Chojin Patriarch
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Of course, some of said Gods may have opinions on trying to do anything with the souls of the dead. We've seen how the Silver City reacts, for a start.5th July 2012
11:08 GMT +3
Natasa nods uncertainly.
"I'm… I.. can raise the shades of any who exist in Lord Hades' halls, which includes the shades of those who are not human. The shade of those housed elsewhere would require negotiations with their God of the Dead."
Bet that makes Necromancy a hell of a lot more complicated. Reincarnated souls are probably off-limits period, but you might be able to arrange to speak to a shade of their previous life, maybe?"What if they don't have one?"
"Then… With the head of their pantheon. Unless they have reincarnated."
Ah, paperwork. Even in the afterlife, there's no escaping it..."Is there..? If someone-. If a soul is reincarnated, is there a record of where they went? The fact that they were reborn?"
"Lord Hades keeps such records, as do the gods of the Hindus. For other pantheons, I do not know."
Uh, no... Though that makes an interesting wrinkle. What happens if the Gods of those dead extra-terrestrials hears about their passing and comes looking (admittedly belatedly.)"How about if they don't have a religious belief?"
"The.. a-li-ens whom you brought to Lord Hades did not worship him in life. Is that what you meant?"
Something that may well keep happening if the Themyscirans continue to forge ties to the outside world. I mean, lots of words do have roots in greek or latin... But there are concepts the ancient languages just never could have imagined...Unsurprisingly, Ancient Greek doesn't have a word for 'space aliens'. Even in English, 'alien' literally just means 'not from around here'. Alan generally says 'space aliens' when I'd just say 'aliens', but for the Amazons just calling then xénos wouldn't make sense. They call Greeks from the mainland xénos. In fact, that's what they usually use the word for; other nationalities are referred to by their name. The sudden need for a word to refer to people and things from a little further afield than Crete led to the Amazons mugging a leaf out of English's book and stealing a loan word.
Not quite so easy when it comes to Martians... I mean, H'ron'meer isn't actually a god, nor are any of the other venerated beings, are they? What even happens when a Martian dies? Where does their soul go?"No. When their souls were left on Ater Clementia, just drifting around."
"Yes, that would be easy. Even if they did not want to speak with me, I could certainly identify them."
Joy of not needing such skills before now. I mean, if an Amazon wanted to go talk to the soul of a loved one, well, it's just a decent walk down to Hades' visiting room, if they're that desperate..."Could you tell if they'd died and been reincarnated?"
"If I could find their body. I am… I know the rites, but-" She shakes her head. "-there is little call for them on Themyscira. I do not know that I have the skills you want."
Should have found that out before agreeing. But I can excuse her naivete, she's only known the island all her life, hasn't she?"Would you be willing to try?"
"Yes-. Wait. Where do you wish me to try?"
I suppose the Themyscirans like the Roman god of War as much as they like the Greek... That is to say, not much at all?"Mars."
She frowns. "Ares?" Then she smiles. "Is he dead? Did you and the Princess kill him?"
Quite the trip, yes. Just imagine the story you'll have to tell the others, though. First... Er, Second Themysciran to leave Earth (Diana being the first, of course.)"No. And not the Roman deity either. The planet."
"Another world?"
It is quite the idea to take in, you know. Imagine living in one small town all your life, knowing nothing beyond the county line, except maybe in stories. Everywhere else is just 'over there', nothing you need to worry about unless something is very wrong..."You are.. familiar with the idea that-."
"Yes, I-. Know. I…" She looks around the temple, probably as an excuse to not look at me. "Haven't.. left Themyscira."
Quite literally the small town girl (for a given definition of small, given that Themyscira has maybe 35,000 people.)"In over three thousand years?"
"In the entire two thousand eight hundred and seventy three years of my life. I was born here."
Ah, so she's stuck doing all the little rituals Thana usually took care of. I mean, it's probably exciting, she likely never expected to be in charge..."The door to New York has been there for-."
"A few more of my sisters have requested initiation into the mysteries of the Cult Hades, thanks to your efforts at changing the way we are perceived. But with Thana away, I am the senior priestess."
"Given how infrequently Amazons die, and how cheerful Lord Hades is at the moment, I'm pretty sure you could get away for a few hours."
"If I refuse, will you drag me out of the temple to… Fondle in the way you did Thana?"
"Will I need to? DO you want me to? Shoving people out of their ruts is a devotional act for me."
She looks away, clearing her throat.
Nearly anywhere on the surface, for instance. Maybe somewhere in sight of Olympus Mons, perhaps? Then she can claim to have seen an Olympus..."That will not be necessary. I will accompany you to.. Mars. Will there..? Be other people around?"
"Um. We can go somewhere without other people if you prefer? Most of the Martians I've met have been fairly nice."
Field trip! Wouldn't she need a few ritual tools, though? Or can OL just fabricate what she might need?"Perhaps if I could just… View them from a distance?"
I hold out my left hand. "I can manage that."
I suspect most Amazons like to go off on their own every once in a while. After all, how many of us could stand being around the same people, day in, day out for that long?She regards my hand for a moment, then takes it. Some Amazons like seeing their home from far above. Io adjusted to being away fairly quickly, but while Thana adjusted to her own company as part of the job it looks like Natasa picked a job that didn't involve being around people because that how she prefers it.
Each to their own. Not like Themyscira is short on… Whatever the medieval version of a shut-in is.
"...That was it? I had expected something more.. impressive.""Ready? " She nods. "Three, t-"
"-wo, and we're here."
...Give her a second to take it in, OL. You know, take in the sight, breathe the air (so to speak, since she's probably in an environmental field right now), realise the sky is a different colour.Natasa looks around at the desolate panorama surrounding us, then tilts her head back to take in the giant telekinetic pillars that are just about the only decoration on this part of the Martian surface.
"So we're looking for the shade of a wizard called 'Karmang'. He's from a very long time ag-"
Ah, OL. When did this sort of thing become mundane for you? Honestly, being able to teleport across the universe has taken all the awe out of life for you, hasn't it?
'Dead' as in lifeless wasteland, I take it, given that Mars is almost as thaumically lively as Earth."Yes." She looks down at the ground. "This land… It even feels dead."
"It is. The locals live underground, aside from a few areas they're replanting. You specified 'isolated', so-."
Hmm... Would the very much alive Karmang feel such an open call? Or would some shade hear it and see a chance for mayhem upon the living? Hells, how many ghosts wander Mars, I wonder?"I appreciate your consideration. If the spirit of Karmang is willing to speak with me, this will be quick. Otherwise I must simply call… How long ago did he die?"
"He's the founder of modern Martian society. He might even be amongst the first generation of modern Martians."
Kind of noticeable, if their shades are as incendiary as they were in life..."And how are modern Martians distinguished from ancient Martians?"
"Ancient Martians spend their entire life on fire."
OL, sometimes, you need to stop helping, before you slip into 'HALPING!' territory... I know it's hard, but try..."I will.. bear that in mind."
"I could build a small shrine here if that would help?"
Especially if, as I theorised, any of the Burner's gods are still hanging around. They probably lean a lot more on the 'angry smiting' side of the equation."No, Pavlos, alienating the local gods would not make calling one of their own back into the material world easier. Please, simply remain quiet for a time."
'Post-Mortem Communications'?Which I.. do. Perhaps it's unfair of me, perhaps a product of the fact that I didn't grow up on Themyscira, but if given the choice between a scholar and a cleric, I'll go with the scholar every time. The Professor of Post-Mortem Communications the Regent introduced me to would probably still be more reliable, but he said that he'd want to study the entire thaumosphere in detail before trying anything. Whereas a Themysciran priestess could try right away with a fair chance of success. The Professor is still my backup option if this doesn't work, but if the Council reach a decision before the shield goes down then I can't-.
...That was quick. Or did she get the necromantic equivalent of 'The number you have dialled is not in service'?
If you'll excuse the exuberance: "Awwww Sheeit, niggah!" That's one heck of a bomb to end on!Natasa frowns thoughtfully at me.
"This may be a strange question, but are you certain that 'Karmang' is amongst the dead?"
Well, not quite an explosion, but that's quite the bomb to drop on OL. It just got a lot easier to get Karmang's opinion, but also a lot harder, because if the Martian in question has been paying attention, he'll have plenty of protections from scrying in place. Also, the whole 'OL opposing the Hyperclan' bit from awhile back...
Personally, I'd try to go through an episode or two at a time, then take a break. Let them settle in to the memory and all that. I wish I had the time to continue my re-read (and like-bombing of the Story-Only thread!) but so many other fics call out to be read...So ya thinking about rereading this fic for fun and since my memories of a lot of the early and mid stuff is fuzzy but the size is just so daunting the fact that this fic has me of all people saying that is praise worthy