Library for his preferred Lore.
[MY SCARS ARE LESSONS]: If Biedde is wounded during combat, he will receive a "+5 personal combat" for each wound received. Until he defeats, or is defeated by, the creature that wounded him, or until the combat ends.
[PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER]: Biedde will always perform a "Guard" action for free, on top of whatever orders he receives for the turn, unless his actions specifically require him to be totally unavailable for the turn.
[TERRIFYING OPPONENT]: Creatures that are capable of feeling fear will avoid combat with him as much as possible. They will not flee or refuse attacking him, but they will avoid "dogpiling" him whenever possible.
[UNIQUE]: Biedde is a unique creature. He may refuse summons at will, and will refuse re-summons for three full months should he be unsummoned for any reason (including if he is killed).
[HE WILL NOT RELEASE ME]: It is impossible to befriend Biedde.
The following options are available at the end of Biedde's stay:
"I am forever bound to His service. So, once my initial contract is done, I will be willing to extend it in exchange for the chance to pursue His goals."
[] End your contract.
-Biedde will be unsummoned.
[] Fund a short monster-hunting expedition (Costs 60 bits)
-Biedde will extend his stay for one turn.
[] Fund a long monster-hunting expedition (Costs 100 bits)
-Biedde will extend his stay for three turns.
-During the FIRST turn of his extended stay, he will be "completely unavailable" as he pursues his expedition.
-Meaning he will be GONE for the first turn, and present as normal for the following TWO turns, for a total of three turns.
[] Pursue religious goals.
-Biedde will extend his stay for one turn.
-It is rude to ask what he would do with his free time.
[] End your contract.
-Biedde will be unsummoned.
[] Fund a short monster-hunting expedition (Costs 60 bits)
-Biedde will extend his stay for one turn.
[] Fund a long monster-hunting expedition (Costs 100 bits)
-Biedde will extend his stay for three turns.
-During the FIRST turn of his extended stay, he will be "completely unavailable" as he pursues his expedition.
-Meaning he will be GONE for the first turn, and present as normal for the following TWO turns, for a total of three turns.
[] Pursue religious goals.
-Biedde will extend his stay for one turn.
-It is rude to ask what he would do with his free time.
Possible Biedde actions:
[] [BIEDDE] Ask for a lesson on Edge.
[] [BIEDDE] Ask for an Influence of Edge.
[] [BIEDDE] Something else? (Write in)
(Note, you may choose any "general action" from the regular options. However, there is no need to ask him to "Guard", and he cannot "Cover your Bases" right now given how late in the turn we are. Otherwise, write-ins are available as normal.)
The relevant reagents, and 100 bits, have been taken from your inventory.
Sacrament threadmark will be posted imminently.
Voting is NOT open, and will open after the next update.
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