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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

26th June 2012
16:51 GMT -5

As we get closer, my ring starts identifying the technologies used in the construction of the space station. A.. slightly worrying amount is a partial match for Tartarath's technology, and I… Suppose that they would have been the most advanced species in our region of space when he left. Other bits and pieces could have come from more or less anywhere, though the general structure… There's a slightly narrower range of species who build spherical space stations, but… The separation of the sphere section implies that the people who build it didn't have artificial gravity and were using centripetal force to substitute for it. So… Built without artificial gravity and upgraded later? Emotional attachment?
So it's basically a kludge of different styles, probably made from memory by someone whose understanding of the technologies involved was probably less than perfect at the time. Sounds about right for Malvolio's work, then?

There's an open hangar, with a thin green film over it. I can't see Lord Malvolio himself… If he's been here long enough he probably could run a construct from his throne room to the exit, but there doesn't appear to be a manual door and I'd be surprised if he went entirely without sleep. Sector Houses use a system like this-.

No. No, this isn't a converted Sector House. The technologies and layout are wrong. But that does look like a Sector House atmosphere shield.
And in typical advanced technological fashion, there's no actual door? I hope there's at least an emergency backup, and a backup for the backup? Or would that be hoping for too much common sense.

"You spotted it too?"

"He's either very good or very good."
That's a matter of opinion. Presumably, they're assuming Malvolio is managing the station's functions himself?

We pass through, and… I'm reminded of Emperor Palpatine's arrival on the Death Star. Ranks of soldiers and… Priests? Are lined up on either side, with a clear gangway between them. Some are the white skinned aliens I've seen so far, while others have pale orange skin. The pale orange ones are smaller, though… Without scanning them I can't say for certain that they're not the same species.
If they are the same species, maybe a different ethnic group? One of those 'That just raises more questions!' moments... Of course, that assumes they're actual people, and not some extremely skilled construct work...

Off to the far sides I see in-system ships which appear to be of local manufacture. I don't see anything obviously Sheeda, though. Have I misjudged? Would he have simply annihilated them the moment they arrived uninvited? If they were rude, that… Sounds possible. How desperate was the Queen?
Maybe one of the shuttles you saw collected them? Or Malvolio ferried the Sheeda delegation over himself? That might have been beneath him, though... :confused: Just not enough data to be sure.

We touch down, and I release Diana as Jordan releases Mr Allen. Another humanoid is hurrying towards us along the open alley, this one… More human looking. That is to say, his skin is within the Caucasian colour range and he has both hair and a nose. He's wearing a blue jumpsuit, plain but for a white star with a small Green Lantern sigil in the centre and a white utility belt.

"Welcome, travellers! I am Wallace, squire to Lord Malvolio."
Huh. So he brought along his offsider when he left Earth. Again, he may well be an extremely well-made construct. It all depends on assumptions...

He smiles, slowing as he reaches us.

"It has been so long since either my Lord or myself has crossed paths with anyone from Earth, and now two sets in the same day!"
Nice to have it confirmed the Sheeda are here. And it sounds like he's older than he looks.

Diana nods, a polite smile on her face.

"It will be interesting to meet a men as well-travelled. No one on Earth has any idea that there have been humans in space for so long."
Hmm... o_O Were there any travellers before Malvolio? I mean, we know about Aurakles and his lot, but did they ever leave the Solar System?

"To tell you the truth, I've almost forgotten what other humans look like."

"Do you and Lord Malvolio wanna go home?"
Well, that's more insight than I'd give Hal credit for. So used to the memetic version, all "Who the hell is Bruce Wayne?" ignorance and cockiness... (And yes, that's something from the early new 52 comics, a flashback to the formation of the League during an Apokaliptian invasion...)

"I wouldn't presume to speak for Lord Malvolio, but for myself… I would be interested to see our former homeworld once more. It's been… Rather a long time."

"Yeah, I skimmed your court records. You left Earth when he did?"
Looking good for someone pushing four hundred.


Jordan frowns. "How are you still alive? You've gotta be three hundred years old."
I know, right? I didn't think the Green light was good for that sort of thing... Not as good as Blue or Orange, certainly...

"I suppose that I must be." Wallace's nods solemnly. "I'd rather.. lost track. If… You'd like to accompany me, I'll escort you to Lord Malvolio now."
Huh... Still not sure if he's just forgetful in a 'one day blurs into the next' sort of agelessness, or if he's just a construct that thinks it was human. I could see Malvolio doing that, making a replacement for his best friend after he passed of old age...

Diana nods, and Wallace turns away to lead us further into the space station. Diana and Jordan take the lead, with Mister Allen-. It's hard to see, but I think he's… Blurring slightly. Looking around while trying to look like he's staying in one place? I wouldn't have spotted it if I wasn't specifically looking for it, and I hope that Lord Malvolio doesn't notice. I on the other hand limit myself to passive scans. The station is shielded and appears to be using a kinetic energy induction system to maintain a near perfectly even internal temperature. Which means that infrared is just showing me the walls.
Yay. The joy of someone who knows how to keep his shit hidden.

The people who were lined up to greet us remain staring ahead at least until the interior door closes, glancing neither left nor right as we passed them. That's a little disturb-.
So not hurting the case for them all being constructs. Not even a twitch, or a sidelong glance at their visitors? That kind of discipline does not strike me as natural.

Jordan gasps and I'm… Not far off doing that myself as we walk into an antechamber and see… What looks suspiciously like a Green Central Power Battery standing tall as the centrepiece in the middle of the room. A quick ring-assisted comparison to the one I saw on Oa shows that it's somewhat smaller, though still far larger than any personal lantern. A… Bit larger than the industrial lanterns used in the larger Sector Houses, though I suppose that it could simply be an obsolete model that Malvolio got hold of. Its vibrant glow shows that it's definitely still active. If that's what it is, that might explain how he's kept his ring charged for so long.
Goodness. That would be funnelling a lot of Willpower through it. Enough, say, to make an entire planet-sized construct and it's population, so realistic that they have their own emotions?

Except… Why wouldn't the Guardians pull the plug? The data I got from John's ring and from Hinon made it clear that doing that was very much an option. Was it..? Did they used to use lanterns which didn't have that function? Because if there's a way around the usual lockouts, that's something I need to know. I don't want to ever have to fight a Larfleeze who knows I'm coming.

At least it doesn't seem to be disrupting my ring.
For all we know, Malvolio made it based on the design of a personal lantern, simply scaling up without the restrictive software of its model. I shudder at the sheer power it would take to do so, though. By now, he could probably rival a Guardian for sheer control of Spectrum energy.

The corridor out is wider, and leads to a grand staircase leading up to gold doors embossed with the green sigil. If the yellow weakness existed in this continuity, this would be a really stupid colour to use to decorate a space station. As it is, it's merely gaudy in the extreme.

Wallace knocks on the door three times, and after a moment of 'remember whose home this is' waiting the doors slowly begin to open.
The dance of stately manners. Something Malvolio would be intimately familiar with from his Earthly youth...

I see Lord Malvolio himself almost immediately, and the Sheeda courtiers a moment later. The Sheeda are keeping their appearance as humanoid as possible and generally appear to be conducting themselves with decorum. And-. There's Gloriana Tenebrae.

I don't look inside her. Aside from anything else, I don't imagine that I'd see anything that would actually help me achieve my objectives. Just a cavalcade of malicious decisions made for personal satisfaction. Anarawd is rationally self-interested. Melmoth is just vile, and I doubt that the woman who usurped him would be any better.
Yeah, wouldn't do to go poking in the presence of your host. Now that you're presumably aware you can do it, maybe you can go poking around the Honden for transtemporal logs of her Avarice. At least for the times she's been in the present and relatively recent past...

Wallace remains still until the doors are fully open, then proceeds forward in a slow and stately fashion. As we follow him I contemplate switching to my formal robes… No. This is still a combat mission, and I'm still in a room with some very dangerous people.
And this way, you make yourself seem like dumb muscle. A mere bodyguard for the real diplomat. :D Not that Diana needs it, does she?

Malvolio doesn't appear much moved by our arrival, remaining slumped in his beautifully wrought chair throne. He really does look like a medieval take on Alan, red and green clothes combined with a tiny mask, which he wears… Why? I mean, at least Alan had a reason to conceal his identity. I can't imagine that Malvolio has any human family he actually knows left alive after all this time. And speaking of human… As we get closer and I can better estimate his size… He's either not human any more or at least not wholey human. He's about two metres tall but there are humans who are taller. It's that he's too broad, too muscular, and his proportions are off. His hands are large enough to envelop a normal person's head but honestly it's his head that's most obviously abnormal. It's expanded to match the proportions of his muscles, which makes it grotesquely large by human standards.
To be honest, he may well have modified himself over the centuries to better fit his status. To be blunt, he'd have left one hell of an impression in his day otherwise. The mask? :confused: I got nothing.

I mean, if you saw him on his own from a distance you probably wouldn't notice it, but like this
From that pic you posted of his speech, he looks fairly normal, if slouched. But at that scale, his goblet would have to hold a liter or more of fluid... Imagine a cup holding a gallon of wine, American readers...

"Lord Malvolio." Diana bows, and after a momentary delay on Jordan's part the other League members do the same. I can't really bow properly in this armour, but I lean slightly along with them. "Thank you for inviting us into your home."

"Long has it been since I have spoken with men and women from the world of my birth. And now two distinct types stand before me. Queen Gloriana claims dominion over the entire globe, and appeals to me to aid in the realisation of her claim. Who are you, and why do you seek me?"
...That is a lot of green light. He's definitely closer to a Guardian than a human at this point. And really, I'm amazed he'd take Glory-Bra at her word. Wouldn't she look like something out of contemporary depictions of hell to him? :confused: Seriously: Head tentacles.

"I am Princess Diana of Themyscira. These are my colleagues…"

Always a bit of a puzzle when dealing with people from other planets. Do you use the real name or their title? Or course, an alien wouldn't know that 'Flash' wasn't his real name, but that doesn't help when dealing with an exotic human like Malvolio.
He may well understand the use of pseudonyms from highwaymen or the like? Though that's not the best association... Maybe he'd think of it as a courtly title?

"Green Lantern Harold Jordan, the Flash, and Orange Lantern Paul."

Oddly, Malvolio doesn't appear to be focusing on Jordan to any great degree. I would have thought that for better or worse that's where his eyes would fall.

"And we would ask your aid in bringing the few remaining Sheeda to justice."
Wow, okay, just drop the bomb, Diana. As for Malvolio paying attention to Hal... Who knows what manner of senses he has now? He might well have done a detailed scan of each of you the second you set foot on the station.

And now it turns into a courtroom drama. The story just goes into all manner of genres, doesn't it? I predict Glory-Bra will have a lot to say about what Diana just announced. No doubt we'll see her reply tomorrow. And hopefully, at some point, Malvolio introducing her to a giant green pimp-hand of courtly respect.

...or at least not wholey human.
...or at least not wholely human. (Not sure on the spelling, but the spellchecker picked it up.)
Thank you, corrected.
No, it's both sides.
maybe 'have crossed' since he's speaking for both of them.
Thank you, corrected.
'a rather long time'
'a hold of'
No, that's correct.
What has he been doing since Paul got him to Earth?
Sitting where he's put, smiling vacantly.
Devlos's species, right?
Can someone clarify things, because I'm confused. Paul and the League followed Gloriana to a separate realm or dimension or timeline or what? I'm confused understanding where this Malvolio falls into things. Is he another Sinestro no one is doing anything about or what? And Malvolio will decide if Gloria should be able to conquer Earth? Does she have enough Sheeda to do that? If Malvolio ruled in her favor I imagine Paul might destroy the Castle Revolving to strand Gloriana away from Earth.
In order to avoid answering 'the SI doesn't know', I'll just tell you. She's offering him a way out of his prison and dominion over the Earth after the Harrowing is finished.
...or at least not wholely human. (Not sure on the spelling, but the spellchecker picked it up.)
Apparently, it's supposed to be 'wholly'.
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Hmm... o_O Were there any travellers before Malvolio? I mean, we know about Aurakles and his lot, but did they ever leave the Solar System?

Did he even leave the planet?

I know he went to the future, but I can't remember if he ever went to space.

Huh... Still not sure if he's just forgetful in a 'one day blurs into the next' sort of agelessness, or if he's just a construct that thinks it was human. I could see Malvolio doing that, making a replacement for his best friend after he passed of old age...

Like that mutated guy for the Justice Guild in the JL cartoon.

So not hurting the case for them all being constructs. Not even a twitch, or a sidelong glance at their visitors? That kind of discipline does not strike me as natural.

If they aren't constructs then it honestly may be natural for them to act like that.

Remember they're not human, so they may act in different ways.

To be honest, he may well have modified himself over the centuries to better fit his status. To be blunt, he'd have left one hell of an impression in his day otherwise. The mask? :confused: I got nothing.

He wouldn't be the first person in authority to wear something weird.

Men in the past used to wear wigs even when they had hair, and in some countries judges still do that.

He may have thought the mask was a good choice for some reason, like to help him hide his facial expressions or something like that.

...That is a lot of green light. He's definitely closer to a Guardian than a human at this point. And really, I'm amazed he'd take Glory-Bra at her word. Wouldn't she look like something out of contemporary depictions of hell to him? :confused: Seriously: Head tentacles.

The green light isn't exactly indicative that he's close to a Guardian now, Hal is also speaking in green.

Though yeah he's probably a bit more than an average human now.

Also the Sheeda may be using some kind of disguise to hide their more weird traits, or he may not care how they look since he lives surrounded by people that don't look all that much like humans.

He may well understand the use of pseudonyms from highwaymen or the like? Though that's not the best association... Maybe he'd think of it as a courtly title?

Leaders and rulers throughout history have taken on different names to symbolize something.

The Roman emperors, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Malcolm X etc.

He may view their names as something like this.
"I suppose that I must be." Wallace's nods solemnly. "I'd rather.. lost track.

Nice non-answer! And noone makes a note of it. Not even meaningful sideglances at obvious deflection.

He really does look like a medieval take on Alan, red and green clothes combined with a tiny mask, which he wears… Why?

Do not question the necessity and power of the tiny masks! In a place like DC even fake glasses will make a person completely unrecognizable as god(s) intended.

Thou this 'I am not the droid person you're looking for' effect does warrant some research. Call for a Team meeting, start talking, conjure a pair of clear glasses and put them on. It they get alarmed and start trying to capture/restrain you like an intruder you obviously are you could call the experiment a success. If they think the intruder teleported away and swapped his place with your after your glasses get knocked off... well, that's concerning but has cheesing potential ;)

Queen Gloriana claims dominion over the entire globe, and appeals to me to aid in the realisation of her claim. Who are you, and why do you seek me?"

"And we would ask your aid in bringing the few remaining Sheeda to justice."

3, 2, 1...

Would anyone like to place a bet on the pointless fight ensuing in the next chapter? Well maybe the one after the next (we gotta get an equally pointless debate out of the way first).

Odds of Lord Malvolio genuinely siding with the Team Protag are in low single digits according to my calculations. However the odds of LM seemingly siding with the Team Protag are slightly better (sudden yet inevitable betrayal is still happening regardless, just later).

In order to avoid answering 'the SI doesn't know', I'll just tell you. She's offering him a way out of his prison and dominion over the Earth after the Harrowing is finished.

Huh. So she's Loki to Malvolio's Thanos. Makes sense.
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He may have made them be capable of doing these things, but just hasn't shown us them doing it yet.

And the reason Paul hasn't been practicing using these functions could be because he doesn't remember them doing it in the comics, or he has been practicing them, but hasn't found a need to use these new skills of his yet when other methods work just fine.

Paul has been ringslinging for two years now, in which he's encountered numerous people who actually had training.

If Zoat's rules were Paul mistaking his own limitations for a ring's limitations, the time to show that was before now.
Paul has been ringslinging for two years now, in which he's encountered numerous people who actually had training.

If Zoat's rules were Paul mistaking his own limitations for a ring's limitations, the time to show that was before now.

The ones he's seen using their rings may have also not known about those features, or they just didn't use them because they either haven't mastered them, or just consider the whole one color constructs and connected to the ring thing to be easier to do than making them another color or trying to disconnect the constructs from the ring.

This story also isn't your typical fanfic and it may last for decades, so Zoat could have years before he reveals something about the limitations and abilities of a power ring.
He's about two metres tall but there are humans who are taller. It's that he's too broad, too muscular, and his proportions are off. His hands are large enough to envelop a normal person's head but honestly it's his head that's most obviously abnormal. It's expanded to match the proportions of his muscles, which makes it grotesquely large by human standards.
Consequnces of natural growth hormones over several centuries? Malvolio, it's not recommended to stay anabolic ALL the time, even if you mitigate the downsides with that ring. All else aside, you run into the square cube law eventually.
Honestly? I think queen whatsherface is wasting her time. Sure she's desperate, but I really can't see Malvolio being able to turn the situation on his own. Earth has waaaay too much muscle, and Anti-Lantern (courtesy of OL) crap for one power ring user to make much of a dent.

And honestly...can he even been more powerful/skilled a user than Hal, Guy, Alan, and OL? I have a hard time buying the he could be. Unless he's doing shit with the green light no one knew was possible. But if that's the case...how did he find it? All locked what in the Void as he has been.

Again, all I really remember about him was that he wanted to use Hal in his war against the Old timer....and that never went anywhere, and I'm struggling to remember who the Old timer even is.
And honestly...can he even been more powerful/skilled a user than Hal, Guy, Alan, and OL? I have a hard time buying the he could be. Unless he's doing shit with the green light no one knew was possible. But if that's the case...how did he find it? All locked what in the Void as he has been.

He may have been exposed to the light for centuries, unlike Alan who has just been exposed to it for decades.

He also most likely practiced using his ring for all those centuries and discovered all sorts of interesting things.

The ones you listed may be more skilled than him and battle hardened, but that doesn't mean he can't give them a challenging fight.

We already saw him tell OL to fuck off when he tried looking through the Honden, so he has experience in manipulating his light in advanced ways, and may be able to do to Jordan, Guy and John what Paul did to Ragnar, manipulate his ring and make it stop working.
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He may have been exposed to the light for centuries, unlike Alan who has just been exposed to it for decades.

He also most likely practiced using his ring for all those centuries and discovered all sorts of interesting things.

The ones you listed may be more skilled than him and battle hardened, but that doesn't mean he can't give them a challenging fight.

We already saw him tell OL to fuck off when he tried looking through the Honden, so he has experience in manipulating his light in advanced ways, and may be able to do to Jordan, Guy and John what Paul did to Ragnar, manipulate his ring and make it stop working.
True, he might be well learned in experimentation so to speak. Spending however long develing into the green light.

But how much practical knowledge does he have?

In traditional martial arts I find that to be one of the most frustrating things. People who cling to techniques and teachings that have no practical value in a fight. When their goal IS to fight. (what you do for fun, exercise, or your own spirituality is your business.)

What I mean is, can he put what he knows to use in battle...and how will that match up to a really battle tested Earth force. All the lanterns alone have been through some shit.

He's obviously got power. His will was more then enough to give OL a good shove. But how well will that translate?

Still, I find it hard to believe he could stand up to the entire League, YJ team, and any allies OL can pull, without basically a thick set of villain plot armor.

And considering how utterly fucked Zoat's power rings are by magic....
True, he might be well learned in experimentation so to speak. Spending however long develing into the green light.

But how much practical knowledge does he have?

In traditional martial arts I find that to be one of the most frustrating things. People who cling to techniques and teachings that have no practical value in a fight. When their goal IS to fight. (what you do for fun, exercise, or your own spirituality is your business.)

What I mean is, can he put what he knows to use in battle...and how will that match up to a really battle tested Earth force. All the lanterns alone have been through some shit.

He's obviously got power. His will was more then enough to give OL a good shove. But how well will that translate?

Still, I find it hard to believe he could stand up to the entire League, YJ team, and any allies OL can pull, without basically a thick set of villain plot armor.

And considering how utterly fucked Zoat's power rings are by magic....

Good point.

Still I'm assuming that if he does fight he won't be a pushover, even if he does lose.
Good point.

Still I'm assuming that if he does fight he won't be a pushover, even if he does lose.
I do have to wonder if he's ever actually fought. With his ring that is.

From what I remember, his Father was green Lantern. Malvolio killed him and took his ring. The Guardians sent another GL to deal with the situation (and I believe wanted Malvolio killed) But their agent didn't want to kill him, and instead imprisoned him in the Void Hal found him in.

Plot, plot, plot and Malvolio manipulates Hal into taking his ring out of the void...and is never seen again.

So really, I guess it's all up to Zoat. Given how weak I find OL to be, if he gets his ass kicked by a green ring, after getting his ass kicked by magic I don't know how many times AND killed by the Pidgeon of War...I'll be nettled. Perhaps even...bumfuzzled.
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Oh, and speaking of Old villains.

Mr. Zoat, is Myrwhydden a thing in Universe 16? I believe he should be imprisoned IN Hal's ring.

All this thinking of Hal's ring, Malvolio's ring, and the like popped him into my head.
Cold Iron (part 19)
26th June 2012
16:55 GMT -5

A nice way of putting it. Honestly, we'd be happy with him declaring that it was no affair of his and letting us get on with it, but this way she implies that ours is the one in accordance with the rules of civilisation. Because he's very big on that.

"You do agree then with Cicero's maxim 'In war the law is silent'?"

I take a moment to study the Sheeda in more detail. Gloriana herself has pale turquoise skin and the classically elven pointed ears, and small ear rings hang from her lobes on either side. There are… 5? Short horn-stumps sticking out of the top of her head, and her clothing is… Oh, who am I kidding, it's dominatrix gear. Mostly skin tight save for where it's been cut away to expose more skin, decorative 'armoured' shoulder pads, silly semi-ruff thing that's probably an attempt to compensate for her slight and unimposing frame. Her eyes are completely black, which is a little disturbing, but all in all I'm left with a powerful reminder that a person can accomplish deeds of great malevolence without being particularly threatening in themselves.

She's accompanied by two 'beta' dommes, characterised by their conical hats, lack of ear rings and smaller breasts. Their clothing reveals less skin and looks slightly more armoured, though I can't see the runework which usually marks Highborn Sheeda out as particularly dangerous. Her handmaidens, I assume. The other four members of their party are arrayed for combat, but while their armour is slightly thicker I can't see anything… Special. Nothing that would let them turn the tide against an overwhelming force.

For a moment I'm reminded of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The good fights were in the middle of a campaign map. By the time you got to the end, the player character would inevitably have an insurmountable advantage compared to the AI.

In a way it's nice to be rewarded for preparation.

"I do not. While it is true that many laws do not apply to open conflicts between peoples, there are still conventions which the nations of Earth abide by. Ambassadors and other negotiators are given safe passage. One soldier killing another is not murder, but rape remains rape. You left Earth long before the Geneva Conventions were signed, but now almost every nation on Earth has agreed to abide by certain terms when engaged in armed conflict."

"Have the Sheeda signed this convention?"

"The Sheeda are not a nation. They travelled to our time from the far future. If you travel to lands owned by another nation, claiming that you are not from there does not grant immunity to their laws. If the Sheeda merely wished to make war upon us with the aim of conquering us, that would be one thing. Instead, they aim to kill all but a handful of the Earth's inhabitants, soldiers and civilians, men, women and children alike, and for no better reason than to indulge their own cruelty. The prevention of such behaviour is why the Convention exists, and why it is enforced between nations."

The Queen actually moves slightly at that, her head tilted slightly back and her general air being one of contemptuous disinterest. Not sure what she's trying to prove by not interjecting. Unless she thinks that she's already got this sewn up.

"And for these crimes that you allege, what remedy would you seek?"

"We would like to have the remaining Sheeda handed over to us to be tried for their actions and punished as the laws of Earth require."

"And what retribution will the justices seek?"

Which will result in just about every Sheeda soldier who ends up in custody being sentenced to death. It's been a while since an international tribunal had the power to hand down a death sentence, but I can't really think of another response to attacks like the ones they've carried out. A bit of a shame; a proportion of them are probably capable of rehabilitation, and if… If Sivana had been operating at full power from the start and the damage had been less, and there was less outrage, maybe I could talk people around to lesser sentences.

'We're going to kill most of them' isn't as easy a sell as… Just about anything else. Or it wouldn't be for me. For all I know, Malvolio would respect the hard-line approach and cheer them on.

"That is not for me to determine."

Lord Malvolio doesn't give any outward sign of displeasure at that bunt. I've got a worrying feeling that he's going to take everything in, decide on a course of action and then pursue it in true single minded Green Lantern fashion. And after that point, anything we say in moderation is going to be disregarded.

"Who will name the justices who will determine the fate of the Sheeda?"

"I imagine the panel will be comprised of a combination of senior judges from the Earth's most powerful countries, with a smaller number from the rest of the world."

"Will they be honest men and true?"

"Yes. They will have no alternative. The whole world will witness their actions and judge them for them."

The leaders, certainly. I would be astonished if any country that actually took Sheeda prisoner was willing to hand them over to an international tribunal rather than try them themselves.

"You are clearly an obliging noble. And how will your deeds be rewarded?"

"I am hopeful that this will ease the way to greater international cooperation relating to attacks of this magnitude in the future."

"But you do not expect a personal reward of lands or titles?"

"That's not how we work."

Mr. Allen nods. "A good deed well done is its own reward."

I brace slightly, but Lord Malvolio doesn't appear to take umbrage. However, his head does move very slightly so that his eyes are pointed in my direction.

"And you, wyrmling?"

"I can't imagine anything they could give me as a reward that I actually want. Respect for my public service is far more useful."

He doesn't reply, but his head turns slowly back to Diana.

"And how do you respond to the Sheeda's claim that they are merely taking their due, as a lord may take of a serf's labour?"

"A lord provides protection in exchange for the serf's labour, both in the form of an enforced code of law and against foreign enemies who may seek to harm them. The Sheeda provide no one with any service. They are not the Earth's rulers, but merely parasites. Queen Gloriana may well be the queen of the Sheeda; that is for them to determine. She is not the queen of us."

"She has promised me much. And while she visited my realm at my invitation, you intruded here and attacked my guest's household."

"My colleagues have raised the possibility of aiding you in leaving this star system. I do not know how that could be achieved, but we are willing to try. As for attacking her household: we are at war. We slew none who were not under arms and damaged no property that was not a part of their military."

"I do not accuse you of violating your own rules of warfare, but of besmirching my honour in attacking my guests."

"We did not know that they were your guests. We did not know that this was your system. But if your honor will not allow you to hand them over, we…" She glances at Jordan who merely bows his head slightly. "Are prepared to accept them being exiled here, rather than being returned to Earth."

I nod inside my armour. It's not great, but if it prevents further violence while allowing him to be satisfied, it'll be worth it. Queen Gloriana just isn't that much of a threat on her own.


Mr. Allen… Doesn't seem quite so sanguine.

Diana's eyes flick to him for a moment before returning to Lord Malvolio.

"Our greatest concern is to ensure the continuing wellbeing of our people. If the remaining Sheeda can no longer threaten the Earth, we can-."

"Like hell!"
Last edited:
the Geneva Conventions were signed by,

remove 'by' or add 'the various countries'

that you are not from there does not grant immunity to their laws.

'grant you'

moves slightly at then


Unless she thinks that she's already got this sewn up.

Well you did speculate that she was extremely arrogant.

"Who will names the justices


took Sheeda prisoner


clearly a obliging noble.

'clearly an'

international cooperating relating


your won rules of warfare,

'own rules'


Mr. Allen… Doesn't seem quite so sanguine.

Diana's eyes flick to him for a moment before returning to Lord Malvolio.

"Our greatest concern is to ensure the continuing wellbeing of our people. If the remaining Sheeda can no longer threaten the Earth, we can-."

"Like hell!"

Well so much for a peaceful settlement.

Didn't expect the Flash to be the one to start hostilities. Wonder if he'll be put on suspension or something after this is all over so that he can process everything he's seen and done?

Surprised me too but makes perfect sense to me. Especially given that this is his first time being exposed to the really brutal side of their job - he's probably seen a lot of bad things but never in a context where he needs to kill his enemies or be killed. Suspension may be the wrong word for it but professional therapy and a leave of absence would be important. I empathize though, just letting Space-Hitler go on a vacation planet would be jarring.

Really digging Diana's negotiating skills being emphasized here, she may be a powerhouse physically but she's probably the league's premier on this front. The Lanterns all have experience from a policing angle, but she's got decades of experience as a foreign dignitary and it shows
26th June 2012
16:55 GMT -5

A nice way of putting it. Honestly, we'd be happy with him declaring that it was no affair of his and letting us get on with it, but this way she implies that ours is the one in accordance with the rules of civilisation. Because he's very big on that.

"You do agree then with Cicero's maxim 'In war the law is silent'?"
The benefits of a classical education, eh? I wonder if reading his judgements has given OL any actual insight into Malvolio's likely judgement on this matter. Who is he going to side with, I wonder...

I take a moment to study the Sheeda in more detail. Gloriana herself has pale turquoise skin and the classically elven pointed ears, and small ear rings hang from her lobes on either side. There are… 5? Short horn-stumps sticking out of the top of her head, and her clothing is… Oh, who am I kidding, it's dominatrix gear. Mostly skin tight save for where it's been cut away to expose more skin, decorative 'armoured' shoulder pads, silly semi-ruff thing that's probably an attempt to compensate for her slight and unimposing frame. Her eyes are completely black, which is a little disturbing, but all in all I'm left with a powerful reminder than a person can accomplish deeds of great malevolence without being particularly threatening in themselves.
Honestly, she's probably no real threat in a fight. It's just that you have to get through her armies, then her Elite Highborns, then her personal guards... And by that point, most would be tired enough that she could face them on even terms. Which is probably the point of it all.

She's accompanied by two 'beta' dommes, characterised by their conical hats, lack of ear rings and smaller breasts. Their clothing reveals less skin and looks slightly more armoured, though I can't see the runework which usually marks Highborn Sheeda out as particularly dangerous. Her handmaidens, I assume. The other four members of their party are arrayed for combat, but while their armour is slightly thicker I can't see anything… Special. Nothing that would let them turn the tide against an overwhelming force.
No doubt Malvolio is noting their increased readiness. Will he allow blood to be spilled in his audience chamber? We shall see...

For a moment I'm reminded of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The good fights were in the middle of a campaign map. By the time you got to the end, the player character would inevitably have an insurmountable advantage compared to the AI.

In a way it's nice to be rewarded for preparation.
Indeed. But while grinding your way into power can be entertaining, sometimes you just want to steamroll your foes. Especially if it's something that's been getting in your way all game.

"I do not. While it is true that many laws do not apply to open conflicts between peoples, there are still conventions which the nations of Earth abide by. Ambassadors and other negotiators are given safe passage. One soldier killing another is not murder, but rape remains rape. You left Earth long before the Geneva Conventions were signed by, but now almost every nation on Earth has agreed to abide by certain terms when engaged in armed conflict."

"Have the Sheeda signed this convention?"
The first most people knew of the Sheeda was their initial attacks. I doubt the Queen has bothered to mention that...

"The Sheeda are not a nation. They travelled to our time from the far future. If you travel to lands owned by another nation, claiming that you are not from there does not grant immunity to their laws. If the Sheeda merely wished to make war upon us with the aim on conquering us, that would be one thing. Instead, they aim to kill all but a handful of the Earth's inhabitants, soldiers and civilians, men, women and children alike, and for no better reason than to indulge their own cruelty. The prevention of such behaviour is why the Convention exists, and why it is enforced between nations."
Laying out the case well. Diana is definitely the best choice for this.

The Queen actually moves slightly at then, her head tilted slightly back and her general air being one of contemptuous disinterest. Not sure what she's trying to prove by not interjecting. Unless she thinks that she's already got this sewn up.

"And for these crimes that you allege, what remedy would you seek?"
I have no doubt she believes that Malvolio will side with 'proper' royalty, meaning her. Or she's got an ace in the hole. A guaranteed method to free Malvolio might do it, or some manner of subtle magical control effect he wouldn't appear to notice. She's probably going to be so annoyed when it goes poorly for her.

"We would like to have the remaining Sheeda handed over to us to be tried for their actions and punished as the laws of Earth require."

"And what retribution will the justices seek?"
Though I doubt Diana would say it outright, a general death sentence is the most likely...

Which will result in just about every Sheeda soldier who ends up in custody being sentenced to death. It's been a while since an international tribunal had the power to hand down a death sentence, but I can't really think of another response to attacks like the ones they've carried out. A bit of a shame; a proportion of them are probably capable of rehabilitation, and if… If Sivana had been operating at full power from the start and the damage had been less, and there was less outrage, maybe I could talk people around to lesser sentences.
Like, say, in the Renegade's timeline, I bet. But by and large, the Queen's armies are beyond rehabilitation...

'We're going to kill most of them' isn't as easy a sell as… Just about anything else. Or it wouldn't be for me. For all I know, Malvolio would respect the hard-line approach and cheer them on.

"That is not for me to determine."
Given many of the punishments for crimes in his days on Earth? I don't doubt it. What about his judgements? Did he take a light touch on death sentences, or was he more of a hanging judge? Alas, unless OL thinks about it, we won't know.

Lord Malvolio doesn't give any outward sign of displeasure at that bunt. I've got a worrying feeling that he's going to take everything in, decide on a course of action and then pursue it in true single minded Green Lantern fashion. And after that point, anything we say in moderation is going to be disregarded.

"Who will names the justices who will determine the fate of the Sheeda?"
And if he comes down on the Sheeda's side... That's going to be a hell of a fight. A Green Light elemental (And I have no doubt he is at that level,) whatever security forces and systems he has set up, the Sheeda delegation... This might be a challenge even for OL.

"I imagine the panel will be comprised of a combination of senior judges from the Earth's most powerful countries, with a smaller number from the rest of the world."

"Will they be honest men and true?"

"Yes. They will have no alternative. The whole world will witness their actions and judge them for them."
And news channels will probably be commentating on every word in every trial. becasue there is no way they could do it behind closed doors...

The leaders, certainly. I would be astonished if any country that actually took Sheeda prisoner was willing to hand them over to an international tribunal rather than try them themselves.

"You are clearly a obliging noble. And how will your deeds be rewarded?"
He really expects them to be doing this for personal gain? I'd assumed he'd been monitoring Earth, but...

"I am hopeful that this will ease the way to greater international cooperating relating to attacks of this magnitude in the future."

"But you do not expect a personal reward of lands or titles?"
Pfft. She's princess of an entire nation, what does she need with land?

"That's not how we work."

Mr. Allen nods. "A good deed well done is its own reward."
Something of a foreign concept to the folk of Malvolio's time. I mean, certainly, there were good samaritans, but many of them would have been backed by some manner of patronage...

I brace slightly, but Lord Malvolio doesn't appear to take umbrage. However, his head does move very slightly so that his eyes are pointed in my direction.

"And you, wyrmling?"
Ah, he's picked up on OL's unusual nature, I see. I hope he's noting OL's self-restraint.

"I can't imagine anything they could give me as a reward that I actually want. Respect for my public service is far more useful."

He doesn't reply, but his head turns slowly back to Diana.
Hmm... Always hard to tell how he's going to come down during the conversation. That damn physical control strong Spectrum use provides...

"And how do you respond to the Sheeda's claim that they are merely taking their due, as a lord may take of a serf's labour?"

"A lord provides protection in exchange for the serf's labour, both in the form of an enforced code of law and against foreign enemies who may seek to harm them. The Sheeda provide no one with any service. They are not the Earth's rulers, but merely parasites. Queen Gloriana may well be the queen of the Sheeda: that is for them to determine. She is not the queen of us."
Maybe if she'd compared them to Norse raiders, or bandits, it'd make more of an impact. As is... Gloriana's probably been claiming she rules all Earth, and its people have risen up in rebellion, I bet.

"She has promised me much. And while she visited my realm at my invitation, you intruded here and attacked my guest's household."

"My colleagues have raised the possibility of aiding you in leaving this star system. I do not know how that could be achieved, but we are willing to try. As for attacking her household: we are at war. We slew none who were not under arms and damaged no property that was not a part of their military."
Admittedly, anti-matter bombs are a little indiscriminate, OL. Reminds me of the interrogation scene in True Lies: :eek: "How many people have you killed?" x3 "Lots... But they were all bad guys..."

"I do not accuse you of violating your won rules of warfare, but of besmirching my honour in attacking my guests."

"We did not know that they were your guests. We did not know that this was your system. But if your honor will not allow you to hand them over, we…" She glances at Jordan who merely bows his head slightly. "Are prepared to accept them being exiled here, rather than being returned to Earth."
Can't really blame them for not begin able to know in advance you were even here, big guy. And I can see Diana being understanding of the breach of propriety. The Greeks held Xenia, the hospitality of a household and the sanctity of guest rights, very, very highly.

I nod inside my armour. It's not great, but if it prevents further violence while allowing him to be satisfied, it'll be worth it. Queen Gloriana just isn't that much of a threat on her own.


Mr. Allen… Doesn't seem quite so sanguine.
Oh, hell... Is he going to have issues with this? If they know where the Sheeda are, they can at least negotiate with Malvolio later...

Diana's eyes flick to him for a moment before returning to Lord Malvolio.

"Our greatest concern is to ensure the continuing wellbeing of our people. If the remaining Sheeda can no longer threaten the Earth, we can-."
Oh, boy... Here it comes...

Despite hoping this is Gloriana finally being moved to speak, it's all too likely Barry can't let it go. It's been a tough day for him, so I hope they can rein him in...

Man, having part of your negotiating party attack the opposition is really bad in terms of diplomacy. Hopefully Malvolio continues to lounge on his throne, and decides to let them settle it via trial by combat. Because if that big dog joins either side, things are going to get messy...
I have no doubt she believes that Malvolio will side with 'proper' royalty, meaning her. Or she's got an ace in the hole. A guaranteed method to free Malvolio might do it, or some manner of subtle magical control effect he wouldn't appear to notice. She's probably going to be so annoyed when it goes poorly for her.

My bet is that she's too arrogant to think that she can lose.

Yeah they beat her before, but she may think that they just won a battle and not the war.

Given many of the punishments for crimes in his days on Earth? I don't doubt it. What about his judgements? Did he take a light touch on death sentences, or was he more of a hanging judge? Alas, unless OL thinks about it, we won't know.

A hanging judge is his most likely mindset when it comes to justice.

He really expects them to be doing this for personal gain? I'd assumed he'd been monitoring Earth, but...

Eh, altruism from powerful people wasn't all that much of a thing back in his time.

Pfft. She's princess of an entire nation, what does she need with land?

Plenty of people have had land yet still wanted more, that's one of the reasons wars happened.
Is that him yelling? Might be Gloriana.
The Flash joined the mission because he was extremely distressed by what he saw the Sheeda doing to the people they abducted. Also, just a few sentences before the exclamation, Paul noted that the Flash wasn't okay with the remaining Sheeda basically getting away with everything they'd done.
Can anyone remind me why the Flash is so pissed off? I must have missed that part.
He witnessed people in the process of being harvested by the Sheeda. We don't get details, but according to Kid Flash, it really messed the Flash up.
With his abilities, I imagine he spent the most time compared to the other League members saving victims rather than combating Sheeda directly. It's kinda like when OL was collecting the mangled remains of children during the aftermath of the adult/child split thing only this has been going on for months I think and Flash doesn't have the advantage of enlightenment. Hell, even with enlightenment OL was still affected by what he'd seen.
For a moment I thought a wild Truggs had appeared. After all, what happened seems awfully close to what the Reach would've done in his future.

I'm anticipating the moment when he finds out the group he's been helping, the Light, is the one responsible for getting the Reach interested in the Earth.

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