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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

That number sounds... Remarkably low for unattended infants and toddlers.

Those fuckers seek death actively. My sister, when she was two, put a penny in a light socket, got knocked across the floor, and started giggling and trying to crawl back over to do it again.
I'm sorry, but what is this supposed to say?

That no version of Paul gave their own specific universe a leg up over other universes when they were working on reordering time and space.

Though given that the Pauls shared database information with their other selves, they'd likely be slightly guilty of aiding all those universes that showed up over any 'verses that didn't get a visit.
That number sounds... Remarkably low for unattended infants and toddlers.

Those fuckers seek death actively. My sister, when she was two, put a penny in a light socket, got knocked across the floor, and started giggling and trying to crawl back over to do it again.

True, the number seems small, but that's what was stated in the story.
Screw him not noticing that there weren't any black people, how did he not notice the history when he first raided the internet with his ring for finding out where the fuck he was?
"On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog." One's race isn't obvious at a glance in text. And a lack of diversity in the populace isn't the kind of thing most people will consciously notice because nobody is going to act like there's anything noteworthy. If Paul were black, he might notice he was the only one, but since he fits in with the population it would require race to be something he intentionally thinks about looking for in order to notice.

And you'll observe that he DID notice immediately when he started thinking about race.
Y'know, other than being referenced by Superman once before (had to word-search in the archived version to check), I'm surprised Myx hasn't popped up at all. Considering Ambush Bug's reaction to Paul's arrival/existence, Paul's actions being unknown to people from future timelines, etc... one would think that as the 5D Imp would be at least a bit curious of such an anomaly even if his focus is on Superman otherwise.

Oh... if he isn't planned to show up so it isn't a spoiler... is Myxzptlk the white-haired version, the Gilbert Gottfried version, or something else?
I think he is busy trying to market his favorite board game (5D chess with multiverse timetravel) to the humans.
I'm a little surprised that he hasn't realized that him being post-crisis helps to explain a lot of things.
Why there are so many Supergirls, where alternate Kara came from, why there are two sets of Hawks with different histories, one set of whom had never shared any accounts of the current dimension's Thanagarian history, and didn't remember any details of it, until triggered to do so by a backstory inconsistency being resolved by her remembering a bunch of stuff about this dimension's ancient Thanagar.
I believe when Pauls got into that fanfic Earth before fighting Krona, it was mentioned that both the original Crisis and the Infinite one already happened.
...having joined the Legion of Superheroes...
Thank you, corrected.
No, it works as is.
True, but Nazis are still pretty high up on the piece of shit list.

And the Nazis were known for killing millions, including children.

And Klarion killed around 800.000 children.
Yeah, but their average child murder rate wasn't all that great. You have to divide the total by the number of Nazis.
I'm sorry, but what is this supposed to say?
Exactly what it says.

No version of the SI gave their own versions of reality special advantages.
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That number sounds... Remarkably low for unattended infants and toddlers.

Those fuckers seek death actively. My sister, when she was two, put a penny in a light socket, got knocked across the floor, and started giggling and trying to crawl back over to do it again.

I had a baby pull a knife on me once.

Was doing the Boy Scout thing and one of the Leader's brought their grandson to a camp while giving a lift to another camper. Somehow, while still locked in a baby seat, the toddler grabbed the kids belt knife. No Idea how, he had it strapped on the far side from the tike. He didn't even know he'd lost it, and had wandered off.

Little guy just started waving it around like a new toy. Just it was a 6" bowie and not a Baby Rattle.

I spotted this shiny thing glittering in the kids hand and kinda yelped. Rushed over while ripping a gameboy colour out of another scout's hands on the way.

I made like Indiana Jones, swapping the knife for the handheld while the kid giggled as I coaxed him to give up the stabby stabby.

Got the knife, got to watch a baby play zelda upside down while listening to a great deal of french-canadian profanity as events were explained.

Ended up baby sitting the little guy so he didn't go play with fire or steal a car for a couple days.
Future Tense (part 9)
13th September 2012
09:03 GMT -5

Dana looks around the semicircle of assembled Supergirls.

"Another one?"

"Hey!" New Kara raises her right hand and waves, smiling brightly.

"Yep. That's five. I'll take my free one now, please."

New Kara frowns at me. "Free?"

Angelika nods. "It is a common promotion in American cafés. Each time you buy, they stamp a card, and when you complete the card your next is free."

"But he doesn't own us."

I nearly make a 'what consenting adults do in private' comment, but I'm not sure that she'd get it, and I suspect that I'd be asked to explain it until we both became mortified.

"No. I was merely trying to derive humour from a strange situation. I do not own you, nor would I expect to own the next Supergirl who turned up, assuming that one did."

"Okay. As long as we're clear that slavery is bad." She zips forward into Dana's personal space. "Hello, I'm Kara!"

"Ah, hi? Paul, what's going on?"

"I was joking earlier, but we just acquired another Supergirl. I'm a little worried about how many times this can happen before we get an evil Supergirl."

That gets Old Kara's attention. "Are there a lot of evil Supergirls?"

Angelika awkwardly looks away, and I just as awkwardly look away from her. Which is a bit unfair as I don't think that she ever did anything evil. But… Yeah.

"I'd have said 'no', but I've been to a parallel where there was an Evil Mary Marvel. And if there's an evil version of her, then I can only assume."

Noriel sits down against the far wall, arms folded across her chest. "Why am I here?"

"If there is something that is bringing us here, then it is not limited to different versions of Kara Zor-El." Angelika shrugs. "I was made with genetic material taken from-."

New Kara's eyes widen. "You're a clone?!"


"Ah..." She visibly squirms. "I mean… You're a clone?"

"No, I was born human and had Karl's… Ah, Kal-El's, genetic material added to me by a virus."

"So it's like you're his daughter?"

"Yes." Angelika nods. "Somewhat like that."

"That's completely different!" She spots me staring blankly at her. "Not that there would be anything wrong if it wasn't, but… It… Is."

"Nylor Truggs, Dana."

"What about him?"

"What happened to him?"

She frowns. "How do you remember that? It shouldn't have happened for you."

"Remember what, Dana?"

"You d-? Oh, damn it!"

New Kara looks at her sternly. "That's a naughty word. As a superhero and more importantly as a Supergirl, you need to set a better example."

"Who is she?"

"Kara-? Is it just Kara?"

"Not until I get married."

"I still can't believe that's actually how it works where you're from."

"Kara Zor-El. You know how this is parallel sixteen?"

"I… Think I remember someone saying that."

"She probably comes from somewhere else."

Though her mannerisms do spark a memory. Is this the Earth One Supergirl? The one who… Tried pushing the Earth out of the way of an asteroid manually in one of the more recent comics where her appearance was never really explained? Who was killed by the Anti-Monitor during the Crisis?

I mean… I knew that the main canon DC universe was out there somewhere, I just… Assumed that I wouldn't have to go anywhere near it.

I'm… Actually a little worried now.

"But Truggs. What happened with Truggs?"

"We-. They picked him up first. He was kinda obvious. He spilled his guts right away. He seemed to think that the whole mess was funny. At the time, the Legion didn't know whether all of the changes they picked up was you or him. He was the obvious source, but… He wasn't actually connected to a lot of things that had happened."

"I thought he was from before the Legion's era."

"No. It's the same era. It's just… Earth? It-."

"Is a backwater far from the centre of human civilisation. A Thanagarian protectorate, and not part of the United Planets."

"No, it's an actual part of the Thanagarian Empire. They've got a governor and everything. As far as we can tell, he stole the H-Dial he used to come back in time from a Legion vault."

"So they've still got him."

"Ah… No. What we did to erase… Your time in the future, that meant that he had to go back too."

"So he doesn't remember what happened in the future either."

"He shouldn't."

"Are your colleagues at least tracking him?"

"They were, but he's got plenty of friends in this era and he's really good at getting away."

New Kara perks up. "Have you got a picture of him?"

I shrug. "Yes." I use my ring to generate a hologram projector construct and create a three dimensional full colour hologram of Nylor Truggs. "That's what he looked like last time I saw-."

There's a blast of air, and she's gone.

Darn it.

"I'll get after her. Everyone else-."

Angelika nods.

"I think that we should come."
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Though her mannerisms do spark a memory. Is this the Earth One Supergirl? The one who… Tried pushing the Earth out of the way of an asteroid manually in one of the more recent comics where her appearance was never really explained? Who was killed by the Anti-Monitor during the Crisis?
Yeah, Earth-One Kryptonian's be crazy.

Gonna be fun to see how this goes but they're basically dealing with a hyperactive Saitama on a sugar rush.
I nearly make a 'what consenting adults do in private' comment, but I'm not sure that she'd get it, and I suspect that I'd be asked to explain it until we both became mortified.

Paul's understanding of how to interact with people has truly grown.

Okay. As long as we're clear that slavery is bad

Though don't be surprised if Paul gets into a philosophical debate on how it's good.

"I was joking earlier, but we just acquired another Supergirl. I'm a little worried about how many times this can happen before we get an evil Supergirl."

That gets Old Kara's attention. "Are there a lot of evil Supergirls

Well Angelika could have counted.

Same with Loriel.

Angelika awkwardly looks away, and I just as awkwardly look away from her. Which is a bit unfair as I don't think that she ever did anything evil. But… Yeah

Well except for working with a Nazi regime and killing people that opposed it.

Though she is getting better.

You d-? Oh, damn it!"

New Kara looks at her sternly. "That's a naughty word. As a superhero and more importantly as a Supergirl, you need to set a better example."

She really is from the 50s.

So he doesn't remember what happened in the future either."

"He shouldn't."

But seeing as Paul has some vague memory of it, then he may also remember bits of it.

New Kara perks up. "Have you got a picture of him?

Ohh, with her bullshit powers she could probably fly around the world in seconds and see him.

There's a blast of air, and she's gone.

Darn it.

You won't be so annoyed if she finds him.
Actually thanks to Convergence Kara and Barry survived Crisis, so Prime Earth had and extra Clark and Lois, a Hal, a Barry, and a Kara.

Although as far as I know DC never did anything with the extra Barry and Kara.

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