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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

No, but I couldn't help but imagine a version of the SI that ended up there.

Selina makes Bruce happier, plus that way you get original Huntress.

And Talia is a terrible parent, needs ALL THE THERAPY and values her father over everyone else.

Catwoman was willing to retire and marry Bruce, didn't turn her kid into a killing machine and also didn't replace him with a clone.

And even if we go just by early Talia, the times she keep betraying Bruce to her father and almost got Batman dead are way too many.

Those things may not happen here since Ras is dead, so Talia is no longer under his control and this can adopt less crazy methods of doing things.
It depends on the continuity, really, because of course it does.

Usually Brainiac 5 is brainiac 5 because he's the great great grandson, in at least one continuity it's not a familial title but about merit, basically an award in which Colu declares "DAMN! You're smart," kind of like a Nobel prize for science taken up to 11. So in that continuity he's literally the fifth person to be awarded that title in all of Colu's history. How many of those previous four just so happened to be related to him I couldn't tell you.

In that continuity a human actually got nominated because his work was just that impressive. His work eventually turned his daughter into the "bridge between man and god," and she sent Darkseid to the cornfield. Although that was suicide by cop, he was done but apparently required a suitably grandiose method rather than say getting into a bar fight with a Daxamite or something.

He had to kill her brother to provoke her enough, and it ends with the brother and Darkseid taking each other's hand and walking together into that quiet darkness.....

Edit- FISS stands for Flight, Invulnerability, Strength, and Speed, from a work about a school for young superheroes that has a lot of expies, and Superman types, aka FISSes, are so common they are generally looked down upon for being boring.
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Well, if your Brainiac is anything like mine, because he hates the idea of being outsmarted and won't be happy until he's defeated Time Trapper in some way and if it looks like Time Trapper has just quit the field he might go a little peculiar. I know that Dox would never accept his father just quitting, but I don't know what actual relationship… I want to say… Quirrell? Dox, has with Vril. They're supposed to be from a thousand years in the future, so I doubt he can just be my Dox's great grandson.
The whole Brainiac family (series?) is an excellent example of how it is possible to be both amazingly intelligent and shockingly dumb simultaneously.

"Thank you. What happened?"
"Thank you."
Good to see them getting on alright.
"No." Zagreus shakes his head. "Veto."

"If you're concerned for Melinoë's chastity, I assure you-."
2 minutes later:
"That's interest-."

And she vanishes.

Oooooooooh… Whoops.
Well, it's a good thing there was a chaperone with Paul.

"And this-" I bring up an image that -should we find him- I'll endeavour to make sure never makes it onto the internet. "-was his sidekick, Sanderson Hawkins, aka Sandy-"
Too late for that, it's already been uploaded by some bloke named "Mrzoat".
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I still hate Talia.
Plus no marrying Catwoman means Batman doesn't become the most happy version of himself and original Huntress isn't born.

Agreed! That Huntress is one of my fave DC characters.

Selina makes Bruce happier, plus that way you get original Huntress.
And Talia is a terrible parent, needs ALL THE THERAPY and values her father over everyone else.
Catwoman was willing to retire and marry Bruce, didn't turn her kid into a killing machine and also didn't replace him with a clone.
And even if we go just by early Talia, the times she keep betraying Bruce to her father and almost got Batman dead are way too many.
Also know as Blue Suit/Silver Age Batman that married Catwoman.

Yup, those are very good reasons why Selina is better than Talia.
She was still raised by a cult leader and I don't hear her going to therapy.
To be fair I am not very trusting of a Gotham Therapist.

If there were, he'd just have to avoid Gotham and he'd be fine.
Never saw the show beyond some YouTube clips but if that show us the acceptable standard of Common Sense for the rest of the world, plus it minus for how other places are in relation to Gotham, then it still be interesting to see a Paul adapting to it.
Agreed! That Huntress is one of my fave DC characters.
Which version of Huntress is that?
So it just occurred to me that when Paul recruits people into the OLC he asks them "What do you want/desire?". This is extremely similar to Lucifer (at least in the tv show) when he uses his angel power to compel people to answer.

I wonder if Luci is going to hunt Paul down for use of his trademark?
Selina makes Bruce happier, plus that way you get original Huntress.

And Talia is a terrible parent, needs ALL THE THERAPY and values her father over everyone else.

Catwoman was willing to retire and marry Bruce, didn't turn her kid into a killing machine and also didn't replace him with a clone.

And even if we go just by early Talia, the times she keep betraying Bruce to her father and almost got Batman dead are way too many.


Also know as Blue Suit/Silver Age Batman that married Catwoman.

To be fair her dad is super out of the picture and she had her views of him shattered by her sister.

Your complaints apply to Canon Talia, not the current one Bruce is married to... And let's be honest she is the only woman that is willy to Marry Batman with all his current baggage on his terms (Bruce being a mask, etc).

Now we can say having her enable batman and his tendencies isn't what Batman as a character needs, but it sure as fuck is a lot more interesting for the readers.
Future Tense (part 5)
13th September 2012
08:02 GMT -5

"Oh." Kara blinks, stepping back into her apartment. "Hey Paul. And-. Oh."

"Morning, Kara. This is-."

Dana waves. "Hey, I'm-."

Kara nods, a strained smile on her face. "Another Supergirl."

I grin. "I know. One more and I get a free one. I'm hoping for Cir-El."

Kara frowns. "But-? Cir-El isn't even a Kryptonian name. Do you know a Kryptonian with that name?"

"One of my parallel universe doppelgängers met her."

That's a great general excuse for knowing things that I shouldn't know, and I intend to use it for everything.

"Nice girl. Has an ongoing grudge against Brainiac, which is perfect for me."

"Okay. Ah, why are you here?"

"Someone just took a shot at her with a bullet that looked like it might have actually hurt her. And if it could hurt her then it might be able to hurt you and I wanted to check that you're not still using-."

"No, no, no I'm not. I've been getting more used to using my abilities, and… When I.. fought against the Sheeda, I… I think I found out why Kal does it."

"Wait, you weren't-" Dana frowns. "-a superhero?"

"No, I'm-. Look, do you want to come in?"

I nod. "Thank you."

She retreats into the kitchen, and Dana and I follow her. Dana's looking around more than I am; Kara hasn't changed much since I last visited but I suppose that from Dana's point of view this place is an important historical artefact.

"This isn't the right place."

Or possibly not.

"I thought you'd stopped worrying about that."

Kara retakes her position at the kitchen table and looks at me.

"Stopped worrying about what?"

"I'm from the future, and some people there want Paul to stop changing history."

"I didn't think you were changing history."

"You weren't supposed to get out of the asteroid yet."

She blinks, frowning at Dana. "Was I..? Supposed to die?"

"No! No, not die." Dana frowns. "Why would you die in a suspended animation pod?"

"Because it was heavily damaged and leaking while stuck in a kryptonite asteroid."

"It was?"

Kara looks at me. "Is this why you get annoyed when people from the future don't know who you are?"

"At least they've heard of you!"

"I've heard of both of you. And I.. don't actually think it matters that you got out a little early."

"'Don't actually think it matters'-. Do you know what that sort of kryptonite exposure can do to a kryptonian brain, to say nothing of starvation and oxygen deprivation?!"

"It didn't look like you had any problems in the videos I saw."

"The videos that survived the Reach occupation and the centuries it took to rebuild civilisation?"

"No, the videos that got recovered from Reach intelligence databases after the restoration. They wanted to know how kryptonian bodies worked, and there's only so much you can learn from-. Ah."


"The Reach conquered the Earth. What do you think happened to the defenders?"

Kara regards Dana quizzically. "So in this future I got brain damaged and died? I think I prefer this timeline."

"It doesn't matter because it's not happening-."

"And why do none of the other Supergirls dress like Kryptonians?"

"Because none of them are actually from Krypton. Their first exposure to Kryptonian dress was Kal-El's costume."

She smiles wryly. "It's a little depressing to think that our lasting contribution to galactic culture will be Kal-El's pyjamas."

My eyes widen.


She looks at me. "Wait, you didn't know that?"

"It's not like he tells people. I thought the Ophidian and I were doing fashion a service by hiding his trunks."

Dana blinks. "That's-. I'm wearing kryptonian pyjamas?"

"That's more a.. swimsuit. And that's not what the House El sigil looks like."

"Maybe it is when someone with-" Dana puts her hands to her breasts and presses slightly. "-my figure wears it."

"I can do spatial warp calculations in my head. I accounted for your mammographic topography; it's still wrong."

"Ladies, you're both very pretty. If we could return to the assassination?"

"Are you sure they weren't aiming for you?"

Dana nods. "That's what I said."

"The round pierced the force field but not my construct barrier. Anyone aiming at a Lantern would either have a way to get through their construct defences or use overwhelming force. Kryptonians don't usually wear exotic shields but do have innate organic force fields."

"A round? Was it supersonic?"


"Then I can just catch it or dodge?"

"It didn't make significant noise until it hit the shield, so you might not hear it in time."

"I can hear things humans can't." She closes her eyes for a moment and shakes her head. "What would you like me to do?"

"Stay off the streets as much as possible and wear a protective ward. A shielding ward, rather than an anti-magic ward. Something that people on the surface don't know how to bypass yet. Dana and I are going to investigate, but I'd like to know that you're safe."

"I can do that." She regards Dana for a moment. "So what was the dead future me supposed to have done?"
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So it just occurred to me that when Paul recruits people into the OLC he asks them "What do you want/desire?". This is extremely similar to Lucifer (at least in the tv show) when he uses his angel power to compel people to answer.

I wonder if Luci is going to hunt Paul down for use of his trademark?

Not really.

That was more the TV show version rather than the comic version which Zoat is likely yo use, so he may not care.

I believe zoat has said that this version of Lucifer is past his nightclub running days

Granted his nightclub running days weren't that long in the comics.
Kara nods, a strained smile on her face. "Another Supergirl."

I bet she's thinking "Where do they keep coming from!?"

Kara frowns. "But-? Cir-El isn't even a Kryptonian name. Do you know a Kryptonian with that name?"

"One of my parallel universe doppelgängers met her."

Ohh, crap.

If I remember correctly she was in Tangseids universe, so either Paul didn't know what that bastard was doing and let him go or he figured out and still let him go.

Or maybe some other version also met her.

No, no, no I'm not. I've been getting more used to using my abilities, and… When I.. fought against the Sheeda, I… I think I found out why Kal does it."

Well this could be an indication that she'll engage in superheroics more often instead of just for big events.

Stopped worry about what?"


At least they've heard of you!"

"I've heard of both of you.

Though only Kara is a historical character.

Don't actually think it matters'-. Do you know what that sort of kryptonite exposure can do to a kryptonian brain

We do, we saw it with your renegade self.

The Reach conquered the Earth. What do you think happened to the defenders?"

Dead or imprisoned for experimentation.

Kara regards Dana quizzically. "So in this future I got brain damaged and died? I think I prefer this timeline."

We do too.

Nazi Robot Brain Supergirl is not something a lot of us would enjoy.

And why do none of the other Supergirls dress like Kryptonians?"

Because most of them aren't Kryptonians.

She smiles wryly. "It's a little depressing to think that our lasting contribution to galactic culture will be Kal-El's pyjamas."

My eyes widen.


Don't forget a legacy of heroics that will inspire thousands in the future.

And I thought that his costume may be actual Kryptonian clothing.

Let's admit it, people from Earth have worn things that were equally ridiculous or even more ridiculous than that.

Also in Life Ore Death there was an explanation for why he was wearing those.

I think it has something to do with blood flow and potential erections.

Batman of course thought that he dressed like that so that people would be too busy making fun of him to pay attention to the fact that he's a super powerful being that can kill them from miles away.
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"Because none of them are actually from Krypton. Their first exposure to Kryptonian dress was Kal-El's costume."

She smiles wryly. "It's a little depressing to think that our lasting contribution to galactic culture will be Kal-El's pyjamas."

My eyes widen.


She looks at me. "Wait, you didn't know that?"

"It's not like he tells people. I thought the Ophidian and I were doing fashion a service by hiding his trunks."

Dana blinks. "That's-. I'm wearing kryptonian pyjamas?"
I question if he even knows.
"No, the videos that got recovered from Reach intelligence databases after the restoration. They wanted to know how kryptonian bodies worked, and there's only so much you can learn from-. Ah."


"The Reach conquered the Earth. What do you think happened to the defenders?"

Kara regards Dana quizzically. "So in this future I got brain damaged and died? I think I prefer this timeline."

"It doesn't matter because it's not happening-.
So they Necro'd her body?
"I can do spatial warp calculations in my head. I accounted for your mammographic topography; it's still wrong."
She runs precise calculations of boobs. This pleases me.
Is she in any way at all related to Issei? Because he would love her.
13th September 2012
08:02 GMT -5

"Oh." Kara blinks, stepping back into her apartment. "Hey Paul. And-. Oh."
Checking straight in on Supergirl Classic. Smart move.She's probably the least at risk for the most part, though. Loriel (You know, Diet Supergirl?) might not be as tough, even with Angelic resilience, and Angelika (New Supergirl?) is only technically half-kryptonian... Hmm. Would that make Dana Supergirl Zero, if I stretch the Coca-Cola comparison?

"Morning, Kara. This is-."

Dana waves. "Hey, I'm-."
Heh, she must not be fully awake yet, if she hasn't mentioned what Dana's wearing. It is Eight in the morning for her, after all... Then again, Kryptonian. I doubt she needs that much sleep.

Kara nods, a strained smile on her face. "Another Supergirl."

I grin. "I know. One more and I get a free one. I'm hoping for Cir-El."
HA! Imagine if all five of them teamed up. Super Girl Power!

Kara frowns. "But-? Cir-El isn't even a Kryptonian name. Do you know a Kryptonian with that name?"

"One of my parallel universe doppelgängers met her."
Ooh, good excuse for his metaknowledge. And given the sheer spread of them, it's likely true. :( Even if it is Tangseid...

That's a great general excuse for knowing things that I shouldn't know, and I intend to use it for everything.

"Nice girl. Has an ongoing grudge against Brainiac, which is perfect for me."
I suppose that's at least two good things came of the whole affair. The other being the Anti-Green Ring Paul getting free of its control and gaining a Gold Power Ring.

"Okay. Ah, why are you here?"

"Someone just took a shot at her with a bullet that looked like it might have actually hurt her. And if it could hurt her then it might be able to hurt you and I wanted to check that you're not still using-."
Though that's a guess, to be sure. Still, better safe than sorry (and likely flattened by an enraged Superman.)

"No, no, no I'm not. I've been getting more used to using my abilities, and… When I.. fought against the Sheeda, I… I think I found out why Kal does it."

"Wait, you weren't-" Dana frowns. "-a superhero?"
I know, it sounds so bizarre, doesn't it? Someone with powers who doesn't immediately go out to rob a bank, or fight someone who is? :p

"No, I'm-. Look, do you want to come in?"

I nod. "Thank you."

She retreats into the kitchen, and Dana and I follow her. Dana's looking around more than I am; Kara hasn't changed much since I last visited but I suppose that from Dana's point of view this place is an important historical artefact.
Well, not for Dana personally. I suspect a few of the Legionnaires might feel that way. Near-religious respect for the Super-family and all that. ...What, why did you think they so often recruit their 'local' Superboy and Supergirl? :p

"This isn't the right place."

Or possibly not.
What, do you think she should be living at the Fortress of Solitude, Dana? Sounds a bit lonely to me.

"I thought you'd stopped worrying about that."

Kara retakes her position at the kitchen table and looks at me.
Hopefully her breakfast hasn't gone off yet. Though in the case of toast, she could easily reheat it... Carefully. As much as I like my toast dark, not everyone likes it that burnt. :D

"Stopped worry about what?"

"I'm from the future, and some people there want Paul to stop changing history."
...Hmm. A sudden thought occurs to me. Someone took a shot at someone dressed like a Supergirl, right? What if someone's got a narc on for all the Supergirls? Could be an interesting angle... Not sure how likely it is to be true, but hey.

"I didn't think you were changing history."

"You weren't supposed to get out of the asteroid yet."

She blinks, frowning at Dana. "Was I..? Supposed to die?"
Because, after all, the pod's systems were damaged. We've already seen how the Renegade's came out, given longer exposure...

"No! No, not die." Dana frowns. "Why would you die in a suspended animation pod?"

"Because it was heavily damaged and leaking while stuck in a kryptonite asteroid."
To be frank, it was lucky that Kon wanted to see Krypton... :)confused: I think that's why OL went to the Rao system, at least... It has been a while.)

"It was?"

Kara looks at me. "Is this why you get annoyed when people from the future don't know who you are?"
Know his pain, Dana. :V Muhahahahahahahaaaa!

"At least they've heard of you!"

"I've heard of both of you. And I.. don't actually think it matters that you got out a little early."
Well, good to see she's able to be sensible about her gaffes.

"'Don't actually think it matters'-. Do you know what that sort of kryptonite exposure can do to a kryptonian brain, to say nothing of starvation and oxygen deprivation?!"

"It didn't look like you had any problems in the videos I saw."
:confused: ...And what videos would these be?

"The videos that survived the Reach occupation and the centuries it took to rebuild civilisation?"

"No, the videos that got recovered from Reach intelligence databases after the restoration. They wanted to know how kryptonian bodies worked, and there's only so much you can learn from-. Ah."
Were some of these videos recordings of vivisections? Because... Just Ew....


"The Reach conquered the Earth. What do you think happened to the defenders?"
And even if that happened decades from now (because standard Reach procedures,) the Kryptonians would still be around. Longevity for the win.

Kara regards Dana quizzically. "So in this future I got brain damaged and died? I think I prefer this timeline."

"It doesn't matter because it's not happening-."
Not if OL has anything to say in the matter, certainly.

"And why do none of the other Supergirls dress like Kryptonians?"

"Because none of them are actually from Krypton. Their first exposure to Kryptonian dress was Kal-El's costume."
Oh? Do tell, just how bad a fashion disaster is Superman's costume?

She smiles wryly. "It's a little depressing to think that our lasting contribution to galactic culture will be Kal-El's pyjamas."

My eyes widen.
Focus, OL, x3 ho-hold b-hahha-ck the... Pffft! :V Bwahahahaaaa! Oh god, really?


She looks at me. "Wait, you didn't know that?"
Oh, my god... :eek: Is this Superman really running around in his pee-jays? With a blanket tucked into the neck? How did Lor-Zod or Kara not tell him?

"It's not like he tells people. I thought the Ophidian and I were doing fashion a service by hiding his trunks."

Dana blinks. "That's-. I'm wearing kryptonian pyjamas?"
No, honey, that's something else entirely.

"That's more a.. swimsuit. And that's not what the House El sigil looks like."

"Maybe it is when someone with-" Dana puts her hands to her breasts and presses slightly. "-my figure wears it."
There's stretching, honey, and then there's 'Golden Girl'-levels of distortion. (And yes, her logo is meant to be a circle. She began as a near-parody of DC's Stephanie Brown's ever-growing cup size with a side-order of universally-enforced Comics Code Genre-blindess.)

"I can do spatial warp calculations in my head. I accounted for your mammographic topography; it's still wrong."

"Ladies, you're both very pretty. If we could return to the assassination?"
And to be fair, the El symbol has changed many times over the years of Superman's publication. Every artist loves to put their own spin on it, or homage a classic design...

"Are you sure they weren't aiming for you?"

Dana nods. "That's what I said."
To be fair, it's not an unreasonable hypothesis. Perhaps the Light wanted to test his durability and field-test an anti-Lantern munition at the same time?

"The round pierced the force field but not my construct barrier. Anyone aiming at a Lantern would either have a way to get through their construct defences or use overwhelming force. Kryptonians don't usually wear exotic shields but do have innate organic force fields."

"A round? Was it supersonic?"
Given there was no sign of it until it hit the shield... It may well have had some kind of stealth field.


"Then I can just catch it or dodge?"

"It didn't make significant noise until it hit the shield, so you might not hear it in time."
I say again: Stealth Field. Maybe some kind of enchantment.

"I can hear things humans can't." She closes her eyes for a moment and shakes her head. "What would you like me to do?"

"Stay off the streets as much as possible and wear a protective ward. A shielding ward, rather than an anti-magic ward. Something that people on the surface don't know how to bypass yet. Dana and I are going to investigate, but I'd like to know that you're safe."

"I can do that." She regards Dana for a moment. "So what was the dead future me supposed to have done?"
And what did she wear? ...What? :rolleyes: Kara is a young woman, I'm sure she'd like pointers for what not to wear if she actually takes up her cousin's career.

Good thinking, to check around on the other Supergirls. Can we expect to see him look in on Loriel and Angelika, then? If someone has gone after them, I suspect Batman will find out soon enough. At any rate, I assume the Legion will be trying to make face-to-face contact at some point too. I doubt they'd take someone shooting at one of their own nicely, after all.

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