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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Paul is taking Gambit to Tony as a bonding exercise to actually interact with each other to speak as adults outside the Tribal grounds. Gambit hates Paul because Rogue is showing Paul a lot of interest, but for most of the Xmen (double so for the ex criminal), he is just an outsider that isn't even a mutant that intruded on their home out of the blue.

The monkey brain is strong.

Paul doesn't know if Tony will even give them the time of the day (Tony can be a huge dick in the comics), so this is mostly an excuse to contact Tony with some backup (Gambit) in case things go south (automatic defense systems, whatever Marvel can throw out of the blue l, etc). Then he hopes the Mandarin ring will be enough bait to get Tony to speak with them and maybe get Tony to give them a tactile personal force field if he has one (very doubtful) or to get him to make one.

Once all the unknowns are solved he will probably get one for rogue.

People are talking as if there is a chance in hell Tony is JUST going to have a personal forcefield like that ready to go, instead of trying to bait Tony into making one, by giving him something he wants.
It's a little petty, but makes sense. He's going "You think she'd prefer you? Alright, let's get rid of the handicap. I think she'll pick me anyway (because you're a dick)."

Sure, but you don't get how saying "Well, I could get this girl the thing she desperately wants more than anything else in life, but I couldn't be arsed to do so before. But if the guy who likes her asks me nicely, I'll go get it, give it to the guy who likes her so he can give it to her, and then I'm still intending to get her to pick me over him." makes him even more of a dick?

That's... a bit beyond "petty".

He's essentially treating Rogue as an afterthought, with a solution to one of the most important issues in her life being nothing more than a mcguffin to be used as a weapon in a pissing contest between him and a guy that he couldn't give two fucks about.

I mean, you get how fucked up it is that he's not asking Rogue if she wants a technological solution to her problems, right? That instead of giving her that control over her life, he's getting a random guy who wants to fuck her to make that decision, purely as a gambit to show that Paul is superior to him?

That's a level of "not treating her like she's an actual person" that makes him come off as a complete and unmitigated asshole to me.
Sure, but you don't get how saying "Well, I could get this girl the thing she desperately wants more than anything else in life, but I couldn't be arsed to do so before. But if the guy who likes her asks me nicely, I'll go get it, give it to the guy who likes her so he can give it to her, and then I'm still intending to get her to pick me over him." makes him even more of a dick?

That's... a bit beyond "petty".

He's essentially treating Rogue as an afterthought, with a solution to one of the most important issues in her life being nothing more than a mcguffin to be used as a weapon in a pissing contest between him and a guy that he couldn't give two fucks about.

I mean, you get how fucked up it is that he's not asking Rogue if she wants a technological solution to her problems, right? That instead of giving her that control over her life, he's getting a random guy who wants to fuck her to make that decision, purely as a gambit to show that Paul is superior to him?

That's a level of "not treating her like she's an actual person" that makes him come off as a complete and unmitigated asshole to me.

The technological solution to her problem doesn't exist, Tony doesn't give a flying fuck about her or any other Xmen, Paul COULD talk to her about it, but this is a solution that currently doesn't exist and at best is something maybe Tony can do if you can get his interest.

The road trip with Gambit is nothing more than an excuse to talk things outside the Tribal grounds with him because his "pranks" are dangerous, but he doesn't want to antagonize a Xmen just because Rogue wants to end her absurdly long dry spell and also gets Paul some backup in case this Tony decides to be a huge dick.

This isn't a trip to get a force field, this is a "Let's see if Tony Stark is a huge dick in this universe" trip, everything else will be decided after that objective is done.
Gotta say, never really liked Gambit. I don't know why. He always felt very....tryhard to me.

Of course, Wolverine showed up as a Hulk opponent/villain at first, so I was biased against him while the whole world loved him. Truth be told, the older I've become, the more Cyclops really makes sense to me. He's practically my favorite X-man these days. Plus I have a thing for simple powers.

Ah Rogue....the old mime a blowjob cock tease....that really so much fun. I had a boyfriend who was super into being locked in chastity. About 6 months in (I'm evil if you give me your keys darling) on a nice July night. Never have I been watched eating a Popsicle more intensely.

Remind me, was Gambit this possessive on the show?
I'm not sure he had much competition, but from what I remember, he got pretty friggin jealous if Rogue paid any attention to another man.

Logan and Scott just need to fuck each other and they could all be happy together.
Okay, to be fair here, the situation is entirely Logan being a dick. Scott had been with Jean for quite a while when Logan first showed up....Logan just doesn't give a fuck and Jean is apparently too fucking weak to make things quite clear to the little furball.

A fun solution, especially if Gambit is any degree of bisexual
I....want to say he is in the comics yes.

Paul made some good points about why Gambit may be unsuitable for her,
It's also important to note that Gambit DOES have some sort of low level "Charm" ability.

Maxx, you're not allowed multiple accounts on this site.
Logan is an angsty, incredibly hairy man who smokes. That's...like every bit of that is disgusting to me sexually. Particularly the latter two. No joke, I gagged just thinking about it.

Ugh, the entire subculture of the hairy as fuck bear with the cigar. UGH!

Or Jean could just mind control him gay like she did with Iceman.
Oh god damn it....why did you have to make me remember that?

Yeah, I don't think its canon that she did that....but it was almost so obvious that it was something she would have had to do.

Look, I'm all in on more hot gay superheroes (no pun intended) but Bobby? After years of being girl crazy?

I mean yes, I do know a lot of closeted gays who do act like that. A bunch of them even have multiple kids. But come on....You gotta build to that shit if you are really going to do it.

Wolverine has slept with Nightcrawler before.
I'm....calling shenanigans here. Nightcrawler is canonically Catholic as fuck.
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Look, I'm all in on more hot gay superheroes (no pun intended) but Bobby? After years of being girl crazy?

I mean yes, I do know a lot of closeted gays who do act like that. A bunch of them even have multiple kids. But come on....You gotta build to that shit if you are really going to do it.

Someone actually showed me some panels from older comics, and I think there is enough hints that I could see it if it was handled better. It had the basis of a good story to tell about coming out after that time.

It should not have been forced out by Teen Jean in that way.
Start from 5:20, I can't seem to get the Timestamp to work.
Well I get that it's a cover or what not. But I'm struggling to accept that it would either be in Nightcrawler's character, or that Marvel would allow it.

Someone actually showed me some panels from older comics, and I think there is enough hints that I could see it if it was handled better. It had the basis of a good story to tell about coming out after that time.

It should not have been forced out by Teen Jean in that way.
I'm just saying....given how long Bobby has been around, you were going to get backlash. I can also tell you, as a long time gay reader, that we just roll our eyes over this shit. Like "yeah yeah, I'll be waiting for the retcon."

Sure, they could have told a good story. But why bother? Pandering! Except we dont' fall for that shit.

Hell, I think there would be a good story of Jean wanting a gay bestie so much, that she did it accidently. I say accidently, because her doing it on purpose would be a really bad look, and you'd have the whole "gays convertin' muh children!" bullshit I get accused of at least once a month.
Well I get that it's a cover or what not. But I'm struggling to accept that it would either be in Nightcrawler's character, or that Marvel would allow it.
The video literally says the writer managed to slip it past Marvel.



As for whether that's in character for Nightcrawler... *shrugs*

Also Maxx, you shouldn't be so judgemental, you know. The Pope is all for LGBT rights. :p
As for whether that's in character for Nightcrawler... *shrugs*
Yes, I did catch the part of the video where it was slipped past. But a little eyeball kick is not a true character moment. It IS how fanfiction gets started though.

Also Maxx, you shouldn't be so judgemental, you know. The Pope is all for LGBT rights. :p
Okay, so I've attempted to comment on this 5 times. But when I read it back, its simply far too angry, and has nothing to do with Zoat's chapter so....I'm not gonna bother.

Just understand that my feelings on the matter would take ALL the Red light available.
makes him even more of a dick?
It doesn't, though. I mean, has she asked? They haven't known each other that long. Probably if this hadn't come up, he'd contact Stark (or somebody else) about designing something later and get it as a gift. He just got it started sooner because it could defuse a fight and make a point to do that now.
Oh god damn it....why did you have to make me remember that?

Yeah, I don't think its canon that she did that....but it was almost so obvious that it was something she would have had to do.

Look, I'm all in on more hot gay superheroes (no pun intended) but Bobby? After years of being girl crazy?
My first experiance with Iceman, was Aaron/Sean (stupid look alikes) Ashmore's version. So for me, Iceman was always bi after the whole Rogue/Pyro thing in the movies.

It seems like Paul never cnosidered the forcefield at first. Gambit was a dick, so Paul realized it was an easy fix. He said hey gambit want to come see if we can do this for her. If gambit said no, he would have gone anyway. He brought gambit because he was present when he realized it, and it will also get Gambit off his back.

If gambit lies and says paul had no involvement, he's evil. If he tell's the honest truth, it makes both look like good people (Xmen are heroes after all, so maybe we shouldn't be looking for the worst reasons first)

And Maxx, you are getting so worked up you need to take a step back. This is not the place for an arguement on anything besides the story. LGBTQ rights, while important, was not part of the chapter and has been brought in by the commenters.
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And Maxx, you are getting so worked up you need to take a step back. This is not the place for an arguement on anything besides the story. LGBTQ rights, while important, was not part of the chapter and has been brought in by the commenters.
I literally said nothing about it. I specifically stated that I wasn't going to.

So, you know, cram it.

Seriously, don't be trying to scold me on something I didn't do.
You double posted, and you are ranting. I'm trying to stop you from getting suspended/banned.
No. There hasn't been a single rant. I haven't even been remotely agitated save for the one thing where I said I wasn't going to get into it.

You're just doing that internet/youtube thing where you're trying to make me angry.

I posted twice, because I read Zoat's post, commented, and the read all the comments, and then commented on them.

So if you're so concerned, hows about you drop it and leave me alone? Because I know what you're trying to do, and I"m not going to play.

You can sit in the void with Vaermina if you wanna keep going.

He got saved by what later turned out to be an alternate universe version of himself going by the name New Sun,that had his set of powers dialed to 11. Evidently main universe Gambit worked for Sinister and did the morlok job as payment for removing a chunk of his brain to reduce his growing powers to a manageable level. When dealing with this alternate version of himself, there was some time travel and Gambit had a younger version of Sinister put the brain bits back in, so he'd have enough juice to face off with his evil version one on one.
Speaking of the New Sun....

Didn't they try to pass him off as potentially another Summers brother for a while there? I have a memory of it. But it could be wrong.
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Seems to me that the Paragon interrupt should go just before or just after this paragraph rather than near the top.
The reason it is at the top is because the cake had just exploded before the scene started. And PaulX (the Paul with the Xavier School) decided to take the blame for the exploding cake (must have used to much baking soda) and that talk to Gambit privately instead of telling everyone that Gambit had in fact exploited the cake in a fit of jealousy, being a narc an getting Gambit in trouble.

You double posted, and you are ranting about something that wasn't in the chapter. I'm trying to stop you from getting suspended/banned.
This isn't a Maxx Rant™. I vaguely remember one of those, and this milquetoast talk we are having now, aint it.
No. I told you, I'm not playing your game. Stop, or I block you.

This isn't a Maxx Rant™. I vaguely remember one of those, and this milquetoast talk we are having now, aint it.
He's trying to make me angry, but I'm not going for it.

Hell, I haven't even BEEN angry, nor have I wanted to become so. Hence why I stated I wasn't going to comment earlier, with me and the other fellow moving on to a PM.

Edit: I just thought of something.

Didn't Rogue lose her Ms. Marvel powers a few years back? Then "Permanently" absorb Sunfire's?

I doubt that stuck, but it just popped in my head.

That, and I went searching, and I don't think anyone has ever going with trying to get Rogue something like a skintight forcefield.

I imagine if there was an episode though, there would be a "Moral" about solving your own problems and not relying upon shortcuts. Even though said shortcut would be using a device to overcome what amounts to a serious medical condition.
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She gained control of her powers mid 00s. Then she absorbed Wonder Man and lost control in Uncanny Avengers around the Avenge the Earth arc. She bad his powers and complete self absorbes as he is an energy being.

Some time after that she managed to get rid of him, not sure on the how. Currently she uses a modified control collar as a bracelet I believe to have sexy times with her husbans.
Speaking of the New Sun....

Didn't they try to pass him off as potentially another Summers brother for a while there? I have a memory of it. But it could be wrong.

Well they had time traveling and Sinister showing up for the brain stuff...I THINK that during the same period there was some of Sinister's early plotting of the Summers and Gray Family Trees. There's other examples of time travel stories around that era screwing around with Sinister and Apocalypse making plans generations out. A similar story had the members of Apocalypse's Clan folks show up with a powerset that was a LOT like Blink's (complete with colour and sound effect), back in the ye olden days where the clan folk had to call out their master from his usual naps to deal with Vampire related issues.

As for being yet another Summers, that might line up with The End story line bit Stsword mentioned. I mean...generic energy powers DO sort of line up with the Summers Family, and they keep finding more of them everywhere, in every time line. Heck New Sun sounds a lot like X-Man's origin story.
Well they had time traveling and Sinister showing up for the brain stuff...I THINK that during the same period there was some of Sinister's early plotting of the Summers and Gray Family Trees. There's other examples of time travel stories around that era screwing around with Sinister and Apocalypse making plans generations out. A similar story had the members of Apocalypse's Clan folks show up with a powerset that was a LOT like Blink's (complete with colour and sound effect), back in the ye olden days where the clan folk had to call out their master from his usual naps to deal with Vampire related issues.

As for being yet another Summers, that might line up with The End story line bit Stsword mentioned. I mean...generic energy powers DO sort of line up with the Summers Family, and they keep finding more of them everywhere, in every time line. Heck New Sun sounds a lot like X-Man's origin story.

You know what I always love?

Like Mr. Sinister is always after that Summers DNA right?

And Cable and X-man are so monstrously powerful because they have Jean Gray's powers.
Always saw it as a Synergy sort of explanation.

Jean's powerset is great, but always needed an external overcharge (big flaming bird) to reach it's potential.

Scotts powers was nothing But power. Indeed, too much power for him to regulate without the glasses (yeah I know the brain damage story, but thats mostly highlighting what his uncontrolled abilities do reach)

It's sort of chocolate in your peanutbutter mixing. You have the scope of Jean's telepathic and TK abilities, but their output is increased by the extra energy from Scott's power source.
I mean maybe. I've just always gotten a laugh out of it.

Sinister: "I've got to get Cyclops' DNA!"

Jean Gray: *Literally ripping planets in half with her mind*

Sinister: "Red beams! He shoots red beams! Think of the potential!
Always saw it as a Synergy sort of explanation.

Jean's powerset is great, but always needed an external overcharge (big flaming bird) to reach it's potential.

Scotts powers was nothing But power. Indeed, too much power for him to regulate without the glasses (yeah I know the brain damage story, but thats mostly highlighting what his uncontrolled abilities do reach)

It's sort of chocolate in your peanutbutter mixing. You have the scope of Jean's telepathic and TK abilities, but their output is increased by the extra energy from Scott's power source.

Yes, that's always how I understood it, that the Summers DNA was the nitrous oxide that made the Grey psychic powers go from 0 to 60 at race car speeds.

The same way that Hyperstorm, Rachel Summers and Franklin Richard's (edited:) son's nigh omnipotent powers come from him tapping hyperspace like his grandmother the Invisible Woman.
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Honestly, I understood it that way as well, the only problem I had was that Mr. Sinister only seemed to be focusing his eugenics master plan on only one couple or mutant combination. If I had seen him pursuing different options, combinations or couples I could have taken him more seriously, even been behind his plan. Because Mutants eugenics are really interesting.

However, when I met Gabriel Summers I thought Marvel had created a character that represented what Mr. Sinister was trying to do, without his involvement, so all his plans and schemes, his scientific pursuit, didn't have an actual meaning when "nature" had already accomplished it.
So this is all Mr. Zoats's fault for not posting the new chapter 2 hours ago?
...I can agree to that.
I just remembered something.

The Supersoldier Serum enhances all biological processes- Captain America even got a photographic memory from the treatment, because his brain was rewired for efficiency along with his body.

Mutant powers are biological processes, therefore a mutant who got the supersoldier serum ought to find their powers enhanced. There's even a case where that was implied to be the case- Captain America of Mutant X. When he freaked out he basically conquered the USA all by himself. It took a Goblyn Force possessed Beyonder to take him out.

Oh and there's a variation of the supersoldier serum that might be running around a Marvel universe that I imagine Paul would appreciate- The Colonel America formula. It doesn't enhance the body but the mind, it made Trenton Craft strong enough to decimate a city like a nuclear bomb or repair his own body.

I completely misread that sentence then. It's like 3:20 am, I apologize. I'm kinda zonked out.

To be fair, I failed to include the word son in that sentence like I meant to. So while I imagine if you were more awake you probably would have gotten it from context, but if I were more awake I'd have typed it correctly in the first place.
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