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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

isabel: alright Tanya you should be all better.

Tanya: thank you, mother. *exits "the house sick bed"

Isabel: Good luck with rehearsal

Tanya: * freezes*. What. Rehearsal.

Isabel: Why the rehearsal for Cinderella of course! You'll make a perfect Cinderella! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Tanya: *twitches* (oh they are deadmeat!)

*At the rehearsal location*


Verdy: N-Now T-t-tanya, you know we can't trust you with sharp objects anymore… but i got the prince role so… at least some stranger won't be trying to kiss you.


Orchid: I did!

Tanya: *grabs Orchid cheeks and pulls with all her strength*

Verdy: TANYA! Please! Peace, over violence! Remember what dad always said!

Tanya:*inhales deeply* violence isn't the answer

Orchid: oh, thanks the breaker.

Tanya: violence is the question.

Verdy: uh-oh

Tanya: And the answer is yes!


Tanya:…. *stops pulling but keeps her fingers stretching orchid's cheeks*

Tanya:… *turns to her sister with a different look. One where a tiger is waiting for their pray to move so she can pounce accordingly*

Tanya… Thesis please.

Verdy: um! 6 months of your chores! And that sweet sweet, knife from Old man Lancelot's collection! Perform in the play as best you can and it's yours! What about that abandoned outpost you wanted? We can pool in and get it for you Even refurbish the armory!

Tanya: …you don't have that kind of money. Where would it come from?

Verdy: *speaks slowly and deliberately choosing each word carefully*

um. Well…… you see…. We're… using the money… from this play to invest in a… a new grand theatre! One we can… rent out to visiting actors and dancers and all sorts of entertainers!…. If you go along with this, we can talk nana into kicking 10% of each show to you. She knows how hard this is for you after all!

Tanya:…. *contemplative* Nana did mention a "project in the arts"…. So this is what she was referring to…. How did you come by this information ("when i didn't" goes unsaid.)

Verdy: well. Nana, always talked about bringing more tourism to Radian, about preserving some of the arts lost during the Great War! All those historians she spoke with during mom's and uncles' birthdays struck me as odd. I mean Nana's already in the history books, and she already corrected all the misconceptions. So… why else would she talk to them?

Verdy: and so i snuck one of your wires into them. They were tlaking about music. And stage plays… at leas i think they were… they kept talking in theatre lingo. Then comes all the money for the school plays? Where does it go? Orchid managed to track the money to something called: Project Phantasm, which only lead to that oldconstruction site we played in as kids.

Tanya:…. Impressive Verdy…. I'll have to rethink my opinion of you *releases Orchid from her grip* Now if you'll excuse me… i think i'll have to open negotiations with Nana.

Once tanya leaves

Verdy:………. *pants heavily and leans against the wall* Way. Too. Close. *to Orchid* You owe me, BIGTIME
The place was overrun with Grim and White Fang soldiers. Jaune just grabbed Yang and got out of there as fast as he could.
The real reason
Yang: why didn't you bring my arm?
Jaune: weeeelll you see
Adam: you didn't really think I would let you get away did you?
Jaune: well when you put it like tha- LOOK A DISTRACTION!
Adam: where?
*beans him in face with severed arm before running away*
*Flashback ends*
Jaune: things were very hectic.
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Doctor Knowall 3
- - -

Well, Doctor Jaune "Knowall" could certainly appreciate Ozpin for one thing: He kept his assembly speeches short. He sat in the front row of the auditorium with the other teachers, the huge masses of students all staring, enraptured, as Ozpin finished his spiel.

"... So remember: The time may come when everything will be asked of you, and more. You will find your courage then, if you seek it out," Ozpin concluded. He waited for the applause to die down, before he nodded.

"There are a few staff changes this year," he announced, leaning slightly forward on his cane, "To start with, Professor Peach will be leaving on maternity leave at the end of the semester. Let us extend our congratulations."

More applause followed, as the blonde, pink-wearing professor blushed with a proud smile. Knowall contributed to the applause politely.

"Nurse Tsune will be taking a leave of absence to finish her doctorate," Ozpin continued, "So our new Head Medical Practitioner will be Doctor Jaune Knowall. Please come up, Doctor."

He nodded to Jaune. The time traveler hesitated, then looked to Glynda on his right. The combat instructor nodded in encouragement, again giving him a small smile. Knowall stood up and walked up on stage.

He scanned the crowd. He immediately noted many young ladies were staring intently at him. Several were gossiping quietly, shooting him looks and giggling. Mentally he groaned. That was the last thing he needed.

He found his younger self in the crowd. Even from this distance, it was easy to tell that the younger Jaune had definitely toughened up: His shoulders were a bit more broad, his armor was a bit worn, he wore proper boots instead of sneakers and there was a more confident look in his eyes.

So he befriended Ruby Rose, Knowall thought, That's good.

On his left side was... He frowned a bit at the cat Faunus girl who was badly disguised with a hair bow. She stared back at him in some confusion with her yellow eyes.

Blake Belladonna? That's a surprise.

On his younger counterpart's right was a small girl in red with black hair and silver eyes. A very familiar girl, who grinned happily back.

Ruby Rose? Right, this is where she went, Knowall thought. He paused.

Wait, if she's here then that means...

He found a shock of blonde hair in the audience. His heart nearly stopped.

She was younger. Had both arms. Was shooting him a cocky smirk.


He clenched his fists briefly. The memories just seeing her caused him to recall...

She's not her, he reminded himself firmly, She's not her. You can't do anything with her here. Nothing but save her. Save everyone.

He took a deep breath and looked out at the crowd. He used a calming technique his mother had taught him to suppress his emotions, and keep control.

"I'm Doctor Jaune Knowall. I look forward to working with you," he said in a calm, even voice. He added a small, crooked smile: "But let's hope I don't have to see you too often, unless you're training to be medics."

It was a corny joke his mother had told often. It got some laughs, which broke some of the tension. He nodded, then turned to walk off the stage. The meeting broke up after that, and Knowall made for one of the exits.

"Hey! D-Doctor Knowall!"


He turned to his younger self. The teenager grinned and waved in a friendly way.

"I see you made it to Beacon," Knowall said quietly. Jaune nodded.

"Yeah. That-That training really helped!" He said enthusiastically.

"Good," Knowall stated firmly. Jaune flushed.

"Though uh... I had some help along the way," he said. Blake Belladonna walked up, stopping at Jaune's side. She studied Knowall carefully.

"Blake Belladonna," she introduced herself. "Jaune and I travelled here together."

"And she helped me train," Jaune continued with a grin, "She's really good!"

"That's good to know," Knowall replied in a neutral tone. He nodded to her. "You two should go and rest up for the Initiation tomorrow."

"Already?" Jaune frowned.

"It's going to be tough," Knowall stated firmly.

"A cat nap sounds good to me anyway," Blake said with a soft shrug. "Nice to meet you, Doctor."

She walked off with Jaune in tow. Knowall watched them go, and then shook his head.

"I take it this is going to be difficult for you," Ozpin asked, walking up behind Knowall without making the slightest noise. Knowall nodded curtly, his eyes again finding Yang in the crowd.

"You might say that," Knowall said quietly.

Ozpin leaned on his cane, and hummed thoughtfully.

"We all have our demons," he said gently.

"Some more than others," Knowall muttered.

"Let's get to the office," Ozpin said quietly, "We're going to need every scrap of information you can give me."

Knowall nodded.

"Understood, sir."

- - -

"Seriously," Yang enthused to Ruby as they headed for the ballroom, "I think I'm gonna catch a fever with Doctor Knowall around!"

"Yang, ew!" Ruby gagged, "He's like, old!"

"Mature is more like it," Yang giggled, "And did you see the way he looked at me? So intense!"

"Isn't that kind of weird though? For a teacher to be staring at a student?" Ruby asked. "I mean, if he actually did anything, he'd be a creep!"

"Pfft, please, a guy like that couldn't be a creep if he tried!" Yang scoffed.

"Well, he's not a creep but he is... Weird," Jaune contributed, walking behind with Blake in tow. Yang looked back over her shoulder at the strange pair.

"Really?" Yang asked with a grin, "You know him?"

"Course he knows him," Ruby stated, "Jaune told me about him!"

"He just helped me get to Beacon and trained me a little," Jaune said, a bit nervous with Yang's intense scrutiny on him.

"So, what, is he like a relative of yours?"

"He does look very much like you," Blake opined, her frown deepening. Jaune shrugged.

"He might be? My family's big enough I've got cousins I don't even know about."

"Well then," Yang grinned, taking Jaune's arm and leading him towards the ballroom, "You're gonna give me all the deets on Doctor Studly, understand?"

"Er, sure?"

Ruby and Blake followed, both looking rather annoyed with the blondes. Though for different reasons.

- - -
Miss Rose Returns
Once again I've been hit with dark inspiration!

It wasn't often that Ozpin got to meet dead people.

But the girl sitting across from him was surprisingly pleasant, if a bit different from what people had been expecting.

"So miss xaio-long."


"Ah of course my mistake, Miss Rose. You and your sister have been missing for quite a while, ten years in fact, care to tell us where you've been or where she is?"

Silver eyes stare into his soul.

"A bad man picked us up and he took us to a worse lady. She hurt us, for a long time."

That certainly sounds like Salem.

"We got out, or they let us out, and we ran while they chased us and then...."

She wildly shakes her red streaked hair as if she can shake out the bad memories

If only it was that easy.

"And then I ended up here."

I see.

And he did, in more ways than one.

Ozpin had been alive for a very long time and had picked up quite a few tricks. Including the ability to see souls.

And before him sat a woman with two. One soul, the original based on how it tied to the body was pretty much catatonic. It flickered like a ember and seemed to only be kept stable by the younger soul wrapped around it like a blanket.

He took another look at her body. The soul influences the body after all. Bright silver eyes had replaced purple and red streaks invaded the blonde hair, there were patches of skin on her body that were lighter than the rest.

"Miss rose may I ask how you ended up like this?"

Again her eyes unfocus taking her somewhere in her memories.

"The bad man cut yangs eyes and my back and I couldn't run anymore. I just wanted to get away and for us both to be fixed. And then we were gone, alive and whole."

According to reports she had appeared in downtown vale in a swirl of red and yellow rose petals. Given what she said about the desires that seemed to trigger her aura awakening and semblance and what he knew about summers semblance Ruby probably had some kind of movement semblance that turned her into flowers. And it looks like when she used it she got mixed up with Yang.

"I see....well miss rose I think I know a dusty old Qrow who would like to see you."

He didn't mention the girls father. Better to save that subject for when they're a little more stable.
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A couple thoughts for sanctuary.

I like the idea of Velvet being the only one of her team making it to Radian. Sees at least Coco fall to a WF member, weather any of her other teammates fall up in the air but that changes her. She becomes very anti White Fang and Menagerie in outlook. Enough that she'll slug Blake hard when she inevitably shows up.

Also some falout as Ruby works with makeshift teams her confidence as a leader heals but a different issues comes up.

As her old teammates return they expect a we're getting the band back together moment and Ruby...

"We didn't work. I wasn't a leader you respected and anything I tried to do pushed you all away to do your own stuff. Now I don't say we're not friends but I don't think we can be a team."

So now WBY have to try to win her back.
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"Though uh... I had some help along the way," he said. Blake Belladonna walked up, stopping at Jaune's side. She studied Knowall carefully.

"Blake Belladonna," she introduced herself. "Jaune and I travelled here together."

"And she helped me train," Jaune continued with a grin, "She's really good!"

Is this..... a helpful kitty?

Also, ten bucks says Glynda stakes a claim on the good doctor, and Yang winds up with his younger self.

Jaune is actually much smarter than he seems, but the reason he only gets slightly above average grades is because he's not just following the normal Beacon curriculum, but he's also getting his medical degree at the same time.

Jaune is somewhat of a prodigy like Ruby, but much more in the medical/book learning side of things, and he's spending time on his Beacon lessons, homework, his medical studies, his medical homework, getting practical experience (like practising on cadavers, or huntsmen missions), and his regular training.
Maybe Jaune wanted to both pursue his dream and fulfil his mother's wishes (and besides, having a medic in the field and on the frontlines is incredibly valuable).
Jaune would have made this decision for dual studies before he knew that his Semblance could heal others.
Sanctuary 3
- - -

The Arcadia Farmhouse doors opened up onto a modest wooden hall, dominated by a staircase going up to the second floor. Warm brown wooden baseboards ran about the walls, and a few simple knit carpets sat on the hardwood floors. A simple brass chandelier hung from above, shining in the sunlight the many windows let in. The wallpaper seemed to be a plain white... At least, Yang thought it was white. There were hundreds of picture frames covering the walls, ranging from images of Jaune and his many, many sisters with their parents at various ages, to black and white photos of relatives and friends, and several paintings.

Despite herself, Yang felt a bit more... Homey.

Jaune led Yang and Ruby into an adjacent living room. This was at the base of the round tower-like part of the farmhouse, and had a wide panorama view of the barn, fields, drive, and a CCT repeater tower in the distance. It was filled with worn but comfortable furniture: Couches, arm chairs, two coffee tables, and bookshelves filled with books and knick knacks. A player piano made of warm cherrywood sat in a corner, with a few swords hanging over it on the wall.

Yang's eyes focused against the glare through the windows. Her jaw dropped. She honestly would not have expected these people to survive the fall of Beacon, and yet... Here they were.

Velvet Scarlatina, that shy rabbit Faunus a year ahead of them, sat on a light green couch. She was leaning against the tall form of Cardin Winchester, who was fiddling with his huge mace. Velvet had gotten some combat pants, a T-shirt, and a brown jacket with a tac-vest-They were a bit big on her, suggesting she'd been loaned the clothes. Cardin was in his usual armor, though it had some touch-ups obviously made by a welding torch. His hair was a bit shaggier, and he had some stubble on his chin and cheeks. Velvet looked exhausted, but definitely comfortable sidled up against her former bully.

A dark skinned, red-headed girl (May Zedong, from Shade, she vaguely recalled) was dressed in her usual hoodie and jeans. She worked on a sniper rifle, doing some maintenance with the guts of the weapon spread out on a coffee table. Neptune Vasilias, looking a bit shaggy and unkempt himself, was nevertheless bent over May's weapon with her, fiddling with various components and talking softly to her.

A dark skinned, blonde girl in nun's robes sat on a pillow on the floor, deep in meditation. Arslan Atlan: RWBY had eliminated her team in the Vytal Tournament. She'd been tough, but ultimately no match for them.

Nora and Ren were on another couch, Nora solemnly working on her hammer while Ren sat in repose with his eyes closed.

Everyone's eyes focused on them as they entered. Cardin, Nora and Ren got to their feet. Velvet, May, Arslan and Neptune soon followed.

"Hey Jaune. Hey Ruby. Hey, Xiao-Long," Neptune said, putting a bit of his old cockiness in his voice. "Nice to see you back up and about! Knew a babe like you couldn't be kept down for long!"

"It is indeed good to see you well," Arslan added, bowing slightly, "You were formidable opponents."

"H-Hello," May greeted softly, her eyes unable to meet Yang's.

"Xiao-Long," Cardin greeted with a simple nod. Velvet smiled a bit tiredly.

"It's... It's good to see you again," she said.

"It is," Ren agreed, giving Yang the slightest of smiles. Nora gaped in shock, then grinned.

"YANG!" Nora leaped over the coffee table and embraced Yang tightly. She tensed up, but relaxed as Nora sniffled and sobbed genuine tears.

"I missed you! You look great! Ooh, you got your new arm! That's great!" She grinned. "It has a gun in it!"

"... Really?" Yang asked, blinking.

"Totally!" Nora enthused. "That's what your Uncle said!"

"He visited you, huh?" Yang asked, eyes narrowing a bit. And not me...

"He did say something about that," Ruby agreed, smiling at Yang, "I-I can take you through the features-"

"Later," Yang grunted. Ruby frowned, but nodded.

"S-Sure... It's been a long day," she said.

"So Arc," Cardin cleared his throat, "Your dad and his troops visited. Told us to wait here for you. What are your orders?"

Jaune paused. He sucked in a breath through his nostrils.

"We're on stand down," he said at last, "Dad wants us to take a break."

Velvet's eyes narrowed.

"Did he say for how long?" She asked, a hint of anger in her tone. Yang had never heard anything like it from the generally meek Rabbit Faunus.

Jaune shook his head.

"No. They got reinforcements from Doremy, so they want us to take it easy for a while."

"Jaune," Cardin growled, "The walls aren't fully secure-They can't just exclude us! We've been fighting since we got here, damnit-!"

"We have our orders," Jaune stated flatly, "We're going to follow them."

Cardin grit his teeth. Velvet's eyes narrowed. The two of them united in anger like this was strange.

"Jaune, those monsters-!"

"I know what those monsters did, Cardin," Jaune growled, so deep and angry everyone stared in shock. Yang's jaw dropped as she beheld the transformation.

Gone was the goofy blond noodle. In his place was a hardened soldier, full of cold rage and steel.

Breaker Above... When did that happen?! She thought in shock.

Cardin ground his teeth, still glaring at Jaune.

Ruby cleared her throat nervously.

"M-Maybe... Maybe it's a good thing," she suggested, "We've been fighting without a break for over a week. Some of us longer."

"It would give us the chance to catch up on things," Arslan said, soft but firm, "And to recuperate. We will do no one any good if we're fighting our fatigue and the Grimm..."

She looked at Jaune knowingly.

"Among other things," she finished.

"H-Hey, I am totally fine with a break," Neptune said, laughing nervously, "Um... I mean, your sister-Hey, Orchid!"

A girl a little shorter than Yang walked out of the kitchen. Her blonde hair was cut short in a utilitarian pageboy. She wore jeans and a T-Shirt with the "Achieve-Men" logo over her chest. A pair of square glasses adorned her tired blue eyes, as she absent-mindedly tapped on a Scroll. Yang could see some kind of interface projected onto her glasses.

"Hello all. Hello Jaune," she said in a monotone. She walked up and hugged Jaune tightly. He returned the hug, rubbing her back.

"Hey Orchid. What are you doing here?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

"I live here," Orchid replied, her tone not shifting a bit.

Yang fought a snicker. Orchid blinked at the stares, then shrugged.

"You asked."

"Right, right, tell us what you told me!" Neptune said eagerly, "When we were at the repeater tower!"

Jaune glared at Neptune. He coughed and held up his hands.

"I was escorting her, I swear! May, you can vouch for me, right?"

"Y-Yes, he didn't... Um... We just did our jobs," May managed. Jaune slowly nodded.

"All right. Orchid?"

Orchid held out her Scroll and activated a holoprojector. Several technical diagrams and windows of computer coding appeared above them. None of it made any sense to Yang. Nora actually stood on her head to try and make sense of it.

"In essence, while the main CCT Network is down thanks to the virus implanted by the terrorists," Orchid stated, "Several regional networks are still mostly operational. The Gallian and Albion networks in particular."

"How did they avoid the virus?" Ruby asked, intensely curious.

"Twelve years ago, the system was due for a major upgrade," Orchid said, "As it was a joint venture between Albion and Gallia, both sub-kingdoms' Councils would have to agree on a unified upgrade plan."

"... Which would require both Councils to agree on something," Neptune deadpanned. Orchid nodded.

"Correct. Add in a scandal regarding embezzlement from the Modern Arts Grant, and the Councils of both nations collapsed in their respective elections to be replaced by new ones. They ultimately decided to save upgrading the servers for the regional repeater system for the year after this one."

"So we have communications?" Jaune asked. "Can we reach Vale? Beacon?"

Orchid shook her head, flipping through a few more holographic pages of what may as well have been hieroglyphics to Yang.

"Only intermittently. In addition, global communications are still down. We did get a call from Uncle Arjun over the radio.""

"Uncle Arjun?" Yang asked.

Jaune coughed.

"He's our godfather. He uh, he lives in Pandu, south-eastern coast of Animus."

"Well, what did he say?" Neptune urged Orchid.

She adjusted her glasses. "It appears that Mistral has fallen into civil war. Mistral itself, Pandu, Temujina, Fuujin-They're all at war since the CCT Network collapsed."

"Oh Breaker, no," Arslan whispered. Neptune gaped.

"What about Argus? Anything on Argus?!"

"I do not have any news on that," Orchid said in her monotone, "Though he did say that Atlas was holding to its treaty and had forces still stationed in Argus. Other than that? There is little to report. I am hopeful that we'll be able to get more as we work with other engineers across Gallia and Albion: Enough to get direct communication back with Vale to some extent. There is talk of reactivating the old cable networks, though most of those were destroyed by the Grimm."

Jaune sighed in relief, and hugged his sister again.

"Thanks Orchid."

"You are welcome. I am going to bed now, as I have been up for forty-eight hours straight rewriting IP Protocol codes for the region. Excuse me."

Orchid headed off towards the stairs, and climbed them out of sight. Cardin sagged a bit.

"Well... Maybe I'll get to call my dad," he sighed.

"Same," Velvet sighed, "They're up in Atlas. I... I'm glad they didn't come to see my fights. Not after all this."

"Agreed," Arslan said, "It was lucky for them..." She bit her lower lip. "After calling my family, I am hoping to get back in contact with my team. We were scattered during the fall."

May winced, and remained silent. The pain in her eyes reminded Yang of what had happened to her team.

"Same," Neptune sighed, "I lost Scarlet and Sage when we were evacuating to the airships. They took another but I don't know where to." He shook his head. "And of course, Sun ran off after Blake again."

"Blake?" Yang perked up. "Blake Belladonna?"

Neptune snorted.

"You know any other Blake Belladonnas he'd chase after? I did get a message before the CCT went totally down: That they were headed to Menagerie-"

Velvet seethed.

"Of fucking course they were," she growled.

All eyes went to the normally timid rabbit Faunus. Cardin was grim, but didn't move away from her.

Yang frowned as well.

"So... She's okay. That's good, right?" Yang asked. She was glad Blake was (probably) alive, but what was Velvet's deal?

"Sure. Two traitors running off together," Velvet sneered. Neptune gaped. Ruby frowned.

"H-Hey!" Neptune said, "Sun's not a-!"

"Oh, so the princess of the White Fang and your buddy just ran off to, what, elope?!" Velvet demanded angrily.

"I-I mean, I'm sure she had a reason-" Ruby tried, but Velvet angrily cut her off.

"She straight up abandoned you! Abandoned her partner!" She pointed at Yang. Yang grimaced and gripped her artificial arm with her real one.

"I-I mean... She-"

"She used to be White Fang!" Ruby insisted, "She wasn't anymore-!"

"And the White Fang attacked and destroyed a city," Velvet snarled, "Just as she conveniently gets away!"

"She-She's not like that!" Yang responded, though doubt tinged her words. "She was fighting against them-!"

"Well she did a HELL of a job, didn't she?!" Velvet spat, fists clenched, cheeks red, "A bunch of their goons caught my team! They shot Coco! They blasted Yatsuhashi and Fox away! I would have been next if Cardin hadn't charged in!"

Cardin grimaced and rubbed his chest. His other arm stayed around Velvet's waist, offering support and security as she raged.

She fixed a glare on Yang and Ruby.

"They murdered my team and their princess runs off?! Convenient, isn't it?!"

"She didn't have-She saved my life!" Yang shouted back.

"No," Velvet snarled, looking at the grim faced Jaune, "Jaune saved your life. Jaune carried you to the airship! Where was Blake, huh?!"

"She didn't have anything to do with this!" Ruby insisted. "I-I know Blake! She just... She..."

"She ran off with the rest of those murderers," Velvet seethed, now being restrained by Cardin's arm. "I hope Atlas invades and flattens them! I hope Atlas kills them all-!"

"That's enough!" Jaune barked. Velvet grit her teeth and scowled at him. Jaune shook his head slowly.

"That's not going to help," he stated. He looked at Cardin. "Cardin, Velvet... Go chill out. Relax. Get some air."

Velvet shot another venomous glare at them all. Cardin nodded slowly.

"Come on, Velv," he said softly, "Let's go chill out. All right?"

"... Fine," Velvet stated slowly. She narrowed her eyes at Yang and Ruby.

"But if I see her again? I'm putting a bullet in her head. The same thing her thugs did to my friends."

Cardin and Velvet walked out, Yang, Jaune and Ruby parting for them. The doors shut behind them, leaving only the clock ticking away.

"... I'll get started on dinner," Ren said quietly, rising and walking to the kitchen.

"I'll help," Arslan contributed, walking after him. Nora followed, though not without giving Yang, Ruby, and Jaune tight hugs.

"Um... I-I need to finish reworking my rifle," May mumbled, sitting back down with her head bowed.

"Y-Yeah, sounds good," Neptune said nervously, "I'll help."

Jaune hefted up Yang's luggage, his face stony.

"I'll show you to your room," he said to Yang.

"It's-It's mine too, Yang," Ruby said with a smile, "It's great. You'll see!"

"... Sure," Yang whispered, staring at her mechanical hand in silence.

- - -

Well, that got rather dark. But what do you think?
I can't help but picture the RWBY chibi version of velvet meeting Blake and it involves a squirt bottle of dog pee.

Also I imagine that in chibi no characters actually die they just get banished to the mysterious kingdom of offscreen when they take too much damage and aren't allowed to contact people outside the kingdom.
So a little more of WBY's readtion to Ruby passing on the reformation ofthe team

Weiss: Did Ruby ROSE just ditch us?
Yang: Yes. I really should have seen this coming. She's been actively avoiding working with me.
Down time shes been almost smothering me but shes not wanted to trane or go on patrols with me.
Blake: shit
Weiss: so she ups and quits on us?
Blake: Well how many times did we on her?

So while Yang's doing PT and recovering her strength Ruby is around in her down time but she's never actually helping with the trainning. Then when she's helpign wtih any patrols or missions aroudn town Ruby is activly avoidng worknig with her sister. During downtime she's a little smothering though. Though there is also the possiblty she's developging a relationship with a one of the survivors or a local boy so maybe her atteention isn't fully on Yang in her down time either

Also forthe record I'm not saying RWBY shoudnt' reunite just that the team has some bridges to rebuild with thier leader before they do.
So I'm a little to brain hurty right now to flesh out the idea (am big sick that is stacking with other sickness and beating my ass.)

But. We take Blake into a different extreme instead of racist.

Adam sighted? Blake flees

Zwei is in the room? Blake flees

Hard problem on a math test? Blake flees

Weiss is trying to cook? Blake (and everyone else) flees

Yang wants that 10$ she lent Blake? Blake flees

People try to hold a intervention about Blake's habit of fleeing? Blake flees
Damn ..... Shitty kitty even shittier here huh?

I don't think so, it seems more like a very unfortunate dose of realism for Blake's situation.

Just laying it out, Blake is the daughter of the Chief of Menagerie and a former member of the White Fang. Then the White Fang attack Beacon Academy the same year she joins up with Beacon, lead by a Adam Taurus. Then Blake disappears in the chaos of the attack, and is spotted fleeing towards Menagerie. Given that Blake was probably a high profile member of the White Fang, and Adam Taurus seems to be a high profile member of the Fang as well, a picture begins to form. Blake was not a defector, she was an infiltrator. The Mission was a Success, so she fled to her home country.

Now was Blake a spy and sabuteur? Probably not. Running away from the problem however does not put a good foot forward for that argument.
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Bother Rabbit 3
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Jaune was working diligently in the training simulator room. He practiced his sword swings, keeping pace, and trying to make the movements as smooth and natural as possible.

One, four, five... Five, three, one...

Pyrrha's lessons were ingrained into him like they'd been burned into his soul. He wanted to make it so refined he wouldn't have to think, to make it based on instinct...

The holographic knight countered his strikes, thrusting furiously. Jaune quickly parried and moved around, his footwork getting him around to flank the hologram. He lashed out with a shield bash, knocking the hologram back. Jaune thrust forward with his blade, and Crocea Mors went right through the knight's chestplate. The hologram winked out, and Jaune was left panting hard for breath.

Okay... Okay... Nora was right... Dancing like I want to win is the best way...

"Bravo! Bravo!"

Jaune froze and looked over his shoulder. He held back a grimace as he saw Hex Skvader standing there. Even through the black motorcycle helmet he wore, he could feel the rabbit Faunus' smirk.

"You move like a dancer... If he was drunk," Hex said mockingly.

Jaune scowled.

"What do you want, Hex?" Jaune demanded.

Hex shrugged. He held up a black chakram... And then split it into two. Both ignited.

"I was hoping for a challenge," Hex stated, "But I found you instead. So... How about a friendly little spar, huh? After all, I've got five minutes to burn. I could use a warm up."

Jaune bit down on his anger. He slowly shook his head.

"We're not allowed to fight outside of combat training," Jaune stated. It was a distraction, but it bought him time. Time to analyze things.

He's just after humiliating me, right? Right... Which means...

Hex laughed.

"What fight? This... Is a little friendly sparring!"

He leaped up into the air. A green hexagon made of energy appeared underneath his feet. He jumped from the hexagon and swung his chakram right for Jaune's head!

If it had been at the start of his time here... Jaune would have been down with just one hit. But he pivoted on his feet and dodged out of the way. Hex though was built for agility, and pirouetted to swing his blazing chakram right at him. Jaune got his shield up, taking the first hit and swing his sword out to parry the next.

Hex backflipped up over the strikes, artfully landing in front of him with a flourish. He laughed.

"That the best you got, Dead Last?" He asked mockingly. He threw a chakram, and it buzzed like a hive of angry bees! Jaune got his shield back up, but the blade slashed through the side of his thigh.

"GAH!" Jaune winced as he saw a bit of red through his jeans. "What the-?!"

"PAY ATTENTION, LOSER!" Hex shouted. He dashed forward, summoning another platform to leap up off off. He reformed it behind him, and kicked off to spring right at Jaune. He swung his chakram and knocked Jaune's sword right out of his hand.


Jaune fell back, as Crocea Mors clattered to the ground. Hex chuckled, and caught his other chakram as it circled back to him.

"See, that's the difference between talent, and some punching bag, Jauney-boy," Hex laughed. He held his chakrams out to either side. "Next one's gonna really hurt."

Damnit, damnit...! Jaune knew he should call for help. Call for back up. But he didn't know how this guy was going to react!

Okay... Okay... He's been toying with me... He can hit me from range all he likes but he's been getting up close... Up close... So...

Jaune got his shield up, and held a hand over his wounded thigh. Hex laughed again.

"Here we go~!"

He charged, forming a hexagon underneath his feet to leap up high. He dove like a falcon, both Chakrams burning with Dust and ready for the kill!

Jaune managed to block one chakram with Crocea Mors' shield. The other, Hex punched into Jaune's side... And Jaune was ready.

He wrapped his free arm around Hex's, and yanked him in. Remembering a move Nora taught him, he held up his knee and rammed it into Hex's stomach. He heard Hex grunt loud at the impact. Jaune followed through, pivoting like Ren taught him to drive Hex down into the floor!

Hex's fancy helmet fell off. He looked shocked... And even more shocked when Jaune swung his fist into his nose.


Jaune punched him again and again... Before he felt purple Aura surround him. He was yanked back. He looked and saw Glynda Goodwitch standing there, looking furious.

"Mister Arc! What is the meaning of this?!"

"He assaulted me!" Hex whined. Jaune's jaw dropped.

"WHAT?! He started it-!"

"I was offering him some pointers and he just decided to wail on me!" Hex added, blubbering through his bloody nose, "He called me a filthy animal, too!"

"That's a lie!" Jaune shouted angrily. "He-!"

"Enough!" Glynda growled. "Detention, both of you! Until I find out more, get to your dormrooms!"

Jaune glared angrily at Hex. Hex got up, pulling his helmet back on. And once again, he was sure the rabbit Faunus was smirking.

He clenched his fists. He picked up his sword, and under Glynda's scowl and Hex's helmet, he left.


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This is a bit of a cliche, but hell, it can work if you do the plot properly. So, how would this be resolved?
This is a bit of a cliche, but hell, it can work if you do the plot properly. So, how would this be resolved?

This is a school with superpowers run by a guy who's secrets have secrets.

There's totally cameras in the training rooms.

Hell even without the ozlluminati you want that, just so you can see both how injuries came about in case there's weird or exotic effects (from dust and semblances) and so you know who to point fingers at if something gets seriously messed up.
How could it be resolved?

Essentially, Jaune realizes that unless he has actual proof that he wasn't the instigator then he won't receive any benefit of the doubt.

Jaune decides not to defend himself in another ambush from Hex, gets a beat down, ends up being found by another student and taken in to get treated (dealers' choice). Jaune gets asked who did it, and he states Hex. However, Hex has bought off a couple lackeys (or his teammates) who give an alibi. Jaune gets out of the infirmary after a day of recovery and walks right into combat class after being cleared. (He misses Port's class, Oobleck's class, or both)

Hex tries his bullying tactics again after combat class. Jaune doesn't take the bait, though he is stewing in anger. He has lunch with his friends, though he doesn't really interact. Hex keeps trying his bullying tactics, even getting brazen trying to court Pyrrha, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Ruby, anyone. Jaune, in a firm, and suppressed enraged tone, tells Hex to back off. Hex tries his shit once again, Jaune doesn't take the bait.

Let this continue for a day or two. Jaune has his training with Pyrrha, and just breaks down in front of her after he pushes himself almost too far. Jaune wants to knock Hex's teeth down the Rabbit Faunus' throat, but he knows if there's a fight outside of class that he would end up getting suspended or expelled. Pyrrha and Jaune talk to the combined Teams RWBY and JNPR. They decide to spring a trap to get Hex.

Pyrrha and Jaune work in the simulator, and Pyrrha heads out to use the bathroom. Fortunately, the bathroom door is 90 degrees to the side of the main door where Hex walks in. Hex arrives, starts his shit again. Jaune doesn't take the bait, keeping focus on the practice targets.

Hex ambushes Jaune once more, getting in a couple good shots before Jaune exploits the continued weaknesses Hex shows. Hex gets the tar beat out of him by Jaune before Goodwitch arrives and is about to punish Jaune, only to have one of the others step out of the shadows and show the recording. Hex is found to be the instigator and Jaune just defended himself.

Hex ends up getting read the riot act and given the punishment that would have gone to Jaune if the recordings weren't there.

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