That is not dead which can eternal lie
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Fixed.Unelemental said:Either 'What an unfathomable depth of character', or 'What an unfathomably deep character'.
Return of the Scarlet Empress is...could be better. But it offers interesting inspiration:
The Radiant Dragon
The Embodiment of Supremacy
Motivation: ?
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 4, Valor 4, Temperance 2
Attributes: Strength 20, Dexterity 16, Stamina 20, Charisma 18, Manipulation 1, Appearance 15, Perception 10, Intelligence 10, Wits 10
Abilities: ?
Radiant Dragon Cosmic-Body Unity
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 5;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: None;
Prerequisites: First Radiant Dragon Excellency
The Radiant Dragon's body is simultaneously material and dematerialized, allowing him to perceive and physically interact with beings and objects in either state as though he shared that state. He can walk through sanctum entrances like a dematerialized being but may ignore them as a materialized being. All the results of his actions likewise benefit from this unique nature. If another effect defines the character's state as exclusively material or incorporeal, he may ignore that effect at will to exist between states. A second purchase at Essence 7+ removes the need for sustenance, air and sleep and grants immunity to non-magical disease, plus lets him hear prayers from any realm of existence (but doesn't make him a spirit).
Radiant Dragon Eternal Essence
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 7;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Glorification
Prerequisites: Radiant Dragon Cosmic-Body Unity [x2]
The Radiant Dragon cannot be killed by mere injury. If lethal or aggravated damage would reduce him below his last Incapacitated level, it is not applied, nor may an effect slay him outright. Effects that can permanently kill spirits bypass this protection and transform his Essence into a ghost (or Neverborn, if he knows Radiant Dragon Cosmic Principle.
Radiant Dragon Cosmic Principle
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 10;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: Shaping;
Prerequisites: First Radiant Dragon Excellency
This Charm shapes the Radiant Dragon's Essence into a single Personal pool with a capacity of 1,000 motes and makes him immune to aging.
Radiant Dragon Conceptual Harmony
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 10;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: None;
Prerequisites: Radiant Dragon Cosmic Principle
The Radiant Dragon uses his own Charms even more adroitly than a spirit uses its own. He can unleash any possible Combo of his Charms without needing to spend Willpower to do so or declare which Charms he intends to activate (as long as the Combo is valid). Moreover, all of his Charms gain the Combo-OK keyword. He can even use reflexive Charms while casting spells, but he cannot do so to enhance the spell in any way. Finally, he is immune to all harm from Radiant Dragon Charms.
Radiant Dragon Pantheon Unfurling
Cost: [Essence x 100]m;
Mins: Essence 10;
Type: Simple;
Duration: Instant;
Keywords: Glorification, Shaping;
Prerequisites: Radiant Dragon Conceptual Harmony
By paying 100 motes per dot of permanent Essence the Radiant Dragon spawns a Third Circle soul with full motes. He can't possess more than (Willpower + highest Virtue) Third Circle souls. He can possess his souls (or beings descended from them) and can telepathically communicate with such beings across all distance and realms of existence (information exchange only; no social attacks). Influence is two-way, however, as the Dragon has an Intimacy of dedication to each of the current Motivations of every Third Circle soul that cannot be removed or altered by any means save altering the Motivations of the Soul in question.
Radiant Dragon Glory Incarnate
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 10;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: None;
Prerequisites: Radiant Dragon Cosmic Principle:
This Charm defines the Attributes and Abilities of the Radiant Dragon as unquestionable truth. He also remembers the comprehensive memories of everyone who has ever learned this Charm. Such
conceptual purity also confers immunity to undesired Shaping effects, though this protection temporarily abates while he has spent all Willpower points or has no motes remaining. Even the most powerful Shaping attacks such as Soul Mastery and Pattern Spider Touch cannot penetrate this perfect defense.
Radiant Dragon Worldshaper Assumption
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 10;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: Shaping;
Prerequisites: Radiant Dragon Eternal Essence, Radiant Dragon Glory Incarnate
Unless defined by other Charms, the Radiant Dragon's body can take any shape he desires with a size ranging from 1–100 yards in any dimension. His natural soak is (Willpower + Essence)B/L/A, and he has the following health level track:
He naturally heals damage at the rate of one bashing or lethal level per hour or one aggravated level per day, starting with the least severe damage as normal. He is completely immune to all harm or penalties from environmental conditions not imposed by the direct actions of another being and all harm not imposed with a Charm, spell, Artifact or other magical effect. His base movement rate is 15 yards per tick (30 yards per tick while dashing) with any form of locomotion, including flight and teleportation through barriers.
Radiant Dragon Epic Panoply
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 10;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: Shaping;
Prerequisites: Radiant Dragon Worldshaper Assumption
The Radiant Dragon has (Willpower) Dodge and Parry DV/MDV against any attack as appropriate, choosing how this defense manifests (such as literally dodging aside or allowing attacks to pass harmlessly through him). He gains (Valor) attack options, manifesting them in any way appropriate to his themes. A strike may be a tail swipe or bite as a dragon, or a weapon he conjures while appearing humanoid. His blast may be an arrow shot from a summoned bow or a stream of burning plasma he breathes.
Unquestionable Will Transcendence
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 4;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: None;
Prerequisites: Willpower 8+
The strength of the Radiant Dragon's spirit knows no limits. He increases his pool of Willpower points by his Essence rating, that he can choose to refill when regaining points as normal.
Dragon Who Inherited the Sun
Cost: —;
Mins: Essence 8;
Type: Permanent;
Duration: Permanent;
Keywords: None;
Upon activating the Charm's prerequisite, the Radiant Dragon's body expands into his distinctive form: a western dragon made of molten, lava-like golden light, blazing galaxies as eyes and six wings on his back, stretching up to 40 miles from snout to tail and 5 miles wide. This epic size does not make him easier to hit, as attacks he dodges are burned away before reaching him. His own attacks cannot be part of a flurry, but simultaneously hit everything within a radius of half his width around the desired impact point with a single attack roll, against which each target in that radius separately defends. His blast attack also has a range increment of three miles. Charms enhancing his attacks apply equally to all victims as though they were the sole target.