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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

He messed with subspace...

That's like a giant homing beacon for the Necrons because of how closely they monitor and guard that sort of technology. In fact, the only way they would miss that is... Well, they wouldn't... And at least one or more of the Dynasties would send ships to find and destroy whatever was doing it...
In the latest canon subspace is more of a Krork thing, and not exclusively them either.

In The Beast Arises the first warning the Imperium got that Waaagh!Beast was building a subspace-based Webway-alike was all the other creatures that live in subspace naturally being forcibly materiallized on human worlds as a side effect of the construction.
what if the space manipulation tech used by paul is different from the necrons?
Then a different much much more dangerous Dynasty would be heading for Paul.

In the latest canon subspace is more of a Krork thing, and not exclusively them either.

In The Beast Arises the first warning the Imperium got that Waaagh!Beast was building a subspace-based Webway-alike was all the other creatures that live in subspace naturally being forcibly materiallized on human worlds as a side effect of the construction.
What Warhammer calls Subspace and what DC calls Subspace are different things.

DC's subspace has more in common with the dimensional technology utilized by the Necrons then what Warhammer calls subspace.
would take my advise
advice (though I'm not the first to offer this correction, you missed the last one)

Why would Queen Gloriana offering it to me
Either "be offering it" or "offer it"

threaten to unman you less you block it from your mind?

Charge increased. Eighty eight percent charge available.
Is the SI back down to just one ring again? Or has he just been burning that much charge in this fight?
Then a different much much more dangerous Dynasty would be heading for Paul.

What Warhammer calls Subspace and what DC calls Subspace are different things.

DC's subspace has more in common with the dimensional technology utilized by the Necrons then what Warhammer calls subspace.
what is warhammer subspace?
advice (though I'm not the first to offer this correction, you missed the last one)
Ugh, I corrected it in Story Only and on my copy, but somehow missed in in the main thread.
Thank you, corrected.
Either "be offering it" or "offer it"
No, that's correct.
Is the SI back down to just one ring again? Or has he just been burning that much charge in this fight?
Just one ring responded.
The Webway is generally considered a construct, made by the Old Ones. The Eldar took over for them. It's ....complex, but generally consider it a psychic structure built IN the Warp itself, but insulated from the tides of energy. It's a network of tunnels, some large enough for a ship the size of a craftworld to move through, some fine enough for individuals to step through.

If you are in the webway and find a breach, it leads into the warp itself, allowing demons in. More then that, the webway links the craftworlds infinity circuit and exodite worlds versions of the same, allowing for communication between ships and worlds.

The 'subspace' that the Tau use IS the Warp, but it's...shallow waters. They only dip their toes in the warp, not going deep enough to catch the tides and currents, never reaching the same speeds that the imperium and other powers do. Safer, but much slower, hence why the tau haven't spread nearly as far.

Take a peek at the 'Path of the Eldar' omnibus if you want a better look at the mechanics of the webway from the Eldar side.
Random thought. Is the 'perfect' counter to Paul is sending someone so obviously in need of help, who will accidentally kill him when the time is right. In the meantime he is very distracted.
The 'subspace' that the Tau use IS the Warp, but it's...shallow waters. They only dip their toes in the warp, not going deep enough to catch the tides and currents, never reaching the same speeds that the imperium and other powers do. Safer, but much slower, hence why the tau haven't spread nearly as far.
That was just Tau propaganda.

AKA it was retconned.

It turns out the Tau didn't actually have any FTL until recently, just an STL drive that could get them really really close to the speed of light. (Kroot not withstanding.)
Sort of? The webway was originally part of the immaterium/warp, but it was segmented off from the immaterium by the Old One's and is now considered to "sit" between the two.
you mean "sit" between immatirum and reality right? cuz immaterium and warp are the same.

That was just Tau propaganda.

AKA it was retconned.

It turns out the Tau didn't actually have any FTL until recently, just an STL drive that could get them really really close to the speed of light. (Kroot not withstanding.)
seriously? did they reverse engineer imperium tech? what edition was the retcon? how do they navigate the warp then?
you mean "sit" between immatirum and reality right? cuz immaterium and warp are the same.
I in fact did... A couple of words got lost in editing that. :oops:

Seriously? did they reverse engineer imperium tech? what edition was the retcon? how do they navigate the warp then?
6th and 8th Edition Tau Codex's.

The 6th edition changed the Tau's primary method of travel from the Ether drive to the ZFR drive. And then in the 8th edition during the 4th and 5th expansions they started testing and eventually ended up with the Slipstream drive, which was really just a reverse engineered Imperium/Kroot warp technology.

As to how they navigate, they used AI for calculated jumps, which is yes, really stupid since it basically means Chaos could turn every one of their ships with a flick of a switch, but that's the Tau for you.
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Cold Iron (part 7)
26th June 2012
18:47 GMT

"Do not lie to me, human scum!"

"Former test pilot Harold Jordan is older than me-" By roughly six years. "-and American. I'm of British origin. You can tell the difference by comparing our accents. What colour Lantern do you think Harold Jordan is?"

"Colour-? He's a Lantern."

"Until a little under two years ago the only Lanterns operating on Earth were green. I -obviously- am orange. If you believe Harold Jordan to be a Lantern then presumably you know which colour."

There's a very definite pause.

"Our records show that Harold Jordan is Earth's greatest Lantern during this era. You are this era's greatest Lantern, therefore-"

"Thank you."

"-you are Harold Jordan."

I let out a quiet chuck-

"Do not dare to laugh at me!"


"No, no… These things happen." I exhale quietly. "Do you want me to… Get another Lantern? I'd hate for you to have wasted your-"

There's a spear in my chest.


That looks bad. I extend filaments to assimilate it, only for it to vanish in a swirl of green.

The spear Aeres is holding hasn't left her hand. She didn't move to throw it or lunge with it. Another Sheeda under some sort of invisibility ward? Possible, but my ring is monitoring local air currents which should give me warning if someone tries that. My spell eater is still at zero usage. Not sure, but a small hole in my chest isn't much of a problem these days.

The only unfortunate thing is that I can't see any focused 'spear Orange Lantern' desire in the Honden. Or any duty-related impulse that appears to have that as an obvious consequence. Some members of the League of Shadows have desires that feel a little like that, but the spear wasn't their usual weapon of choice.

"Do you fear me now?"

"Six months ago an angel shoved a burning sword through my skull, while I was in hell and defended by an army of demons. I'm sorry, but no matter what you do you're not going to get the emotional reaction you're looking for."

"Through your skull?"

"I got better. Look, if you can't identify me correctly, does it not logically follow that you might-?"

I blink and she's lunging, forcing me to transition aside! Her weapon glows green for a moment and then vanishes as she raises her hands, runes flicking into being-.

I fire an energy pulse just to check-. Yes, immune to constructs, but my railgun construct has formed and I fire a mage slayer-.

Her spear reappears in a green flicker and she cuts my round in half-.

Temporal manipulation. She can stab backwards in time. The colour matches the goo Melmoth was using. Presumably she has a limited quantity with her, which means that any stab that doesn't kill me is a wasted shot. A hit to my brain might kill me, but I just told her that it didn't keep me dead. The only way for her to disable me would be to cut off all three of my rings and if she wanted to kill me then she'd have to follow up immediately.

Alright then.

I manipulate light without creating a laser construct, sending rays of orange light at her. Her spear blurs -darn, no green glow- as she turns them aside, the relatively weak rays heading towards the sky above or the ground below. I don't think she's actually moving at super speed, she's just got some sort of super-enhanced reflexes and accuracy. Fine. This time I create lasers, moving them to surround-.

Three of my filaments are severed by a green glowing spear while her weapon remains in her hands. I generate more lasers to replace them in an attempt to force her future self to leave it in the past for longer while I fire the ones she's not disrupting at her. She twists, spear turning aside some shots while she physically evades others, future-spear ensuring that she always has an escape.

Remove oxygen.

A wave of orange passes through the air, oxygen molecules vanishing as they pass. Aeres doesn't react to my action, instead lunging at me once again. No obvious supply of air in her armour, and I don't know Sheeda runes well enough to know which ones are doing the job. Alright, lack of air's clearly not a problem and there goes the spear.

I send out a wave of orange, transmuting nitrogen gas into phosphorus. With no oxygen present it doesn't ignite immediately, and she appears to ignore my effort in favour of manoeuvring to get into position to send her spear into the past. Is she only capable of sending it back for a limited amount of time? What happens if she doesn't? I'll monit-

Warning! Spell eater temperature increasing.


I throw out a network of orange strands and return the oxygen. Flame engulfs me to no effect: hot as burning phosphorus is, my construct armour and my power armour are designed to take much hotter attacks than this. I momentarily can't see what's happened to her, though-. That gives me an idea. It's a bit primitive, but given that my tattoos should be obscuring-

The spear hits me in the left thigh, and it's gone before I can grab it.

-me from her magic, just-. Heal, using hologram decoys might work.

I take three projector drones out of subspace as the phosphorus burns out, my outline shuddering as three of me go in different directions. Actual me goes invisible, the orange strands linking the three of them happening to pass through the volume of space containing me.

Aeres doesn't seem to have been unduly bothered by the heat, parrying a hopeful volley of laser beams before flying-. The spear disappears and she fades from view.

But I'm still watching the air currents in minute detail, and monitoring where she'll have to go to make her temporal thrusts. This time the construct laser is broad enough that she shouldn't be able to parry it. Not if her parry ability works like I think it does.

And there and fire!

A flash of green and-. I hit her while her spear was in the past. She flickers back into visibility, a few very slight signs of damage visible on her armour.

And electrolaser.

Lightning flashes and… Arcs around her as her spear reappears. Alright, I suppose that electricity is something she would probably be warded against.

Left hologram gets a time travelling spear through the head, and the decoy correctly displays what would happen if that happened to me. It stills in the air, and I stop projecting orange light to allow all four of us to play possum.

So that's a 'no' to electricity, heat, oxygen deprivation and light. Next are cold, kinetic damage and gravity.

Drone 2 goes into contingency mode, creating a hologram orange spear and charging while I remove a stealthed cold gun from my equipment harness. Aeres moves her spear to a 'guard' position while the distraction swipes at her head, the third drone switches to light-chaff generation and I take a shot-.

Which a spear appears from the future to parry.

Okay, next thing.
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These idiots just don't get it. What does Paul have to do to get it through their skulls that what they're dealing with isn't what they thought it is? Kill all the Sheeda on the planet? If he could, I'm pretty sure he would, and most people would be fine with it, especially if they saw what the Sheeda did to the people they captured.

Edit: Saw, not say.
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"Our records show that Harold Jordan is Earth's greatest Lantern during this era. You are this era's greatest Lantern, therefore-"

"Thank you."

"-you are Harold Jordan."

The logic on this one is something Spock would envy, if he did envy of course.

'dare to' separate them

There's a spear in my chest.

In the words of Richard from Looking for Group:

"What you did was an error"



all three of my rings

His original ring, the one from Larfleeze and the one from Manga yes. unless Ghiata gave him back the ring he gave her?

position to sent her spear


the hot as burning phosphorus

This sentence feels wrong.

power armour and designed

'are designed'

Also OL's Time-traveling diagnoses seems a little premature. I think some kind of exotic weapon that can project other versions of it's self would also fit everything he has observed so far. It does violate conservation of powers though, so it could go either way.
Since shreds are the future of humanity, destroying them would destroy humanities future right?

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