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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I looked up John Constantine again. His mother's maiden name is Quinn.
So there's definitely something up with John Quinn.
I posted about this a while go. My bets on John going the order half and chaos half route, with an end goal of fusing back in order to make a lord of balance, or something. It might also explain why we haven't seen demon Constantine. He could have been coopted for the process, seeing as how he already has half of Constantine's soul. Just replace all the demon parts of him with order (similar stuff has already happened, multiple times), tie him to the helmet of fate, and boom. You've got John Quinn. Timeline doesn't match up, though...
Future Tense (part 12)
13th September 2012
09:23 GMT -5

"Yes, yes you can."

I generate a zeta tube construct and ping the system.

"Recognised, Overgirl, B two three."

I walk a little closer to him and smile.

"Hello, Nylor. Keeping busy I see."

"Khhhhrk. Khhhhrk."

"Oh, knock it off. Your neck's as tough as the rest of you, and she's from Krypton."

"Why am I here, criminal!?"

Nylor holds his arms out to the side, and I swiftly denude him of anything that looks even vaguely threatening. Nehru jacket, gone. Runic bracers, gone. Radio, gone. Radio implant, removed.


"Recognised, Supergirl, B two zero."

Armoured undershirt, gone. Charms and pendants-


-one of which heats up when a construct makes contact, reddening his skin where it touches.

"If by some dark miracle you're acquitted, all of your possessions will be returned to you."

"'Dark' miracle? I don't move in those circles. You look better when you're not fat and horny."

"Recognised, Kara Zor-El, A four five."

"Thank you. I definitely prefer the full beard you have now to the moustache you had when we first met."

New Kara turns her head and gives me a puzzled look.

"It's a British thing; full set or clean shaven and nothing in between. So Nylor, mind telling me what you were doing here, with special attention to anything that I need to stop while you are absent?"

"Ah, I plead the fifth?"

"You can do that, but I will warn you that it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court."

"Ah, pretty sure this is America."

"Well, they say that jurors shouldn't make any inference from someone pleading the fifth, but do you think that's what actually happens?"

I look over to where Angelika is investigating some… Slightly worrying looking cylinders. The outer casing is armoured and coating with runes both for evading detection and… The promotion of good health? The general design is worrying reminiscent of Kon's pod.

"Recognised, Supergirl, A six five."


"You weren't joking about the Supergirls. Ah, or should I call them Superwomen?"

"I'm pretty sure that Overgirl is the only one out of her teens."

Noriel pauses in her study of Nylor's amulets to glare at me.

"Physically. Overgirl? Feel like becoming Overwoman?"

"I do not like what it would imply about my relationship with Overman. Also, I do not look old enough. Nillor Trugs, why do you have cloning tanks here?"

"They're not just cloning tanks." He tries to twist around, but New Kara has a firm grip. "You can do all kinds of biological research with those."

"Would you care to elaborate?"

"Biomods! I gotta make money somehow. So I was working out how to share my improvements with people."

"Are they occupied right now?"

"No. Okay, it's technically illegal t' do what I was doing with them, but I'm sure you've done worse."

"Much worse, but I have to say that in your case I'm minded to throw the book at you."

"Hey." Old Kara picks something up from a workbench. "Recognize this?"

"That's an H-dial."

Nylor slumps slightly in Kara' s grip. "That's the H-dial."

"Are you telling me that it didn't explode?"

"Of course it didn't explode. That was before you rewrote time. It had t' survive in the past for me to pick it up in the future."

New Kara looks at it in fascination.

"What does that do?"

"If you dial the letters 'H', 'E', 'R' and 'O' in that order, it gives you random superpowers."

"It completely reconfigures your body in a way which fits your requirement. You literally aren't you for a while. The last person I saw use it started as a man. When he changed he became a woman who was super strong and tough, could fly and throw lightning."

Nylor awkwardly nods. "Which is better than ninety percent of the powers it gives out. One time it turned me into an airing cupboard with a face."

Dana walks over to look at it. "What happens if you dial 'E' 'R' 'O'?"

Nylor looks away. "Absolutely nothing. And before you ask, 'R' 'O' 'E' doesn't make it fire a stream of fish eggs either. And 'H' 'E' 'R' doesn't turn you int' a woman."

"Good to know. Dana, is there any chance that the Legion will go away if we give that back to them?"

"How?" She shrugs. "You changed time, didn't you? Even if they went to the future, it wouldn't be their future, it would be your altered future. Unless you've changed your mind about losing."

"I'm still not convinced that I can change time like that, but… Okay. We could… Probably find a way to send them back to their future. I mean, it's effectively just another parallel universe at this point. Even if all we did was send them to their me-free now, they could just stick themselves in suspended animation for a few centuries until they reach their time."

"Ah." Nylor looks at me. "Or you could just use the H-dial. It always gets you something you can use."

"Excuse me for not taking anything you say on face value. Or using an already unreliable device that's spent months in your workshop."

"Of course. But you know I want the same things that you do, including not going back to my Earth."

"I wouldn't mind going back to my Earth. It has a great many problems I could fix very easily."

"T' stay?"


"Get the Legion people here, get one of them t' dial up a power and you're done. Can she put me down yet?"
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Good show, Paul.

Nylor holds his arms out to the side, and I swiftly denude him of anything that looks even vaguely threatening. Neru jacket, gone. Runic bracers, gone. Radio, gone. Radio implant, removed.


Ohh, you lost the right to complain.

"If by some dark miracle you're acquitted, all of your possessions will be returned to you."

"'Dark' miracle? I don't move in those circles

You kinda do.

You work with the Light, which had Klarion and Satanus as members.

And now you're working with Circe, who I'm betting uses some dark magic.

I look over to where Angelika is investigating some… Slightly worrying looking cylinders. The outer casing is armoured and coating with runes both for evading detection and… The promotion of good health? The general design is worrying reminiscent of Kon's pod

Wonderful, they're cloning things.

Noriel pauses in she study of Nylor's amulets to glare at me

She's young in body but ancient in mind and spirit.

"Ah." Nylor looks at me. "Or you could just use the H-dial. It always gets you something you can use."

As long as you're creative about how you use it.

"I wouldn't mind going back to my Earth. It has a great many problems I could fix very easily

Though if you're ring or other devices stop working then you can't do anything.

"Get the Legion people here, get one of them t' dial up a power and you're done. Can she put me down yet

Ohh, Paul you know he's tricking you right?

You're not stupid enough to follow his advice, right?


You're gonna follow his advice.
Dana walks over to look at it. "What happens if you dial 'E' 'R' 'O'?"

Nylor looks away. "Absolutely nothing. And before you ask, 'R' 'O' 'E' doesn't make it fire a stream of fish eggs either. And 'H' 'E' 'R' doesn't turn you int' a woman."
Yeah, take that, fanfic writers! .. Wait. :D
She's never seen it written down.
I'm... not sure how that works in this case. So long as she's heard it spoken, wouldn't she pronounce it the same way that she heard it? Unless Paul's ring(s) are registering her mental impression of how she thinks the name is spelled, wouldn't we as readers/outside observers still see it the 'correct' way when she speaks?
13th September 2012
09:23 GMT -5

"Yes, yes you can."

I generate a zeta tube construct and ping the system.
Ah, to see Truggs get brought down a peg... So very satisfying. I suspect cataloguing everything in this vault may take some time, even with at least 3 Supergirls with superspeed. Still, with Truggs in custody, they have time. And if something in here is responsible for stray Supergirls, this can be sorted out promptly.

"Recognised, Overgirl, B two three."

I walk a little closer to him and smile.

"Hello, Nylor. Keeping busy I see."
Try not to take too much pleasure in this, OL. Eyes on the goal.

"Khhhhrk. Khhhhrk."

"Oh, knock it off. Your neck's as tough as the rest of you, and she's from Krypton."
:sneaky: Kind of pleasant to imagine him pretending to choke, kicking his legs as she floats him a foot off the ground...

"Why am I here, criminal!"

Nylor holds his arms out to the side, and I swiftly denude him of anything that looks even vaguely threatening. Neru jacket, gone. Runic bracers, gone. Radio, gone. Radio implant, removed.
Ow. Hopefully that wasn't anywhere important. Not that OL couldn't heal him, if he felt he needed to...


"Recognised, Supergirl, B two zero."

Armoured undershirt, gone. Charms and pendants-
Boy, Truggs was expecting trouble, eh? Or is he simply properly paranoid? After all, if someone is out to get you...


-one of which heats up when a construct makes contact, reddening his skin where it touches.
Tough titties, cowboy. Wonder if that was some kind of counterpart to OL's spell-eater ward, but tuned to emotional energy... Let's hope it was a one-off, or the Lanterns could find themselves having difficulties someday.

"If by some dark miracle you're acquitted, all of your possessions will be returned to you."

"'Dark' miracle? I don't move in those circles. You look better when you're not fat and horny."
Says the man working with at least one Lord of Hell and, previously, a Lord of Chaos that committed mass murder of children... You have no moral high ground here, Truggs.

"Recognised, Kara Zor-El, A four five."

"Thank you. I definitely prefer the full beard you have now to the moustache you had when we first met."
If anyone was wondering: Nylor Truggs. Also found this, about his sole listed comics appearance: Superboy (v2) 50: Dial V for Villian. :p Thirtieth Century fashion, huh? Pretty sure his 'Lois and Clark' appearance wore a beard, too... Whoops, got the time-travellers confused. Still, I bet Truggs looks a lot like that guy now....

New Kara turns her head and gives me a puzzled look.

"It's a British thing; full set or clean shaven and nothing in between. So Nylor, mind telling me what you were doing here, with special attention to anything that I need to stop while you are absent?"
And make it quick, I wouldn't count on Supergirl's patience...

"Ah, I plead the fifth?"

"You can do that, but I will warn you that it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court."
An actual part of the British 'Right to Silence warning.' Equivalent to the Miranda warning in the US.

"Ah, pretty sure this is America."

"Well, they say that jurors shouldn't make any inference from someone pleading the fifth, but do you think that's what actually happens?"
Yeah, there's a big gap between 'should' and 'do'. After all, they're only human.

I look over to where Angelika is investigating some… Slightly worrying looking cylinders. The outer casing is armoured and coating with runes both for evading detection and… The promotion of good health? The general design is worrying reminiscent of Kon's pod.
Interesting. Might want to ask about this right quick, OL. Especially if any are in use.

"Recognised, Supergirl, A six five."


"You weren't joking about the Supergirls. Ah, or should I call them Superwomen?"
Only if they ask you to. A surprising number of distaff counterparts to Male superheroes rarely do, whereas those who started out independent are nearly always 'Woman'... And when a 'Girl' hero does change to 'Woman' it's usually a big character moment.

"I'm pretty sure that Overgirl is the only one out of her teens."

Noriel pauses in she study of Nylor's amulets to glare at me.
Eh-hem! Million-year-old angel's mind, thank you.

"Physically. Overgirl? Feel like becoming Overwoman?"

"I do not like what it would imply about my relationship with Overman. Also, I do not look old enough. Nillor Trugs, why do you have cloning tanks here?"
And there's one of the reasons few distaff heroines do step up to 'Woman'. Especially if they're much younger than their male hero.

"They're not just cloning tanks." He tries to twist around, but New Kara has a firm grip. "You can do all kinds of biological research with those."

"Would you care to elaborate?"

"Biomods! I gotta make money somehow. So I was working out how to share my improvements with people."
Admirable. No doubt you planned to charge a fortune for them, of course...

"Are they occupied right now?"

"No. Okay, it's technically illegal t' do what I was doing with them, but I'm sure you've done worse."
Oh, yes. But usually not on Earth.

"Much worse, but I have to say that in your case I'm minded to throw the book at you."

"Hey." Old Kara picks something up from a workbench. "Recognize this?"

"That's a H-dial."
Well, now! The same one he acquired previously, or a replica, then?

Nylor slumps slightly in Kara' s grip. "That's the H-dial."

"Are you telling me that it didn't explode?"
The original model, then. No luck reverse-engineering it, I suppose?

"Of course it didn't explode. That was before you rewrote time. It had t' survive in the past for me to pick it up in the future."

New Kara looks at it in fascination.
...He has a point. Damn temporal mechanics. Still, now OL can get some people studying it himself...

"What does that do?"

"If you dial the letters 'H', 'E', 'R' and 'O' in that order, it gives you random superpowers."
Which may or may not be stealing drawing them from increasingly bizarre alternate universes, of course. Best not to fool around with it.

"It completely reconfigures your body in a way which fits your requirement. You literally aren't you for a while. The last person I saw use it started as a man. When he changed he became a woman who was super strong and tough, could fly and threw lightning."

Nylor awkwardly nods. "Which is better than ninety percent of the powers it gives out. One time it turned me into an airing cupboard with a face."
Here's a selection of the forms some other users have held: Robbie Reed (under Notes.) Chris King (under History.) Victoria Grant (under aliases!) Try to guess the powers! Your guesses will probably be far more useful than many of them.

Dana walks over to look at it. "What happens if you dial 'E' 'R' 'O'?"

Nylor looks away. "Absolutely nothing. And before you ask, 'R' 'O' 'E' doesn't make it fire a stream of fish eggs either. And 'H' 'E' 'R' doesn't turn you int' a woman."
Watch out if you dial 'HORROR', though, depending on the dials. Though I bet in the 'In Praise of Eros' universe, ERO would have... Interesting results.

"Good to know. Dana, is there any chance that the Legion will go away if we give that back to them?"

"How?" She shrugs. "You changed time, didn't you? Even if they went to the future, it wouldn't be their future, it would be your altered future. Unless you've changed your mind about losing."
...May as well as the Earth to turn backwards. :rolleyes:

"I'm still not convinced that I can change time like that, but… Okay. We could… Probably find a way to send them back to their future. I mean, it's effectively just another parallel universe at this point. Even if all we did was send them to their me-free now, they could just stick themselves in suspended animation for a few centuries until they reach their time."

"Ah." Nylor looks at me. "Or you could just use the H-dial. It always gets you something you can use."
Sure, Nylor. Don't forget, his comics counterpart guy tweaked his original dial to ensure anyone who used it would obey him... I wouldn't be surprised if this one managed it, too.

"Excuse me for not taking anything you say on face value. Or using an already unreliable that's spent months in your workshop."

"Of course. But you know I want the same things that you do, including not going back to my Earth."
Don't be too sure of that, Truggs. OL's Wants have likely changed since last you met... It's called living.

"I wouldn't mind going back to my Earth. It has a great many problems I could fix very easily."

"T' stay?"
If nothing else, you could find out if life exists out there...


"Get the Legion people here, get one of them t' dial up a power and you're done. Can she put me down yet?"
You can dangle a bit longer, Truggs. :sneaky: Don't want that eel DNA kicking in and letting you slink off when something inevitably explodes...

Truggs does have one decent point: get the Legion down here. If a Twelfth-level intellect like Brainy can't work out how the dial works, it's unlikely anyone could besides its creator... Besides, aren't we getting a little tired of them dodging OL? Who else wants to actually see them have to talk to OL to sort things out? And what else have they been up to around here, trying to get home?
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Try not to take too much pleasure in this, OL

Ohh, let him have his fun.

Says the man working with at least one Lord of Hell and, previously, a Lord of Chaos that committed mass murder of children... You have no moral high ground here, Truggs.

Don't forget the magic user that enslaves men and turns then into animals.

If anyone was wondering: Nylor Truggs. Also found this, about his sole listed comics appearance: Superboy (v2) 50: Dial V for Villian. :p Thirtieth Century fashion, huh? Pretty sure his 'Lois and Clark' appearance wore a beard, too

Hmm, after reading that I'm now hoping we see Krypto.

Watch out if you dial 'HORROR', though, depending on the dials. Though I bet in the 'In Praise of Eros' universe, ERO would have... Interesting results

Now I'm reminded of a Death Note fic in which instead of killing people the Note, called a Sex Note, allows the user to control sex.
Does Nylor have powers?
Powers, no (excepting the HERO dial). But he's from the future, and while I don't remember it actually being said (it's been a while since he discussed the future he came from), he presumably has a number of quality-of-life modifications that the average civilian then would have: longer lifespan, better immune system, etc... So either having grabbed some of those before he came back in time, or just reverse-engineering them based on himself, he could give 'current' humans a boost in whatever he's managed.
Not to mention he has the power of using equipment and not leaving nifty toys lying around unused.
kinda harsh, dont you think. or am i wrong? i only remember that one time he stole paul's ring. i know paul got it back the bloody way but did nylor do anything after that? and what is he wanted for by the authorities?
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okay the team thing i get but isnt dr.psycho a misogynistic mind rapist. im not sure what the problem there is.

True, Psycho was a horrible piece of shit, but just because someone is shit that doesn't mean you're safe from the law if you kill them.

He also killed that old woman from Gotham just because she liked collecting superhero and supervillain memorabilia.

And I think he also killed another collector from Japan.

Plus he works with a group that was responsible for selling an illegal drug, Devil Jizz.
kinda harsh, dont you think. or am i wrong? i only remember that one time he stole paul's ring. i know paul got it back the bloody way but did nylor do anything after that? and what is he wanted for by the authorities?
He has a habit of killing people who have various powerful items/tech but don't use it. When he first showed up there was an elderly woman who was a collector of superhero/villain items. Paul met her to get the Ace of Winchesters (a demon-destroying rifle), and Truggs shortly afterward killed the woman and looted her collection as he saw those items she owned that had actual power(s) as being wasted where they were.
People are going to keep posting typos every time you do this, you know. :p
English is her fourth language and she has a little difficulty with novel words. She'll correct herself after this episode.
If anyone was wondering: Nylor Truggs. Also found this, about his sole listed comics appearance: Superboy (v2) 50: Dial V for Villian. :p Thirtieth Century fashion, huh? Pretty sure his 'Lois and Clark' appearance wore a beard, too...
Nylor Truggs isn't Tempus Fulgate, if that's what you're implying.
Does Nylor have powers?
He is not known to have any super powers, though he does have a number of augmentations that are perfectly normal in his era.
He has a habit of killing people who have various powerful items/tech but don't use it. When he first showed up there was an elderly woman who was a collector of superhero/villain items. Paul met her to get the Ace of Winchesters (a demon-destroying rifle), and Truggs shortly afterward killed the woman and looted her collection as he saw those items she owned that had actual power(s) as being wasted where they were.
He ordered the killing, but it was carried out by one of Bane's henchmen.
Chojin Patriarch said:
If anyone was wondering: Nylor Truggs. Also found this, about his sole listed comics appearance: Superboy (v2) 50: Dial V for Villian. :p Thirtieth Century fashion, huh? Pretty sure his 'Lois and Clark' appearance wore a beard, too...
Nylor Truggs isn't Tempus Fulgate, if that's what you're implying.
:oops: Whoops, got them confused. Joy of only having heard of that guy through this story, and only tangentially at that... Original comment modified (complete with Wiki link for Tempus! That beard is a winner...)

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