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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'd be more interested in how Sinestro knows how to intimate relationships with ponys.
Sinestro was a veteran Lantern. You think every species in the galaxy is humanoid?

Wyynde was not seamlessly integrated. Kaldur was barely in series 3, and my response to Wyynde was 'who are you, character we've never seen before? Are you significant in some way?'

All true, and far be it for me to defend the writing of season 3. I think what I meant was you have the option to introduce and integrate Wyynde into your narrative far more easily than other aspects of season 3 canon, because nothing you've done so far contradicts his existence.
. That doesn't necessarily mean that either of us are planning on expanding our 'paramour cluster'."

Artemis lifts her head so that she can make eye contact over Luna, and mouths 'necessarily?' at me.

"But.. your.. magics are attuned to one another."
Well i don't think this is is over.
All true, and far be it for me to defend the writing of season 3. I think what I meant was you have the option to introduce and integrate Wyynde into your narrative far more easily than other aspects of season 3 canon, because nothing you've done so far contradicts his existence.
I could, but I don't know anything at all about him. He might well be in the metaphorical background in some of the Atlantean scenes, or he might not.

Hah! Just checked the wiki, and he was one of the Purists who backed Ocean Master. So he's probably been rounded up and executed in the Si timeline. He might still be around in the Renegade timeline.
There is a part of me that absolutely cannot believe that we are still on ponies.

Kaldur to get a romantic interest? His season 3 canon partner Wyynde

...Hol' up here.


Am I to understand that Kaldur is dating a man? Is this what you are telling me?

And Kon is going marry M'gann? After she mind raped him more than once?!

It....it's like they give me something, but then go out of there way to see how much they can piss me off.
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There is a part of me that absolutely cannot believe that we are still on ponies.
It's like you're trying to tell me something.
...Hol' up here.


Am I to understand that Kaldur is dating a man? Is this what you are telling me?
And Kon is going marry M'gann? After she mind raped him more than once?!
Oh, not just that. She spent series 3 faking supervillain attacks so that the new junior team would have something to do that made them look good on social media.

No, really. Kon was angry about her hiding it from him, but said nothing about all of the crimes she, Batman, Kaldur, and everyone else in the loop committed.
It's like you're trying to tell me something.


Oh, not just that. She spent series 3 faking supervillain attacks so that the new junior team would have something to do that made them look good on social media.

No, really. Kon was angry about her hiding it from him, but said nothing about all of the crimes she, Batman, Kaldur, and everyone else in the loop committed.
So is this a case where by the time season 3 was greenlit most of the original writing team has moved on, and they hired whatever idiot was available? Is there a new showrunner who graduated 'dumb corporate ideas' college?
Wyynde was not seamlessly integrated. Kaldur was barely in series 3, and my response to Wyynde was 'who are you, character we've never seen before? Are you significant in some way?'

Before our time actually.

Wyynde is based loosely on one of Arion's old pals, an Atlantean tribal warrior.

Pre-deluge Atlantis included an Amerindian style civilization, 35 thousand years before North America found itself inhabited. So you know, comic book writers, paid in booze and drugs...

Having Kaldur find out his boyfriend is a very much older man is kind of soap opera, so maybe it's a family name or he's the reincarnation of one of Arion's old buddies, if one wanted.
So is this a case where by the time season 3 was greenlit most of the original writing team has moved on, and they hired whatever idiot was available? Is there a new showrunner who graduated 'dumb corporate ideas' college?

I don't know about the writing team, but part of the issue is definitely them trying to be far too topical by playing up the social media angle and public approval, including the travesty of what they did to Luthor (all of which veers too close to this forum's taboo policy).

It was just impossible to care about half the things the protagonists did because it didn't seem to matter; they were just being manipulated, either by each other or the Light. The latter case has always been present in Young Justice but at this stage it's just gone on for too long without any meaningful change; the only reason half the Justice League's loved ones aren't dead is because of Light intervention.
It's like you're trying to tell me something.
Well, I'm no professional. So I can't say with 100% certainty. But I have looked deep into the dark void, and in that gnashing wall of horrid teeth and soul splitting wails, I have discovered that you do, in fact, seem to like "Teh Pony"

Huh...did not see that coming.

Oh, not just that. She spent series 3 faking supervillain attacks so that the new junior team would have something to do that made them look good on social media.

No, really. Kon was angry about her hiding it from him, but said nothing about all of the crimes she, Batman, Kaldur, and everyone else in the loop committed.
Why is it that nearly everything about M'gann is just infuriating? Not only because she does abusive and vile shit, but because everyone is just...okay with that.

I mean, I vaguely recall, that after she tried to mind rape Kon again and he caught her, thus leading to their break up, that the female members of their team went out of their way to comfort her for Kon being a big ol' stupid meany-head.
Well, I'm no professional. So I can't say with 100% certainty. But I have looked deep into the dark void, and in that gnashing wall of horrid teeth and soul splitting wails, I have discovered that you do, in fact, seem to like "Teh Pony"

Huh...did not see that coming.

Why is it that nearly everything about M'gann is just infuriating? Not only because she does abusive and vile shit, but because everyone is just...okay with that.

I mean, I vaguely recall, that after she tried to mind rape Kon again and he caught her, thus leading to their break up, that the female members of their team went out of their way to comfort her for Kon being a big ol' stupid meany-head.
Main verse comic Kaldur is gay. They didn't have a lot to work with so the writer of the adaption went with this. by season 3 was added to original young justice show version as well, Kaldur is Bi. Considering how few legit Bi characters their is, i never saw it as an issue. but i agree with earlier commenters, he was added to YJ poorly and seemed like it was only done as an inclusivity thing for show. If it was done better cool no issue but was very badly done so was hated by many.

Also on M'gann. You acknowledge she was mind rapping Kon, so who says she hasn't done same to everyone on Team whenever anyone disagrees.
At this point maybe Kon is already brainwashed and he doesn't know about it? I would say nobody knows about it, but let's be real, if other people knew, they wouldn't care! *Looking at you, still puppeteering a body, "lord of order" Nabu*

And regarding M'gann, maybe she does have more in common with her counterpart of Earth -14. And because the one in canon never encountered the evil one she didn't reflect on her actions and personal identity.

That or "less than good" writing. Yeah, probably that.
Main verse comic Kaldur is gay. They didn't have a lot to work with so the writer of the adaption went with this. by season 3 was added to original young justice show version as well, Kaldur is Bi. Considering how few legit Bi characters their is, i never saw it as an issue. but i agree with earlier commenters, he was added to YJ poorly and seemed like it was only done as an inclusivity thing for show. If it was done better cool no issue but was very badly done so was hated by many.
Oh, I'm just shocked that an american animated work, not on HBO, has the balls to have homosexual male content.

The fact that I didn't hear anything about it till this moment tells me how poorly it was handled.

Also on M'gann. You acknowledge she was mind rapping Kon, so who says she hasn't done same to everyone on Team whenever anyone disagrees.
Oh, my on personal thoughts on M'gann are that she is/was, knowingly or unknowingly, fucking with everyone's head to get the "hello, Megan!" life she wanted.

I mean, didn't she actually push for Kon to be named Connor because that was TV show Megan's boyfriend?
Oh, I'm just shocked that an american animated work, not on HBO, has the balls to have homosexual male content.

The fact that I didn't hear anything about it till this moment tells me how poorly it was handled.

Oh, my on personal thoughts on M'gann are that she is/was, knowingly or unknowingly, fucking with everyone's head to get the "hello, Megan!" life she wanted.

I mean, didn't she actually push for Kon to be named Connor because that was TV show Megan's boyfriend?
Ah i see what you mean. It wasn't until online season they did it so your kind of right.

Yeah M'gann in show makes me feel like she will be big bad in final season.
Maybe he was friends with the horse guy above and saw him do it.

Or he dated a member of the species.
That's what makes it interesting. Can you imagine him full on kissing with an equine? I have a hard time imagining him in any serious relationship let alone a species that different from him. Or a very drunk equine friend who'd insist on telling him all the sordid details of how to please a equine female.
Cold Iron (part 17)
26th June 2012
16:33 GMT -5

Another tome out of its scan-resistant case, orange light flaring as I turn the alien writings into English and deposit them first into my rings and then into my brain…

"Have you given any thought to just scanning these onto a database?"

"Lord Malvolio has stated on several occasions that knowledge is not for the lazy. Anyone can come here and read our record of precedents whenever they want. If they're not prepared to make the effort then they can live in ignorance."

"The.. people of your civilisation can't read your canon of law?"

"No, the canon of law is available on the data networks. These are just the rulings made by Lord Malvolio, that form the basis of our canon of law."

"Okay, but how about printing a summary and keeping it here? I can sort of understand expecting people to get off their arses if they want to understand their own civilisation, but this is deliberately keeping it opaque."

She nods proudly. "As it should be."


My ring flashes.


Jordan's head appears. "I've got the refugees settled and I'm heading for the capital now. What does the building look like?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

He frowns. "That's not exactly-. … Oh. Right."

"I'll see you in a moment."

"How..? Many of you are there?"

"Four of us came in the initial wave. The aim was to bring more, but our portal was disrupted. It might get restored, it might not."

Having had time to reflect upon the time line, I've been… Forced to consider that the disruption might have occurred when I attacked the area around the time pool. If the magicians were attaching their spell to it as an arcane constant, what I did might have wrecked the whole array and forced them to start from scratch. Then again, doing that removed the Sheeda's escape options at the earliest opportunity… I'm leaning towards it having been the right decision, but… I can't be certain.

"Hey! Anyone home?"

"In here!"

"Was that Green Lantern sign over-" Jordan flies in, prompting the curator to look around. "-the door meant to start-"

"My Lord!"

The curator falls on her face, genuflecting in Jordan's direction.

"-glowing." He frowns. "What's her deal?"

"The local Green Lantern is kind of important."

"Yeah. I remember what it's like when a Green Lantern takes over." He drops to the floor and reaches out to the curator. "You don't have to do that with me."

"I know. I'm choosing to. It is your due."

I take a look at her…

"As far as I can tell, she honestly believes it."

"That's not the point."

"Given how popular Lanternism is, I'm a little surprised that you're not more used to it."

He drops his hand with a sigh, then stands back up.

"The only Lanternists in Two Eight One Four are the 'sacred duty' types. They don't go in for this kind of thing." He moves away for the curator, looking around the room. "Learn anything useful?"

"Lord Malvolio appears to be the 'don't make me come over there' type of jurist. His retribution for attacks against his people or slights upon his honour or… What he regards as 'treason' is draconian. However, he isn't arbitrary and generally treats emissaries and leaders from outside what he regards as his area of responsibility with a degree of… Not exactly 'deference', but he at least recognises that there's a difference between his own subjects and people who aren't."

"So why's he talking to the Sheeda?"

"Have you seen the stars since we got here?"

"No. You know why?"

"These books make it clear that Lord Malvolio used to control a much greater area than this. If he made a deal with the Guardians and feels that they reneged on it, he might decide that anything that lets him leave is a 'reasonable' deal."

"So if we agree to help him get out of wherever this is, that reason's gone."

"I'm just guessing here. Even if I could see him, given how 'green' he is, it's perfectly possible that I won't learn anything." I shrug. "There's nothing obvious for them to offer him, but that doesn't mean that they can't have found something that hasn't occurred to me." He nods. "If the Guardians did trap him here, are you allowed to let him out?"

"Can I? Sure. Will I? Depends what sort of man he is. As of right now, we've won. If the four of us getting killed by an insane super-Lantern the Guardians were right to lock away, if that's what it takes to make it stick, then so be it. On the other hand, if we can talk it out, so much the better."

I close the book and respectfully return it to its protective case.

"Are Flash and Wonder Woman coming with us?"

"Yeah. Diana's got a bit more experience with diplomacy than I have, and Flash can react faster than us if the Sheeda try anything."

"Then we may as well go and pick them up."

"First things first." He holds out his right hand. "Honor Guard Green Lantern Harold Jordan to Lord Malvolio of the Green Flame. Please respond."

I take a step back, while the curator double-grovels.

For a moment, nothing happens. Then a plume of green… Flame? Not exactly, but it's sort of a fatter version of the green flame-like environmental shield that Alan used to have. The pseudo-flame leaps from Jordan's ring and erupts in the shape of a man.

"You arrive as brilliant light, rending darkness's opaque veil. As a whisper, silence shattering. Among stars and far flung heavens have cosmic winds aloft borne me as I, answering adventure's siren call, sought her face in the galaxy's far corners. Among peoples and cultures infinitely diverse have these well worn heels tread narrow paths leading to warm, righteous hearths. Against evil kingdoms and dreadful empires a vengeful hand have I raised. Against me could no man stand nor any man deny my will. Through time and seasons and ages undreamed of, my will, my token and troth remain. The vindicator, avenger, defender, law and judge am I. Saviour and destroyer, life and death… I am Lord Malvolio of the Green Flame."

"UhHi. Mind if we come talk face to face?"
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'the basis'

our record of precedents

maybe 'records'


Honor Guard Green Lantern Harold Jordan to Lord Malvolio of the Green Flame. Please respond."

missing a "

but it's soft of a fatter

'sort of'

"You arrive as brilliant light, rending darkness's opaque veil. As a whisper, silence shattering. Among stars and far flung heavens have cosmic winds aloft borne me as I, answering adventure's siren call, sought her face in the galaxy's far corners. Among peoples and cultures infinitely diverse have these well worn heels tread narrow paths leading to warm, righteous hearths. Against evil kingdoms and dreadful empires a vengeful hand have I raised. Against me could no man stand nor any man deny my will. Through time and seasons and ages undreamed of, my will, my token and troth remain. The vindicator, avenger, defender, law and judge am I. Saviour and destroyer, life and death… I am Lord Malvolio of the Green Flame."

Your skills with flowery language are impressive.

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