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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

13th September 2012
08:51 GMT -5

"…is where we keep one of the machines that are supposed to stop people from parallel universes appearing."

Ted gestures to the unimpressive looking device, quietly humming in a secure part of the building. They'd barely finished rebuilding from the angel attack before the Sheeda took a swing at the place, but with the US's internal market more or less functional bringing the building up to specification wasn't took difficult.
Man, Ted's had a tough year so far. I wonder, if someone told him last year that this would happen, would he still have chosen to continue working with OL? Good to see he's taking proper precautions, though.

Dana doesn't look too impressed.

"That's it?"
I mean, yes. A signal jammer doesn't need to be a mile high with Kirby Dots crackling along its length...

"Yeah?" Ted glances at me, but I just shrug. "What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing. I was just expecting something… Bigger."
Come on, you're from the Thirtieth Century. Surely you've seen smaller devices in Brainy's lab?

Ted nods. "With green lightning and Tesla coils, right? I know, I know, I wanted to put those in, too. Paul vetoed it."

"Ted, the rule was very simple. What was it?"
And something that makes a faint warbling, humming noise in the background? I know, it's a matter of aesthetics.

"I don't think-."

"What was it, Ted?"

He looks away, shifting awkwardly. "No mad science."
OL, you party pooper. How's he going to become a superhero at this rate? Who's going to be Booster Gold's best bud when he arrives?

"And what happened last time?"

"An… Invisible cyborg monkey. I don't… Really see how a purely decorative coil of.. wire could do anything like that, but-."
And besides, you found the invisible, super-intelligent monkey. Before it started making its own mad science. Seriously, OL, you're taking all the fun out of scientific progress.

"Magnetic fields interfering with the device. Sparks. Falling over. But that doesn't matter because it's Mad Science and so you're not doing it."

Ted folds his arms across his chest. "Says the man who fed fruit from the Garden of Eden of a couple of demons."
...For a good cause, though. And don't forget the fallen angel he fed... There is a difference between them.

"There's a difference between 'mad' and 'strange'."

"So this is..?" Dana stares at the device. "This is all that's stopping parallel universe from invading our reality?"
In this facility anyway. What, you though it protected the entire universe? Pfft, Earth is Bullshit, but it ain't that bullshit. Not in this universe anyway...

"No, of course not. The Justice League alone has seven of these, and we shared the design with every UN Security Council permanent member."

"And we've got another disassembled one to study. Which is not mad science."
True. The sooner you work out how it does what it does, the sooner you can work out how to do similar things...

"No, that's just good practice."

"So Earth's safe?"

"Earth's safe from anyone not sufficiently cleverer than us. The shield isn't perfect, has a finite range and… It can be bypassed by going back in time to before we built them."
But because of the time changes, that would have to have already happened... :eek: Crap.

"I don't think they have these in the future."

"You can have the design too, if you want. Though if humanity is more spread out I suppose it's less of a concern."
I'm sure Brainy will have conniptions about the functions of the design and how it can't possibly do what it does. Or simply declare he's already got something better.

"Isn't it more of a concern when there's more people?"

"No, because-"
OL is gung-ho about keeping Earth safe because it's the only planet Humanity (and its cousins) has at the moment.

"Incoming message."

"-losing one planet doesn't end the species." I raise my left hand to my left ear. "Illustres here."
Yup. And with only a handful of Humans out there in the big black, one errant planet-killer would mean every species goes bye-bye... :D If it weren't for the thousands of superbeings ready to defend the world against one...

"Hawkman. Are you expecting any Orange Lantern Corps-affiliated starships to arrive today?"

"No, they should all be over in Alignment space. Are we getting a visitor?"
Well, that's concerning. If someone friendly was coming, they'd have called ahead.

"Yes. And according to our sensors, it's kryptonian."

"I definitely don't have any kryptonian ships. I mean, I know a man in Vega who was offering a bounty on kryptonians and kryptonian artefacts, but I don't think he managed to acquire and ships. How big is it?"
Brace for incoming Kara in 3...

"It is the same size as Kal-El's pod."

"A delayed survivor?"
(2...) Wait, only Jor-El and Zor-El got anyone clear, didn't they? Could this be an Eradicator unit of some kind?

"Perhaps. Given the condition of Kara Zor-El's ship I do not think that it is likely, but it is possible."

"An… Adult who modified their pod so that they could fly around in it in adulthood?"
(1...) ...Not implausible. But there's still the matter of who it could be.

"My first thought was that it would contain a-"

The door is removed from its hinges as Kara runs into the room at super speed, catching it before it can hit Ted in the face.
Ah, there she is. Must have spent a few seconds standing there in shock before running over. Hope she didn't break the sound barrier in the halls, though. That always makes such a racket.


She looks at me, eyes slightly side and Ted breathes in and edges around the ersatz projectile. "Kryptonian?"
Sloppy, Kara. I know this seems important, but so is not killing people you like! By accident!

"Yes. Sorry, Hawkman, Kara just arrived. Have you told Kal-El?"

"It would take Kal-El half an hour to reach it, and he would want to examine it at close range."
Well, good thing there's plenty of Lanterns able to play catcher.

"Okay. Give me five minutes, then tell him."

"That may be for the best. It is approaching from the direction of Krypton."
Following the warp-trail of Kal's pod? Or simply coincidence, I wonder?

Krypton is… That way.. and I see it.

"I have it. Speak to you-"
So, big butterfly net construct, or a wicket-keeper's glove?

Kara appears in front of me. "Take me with you."

"-in a few minutes." I lower my hand. "That's not a good idea. If it's a trap of some kind-."
Or, you know, coated in kryptonite... Radiation shielding can only work so well...

"Then I'm a kryptonian."

"Tough, but hardly immortal. When we dug you out you were insensible, and while whoever this is probably won't be quite that badly off, they might be. It's been a long delay. If you go to the Fortress of Solitude, I'll take them there if there's nothing untoward happening."
Assuming they aren't hostile. This could be some lucky Kryptonian criminal...

She doesn't look entirely convinced.

"A power ring will make sure they can understand me and everyone knows what Lanterns are. I understand that you're excited, but it's a bad idea."
And I doubt Kal-El would be happy about his cousin being put at risk either. And no-one wants an upset Superman.

She looks away. "Okay. Yeah.. yeah, you're right." Her eyes alight on Ted, and then on the door in her hand. "Uh. Sorry."

"It's just a door."
Heck, couple of screws, bit of spackle, it'll be good as new. Now, Ted, on the other hand...

I step out, homing in on the bundle of desires in the outer system before

returning to the material universe and disrupting the pod's drive, arresting its acceleration. It clearly has a different design to the pods I've seen before. It's shaped more like a rocket, and there's no way to see in-.
...Wait, a rocket? As in, conical body, tail fins and...

The pod door snaps open, and I immediately extend a shield around it and fill it with breathable air.

"Are you alright? Please-."
Oh god... Here we go again.

"Don't worry! I'm alive without a scratch!"

A blue shape-.
And she talks like an actual comic book character, right down to NO INDOOR VOICE and emphasis on random words... Which universe is this one from?

And that's five!

"I'm Kara Zor-El from the planet Krypton." She looks around, frowning. "I didn't think Earth would be this dark."
OL. Get Hinon on the Ring. Right now. You appear to be having an outbreak of Universe-hoppers!

So, that happened. Let's just hope it doesn't turn out like the story-arc it seems to be mimicking. On the other hand, now we have a possible culprit for the sniper attack: Xenon. But his plan was stupid, so let's hope Mr Zoat can give it his own spin on things. At any rate, this will be an interesting day for the various Supergirls.:p ...I wonder how the Karas will get along?

...bringing the building up to specification wasn't took difficult.

...bringing the building up to specification wasn't too difficult. (Can't believe everyone missed it.)
According to an upcoming Krytonian behavioral documentary creatures hailing from Krypton are attracted to yellow stars much like moths are attracted to lamps. Fragments of kryptonite which are first excited such that they produce visible light and second contained in a yellow glass container are being tested for their use in attracting and capturing Kryptonians.

Now for the update's content: I am suspicious. With all of the evidence laid out before me, I declare this interloper to be Bizarro Supergirl.
Case dismissed.

Edit: Hey Mr Zoat? Did any of the Amazons who left Themyscira die or go missing due to the Sheeda attacks?
OL, you party pooper. How's he going to become a superhero at this rate? Who's going to be Booster Gold's best bud when he arrives?
From what's been said, it seems this version of Ted Kord won't become a superhero at all. That doesn't mean he can't still be friends with Booster Gold however.

So, that happened. Let's just hope it doesn't turn out like the story-arc it seems to be mimicking. On the other hand, now we have a possible culprit for the sniper attack: Xenon. But his plan was stupid, so let's hope Mr Zoat can give it his own spin on things. At any rate, this will be an interesting day for the various Supergirls.:p ...I wonder how the Karas will get along?
Seeing Xenon's motivation, I hope Paul calls him out on how stupid it is. Also, I kinda hope that Paul can somehow get this version to stay long term, since it would be fun to have the Supergirls team up and to save her from her fate if it is the same as in comics if possible.
Come on, you're from the Thirtieth Century. Surely you've seen smaller devices in Brainy's lab?

Maybe, but it's possible that for such a device to work it needs much bigger parts.

For a good cause, though. And don't forget the fallen angel he fed... There is a difference between them.

Zauriel wasn't a fallen Angel then, and Ted also does mad things for a good cause.

They're both mad.

And I doubt Kal-El would be happy about his cousin being put at risk either. And no-one wants an upset Superman.

That's how you get Injustice.

And she talks like an actual comic book character

The last time e I remember someone doing that in this fuccwad when Pariah introduced himself.

So, that happened. Let's just hope it doesn't turn out like the story-arc it seems to be mimicking. On the other hand, now we have a possible culprit for the sniper attack: Xenon. But his plan was stupid, so let's hope Mr Zoat can give it his own spin on things. At any rate, this will be an interesting day for the various Supergirls.:p ...I wonder how the Karas will get along?

So the guy is trapped and needs a Supergirl to free him so he can go in killing them.

Yeah, this makes sense.

So the sniper was either Fatalist or someone else.
The pod door snaps open, and I immediately extend a shield around it and fill it with breathable air.

"Are you alright? Please-."

"Don't worry! I'm alive without a scratch!"

A blue shape-.

And that's five!

"I'm Kara Zor-El from the planet Krypton." She looks around, frowning. "I didn't think Earth would be this dark."
Gotta couple of things to say here:
  1. Yahtzee!
  2. I can't wait to see who the mysterious 6th Ranger is.
  3. Sus. Very sus'd.
  4. So that's why their are vids of Supergirl. Guess no Necromancy necessary.
  5. She has the same name as our Kara I assume? Wth.
  6. What's she mean dark?
On the other hand, now we have a possible culprit for the sniper attack: Xenon.
If I'd heard of him before just now, it might have been.
...bringing the building up to specification wasn't too difficult. (Can't believe everyone missed it.)
Thank you, corrected.
Edit: Hey Mr Zoat? Did any of the Amazons who left Themyscira die or go missing due to the Sheeda attacks?
While there are frequent visitors to Man's World, none have completely left. No Amazons died, though a few were injured.
What's she mean dark?
The pod was supposed to open on the surface. Space is darker than the surface.
I'm betting this is a confused Matrix Supergirl.
What now?
But twins, Basil! Twins!
What are the basil twins?
But Grimmsby.

Eight. Legs.
The pod was supposed to open on the surface. Space is darker than the surface
Interesting. Sooooo Tincan robot? No functioning intelligence could possibly think this space was a planet.
Matrix Supergirl. DC's way of cheating their own early post-Crisis rule of 'Superman is the sole survivor of Krypton', by having her be an artificial lifeform made by a 'pocket-universe' Lex Luthor.

And for future reference if other Supergirls show up: Supergirl (Disambiguation).

What are the basil twins?
It's an Austin Powers Reference. Specifically, an early scene in 'GoldMember' when Austin is lining up a threesome with 'Japanese' twins Fook Yu and Fook Mi.
So, to sum up, we presently have five Supergirls or equivalent now:
  1. Kara Zor-El of Krypton-16: Full-blood Kryptonian, rescued from her damaged pod by OL. The original and native version. Comparable power to local Superman but not as interested in donning the cape.
  2. Loriel of Earth-16, a fusion of human teenager Linda Danvers and the angel Noriel (replacing the Matrix Entity.) Flying Brick, possibly with flame-related angelic powers? Currently working through being an angel-human hybrid, while serving with the Team?
  3. Angelika Kent of Earth-10 (or a variant.) Human-Kryptonian hybrid made by Nazi superscience, ended up here due to space-time wedgie. Now trying to be less of a racist...
  4. Dana Dearden of Earth-16. Human reporter empowered by magic coins with abilities similar to Kryptonians. Has spent a couple of years in the Thirtieth Century. Currently back in Twenty-First Century for unclear reasons related to Legion of Superheroes.
  5. Kara Zor-El of an unknown universe, possibly a dimension-lost pre-Crisis version. Presumably much stronger than local variant. How she got here is not yet known.
That looks to be all of them in this universe, for now. The only significant variant missing so far is Cir-El, from some early-2000's time-weirdness stories. :confused: And that's just the most common variants... (Seriously, there's even a LEGO Supergirl out there.)
Loriel of Earth-16, a fusion of human teenager Linda Danvers and the angel Noriel (replacing the Matrix Entity.) Flying Brick, possibly with flame-related angelic powers? Currently working through being an angel-human hybrid, while serving with the Team?
She does have holy fire at her disposal and is a member of the Team. Also, she's technically a human with an angel's memories, not an actual angel.
Matrix Supergirl. DC's way of cheating their own early post-Crisis rule of 'Superman is the sole survivor of Krypton', by having her be an artificial lifeform made by a 'pocket-universe' Lex Luthor.

The picture is taken from the Supergirl series, where a cosmic bad guy diverts pre-crisis Supergirl to New Earth.

Pre-crisis kryptonians have a 1% genetic difference from New Earth kryptonians, by the by.

It was actually a dark storyline. Rather than send Kara to her death, Linda went to pre-crisis and married Superman, had a daughter.

Then Spectre forced her to let the original storyline play out, so Linda lost her husband and daughter in one fell swoop.

And that was the end of Linda Danvers, until she showed up as a nigh-demonic figure in Fallen Angel and showed up fully corrupted by her rage in Reign in Hell.
Loriel of Earth-16, a fusion of human teenager Linda Danvers and the angel Noriel (replacing the Matrix Entity.) Flying Brick, possibly with flame-related angelic powers? Currently working through being an angel-human hybrid, while serving with the Team

She does have holy fire at her disposal and is a member of the Team. Also, she's technically a human with an angel's memories, not an actual angel.

Yep she does have fire magic at her disposal, and probably other forms of magic as well.

Though I'm not so sure about the flying brick part since I don't know if she's shown how strong she is physically, but she can fly.

And for Noriel, I don't if they died and went to Heaven after Linda gained their memories, or if they were somehow permanently destroyed.
The picture is taken from the Supergirl series, where a cosmic bad guy diverts pre-crisis Supergirl to New Earth.

Pre-crisis kryptonians have a 1% genetic difference from New Earth kryptonians, by the by.

It was actually a dark storyline. Rather than send Kara to her death, Linda went to pre-crisis and married Superman, had a daughter.

Then Spectre forced her to let the original storyline play out, so Linda lost her husband and daughter in one fell swoop.

And that was the end of Linda Danvers, until she showed up as a nigh-demonic figure in Fallen Angel and showed up fully corrupted by her rage in Reign in Hell.
Indeed, though I'm not sure why you quoted me? o_O I was answering Doccer's question about 'Matrix' Supergirl... Maybe you intended to quote transhumansage's question about the source of Mr Zoat's image?

Still, the storyline ('Many Happy Returns' which I also linked in my commentary post earlier) did have some funny moments. Not least amongst them:
  • Pre-Crisis Kara trying to push Earth by basically doing a flying handstand against the ground, much to Linda's bemusement...
  • The wedding scene with pre-crisis Superman, complete with Lois Lane and Lana Lang weeping and pleading, "Please let it be a dream, a hoax or an imaginary tale!" All three things were common story tropes in the fifties comics.
  • the first (and thus far only) canonical appearance of Pink Kryptonite, implied to do peculiar things to a Kryptonian's sexuality (with Supes complimenting a nervous Jimmy on his bow-tie and a display project in a very.. odd way...)

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