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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

honestly if we want will power we just need to stunt, it IS one of the rewards for Stunting after all, even 1 dice stunts give 1 WP as a reward option

stunt lunch, 1 wp, stunt dinner 1 wp, stunt making love to Asia-chan 1WP /laugh

Choose who to make a Half-Caste (be aware than temporary Willpower will not be refilled until the next story. Learn the corebook to see how to recover Willpower):
[X] Asia
[X] Ruby
[X] Yang

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[X] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[X] Dexterity, most of our group needs it, well outside of Eiko, after that anything you think would help them most, these are your friends and loved ones after all, anything that can keep them alive is worth doing
-[X] Mittelt, Asia, Eiko, Ruby, Yang, Shougo
-[X] Offer Kiba, Rias, Akeno and Koneko the option explain just what you are offering here and the advantages
Huh. That went a lot better than I was expecting it to.

[] Asia
[] Ruby
[] Yang
Before we can decide on this we should have a look at their stats. What thaumaturgical processes has Asia learned, what are Yang and Ruby's stats, etc.

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[] Decide what to teach.
Can we also teach members of Rias's peerage? I want to get Koneko some Dexterity training.
Smuthunter said:
Before we can decide on this we should have a look at their stats. What thaumaturgical processes has Asia learned, what are Yang and Ruby's stats, etc.
I was expecting just for this chance to show them ;) Please wait a bit for them.
Can we also teach members of Rias's peerage? I want to get Koneko some Dexterity training.
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One awesome update. Two Yay no more juggernaut drive. Also who wants to bet the smasher was unsealed. Also it's to bad the Masters are going to be disappointed. Honoka will never have a normal life now.

Also when are you going to finish the first page alex?
Holy shit this is great. No more curse of hatred. One curse down one more to go.

We also have our senpais on our sides now meaning making a juggernaut drive alternate might happen faster then canon. Just need to get Balance breaker so we can work on it.

Wait does this mean we can use Juggernaut and only have to worry about its incredible stamina drain and not have to worry about going berserk?

nightblade said:
One awesome update. Two Yay no more juggernaut drive. Also who wants to bet the smasher was unsealed.

If the Longius smasker was unlocked we probably won't know until we either go in JD or a JD alternate.
Diller said:
Holy shit this is great. No more curse of hatred. One curse down one more to go.

We also have our senpais on our sides now meaning making a juggernaut drive alternate might happen faster then canon.

Wait does this mean we can use Juggernaut and only have to worry about its incredible stamina drain and not have to worry about gong berserk?
Think we should break the curse on Dividing gear
Diller said:
Holy shit this is great. No more curse of hatred. One curse down one more to go.

We also have our senpais on our sides now meaning making a juggernaut drive alternate might happen faster then canon. Just need to get Balance breaker so we can work on it.

Wait does this mean we can use Juggernaut and only have to worry about its incredible stamina drain and not have to worry about going berserk?

If the Longius smasker was unlocked we probably won't know until we either go in JD or a JD alternate.
I'm pretty sure Issei has used it in balance breaker before.
nightblade said:
Think we should break the curse on Dividing gear

How in the nine hells are we going to do that? its not like we have a spare exaltation lying around, remember its nothing Bright did that fixed the curse, it was the Exaltaion that did it

Let Vali deal with it himself like he did in canon
nightblade said:
Think we should break the curse on Dividing gear

I wouldn't expect it since it was because of our exaltion that the curse was removed. However Vali did create the Emperio Juggernuat overdrive after learning Ise overcame the curse of hatred with the help of his predecessors.(Though Vali kicked all of ther asses instead of giving an inspiring speech)

I could see him do it again if he learned we managed to gain more power by working with our predecessors.

nightblade said:
I'm pretty sure Issei has used it in balance breaker before.

Yeah when he was fused with GR. That was a really special, once in a lifetime circumstance. Though from Vol 17 spoilers he'll unlock fight Euclid so we'll get more info in it soon since the translator has almost gotten to that part.
[X] Asia
Don't know about the other one.
Alexander said:
I was expecting just for this chance to show them ;) Please wait a bit for them.

can we get stats for Rias and her peerage as well? It would help in deciding what to teach them if we knew what their stats already were.
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be aware than temporary Willpower will not be refilled until the next story. Learn the corebook to see how to recover Willpower
Um, why? No seriously why wouldn't we have recovered by the end of the week. Literally the entire point of downtime like that is to do stuff that takes a long time/ resource intensive and still be more or less in top shape.

To put this in perspective we have two charms we're planing to use: GoRD and Dragon Steals The Root Method. The first cost 15m 2wp and is type instant, that means that it takes us around a day to recover the willpower cost between cult and innate recovery (aka Conviction 3). Dragon Steals The Root Method cost 10m 1wp and has a duration of one week, which means we recover the willpower cost the next day cause there is literally nothing in the rules that says you commit temp willpower to a charm only motes. Seriously if we spent all seven wp on the first day of the week we would recover the last point the day the timeskip ended in the absolute worst case, best case we finish recovering in two days.

Choose who to make a Half-Caste:
[X] Asia
[X] Ruby
[X] Yang

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[X] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[X] Dexterity, most of our group needs it, well outside of Eiko, after that anything you think would help them most, these are your friends and loved ones after all, anything that can keep them alive is worth doing
-[X] Mittelt, Asia, Eiko, Ruby, Yang, Shougo
-[X] Offer Kiba, Rias, Akeno and Koneko the option explain just what you are offering here and the advantages
Choose who to make a Half-Caste:
[X] Asia
[X] Ruby
[X] Yang

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[X] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[X] Dexterity, most of our group needs it, well outside of Eiko.
-[X] Mittelt, Asia, Eiko, Ruby, Yang, Shougo
-[X] Offer Kiba, Rias, Akeno and Koneko the option explain just what you are offering here and the advantages

so speed buffs all around? what else can dragon steal the root method improve? shouldn't we specialize for each person?
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Least Devotee said:
Um, why? No seriously why wouldn't we have recovered by the end of the week. Literally the entire point of downtime like that is to do stuff that takes a long time/ resource intensive and still be more or less in top shape.

To put this in perspective we have two charms we're planing to use: GoRD and Dragon Steals The Root Method. The first cost 15m 2wp and is type instant, that means that it takes us around a day to recover the willpower cost between cult and innate recovery (aka Conviction 3). Dragon Steals The Root Method cost 10m 1wp and has a duration of one week, which means we recover the willpower cost the next day cause there is literally nothing in the rules that says you commit temp willpower to a charm only motes. Seriously if we spent all seven wp on the first day of the week we would recover the last point the day the timeskip ended in the absolute worst case, best case we finish recovering in two days.

Choose who to make a Half-Caste:
[X] Asia
[X] Ruby
[X] Yang

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[X] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[X] Dexterity, most of our group needs it, well outside of Eiko.
-[X] Mittelt, Asia, Eiko, Ruby, Yang, Shougo
-[X] Offer Kiba, Rias, Akeno and Koneko the option explain just what you are offering here and the advantages
We aren't going to teach them a TMA?
noahgab1133 said:
so speed buffs all around? what else can dragon steal the root method improve? shouldn't we specialize for each person?
In any other game, sure, but Dexterity is Exalted's god-stat.

Choose who to make a Half-Caste:
[X] Asia
[X] Ruby
[X] Yang

Issei decided to try the Charm "Dragon Steals The Root Method":
[X] Decide who is included in the group (up to 10 people. Read other requirements)
-[X] Dexterity, most of our group needs it, well outside of Eiko.
-[X] Mittelt, Asia, Eiko, Ruby, Yang, Shougo
-[X] Offer Kiba, Rias, Akeno and Koneko the option explain just what you are offering here and the advantages
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As the master would say, Basics first, there is a reason we raised our Martial Arts and Dexterity to basicly 5/5 before we started really learning Charms, because Dexterity is combat god stat and MA is a close second when your using Martial Arts

Speaking of Dexterity, pity we are a few xp away from being able to get our Dex to 5 *3xp+15xp=18xp+4xp+2xp+5xp=29xp-8xp=21xp-8xp=13xp-8xp=5xp*

Yeah, 2xp Away from being able to raise to to 5, still not bad all things considered

I figure everyone that needs Dex will get that training, everyone else will probably get Martial Arts or something that interests them
nightblade said:
We aren't going to teach them a TMA?
As I'm reading the charm, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, you can only train one thing at a time. Thus I went for the one the most of our people would benefit from. If it didn't work that way I'd add MA and Excellencies to the list.
kk then. now to discuss the update it was damn awesome! Now can the history committee train honoka? or will they just keep her presence a secret? another thing is we have to test out new boosted gear and try to either relearn the lost techniques or develop newer better ones! We really should mention to rias what happened while we were away while she discusses how the stray devil hunt went. Also azazel is gonna freak when he next sees issei's group if kokabiel doesn't show up before then.
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Okay, well let's start by looking over what DSTR actually does.

Dragon Steals The Root Method
Cost: 10m, 1w
Min: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Training, Heretical
Duration: One Week
Prerequisites: Any Form-Type Martial Arts Charm
Neither Solars nor Dragons take being told they can't do something well. Unlike mortal men, however, their response to this is invariably to prove the person spouting these lies wrong. This Charm is the culmination of that principle combined with Hyodo Issei's desire to guard and empower those he cares about. On a personal level this charm reduces the Xp cost for all Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms to 4x, or 5xp if Martial Arts is not a Caste or Favored Ability, and their training time is halved. Learning this charm excludes the Solar from learning the Charm Swallowing the Lotus Root.

As a Secondary ability this Charm works like Tiger Warrior Training Technique, except it requires both trainer and students, up to Magnitude 1, to share a positive intimacy of some sort. It allows training up to the Solar's own rank in that area (but not beyond the natural cap of the target) in any of the following: Martial Arts, Melee, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms and any Excellency's that can be learned by the student.
The second part is the one we're thinking about now since we want to train up the others. I assume we don't need to train everyone in the same art at the same time.

First, everyone benefits from boosting their Dexterity regardless of whether they fight or not because that's the stat that we dodge and do other things with. In the event that we can only teach everyone a single thing at a time, Dexterity is what we should go for. Strength and Stamina are slightly less useful only because not everyone relies on them and those fighters who do use them can get more use out of the required training time if they put it into learning melee or martial arts. Martial Arts and Melee are obviously useful for anyone who uses a weapon or their bare fists.

Of the Terrestrial Martial Arts charms we need to dig into the backlog to find out what we were planning to teach everybody, but as I recall it was First Pulse for Yang, Ivory Pestle or Jade Mountain for Mittelt, and either Ivory Pestle or Titan Slayer depending on what Ruby wanted to learn the most. Eiko has no art assigned to her but I would -- with some hestitation -- suggest Falling Blossom, the bodyguard style. Shogo is a First Pulse stylist waiting to happen, of course.

Diller said:
can we get stats for Rias and her peerage as well? It would help in deciding what to teach them if we knew what their stats already were.
I remember in the previous thread it was mentioned that Koneko has very high strength and stamina but equally-poor dexterity, hence why she was trying to learn a grappling style. Koneko would benefit a great deal from a boost to her dexterity unless she already has a bunch of Epic Stamina knacks or something like that, however we can also teach her Terrestrial Hero Style, which is hands down the best grappling style out of all the official TMAs.

Kiba could benefit from a sword-fighting style but the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Even Blade, which is a pretty big investment to master and is only compatible with one kind of sword.

Akeno and Rias are better off focusing on boosting their Dexterity; they benefit a lot less from most of the things we can teach than anyone else in the group. When we upgrade to CMAs however we might consider teaching both of them Crane Style.
Five Dragons Style is a sword style and was around in the first age, its also one of the more awesome TMAs around

Also Alexander said it was better we teach them a TMA first before teaching any of the a CMA

I would suggest White Veil for Akeno and Rias as it fits them I think, and is a very nice ace up the sleeve when dealing with political bs

Also, the charm has no limit on the dots that can be learned, and when it talked about what it teaches, it said AND not OR, so I think you can learn more then one thing.
noahgab1133 said:
kk then. now to discuss the update it was damn awesome! Now can the history committee train honoka? or will they just keep her presence a secret? another thing is we have to test out new boosted gear and try to either relearn the lost techniques or develop newer better ones! We really should mention to rias what happened while we were away while she discusses O:) how the stray devil hunt went. Also azazel is gonna freak when he next sees issei's group if kokabiel doesn't show up before then.

Kokabiel's going to be in for one hell of a fight. Fighting Improved ORC with 3 extra member and our group. If we fight smartly, we might actually beat him before Vali get there. Especially if we unlock Balance breaker before or even during that fight.

Speaking of TMA and CMA

Reposting since its relevant

These are ones we decided on.

Alexander said:
Yang 'First Pulse'.

" Ruby 'Ivory Pestle' and 'Titan Felling

Mittelt "Ivory Pestle

These are suggestions

EternitynChaos said:
Been doing some thinking on what Terrestrial and Celestial Martial arts we might want to teach Rias' peerage. ymmv of course but this is what I've got

T = Even Blade style seems like a good pick for him, the fact the form charm makes you able to put aside your emotions and calm the fuck down would probably help him alot as well when the Excalibur arc comes up.

C = probably Violet Brier of Sorrows Style I think

T = First Pulse *for that get in and kick there ass quick thing it has going* or White Veil style I would think

C = at first I thought Dreaming Pearl Courtesan would be a good fit, but then I gave it a bit more of a think and realized that the only real option for her is Laughing Wounds style, what with it basicly being Sadomasochism as a martial art and all.

T = probably White Veil style or Night Breeze Style

C = I would think one of the Virtue Styles *probably Compassion like Issei* would be a good fit, as would Throne Style with working with her peerage or for irony Righteous Devil Style, or possibly Crane style for the defensive abilitys

T = Jade Mountain seems like an amusing thought for her, making her even more of a tank and all

C = This was a tough one, I think she's the only one with virtues at 3 or less across the board *if I'm wrong oh well* so she would make a good fit for my favorite style Celestial Monkey style

EternitynChaos said:
Eiko I would teach White Veil or Five Dragons

Crane or Mantis for the Defensive fuck you they each have, or the Conviction based Virtue form also Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style

Shougo I would teach Five Dragons or First Pulse

I'd Teach Fist of the Daystar when we work out a way for him to get the same bonuses as a Solar, until then the Valor Virtue Style is an awesome all in offensive style

and Asia I'd Teach White Veil if anything, also magic or something once she's a Half-Caste

The Compassion Virtue style would be great for Asia, as would the Crane Style, ymmv on all of these

Also Koneko, teaching her Celestial Monkey style probably not, however Disco Ninja, I mean Crystal Chameleon style would be good to make her a terror on the battle field.

Also include Kiba in the ones I'd suggest Five Dragons for, its got a lot of nice charms in it, and when they hit E4+ its got an almost perfect defense charm
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EternitynChaos said:
I would suggest White Veil for Akeno and Rias as it fits them I think, and is a very nice ace up the sleeve when dealing with political bs
Eh, I'm not sure they'd be comfortable learning an assassination art. I don't really see any alternatives though. There's not a lot of good TMAs in the first place, and even less so for characters who aren't really meant to be fighting in the first place. Maybe Akeno will ask for training in some other art to take advantage of her myriad Queen upgrades, but we'll have to ask her before we can plan for that.
the Best all rounder TMA is Five Dragons, other then that I stand by my suggestions /shrug its not just an assassins art its also good as a body guards style, better then Falling Blossom, or as I like to call is Suicide Bob
EternitynChaos said:
the Best all rounder TMA is Five Dragons, other then that I stand by my suggestions /shrug its not just an assassins art its also good as a body guards style, better then Falling Blossom, or as I like to call is Suicide Bob
Wasn't Falling Blossom made before they came up with the 'Defend other' action? Cause if so it probably needs a rewrite or two.
yeah, its basicly a style you teach useless mook npcs you have no desire to keep alive so they can act as a mook shield for you, great for Compassion 1 Conviction 5 asshats, not so much us
Least Devotee said:
Wasn't Falling Blossom made before they came up with the 'Defend other' action? Cause if so it probably needs a rewrite or two.
Yeah I think it may have come out of Scroll of the Monk, which is why I only recommended it with some hesitation. Eiko would probably take a lot better to White Veil than Rias or Akeno, but we're also limited by the time period those arts came from; if you recall, we're getting our knowledge on how to train these arts from Bright, who doesn't know anything about martial arts invented after the first age. I think that might mean that White Veil is off the list of options, but in that case I wouldn't know what to teach Eiko/Rias/Akeno unless they express interest in a specific fighting style, like if Rias suddenly picked up an artifact spear or something.

Also I just remembered my old schpiel about teaching Koneko Tiger Style and setting her on the road to becoming ninja kitty.

Koneko's biggest weakness right now is that she's not fast enough to put her strength to good use against many foes. With that in mind, I suggest giving her Tiger Style. This style focuses on savage damage-enhancers and making attacks by leaping at your opponent from hiding, like a tiger stalking its prey. But for Koneko's purposes, its greatest strength is the movement charms.

Normally under Exalted rules a character can only move at their (Dexterity) in yards per tick unless they take a dash action, which imposes DV penalties unless you have certain charms. Let's call this a baseline and assume that Koneko adheres to it since she's not shown to be particularly fast. A jump action on the other hand allows you to move up to (Strength + Athletics) in yards straight up, or twice that horizontally. This also imposes DV penalties... except that the first charm in Tiger Style allows you to jump reflexively without penalty, as if you were moving.

With just this first charm, Koneko's movement speed can be made dependent on her Strength score rather than her Dexterity. She won't gain bullet-time reflexes like Kiba seems to have but she'll be able to rocket across the battlefield at several times her previous movement speed. Assuming (Strength 5 + Athletics 5) gets you a movement rate of 20 yards in a single tick compared to maybe three yards or so that she has now. And since Koneko has the Rook piece, she probably has supernatural effects that boost those numbers even higher.

The rest of the style is really just a bonus, but the stealth bonuses set her up well for expansion into a stealth roll, maybe by learning Crystal Chameleon afterwards.

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