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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

A small bolt of energy hits me in the faceplate, and I turn to see that… Huh, okay, I'm impressed. A couple of juluuni marines made it this far, breaching the bridge and getting a shot off. My positron beams-.



My railgun shots cripple their arms and legs, then I grab their weapons and destroy them before shoving the marines into my containment unit. They earned that.

But no one's surrendering. And looking at their desires, no one is even considering it.

Singularities all round it is, then.
I can't even remember the last time we saw a Paragon option from Paul. Anyone remember?
-lucky. They aren't used to being weaker than their opponents. It's not just me: in all other encounters with Orange Lanterns where the Lantern has lived to report back, the Scarab Warrior has stubbornly refused to quit the field. Oh, they'll evade an attack or fall back in the face of numbers, but they just refuse to give up. I wonder if it's a programming error?

Or the Reach view surrendering as being dishonorable and consider dying in combat a good way to die.

"Illustres, you are still alive."

I recognise that voice.

"And you're out of qwa-matter. Good effort, though."

The Reach guy Paul talked to before he was blown up by qwa-matter.

Given all of the options that a power ring grants its user, I feel that I'm being a little boring here.

And we all know that someone is going to complain that you are.

I'm staying in once place

'in one'

"True to the Writ we live. True to the Writ-"

Religious zealotry.


hat battleship cuts cut in half lengthwise.

'gets cut in'

Mildly interesting, though. The Reach don't usually perform that sort of indoctrination. Loyalty to the Reach as a political entity, yes, but they don't share their religion with aliens.

Maybe they're trying something new.

This could be their sick idea of integrating species instead of exterminating them.

Singularities all round it is, then.

A singularity for you! And a singularity for you! Everybody gets a singularity!
"No, no, the qwa-matter worked. The problem is that I'm immortal."

Why, why, WHY THE FUCK?????????

OL has offically gone full SuperHero Retarded. He's literally giving his enemies, people he's gone out of his way to make war against, options to cripple or kill him.

Because he wants to brag. He's literally just braggging away his biggest trump cards.

What the fuck is this?
Why, why, WHY THE FUCK?????????

OL has offically gone full SuperHero Retarded. He's literally giving his enemies, people he's gone out of his way to make war against, options to cripple or kill him.

Because he wants to brag. He's literally just braggging away his biggest trump cards.

What the fuck is this?
What advantage does it even give the Reach to tell them that he's immortal? You are overreacting.
What advantage does it even give the Reach to tell them that he's immortal? You are overreacting.

Because they think he can be killed. Due to this, they are putting time and effort into killing him, which isn't going to happen. They don't know this, so they will keep trying, because the expended resources won't match the damage he can do.

So every year they spend time and effort trying to kill him, is a year less they have to work on exotic techniques to GTFO him out of the picture. Now they know, they can immediately move onto those, and begin looking for specific clues as to how his immortality works.

Time freezes, bleed fractures to pull him out of the universe, magical weapons (they might not be magic, but they have massive trading routes, and could no doubt get ahold of some).

What if they figure out what all the clones are for, kill him, then pick up the space they killed him with and move it somewhere else, so his soul goes along for the ride?

Never correct your enemy when he's making a mistake. A massive strategic trump card, thrown away so OL can feel superior about himself. What a fucking joke.
Why, why, WHY THE FUCK?????????

OL has offically gone full SuperHero Retarded. He's literally giving his enemies, people he's gone out of his way to make war against, options to cripple or kill him.

Because he wants to brag. He's literally just braggging away his biggest trump cards.

What the fuck is this?

What advantage does it even give the Reach to tell them that he's immortal? You are overreacting.

Plus they may even conclude this on their own.

They've been fighting an extremely advanced species for who knows how long, and said species can live a long, long time.

It's not such a stretch for the Controllers to have some tech that can make people immortal, aside from power rings.

And given what he's survived it's very likely that they may think he's really immortal.

And how would them knowing about it actually hinder Paul?

If you're thinking that they may try to start hitting him more and more, hoping that enough damage does the job, then they could have also done this even without getting confirmation that he's immortal.

After the qwa-matter bomb didn't do the job they'll probably throw everything at him.

Because they think he can be killed. Due to this, they are putting time and effort into killing him, which isn't going to happen. They don't know this, so they will keep trying, because the expended resources won't match the damage he can do.

So every year they spend time and effort trying to kill him, is a year less they have to work on exotic techniques to GTFO him out of the picture. Now they know, they can immediately move onto those, and begin looking for specific clues as to how his immortality works.

Time freezes, bleed fractures to pull him out of the universe, magical weapons (they might not be magic, but they have massive trading routes, and could no doubt get ahold of some).

What if they figure out what all the clones are for, kill him, then pick up the space they killed him with and move it somewhere else, so his soul goes along for the ride?

Never correct your enemy when he's making a mistake. A massive strategic trump card, thrown away so OL can feel superior about himself. What a fucking joke.

They can also do these things even without knowing he's immortal.

After several attempts at killing him have failed they may think it can't be done and just try to capture him.

And again, there's nothing stopping them from concluding that he's immortal by themselves.

When a guy has survived things that by all accounts can't be survived and he has access to advanced tech, you may just come to the conclusion that he's immortal.
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Can't Paragon just alter everyone's desires to make them stand down or incapacitate them like the Mandated Paul did to Vandal Savage (Edit: he desire-suppresses the aliens in proximity to him at the very start of this update too)? They seem like they'd be useful to study as an example of very long-term Reach modification and indoctrination; sure, he preserved a bunch, and took genetic scans of everyone, but I don't think he really gains much from killing them that he would lose by trying something else (and getting practice at mass desire alteration seems like a good thing).

I do hope they try the Ranx & Mercy ultra-scanning trick though.

I'd like to see more Ophidian-Paragon interactions too, I'm kind of missing them. And it might help him to regain his enlightenment the next time he dies.
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25th August 2012
00:44 GMT

Desire suppression and grab.

Juluuni officers fight weakly due to their training, but there's no passion to their actions as they're pulled across the bridge to me and stuck in a construct constraint box. I take a fraction of a second to send an interrogation command to the ship's computer, triggering its self-destruct.
Ah, now, see? That's a damn major oversight. I mean, the likelihood of any typical enemy being able to kill a ship's computer like that is vanishingly small, but still, you'd think they'd have considered the possibility of someone breaching the bridge directly... o_O Then again, any smart fleet keeps its' combat command centres deep in the ship...

"…of the Restitution, report in. If you do not respond, you-"

Singularity beam.

"-will be considered-"
At least the other ships are smart enough to recognise one of their vessels may be subverted...

I swing the beam in a low arc, space distorting as it slices through the ship's interior and out into space. Lights in the lower part flicker and die as I replace the projector with a construct jack and shove the two parts of the ship away from each other like an angry pearl inside a muscle.

Situational awareness, ring. And interdiction field.
No escape. No surrender. These guys are getting an up-close lesson of why he's the Illustres.


The ships are manoeuvring, spreading out and-. Huh, they can eject their gunship production modules. That lets them flush their stores faster, but… They can't make more. And it looks like that's an emergency action that can't be easily reversed, creating a critical weakness in their hull. On the other hand, against most Lanterns it's probably the best thing they can do. There are now a lot of flack turrets out there.
That's a nasty trick. Dumping automated factories making kill-drones into space... I doubt they care to deploy shutdown commands afterwards, either, since they'd have IFF to call the drones off. Could be messy if one gets forgotten about...

Let's do something about that.

Positron beams, track and rapid fire.
Heh. Quality over quantity, eh?

Two weapon constructs appear just in front of me, aiming through the growing gap between hull fragments with their containment vessels glowing purple. Rays leap out, each one existing so briefly that the human eye can't truly see them but firing so quickly that there's a purple haze to the air. The positron beam doesn't convey a lot of antimatter and compared to a true lightspeed weapon it's somewhat slow, but the gunships are unshielded and close enough and predictable enough that every shot is a kill. Really, I'm just trying to lure out any Scarab Warriors who are on-site and feeling-
Consider that swarm squashed. Without prejudice, because OL just doesn't care.

I feel it as half the fleet tries to jump out. They disengage their drives in good order when they realise that that isn't going to be happening.

-lucky. They aren't used to being weaker than their opponents. It's not just me: in all other encounters with Orange Lanterns where the Lantern has lived to report back, the Scarab Warrior has stubbornly refused to quit the field. Oh, they'll evade an attack or fall back in the face of numbers, but they just refuse to give up. I wonder if it's a programming error?
Or a method to prevent capture and subversion. Can't be turned if you're dead, after all. Same reason they self-destruct on Identity Theft attempts.

The battleships turn, accelerating away from me at their best sublight speed. While they do that the cruisers cluster closer, trying to line their guns up through the gap in the hull to get a clear shot at me. Not a terrible idea by any means, though the prow-mounted guns of the battleships means that they can't add their fire to the attack while moving away from me.

Incoming message.
I doubt their drill-ships (Thank you, Hell's Razer) were ever intended to turn away from a live enemy anyway. So the crews are well out of their depth.

I reform my singularity beam projector and aim it at one of the more on the ball battleships that is firing at the upper portion of my 'shell' as it turns.

Play it.
Oh, one of them wants to talk? Let's hear what they have to say, then...

I fire, cutting a plane through its main drive and reaction mass reservoir. No explosion, because I'm using a gravity weapon, but as I send a positron beam that way… Yes, there we go. The battleship massing goodness knows how many tonnes jerks in space at the force of the detonation, the hull coming apart from the inside.

"Illustres, you are still alive."
...Oh, it's you. Trying to gloat again, Mr Reach Admiral?

I recognise that voice.

"And you're out of qwa-matter. Good effort, though."
Not that I expect such a trap would work on OL again. Even if he didn't notice it with scans, he's got that little respawn point setup going on, not that the Reach realise that. Yet.

I aim and fire the singularity beam through the hull covering me, cutting through the battleship furthest away from me. I don't want them to think they can escape. I want them to stick around and try fighting me, because if I have to chase after them it'll waste my time. Shots from the cruisers are sporadically hitting my construct armour and the positron beams aren't doing anything to their shields.

"Your construct defences are impressive. I will have to use a bigger bomb next time."
...Okay, he's got class. Your last gun didn't do the job? Use a bigger one.

A scything motion from the singularity beam and the cruisers aren't quite so aggressive any more. Given all of the options that a power ring grants its user, I feel that I'm being a little boring here. But… Well, when one form of attack is virtually always superior in effect and there's no way that you can cow the enemy into submission with a more showy attack… It just makes sense.

"No, no, the qwa-matter worked. The problem is that I'm immortal."
<sucks a breath through my teeth> Oh, dangit, OL. Even if you're just trying headology on him, you do not need to make them think that. Who knows what they'll try next. They might even break out the weapons with theological implications...

Now, do they have enough free will to work out that there must be a reason why I'm staying in once place. Oh, ring, acquire genetic scans of everyone in the region.

Even with live ones, you do have actual mission objectives...

"That seems unlikely."

"And yet, here we are."
Hopefully they'll just take it as bragging and assume he just has some manner of exotic escape method. Like a good old dimensional shift.

I replace the jack construct with an oversized clamp construct and push, lifting that half of the ship off me to give myself a better angle. Usually, I'd request an opponent's surrender by now. Or they'd offer it.

"You've got data on qwa-matter explosions and construct defences. You know that there's no way I blocked that."
<facepalm> OL, dammit... Let them think what they want. Make their intelligence division scramble to confirm or repudiate your claims...

But there's only so many times you can have someone suicide bomb your prisoner handling units before you learn not to do that. Still, it would be interesting to see how much freedom their admiral has, and the additional biological samples could be useful.

"Orange Lantern Illustres to surviving juluuni vessels. Power down your engines and surrender, or I will destroy you."
Probability of Success: Nope.

The next shot with my singularity beam goes through the bridge of the crippled cruisers. Two luck effectives in that class left, and a few dozen gunships who dodged behind something.

"True to the Writ we live. True to the Writ-"
Quoting Reach scripture? Odd. Do they honestly believe they're Reach, and thus covered by their holy books? Would explain the desire to serve...

Track transmission and fire.

Problem with speaking up in combat: It announces your location pretty damn well to all who can hear it...


That battleship cuts cut in half lengthwise.

"Die, yes. Anyone else?"
On the upside, the support ship's going to have one hell of a view of the fight (albeit at some delay.) Imagine the scenes when people review the combat footage. "Oh, nice! He cored that one right through!"

Mildly interesting, though. The Reach don't usually perform that sort of indoctrination. Loyalty to the Reach as a political entity, yes, but they don't share their religion with aliens.

The battleships open fire en masse, the ship around me still intact enough to block most of the opening barrage. I swing-.
Looks like the last of them want to go down fighting.

A small bolt of energy hits me in the faceplate, and I turn to see that… Huh, okay, I'm impressed. A couple of juluuni marines made it this far, breaching the bridge and getting a shot off. My positron beams-.

<Paragon Interrupt>

Indeed. You're not such a bastard as to be merciless. And badasses like this? They deserve to live.

My railgun shots cripple their arms and legs, then I grab their weapons and destroy them before shoving the marines into my containment unit. They earned that.

But no one's surrendering. And looking at their desires, no one is even considering it.

Singularities all round it is, then.
...A pity the rest haven't the sense to quit when they're behind.

And so the juluuni move into the 'practically extinct' column, alongside the Citadelians and Psions (I assume some survived Wombworld's burning...) And at least the second such race OL's had a personal hand in. I fully expect Threllian's people to be in the same shape: meat-robots utterly devoted to the Reach doctrines. I guess we'll find out soon enough, once the wrap-up of this fight is done.
Why, why, WHY THE FUCK?????????
OL has offically gone full SuperHero Retarded. He's literally giving his enemies, people he's gone out of his way to make war against, options to cripple or kill him.
Because he wants to brag. He's literally just braggging away his biggest trump cards.
What the fuck is this?
Well you see, he was afraid the next three or four times they killed him would just be with bigger and bigger explosions trying to get past his 'superior construct shields' that had no effect on the arcane construct soul he considers his true self and uses to maintain continuity of Identity between bodies.

So by telling them they are doing it wrong, he give them a chance to jump straight to assassin options using exotic principles that have a better chance of disrupting his energy form Id backups, such as weapons with Theological Implications, or Necromancy Most Foul™

It's all very efficient in a "the exact specifics of how the OLC Illustres survived is a matter of utmost security to the OLC and revealing it to foreign enemies sounds a lot like treason" kind of way.

But on the bright side, this is already something he revealed to some rando star nation he assumed the Reach were spying on last episode.
When they assumed OL was gotten himself killed, and then had a mindstate backup uploaded into a decanted clone body. And he was kind enough to clarify, so the rando space people wouldn't come to the wrong conclusion about how specifically he cheated death.

...Yes. Zoat is in fact being a blithering idiot here.
<sucks a breath through my teeth> Oh, dangit, OL. Even if you're just trying headology on him, you do not need to make them think that. Who knows what they'll try next. They might even break out the weapons with theological implications...

Like my above post mentioned, there's nothing stopping them from coming to that conclusion themselves.

And even if they didn't know about it they may have still chosen to use more exotic weapons after the other ones weren't working.

Hopefully they'll just take it as bragging and assume he just has some manner of exotic escape method.

Technically he does in the form of his ring.

And so the juluuni move into the 'practically extinct' column, alongside the Citadelians and Psions (I assume some survived Wombworld's burning...)

I think the Psions are all dead paragon side, while there may be some Citadelians alive.

A dozen started working for Amalak after Paul and Amalak killed the rest, and I think it was either mentioned or implied that some that escaped also started working for him.

Though at this point I think it can safely be concluded that they're in deaths waiting room and that no one has the desire or possibly even the resources to help them grow.
My railgun shots cripple their arms and legs, then I grab their weapons and destroy them before shoving the marines into my containment unit. They earned that.

But no one's surrendering. And looking at their desires, no one is even considering it.

Singularities all round it is, then.
So, grab their dna, and create clones to breed their species back?
What advantage does it even give the Reach to tell them that he's immortal? You are overreacting.
It's easy to forget this with the way Zoat writes things...

But the Reach are supposed to be near parity to the Maltusians and actually more advanced then the Controllers.

And what advantage it gives, is that there's no such thing as Immortality and it should be really easy for the Reach to build something that could just nope his ability to respawn.

That said, absolutely nothing will come of this because Paragon never looses.
...Yes. Zoat is in fact being a blithering idiot here.
Eh, YMMV. See, qwa-matter explosions definitely work, and also have quite a bit collateral damage. Getting the Reach to use other methods with less of a chance of that, or soul damage, is actually kinda good. Unfortunately it's also going to be a roulette spin on whether what they come up with is worse or not.
Like my above post mentioned, there's nothing stopping them from coming to that conclusion themselves.

And even if they didn't know about it they may have still chosen to use more exotic weapons after the other ones weren't working.
Thing of it like playing Russian Roulette, where your continued existence is in some danger from them no matter what you do, but the more accurate information you give them due to piss poor info security, the more bullets they can load into the barrel before the game starts.

If you are able to help limit the information they have about your true about your weakness by the simple expedient of keeping your freaking mouth shut OL you moron, the the next few attempts to kill you will have less bullets in the chamber, and be more likely to fail.

If instead someone decided to be a Chatty Cathy Blabbermouth, then the information the Reach would normally have to gain from espionage and analyzing the data from the times they tried and failed to kill you (or did kill you, but you got better.), can instead be gained from listening to the OL spills the beans blooper reel.

There is a time value at play here.
Time they are wasting trying to send infiltrators Maltus to sabotage the cortical stack containing OL personality matrix (the one that they think is being used to give his clones his backed up memories), is time and effort that is not spent hiring exorcists or commissioning soul gems.

Also also, it they guess the mechanism wrong, that is a good thing.
Because it means they are wasting their time on something that cannot actually permakill him.
So, letting them know they are on the wrong track, is not a good thing to be doing, unless you are more interested in a dramatic action scene then winning.
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Ways to get rid of Paul:
Push him somewhere else. Like the bleed. No guarantee he won't just find his way back, but I'm not sure what kind of weird and impossible to escape dimensions exist in the DC universe. Plus, a new sort of one could always be introduced for story convenience. He could also be trapped and killed with no local clones, leaving him as a soul in space. At which point the Reach would either need to collect him or destroy his soul, which would need some sort of super advanced tech or energy.

Cast some really weird powerful magic on him. The Reach don't even know the first thing about alchemy. Sure, they could learn, but to create an entirely new magic tradition in any sort of reasonable time frame is a bit much even for them. Not to mention that it would have to be effective in space. It's probably too late for them to borrow one from their conquered people, and leaving a conquered people's magic tradition intact does not seem like something they would do. They could always hire a highly skilled space mercenary wizard. Good luck there, as the Controllers could probably outbid.

Use some really weird powerful exotic energy on him. Qwa-matter wasn't enough to destroy his soul, and that stuff has a recommendation from the anti monitor. I don't know if there is anything that trumps qwa-matter, probably omega beams, but for whatever powers are available, it doesn't really matter whether or not the Reach know that Paul is immortal, because they were going to research it anyway. Another possible option would be to use emotional spectrum energy to disrupt Paul's soul, but once again, the Reach are already on the case, and not even the Qwardians themselves were able to get a total success in this area.

Any other ways?
there's no such thing as Immortality

Hi, I'd like to introduce you to a little know character named Trigon. He is, among other things, completely immortal, with even a amped Raven, who at the time was wielding enough power to kick literally anyone's ass, not being able to put him down permanently.

And while I agree that Paragon isn't currently at a point where he would have that level of survivability, he shouldn't actually be all that far off for scaling reasons I'd really rather not go into for time's sake.
It's not a matter of size. It's a matter of having brains designed for extreme range remote detection.
But why does the brain need to be involved at all? It's an Orange ring. Shouldn't "I want all Reach space to be scanned but I don't want said scan results to be dumped into my brain" be enough, with the only parameters being how much the Lantern wants it and how well they control their ring? It's not a Green ring where the Lantern has to actually be able to imagine what they are doing.
But why does the brain need to be involved at all? It's an Orange ring. Shouldn't "I want all Reach space to be scanned but I don't want said scan results to be dumped into my brain" be enough, with the only parameters being how much the Lantern wants it and how well they control their ring? It's not a Green ring where the Lantern has to actually be able to imagine what they are doing.
The brain needs to be involved because you are harnessing the Glow, an emergent feature of sophonts. You cannot make a machine which can wield a ring unless that machine has a mind capable of feeling emotions. At which point, you may begin to make statements about how many standard persons worth of mind and emotions it is, because there is clearly not a 1:1 correspondence between number of bodies or biomass and ability to give a shit, even among humans. One of the most powerful Green Lanterns in existence is the size of a planet and uses an entire ecosphere as its emotive substrate. If Mogo put a ring on every individual squirrel and monkey and blade of grass, how powerful would them all acting in concert and as one be? Because that's what Mogo is start with.
While I agree Zoat messed up with Paul giving away secrets, my Head Cannon is that Paul tries to double bluff the Reach. Meaning make the truth sound like a lie. (Still Paul could have said, you killed my stunt double. Or something like that.)

What I think is the bigger oversight, is that Paul never ordered/programme his AI to give responses for one liners in battle (Or when to ask for surrender.)
Or at least made guidelines what to communicate in given situations.
The brianiac OL should have given him an official statement. Or the PR department.

Also most of the mentioned ways the Reach could get rid of Paul or find the information out for themselves seem unrealistic.

Even freezing him in time just means he will use a time machine. Maybe putting him on the source wall/Promethean Galaxy? Yuga Khan (Darksides father) is there. And escaped within a few millennia

Btw: Will we ever get a DC Superhero Girl OL Paula? Rule 63 must be upheld
Mr Zoat, if Kara only goes out in costume in emergencies, what about Match? Is he a full timer and potential member of the Team in the Paragon timeline, or also a part-timer like Kara?
It's easy to forget this with the way Zoat writes things...

But the Reach are supposed to be near parity to the Maltusians and actually more advanced then the Controllers.

And what advantage it gives, is that there's no such thing as Immortality and it should be really easy for the Reach to build something that could just nope his ability to respawn.

That said, absolutely nothing will come of this because Paragon never looses.

Wait what? Sauce?

From what I know (I don't read comics much so it's all osmosis) GLs fought the Reach to a draw, and the GLs are just an enforcement arm of the Guardians.

So it sounds like a universal superpower vs a regional superpower to me.

Also why would the Controllers be less advanced? They split off a long time ago so have the Guardians just progressed faster?
I think you want the word "mussel" rather than "muscle" in reference to pearls.
Thank you, corrected.
Mr Zoat, if Kara only goes out in costume in emergencies, what about Match? Is he a full timer and potential member of the Team in the Paragon timeline, or also a part-timer like Kara?
I think he'd be a part timer. Without Kon's obsessive need to be as much like Superman as possible and a definite need to be a person, I doubt that he'd want to devote the sort of time to it that Kon is.

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