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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mutant powers are biological processes, therefore a mutant who got the supersoldier serum ought to find their powers enhanced.

IIRC there was something along those lines in X-Men Evolution. In that universe Cap and Logan saved a very young Magneto from a ...National Socialist... camp. Later on it's shown that rather then a bomb or rocket dunking Cap in the ocean, he was put on ice because the Serum Didn't work correctly. In that same episode an elderly Magneto uses a duplicate of it on himself, giving himself some level of rejuvenation, with no side effects.

Later on there is a version of 'secondary mutations' that are triggered in sabertooth and mystique that might be based on Mutant Growth Hormone, or possibly some development of this instead. Don't remember the details of their upgrades too much, other then 'look more like the movie versions'
Meanwhile, in Universe 534834 (part 4)
Earth 534834

20th November 1992
11:27 GMT -5

"…telling you, if you ain't got an appointment then I ain't letting you in."

Mr. LeBeau reaches into his coat.

"How's about-?"

I elbow him. "We commend you on doing your job so diligently. However, we believe that Iron Man has been looking for the owner of this-"

I take the ring out of subspace and slide it through the slot in the guard station.

"-for some time, and he may appreciate being told of its location."

"I can't just phone up Tony Stark and ask him to come down here!"

"No, but you can phone the head of security and say 'weird ring at the front gate'. And if he tells you to tell us to get lost…" I shrug. "We'll clear off and make an actual appointment."

The security guard looks into my eyes for a few moments, then sighs and reaches for the booth's phone.

"Alright, but if Iron Man throws you off the lot with a unibeam, don't blame me."

"Thank you, wouldn't dream of it."

I take a step back as he starts dialling, keeping a watchful eye on us both all the while.

Mr. LeBeau frowns at me.

"Why didn't you phone ahead?"

"I don't have his number. And I didn't exactly plan for you to blow up my cake this morning."

"…guy at the front gate. Says he wants Mister Stark or Iron Man. Got some weird rings-." He frowns, taking a closer look at me. "Ah, yeah? He's-." … "Right away, sir."

He drops the phone, turns, and dashes out of the booth, sprinting for the main building.

Oh. Oh, they think-. Shield!

Mr. LeBeau is already on his marks, staff extended as he watches for where the attack will come from. We both spot the plume of flame from the roof of the Stark Enterprises building at the same time. I respond by reorientating my shield and switching to my armoured costume while Mr. LeBeau steps into the cover of the guard booth.

"What you do to rile them up?"

"I think they just had a bit of a miscommunication-"

The plume of flame vanishes as the armour switches to a dive, heading directly towards us. It's-. Not Iron Man. Dark blue, grey and white. War Machine.

"-about who we are. You see, the original owner of that ring-" I send construct filaments through the opening in the guard screen and recover it. "-kidnapped Anthony Stark, gave him permanent spinal injuries and used him for slave labour before he escaped."

"So when they ask, I didn't come here with you."

A wave of hot air washes over us as War Machine brakes, switching to an upright position as he points his arm-mounted weapons at me.

"Drop your weapons."

I gamely raise my hands. "Strictly speaking, I'm not carrying any weapons."

"Sure doesn't looks like that to me."

"A shield is generally considered armour. May I draw your attention to the fact that I'm not green?"

"If you're not working for the Mandarin, where did you get that ring?"

I take the finger out of subspace and throw it at him. He actually catches it rather than dodging or shooting, bringing his right hand up to his faceplate to get a closer look.

"The heck is-?"

"Is this what I think it is?"

"If you think it's the Mandarin's finger, yes. That's how I got the ring."

"And the Mandarin?"

"Got away, down a finger and a-" I hold the ring up. "-ring. Otherwise I'd have said something before now. Do you think you can..? Lower your guns now?"

He hesitates for a moment, then lowers his arms and descends to the ground.

"You want something?"

"A friend of mine needs a piece of equipment that I'm hoping that Stark Enterprises can develop. I wanted to offer Mister Stark this ring in exchange."

"And what does your friend hiding behind the booth want?"

I roll my eyes. "A kick up the arse, probably. Miste-. Gambit?"

Staff folded away but hands concealed, Mr. LeBeau steps back into view.


I roll my eyes. "Yes, War Machine?"

"Question.. withdrawn."

"Hey, don't feel bad." Mr. LeBeau nods his head in my direction. "This guy picked 'Orange Lantern'."

"On Maltus, the lantern is the symbol of law enforcement, while the colour refers to-. Never mind. Has Mister Stark agreed to meet us?"

"Yeah, he'll meet you. His office is on the top floor. You want a lift?"

"I can fly. Gambit?"

He shrugs, which is sufficiently unhelpful that I just stick orange greaves around his legs and carry him with us. He schools his expression almost immediately and flashes me a decidedly put-out look as we land on the roof. Mr. Stark appears to have seen us coming and is waiting for us, leaning on his walking stick. A briefcase… Probably containing a low-weight version of his power armour is propped up against the roof exit wall.

"So! You took the Mandarin's finger! Nice work. Want a job? I could always use two bodyguards."

"Not at present, but thank you for the offer. I'm trying to improve my skills before returning full-time to the field."

"Seems to me your skills are pretty good."

"'Pretty good' would have been getting the rest of him. Listen,-."

"I was listening. I get the Mandarin's ring, you get whatever it is your friend wants. So what does he want?"

"A friend of.. mine and Gambit's has a preternatural ability which causes her to drain the vitality out of any animal she touches. She can't turn it off. I was hoping that you'd be able to design some sort of skin tight force field that would deliver tactile feedback, because… As things stand, she can't touch people."

"Force fields aren't really my strong point, but I could look into it. And I know some people. Show me the ring?"

I float it over to him, and he snatches it out of my construct before examining it closely.

"Yeah, I recognize this. And you don't, clearly."

"I'm sorry?"

He looks at me like I'm a somewhat slow child.

"This is the impact beam ring. Your friend could probably make the sort of force field you want just by putting it on." He shrugs as my right palm meets my forehead. "I mean, I'll still take the commission if you want me to..?"

Mr. LeBeau raises his eyebrows.

"How long you had dat ring?"

"A.. while, but I didn't want to risk testing it in case it was dangerous to the user, or… Had some sort of security."

Mr. Stark shakes his head. "Not as far as I know. If the Mandarin knew how to make them, he'd have them on his toes as well. I think he found them somewhere else and took them. Which means…"

"No security, or he wouldn't have been able to."

I sigh.

"Right! Sorry to have wasted everyone's time. I'll be heading home now to give Rogue the good news."
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I don't have his number.

But you do have a power ring.

"What you do to rile them up?"

If this is just his way of speaking then it's fine, but if it isn't then it should be 'did you do'

I roll my eyes. "Yes, War Machine?"

Hey, at least his name makes sense, seeing as he wears a war machine, while Gambits name could make people think that he has some kind of luck manipulation powers or is a highly tactical thinker, instead of a guy that can make things blow up.

A.. while, but I didn't want to risk testing it in case it was dangerous to the user, or

Smart, we all know what happened the last time a version of Paul tried to use something he didn't know much about.
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Hey, at least his name makes sense, seeing as he wears a war machine, while Gambits name could make people think that he has some kind of luck manipulation powers or is a highly tactical thinker, instead of a guy that can make things blow up.
This version isn't a soldier. He's Stark Enterprises Head of Security. If he's out fighting wars then he's not doing his job.
When the ask -> When they ask
Thank you, corrected.
Well, that was surprisingly anticlimactic. Any bets on the ring corrupting Rogue back into villainy?

As such, probably not.

But the Mandarin has a psychic connection to the rings, and has been known to psychically influence those who wear them.

So she might get controlled.
This version isn't a soldier. He's Stark Enterprises Head of Security. If he's out fighting wars then he's not doing his job.

He still wears a suit of power armour with a bunch of weapons on it, so the name still fits.

And he is helping Tony by fighting in battles against supervillains in a war of good versus evil, so he technically is fighting a war.

As Abridged Kirei Kotomine once said:

"The definition of war is loose. "
Mr. Stark shakes his head. "Not as far as I know. If the Mandarin knew how to make them, he'd have them on his toes as well. I think he found them somewhere else and took them. Which means…"

"No security, or he wouldn't have been able to."

I sigh.

"Right! Sorry to have wasted everyone's time. I'll be heading home now to give Rogue the good news."
This is still a version of Paul right?
Because I thought one of the things he and Truggs agreed on, it is better to study and hopefully reproduce any archaeotech instead of just using them as some superheroing prop, because being able to know how they work and build more is better than some one-off maguffin.

Why not try to work out an arrangement inviting Stark study the ring (possibly at the mansion when Rouge isn't using it), in exchange for sharing what he finds out? Because if I was in comic land, and this was for someone I was interested in, I'd be worried about trope enforcement. This is the Mandarins ring after all. If this was a RPG, he would have have bought it as signature equipment, and would be getting it back sooner or later. Which means Rouge would be losing it. I don't think OL has been there long enough to know if the comic weirdness has enforcement or not.

But even without that, a tactile skin tight forcefield sounds like something you want everyone on your side to have. Even if a version you can manufacture isn't near as strong as the ring, several of these people wear spandex and bare skin. And if you can add an air supply, you have an unobtrusive barrier against poison, disease, and other chemical nastiness for in and out of costume. Even Stark would find it useful for the lightweight or stealth carry versions of his armor.

Why stop trying to do something that will help everyone once you find out what the ring is. It is still a singular maguffin, with all the problems those types of things have. Which is why many of the Pauls were busy looking for potential Plan B's when they first arrived, in case something happened to the Orange Ring Mcguffin. So if something happened to it, he wouldn't be stuck as a powerless civilian on some comic Death World.

And frankly, Marvel seems worse to me than DC.
As such, probably not.

But the Mandarin has a psychic connection to the rings, and has been known to psychically influence those who wear them.

So she might get controlled.

Or hilariously, take out Mandarin for good through the connection if it counts as close enough for direct touch. As a bonus, she gets a full set of rings if she can pinpoint them using the same psychic connection.
Earth 534834

20th November 1992
11:27 GMT -5

"…telling you, if you ain't got an appointment then I ain't letting you in."
Wow, that junior manager back in Paragon's timeline must be giving one hell of a lecture... Meanwhile, we get to see some amusing interactions between supers and normal people...

Mr. LeBeau reaches into his coat.

"How's about-?"
Gambit, no. This is not the kind of place you want to pull your normal big-willy shit. That's the perfect way to get you stomped by at least Iron Man, possibly War Machine and maybe the rest of Force Works if they're in town...

I elbow him. "We commend you on doing your job so diligently. However, we believe that Iron Man has been looking for the owner of this-"

I take the ring out of subspace and slide it through the slot in the guard station.
Being awful cavalier about the Mandarin's Ring, isn't he? Then again, if he isn't using it as backup, he clearly doesn't know what it does, and hasn't tried to find out...

"-for some time, and he may appreciate being told of its location."

"I can't just phone up Tony Stark and ask him to come down here!"
Then pass the buck, man. Call your boss, have him call his boss until someone calls Iron Man...

"No, but you can phone the head of security and say 'weird ring at the front gate'. And if he tells you to tell us to get lost…" I shrug. "We'll clear off and make an actual appointment."

The security guard looks into my eyes for a few moments, then sighs and reaches for the booth's phone.
'Fine, whatever gets them gone. No skin off my ass.'

"Alright, but if Iron Man throws you off the lot with a unibeam, don't blame me."

"Thank you, wouldn't dream of it."
Which makes me wonder how well Paul here (Xaul? I'll go with Xaul...) How well Xaul here would fare against Iron Man, and what version of the armour he'd be facing. If I remember the series right, Tony was using a Modular System suit with upgradable systems using support packs... (How toyetic can you get?)

I take a step back as he starts dialling, keeping a watchful eye on us both all the while.

Mr. LeBeau frowns at me.

"Why didn't you phone ahead?"
This was a spur of the moment thing, you Cajun dork. Besides, you expect Tony Stark to take the call of every Tom, Dick or Harry that phones in?

"I don't have his number. And I didn't exactly plan for you to blow up my cake this morning."

"…guy at the front gate. Says he wants Mister Stark or Iron Man. Got some weird rings-." He frowns, taking a closer look at me. "Ah, yeah? He's-." … "Right away, sir."

He drops the phone, turns, and dashes out of the booth, sprinting for the main building.
:confused: ...Well, that can't be good... Oh hell, are we going to have a 'Let's you and Him fight' moment?

Oh. Oh, they think-. Shield!
I see Xaul had the same very genre-savvy realisation...

Mr. LeBeau is already on his marks, staff extended as he watches for where the attack will come from. We both spot the plume of flame from the roof of the Stark Enterprises building at the same time. I respond by reorientating my shield and switching to my armoured costume while Mr. LeBeau steps into the cover of the guard booth.

"What you do to rile them up?"
Says the guy that was suspiciously reaching into his coat just a moment ago...

"I think they just had a bit of a miscommunication-"

The plume of flame vanishes as the armour switches to a dive, heading directly towards us. It's-. Not Iron Man. Dark blue, grey and white. War Machine.
Cue up the AC/DC, boys. Jim Rhodes in the house!

"-about who we are. You see, the original owner of that ring-" I send construct filaments through the opening in the guard screen and recover it. "-kidnapped Anthony Stark, gave him permanent spinal injuries and used him for slave labour before he escaped."

"So when the ask, I didn't come here with you."
You do realise they have security cameras, right? And that Tony is probably watching them as you speak?

A wave of hit air washes over us as War Machine breaks, switching to an upright position as he points his arm-mounted weapons at me.

"Drop your weapons."
Well, at least he isn't deploying the shoulder weapons? I mean, other than the Repulsor and Unibeam weapons, he's not got much that'd break a Lantern's shields. Especially not an Orange Lantern feeling very threatened right now...

I gamely raise my hands. "Strictly speaking, I'm not carrying any weapons."

"Sure doesn't looks like that to me."
Who do you think he is, Captain America? :p

"A shield is generally considered armour. May I draw your attention to the fact that I'm not green?"

"If you're not working for the Mandarin, where did you get that ring?"
Spoils of combat.

I take the finger out of subspace and throw it at him. He actually catches it rather than dodging or shooting, bringing his right hand up to his faceplate to get a closer look.

"The heck is-?"
:eek: You.. kept the finger... For how long? I mean, I know things don't age or deteriorate in subspace, but ew...

"Is this what I think it is?"

"If you think it's the Mandarin's finger, yes. That's how I got the ring."
Which goes some way to establishing how strong he is combat-wise... Or at least giving Rhodey a high threat estimate...

"And the Mandarin?"

"Got away, down a finger and a-" I hold the ring up. "-ring. Otherwise I'd have said something before now. Do you think you can..? Lower your guns now?"
I mean, surely holding your arms out like that is a little bit tiring, at least?

He hesitates for a moment, then lowers his arms and descends to the ground.

"You want something?"
:rolleyes: Well, duh.

"A friend of mine needs a piece of equipment that I'm hoping that Stark Enterprises can develop. I wanted to offer Mister Stark this ring in exchange."

"And what does your friend hiding behind the booth want?"
Besides a dope-slap for being an idiot?

I roll my eyes. "A kick up the arse, probably. Miste-. Gambit?"

Staff folded away but hands concealed, Mr. LeBeau steps back into view.
Out of curiosity, is he in Civvies or his usual get-up? Because I doubt the pink breastplate is going to go over well. Just imagine Tony's jokes...


I roll my eyes. "Yes, War Machine?"
"Uh, well, if we're using made-up names..."

"Question.. withdrawn."

"Hey, don't feel bad." Mr. LeBeau nods his head in my direction. "This guy picked 'Orange Lantern'."
Ah, the joy of the Celebrity Paradox, when a cross-dimensional reference gets missed or twisted because the source doesn't exist here, or is very different... Because of course DC doesn't have comics in this universe. Or they print different stuff, like Cowboy stories, or Romance.
Then again, Marvel heroes do have comics printed of them, like the Fantastic Four's official magazine... There was a brief batch of in-universe titles printed once, featuring things like the X-Men being a Suicide Squad ripoff working for 'Colonel America'.

"On Maltus, the lantern is the symbol of law enforcement, while the colour refers to-. Never mind. Has Mister Stark agreed to meet us?"

"Yeah, he'll meet you. His office is on the top floor. You want a lift?"
...I don't think you're well-placed to do the carrying, mind. Unless you want a version of the 'Clench up, Legolas' moment from Avengers (2012). :p

"I can fly. Gambit?"

He shrugs, which is sufficiently unhelpful that I just stick orange greaves around his legs and carry him with us. He schools his expression almost immediately and flashes me a decidedly put-out look as we land on the roof. Mr. Stalk appears to have seen us coming and is waiting for us, leaning on his walking stick. A briefcase… Probably containing a low-weight version of his power armour is propped up against the roof exit wall.
Stop complaining, LeBeau. It could have been a big orange UFO Catcher arm... Or a giant floating clothes-peg attached to the hem of your coat...

"So! You took the Mandarin's finger! Nice work. Want a job? I could always use two bodyguards."

"Not at present, but thank you for the offer. I'm trying to improve my skills before returning full-time to the field."
Before everyone imagines Robert Downey Junior, this is the 90's cartoon Tony Stark. Think heroic action figure physique, Don Johnson dress sense, Pencil moustache and, in later episodes, a damn fine mullet.

"Seems to me your skills are pretty good."

"'Pretty good' would have been getting the rest of him. Listen,-."
The man has a point. Paragon OL would have Mandarin and his goons locked down the second he knew where they were, and that's after all of two year's training. ...Yes, and the whole 'merge with the Ophidian' thing...

"I was listening. I get the Mandarin's ring, you get whatever it is your friend wants. So what does he want?"

"A friend of.. mine and Gambit's has a preternatural ability which causes her to drain the vitality out of any animal she touches. She can't turn it off. I was hoping that you'd be able to design some sort of skin tight force field that would deliver tactile feedback, because… As things stand, she can't touch people."
Kind of dancing around the whole Mutant thing, huh? Guess you don't want to find out if Tony has a suspiciously irrational thing about Mutantkind?

"Force fields aren't really my strong point, but I could look into it. And I know some people. Show me the ring?"

I float it over to him, and he snatches it out of my construct before examining it closely.
Yes, While a certain someone noted that Tony Stark in the animated series was big on force-field tech, that might not be yet. This may be earlier in the series timeline and Tony simply hasn't started using them. Perhaps this gives him the bug to do so...

"Yeah, I recognize this. And you don't, clearly."

"I'm sorry?"
Hey, Xaul's got an excuse, what with the whole 'Specific canon erasure' thing all Alternates get. And how many general fans, without looking at a Wiki, could tell you the names or functions of the Mandarin's rings when put on the spot?

He looks at me like I'm a somewhat slow child.

"This is the impact beam ring. Your friend could probably make the sort of force field you want just by putting it on." He shrugs as my right palm meets my forehead. "I mean, I'll still take the commission if you want me to..?"
...Yeah, that's a well-deserved 'D'OH' moment. Although, it would basically give her powers comparable to his, if you think about it. Kinetic force projection, giving her a ranged attack option. The force-field allowing her to touch people safely. About the only time she'd not have it active would be any time she'd need to take it off, like bathing.

Mr. LeBeau raises his eyebrows.

"How long you had dat ring?"
Yeah, I can see him thinking 'I was jealous of this boob?'

"A.. while, but I didn't want to risk testing it in case it was dangerous to the user, or… Had some sort of security."

Mr. Stark shakes his head. "Not as far as I know. If the Mandarin knew how to make them, he'd have them on his toes as well. I think he found them somewhere else and took them. Which means…"

"No security, or he wouldn't have been able to."
And while her wearing it might get her on the Mandarin's radar, she's also still super-strong, nigh-invulnerable and can fly. Probably not a danger to see her using it...

I sigh.

"Right! Sorry to have wasted everyone's time. I'll be heading home now to give Rogue the good news."
...Weren't you going to let Remy take the credit for it? Or was that something you didn't want to mention in front of the Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist Superhero? ;)

Well, problem solved, in more ways than one. And if Rogue starts wearing the ring, quite an upgrade to the X-Men's overall combat power. Or hey, as Bramble Thorn noted, let Stark study the ring and get force-field rigs for the whole team! Even if Xaul can heal them up, isn't it better to not have them getting hurt in the first place?
Right, it's damn late down my way... Time for bed...
This is still a version of Paul right?
Because I thought one of the things he and Truggs agreed on, it is better to study and hopefully reproduce any archaeotech instead of just using them as some superheroing prop, because being able to know how they work and build more is better than some one-off maguffin.

Why not try to work out an arrangement inviting Stark study the ring (possibly at the mansion when Rouge isn't using it), in exchange for sharing what he finds out? Because if I was in comic land, and this was for someone I was interested in, I'd be worried about trope enforcement. This is the Mandarins ring after all. If this was a RPG, he would have have bought it as signature equipment, and would be getting it back sooner or later. Which means Rouge would be losing it. I don't think OL has been there long enough to know if the comic weirdness has enforcement or not.

But even without that, a tactile skin tight forcefield sounds like something you want everyone on your side to have. Even if a version you can manufacture isn't near as strong as the ring, several of these people wear spandex and bare skin. And if you can add an air supply, you have an unobtrusive barrier against poison, disease, and other chemical nastiness for in and out of costume. Even Stark would find it useful for the lightweight or stealth carry versions of his armor.

Why stop trying to do something that will help everyone once you find out what the ring is. It is still a singular maguffin, with all the problems those types of things have. Which is why many of the Pauls were busy looking for potential Plan B's when they first arrived, in case something happened to the Orange Ring Mcguffin. So if something happened to it, he wouldn't be stuck as a powerless civilian on some comic Death World.

And frankly, Marvel seems worse to me than DC.

This one may not care so much about uplift and advancing the planet like some of the other versions.

Or he does care, but he's only been in this universe for a month or two and is trying to control his powers before he does anything else.

Even paragon started small.
Then again, if he isn't using it as backup, he clearly doesn't know what it does, and hasn't tried to find out...

And that may be a good thing.

The last time a Paul tried to use something he didn't understand, it kinda turned him into a sociopath.

Which makes me wonder how well Paul here (Xaul? I'll go with Xaul...) How well Xaul here would fare against Iron Man, and what version of the armour he'd be facing. If I remember the series right, Tony was using a Modular System suit with upgradable systems using support packs... (How toyetic can you get?)

If Tony has defences that can prevent a ring from deactivating the suit, then I give it a 50/50 chance.

Who do you think he is, Captain America? :p

Hey, a shield can be used to bludgeon people.

Kind of dancing around the whole Mutant thing, huh? Guess you don't want to find out if Tony has a suspiciously

He may be worried that this version is a bigot and have some of the tendencies of his Civil War self.

A person can be heroic, but still be a bit of a bigot.

Just ask Ultimate Steve Rogers.
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Paul, dude, offer to fix his spine.

Not only would it be, you know, moral, Tony would probably offer you a job uplifting the world, as you want to anyway!

He'll probably do it in the future, but now he wants to give his future girlfriend something that can help her and is probably annoyed with himself for not figuring out what the ring did sooner and just letting it sit in subspace.

Also Tony may be reluctant to accept healing from a guy he doesn't know, and from a piece of tech he knows nothing about.
He'll probably do it in the future, but now he wants to give his future girlfriend something that can help her and is probably annoyed with himself for not figuring out what the ring did sooner and just letting it sit in subspace.

Also Tony may be reluctant to accept healing from a guy he doesn't know, and from a piece of tech he knows nothing about.
that and he Xaul may not feel like he's ready for that level of healing
Presumably Mr. Stark.
Ah, my Japanese is showing.
This is still a version of Paul right?
Because I thought one of the things he and Truggs agreed on, it is better to study and hopefully reproduce any archaeotech instead of just using them as some superheroing prop, because being able to know how they work and build more is better than some one-off maguffin.

Why not try to work out an arrangement inviting Stark study the ring (possibly at the mansion when Rouge isn't using it), in exchange for sharing what he finds out? Because if I was in comic land, and this was for someone I was interested in, I'd be worried about trope enforcement. This is the Mandarins ring after all. If this was a RPG, he would have have bought it as signature equipment, and would be getting it back sooner or later. Which means Rouge would be losing it. I don't think OL has been there long enough to know if the comic weirdness has enforcement or not.

But even without that, a tactile skin tight forcefield sounds like something you want everyone on your side to have. Even if a version you can manufacture isn't near as strong as the ring, several of these people wear spandex and bare skin. And if you can add an air supply, you have an unobtrusive barrier against poison, disease, and other chemical nastiness for in and out of costume. Even Stark would find it useful for the lightweight or stealth carry versions of his armor.

Why stop trying to do something that will help everyone once you find out what the ring is. It is still a singular maguffin, with all the problems those types of things have. Which is why many of the Pauls were busy looking for potential Plan B's when they first arrived, in case something happened to the Orange Ring Mcguffin. So if something happened to it, he wouldn't be stuck as a powerless civilian on some comic Death World.

And frankly, Marvel seems worse to me than DC.
Because while all of that is a good idea in the longer term, in the short term he's trying to solve the problem with Rogue and Mr. LeBeau. Once Rogue's tried the ring and got it working, he could suggest that.
...Weren't you going to let Remy take the credit for it? Or was that something you didn't want to mention in front of the Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist Superhero? ;)
No. The aim was to enable Mr. LeBeau to touch her, not to give him credit for coming up with it.
Paul, dude, offer to fix his spine.

Not only would it be, you know, moral, Tony would probably offer you a job uplifting the world, as you want to anyway!
Orange Lanterns who aren't dedicated physicians can't just fix up anyone they meet. He'd have to get to know him at the very least.
Orange Lanterns who aren't dedicated physicians can't just fix up anyone they meet. He'd have to get to know him at the very least.
Just like what happened to Robin's uncle Rick.

I wonder if when we get back to the Paragon that he'll find a way to completely destroy the worldview of the aliens he's talking to, just like what happened on Mars? It would be kinda funny if he did it again for people he doesn't even know that well, wouldn't it?
So wait Paul is going to give her a ring and
So, chances of Rogue misconstruing whats happening because Paul doesn't make it clear when he pulls out the ring and offers it to her? 100 to 1?
God damned hand and their god damned ninjas.

Now the fun part is if Remy realizes how this could go before or after Paul give her the ring.
So, straight up, historically anyone who puts on one of the Mandarin's Rings can be mind-controlled by the man. He is the sole master of those Rings.

I....think it came up on the Iron man cartoon. But its been a really long time since I've seen it.

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