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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It would be after Crisis on Infinite Earths, before Nu52.
i honestly wish you had started a fic in the main dc universe instead of earth-16. i think it would have been more awesome with you near encyclopedic knowledge of dc. also everybody is on a higher level in the main stream universe. especially superman. i mean he seems less powerful here.
i honestly wish you had started a fic in the main dc universe instead of earth-16. i think it would have been more awesome with you near encyclopedic knowledge of dc. also everybody is on a higher level in the main stream universe. especially superman. i mean he seems less powerful here.

A lot of YJ characters were nerfed compared to their comic selves.
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Future Tense (part 11)
13th September 2012
09:19 GMT -5

I shrug as another possible number goes to an answering machine.

"Oh well. It was worth-."

"Connection made to monitored phone line."

I raise my eyebrows and Old Kara frowns, unable to believe that it was that simple. New Kara on the other hand closes her eyes completely.


"Hey Paul."

"Good morning, Nylor."

"How you been?"

"Gosh, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Lonely. You don't call, you don't write… Not like I gave you a forwarding address."

"I died again. The Reach managed to get hold of some qwa-matter."

"Ah, I've heard of that stuff. Pretty powerful. But here you are."

"Here I am. The war's going in line with expectations; the Reach are being pushed inwards and they're losing Scarabs at a satisfactory rate."

"Always makes me smile."

Dana frowns. "Are you..? Two..? Dating?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Hey, do you remember Dana Dearden?"

"Heh, 'This is live?' girl?" Dana rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I remember her. Something happen?"

"Back when we had that problem with Eliminations, Inc. Do you remember some of your memories being… Disjointed?"

"Enough hits t' the head an' yah get used to it. … I remember. Something happen yah wanna tell me about?"

"Apparently, we were both briefly guests of the Legion of Superheroes in a patch of time that got erased afterwards. I don't remember it, and I assume that you don't either."

"They caught me?"

"That's what alarms you about it? We had-."

"I knew they were going t' come for me. Thought I was ready for them."

"If it helps, Dana told me that you got away from them, so maybe it worked. But this sounds believable to you?"

"In one of your interviews, you said that orange power rings give people what they want. You also said you had a perfect memory. I could see you calling me up if someone made you forget something. Maybe."

"The Legion isn't happy with me, either."

"Are you telling me you actually are a time traveller?"

"No. And-. Wait, did I ever explain to you that I changed the structure of time so that alternate pasts and futures can exist?"

"N-. W-? Y-. … How?"

"Vanishing Point, Krona the ex-Guardian, giant temporal tuning forks. So while your future is still the same, this future can be something different."

"That-. I need a moment here. Ah, so you're telling me that changing the past doesn't matter, because the present would stay the same, and all you're doing is creating an alternate timeline."

"I think… Minor things get incorporated, so you could go back and hide something, then return to your original present and find it. But for big things, yes. It's an energy calculation."

"Okay, that doesn't-. I don't think it changes what I'm doing. I mean, if we're going to improve humanity's future, it's a good thing we're not erasing a future that already exists to do it, right?"

"That was my thinking, but apparently Quirrell Dox has got a bit of a thing about us, and-."

"I'm sorry, who?"

"Quirrell Dox? Brainiac Five? Formerly leader of the Legion of Superheroes?"

"His name is 'Querl'. Querl Dox."

I frown and look at Dana, who takes a moment to notice and then nods.

"Oh. I must have misremembered."

New Kara opens her eyes slightly, squinting at me.

"Making me think I should take back what I said about perfect memory. Or is it only-."

"Perfect for anything that happened while I was wearing my rings, because-."

"Because you can't reconstruct a memory that isn't all there, yah?"

"So if you see any Legion members around the place, let me know and I'll send them on their way. Also… Bit of a silly thing, but you wouldn't have anything to do with all of the Supergirls, would you?"

"Ah? Supergirls?"

"Yes, we've been getting a lot of them and we don't really know why?"

"Parallel universe Supergirls?"

"One is, but the rest-"

New Kara's eyes open wide.

"Found him."

"-are other women who happen to use the name."

There's a rush of displaced air as New Kara disappears, and Angelika activates a Justice League issue computer so that she can track her.

"What's that got t' do with me?"

"I'm just trying to eliminate you from my enquiries. I mean, if it's not you then I've got to try and get in touch with Ambush-."


"Ambush Bug. See you shortly."

Angelika shows me her screen. "It cannot detect her exact location, but her last known location is here."

"I'll set up a zeta tube when I arrive."

I step out

and reappear… Hm, yes, it's obvious where Kara went. Have to make sure that the road is still structurally sound later. I'm picking up runic patterns and.. novel materials that are disrupting more mundane scans. I accelerate, following Kara's path until I emerge in a… Mad science warehouse, seeing Nylor dangling from Kara's hand.

"Can I pick him up like this?"
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"So if you see any Legion members around the place, let me now and I'll send

'let me know'

Also… But of a silly thing,

'Bit of a'

"So if you see any Legion members around the place, let me now and I'll send them on their way

I don't think he'll do that.

to make sure that the road is still structurally sound later. I'm picking up runic patterns and.. novel materials that are disrupting more mundane scans. I accelerate, following Kara's path until I emerge in a… Mad science warehouse, seeing Nylor dangling from Kara's hand.

"Can I pick him up like this?

Yes you can, New Kara, yes you can.
Truggs: "This is such bullshit! You just resorted to using a super OP version of Supergirl to steamroll through all my clever defenses rather than figuring them out!"
OL: "Unlike Batman and the Riddler, I have a point where I rather just break the games than go along with them."
13th September 2012
09:19 GMT -5

I shrug as another possible number goes to an answering machine.
Huh. I suppose that kind of makes sense. Truggs has called him up enough times, I'm sure he has a few phone numbers that OL could backtrace. I would have expected him to use disposable burner phones for his calls, but... Ego, probably.

"Oh well. It was worth-."

"Connection made to monitored phone line."
And it looks like Truggs has been notified that you're ringing his phones off the hooks. Another chance to gloat, after all...

I raise my eyebrows and Old Kara frowns, unable to believe that it was that simple. New Kara on the other hand closes her eyes completely.


"Hey Paul."
The impressive thing is that she can likely hear him from there, but then... Near-clairaudient super-hearing. Heck, some versions of Kryptonians are basically psychics anyway, so not a great stretch for their supersenses to be applied psionic scrying...

"Good morning, Nylor."

"How you been?"
It's amusing how civil these two are. I mean, Truggs has no reason to be salty, after all, and OL is, well, English.

"Gosh, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Lonely. You don't call, you don't write… Not like I gave you a forwarding address."
Geez, you make it sound like you were dating. x3 If only you weren't on opposite sides of the law...

"I died again. The Reach managed to get hold of some qwa-matter."

"Ah, I've heard of that stuff. Pretty powerful. But here you are."
At least he's smart enough not to go messing around with concentrated non-existence. Let's hope he can keep his bosses from making that mistake, though.

"Here I am. The war's going in line with expectations; the Reach are being pushed inwards and they're losing Scarabs at a satisfactory rate."

"Always makes me smile."
Ah, OL. the bearer of good news. :p I'm sure Truggs is ready to break out the party-poppers any second...

Dana frowns. "Are you..? Two..? Dating?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Hey, do you remember Dana Dearden?"
Surprised Kara-1 didn't blush at that. Or react at all. I mean, Fifties morality... Guess she's just too focused on Trugg's voice to hear anything closer... Glad to see it wasn't just me who thought that about those two, though.

"Heh, 'This is live?' girl?" Dana rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I remember her. Something happen?"

"Back when we had that problem with Eliminations, Inc. Do you remember some of your memories being… Disjointed?"
Call-backs for the win. ...Not that I can remember more than the bare bones of that bit, besides Persuader showing up? o_O

"Enough hits t' the head an' yah get used to it. … I remember. Something happen yah wanna tell me about?"

"Apparently, we were both briefly guests of the Legion of Superheroes in a patch of time that got erased afterwards. I don't remember it, and I assume that you don't either."
Given that Trugg's brain is only human, enhancements or not... I rather suspect he'd have trouble recognising if he's forgotten something.

"They caught me?"
:sneaky: Heh, there's a change of tune. That shut him right the eff up.

"That's what alarms you about it? We had-."

"I knew they were going t' come for me. Thought I was ready for them."
Evidently your preparations weren't sufficient. No doubt he'll already be scrambling to think up new options...

"If it helps, Dana told me that you got away from them, so maybe it worked. But this sounds believable to you?"

"In one of your interviews, you said that orange power rings give people what they want. You also said you had a perfect memory. I could see you calling me up if someone made you forget something. Maybe."
It's impressive that Truggs just believes him. It's too fantastical to be a bluff, so surely...

"The Legion isn't happy with me, either."

"Are you telling me you actually are a time traveller?"
...Not quite as far as you came, Nylor, my boy. But technically, yes.

"No. And-. Wait, did I ever explain to you that I changed the structure of time so that alternate pasts and futures can exist?"

"N-. W-? Y-. … How?"
Easy there, OL! You don't just drop that on someone like that. I think you derailed his train of thought. :p

"Vanishing Point, Krona the ex-Guardian, giant temporal tuning forks. So while your future is still the same, this future can be something different."

"That-. I need a moment here. Ah, so you're telling me that changing the past doesn't matter, because the present would stay the same, and all you're doing is creating an alternate timeline."
Good thing he's got fairly reliable physical enhancements, or he might well have had a minor heart attack there. Certainly a momentary panic attack...

"I think… Minor things get incorporated, so you could go back and hide something, then return to your original present and find it. But for big things, yes. It's an energy calculation."

"Okay, that doesn't-. I don't think it changes what I'm doing. I mean, if we're going to improve humanity's future, it's a good thing we're not erasing a future that already exists to do it, right?"
Temporal mechanics probably give Maltusians a minor annoyance. Imagine how bad it is for everyone else?

"That was my thinking, but apparently Quirrell Dox has got a bit of a thing about us, and-."

"I'm sorry, who?"
Goddammit, OL, you actually said it? Good thing everyone already thinks you're a gifted idiot...

"Quirrell Dox? Brainiac Five? Formerly leader of the Legion of Superheroes?"

"His name is 'Querl'. Querl Dox."
Hey, he was close. Only one (or two) syllables off...

I frown and look at Dana, who takes a moment to notice and then nods.

"Oh. I must have misremembered."

New Kara opens her eyes slightly, squinting at me.
"Are all Orange Lanterns like this, or is he just, uh... Special?"

"Making me think I should take back what I said about perfect memory. Or is it only-."

"Perfect for anything that happened while I was wearing my rings, because-."

"Because you can't reconstruct a memory that isn't all there, yah?"
Love it when you barely have to Bluff them. Just feed their expectations and bam, they fool themselves...

"So if you see any Legion members around the place, let me now and I'll send them on their way. Also… But of a silly thing, but you wouldn't have anything to do with all of the Supergirls, would you?"

"Ah? Supergirls?"
Hmm... Out of curiosity, Nylor. Were there any Supergirls in your timeline's Legion? Or Superboys?

"Yes, we've been getting a lot of them and we don't really know why?"

"Parallel universe Supergirls?"
Oh, he's quick. Or knows something. Then again, there's only one Supergirl in public right now: Loriel. Angelika has been using Overgirl, and Kara-16 hasn't really gone out in costume. So any use of plurals, well...

"One is, but the rest-"

New Kara's eyes open wide.

"Found him."
Good girl! Go get him, then!

"-are other women who happen to use the name."

There's a rush of displaced air as New Kara disappears, and Angelika activates a Justice League issue computer so that she can track her.
Presumably you gave her a League communicator so you could track her? :p Or is the computer just hacking satellite feeds to try and spot her in flight?

"What's that got t' do with me?"

"I'm just trying to eliminate you from my enquiries. I mean, if it's not you then I've got to try and get in touch with Ambush-."
Please, don't. I doubt he'll be happy about having his reading time interrupted, especially for a continuity snarl like this.


"Ambush Bug. See you shortly."
No doubt that was for Kara-1's benefit, since I doubt Truggs is paying much attention to him right now... What with having a small but very strong hand on his shoulder...

Angelika shows me her screen. "It cannot detect her exact location, but her last known location is here."

"I'll set up a zeta tube when I arrive."
Magical concealment, of course. Too bad he didn't think to make it sound-proof...

I step out

and reappear… Hm, yes, it's obvious where Kara went. Have to make sure that the road is still structurally sound later. I'm picking up runic patterns and.. novel materials that are disrupting more mundane scans. I accelerate, following Kara's path until I emerge in a… Mad science warehouse, seeing Nylor dangling from Kara's hand.

"Can I pick him up like this?"
Please, do. Heck, hold him by the ankle if you'd like. Once he's suitably restrained, then perhaps you might like to help patch up the road you smashed through? People have kind of a thing about casual collateral damage...

That was almost anti-climactic. :D But, what can you expect when a Silver-Age Kryptonian is involved? There's a reason a lot of the stories of that time were more comedic soap operas, simple puzzles or social challenges and less endless super-punching... At any rate, this is quite the find. Not just Truggs, but a whole stockpile of weird science stuff to take into custody. Bet the Light won't be smiling when they hear about this...
Huh. I suppose that kind of makes sense. Truggs has called him up enough times, I'm sure he has a few phone numbers that OL could backtrace. I would have expected him to use disposable burner phones for his calls, but... Ego, probably

He is arrogant.

Geez, you make it sound like you were dating. x3 If only you weren't on opposite sides of the law.

That hasn't stopped Paul before.

At least he's smart enough not to go messing around with concentrated non-existence. Let's hope he can keep his bosses from making that mistake, though

Hah, good luck.

Surprised Kara-1 didn't blush at that. Or react at all. I mean, Fifties morality... Guess she's just too focused on Trugg's voice to hear anything closer... Glad to see it wasn't just me who thought that about those two, though

Either they didn't receive transmissions from Earth concerning homosexuality, or while her Krypton may have similar morality that America in the 50s had, they have nothing against homosexuals.

"Are all Orange Lanterns like this, or is he just, uh... Special

To quote Leonard from TBBT.

"He's extra special"

Please, do. Heck, hold him by the ankle if you'd like. Once he's suitably restrained, then perhaps you might like to help patch up the road you smashed through? People have kind of a thing about casual collateral damage

Paul can do it.

He owes her for catching this human shaped cold sore.

Every few months or years he just shows up.
At any rate, this is quite the find. Not just Truggs, but a whole stockpile of weird science stuff to take into custody. Bet the Light won't be smiling when they hear about this...
If they're really lucky, they could find the Hero Dial, and then there goes the potential metahuman army for the Light.
If they're really lucky, they could find the Hero Dial, and then there goes the potential metahuman army for the Light.

I think Truggs may have had copies, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering it correctly.

Still, if he finds out that Truggs had it then he can at least know to be prepared.
Okay, just watched the first episode of series 4. Why do they conflate 'lower caste' with 'racial minority'?
I haven't watched season 4 yet, but I think reds are the least populous, greens the most, and whites in the middle. Since the reds are royalty, the only ones who can be discriminated against are the whites.
I haven't watched season 4 yet, but I think reds are the least populous, greens the most, and whites in the middle. Since the reds are royalty, the only ones who can be discriminated against are the whites.
I haven't yet heard the numbers of each caste stated. Given that children of mixed colour heritage can be either colour, I'd assume that most of the population was green/white mix at this point and therefore the numbers would have to be about the same.
I haven't yet heard the numbers of each caste stated. Given that children of mixed colour heritage can be either colour, I'd assume that most of the population was green/white mix at this point and therefore the numbers would have to be about the same.
From what I understand, mixed marriages aren't common, so I would bet that numbers aren't really close to even for whites and greens.
From what I understand, mixed marriages aren't common, so I would bet that numbers aren't really close to even for whites and greens.
Yes, but that's not common over thousands of years for a species where large families are normal. How many generations would someone check?
I think most writers fall back on a common idea of racism; discrimination against some group for their appearance, using arbitrary logic/flawed science as to why a person's phenotypes determine what kind of person they are, and how it affects their living conditions in society. Not to mention its easier to understand martian racism when its just human racism with extra steps, plus its an easy source for drama since M'gann is technically a 'minority' who also is dating/marrying someone of a whole different species.
I haven't yet heard the numbers of each caste stated. Given that children of mixed colour heritage can be either colour, I'd assume that most of the population was green/white mix at this point and therefore the numbers would have to be about the same.

Megan comes from a family with 27 kids from a mixed marriage and only two popped out white.

That does not imply roughly equal numbers, that suggests the majority of the time the children of a mixed marriage will be green.
I looked up John Constantine again. His mother's maiden name is Quinn.
So there's definitely something up with John Quinn.

Can't decide whether the guy is John's evil twin, or whether there's something weirder going on. Like John splitting himself in half and letting one half go order while the other went chaos. Or creating a golem or Jekyl/Hyde split or something.
Not sure about the evil twin thing, The man is too helpful and honest to be an evil twin.
Regardless, the Tower of Fate is one of the few areas where it's really really hard to find Constantine if the man is a prisoner.
Not sure whether Paul has tried a quintessence waveform scan, but I'm not entirely sure that'd work on the tower either.

While I'm at it:
And as for my wings, I lost them when you cut me with your accursed knife!"

"When am I supposed to have done this?"

"When you fled from Karrien Excalibris!"

Did-? "Oh yes, I did hit one of you, didn't I?
Whatever happened to those Berrith Paul stabbed with the Sword?
He stabbed a bunch of construct-Berrith and an Alpha. and supposedly the Sword turns things into baseline humans.
I'm not sure what effect their atypical pack instincts would have on their behavior as humans, and I'm not sure whether they're resourceful enough to bootstrap themselves up from starting as baseline humans(what was their tech level again? and would any of the constructs have been engineers?), or even get together well enough to form a baseline gang, but one of them has practice using an orange power ring by drawing on the Avarice of a bunch of the others, and the others were constructs, and so might be even easier than normal for the Alpha to dominate.
I sort of expect the Alpha to wait for an opportunity, then draw on the avarice of the whole group once they've got them together again to try and either call an unused Ring from somewhere, or rip a ring off the finger of some Orange Lantern Paul has visiting.
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