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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

EternitynChaos said:
Queen K'Tulu or whatever the hell her name was, First Age Solar who basicly turned herself into a Tentacle Thing and started using Kimbery Charms when the Solar Excellency didn't work right with her new form *To close to the Yozi* super crazy lady, so just another day in the first age really /laugh

Jesus fucking christ. I continue to be surprised at just how batshit people could be in the first age,
Yeah, it says a lot when you consider that out Mentor, Bright Shatter Ice could be considered a model of restraint and temperance and sanity when compared to a good 95% of most Elder First Age Solars, for all she had her Issues with... punishment and such.
Technically I would like to know how did Cao Cao survive from Samael's blood, though both Ophis and Great Red are so OP, Ophis didn't take real damage from Samael and the fact that she could manipulate Samael's blood (poured it into a bullet) truly shows that she could resist Samael at any time. And Great Red is supposed to be equal or above her a little.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Reborn!Ddraig when? After thousands to thousands of years the Heavenly Dragons are still treated as God-class, and they haven't gotten any powerup the entire time.
Diller said:
Jesus fucking christ. I continue to be surprised at just how batshit people could be in the first age,
It gets better. She was breeding an army of octopus/squid things to replace humanity, viewing her children as "superior". Despite looking like octopi, she deliberately engineered them so-as to still be compatible with Exaltation.

Oh, and she breed them with her Lunar mate, who was incidentally the very first Lunar Chimera, who she made that way. For those who don't know, Chimera's are mutated monstrous amalgams of various animals, stuck in a perpetual limit break. Oh, and doing this broke his Exaltation.

Here's a description:
When Queen k'Tula walks among her Solar peers, she wears the shape of a young woman who might be called fiercely beautiful if not for the alien indifference of her golden eyes. The Twilight Caste elder detests the political expediencies that make the lie necessary almost as much as she detests the limitations of the face she once wore, but she correctly recognizes that most Lawgivers would not understand or appreciate the modifications she has made to her flesh. Only in her own manse does she tear off the ruse and unchain her body, uncoiling her limbs to infinitely dexterous tentacles until only her caste mark shines unchanged upon a bulbous cephalopod brow. Her submerged sanctuary lies at the bottom of a benthic chasm beneath the Northern ice. It is well hidden and removed from the rest of the world in order to deter visitors and allow the Solar Queen to experiment on herself and the race of sapient Half-Caste octopi descended from her couplings with her Lunar mate in his totem form.

Queen k'Tula is not shy about her extreme transhumanist ideology, though she has given up trying to convince the Deliberative that intrinsic mortal weakness is the anchor holding back Exalted evolution. Many Lawgivers simply assume she spends most of her time in her manse sulking at her unpopularity, when they bother to think of her at all. Those who question further lose interest when they look at her breeding program, which appears little different from those of other savant-engineers and hardly gossip-worthy compared with other Solar fetishes. Such assumptions suit k'Tula just fine. Her spawn represent more than an unchecked peccadillo run awry, being rather a deliberate and calculating attempt to create a superior host for Solar Exaltation. Although she hasn't quite reached a level of contempt to advocate human extinction, she has carefully considered the ramifications and sees some merit to a forced "restructuring" of Exaltation.

In keeping with the parameters and goals of k'Tula's experiment, her spawn do not wield Essence without extensive thaumaturgical training, since integral Essence has been proven to disrupt the Exaltation process. Furthermore, despite almost completely octopoid external morphology, the race incorporates vestigial internal elements of human physiology and spiritual structure to retain the potential for Solar Exaltation. From the outside, her children just appear to be octopi, albeit nearly human-sized telepathic tool-using octopi.
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touhou ranfuku said:
Technically I would like to know how did Cao Cao survive from Samael's blood, though both Ophis and Great Red are so OP, Ophis didn't take real damage from Samael and the fact that she could manipulate Samael's blood (poured it into a bullet) truly shows that she could resist Samael at any time. And Great Red is supposed to be equal or above her a little.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Reborn!Ddraig when? After thousands to thousands of years the Heavenly Dragons are still treated as God-class, and they haven't gotten any powerup the entire time.

Ophis lost half of her power thanks to Samael. It did affect her. Cao Cao didn't survive. His body was breaking down and then Indra sent him and the other Longius users to the realm of the dead on a training trip without their Longius.
BFldyq said:
It gets better. She was breeding an army of octopus/squid things to replace humanity, viewing her children as "superior". Despite looking like octopi, she deliberately engineered them so-as to still be compatible with Exaltation.

Oh, and she breed them with her Lunar mate, who was incidentally the very first Lunar Chimera, who she made that way. For those who don't know, Chimera's are mutated monstrous amalgams of various animals, stuck in a perpetual limit break. Oh, and doing this broke his Exaltation.

Here's a description:

Oh that's who she is. It seems batshit is a very big understatement for how she was.
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BFldyq said:
It gets better. She was breeding an army of octopus/squid things to replace humanity, viewing her children as "superior". Despite looking like octopi, she deliberately engineered them so-as to still be compatible with Exaltation.

Oh, and she breed them with her Lunar mate, who was incidentally the very first Lunar Chimera, who she made that way. For those who don't know, Chimera's are mutated monstrous amalgams of various animals, stuck in a perpetual limit break. Oh, and doing this broke his Exaltation.

Here's a description:

-_- I knew the first age stuff was insane but this does take the cake and eat it.
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Diller said:
Ophis lost half of her power thanks to Samael. It did affect her. Cao Cao didn't survive. His body was breaking down and then Indra sent him and the other Longius users to the realm of the dead on a training trip without their Longius.

It has been stated that Samael's blood is strong enough to eat away soul and body (Boosted Gear's previous users), if Cao Cao didn't survive then he wouldn't be in vol 16, in Ophis case it's more like she took it all by herself but Samael drained her all and only managed to cut it half, also she was able to release her snakes while being affected by Samael.
Diller said:
Ophis lost half of her power thanks to Samael. It did affect her. Cao Cao didn't survive. His body was breaking down and then Indra sent him and the other Longius users to the realm of the dead on a training trip without their Longius.
Considering removing someones Sacred Gear kills them, "sending them to the Realm of the Dead" is an euphemism for "he killed them".

Which makes it really scary that Cao Cao came back.

touhou ranfuku said:
It has been stated that Samael's blood is strong enough to eat away soul and body (Boosted Gear's previous users), if Cao Cao didn't survive then he wouldn't be in vol 16, in Ophis case it's more like she took it all by herself but Samael drained her all and only managed to cut it half, also she was able to release her snakes while being affected by Samael.
Nope, Cao Cao died. Indra even taunted him to come back from the dead:
–I will give your holy-spear back to you if you can come back from the realm of the dead. Since you are a Hero you should be able do such things. After all the Sekiryuutei did do something similar you know?"
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When someone says transhumanism, my mind doesn't jump immediately to 'octopus-thing with infinite tentacles'.
Guess the Solar Perfection shines through once more.
touhou ranfuku said:
It has been stated that Samael's blood is strong enough to eat away soul and body (Boosted Gear's previous users), if Cao Cao didn't survive then he wouldn't be in vol 16, in Ophis case it's more like she took it all by herself but Samael drained her all and only managed to cut it half, also she was able to release her snakes while being affected by Samael.

Vol 12

"……What are you going to do with me?"

"Nothing much. You will be sent to the realm of the dead along with Georg and Leonardo. Hades is really unpleasant right now, so you guys can cheer him up. You can wait for the spider's web to come down there. But I will be taking all of your Longinuses. For me to take it from you guys in the Balance-Breaker state. It sure makes me happy that tears will be flowing out from my eyes –ZE!

"……You sure are a horrible God."

"Who were the ones who were trying to control me and the other gods from the shadows? Well, you just basically received your punishment for it. –I will give your holy-spear back to you if you can come back from the realm of the dead. Since you are a Hero you should be able do such things. After all the Sekiryuutei did do something similar you know?"

Remember getting your sacred gear taken from you is fatal. Imdra killed the Kahis brigade Longius users and challenged them to come back to life just like Ise.

Vol 16
"HAHAHA! You were unexpectedly fast. No, I'll take that back. —You were faster than I predicted. How was the realm of the dead, Cao Cao?"
"…………For the God himself that dropped me down there to ask my opinion about it, you really are a horrible God, Śakra-sama."

Like I promised, I'll return the Holy Spear."

Further proof Cao Cap didn't have the TL which means it was extracted from him which means he died.

Edit ninjaed.
MerelysSoul said:
I noticed.

Anyway, what is DT exactly?
DT usually stands for devil-tiger, a being similar to a primordial that happens when one of the Infernal Exalted reaches a high permanent essence score and figures out how to make his own charm set.

DB on the other hand is shorthand for dragon-blood, the terrestrial exalted.

So it's different between Issei and Cao Cao? Since the Boosted Gear previous users died for real, as in they disappeared into light particles while clearly Cao Cao was still able to talk Sakra in his place.
Smuthunter said:
DT usually stands for devil-tiger, a being similar to a primordial that happens when one of the Infernal Exalted reaches a high permanent essence score and figures out how to make his own charm set.

DB on the other hand is shorthand for dragon-blood, the terrestrial exalted.

Ok, thanks SH. I usally see DT all the time with Infernals but didn't know what is means.
touhou ranfuku said:

So it's different between Issei and Cao Cao? Since the Boosted Gear previous users died for real, as in they disappeared into light particles while clearly Cao Cao was still able to talk Sakra in his place.

Ise thanks to having BG Is basically a humanoid dragon. It's why Xenovia and Kuroka want his kids. He has the traits of a heavenly dragon in his genes Samel is the Dragon Eater so his poison is designed to work on those with draconic traits like Ise,

Cao Cao despite having the medusa's eye implanted in him still human in soul and 99% of body. therefore it didn't hurt him as bad as it did Ise. Though Indra did say he couldn't move and he would be affected by it even if it was cured.

Basically Ise= dragon meaning Quick death(unless he was like Vali amd Ophis amd just had so much power he could tank through it.)

Cao Cao= (99%) human with a snake's eye. Still a very potent poison but not as fast acting as it would've been if he had more dragon or snakelike traits.

kinglugia said:
...So we have our own Lovecraft horror in Creation. Joy.

Wait this doesn't please you?

On a more serious note. Have you seen some of the primoridals, yozi or incarnae?

Hell just imagining what happened to Malefas makes me want to hurl.
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kinglugia said:
...So we have our own Lovecraft horror in Creation. Joy.
Oh, we have a hell of a lot more Lovecraftian Horrors in Creation than just Octopus-Woman. The Raksha, for example, and especially the Unshaped, are essentially living stories that alternately hate you for having shape (and thus restricting them) and wanting to eat your dreams. They're like a combination of the King in Yellow and minus.
Indeed, if you go looking for it there's a lot of fucked up shit in Creation.
Least Devotee said:
Indeed, if you go looking for it there's a lot of fucked up shit in Creation.

But let's remember one fact. WE are the HERO, thus, somehow, can fix all of creation, maybe, probably, eventually.
Diller said:
Jesus fucking christ. I continue to be surprised at just how batshit people could be in the first age,
Frankly this isn't so bad, at least compared to the one that turned her country into a giant machine, and the people into organic components therein, or the one who built her city with acoustic effects that made it so that when she melted the populace into fully-aware, in-perpetual-agony blobs of flesh, their screaming sounded like beautiful music from her palace.
Odysseus2099 said:
Frankly this isn't so bad, at least compared to the one that turned her country into a giant machine, and the people into organic components therein, or the one who built her city with acoustic effects that made it so that when she melted the populace into fully-aware, in-perpetual-agony blobs of flesh, their screaming sounded like beautiful music from her palace.

And I continue to see why the Usrupation happened.
MerelysSoul said:
But let's remember one fact. WE are the HERO, thus, somehow, can fix all of creation, maybe, probably, eventually.

As long as we remember that the whole "heroin-pissing dinosaur" plan was a joke. Can't let this stuff go to our head too much.
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MerelysSoul said:
Same here.

you know, Invictus Sol is supposed to be lucy, it kinda makes sense that his exalted fall.
They're pretty much unrelated. The UCS is the Paragon of All Virtues, sort of the best guy that a guy can be (which is part of his problem, since he's constantly being tugged in all directions, and much of the reason why he left Creation to the Exalted so he could play Divine WoW-crack). The reason the Exalted turned into dicks is a combination of the Great Curse, which causes their virtues to be extremely exaggerated, and simple human nature. Honestly, the UCS just gave them power and perfection, he had little to do with it.
Justbrowsing said:
As long as we remember that the whole "heroin-pissing dinosaur" plan was a joke. Can't let this stuff go to our head too much.

Let's also not forget that as a Solar Half of Creation wants to kill us and the other half wants to manipulate us and then kill us once our usefulness has run out.

Thankfully as we're not a traditional solar we have much more abilities that people in creation will just go "WTF" at so we'renott as screwed as we could be as a newbie Solar.
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Justbrowsing said:
As long as we remember that the whole "heroin-pissing dinosaur" plan was a joke. Can't let this stuff go to our head too much.

But.. but I want my dino... but instead of Heroin, alcohol...

Anyway, yes you are right, we don't need this to get to our heads... much.

The Slumbering Crocodile said:
They're pretty much unrelated. The UCS is the Paragon of All Virtues, sort of the best guy that a guy can be (which is part of his problem, since he's constantly being tugged in all directions, and much of the reason why he left Creation to the Exalted so he could play Divine WoW-crack). The reason the Exalted turned into dicks is a combination of the Great Curse, which causes their virtues to be extremely exaggerated, and simple human nature. Honestly, the UCS just gave them power and perfection, he had little to do with it.

During the whole Old WoD and Exalted deal, they planned on making UCS Lucy. And the story is similar, with UCS being a mixture of Zeus and Lucy.

You're right on the fact that it isn't entirely UCS's fault. But I would say is without the Great Curse, Solar would still fall due to power corrupts.
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MerelysSoul said:
You're right on the fact that it isn't entirely UCS's fault. But I would say is without the Great Curse, Solar would still fall due to power corrupts.
"Power corrupts" is not a universal truth. Different people respond to having power in different ways, for example some might refuse to use it; George Washington refusing to allow Congress to crown him King of the Americas after the American Revolution for example.

The Solars weren't corrupted only because they had power -- the Lunars and Sidereals had comparable power and not nearly as much monstrosity, all things considered -- but also because the First Age was set up in such a way as to make them completely unaccountable for their actions, in much the same way that the gods could not punish or even chastise the primordials for their actions prior to the creation of the Exalted.
Smuthunter said:
"Power corrupts" is not a universal truth because people respond to having power in different ways, for example some might refuse to use it because they know what happens to people who let power go to their heads. The Solars weren't corrupted only because they had power -- the Lunars and Sidereals had comparable power and not nearly as much monstrosity, all things considered -- but also because the First Age was set up in such a way as to make them completely unaccountable for their actions, in much the same way that the gods could not punish or even chastise the primordials for their actions prior to the creation of the Exalted.
Also, not all Solars were corrupt monsters. There were many good Solars as well. Just so happened that most of the corrupt Solars were running the place.

Anyway, in case anyone thinks that Bright Shattered Ice was "good" in the First Age, read this:
North of the White Valley lie the Diamond Hills. The province consists of eight principalities, which are named One through Seven because of their low populations. The eighth is Tzatli, the nominal home of the famous flying city.

The land is harsh. Perpetual winds ruffle scrubby grasses, making the land seem to undulate. Permafrost crunches underfoot, and trees bend double under the wind. Few people dwell here for any great length of time, and most rarely know anything of the Realm more recent than eight months past. People come to the Diamond Hills to get away from the Deliberative, even though this region still pledges loyalty. I AM nonetheless keeps tabs as best it can on those persons wanted for crimes. When they tire of their self-imposed exile, they can be found and punished.

The Diamond Hills are famous for mining and wild harvesting. Two thousand miles closer to the Elemental Pole of Air than the White Valley, a rich array of medicinal herbs useful in treating respiratory diseases grows in the permafrost here. Beneath the hard ground and below the icy water table lie crystalline metal ores and veins of minerals that are light but strong for building airships and swift weaponry. No great manufactories produce final products here. Bands of official and unofficial exiles cannot be permitted to run weapon manufactories. Instead, airboats make regular visits to the Diamond Hills to carry refined metals and crystals south and to bring prisoners and contract laborers north.

Scattered across the region is a series of slender steel needles, hundreds of feet high, reinforced with white jade alloy. These poles thrum with energy, and lightning arcs out from them to strike anyone standing within 100 feet of their bases or to airships traveling within 100 feet of them in the air. Those spires close to transportation routes carry lanterns as warning beacons. Many more are unmarked and difficult to spot. These lightning rods act as energy collectors for the city of Tzatli. It takes a tremendous amount of Essence gathered from the Elemental Pole of Air to keep the city afloat. These lightning rods collect the Essence and relay it along moonsilver cables that flex and change position in response to the city's motion. Whichever lightning rod is closest to the city actually beams Essence up to it in a single arc of continuous lightning.

Other than its principal city, few great population centers exist in the province. Towns huddle under Essence-enforced domes of transparent spidersilk canvas and laminated mammoth bone. Few of the wonders of the Age of Splendor are found here in a land of rough living and rougher civilization.

The flying city of Tzatli is a marvel of the Age known and celebrated in art and literature all over Creation. I AM regularly reports to awestruck and envious mortals on the technical marvels built into the city.

Its founder and builder, the Solar artificer Bright Shattered Ice, regards it as but a plaything or a clubhouse for her and her circle. Its brilliant towers of white false-stone and blue crystal rise from a semispherical hull whose mirrored surface reflects the countryside below. A perpetual column of lightning rising from the region's nearest lighting rod below keeps the city in the air. Every half-hour, local shuttles and skyremes carry travelers between the city and destinations all throughout Creation.

What visitors discover, although it's never mentioned in I AM's news reports, is how sterile and cold the city seems. No flowers adorn the city streets. Civilians hurry about their work in plain robes of white linen and wool. Decoration is modest and minimalist. Teahouses are studied and formal, and drinking houses are subdued. The constant music of the city is ethereal, even awe-inspiring, but it lacks human warmth or depth. It is as though Bright Shattered Ice, in building a city to indulge all her passions, has pulled the passions out of everyone else.

Even so, Tzatli keeps its people. While tourists and visitors on business can visit with minimal fuss, citizens have considerably more difficulty leaving. Bright Shattered Ice's adamant legionaries (similar to the brass legionnaires on p. 103 of The Books of Sorcery, Vol. I—Wonders of the Lost Age) guard the city's exits far more closely than they guard its entrances, and the city's highly efficient bureaucracy rarely issues passports.

There are always at least 156,281 citizens in Tzatli engaged in flight-critical tasks that keep the city functional. An additional 156,281 engage in economic production, while a third group of the same size is engaged in leisure activities. A fourth group sleeps or rests with family at home. Only once those conditions are met are any citizens allowed to depart the city—which, of course, makes it harder yet to leave.

The upper towers of the city are likewise separated out by caste. The uppermost stories of the city towers are reserved for Bright Shattered Ice, her circle and similarly high-ranking guests. The middle floors are given over to the Dragon-Blooded who manage her bureaucracy and officer her garrison. Lower floors and the hull's depths belong to mortals. Ordinary humans fit into one of 16 sub-groups: Officials of the First through Fifth Ranks, Artisans of the First through Fourth Ranks, Workers of the First through Third Ranks, Peacekeepers of the First and Second Rank, Merchants and Supernumeraries. There is very little progression or advancement outside of one's birth caste. Only clever and brave Supernumeraries have a chance of passing examinations to enter one of the other castes. As redundant citizens, they must to be ready to substitute in an emergency so that the city continues to fly.

Such emergencies and accidents are all too common in Tzatli. The law code is harsh. Idling too much during working hours or arriving home too late for "family time" is punished severely. Whole families have been rounded up and imprisoned for arguing too loudly over dinner and disrupting the city's happiness. I AM is obliged to report to the city's secret police on just who is disobeying the law. The city lacks safety railings—a grave hazard during maneuvers to avoid a blizzard or tornado. Despite being Tzatli's poorest citizens, the Supernumeraries all carry portable hologlyph terminals, so officials can summon them rapidly to new assignments. Groups of Supernumeraries have sat down to warm dinners, after police hauled away the original diners.
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It also didn't help that they came right out of a battle against the Primordials and then went right to ruling Creation, with no new threats out there, no real ones anyway, no other worlds, no other universe, just the endless Wyld which doesn't really count, and themselves all pointed at each other.

Bright Shatter Ice WAS good, for a 'First Age Elder Solar', and I will note she is mellowing a lot as time goes by with how she is now compared to how she first was.

And I'd like to note, that she didn't have anyone punished who didn't committe a crime, true she had draconian laws and harsh standards but I will note that she holds herself to just as high if not higher standareds, and it was often Desus who set her Limit Breaks off that caused her to make those Laws, just fyi

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