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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The Renegade saw proof of this, though he had no idea of what it meant. Also, there is already Word of Zoat on this. Here are the relevant links.
Thanks for the links; I'm curious if she'll properly break through the blessings and develop her own power; my own visualization of that involves Scott Free as the New God of Freedom helping her escape her restrictions (come to think of it, I think having Renegade-Scott help Renegade regain himself after his merger with Grayven would have made more sense that what we got).
Though I forget, what exactly do the blessings of the god(desses) do? Or are perceived to do? Is it just the general blessings all Amazons get while on Themyscira that ironically/intentionally stunts her metaphysical growth, or something more customized?

When did the Renegade see proof of this phenomenon? He knows Diana is equivalent to a New God, and has known that for a while, but I don't remember him bringing up the Olympian blessings as the specific factor slowing her down.
Technically, there's nothing to stop a Lantern using their ring as a hologram projector; the resulting hologram just won't be a construct. But I'll edit it.

I was more interpreting it as an example of OL getting subtly better with his ring use, doing full colour without any workarounds, rather then as a complaint that it just happened out of the blue.

But you're the writer, what ever works best in the narrative.
Thanks for the links; I'm curious if she'll properly break through the blessings and develop her own power; my own visualization of that involves Scott Free as the New God of Freedom helping her escape her restrictions (come to think of it, I think having Renegade-Scott help Renegade regain himself after his merger with Grayven would have made more sense that what we got).
Though I forget, what exactly do the blessings of the god(desses) do? Or are perceived to do? Is it just the general blessings all Amazons get while on Themyscira that ironically/intentionally stunts her metaphysical growth, or something more customized?

When did the Renegade see proof of this phenomenon? He knows Diana is equivalent to a New God, and has known that for a while, but I don't remember him bringing up the Olympian blessings as the specific factor slowing her down.
If I remember correctly, the Renegade thought about what he saw when looking at Diana's soul the only time he ever went to Themyscira. He doesn't know exactly what it meant, but might have had theories. The Word of Zoat is what confirmed it for readers.

I think Diana uses more of her innate divinity in the Renegade timeline, specifically when she fights her aunt.
There is a debate on age names. Golden age can refer back to the first comics where, for example, superman was just a strong guy who could jump high.

The silver age was when power creep really stuck in ans superman became a physical god.
Huh. I always thought Golden Age was all the really crazy balls to the wall crazy stuff happened where the creators were still trying to figure out Superheroes and proper power scaling and Silver Age was that but better hammered out with more proper power scaling and more long term expectations. Then whatever the Age is called after that is when the crazy was gone save for special events and power scaling was closer to human norms.
Like Superman's minimes was about\around the end of Golden Age because the writers couldn't think of a place or state their heroes could go that'd be interesting once they became living "Fuck You I Win Because I Am" buttons.
If I remember correctly, the Renegade thought about what he saw when looking at Diana's soul the only time he ever went to Themyscira. He doesn't know exactly what it meant, but might have had theories. The Word of Zoat is what confirmed it for readers.

I think Diana uses more of her innate divinity in the Renegade timeline, specifically when she fights her aunt.
I only remember Renegade being very interested in Hippolyta's soul-structure in Themyscira, which I think makes more sense; he's had plenty of chances to see Diana's soul in action.

Besides the Lasso, Diana does only use Godspeech in the Renegade timeline as far as I'm aware, yes.
Future Tense (part 10)
13th September 2012
09:11 GMT -5


Kara is glaring at the man hanging from where her right hand grips his jacket.

"I didn't do it!"

"Didn't… Do… What?"

"Whatever got you pissed off!"

Okay, he does look quite a lot like Nylor, but the face beneath the beard isn't quite the right shape, the hair's too long, and the DNA and mind state are completely wrong.

"Supergirl, that's not him."

She cranes her neck to get a closer look, narrowing her eyes at him as he grins and nods.

"Are you sure?"

"Fairly sure. I mean, Mister Williams doesn't even have any outstanding warrants at the moment."

I'm going to ignore the small packet of dried hallucinogenic plant in his back pocket, because it probably came from Swamp Thing and so is safe in the conventional sense of the term. Puking up your own lungs, no. Profound revelations about the world and your place in it, maybe.

Kara frowns slightly as she puts him down.

"Though if you don't mind me asking, Mister Williams, what brings you this far north?"

"Brazil. Not all-." He straightens his jacket and clears his throat. "All that many people in the US of A know much of anything about magic plants, and I guess my name came up since the big guy wasn't answering. Ah… You know who I am?"

"I've had the pleasure of meeting Swamp Thing on several occasions. Who exactly called you up?"

"The Senate Foreign Relations committee. Normally I'd try to avoid the federal government, but I figure that if they hear me out they're less likely to try anything stupid."

Kara narrows her eyes suspiciously.

"I can see your brain."

He shifts awkwardly. "Hey, a guy's gotta live. It's not shilling if all I'm doing is telling the man to stop being the man."

"No, that sounds entirely legitimate. I'd much rather the US didn't nuke Brazil. Keep up the good work. Supergirl, might I have a moment of your time?"

"Of course!"

She turns her head upwards and starts to rise off the ground.

"But is there something that you'd like to say to Mister Williams first?"

"Oh." She nods. "Yes." She raises her right fist to her mouth. "A-hem."

She looks directly at him, her expression completely serious.

"Take a bath, hippy."

And then she shoots into the air.

Mister Williams watches her go with his mouth slightly open.

"What was that about?"

"I'm sorry, she's.. only just arrived on Earth. You look a little like a man we're looking for, and she mistook you for him. Have a nice day."

I transition up to where New Kara is staring into the distance, her eyes searching for Nylor Truggs. Or possibly a Republican rally, though I imagine that Senator Knight can win this without her help.

"Kara, I don't know how you did things on Krypton, but on Earth it's considered impolite to pick people up, insult them and then leave."

"But he smells weird!"

Oh. Right. Super smell.

"I'm afraid that on Earth, 'smelling weird' is not an excuse for treating people like that. I appreciate that super senses can take a little getting used to-."

She frowns, her eyes moving from the distance to me.

"You don't smell at all."

"Environmental shield. No chemicals are leaving my body, and the environmental shield doesn't interact chemically with the air around me. If I took my rings off I would smell similarly strange to you."

She wrinkles her nose. "Uuuuuugh."

"Are you having a problem? I could create some sort of nose shield-."

"No, I'm okay." She exhales sharply. "I really thought I had him."

"Nylor hasn't remained at liberty by being easy to detect. Though… How good is your vision?"

"If I focus really hard, I can see your DNA molecules. But it looks like that means I smell and hear everything, too."

"Nylor's got a lot of bio-mods from the future. He should be the only person on the planet who does."

She shrugs. "Yes, but I don't know what they look-." She cuts herself off and points into the distance, perking up at once. "Is that him?"



Her face falls, then perks up again. "Is that him?"


"Darn it! Oh, how about that?"

"Kara, I appreciate your eagerness, but I don't think this approach is going to work. There are several billion humans on the planet, and-"

"That one?"

"-you-. No, and you won't be able to see them all. You can't see through lead or other dense materials, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nylor had some sort of magic disguise by now."

Below and well behind us, the other Supergirls are catching up.

"If detecting Nylor was easy, he wouldn't have escaped from the Legion and he wouldn't have dodged the Justice League for so long."

"But-!" She sags. "Okay. Do you know how we can find him?"

"If I knew-."

Hang on.

"Exactly how good is your hearing?"
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glaring at the man handing from where her right



Kara is glaring at the man handing from where her right hand grips his jacket.

"I didn't do it!"

"Didn't… Do… What?"

"Whatever got you pissed off!"

Okay, he does look quite a lot like Nylor, but the face beneath the beard isn't quite the right shape, the hair's too long, and the DNA and mind state are completely wrong

Potential ancestor of Truggs.

hallucinogenic plant in his back pocket, because it probably came from Swamp Thing and so is safe in the conventional sense of the term. Puking up your own lungs, no. Profound revelations about the world and your place in it, maybe

And it may have actual enlightening magical properties.


"The Senate Foreign relations committee. Normally I'd try to avoid the federal government, but I figure that if they hear me out they're less likely to try anything stupid

Trying to convince politicians not to do something stupid?

Good luck.

"No, that sounds entirely legitimate. I'd much rather the US didn't nuke Brazil

I'm remembering a comic in which Poison Ivy's terraformed island gets destroyed.

"But is there something that you'd like to say to Mister Williams first?"

"Oh." She nods. "Yes." She raises her right fist to her mouth. "A-hem."

She looks directly at him, her expression completely serious.

"Take a bath, hippy."

Not that, but yeah, hygiene is important.

But it looks like that means I smell and hear everything, too."

Hmm, maybe 'if it looks'

Is that him?"



Her face falls, then perks up again. "Is that him?"


"Darn it! Oh, how about that?"

This is the funniest thing ever.

"That one?"

"-you-. No

Really wanted him to say 'oh, wait, yeah, that's him'

and I wouldn't be surprised if Nylor had some sort of magic disguise by now."

A high grade one, seeing as he's working with Circe.

"But-!" She sags. "Okay. Do you know how we can find him?"

"If I knew-."

Hang on.

"Exactly how good is your hearing

Ohh, so she can hear his voice.
Last edited:
13th September 2012
09:11 GMT -5


Kara is glaring at the man handing from where her right hand grips his jacket.
Oh, it cannot have been that easy. I'm betting he merely looks a little like Truggs. I foresee this plan not working as well as Kara-1 might have hoped...

"I didn't do it!"

"Didn't… Do… What?"
Though it appears he has something of a guilty conscience anyway...

"Whatever got you pissed off!"

Okay, he does look quite a lot like Nylor, but the face beneath the beard isn't quite the right shape, the hair's too long, and the DNA and mind state are completely wrong.
Well, at least OL can keep up with her and check her guesses. And apologise to them if she's wrong.

"Supergirl, that's not him."

She cranes her neck to get a closer look, narrowing her eyes at him as he grins and nods.
Dude, you don't even know who they want. Don't try to bluff them...

"Are you sure?"

"Fairly sure. I mean, Mister Williams doesn't even have any outstanding warrants at the moment."
Wait, seriously? Small world, huh? Wonder how many other minor DC personalities she'll spot?

I'm going to ignore the small packet of dried hallucinogenic plant in his back pocket, because it probably came from Swamp Thing and so is safe in the conventional sense of the term. Puking up your own lungs, no. Profound revelations about the world and your place in it, maybe.

Kara frowns slightly as she puts him down.
Given his appearance, I foresee her not liking him on principle. Because apparently Silver Age Krypton had moral standards suspiciously similar to Fifties America... ;)

"Though if you don't mind me asked, Mister Williams, what brings you this far north?"

"Brazil. Not all-." He straightens his jacket and clears his throat. "All that many people in the US of A know much of anything about magic plants, and I guess my name came up since the big guy wasn't answering. Ah… You know who I am?"
Man, that must have been a strange conversation in whatever office made that plan.

"I've had the pleasure of meeting Swamp Thing on several occasions. Who exactly called you up?"

"The Senate Foreign relations committee. Normally I'd try to avoid the federal government, but I figure that if they hear me out they're less likely to try anything stupid."
Well, admirable goal. I won't comment on the likelihood of success, but hey, you tried?

Kara narrows her eyes suspiciously.

"I can see your brain."
"And there are very peculiar chemicals buzzing around in there..." Seriously, even if he's sober, I bet it's like a fireworks display in there...

He shifts awkwardly. "Hey, a guy's gotta live. It's not shilling if all I'm doing is telling the man to stop being the man."

"No, that sounds entirely legitimate. I'd much rather the US didn't nuke Brazil. Keep up the good work. Supergirl, might I have a moment of your time?"
At least he's sanguine about it. I suspect if they did do something drastic, any survivors (such as any Danner-enhanciles outside the blast radii) would do something equally drastic...

"Of course!"

She turns her head upwards and starts to rise off the ground.
Just itching to get going and battle Evil, huh?

"But is there something that you'd like to say to Mister Williams first?"

"Oh." She nods. "Yes." She raises her right fist to her mouth. "A-hem."
x3 Good to see she's polite, at least...

She looks directly at him, her expression completely serious.

"Take a bath, hippy."
:confused: ...I stand corrected.

And then she shoots into the air.

Mister Williams watches her go with his mouth slightly open.

"What was that about?"
Well, I'm sure she's well aware of the last time you indulged in just about every pharmaceutical entertainment you enjoy. Probably right down to the minute. Super-senses for the... :confused: Eh, not really a win here.

"I'm sorry, she's.. only just arrived on Earth. You look a little like a man we're looking for, and she mistook you for him. Have a nice day."

I transition up to where New Kara is staring into the distance, her eyes searching for Nylor Truggs. Or possibly a Republican rally, though I imagine that Senator Knight can win this without her help.
Geez, the joy of her having old-fashioned values. She's really going to have some trouble fitting in until she adjusts, isn't she?

"Kara, I don't know how you did things on Krypton, but on Earth it's considered impolite to pick people up, insult them and then leave."

"But he smells weird!"

Oh. Right. Super smell.
Hooray. She'll get used to it, I guess. :rolleyes:

"I'm afraid that on Earth, 'smelling weird' is not an excuse for treating people like that. I appreciate that super senses can take a little getting used to-."

She frowns, her eyes moving from the distance to me.
No, gee, you think? I can't help but imagine that the only thing preventing her from saying something is good manners...

"You don't smell at all."

"Environmental shield. No chemicals are leaving my body, and the environmental shield doesn't interact chemically with the air around me. If I took my rings off I would smell similarly strange to you."
Especially if he's recently eaten anything off-world. I mean, sure, he can alter his scent without much effort, but how often do you notice the faint odours that surround you?

She wrinkles her nose. "Uuuuuugh."

"Are you having a problem? I could create some sort of nose shield-."
Heh. Any nose-clips would have to be damn resilient to withstand Silver Age Kryptonian muscles... One errant flex of the nostrils...

"No, I'm okay." She exhales sharply. "I really thought I had him."

"Nylor hasn't remained at liberty by being easy to detect. Though… How good is your vision?"
I mean, in some versions, Kryptonians can see people's life energies... And we know they can perceive wavelengths outside the visible spectrum. X-Ray vision might not be actual X-rays, but it;'s probably close.

"If I focus really hard, I can see your DNA molecules. But it looks like that means I smell and hear everything, too."

"Nylor's got a lot of bio-mods from the future. He should be the only person on the planet who does."
Yeah, but can she be patient enough to spot lookalikes, and then hold back long enough to double-check the DNA?

She shrugs. "Yes, but I don't know what they look-." She cuts herself off and points into the distance, perking up at once. "Is that him?"


I'm impressed it can determine just who she's indicating. Especially if it's beyond normal human visual range.

Her face falls, then perks up again. "Is that him?"

Kara, you can't simply keep doing that... It's not like Truggs will be sitting on a beach somewhere getting a tan... At least, wearing his own face...

"Darn it! Oh, how about that?"

"Kara, I appreciate your eagerness, but I don't think this approach is going to work. There are several billion humans on the planet, and-"

"That one?"
...She's persistent, isn't she? She really does feel younger than she probably is (I'm guessing thirteen or fourteen...)

"-you-. No, and you won't be able to see them all. You can't see through lead or other dense materials, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nylor had some sort of magic disguise by now."

Below and well behind us, the other Supergirls are catching up.
Yup. Silver Age Superspeed. Be glad that flying through time isn't immediately intuitive...

"If detecting Nylor was easy, he wouldn't have escaped from the Legion and he wouldn't have dodged the Justice League for so long."

"But-!" She sags. "Okay. Do you know how we can find him?"
It's almost embarrassing how slippery he is. Guy must have some Eel DNA... :p

"If I knew-."

Hang on.

"Exactly how good is your hearing?"
:sneaky: ...Depending on the range, that might kind of work. The Ring does have recordings of his voice, both live and transmitted...

o_O So, depending on range, you're going to have her fly around the world, just listening for Trugg's voice? I mean, Silver Age Kryptonians are crazy broken OP, but that might be taking it a little far... Then again, Silver Age Superman could hear a mouse fart on the other side of the planet if he focused, so... Not such a crazy plan...

...the distance, perking up at once.
Double Space.
At least he's sanguine about it. I suspect if they did do something drastic, any survivors (such as any Danner-enhanciles outside the blast radii) would do something equally drastic...

They may not survive the radiation.

And yeah, I can see them either using super strength to do some damage, or using plant magic to harm people, like making plants around the world poisonous to humans.

It's almost embarrassing how slippery he is. Guy must have some Eel DNA... :p

He can regenerate lost limbs with nanotechnology, and seeing as he's working with Xirce she may have given him eel characteristics.
source please? seems to be another superman clone....

i really hope paul gets to meet the main canon DC universe justice league. especially batman. no you know what i also want earth 16 justice league to meet the main league.

Not exactly.

source please?
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