In which (S) Collide – Part 2
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Here's Part 2!
In which (S) Collide – Part 2
Luna: Wake
You wake up.
You are Luna AND YOU WAKE UP.
For a moment, you can only stare at the gray ceiling, blinking. Feeling the way your eyes close shut and flicker open again.
What happened?
You shift your body under the familiar covers and shut your eyes again, thinking. You had a... you had a bad dream. A dream where you trusted your sister and your sister hurt you. And then you panicked and ran and ran and ran... and had another, different dream.
A dream where your name was Selene, but your name wasn't Selene. A dream where you were a filly, but you realized you weren't just a filly. Where something was wrong, but didn't know what. You toss and turn, stretching your calves and feeling the sensation of crystal horseshoes.
A dream where it was so cold and so painful each movement was a journey, but you had to keep going. A dream where you felt you deserved it anyway, that cold, harsh bitter feeling that made you feel so miserable. Where you felt so, so sad, that it hurt your heart even more than the cold did. Where you didn't want to leave. Where you didn't want to leave alone. But you had to. And you did. You frown and your entire face twists with the motion.
Then, it was a dream where you found something that was a part of you. And you feared it and hated it, but you couldn't stand not knowing. And you remember... you remember that horrible, horrible dream, where you opened the door and found – and found that time you were Nightmare Moon. You open your eyes and look up at the ceiling again. That horrible, horrible Worm. You sigh, and your entire body heaves with the motion.
Finally, as your eyes remain open and you remain silent, thinking of nothing at all, you remember that final part of the dream. When you panicked and hurt your sister. Again, you realize. When you hurried to apologize and was stopped in place. When you remembered that you – you own yourself. Not this trauma, not that Worm, not anypony else. Everything you have ever experienced – the fires, the black river of loss, your sins and regrets and your deeds and actions and choices, they are all a part of you. You hold that realization close to your chest, and you realize that you will fight anypony who ever denies that.
You shut your eyes once more and just breathe in and out.
Then you get up.
The room is unfamiliar, and the pegasus by your bed even more so. You feel that you should know them... but you also don't. Jamais Vu.
"Sorry," you ask, "where am I?"
You feel like you've done something bad when his face falls, but before you can apologize again, the door opens a crack, light spilling in. You turn to see an old mare who looks familiar but in another way (still a stranger) opening the door. "Perhaps it's best not to answer that yet, dearie? Please follow me."
You frown, but you follow the pegasus and the mare anyway, out of the bedroom and down a series of halls and stairs, still feeling that strange sense of jamais vu as you look around. You expect there to be vertigo as well, but the fact that there's none keeps throwing you off. This is not a Dream, even if this house looks... both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The pegasus sneaks glances at you from time to time, but you still can't remember his name nor where he's from.
Eventually, you reach the house's apparent living room. For some reason, your heart is undergoing palpitations. You turn your head to look at the old mare and she gestures you forward. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, and slightly hesitantly, you open the door. Before the light of the fireplace – you see a family of strangers.
But -- -- --
Because your mind was finally ready for it.
And your body was once again in its correct form.
And you remembered the knowledge needed to open it.
And, at long last, you had the strength to do what had to be done.
The memories come rushing back. Yes, this is your family. Or was. Or is. Or whatever, dream nonsense. You hoofwave that away mentally and take stock.
Stormchaser, who had been a solid and nurturing rock for you.
Soft Sweeps, who had done her best as a big sister, now in shock – which amuses you, just the slightest bit.
Silky Stream, who is smiling so wide your own cheeks hurt.
...Velvet Covers, who has bowed her head down.
Which is wrong. She shouldn't have to. As you walk towards her, she cowers further down, until she is almost prostrating.
"Velvet Covers," you begin... and you bend down a hoof to help her up (you're taller than her now; you have always been taller than her). "Thanks, Mom."
"I don't, I don't deserve..." She begins, but you shush her and wrap your wings around your mother, feeling how she shivers and shudders underneath your embrace. Has she always been so frail? Has she always looked so old and so stressed and so exhausted?
"It's okay." You remember the dream, and the nightmare as well, and already you are connecting the dots – – and have connected the dots between how she taught you the Lores and how she was the one to find you first, and understanding what she had done – and also what she had sacrificed to help you. "I forgive you."
You let her sob a bit more, and then the moment is ruined as Silky Stream executes glomp number 6 and subsequently glomps both of you. "Squeeeeeeee ~ !"
Softy Sweeps hesitates, but you roll your eyes and wrap both her and Stormchaser in the group hug as well. Then, inhaling, you shake your wings out and stretch. By the Glory does that feels good.
There's a chuckle by the door and Baldomare ("Aunty Baldie!") files back in, followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, an unknown unicorn, and frankly a rather large pegasus – the last of which froze once he laid his eyes on you and went: "Velvet, that is Luna."
That name... that's right, you are no longer Selene, are you? Inwardly, you light a small fire for that young filly – Selene. The dream was nice while it lasted, and helped you immensely. Thank you.
Although it hurts you to do so, you haven't yet fully restored your connection to your Alicorn sister, if only because she would teleport right over here and likely explode the place. No, it would be better to do so in a clearing tomorrow. And as Velvet shares a glance with you, you know there will be a conversation later about what exactly to tell her.
But right now, it is time for a subdued celebration.
You meet and greet with Rarity and Fluttershy, who establish themselves all at once almost opposites to each other but also alike in the most charming of ways.
You learn that the unknown earth pony is Jade Whistle, and that she helped in finding an easier way to wake you, of which you profess your gratefulness for.
You manage to disentangle Aunty Baldie from your sister long enough to give her a hug and whisper thanks.
You sort of shrug at Comet Feet as he introduces himself, who also sort of shrugs at you. Almost immediately afterwards the both of you notice Velvet Covers entering an animated discussion with Fluttershy, at which point you exchange looks with him in comisseration at being the only 'sane one' here.
You greet Mareinette and she greets you back as befitting of a Lady of her station, raising your hoof to her lips to kiss -
"What Are You Doing."
Mareinette Trait Revealed!
THE SUBTLE KISS: Mareinette may hide attacks as completely harmless kisses, pats, smiles, or intimate glances, though they still require combat rolls. Targets may make an intrigue check to realize that damage was done after each successful attack. This compounds with OUR LADY OF WIRES.
- and you realize that her jaws are open around your foot. You still.
"Mareinette..." Velvet Covers begins, but the monster does not move. "Mareinette, let go."
- and for a terrifying moment, you realize that the monster in front of you is considering disobeying and biting down anyway, her gaze swiveling one way and another, until she slowly, slowly, hesitantly and unwillingly, releases you.
You take one step back, and then another. The room has gone very, very quiet.
Mareinette does not quite shuffle in place. She does not. She does not. She is a Lady, and a Lady does not shuffle in place. Nope.
Not even under the glare that Baldomare is levelling at her. Not even as the atmosphere rackets up, and as you note your sisters backing away and hiding behind Stormchaser, who has one wing slightly raised.
"Mareinette," you can almost hear the tremble in Velvet's voice behind the cold calm, "you aren't allowed to be in here."
The monster smiles. And it is a monster, although your mind rebels against it. Though she looks perfectly fine, despite being the largest pony you've ever seen and a face made out of wires, she looks like a perfectly respectable noble Lady. And you grab that bit, and vehemently grab it like a drowning pony might grasp for straws, and combine it with all the complaints that Celestia used to share with you about nobles, and manage to retain enmity against her.
You stoke that fire as much as you can, and will yourself to remain battle-ready. Something is telling you that the results of this confrontation may spell doom for everypony here.
Mareinette explains politely that -
The monster is right in front of you – you dodge the bite without wound – and the horror slurps the single strand of hair up and savors it, shuddering in pleasure. You quickly maneuever yourself away into a more advantageous position.
And you look at two different mothers and two different ideas.
Velvet Covers: Strife
You are Velvet Covers, and you were content.
Luna is awake, she forgives you, it looks like you can actually make some headway into improving the world, maybe help Celestia calm down....
...except, you were.
Because you had been operating on a foolish assumption this entire time – that Mareinette would abide by limits and propeiety. But Our Lady of Wires is a monster, constrained only to her whims and moods. She can be nothing else.
Mareinette has disobeyed you, which means that she could have disobeyed you at any time. She has been humoring you. And she has barged into this celebration, and she has almost hurt Luna TWICE –
– which is to say that the only reason why your vision isn't completely red is because you are using a lot of Winter's calm.
As if sensing the direction your thoughts are taking, Mareinette twists in your direction and bows Her head. She apologizes for trying to take the first bite. Of course, it is you who went through the effort of finding the ingredients, an exotic half-Outsider, that you took the time to raise her up and fatten her just nicely, so you should be the one to try the sumptious meal first. Oh, what an exotic, one-of-a-kind meal! A half-Outsider!
All she's asking for is just a small bite of that sweet succulent blood. Just a little sip. It is all she is asking for. In fact, She will offer you a bargain deal right now! That is how you use the phrase, yes? As long as you share with Her just some of that sweet, sweet drink, She'll rebind herself to you. No need to thank Her.
After all, were the two of you not both fellow connoisseurs of the Grail? Were you not so glad about finally finding a conversation partner in the Grail that you summoned her here? Why, She had had to entertain herself for a while, but it was alright! Because even the wait is part of the meal.
Because, after all, both of you understand: love can only ever be an investment. It is a seed, which you gift and water and grow, all just so to reap everything back with value.
Something cannot be borne out of nothing. To make something, one must consume something.
The Sun is made from the remains of other stars. A fetus consumes a mother's body. A black hole devours everything to grow.
When you love somepony, you are marinating them, fattening them, seasoning them, and preparing them for the end-goal: to harvest their bounty and resources to savor and consume. All that work, all that sacrifice, all to culminate in another's destruction and ceasing to be, so that you can grow! To take in what others have sacrificed, into you!
Because, don't you know? The only reason why somepony would ever love somepony else is to never, ever, let them go.
And you realize that this is how Mareinette loves: all-devouring, all-consuming. Monstrous.
This is Her nature. She can no longer perceive that anypony can love any way else.
Like cherry wine, and even now as you resist it's siren call and burning anguish, you know that this too is part of Her love. Her holy grail.
You reject it.
You reject it with every fiber of your being. It should not be like this.
Love should not be attachment nor obsession, but free-flowing and freely given. It is the joy you feel in your heart when Silky does loop-de-loops in the air, and the bliss when Stormchaser tells you that you are his favorite horseshoe nail, and the determination and vulnerability you felt when you told Softy to follow her heart, and the felicility when the Daughter-of-Axes accepted your name, and when you would always choose to wake Selene, regardless of the loss and pain in your heart, knowing: you will never see her again.
And so when you speak, your voice is certain. "Mareinette, you are to never harm any of my daughters."
The Lady of Wires freezes like She is caught in a spotlight.
Then, She begins to plead.
Like a petulant child.
Please, please please please please-please-pleasePLEASEPLEASEPLEASE-
She bangs her head on the floor.
A half-outsider! An exotic meal none have consumed! Mixed with a pony's flesh, generating a new being wholly unseen! Pony flesh with the sweet, sweet underscore of a filly and the sour taste of an Outsider's blood!
She rolls about on the floor – everypony gives Her space. Desperately, almost frothing at the mouth, She rants and rants.
Why would you dangle this temptation and not even give Her one lick! She abruptly pulls herself to Her hooves and pleads – no, begs you. Just give Her this and She'll be binded to you forever. Please.
But you remain firm.
Or... you would have.
Because Her song and dance and arguments have revealed something far more damning. Coincidentally, Her dress is in disarray. Coincidentally, you are looking at Her. And coincidentally, you see it.
Several beating hearts, still christened with blood. Glistening like dark rubies. Freshly harvested.
And as you look at the Lady of Wires, you realize that She looks more vibrant than when you summoned Her. More filled out. More colored.
No. You Know.
You Know what She has done.
Mareinette Trait Revealed!
UNQUENCHABLE THIRST: For every turn in the Wake, Mareinette will seek out a Grail sacrifice and consume it.
Hasn't the number of your staff decreased, lately? Haven't they been slightly more busy? As if they were taking on the same amount of tasks with less ponies? Haven't there been some absences?
Faceless sacrifices. You don't even remember their names.
Mareinette Traits Revealed!
BLOOD MERIDIAN: Mareinette may spend a combat action to consume the last traces of life and experience from a victim who has been brought to zero hit points to recover 5 hitpoints. This also gives her a temporary bonus of +5 to rolls per life consumed this way until the Turn ends. This action can be interrupted, upon which She loses the action. This action cannot be used while She already has more than Her maximum hit points.
GRAIL OVERFLOW: Mareinette may gain temporary hit points above Her hit point total, up to 5.
ALL-CONSUMING NAME: When Mareinette consumes a living being, their existence disappears from memories. Characters may figure out something is wrong (strange clothes that they would never wear, an empty room with paraphernalia) but it is more likely that they would simply fill in any discpreancies by themselves.
Can you live with yourself if you do nothing, now that you know this?
Thankfully, that choice is taken from you.
Because your eyes widen.
And Mareinette sees your eyes widen, and She realizes what you've seen. And what that means.
And She fucking panics, and raises Her hoof -
- and chows down on it.
She bleeds.
And suddenly, everything everywhere assaults your senses, all at once.
The sounds of a thick sweet liquid being greedily quaffed. The feeling of flesh giving way beneath your teeth. Your eyes can only stare at the sweet, sweet crimson liquid and you THIRST -
FOR THE OLD BLOOD: whenever Mareinette loses hit points, all targets in the vicinity suffer a cumulative -10 to rolls as the blood spilled intoxicates and causes hallucinations.
+10 (A Sister's Promise)
+20 (A Sister's Oath)
+90 (Alicorn Combat: Luna)
-20 (Wire Mother)
And Luna defenestrates Mareinette out of the window with a beam of light.
EDIT: Copying and pasting messed up the paragraph breaks. Fixed.
EDIT 2: Added links at the bottom as well.
In which (S) Collide – Part 2
Luna: Wake
You wake up.
You are Luna AND YOU WAKE UP.
For a moment, you can only stare at the gray ceiling, blinking. Feeling the way your eyes close shut and flicker open again.
What happened?
You shift your body under the familiar covers and shut your eyes again, thinking. You had a... you had a bad dream. A dream where you trusted your sister and your sister hurt you. And then you panicked and ran and ran and ran... and had another, different dream.
A dream where your name was Selene, but your name wasn't Selene. A dream where you were a filly, but you realized you weren't just a filly. Where something was wrong, but didn't know what. You toss and turn, stretching your calves and feeling the sensation of crystal horseshoes.
A dream where it was so cold and so painful each movement was a journey, but you had to keep going. A dream where you felt you deserved it anyway, that cold, harsh bitter feeling that made you feel so miserable. Where you felt so, so sad, that it hurt your heart even more than the cold did. Where you didn't want to leave. Where you didn't want to leave alone. But you had to. And you did. You frown and your entire face twists with the motion.
Then, it was a dream where you found something that was a part of you. And you feared it and hated it, but you couldn't stand not knowing. And you remember... you remember that horrible, horrible dream, where you opened the door and found – and found that time you were Nightmare Moon. You open your eyes and look up at the ceiling again. That horrible, horrible Worm. You sigh, and your entire body heaves with the motion.
Finally, as your eyes remain open and you remain silent, thinking of nothing at all, you remember that final part of the dream. When you panicked and hurt your sister. Again, you realize. When you hurried to apologize and was stopped in place. When you remembered that you – you own yourself. Not this trauma, not that Worm, not anypony else. Everything you have ever experienced – the fires, the black river of loss, your sins and regrets and your deeds and actions and choices, they are all a part of you. You hold that realization close to your chest, and you realize that you will fight anypony who ever denies that.
You shut your eyes once more and just breathe in and out.
Then you get up.
The room is unfamiliar, and the pegasus by your bed even more so. You feel that you should know them... but you also don't. Jamais Vu.
"Sorry," you ask, "where am I?"
You feel like you've done something bad when his face falls, but before you can apologize again, the door opens a crack, light spilling in. You turn to see an old mare who looks familiar but in another way (still a stranger) opening the door. "Perhaps it's best not to answer that yet, dearie? Please follow me."
You frown, but you follow the pegasus and the mare anyway, out of the bedroom and down a series of halls and stairs, still feeling that strange sense of jamais vu as you look around. You expect there to be vertigo as well, but the fact that there's none keeps throwing you off. This is not a Dream, even if this house looks... both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The pegasus sneaks glances at you from time to time, but you still can't remember his name nor where he's from.
Eventually, you reach the house's apparent living room. For some reason, your heart is undergoing palpitations. You turn your head to look at the old mare and she gestures you forward. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, and slightly hesitantly, you open the door. Before the light of the fireplace – you see a family of strangers.
Does she remember the dream?
Final Words +1
Final Realization +1
7 or higher: Luna remembers everything of Selene.
6: She remembers most of it. That there is an enemy, and that you found her, took her in, sheltered her, taught her, raised her, and let her live with her family.
5: She remembers half of it. That there is an enemy, what you taught her, and how you let her live with her family.
4: She remembers some of it. That there is an enemy and what you taught her.
3: She remembers the gist of it. That there is an enemy.
2: She remembers you found her.
1: Nothing.
0 or lower: Hostile.
Final Words +1
Final Realization +1
7 or higher: Luna remembers everything of Selene.
6: She remembers most of it. That there is an enemy, and that you found her, took her in, sheltered her, taught her, raised her, and let her live with her family.
5: She remembers half of it. That there is an enemy, what you taught her, and how you let her live with her family.
4: She remembers some of it. That there is an enemy and what you taught her.
3: She remembers the gist of it. That there is an enemy.
2: She remembers you found her.
1: Nothing.
0 or lower: Hostile.
But -- -- --
Because your mind was finally ready for it.
And your body was once again in its correct form.
And you remembered the knowledge needed to open it.
And, at long last, you had the strength to do what had to be done.
The memories come rushing back. Yes, this is your family. Or was. Or is. Or whatever, dream nonsense. You hoofwave that away mentally and take stock.
Stormchaser, who had been a solid and nurturing rock for you.
Soft Sweeps, who had done her best as a big sister, now in shock – which amuses you, just the slightest bit.
Silky Stream, who is smiling so wide your own cheeks hurt.
...Velvet Covers, who has bowed her head down.
Which is wrong. She shouldn't have to. As you walk towards her, she cowers further down, until she is almost prostrating.
"Velvet Covers," you begin... and you bend down a hoof to help her up (you're taller than her now; you have always been taller than her). "Thanks, Mom."
"I don't, I don't deserve..." She begins, but you shush her and wrap your wings around your mother, feeling how she shivers and shudders underneath your embrace. Has she always been so frail? Has she always looked so old and so stressed and so exhausted?
"It's okay." You remember the dream, and the nightmare as well, and already you are connecting the dots – – and have connected the dots between how she taught you the Lores and how she was the one to find you first, and understanding what she had done – and also what she had sacrificed to help you. "I forgive you."
You let her sob a bit more, and then the moment is ruined as Silky Stream executes glomp number 6 and subsequently glomps both of you. "Squeeeeeeee ~ !"
Softy Sweeps hesitates, but you roll your eyes and wrap both her and Stormchaser in the group hug as well. Then, inhaling, you shake your wings out and stretch. By the Glory does that feels good.
There's a chuckle by the door and Baldomare ("Aunty Baldie!") files back in, followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, an unknown unicorn, and frankly a rather large pegasus – the last of which froze once he laid his eyes on you and went: "Velvet, that is Luna."
That name... that's right, you are no longer Selene, are you? Inwardly, you light a small fire for that young filly – Selene. The dream was nice while it lasted, and helped you immensely. Thank you.
Although it hurts you to do so, you haven't yet fully restored your connection to your Alicorn sister, if only because she would teleport right over here and likely explode the place. No, it would be better to do so in a clearing tomorrow. And as Velvet shares a glance with you, you know there will be a conversation later about what exactly to tell her.
But right now, it is time for a subdued celebration.
You meet and greet with Rarity and Fluttershy, who establish themselves all at once almost opposites to each other but also alike in the most charming of ways.
You learn that the unknown earth pony is Jade Whistle, and that she helped in finding an easier way to wake you, of which you profess your gratefulness for.
You manage to disentangle Aunty Baldie from your sister long enough to give her a hug and whisper thanks.
You sort of shrug at Comet Feet as he introduces himself, who also sort of shrugs at you. Almost immediately afterwards the both of you notice Velvet Covers entering an animated discussion with Fluttershy, at which point you exchange looks with him in comisseration at being the only 'sane one' here.
You greet Mareinette and she greets you back as befitting of a Lady of her station, raising your hoof to her lips to kiss -
"What Are You Doing."
Mareinette Trait Revealed!
THE SUBTLE KISS: Mareinette may hide attacks as completely harmless kisses, pats, smiles, or intimate glances, though they still require combat rolls. Targets may make an intrigue check to realize that damage was done after each successful attack. This compounds with OUR LADY OF WIRES.
- and you realize that her jaws are open around your foot. You still.
"Mareinette..." Velvet Covers begins, but the monster does not move. "Mareinette, let go."
- and for a terrifying moment, you realize that the monster in front of you is considering disobeying and biting down anyway, her gaze swiveling one way and another, until she slowly, slowly, hesitantly and unwillingly, releases you.
You take one step back, and then another. The room has gone very, very quiet.
Mareinette does not quite shuffle in place. She does not. She does not. She is a Lady, and a Lady does not shuffle in place. Nope.
Not even under the glare that Baldomare is levelling at her. Not even as the atmosphere rackets up, and as you note your sisters backing away and hiding behind Stormchaser, who has one wing slightly raised.
"Mareinette," you can almost hear the tremble in Velvet's voice behind the cold calm, "you aren't allowed to be in here."
The monster smiles. And it is a monster, although your mind rebels against it. Though she looks perfectly fine, despite being the largest pony you've ever seen and a face made out of wires, she looks like a perfectly respectable noble Lady. And you grab that bit, and vehemently grab it like a drowning pony might grasp for straws, and combine it with all the complaints that Celestia used to share with you about nobles, and manage to retain enmity against her.
You stoke that fire as much as you can, and will yourself to remain battle-ready. Something is telling you that the results of this confrontation may spell doom for everypony here.
Mareinette explains politely that -
The monster is right in front of you – you dodge the bite without wound – and the horror slurps the single strand of hair up and savors it, shuddering in pleasure. You quickly maneuever yourself away into a more advantageous position.
And you look at two different mothers and two different ideas.
Velvet Covers: Strife
You are Velvet Covers, and you were content.
Luna is awake, she forgives you, it looks like you can actually make some headway into improving the world, maybe help Celestia calm down....
...except, you were.
Because you had been operating on a foolish assumption this entire time – that Mareinette would abide by limits and propeiety. But Our Lady of Wires is a monster, constrained only to her whims and moods. She can be nothing else.
Mareinette has disobeyed you, which means that she could have disobeyed you at any time. She has been humoring you. And she has barged into this celebration, and she has almost hurt Luna TWICE –
– which is to say that the only reason why your vision isn't completely red is because you are using a lot of Winter's calm.
As if sensing the direction your thoughts are taking, Mareinette twists in your direction and bows Her head. She apologizes for trying to take the first bite. Of course, it is you who went through the effort of finding the ingredients, an exotic half-Outsider, that you took the time to raise her up and fatten her just nicely, so you should be the one to try the sumptious meal first. Oh, what an exotic, one-of-a-kind meal! A half-Outsider!
All she's asking for is just a small bite of that sweet succulent blood. Just a little sip. It is all she is asking for. In fact, She will offer you a bargain deal right now! That is how you use the phrase, yes? As long as you share with Her just some of that sweet, sweet drink, She'll rebind herself to you. No need to thank Her.
After all, were the two of you not both fellow connoisseurs of the Grail? Were you not so glad about finally finding a conversation partner in the Grail that you summoned her here? Why, She had had to entertain herself for a while, but it was alright! Because even the wait is part of the meal.
Because, after all, both of you understand: love can only ever be an investment. It is a seed, which you gift and water and grow, all just so to reap everything back with value.
Something cannot be borne out of nothing. To make something, one must consume something.
The Sun is made from the remains of other stars. A fetus consumes a mother's body. A black hole devours everything to grow.
When you love somepony, you are marinating them, fattening them, seasoning them, and preparing them for the end-goal: to harvest their bounty and resources to savor and consume. All that work, all that sacrifice, all to culminate in another's destruction and ceasing to be, so that you can grow! To take in what others have sacrificed, into you!
Because, don't you know? The only reason why somepony would ever love somepony else is to never, ever, let them go.
And you realize that this is how Mareinette loves: all-devouring, all-consuming. Monstrous.
This is Her nature. She can no longer perceive that anypony can love any way else.
Like cherry wine, and even now as you resist it's siren call and burning anguish, you know that this too is part of Her love. Her holy grail.
You reject it.
You reject it with every fiber of your being. It should not be like this.
Love should not be attachment nor obsession, but free-flowing and freely given. It is the joy you feel in your heart when Silky does loop-de-loops in the air, and the bliss when Stormchaser tells you that you are his favorite horseshoe nail, and the determination and vulnerability you felt when you told Softy to follow her heart, and the felicility when the Daughter-of-Axes accepted your name, and when you would always choose to wake Selene, regardless of the loss and pain in your heart, knowing: you will never see her again.
And so when you speak, your voice is certain. "Mareinette, you are to never harm any of my daughters."
The Lady of Wires freezes like She is caught in a spotlight.
Then, She begins to plead.
Like a petulant child.
Please, please please please please-please-pleasePLEASEPLEASEPLEASE-
She bangs her head on the floor.
A half-outsider! An exotic meal none have consumed! Mixed with a pony's flesh, generating a new being wholly unseen! Pony flesh with the sweet, sweet underscore of a filly and the sour taste of an Outsider's blood!
She rolls about on the floor – everypony gives Her space. Desperately, almost frothing at the mouth, She rants and rants.
Why would you dangle this temptation and not even give Her one lick! She abruptly pulls herself to Her hooves and pleads – no, begs you. Just give Her this and She'll be binded to you forever. Please.
But you remain firm.
Or... you would have.
Because Her song and dance and arguments have revealed something far more damning. Coincidentally, Her dress is in disarray. Coincidentally, you are looking at Her. And coincidentally, you see it.
Several beating hearts, still christened with blood. Glistening like dark rubies. Freshly harvested.
And as you look at the Lady of Wires, you realize that She looks more vibrant than when you summoned Her. More filled out. More colored.
No. You Know.
You Know what She has done.
Mareinette Trait Revealed!
UNQUENCHABLE THIRST: For every turn in the Wake, Mareinette will seek out a Grail sacrifice and consume it.
Hasn't the number of your staff decreased, lately? Haven't they been slightly more busy? As if they were taking on the same amount of tasks with less ponies? Haven't there been some absences?
Faceless sacrifices. You don't even remember their names.
Mareinette Traits Revealed!
BLOOD MERIDIAN: Mareinette may spend a combat action to consume the last traces of life and experience from a victim who has been brought to zero hit points to recover 5 hitpoints. This also gives her a temporary bonus of +5 to rolls per life consumed this way until the Turn ends. This action can be interrupted, upon which She loses the action. This action cannot be used while She already has more than Her maximum hit points.
GRAIL OVERFLOW: Mareinette may gain temporary hit points above Her hit point total, up to 5.
ALL-CONSUMING NAME: When Mareinette consumes a living being, their existence disappears from memories. Characters may figure out something is wrong (strange clothes that they would never wear, an empty room with paraphernalia) but it is more likely that they would simply fill in any discpreancies by themselves.
Can you live with yourself if you do nothing, now that you know this?
Thankfully, that choice is taken from you.
Because your eyes widen.
And Mareinette sees your eyes widen, and She realizes what you've seen. And what that means.
And She fucking panics, and raises Her hoof -
- and chows down on it.
She bleeds.
And suddenly, everything everywhere assaults your senses, all at once.
The sounds of a thick sweet liquid being greedily quaffed. The feeling of flesh giving way beneath your teeth. Your eyes can only stare at the sweet, sweet crimson liquid and you THIRST -
FOR THE OLD BLOOD: whenever Mareinette loses hit points, all targets in the vicinity suffer a cumulative -10 to rolls as the blood spilled intoxicates and causes hallucinations.
+10 (A Sister's Promise)
+20 (A Sister's Oath)
+90 (Alicorn Combat: Luna)
-20 (Wire Mother)
And Luna defenestrates Mareinette out of the window with a beam of light.
EDIT: Copying and pasting messed up the paragraph breaks. Fixed.
EDIT 2: Added links at the bottom as well.
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