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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)


What happened to make them die in the other reality, and how did he find out if Tattletale didn't live to make her call?
Ah, no. What you have to remember about Coil's power is that there is no other reality. His power simulates what would happen, it doesn't literally make it happen, because that would involve creating and destroying an entire universe and shards don't have that sort of power to throw around. There are a few different fan interpretations of the exact mechanics. I read a story where if something it didn't model happens he was stuck acting out the version he 'chose' with no awareness of what was really happening around him until he 'ended' the simulation. I've read a story where if something unexpected happens his power just turns off.

Coil's power doesn't have the data to model a power ring, and when he did his simulation Lord Protector was 'out of bounds'. As a result, his simulation made no mention of the man and he gave Tattletale instructions on that basis.
the ring settle into my

maybe 'settle onto'

The cube vanished in a puff of green.


any responsibility regard the Reach


I look at it. I could make it orange, but that might damage it.

And potentially you if it has a negative reaction to assimilation.

Ah, the actually put it in the skull

'they actually'
Green Rings aren't good at healing in this story because willpower largely requires knowing what you are doing and most people don't know how their biology works.

If the scarab was in fact in charge of the scarab warrior then wouldn't it know the ins and outs of the host's biology?

And therefore be able to heal the host just fine?
"And I'm sending it to Maltus. Invite the Guardians to address any complaints to the Controllers, and remind them that a little honesty goes a long way."

"That is not yours to take."

I look at it. I could make it orange, but that might damage it.

"The Controllers gave the ship back, didn't they? I put the work in, so I'm claiming the reward. If you want my help in future, start by being honest. End."
Nice. I wonder what the Controllers could get out of the ring before they (maybe) send it to the Guardians.
Green Rings aren't good at healing in this story because willpower largely requires knowing what you are doing and most people don't know how their biology works.

If the scarab was in fact in charge of the scarab warrior then wouldn't it know the ins and outs of the host's biology?

And therefore be able to heal the host just fine?

Maybe it was damaged enough that some of its functions, like its knowledge of the hosts biology, were gone, or it thought it wasn't a priority.
maybe 'settle onto'
'they actually'
Thank you, corrected.
Green Rings aren't good at healing in this story because willpower largely requires knowing what you are doing and most people don't know how their biology works.

If the scarab was in fact in charge of the scarab warrior then wouldn't it know the ins and outs of the host's biology?

And therefore be able to heal the host just fine?
Certainly, if it had a few minutes during which it didn't need to make other constructs. And knew it could do that.
Coil's power doesn't have the data to model a power ring, and when he did his simulation Lord Protector was 'out of bounds'. As a result, his simulation made no mention of the man and he gave Tattletale instructions on that basis.
Actually it does have the data.

Remember, Shards don't need to know the "how" of a thing, they just need to know what the thing does. And hard light constructs and matter transmutation are old hat for Shards which means they could simulate everything a power ring could do outside of Emotional Entity sudden power-ups.
Actually it does have the data.

Remember, Shards don't need to know the "how" of a thing, they just need to know what the thing does. And hard light constructs and matter transmutation are old hat for Shards which means they could simulate everything a power ring could do outside of Emotional Entity sudden power-ups.

It would be highly inaccurate because someone using emotional light gains a transient property to their mental processes. Green Lanterns being able to maintain focus in spite of chemicals turning their brain to mush and things like that. It makes it hard to know exactly how much someone is able to focus on their constructs, and thus how powerful they are. Also, would a shard be able to accurately map the brain of someone inside a ring energy shield anyways? If not, then every time you use your ring you become very hard to predict
12th August 2012
22:32 GMT

Point defence constructs appear behind me, tiny pellets of matter firing at high speed to intercept what is almost certainly-. The anti-matter plasma detonates the moment the matter intersects with it. I didn't get the quantities quite right, but that should disperse it enough that it merely makes a large blast when it hits the atmosphere-proper. She tries taking a shot directly at me, but constructs don't contain matter and it's simple enough to contain it in a construct vessel.
Oof. Not a planet-killer, certainly. But that would not have been pleasant for the planet if it had all been allowed to hit. I'm picturing a chain of explosions running down to the surface, leaving something akin to the after-effects of Tunguska.

Then my construct sheers cut her gun off at the elbow.

She's still glowing, so I guess the gun was-.
So, not wearing it on that arm. Indeed, it may not be attached to any limb. We've seen OL use his rings while they were embedded in his skull and chest...

The explosion washes over me, whatever anti-matter was still in the gun losing containment! The radiation isn't much of a problem, and there's no shockwave in space, but my construct armour has a few cracks in it by the time the energy wave passes over me. Nothing like the detonation of a power ring, so I'm assuming that she's wearing it somewhere-.

I'm assuming that she was wearing it somewhere else.
Green Lanterns only wear theirs on a convenient extremity out of habit, after all. Though it does make recharging easier. So if you don't need to recharge, well... And amusing that the exploding gun is the only real damage OL took in this fight.

It looks like between the hole made by her arm-stump, the holes I punched and the fact that she was much closer than me to the detonation means that… She's somewhat cooked. Still alive -if barely- but not in any condition to actually fight. The gun arm… Yeah, a containment breech. Can't have been much anti-matter, because the arm is still recognisably arm-shaped.

This is an opportunity.
To be fair, any amount of anti-matter in something meant for close combat is probably too much. For exactly this reason. Even as a suicide charge, it's excessive.

The host is in a coma, while the Scarab itself is at least somewhat active. It should be possible for me to remove it chirurgically as it looks like it's been forced into shutdown while still being functional enough that we could gain useful intelligence from it. I can't risk assimilating it, but...

And since it's not trying to smack him with Green Constructs right now, it presumably needs the host's brain working to do so...

I could try altering its desires indirectly with orange light manipulation. I haven't tried that yet, and they might not be designed to self-destruct when I do that. I don't think that the Reach have any experience with that technique.

The armour is slowly growing back over the holes. I think that's an automatic thing, but just in case…
Is this really the time to be playing mad scientist? Last thing you need it the Scarab Warrior waking up in the middle of it and trying to gut you. Again.

No. Just get the ring. There are other Scarabs.

The green light is at its most intense in the middle of her chest, behind the strongest part of her armour. Makes sense, but a precise application of crumbler probes there and there, and a small x-ionised blade…
Logical enough. Place it amongst the rest of her most heavily-armoured organs. After all, a Ring may be tough, but it can still be broken...

Another spray of vaporised blood and the ring comes free, along with a chunk of armour and… Genetic scan? Modified duthellian tissue. Probably not a volunteer, then. Probably as brain dead as the ship crew. The ring looks about as it did in its former display case, though now it's got a little more of a glow to it.

I raise my right hand.

Come to me.
Well, now. Interesting to have it confirmed she's the same as the crew, but I'm more interested in the fact that he's exhibiting enough Will to get a response from a Green Ring. Then again, it's an atypical example of such...

The ring gleams and begins drifting my way-


-while the Scarab Warrior's armour bulges with shifting armour plates and semi-organic cables. I think the Scarab is trying to bypass the damaged tissue, but they're not really intended to work like that. I let the ring settle into my right ring finger, the environmental shield fighting against my orange one for a moment before being put in its place.
Okay, the Ring must be designed to operate on far lower levels of Will than the standard model. An interesting choice, Guardians.

"Illustres here. Are you in one piece, K'ryssma?"

"I will heal. Do you have the ring?"
Now, what to tell her... Lie, and claim it was destroyed or otherwise lost? Worth taking the reputation hit if he's found out? probably not.


I look at the new ring on my finger. Guy let me fiddle with his ring a grand total of once. I could… Sort of make constructs, but they were… Not great. Abstract mental focus isn't a skill I've really developed. Still, I can manage a basic-.
Joy of Enlightenment. You're able to bypass the minimums other Lanterns need to learn. Unfortunately, that would naturally interfere with other colours. Probably cause mixed signals...

Warning! Unnatural Mental Influence detected!

A rotating cube construct that… Agh, every cube in my-. Off off off!
And thus we see why the Greenies went wonky. Mental realignment? Nasty.

The cube vanished in a puff of green.

I look down at the ring.
Well. That doesn't bode well.

Before I left, the Green Lantern comics were… Increasingly showing the Guardians as… Dodgy. The Alpha Lanterns were the worse thing I remember them intentionally doing… I don't know. I haven't gotten the impression that the local Guardians are like that. But… Larfleeze exists here. So they've been lying about that. Hinon confirmed that the Massacre of Sector 666 happened.

And this ring just tried to hotwire my brain into making better constructs. Better green constructs.
And that's not the worst thing they've done, though the very worst came out of the New 52. It's probably a good thing, in this case, that his brain is optimised for Avarice...

"Yes, I've got it."

How trusting do I feel right now? I mean, K'ryssma hasn't been particular honest with me about what's going on, and… Frankly, the Guardians abdicated any responsibility regard the Reach when they signed their treaty. And I… Really don't want to have to deal with Guardians in evil mode. This ring looks like something that could end up taking them in some very unpleasant directions. But they've already got the technology anyway, and making an issue out of this might worsen relations between our organisations. I should probably-.
Give the Guardians an Inch, they'll take a Parsec...

<Renegade interrupt>

"And I'm sending it to Maltus. Invite the Guardians to address any complaints to the Controllers, and remind them that a little honesty goes a long way."
:cool: Nice. Almost as satisfying as smacking people around, stabbing Kai Leng or headbutting an uppity Krogan.

"That is not yours to take."

I look at it. I could make it orange, but that might damage it.
Besides, the Controllers, and Hinon especially, should be able to reverse-engineer it, without the mental drawbacks.

"The Controllers gave the ship back, didn't they? I put the work in, so I'm claiming the reward. If you want my help in future, start by being honest. End."

I look around local space. Doesn't look like the Reach shot at anything not on the planet's surface.
Well, besides you. And congratulations on indulging your inner Larfleeze and grabbing the 'Shiny'. :p

"Illustres to Lantern Drusa. Cruiser and Scarab Warrior neutralised. Please secure the remains of the Reach ships in the hold of one of our cargo ships. Dump other cargo if you have to; those are going to L.E.G.I.O.N. intelligence."

"And the Scarab?"
With any luck, that will be forthcoming.

I generate a construct chirurgical unit, blades at the ready. I've seen our data on removing Scarabs, and… It's never been done entirely successfully. If I keep her alive I could have our wizards take a stab at it, but I think that's taking an unnecessary risk. Find the Scarab, find the Scarab… Ah, the actually put it in the skull rather than on the upper spine this time, how creative. Crumble the build-up armour around the head, insert construct nutrient feeds into the brain…

Ironically, the wizards would probably have the most success, given the canonical Khaji Da scarab. Still, he doesn't remember that.

Take a snapshot of the brain. They might… Would they have had to leave this one a bit more compos mentis than the others? Not sure. Examining Scarab Warriors post mortem is always a little difficult. The Darkstars didn't bother trying to keep them in one piece before I arrived, and it hasn't become more of a priority now that they theoretically can.

Three, two, stab and shield!
Heh. To be fair, the Darkstars usually aren't working with the safety net of a Power Ring. And are usually too busy trying to not die to worry about preserving their enemies' bodies.

And I have a brain. The Scarab should register the host's death a second later, but if I use an animation suspension-.

The Scarab atomises.
Well, shit. That's going to be a running gag, isn't it? OL keeps getting close to collecting a Scarab only for something to prevent it. Self-destruction, outside assault or just plain bad luck...

Though I'm pleased to note that a lot of the armour stays in one piece this time. Too badly damaged to fully self-destruct? Worth knowing.

Next step, then. These remains and this brain go onto a cargo ship in the most secure storage unit I can build, then I'm heading back to the planet to do some arm twisting.
Probably not going to take much effort, given the shitshow the Reach unleashed, 'rogue unit' or not. I foresee the Yuna government putting more restrictions and sanctions on Reach trade in future...

So, all the shooting's done. Well, at least you got some loot out of the fight. Hopefully all this will count towards a successful mission when all is said and done. I still bet Dox will not be happy (when is he ever?) but Hinon will likely appreciate the Ring.

The ring gleams and begins drifting my way-
Double Space.
So, not wearing it on that arm. Indeed, it may not be attached to any limb. We've seen OL use his rings while they were embedded in his skull and chest...

And don't forget Sybarite.

Green Lanterns only wear theirs on a convenient extremity out of habit,

Though they can wear them in other places if it's not possible to do it in the usual place.

Is this really the time to be playing mad scientist? Last thing you need it the Scarab Warrior waking up in the middle of it and trying to gut you. Again.

Paul is easily distractible.

but I'm more interested in the fact that he's exhibiting enough Will to get a response from a Green Ring

He can use other emotions to wield a ring, like Violet, and in this line of work a strong will is necessary.

Okay, the Ring must be designed to operate on far lower levels of Will than the standard model. An interesting choice, Guardians.

Maybe something like the green version of Indigo rings.

An interesting idea, maybe if this isn't such a dubious scheme of the Guardians then maybe they wanted to recruit more people to wield rings, but due to lack of strong wills that was difficult so they decided to make something that doesn't rely on such a strong will.

Besides, the Controllers, and Hinon especially, should be able to reverse-engineer it, without the mental drawbacks.

I don't know.

Some of the Controllers, like Hinon, helped with the fucks up of the Guardians, like the creation of the Psions.

And they also made their own, like Larfleeze.

And that's not the worst thing they've done, though the very worst came out of the New 52.

Because making one emotionless army wasn't enough.

There's this interesting idea that a fan made in a project called Earth 27.

In it the Guardians basically wield all the lights, minus White and Black, like Ganthet wielding Blue, and the Manhunters exist, but here they're mostly various sapient beings that serve a law enforcement role with the GLC, minus the rings.

A lot of characters that had the name Manhunter in the comics, like Martian Manhunter and that one woman, are actually members of the group.

Maybe the Guardians should try something like this before they go all robot army.

Granted I think Lobo was a member, so it's not perfect.

Well, shit. That's going to be a running gag, isn't it? OL keeps getting close to collecting a Scarab only for something to prevent it. Self-destruction, outside assault or just plain bad luck...

I'm now imagining him trying to catch Scarabs with a Pokeball Hinon made for him.

He's gonna catch them all!

I still bet Dox will not be happy (when is he ever?

Maybe if Paul one day brings him the head of Brainiac, or the body with the head so he can take it of, then he'll be happy.
To be fair, any amount of anti-matter in something meant for close combat is probably too much. For exactly this reason. Even as a suicide charge, it's excessive.

You can actually store anti-matter... well not safely since it's one of the most volatile things that exists, but safer than you'd expect. All you've got to do is make a charm-matter variant (you can also go strange-matter if you're feeling a bit off your rocker) and store the regular charm-matter in a separate containment unit separated from it's negative counterpart by a wall of regular matter.

It might not be the most efficient thing to do in the middle of combat, but if you're using it right then anti-matter isn't (quite) as dangerous as it seems.

Edit:I am bad at putting words in the right place apparently.
Thank you, corrected.
You can actually store anti-matter... well not safely since it's one of the most volatile things that exists, but safer than you'd expect. All you've got to do is make a charm-matter variant (you can also go strange-matter if you're feeling a bit off your rocker) and store the regular charm-matter in a separate containment unit separated from it's negative counterpart by a wall of regular matter.

It might not be the most efficient thing to do in the middle of combat, but if you're using it right then anti-matter isn't (quite) as dangerous as it seems.

Edit:I am bad at putting words in the right place apparently.
Surely anti-matter is no more volatile than matter?
He can use other emotions to wield a ring, like Violet, and in this line of work a strong will is necessary.

Maybe something like the green version of Indigo rings.

An interesting idea, maybe if this isn't such a dubious scheme of the Guardians then maybe they wanted to recruit more people to wield rings, but due to lack of strong wills that was difficult so they decided to make something that doesn't rely on such a strong will.
I imagine that anyone can activate any color of ring, but you have to be able to reliably direct the required emotion well enough at a high enough level for your constructs to be strong enough and to keep anyone else from summoning the ring off of you.
Having a green ring that auto-boost your will probably risks creating another Malvolio.
I think I found some old errors.
Director Jiang of the Chinese Standing Committee on Metahuman Affairs

It is simply that the Minister Jiang had an… Encounter with members of the politburo who are sceptical of the benefits of our working relationship.

"I'm happy to explain my reservations directly, if that would take some of the heat off the Minister?"

Every other mention of Jiang of the Chinese Standing Committee on Metahuman Affairs has him called Chairman. Is Chairman the correct term?
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It would be highly inaccurate because someone using emotional light gains a transient property to their mental processes. Green Lanterns being able to maintain focus in spite of chemicals turning their brain to mush and things like that. It makes it hard to know exactly how much someone is able to focus on their constructs, and thus how powerful they are. Also, would a shard be able to accurately map the brain of someone inside a ring energy shield anyways? If not, then every time you use your ring you become very hard to predict

Not... Really. I mean, by normal shard "perfect simulation, perfect precog" standards sure, but a working model is easy enough. Shards can do psychology and run predictive models based on observed behaviour and observed abilities just fine; as an example, Contessa has a reasonable mostly-accurate model of Eidolon that she can use to predict and work around him. Esoteric Emotional Shaman Bullshit would trip it up when it came up, but after a few months of observation the day to day stuff would be trivial to accurately predict.
Coil's power doesn't have the data to model a power ring, and when he did his simulation Lord Protector was 'out of bounds'. As a result, his simulation made no mention of the man and he gave Tattletale instructions on that basis.
When a Thinker power encounters a blind spot, it doesn't power through blindly as though the blind spot weren't there. If that were the case, Dinah Alcott never would've been able to predict the apocalypse that drives the plot in the final arc. Having his power sabotage him in such a manner indicates that the fanfic you derived your reasoning from was more interested in screwing over Coil than a consistent portrayal of Thinker blind spots. Not a bad thing for that story, since I suspect that screwing over Coil was more important to that story than consistent Thinker power mechanics, but between this and the Tattletale knockout, I'm concerned that you're less interested in being true to the crossed setting and more interested in going Perfect Lionheart on a story you've never read.

Considering that there was talk about Grayven possibly crossing into Worm later, I find that concerning.
Am I bit confused here. Did he sacrifice the Scarab to save the Host?

I thought for a moment he would create a Beetle here...
Surely anti-matter is no more volatile than matter?
Anti-matter and matter explode when they come into contact with their opposite, resulting in a lot of hard gamma. Antimatter is "more explosive" than regular matter merely because we have shit-tons of matter around to react with. In the antimatter universe, matter would be considered the explosive. But the thing is, antimatter will only react with the exact same quark or lepton. Water doesn't react with anti-water. Oxygen doesn't even react with anti-oxygen. It's the electrons, the up quarks, and the down quarks that interact. So if your matter containment vessel is made of charmed matter, replacing up quarks with charm, down quarks with strange, and electrons with muon leptons, then it should be safe to handle upped antimatter with it. The uh, downside of that is that charmed matter really really really likes to both decay into upped matter particles and also undergo cold fusion.

Edit: I mistakenly said that the tau was the charmed lepton. It is not. The charmed lepton is the muon. The tau is the topped lepton.
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It would be highly inaccurate because someone using emotional light gains a transient property to their mental processes. Green Lanterns being able to maintain focus in spite of chemicals turning their brain to mush and things like that. It makes it hard to know exactly how much someone is able to focus on their constructs, and thus how powerful they are. Also, would a shard be able to accurately map the brain of someone inside a ring energy shield anyways? If not, then every time you use your ring you become very hard to predict
Shards can reproduce that too. There's plenty of parahumans that can survive their brain getting mushed. Hell, when you clone a parahuman, the copy can slowly and partially reproduce the original's memories, regardless of the original's status. And that's for individuals whose power normally doesn't have anything at all to do with creating copies, regrowing heads or transferring or manipulating memories. Dealing with the idea of a personality being saved on an unreachable substrate of reality is really not that hard yo grasp for them.
I just noticed. Shouldn't the Story Only part be over the first date of the Episode?
Thank you, corrected.
When a Thinker power encounters a blind spot, it doesn't power through blindly as though the blind spot weren't there. If that were the case, Dinah Alcott never would've been able to predict the apocalypse that drives the plot in the final arc. Having his power sabotage him in such a manner indicates that the fanfic you derived your reasoning from was more interested in screwing over Coil than a consistent portrayal of Thinker blind spots. Not a bad thing for that story, since I suspect that screwing over Coil was more important to that story than consistent Thinker power mechanics, but between this and the Tattletale knockout, I'm concerned that you're less interested in being true to the crossed setting and more interested in going Perfect Lionheart on a story you've never read.

Considering that there was talk about Grayven possibly crossing into Worm later, I find that concerning.
It's not so much 'going Perfect Lionheart' as having not read the original work or the pages of Word of God that are needed to make sense of it. I don't claim to be any sort of expert on Worm. That's why I'm not writing a Worm story. I'm certainly not interested in reading all of that to marginally improve three segments in this story.

I don't remember exactly how that particular fic -Taylor was a Saiyan- handled all of it. I... Vaguely remember it being something about Coil starting his simulation after she left Earth and that shard's particular restrictions excluding her for the duration, while Dinah gave a calculation at one moment in time which would change based on what was in range at that moment. But I could be wrong and I'm not rereading it on that site.
It's not so much 'going Perfect Lionheart' as having not read the original work or the pages of Word of God that are needed to make sense of it. I don't claim to be any sort of expert on Worm. That's why I'm not writing a Worm story. I'm certainly not interested in reading all of that to marginally improve three segments in this story.
If it's just three segments, is it really that important to include? It doesn't sound like it'd be likely to contribute anything to Grayven's personal story, and writing stories about settings one hasn't read is a sort of willful laziness that's already endemic among Worm fanfics without a writer as prolific as yourself dipping his toe in.
So if your matter containment vessel is made of charmed matter,

Ah, when I made my comment about charm-matter/anti-matter I was referring to an anti-matter variant that annihilated with charm-matter (both of which I presume that the Scarab is fabricating on-site since I can't imagine that they carry anti-matter around all the time), not the container being made of it.

If that's me not understanding how this all works than I'll blame me not being a particle physicist, and maybe not listening as well as I should have during an Isaac Arthur video.
If it's just three segments, is it really that important to include? It doesn't sound like it'd be likely to contribute anything to Grayven's personal story, and writing stories about settings one hasn't read is a sort of willful laziness that's already endemic among Worm fanfics without a writer as prolific as yourself dipping his toe in.
No, the bit with the Lord Protector was just three segments. I haven't written anything about the Renegade in Worm, and probably won't. In any case, he'd be in Colorado and the precise mechanics of Coil's power would be irrelevant.

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