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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Thank you, corrected.
I think I'm missing something. Does the Reach still think Paul is dead? Is the fake cover still going on for the big surprise later or was that dropped and I missed it?
They don't know. It seems unlikely to the people in the know that he survived the qwa matter detonation, but a Negotiator assigned to a minor trade node isn't necessarily going to by privvy to the latest intelligence.
As long as the dirty laundry is being aired out, the Neg is going to bring up the Psion genocide, 'living' constructs he has made and used, and the threat in the elevator. Probably even the drama with the Qwardians.

If Paul is not gong to try to use any PR he is going to come across as the unreasonable and unstable arrestor. I think he is aware of this, but.....
Actually, this makes me wonder why Paul tried to 'negotiate' at all. I understand he is stalling for time, but to stall by going, "Give me everything I want, and I won't even listen to your terms."... I don't know, not just lazy, but stupid. At least pretend to care about what they say so they don't just walk out? Not listening? That just defeats the whole purpose of the distraction, doesn't it?
Actually, this makes me wonder why Paul tried to 'negotiate' at all. I understand he is stalling for time, but to stall by going, "Give me everything I want, and I won't even listen to your terms."... I don't know, not just lazy, but stupid. At least pretend to care about what they say so they don't just walk out? Not listening? That just defeats the whole purpose of the distraction, doesn't it?
That really wasn't what he actually wants. He did that because he and the Negotiator both know that N.E.M.O. will never accept the status pro bellum, so the Negotiator asking for that is a waste of time.
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It's called political theater to convince a third party Paul... And you just failed at it big time...
Ah yes, I'm sure the list of dozens of species that the Reach has genocide over the years will do absolutely nothing to convince the Yunians
As long as the dirty laundry is being aired out, the Neg is going to bring up the Psion genocide, 'living' constructs he has made and used, and the threat in the elevator. Probably even the drama with the Qwardians.
I mean, those are all completely separate things though

Firstly the Psions were pure evil and were killed by a completely separate polity with a couple of orange lanterns going rogue to help in their spare time

Secondly all of Paul's living constructs have been demons who nobody gives a shit about

Thirdly if the Negotiator starts talking about the stuff they said Paul can bring up his confessions of the genocides they've committed

And finally not only did Paul not do anything suspicious on Qward in order for the Negotiator to bring that up he'd have to admit that they had
Actually, this makes me wonder why Paul tried to 'negotiate' at all. I understand he is stalling for time, but to stall by going, "Give me everything I want, and I won't even listen to your terms."... I don't know, not just lazy, but stupid. At least pretend to care about what they say so they don't just walk out? Not listening? That just defeats the whole purpose of the distraction, doesn't it?
I mean, keep in mind that the whole reason Paul is here is to reassure the Yunians that N.E.M.O aren't a threat and want to maintain good relations

Basically he went to the negotiations to humour the Yunians not because he actually expected anything to come of them
Where do i even start reading this story? i select story only and it points me to a 140k word count thread. isnt this story over 1M words?
I think he wants the locals to know why he's getting into this fight and that he has no plans to spill it out onto them even if they continue trading with the Reach. The Reach just can't pass through N.E.M.O. space to do said trading.
Ah yes, I'm sure the list of dozens of species that the Reach has genocide over the years will do absolutely nothing to convince the Yunians
And how will he prove it to the Yunians?

They aren't idiots on earth who don't know that power rings can just fabricate any sort of digital information Paragon wants. And orange ring mind control abilities are well known at this point. So that's a no to any sort of first hand witness. I suppose he could kidnap some of them and show them the planet's... But even then the Reach will just deny it and say Legion fabricated everything...

Nope. This was the time to play the politics game... And Paul's just really bad at it...
Negetiations (part 18)
12th August 2012
22:24 GMT

"…slightly difficult position, but most negotiations start like this."

I raise my eyebrows at the genuine-sounding commiseration coming from Miss Arfat, the High Council Office's representative. I.. don't particularly like working around a person who's genuinely helpful like this, but I like the idea of the Reach getting something we don't want them to have even less.

"I'm willing to give up particular pieces of territory… Even increase the limit on their military power. But the core principle of N.E.M.O. is that Reach expansion must stop. Several member worlds were in the process of being ground out of existence before the war started."

"Is it within the power of the maltusians to relocate them?"

"They can build new planets, yes. But they won't have the infrastructure or history, and that will… Probably result in their inhabitants wanting to take their original world back at some point. I don't think that will result in a lasting peace." I shake my head. "That's why I included that bit about them joining; to preserve peace by eliminating future points of conflict. 'They stole our home' isn't a narrative that lends itself to that."

"Have the maltusians relocated populations before?"

"Yes, and I could -grudgingly- tolerate letting the Reach keep worlds that they've already captured. Less grudgingly, I could accept them keeping worlds they've already settled. But giving them planets that we've liberated… I'd best see a lot of movement from them before I even consider that. I don't want to do it, and I don't think I could sell it to N.E.M.O. member worlds."

"But even if ratification proved difficult, would it not be better to have a ceasefire in place for the interim?"

"No, not really. We have the advantage and momentum at present, and we can show results to our members in return for the effort they're putting into the war. A ceasefire would see the Reach entrenching and shifting their economy over to full war production. I can't see us stopping while a peace treaty was debated unless it was significantly in our favour."

She nods slowly.

"I will keep that in mind. You.. mentioned earlier that some N.E.M.O. members just enjoyed war?"

"I think I said that there are always some. But if you're worried about them going after the Reach in violation of a peace treaty, don't be. It's a big universe and there's always a war going on somewhere. If they want new planets to settle it would be less hassle to take apart a gas giant only system and put together a new one than it would be to renew hostilities."

"Given that both the maltusians and the Reach have that technology, I struggle to understand how such hostilities could exist at all."

"Two answers to that. The obvious one is: we're fighting back because they keep attacking us. The other is: 'Some-"

My ring blinks.

"-men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.'"

I smile and raise my ring to my left ear.


"Drusa. Have the negotiations ended?"

"No, we're just taking a little break. Why?"

"A Reach flotilla has appeared at the edge of the system and is asking for emergency transit."

"Hold on." I hold my hand out in front of me and project a construct image of Lantern Drusa's head. "Say that again."

"A Reach flotilla has appeared at the edge of the system and is asking for emergency transit."

"The Reach frequently trade here." Miss Arfat shakes her head in a pacifying manner. "There isn't anything untoward about ships arriving now. They will be directed to the opposite side of the planet to your ships, conduct their business and then leave."

"Did you know this flotilla was arriving in advance?"

"I-. I personally didn't. But-"

I stare through the wall at the Negotiator, empathic vision turned up. No, I'm not seeing anything that indicates an increase in confidence or joy. I frown slightly and turn in the direction… There it is, the Reach trade mission. Nothing much there either.

"-I'm sure that someone did."

"How many ships are we talking about?"

"One cruiser and four escorts. No cargo ships."

"No cargo ships?"

"Cruisers don't have a large internal volume. They might be carrying something small, but it seems unlikely."

"Well, a… Security measure, then. The Am-. Negotiator was concerned about your presence."

"The ships are moving."

"They got pilots already?"

"I didn't detect any going on board."

I give Miss Arfat my full attention.

"Would you mind terribly checking this? You might be right about the reason for their visit, but I've died twice due to being insufficiently cautious."

I have the ring put a map of the system in my head. Given the.. angles…

I create a construct shield covering the ceiling and the spinwards side of the room. Miss Arfat looks at it in concern, then grabs her communicator.

"Arfat, High Council's Office. Confirm my identity."

There's a short pause.

"Good. Do we have a border situation in relation to the incoming Reach ships? This is highest priori-"

Turquoise light appears on the far side of my shield, the building disintegrating around it! A beam weapon? A faster than light beam weapon?


An instant later the beam cuts out, showing the line it blasted through the government office block we're meeting in and the.. three next to it.

"We're under attack! Where did that shot come from?!"

"Illustres, they fired-!"

"Yes, thank you. Hold on a moment. Miss Arfat?"

"Con-confirmed. The Reach vessel just tried to kill-. Killed-. Ah. Under the circumstances, N.E.M.O. assets are authorised to act against them."


"Just that group! We don't know that they're working with the Reach mission already on Yuna! This could be an internal dispute!"

"Alright then. Lantern Drusa, engage at your recognisance. Prioritise protecting our ships and then the planet. I'll be up shortly."


Her construct disappears.

"Now let's go and ask the Negotiator what's going on."
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"Given that both the maltusians and the Reach have that technology, I struggle to understand how such hostilities could exist at all."

Well it could be pride or cultural reasons.

When the Reach started out they probably didn't have the tech to build planets so now they're used to conquering.

"The Reach frequently trade here." Miss Arfat shakes her head in a pacifying manner. "There isn't anything untoward about ships arriving now. The will be directed to the opposite side of the planet to your ships, conduct their business and then leave."

Ohh you poor naive girl.

I stare through the wall at the Negotiator, empathic vision turned up. No, I'm not seeing anything that indicates an increase in confidence or joy. I frown slightly and turn in the direction… There it is, the Reach trade mission. Nothing much there either.

So either it's just a trade mission, or the higher ups didn't tell the Negotiator anything in case they tried to extract information.

Pedantic as always.

due to be insufficiently cautious."

'to being'

So much for this going peacefully.
Probably echoing other people's sentiments, but I'd really like to see a world where Arfat got a blue power ring, though I half-suspect everyone around her will automatically be brainwashed to be happy, hopeful and harmonious.
12th August 2012
22:24 GMT

"…slightly difficult position, but most negotiations start like this."

I raise my eyebrows at the genuine-sounding commiseration coming from Miss Arfat, the High Council Office's representative. I.. don't particularly like working around a person who's genuinely helpful like this, but I like the idea of the Reach getting something we don't want them to have even less.
And thus, the End justifies the Means. Even if that means basically ruining her career. On the other hand, letting the Reach Negotiator get their hands on the Super-Ring would be even worse for everybody... So, the Many must outweigh the One today.

"I'm willing to give up particular pieces of territory… Even increase the limit on their military power. But the core principle of N.E.M.O. is that Reach expansion must stop. Several member worlds were in the process of being ground out of existence before the war started."

"Is it within the power of the maltusians to relocate them?"
They shouldn't have to. Good, sensible races don't go conquering their neighbours, you know.

"They can build new planets, yes. But they won't have the infrastructure or history, and that will… Probably result in their inhabitants wanting to take their original world back at some point. I don't think that will result in a lasting peace." I shake my head. "That's why I included that bit about them joining; to preserve peace by eliminating future points of conflict. 'They stole our home' isn't a narrative that lends itself to that."

"Have the maltusians relocated populations before?"
Though I doubt anyone would trust the Reach citizens with anything in the first few centuries... Some races do have long lifespans, and longer memories...

"Yes, and I could -grudgingly- tolerate letting the Reach keep worlds that they've already captured. Less grudgingly, I could accept them keeping worlds they've already settled. But giving them planets that we've liberated… I'd best see a lot of movement from them before I even consider that. I don't want to do it, and I don't think I could sell it to N.E.M.O. member worlds."

"But even if ratification proved difficult, would it not be better to have a ceasefire in place for the interim?"
I suspect more than a few members would laugh in his face. Or maybe punch him for even suggesting it. Or both.

"No, not really. We have the advantage and momentum at present, and we can show results to our members in return for the effort they're putting into the war. A ceasefire would see the Reach entrenching and shifting their economy over to full war production. I can't see us stopping while a peace treaty was debated unless it was significantly in our favour."

She nods slowly.
And an empire as big as the Reach has a lot of production potential. That's why the war is going to take a lifetime.

"I will keep that in mind. You.. mentioned earlier that some N.E.M.O. members just enjoyed war?"

"I think I said that there are always some. But if you're worried about them going after the Reach in violation of a peace treaty, don't be. It's a big universe and there's always a war going on somewhere. If they want new planets to settle it would be less hassle to take apart a gas giant only system and put together a new one than it would be to renew hostilities."
Though most cultures don't start out at that level, you know. Still, by now, it's probably easier. But Reach gonna reach.

"Given that both the maltusians and the Reach have that technology, I struggle to understand how such hostilities could exist at all."

"Two answers to that. The obvious one is: we're fighting back because they keep attacking us. The other is: 'Some-"
To paraphrase the Geth from 'Incompatible System': "Reach Faction is Reach." They're used to doing it this way. I wouldn't be surprised if doing it this way has become a point of pride for some, putting one over entire worlds.

My ring blinks.

"-men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.'"
And OL finds that sort of attitude wasteful. And when they're defeated, he will rejoice.

I smile and raise my ring to my left ear.


"Drusa. Have the negotiations ended?"
I hope this isn't just a pleasure call, Drusa. Not that OL's busy, but...

"No, we're just taking a little break. Why?"

"A Reach flotilla has appeared at the edge of the system and is asking for emergency transit."
...Well, shit. Looks like Reach gonna reach indeed.

"Hold on." I hold my hand out in front of me and project a construct image of Lantern Drusa's head. "Say that again."

"A Reach flotilla has appeared at the edge of the system and is asking for emergency transit."
Oh, that's bad. I have the feeling the war is coming to Yuna whether they want it to or not...

"The Reach frequently trade here." Miss Arfat shakes her head in a pacifying manner. "There isn't anything untoward about ships arriving now. The will be directed to the opposite side of the planet to your ships, conduct their business and then leave."

"Did you know this flotilla was arriving in advance?"
I rather suspect the High Council Office is in a panic right now...

"I-. I personally didn't. But-"

I stare through the wall at the Negotiator, empathic vision turned up. No, I'm not seeing anything that indicates an increase in confidence or joy. I frown slightly and turn in the direction… There it is, the Reach trade mission. Nothing much there either.
...Which isn't indicative of anything. They may have emotion-concealing gear. Or they might simply not have known this was coming. It's not impossible they weren't told the military branch might be trying something against the Illustres...

"-I'm sure that someone did."

"How many ships are we talking about?"

"One cruiser and four escorts. No cargo ships."
Definitely not a trading party, then. I'm betting they're loaded for bear Lanterns.

"No cargo ships?"

"Cruisers don't have a large internal volume. They might be carrying something small, but it seems unlikely."
I mean, sure, they might be here to collect the Super-Ring as the Negotiator expected to be able to...

"Well, a… Security measure, then. The Am-. Negotiator was concerned about your presence."

"The ships are moving."
Wow, they got pilots that quickly? Someone must have turned quite the profit...

"They got pilots already?"

"I didn't detect any going on board."
...Or not. Yeah, I don't think they're friendly at all. The system's traffic command is probably screaming rather loudly at them...

I give Miss Arfat my full attention.

"Would you mind terribly checking this? You might be right about the reason for their visit, but I've died twice due to be insufficiently cautious."
And he's definitely in no mood to go for a hat-trick.

I have the ring put a map of the system in my head. Given the.. angles…

I create a construct shield covering the ceiling and the spinwards side of the room. Miss Arfat looks at it in concern, then grabs her communicator.
Oh, that's not a good sign. He really thinks they'll bombard him from that far out? No, stupid question, of course they'll try.

"Arfat, High Council's Office. Confirm my identity."

There's a short pause.

"Good. Do we have a border situation in relation to the incoming Reach ships? This is highest priori-"
"Uh... The watch officer says 'No doi!' Is that what you were hoping to hear, ma'am?"

Turquoise light appears on the far side of my shield, the building disintegrating around it! A beam weapon? A faster than light beam weapon?

Wow, okay. They really want him dead. You don't bust out big guns like that for just anybody.

An instant later the beam cuts out, showing the line it blasted through the government office block we're meeting in and the.. three next to it.

"We're under attack! Where did that shot come from?!"
On the upside, Yuna is not likely to remain neutral for much longer.

"Illustres, they fired-!"

"Yes, thank you. Hold on a moment. Miss Arfat?"
A little late there, Drusa. Then again, FTL beam weapon. It's entirely possible causality got a wee bit confused there.

"Con-confirmed. The Reach vessel just tried to kill-. Killed-. Ah. Under the circumstances, N.E.M.O. assets are authorised to act against them."


"Just that group! We don't know that they're working with the Reach mission already on Yuna! This could be an internal dispute!"
...-ing! Dangit! No snagging the Super-Ring in the confusion.

"Alright then. Lantern Drusa, engage at your recognisance. Prioritise protecting our ships and then the planet. I'll be up shortly."

Still, being able to go weapons-hot against their attackers is fine. And they can show the gyuanites and company they'll fight Reach aggression to protect them.

Her construct disappears.

"Now let's go and ask the Negotiator what's going on."
Prediction: "I know nothing of this! This is... is a rogue element!"

Boy, the Reach just put their foot in a deep ol' mess. Evidently a chance to take down the Illustres of the Orange Lanterns and secure a valuable Spectrum weapon proved too much for the Reach command to resist going full super-villain... o_O Which does certainly feel not right. There's got to be something more going on... Hopefully we'll learn more tomorrow.

The will be directed to the opposite side of the planet to your ships...
They will be directed to the opposite side of the planet to your ships...

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