Original Characters Do Steal: Hex Skvader
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Seriously guys, I went to all the trouble to create a REAL hatesink character. Let's try some other things with Blake for a while.
To that end:
To that end:
- Name: Hex Skvader
- Allusion: The Skvader and the Hare from Aesop's Fables, a bit of Rinzler from Tron: Legacy
- Naming Process: Hex means "to cast an evil spell, bad luck" or "six", Skvader refers to a bird/rabbit hybrid creature created as a hoax by a Swedish taxidermist.
- Age: 19
- Background: Born in Vale City to rich Rabbit Faunus parents who own a computer company, Hex has lived a carefree life and only trained to become a Huntsman because it was expected of him (and it would let him get chicks).
- Race: Rabbit Faunus
- Emblem: Hex Bunny
- Weapon: Twin Dust Chakrams named "Stolthet" (Swedish for "Pride"). He can ignite Dust on the rings to give his punches, slashes and throws with the weapons an elemental attack element. He can throw them and bounce them back to himself precisely.
- Semblance: "Six Step"
- Creates a translucent hexagonal platform out of Aura that he can jump on, jump from, or jump to. Has a range of only twenty meters and he can only make one or two at a time.
- Appearance: Lithe, runner's build, black neatly coifed hair, black rabbit ears, black eyes, high cheekbones, pointed chin, pale skin, white tufts on his ears, cocky smirk.
- Outfit: Black bodysuit with green glowing lines, pointed motorcycle helmet with holes for his ears, black outer jacket resembling a biker's, tall black boots.
- Personality: Deceptive, arrogant. Seemingly kind and understanding but betrays his prejudices and desires due to his pride. Is only out for himself, considers himself the elite and all others lesser. Sly, manipulative, untrustworthy. Popular thanks to his wealth, looks, and talent, but otherwise despised. Socially apt and cunning. Vengeful and petty. Racist towards humans and despises lower class Faunus. Narcissistic. Thinks he is the hero and everyone else is a side character.
- Notes: The consummate elitist jerk, Hex Skvader is spoiled, petty, and narcissistic. He must have things his way, and if he is blocked, thwarted, or stymied, he will keep at it but via another way. A bully who believes he deserves only the best and his whims are law. Despite his talent as a Hunter, his poor leadership of his team and arrogance holds him back. Has an obsession with Velvet Scarlatina: While he will use and then dump girls for fun or pleasure, the fact she has never once fallen for his charms and is dating a human means he thinks he's doing her a favor by pursuing her.

- Name: Kupa Manduka
- Allusion: Kupamanduka, the "Frog in the Well", with a bit of Asui Tsuyu from My Hero Academia
- Naming Process: Language expression "Kupamanduka", literally "frog in the well," meaning someone whose experience and view of the world is so narrow and small they are akin to a frog sitting at the bottom of a well.
- Age: 19
- Background: Born in Vale City to Pandavan immigrants who did well in the post-Faunus Revolution economic boom, Kupa is fairly well off. He became a Huntsman-in-Training due to family expectations, as his mother was a warrior who once served the Kauravas family before they were overthrown. His father was an engineer who invented a new kind of microchip that made them rich, and then were bought out by the Skvader family.
- Race: Frog Faunus
- Emblem: Bold Frog Symbol
- Weapon: A gada (mace) named "Hanuman" with a Dust charge. Can mechashift into a hand cannon, and has an attachment to shoot harpoons underwater.
- Semblance: "Amphibian"
- Is able to breath underwater by absorbing oxygen directly into his skin and even if he's gagged.
- Appearance: Short, a bit potbellied, round headed. Bowlcut dark green hair with pale clammy skin. Green eyes. Wide lips. Gangly arms and legs. Large feet and long fingered hands. Despite this, is quite nimble, agile, and of course, a fantastic swimmer.
- Outfit: Green diving suit with white belt that has many pouches, goggles he wears almost all the time. Barefooted.
- Personality: Shy, underconfident, and gloomy, Kupa enjoys tinkering with his weapon and various gadgets. Has a genius level intellect for mechanical devices. Due to his frog-like appearance he was ostracized a lot despite his wealth, and so had very few friends. Has very little willpower to stand up to anyone. Really does want to help people, but is too timid to try. Often has to be bullied into doing things. Is enthusiastic about praising Hex, as he's been well trained into doing so and thinks Hex is really his only friend.
- Notes: He thinks he is the closest thing to a friend Hex Skvader has, as Skvader's family bought out Manduka's family company but treated them well. In reality, their relationship is more like master and servant. Hex will sometimes throw Kupa a bone to keep him from getting too depressed, but he mainly gaslights and manipulates the poor kid into being his virtual slave while thinking Hex cares about him.