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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Seems like Zoat is borrowing from Multiversity, in which the Freedom Fighters are just flat out terrorists against the Nazi regime.

That iteration of the freedom Fighters is made up of survivors of the various types of people the Nazis threw into death camps.
Would he not already know the word? It was coined pre ww2 to describe the Armenian Genocide.
They are no doubt teaching a very revised history. Acknowledging the Armenian Genocide might invite comparisons to what the nazis did. Changing the language around what they did would be something I could see them doing.
The one guy on the planet whose knowledge of the X-Man doesn't actually have to do with the man himself. Who'd always be a little sus'd of his existence? Who'd insist on perfect memory recall?
That sounds like a funny conversation.
Paul: Where's ForgetMeNot?
Random X-Men member: Who?
Paul: Right, I actually forgot about that. Never mind, I'll look for him myself.
Random X-Men member: Who're you looking for again?
Paul: Someone whom you won't remember in five seconds, so it isn't pertinent.

So if he hasn't worked with them then what is his relationship with them like?

Did he fight them over their terrorist actions?

Did this Paul previously work with the Nazi superheroes before things turned sour between them?

Seeing as Overman mentioned him breaking some laws I'm guessing when he came to this universe he somehow helped the Freedom Fighters but was later captured by the Nazis.

Is this close to what happened here?

Seems like Zoat is borrowing from Multiversity, in which the Freedom Fighters are just flat out terrorists against the Nazi regime.

That iteration of the freedom Fighters is made up of survivors of the various types of people the Nazis threw into death camps.

It's the same here.

Angelika mentioned that Sivana's Nazi World counterpart was a criminal there, though she mentioned that he was executed, that opposed them.

Zoat said that he apparently freed people that the Nazis considered to be sub-human, experimented on them to give them powers and later sold the survivors to people opposing the Nazis.

Don't think it was ever mentioned why he did this but if I remember correctly Sivana 16 said that while Kryptonian tech helped the Nazis be more advanced it also somehow damaged their scientific progress and that National Socialism wasn't good for the scientific community, so maybe that's why he did it.
Don't think it was ever mentioned why he did this but if I remember correctly Sivana 16 said that while Kryptonian tech helped the Nazis be more advanced it also somehow damaged their scientific progress and that National Socialism wasn't good for the scientific community, so maybe that's why he did it.
Actually, he said that they cribbed Kryptonian tech. This implies that the scientists of this Earth were less likely to experiment outside of what they already have or have "proven" to be impossible.
So if he hasn't worked with them then what is his relationship with them like?

Did he fight them over their terrorist actions?

Did this Paul previously work with the Nazi superheroes before things turned sour between them?

Seeing as Overman mentioned him breaking some laws I'm guessing when he came to this universe he somehow helped the Freedom Fighters but was later captured by the Nazis.

Is this close to what happened here?
No. He was identified by local security very quickly, and was completely overwhelmed in his first superpowered fight. The Freedom Fighters broke him out at one point but Uncle Sam was so clearly round the bend that they had no real appeal. He was later recaptured, which is when Leatherwing started showing an interest.
Screw him not noticing that there weren't any black people, how did he not notice the history when he first raided the internet with his ring for finding out where the fuck he was? At that point afterwards he probably should have fled off planet into space.
Screw him not noticing that there weren't any black people, how did he not notice the history when he first raided the internet with his ring for finding out where the fuck he was? At that point afterwards he probably should have fled off planet into space.

Probably but that may not have worked since he may have lacked a power source for his ring so he would have remained stuck in some place that he has never been to before and did not know how to act.

Yeah he ended up in an alternate universe but it was still a version of Earth so he had at least some idea of how things worked and how to act.
As interesting as this chapter is, I hope we can get back to the Supergirl situation in the next one. The two Karas are going to think the other one is weird, while the Legion will definitely be confused as to what the heck is happening. I really hope Paul can give them a sort of explanation based on his metaknowledge and what he's learned in-universe.
This reality has a Valkyrie serving as an analogue of Wonder Woman, right? I think I remember that from some comics panel about Nazi Earth. I'm wondering if actual Diana and the Amazons still exist, and other beings like Doctor Fate and Black Adam. Actually, Doctor Fate should have fought in this World War 2 if the history's any way similar to Earth-16 (which obviously doesn't have to be the case given Overman's divergent backstory), right? Not sure how the Axis powers would stop him if they weren't using the Spear of Destiny (I presume they didn't acquire it since Hitler poured resources into Kryptonian tech development). Lucky shot with a Kryptonian superweapon?

I bring up those figures because they're possible allies to back Overman and this Paul up, and Paul should at least know about Diana.

What's the backstory of Underwaterman (I forget his German name) on this Earth? Is he an alternate version of Arthur Curry, just earlier in time like other people, or someone else?
the Spear of Destiny (I presume they didn't acquire it since Hitler poured resources into Kryptonian tech development

I think Zoat mentioned that Krieger was killed by the Nazis, so the Spear may just be viewed as a historic or cultural artifact rather than a mystical one.

Captain Nazi also wasn't made since they had Overman.
Not sure how the Axis powers would stop him if they weren't using the Spear of Destiny (I presume they didn't acquire it since Hitler poured resources into Kryptonian tech development)
Overgirl mentioned that the Kreigers weren't considered pure enough, so they were taken down. As such, they probably didn't get the resources to locate the Spear of Destiny in the first place.
Yes. Nazi Earth has a Valkyrie as part of the New Reichsmen. Her name is Brunhilde, and at the very least that world's version of the Norse Gods fully supports the Nazi regime because they're the ones who sent her to support them.

As for Underwaterman . . . It's unknown if he's that world's Arthur or not. All we really know is that Atlantis actually fought against the Nazis in World War 2, but they lost and are now willingly part of their new world order. Probably because they get preferential treatment despite the past opposition.

Underwaterman explicitly says they weren't punished/exterminated because the SS believes the Atlantians are the source of the "Aryan race".
Oh now this could be really interesting. Or spark a hell of a flame war.

I personally hope for the former.
I don't think having a ring is a necessity for getting grabbed by Krona.
Clayface was kidnapped and he didn't have a ring.
Plus this Paul did have a ring, it was just taken from him.
Though it's possible that he didn't get abducted, since he didn't think or mention Angelika, since Krona already had enough or he was abducted but didn't see Angelika before he went back.

Most versions had a Power Ring and even DCAU Paul had used his ring until the charge had nearly run out, this version is very unlikely to have used his much.
god i really hope that the person who originally was the cause of the extra supergirl in the comics isnt involved. he sounds horrible.

If you're talking about Xenon then it's not likely since Zoat hasn't heard of him.

On the other hand, now we have a possible culprit for the sniper attack: Xenon

If I'd heard of him before just now, it might have been.

It's possible that this is due to whatever Nazi World Paul and Overman are doing.
"…is where we keep one of the machines that are supposed to stop people from parallel universes appearing."

Ted gestures to the unimpressive looking device, quietly humming in a secure part of the building. They'd barely finished rebuilding from the angel attack before the Sheeda took a swing at the place, but with the US's internal market more or less functional bringing the building up to specification wasn't too difficult.

Dana doesn't look too impressed.

"That's it?"

"Yeah?" Ted glances at me, but I just shrug. "What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing. I was just expecting something… Bigger."


"So this is..?" Dana stares at the device. "This is all that's stopping parallel universe from invading our reality?"

"No, of course not. The Justice League alone has seven of these, and we shared the design with every UN Security Council permanent member."

"And we've got another disassembled one to study. Which is not mad science."

"No, that's just good practice."

"So Earth's safe?"

"Earth's safe from anyone not sufficiently cleverer than us. The shield isn't perfect, has a finite range and… It can be bypassed by going back in time to before we built them."

"I don't think they have these in the future."
At first I thought this was being brought up because of the new Supergirl having probably come from another parallel, or merged into this parallel during the crisis.
Then I read this:
One of the more subtly off things about this section is that it's labelled as the same arc as the previous section, unlike all of the other elseworld sections. Which is one of the things that contributed to my initial conclusion that Angelika would be going back to her world at the end of this arc.

Then I actually re-read Mastermen and something jumped out:
You're the strongest man on the planet, and you're popular with every generation since the war."

"Not with everyone."

"Uncle Sam is insane. Speaking from personal experience, there."
In Mastermen Overman has been seeing Lord Broken of the Gentry in his dreams. Possibly applying its powers to try to drive him insane.
Also in Mastermen Metropolis gets destroyed, in a way a lot like the destruction of metropolis in Injustice, that resulted in a crazy evil tyrant superman. But arranged by uncle Sam getting one of the superpowered freedom fighters arrested and onto the eagles nest satellite where he could bring it down on the city.

And it says there^ that Uncle Sam is insane. Someone should maybe ask him whether he saw a creepy house in his dreams right before he woke up from his coma, and whether he's still been seeing that house in his dreams.

Also I kinda want to see Overman describe his dreams to Paul, then Paul ask for a sketch of the house, and recognize what it is midway through and panic.
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At first I thought this was being brought up because of the new Supergirl having probably come from another parallel, or merged into this parallel during the crisis.
Then I read this:

One of the more subtly off things about this section is that it's labelled as the same arc as the previous section, unlike all of the other elseworld sections. Which is one of the things that contributed to my initial conclusion that Angelika would be going back to her world at the end of this arc.

Then I actually re-read Mastermen and something jumped out:

In Mastermen Overman has been seeing Lord Broken of the Gentry in his dreams. Possibly applying its powers to try to drive him insane.
Also in Mastermen Metropolis gets destroyed, in a way a lot like the destruction of metropolis in Injustice, that resulted in a crazy evil tyrant superman. But arranged by uncle Sam getting one of the superpowered freedom fighters arrested and onto the eagles nest satellite where he could bring it down on the city.

And it says there^ that Uncle Sam is insane. Someone should maybe ask him whether he saw a creepy house in his dreams right before he woke up from his coma, and whether he's still been seeing that house in his dreams.

Also I kinda want to see Overman describe his dreams to Paul, then Paul ask for a sketch of the house, and recognize what it is midway through and panic.

That probably won't work, since the Pauls lose their memories of the specific universe they are in.

And if he tells other versions of Paul that may also not work, since the Mastermen thing came out in 2015, while the versions of Paul left their universe in 2013.
Future Tense (part 8)
13th September 2012
05:56 GMT -8


We're standing in the living area of the Fortress of Solitude and Kara and Kara are staring at each other, Kara confused and Kara excited.

"Hah hah hah hah!"

"Hi!" The newcomer sticks out her hand, and my considerable exposure to super speed allows me to detect that she does so at faster-than-human speeds. "I'm Kara Zor-El!"

"Yes, me too." Kara takes Kara's hand and gives it a small shake as the expression of puzzlement spreads from Kara to Kara.


New Kara's expression is far less subdued than old Kara's, head tilting, brow furrowing and mouth opening as she tries to frame a question.

Old Kara beats her to it.

"Paul, what's going on?"

"Unless your father was messing around with cloning, I'd guess that she's from a parallel universe. There's a lot of that going around."

New Kara looks shocked. "Cloning! That's illegal, and completely immoral! Daddy would never have anything to do with that! And what do you mean, parallel universe?"

"You're both Kara Zor-El, daughter of Zor-El and Allura In-Ze. And given that I tracked-."

New Kara gives her head a small shake. "Allura."

"I'm sorry?"

"Kryptonians are patrilineal. Women stop using the name of their house when they marry. So unless you were specifically talking about genealogy, you shouldn't use it."

"Ah. Well, thank you, I'll bear that in mind."

Old Kara roils slightly. "What is this, Bizarro Krypton? Mom used her full name-."

"No, if it was Bizarro Krypton she'd have chalk white skin, and-." I raise my eyebrows. "Was your Krypton cuboid?"


"And she didn't mean 'yes' when she said that, so she's not a Bizarro."

"You're using it as a proper noun. 'Bizarro' is a thing?"

"If you clone a kryptonian incorrectly, they tend to come out with certain predictable congenital flaws. Mitchell was probably going to end up like that if we hadn't helped him."

New Kara's hands go to her mouth as her eyes widen in shock.

"You're cloning kryptonians?!"

"Not me personally, but there have been a few attempts made. They're fine, and the project has been shut down. Also, tone that attitude down when you meet them, will you? They're good guys."

She immediately looks guilty.

"So as I was saying, I tracked this- " I gesture to Old Kara. "-Kara's pod from our Krypton to the asteroid it ended up in, so she's almost certainly the native one. So I'm going to try and work out how you got here, and once we know you can decide to stay here or go back. Any questions?"

"Where's Kal?"

"I asked Hawkman to give me five minutes, so he's probably -"

"Recognized, Superman, zero one, Overgirl, B two three."

"-heading here now. Though going back to the cloning thing, given that there's a bit of a shortage of kryptonians at the moment, I wouldn't dismiss it so quickly if you want to resurrect your species."

Kal-El walks in, and I can tell from how his eyes are focusing that he's making use of his full visual spectrum. Angelika comes in just after him, favouring me with a small smile.

New Kara looks slightly puzzled by Kal-El. "Ah. Yes, another universe. You are definitely not my Kal-El. And… You're another me?"

"No, I am not."

New Kara sags. "This is getting so confusing."

"Angelika is one of two survivors of Nazi attempts to merge human and kryptonian physio-."

"Ooh! Nazis!"

The four of us… Stare at the suddenly excited New Kara.

Angelika shifts awkwardly. "This excites you?"

"Aren't they the most evil humans ever?"

"Technically, no, but I understand what you mean. Why does that excite you?"

"Then fighting them is the most heroic thing-" There's a blur, and then she's lying lengthways in the air with Kal-El's hand on the top of her head stopping her from flying any further. "-we could do?"

"Calm down, Kara." She tilts her head up to look at him and his hand ends up covering her face. "Angelika's here from a parallel universe. There aren't any Nazis…"

His eyes flick my way. I give my head a small shake.

"On this Earth."

"Are the other two coming?"

Angelika frowns. "Other two?"

"Recognized, Supergirl, B two zero."

"Noriel and Dana? Dana Dearden came back from the future this morning having joined the Legion of Superheroes under the name Supergirl. We have five Supergirls now."

"That is a surprising number. Individually, the arrival of each one makes sense, but-" Angelika looks at New Kara. "-I think there is something strange happening for us to have this many."

Noriel enters the room from the direction of the zeta tube, a flaming aura faintly visible around her.

"This many what?"



Kal-El shakes his head. "No, I've still got another week. And if it was him, they'd all turn up at once. He's not a very patient imp."

"Anyone know of anyone else with a motive?"

Kal-El thinks for a moment. "I.. don't suppose these appearances could be linked to the fact that the Legion thinks that you've changed their history, could they?"

"I don't see how. None of the various mes privileged their own parallel when we were working on the problem."

Kara frowns as Kara floats back out of Kal-El's grip and lands on the floor.

"Didn't you say that Nylor Truggs came from their era?"


"Do you remember what happened to him?"

Do I..?

"No. I don't. Why don't we ask Dana what happened to him and go from there?"

New Kara jumps for joy!

"Yay Team Supergirl!"
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