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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Well, that was interesting. Also, lol at the Phoenix family.

I'm kind of sad that Issei didn't join in with Phoenix Sr. espousing the merits of oppai. Kind of like, "Ah, the kid's finally grown up."

Anyway, not really sure how to fix Raiser right now. Kind of like the military, We tore Raiser down. Now we need to build him back up

Kind of like Belezard's proposal best. But I do feel like we can do better and it's not without it's problems like accidentally turning Raiser into an Otaku or something.
well how did he get out of his funk in canon,
then we repeat the process here,

with more SOLAR
[X] "Well," you speak as you turn to Rias and Revache, "I can think of two options. One we take Raiser to a place with a lot of Dragons and have him face his fears. The other is to force him out of his comfort zone. take him to the Human world and set him up with a basic apartment and let him work for a living for a while."

You sigh placing one hand in your pocket and using the other to massage your forehead, " As to the first option I am currently searching out Ryusenkyo in Japan but I have not found it yet so it would not be an immediate thing. The other though is something that we can accomplish now and I can always drag him with me when I find the place."

Looking up to your companions you shrug, "so, any suggestions."
You know. I wonder if this is going to be a thing where people we beat up seriously become absolutely terrified of dragons afterwards.
i though they would be terrified of the sun light
not the dragon
[] Learn Hastening Night's End and just Bright slap him back to sanity.
Ha ha ha! Time for more GLORIOUS SOLAR BULLSHIT!

[X] EXP Debt:
-[X] Hypnotic Tongue Technique
-[X] Hastening Night's End

[X] Tell Raiser we're going to sit outside his door until he comes out. Wait for him to calm down, then start talking to him through the door. Use Hastening Night's End to cure his derangement.
-[X] Make small talk and casual conversation. Mention Ravel and how she was willing to defend him even after seeing what you could do. There's something of worth buried under all that blind arrogance; if he doubts that then he insults Ravel by insulting himself.
--[X] Use Raiser's memory of Ravel defending him to complete HNE.

Hastening Night's End
Cost: 10m;
Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4;
Type: Simple (One dramatic action);
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious;
Duration: Instant;
Prerequisite Charms: Hypnotic Tongue Technique

A touch, a kind word, a moment of intimacy—through such gestures the Solar Exalted may straighten that which is bent and mend that which is broken. This Charm's activation requires at least one hour of personal interaction, which may take a wide variety of forms. Patiently listening to a subject while they explain what ails them, sitting together to watch the sun rise or set, or an evening of lovemaking would all qualify. This Charm has two effects. First, the Solar may target and remove one derangement from the target's mind, regardless of whether it was inflicted by Charms, sorcery, the Wyld, or the simple stresses of life (if any effect contests this, the Solar adds his Presence in automatic successes to the roll-off).

Second, the Solar forges in the target an Intimacy to a specific memory in the target's life of which she is aware. So long as this Intimacy endures, the target may not reacquire the derangement the Solar cured, nor may that memory be in any way tampered with, altered, poisoned, removed, or corrupted. Hastening Night's End may be resisted for a cost of 0 Willpower—the Charm will only help those who wish to be helped.
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[X] soul ice

This isn't nearly important enough to go into xp debt to solve it right now.
So how will we cure him? Beat him senseless like Bright-sensei did with us?
[X] soul ice

This isn't nearly important enough to go into xp debt to solve it right now.
That's the fun part -- we actually don't go into debt because we have 30-ish EXP just sitting in our pool waiting for us to spend it on things. If we spend it on this we can get it over with now instead of putting another thing on the back burner along with all our other projects. We're getting to the point where we should finish analyzing the Evil Pieces pretty soon for instance, we're at like 80% completion or so.
[X] soul ice

This is the more sensible option, I think.
I personally would rather save the exp for raising our base attributes and get another round of DED for more knacks.
I say we try without the charms first. If things prove to be a bother, we can charm-slap his issues into oblivion later.
C'mon guys, soul ice's plan is actually just asking for options, it's not solving anything in the end, which is what they called us for.
No it's going with Bealzards suggestion with the understanding that Ddraigs will take time to happen. It's also asking his parent and our nominal boss if they can think of any way to help or have ideas to add to ours.

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