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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Issei does have pretty limited time. Let's see how useful her ability is after she works with Azazel for some training. She's a little young to add to the Harem. Most importantly! Not sure if she'd be worth adding to our growing treasure trove. Yang, Mittelt, Asia, and Shougo are all blondes, Ruby is Ruby(her name is a gemstone what more do you need) Rias is the "Crimson Princess of Ruin" and Princesses are a traditional part of any dragon's horde. :D.
megrisvernin said:
Issei does have pretty limited time. Let's see how useful her ability is after she works with Azazel for some training. She's a little young to add to the Harem. Most importantly! Not sure if she'd be worth adding to our growing treasure trove. Yang, Mittelt, & Asia, Shougo are all blondes, Ruby is Ruby(her name is a gemstone what more do you need) Rias is the "Crimson Princess of Ruin" and Princesses are a traditional part of any dragon's horde. :D.

Blink who said anything about adding her to the harem? My point was just that we should look out for Honoka and make sure she gets the proper training from an expert not that we should have join our group and harem. Honestly I hope she never has to put her newfound skills to actual use. She's only 12-13 years old. She shouldn't have to worry about crap like people trying to kill her or brainwash her because of the power she has. I just don't want to leave her defenseless and was pointing out she'd probably try to hang out around us if she could.

Though she would be a very worthy treasure. After all she has a goddamn Longius which means she can become very very powerful and if she grows up to look like her mom then she'll be a Bombshell.

Smuthunter said:
Yeah if you assume that Honoka's existence is known to the Hero Faction then she's not really safe no matter who she's with unless she hides in a bunker with a bunch of main characters looming over her shoulder for the rest of her life.
Diller for the love of god please stop spamming up the thread with giant quotes of terrible translations. We have spoiler blocks for stuff like that.

Fixed sorry forgot about the spoiler boxes.
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Regarding Honoka, first we need to explain the fucking situation to her family and the Masters, you know the people currently responsible for her.

EternitynChaos said:
Damn though, kinda irked we lost our Half-Caste creation charm before we had the time to use it on everyone, hopefully we get it back, because the other option makes the target loose a dot a will power which is kinda bad -_- the other artefact charms I can live without, as we have the important one ^^ but the Apotheosis was number 2 on my list of ones I didn't want to loose ^^; ah well
nightblade said:
Can someone tell me why alex decide to nerf us and make so all the exp we had spent on the knacks is now wasted.
The answer to both of these questions is rather simple, we didn't.

We lost none of the charms or abilities that let us use Dragon Knacks, that was merely disabled while Boosted Gear was. On top of that we never lost "Gift of Radiant Destiny" aka the charm that lets us make Half-Caste.

What we did lose was "Boosted Gear Prominence" aka the transfer Excellencies/motes charm and "Boosted Gear Apotheosis" aka boost item.
Least Devotee said:
Regarding Honoka, first we need to explain the fucking situation to her family and the Masters, you know the people currently responsible for her.
The answer to both of these questions is rather simple, we didn't.

We lost none of the charms or abilities that let us use Dragon Knacks, that was merely disabled while Boosted Gear was. On top of that we never lost "Gift of Radiant Destiny" aka the charm that lets us make Half-Caste.

What we did lose was "Boosted Gear Prominence" aka the transfer Excellencies/motes charm and "Boosted Gear Apotheosis" aka boost item.
This is what I get for not keeping a character sheet open in a separate tab. :-[
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Ah, ok ^^ coolies I was misremembering things, that's a major weight of my mind the
Least Devotee said:
Regarding Honoka, first we need to explain the fucking situation to her family and the Masters, you know the people currently responsible for her.
The answer to both of these questions is rather simple, we didn't.

We lost none of the charms or abilities that let us use Dragon Knacks, that was merely disabled while Boosted Gear was. On top of that we never lost "Gift of Radiant Destiny" aka the charm that lets us make Half-Caste.

What we did lose was "Boosted Gear Prominence" aka the transfer Excellencies/motes charm and "Boosted Gear Apotheosis" aka boost item.

We also lost the solar lens which were our boosters for our energy attacks.
Smuthunter said:
This is what I get for not keeping a character sheet open in a separate tab. :-[
It was rather confusing when I saw multiple people asking how we lost certain charms that I knew we still had.

@Diller: Yes, it's also not a charm which is what most people were asking about, probably should have made that clear though.
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nothing says we can't relearn those charms we are a twilight exalted we make BG get them back XD

cause i want to use boost item again lol

also next update looks fun.

khaos brigade is going to be a major antagonist to issei in this quest more so since issei has gotten more fame than he did in canon. Looking forward to how alexander plays this.
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And I thought we could finish this boss, gets the EXP, gets some bromance with HSDK characters and back to our DxD canon plot line, guess this now is more complicated than what I expected.

So now we wait for Alexander to update, there's no vote right?
Outside of allocating were we want the 3 +'s to Boosted Gear to go, no.

Speaking of which:
[X] +3 Defense
only vote is for bonus allocation

[X] +3 to Defense

good point chaos!
>.< Rate is only for Flurry, which we don't do, we have almost all our bonus sunk into Accuracy for Fist of Iron and with FoI we have maxed Flurry anyway Defence is where we are lacking which is why we are getting hit, hitting people is not a problem we are having as seen by the fact that even without any motes added other then Fist of Iron we are rolling 20 dice per attack with a 2 dice Stunt atm I believe, we don't need any more accuracy

Add to that the fact that if we are using Boosted Gear we have our Overdrives, which means adding dice to our attacks is Not a problem, raising our DV on the other hand isn't so easy

Plus if we really want to Flurry in a round, thats what charms like this

Hammer on Iron Technique
Cost: 3m 1w; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Hero
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fist of the Daystar Form

As the Unconquered Sun blazes unrelenting in the sky, so do his Chosen rain death upon their foes. This Charm creates a magical flurry of Essence +1 unarmed Martial Arts attacks that must be directed at the same target. Speed and DV penalty are equal to the highest in the flurry and Rate is ignored.

Hero: The Solar may use Essence or Dexterity to calculate the number of attacks she makes, whichever is higher. At Essence 4, she may repurchase this Charm to add an additional 2 attacks to the flurry. The prerequisite is Sledgehammer Fist Punch.

are for and similar charms, not only do they let us bring the pain, but they don't give us multiple action penalty's or lower our DV horribly like a normal Flurry would
what ever happened to savage dragon focus? I just remembered that we either had it or could learn it.
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noahgab1133 said:
what ever happened to savage dragon focus? I just remembered that we either had it or could learn it.

Probably want to learn Sage Dragon Meditation first, as that lets us still us our Martial arts and such rather then becoming a Rage Machine like the Savage Dragon Focus does which is based on the Evil Dragon thing

Both of which can be found on this page, along with the list of Dragon Knacks http://questionablequesting.com/index.php?topic=563.msg93080#msg93080

I think it costs us 9xp to learn one of the Dragon Charms, which the Focus and Meditation are I believe

anyway, hope that helps ^^
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EternitynChaos said:
Probably want to learn Sage Dragon Meditation first, as that lets us still us our Martial arts and such rather then becoming a Rage Machine like the Savage Dragon Focus does which is based on the Evil Dragon thing

Both of which can be found on this page, along with the list of Dragon Knacks http://questionablequesting.com/index.php?topic=563.msg93080#msg93080

I think it costs us 9xp to learn one of the Dragon Charms, which the Focus and Meditation are I believe

anyway, hope that helps ^^

On that note we need to buy another round of Dragon essence dominance so we can get more dragon knacks. Or if we already have get some more knacks.
[X] +3 to Defense

Yeah defense is the way to go we have many ways to increase our offensive ability defending is so much harder.

Anyway the Honoka situation is going to be a bit of a tricky one first we don't know IC that this is a Longinus until we are told by either Ddriag of one of our other contacts. Once we do find out we need to tell the Masters the other things going on. Until Honoka woke her sacred gear up they were only partly involved now by virtue of being connected to a Longinus holder they are neck deep and I'd rather not see them caught unaware of the fact that shit is going down in the supernatural world.

I'm a little upset at the loss of the solar lens and the apotheosis abilities I had things I wanted to use those for. Mainly recreating the solar lens for Millett and our other followers and lovers that rely on energy attacks. Even if we could only create one that would add a quarter of the damage enhancement it would have been worth it and having a model to work with probably would have helped.
As for apotheosis I wanted to use it on our light saber and one of those light guns. By analyzing the improved state we could have understood how the improvements worked and sold them back to the Grigori and possibly Heaven later on not to mention since they are compatible with essence our own foot soldiers in the future could use them or variants. Not to mention the lost opportunities with Kiba and his gear.

I've been looking through some list of Exalted charms ugh so many useful things. We should get our last stamina dot soon though so many of our ability are enhanced or rely on it. Speaking of possible purchase and knacks we should get a list together somewhere of what is available for us.
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ask and you shall receive.

Dragon Essence Domination
Repurchase: 9 Xp
Knack Slots: 4

Unconquerable Pride
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 3, Strength 3
Pride is the most important thing for a Dragon: as long as he holds faith in his own strength, nothing can stop him. While the character enjoys the "Scales" mutation, add the Strength rating to Hardness and Soak.

Natural Born Armor
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Essence 3, Stamina 4
Dragons don't wear armors or clothes—why should they? The scales covering their bodies are the mightiest material in existence, rivaling even the fabled Divine Artifacts. A Character manifesting the "Scales" mutation adds his Essence to Soak and acquire a Hardness rating equal to his Lethal Soak.

Armor Crusher
Cost: 5m
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Strength 3
The raw power of a Dragon's attacks now allows him not only to break through obstacles and walls, but to slam right through armor. This Knack enhance the "Claw" and "Bite" mutations: while it is active, the character's attacks all gain the Piercing quality.

Battle Roar
Cost: 2m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Charisma 2
During a battle, be it a pitched field engagement or an alley fight between a band of Exalts and a gang of Wyld mutants, the Exalt can loose a ponderous battle cry that unnerves his foes. Roll (Charisma + Presence) at difficulty 2: if successful, every fighter on the Exalt's enemies' side who hears the unearthly shriek loses one die from all attack rolls for a number of attacks equal to the Exalt's Essence rating. He can let out this battle cry only once per combat scene, and it doesn't affect enemies whose Essence rating is higher than his.

Welsh Dragon's Blessing
Cost: 1m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 4
Those that confide in the Welsh Dragon never suffer from hunger. The character can spend 1 mote to permanently double a single characteristic of a common object, like the size of an apple or the amount of sugar in a fruit's juice. The size cannot be bigger than the character's own size.

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Inner Furnace", Stamina 4
The character will never lack for sustenance again. Any liquid that can exist at as a liquid at room temperature can sustain him as water sustains a mortal—even such distasteful liquids as gasoline, blood, pine-scented disinfectant or diet cola. The same goes for food. Whereas Inner Furnace requires that the character at least consume organic matter in order to fuel the inferno at his core, this Knack loosens even that restriction. He could fill his belly with sand, polystyrene, harmonicas or suture needles and not feel so much of a pang of indigestion. This Knack confers no special ability to chew up or tear off pieces of inorganic material, but anything small enough to swallow disappears down his gullet with no harmful effects and fuels him just as efficiently as normal food.

Draconic Fortitude
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Iron Fortitude", Stamina 4
This Knack doubles the amount of time the character can work at a strenuous task once more after the prerequisite Knack doubles the base amount of time. This Knack also completely obviates the character's need for food or sleep or water. The character's player chooses which necessity the Knack takes away when he first chooses the Knack. When he does so, the character may still indulge in the activity, but he never suffers deprivation effects if he chooses not to. The character may take this Knack three separate times after he takes the prerequisite, each time obviating one of the three listed necessities. Taking the Knack multiple times does not, however, double the amount of time he can work at a strenuous task each time. That period doubles only once, the first time he takes the Knack.

Supreme Regeneration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: "Infinite Factory of Life", Essence 4
Not even the most grievous wound last long on a Dragon's body. This Knack permanently enhances "Infinite Factory of Life", allowing the character to instantly heal a Crippling wound as if he's healing a single Lethal Health level.

Language Mastery
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Intelligence 3
The character can understand any language that is spoken to him. Once he's heard a few sentences, he can then speak that language back as if he grew up among native speakers. Writing the language is a bit trickier, as he can only transliterate his written words in the alphabet of his native language until someone teaches him the alphabet and punctuation of the new language. For instance, say a character with this Knack whose native language is English has picked up French at Orly Airport in Paris and would like to leave a thank-you note for a bartender who gave him helpful information. He might write, "Maresee du mah-vay zayday" to express his thanks, when what he really means is "Merci de m'avez aidé". Likewise, reading the new language can be difficult if that language uses characters that don't appear in an alphabet with which he is already familiar.

Mountainous Beast Form
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Essence 4, Stamina 4
With this Knack the character may increase the size of his War Form. The size increase requires no extra effort or motes—the War Form doubles in size. Strength, Stamina and health levels increase as if the War Form carried the "Large" mutation (Strength +1, Stamina +1, -0 Health level +1).

Dragon's Might Technique
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 1, Stamina 1
Dragons are eternal: not so easily are their mighty bodies slain. This Knack gives the user additional health levels. He may purchase this Knack multiple times, but no more than once per dot of Stamina. Each purchase provides 1 additional Dying health level and one of the following:
-One -0 health level
-Two -1 health levels
-Three -2 health levels
-Four -4 health levels

Dragon's Breath
Cost: 4m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence 1
The user can breath fire from his mouth. Rolls (Dexterity + [Athletics, Archery or Thrown]) to hit and add the user's Essence as extra successes if successful. Dragon's Breath has an area of effect 15 yards long and five yards wide, and it deals (Stamina+Essence) Lethal damage.

Prodigious Leap
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Dexterity 3
This Knack doubles the user's vertical and horizontal jumping distances. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.

Hurl to the Horizon
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Strength 3
This Knack doubles the distance the user can throw something as a feat of strength. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.

Uplifting Might
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Strength 2
This Knack doubles the user's lift capacity. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.

Lightning Sprinter
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Dexterity 3
This Knack doubles the amount of distance the can cover in a Move and Dash action. What's more, it negates the movement penalties a character should accrue for dashing through water or mud as long as the user began his Dash action on terrain with no such penalty and continues to perform consecutive Dash actions. As long as he keeps dashing his feet skim the surface of the water or muck like a skipping stone. If he should slow down or stop, however, he sinks into the sucking terrain to suffer the normal penalties. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.

Swords Are Useless
Cost: 3m
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stamina 3
The user convert all the lethal damage from a single attack into bashing damage, though an overload of bashing damage still upgrades existing bashing damage to lethal. This Knack cannot convert aggravated damage into anything less grave. The user cannot convert old lethal damage into bashing damage.

Iron Fortitude
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Stamina 3
The periods in which the user is able to go without food, water and sleep all double. The amount of time he is able to work at a strenuous task without stopping also doubles. He may purchase this Knack multiple times.

Inner Furnace
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Stamina 3
The user rarely finds himself lacking for sustenance. As long as he can find some sort of organic substance (from rotting quail eggs to a piece of notebook paper on which someone blew her nose) he can eat it and survive. And as long as he finds a source of water (no matter how stagnant or polluted it might be), he can drink it and survive. Any pestilence or poison lurking in what he consumes burns in the fires of his superior constitution without even requiring a Resistance roll. The same goes for drugs or poisons he ingests on purpose: he's still just as susceptible to airborne toxins and any drug injected into his bloodstream, but any drug that has to go through his stomach first stops there. This Knack does nothing to suppress the gag reflex or make an unappetizing meal taste better.

Instincts of the Beast
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Wits 2
Whenever the user enters an area where an ambush is waiting, even if he has no reason to suspect he's in danger, certain tiny clues set his subconscious on edge, preparing him for an attack. When the attacker finally springs the surprise assault, the user hears the tiniest rustle of fabric, sees the slightest flicker in his peripheral vision or feels the gentlest twitch of displaced air, and the clues he already noticed all add up. Double the number of dices on the standard (Wits + Awareness) roll to detect the ambush.

This is what can get based on our current stats.
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on the Honoka subject I say introduce her to Azazel so she can at least some training to prevent kidnapping, again, and failing that what to do to get away.

on the matter of boosted gear I vote +2 defence +1rate.
Ok looking over things I would not have taken the lightning sprinter knack because of the existence of this athletic charm.

Unparalleled Acumen Meditation
Cost: 6m; Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Mirror (Nimble Ghost Grace)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Crane Stance
Required for Charms: None

The Solar's every move is effortless as sunlight. While she commits this Charm's motes, she's considered to automatically enjoy the effects of every Athletics Charm she knows with a non-variable Cost, Minimum Essence of 2 or less and a Duration of One Scene. Furthermore, she cannot suffer internal penalties to Athletics rolls.

Valid charms conferred by this charm include Graceful Crane Stance, Lightning Speed, Spider-Foot Style, Feather-Foot Style, Soaring Crane Leap, and Foe-Vaulting Method.

It would have taken some time to get it all but it would have given us everything that that particular knack does and more at the cost of six committed motes.

Of the knacks shown natural born armor is a no brainer that's stupidly useful as is supreme regeneration. The other knacks that I would like but require some training to qualify for are Instance Assessment, Spatial Attunement and Unconquerable Pride.
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Eh, we really needed it at the time we got it, which was fighting Raiser I believe, because without it, he could have just kept on playing keep away, and well, he's a range fighter and we are a melee fighter... you do the math, besides, the effects of the knack and the charm Lightning Speed stack, which is awesome, besides until we hit E4 we didn't have 90% of the knacks available to chose right now.
I wonder if the reset we got from this fight effects our knacks as well... would be thematically appropriate and very nice to get things for long term gain.
I doubt it, the knacks were gotten because of a Charm, not Boosted Gear, if we had access to Dragon Energy from some other means we could have gotten them the same way, we also didn't loose our extra Health levels, which says a lot I think
EternitynChaos said:
I doubt it, the knacks were gotten because of a Charm, not Boosted Gear, if we had access to Dragon Energy from some other means we could have gotten them the same way, we also didn't loose our extra Health levels, which says a lot I think

We lost our knacks even though they where acquired from a charm. There is not much more obvious a reset button we could press at this time.
I thought they were just disabled rather than lost like the artefact charms. Bright and draig fighting over Boosted Gear is not helping though or maybe it is XD
knacks come from dragon energy so its safe to say we can get those back as soon as we can contact draig and bright.
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First, I want to set your mind at ease: you didn't lost Dragon Knacks. They are there and working again, so don't worry.

Smuthunter said:

From an in-universe perspective, there is no such thing as Dragon Coil Technique, at least not to the vast majority of Exalts. There are some chosen who sit around naming the various powers that they derive from their charms (martial arts masters are the primary exception, but remember that Fist of the Daystar isn't a martial art for Solars, it's just their natural excellence applied to unarmed combat), but for the most part the names are something that only the players interact with. The average Exalt isn't going to use Dragon Coil Technique and shout the name like a shonen attack because from their perspective all they're doing is clinching and throwing people better than normal. Likewise, whenever we say "we invoke the First Presence Excellency" or what have you from Issei's perspective he's not using a technique, he's just being really really persuasive.
Uh. Make sense. Blame my experience with shounen for how things are in this quest.
Unelemental said:
That stag... it reminds me of Malorne, Cenarius's daddy. That's... just a coincidence, right?
Whaddya know? Yep, coincidence.
Diller said:
Alex did say this arc was going to tie into the main story but I never expected this!
And you haven't seen anything yet >:D >:D >:D >:D

One last thing: Smuthunter, I understand you don't like HSDK and would prefer for it to be completely removed from this quest. I respect your opinion.

But, this is easily the third time that your post gave birth to something that is dangerously close to a flame war. I am not accusing or forbidding you anything, but could you please, if possible, word your future post in a way that wouldn't make other people edgy?
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Eh, I just go 'ahaha, that's cute' whenever I read stuff like smuthunter's dislike of HDSK. Then I go on with my day and enjoy the rest of the thread. No biggie for me.
Alexander said:
One last thing: Smuthunter, I understand you don't like HSDK and would prefer for it to be completely removed from this quest. I respect your opinion.

But, this is easily the third time that your post gave birth to something that is dangerously close to a flame war. I am not accusing or forbidding you anything, but could you please, if possible, word your future post in a way that wouldn't make other people edgy?
I'm not known for my stellar impulse control but I'll keep your request in mind.
Smuthunter said:
I'm not known for my stellar impulse control but I'll keep your request in mind.
It's nothing personal, really. I am just trying to stop the forming of particularly violent discussions.

Those who are familiar with SB knows of the more nasty flame wars in there, right? I am trying very hard to stop something like that from happening, even if it means interfering at a early time.

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