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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Well, I looked up that comic where Kid Karnevil wants to flay the Joker. You were right, the look on the Joker's face was pretty good.

Wish I could say the same for the story. A bunch of villains get stranded on a death world and the Joker is able to become a major leader because he bashed in Psimon's head with a rock. They still have all their super tech and superpowers, but watch the fuck out. The Joker has a rock.

Then Luthor shows up and takes charge by just being charismatic and inspiring. Joker is a salty bitch and somehow has the influence to lead a competing faction. So I basically stopped reading there. Joker is a fun villain and all, but come on. These people wouldn't put up with his shit.

That aside, there was also a Dr. Sivana who just looked like a normal bald guy instead of a weird gremlin. So that was neat, I guess.
  • creating English food
That can mostly be blamed on the rationing from two World Wars (mainly the second being so close to the first) that turned Britain's national palate into what it has since become. So, blame the Germans and the French (sort of, it's flipping complicated).
I have no idea who that is. I sadly have not seen anything more than clips of the Justice League cartoons...<checks wiki> Ah, Felix Faust? It says the Amazons were turned to stone, though. Maybe that prevented the penalties from harming them for the duration? I would presume there are loopholes to avoid penalties or atonements they can perform. They apparently banished Diana afterwards...
Iirc Faust dons a robe and basically one shots every Amazon that faces him. He's looking for the doorway to (Tartarus\Hades?) to release Aries because Aries, the god of War promised him all the knowledge. I think Diana finds out by heading home then fleeing. Then when she heads back the JL convinces her that she needs to take them along. Faust succeeds, gets all the knowledge under the header of pain and horror before crumbling, then Aries gets beaten before the JL gets rewarded then banished with Diana.
Also, did Paragon!Wonder Woman not adopt Match? I guess Match is living with the Kents in the Paragon timeline.

She did adopt him, but that was mostly so he can have some legal identity, not like with Kon who needed a paternal figure.

Clark is now more willing to accept his clones and has taken on a parental, or at least an older sibling-like role to Match.

But him taking on a legal role may be more difficult so Diana stepped in for that.

I think it's a random nobody who got lucky and got in a relationship with an Amazon. I think I remember a mentioning of some guys propositioning the ones who leave the island, maybe in the Queen of Fables episode.

Hmm, this could be it I guess.
Iirc Faust dons a robe and basically one shots every Amazon that faces him. He's looking for the doorway to (Tartarus\Hades?) to release Aries because Aries, the god of War promised him all the knowledge. I think Diana finds out by heading home then fleeing. Then when she heads back the JL convinces her that she needs to take them along. Faust succeeds, gets all the knowledge under the header of pain and horror before crumbling, then Aries gets beaten before the JL gets rewarded then banished with Diana.

It was Hades, not Ares who was working with Faust.
Another chapter without catching up with the local Paul... Paul is kinda heartless I would be helping myself above anyone else if I had his powers and the ability to jump parallels... I mean is not like Paul doesn't know the local one had a really bad time and got tortured to hell by psychopaths.

But I guess Paul wants to play nice with the Nazis and recalling the ring of the local Paul would be too much of an aggressive move against them same as removing the local Paul from their custody.
16th September 2012
17:16 GMT -4

Archon. Not Queen. Hippolyta did say that Diana's creation was the closest that she ever came to being overthrown. But… Greeks usually just sent unpopular tyrants into exile, if only because the people casting them down were usually well aware that they might end up sharing that fate at some point and didn't want to establish an unfortunate precedence.
Ah, yes... You also never know when you'll need someone's particular talents again. I'm sure that's happened once or twice, during times of war. The question, then, is where is Hippolyta?

"How did you get through the wards?" Ginger Amazon has relaxed very slightly since I've continued behaving myself, but it's the sort of 'dealing with a total stranger I don't want to inadvertently provoke with a display of anger' thing. "Are you some sort of god?"

"That's a bit complicated, but I don't meet most of the requirements to be regarded as a god." I smile. "You know, like how a plucked chicken isn't a man."
I don't know, he is approaching the level of 'elemental'. He only really wears flesh out of preference... I don't doubt that there's some folks out there worshipping him, or at least revering him. And he does plenty of smiting evil. :p

"I agree, a.. plucked chicken is not a man."

Her facial expression hasn't really changed, but it sounds like she isn't familiar with Diogenes. That's a problem with Amazons; since they've been on the island since the Mythic Greek period, meaning that they often have a gap when it comes to knowledge of Classical Greece. I'll fabricate a copy of Parallel Lives for her before I leave.
Why not the entire library of Greek philosophy? I'm sure some of them might get a laugh out of what the old men of Attica and the Peloponnese think...

"I don't think anyone else will be getting in, if that's what you're worried about."

"Even if your intent is pure, the wards would not know that you were bringing an Amazon home for healing."
But wouldn't the Goddesses be aware of his approach? I'm sure they might open the way, out of curiosity, if nothing else...

"Yes, but their concept of 'permission' may be a little broader than you've assumed. They know that I'm allowed inside, so even if most of the people inside don't think that someone like me should be able to get inside, I can get inside."

The geography may be the same, but the architecture is radically different. The regular multi-story stone and brick buildings from Themyscira 16 are entirely absent. Instead, they appear to have gone in for a much more individualistic approach, buildings drawing on a wide variety of pre-modern styles and eras.
As if they let anyone with a bit of architectural pretensions have a try at designing a building? That would be quite the mish-mash of styles.

"The way you're looking at the buildings. You've been here before."

"Sort of."
She's sharp. She'd have to be, to tell the difference between a newcomer's 'Oh, wow, look at that!' and the 'Huh, that's different.' of someone familiar with the island.


How to put this? I don't think there's any relevant mythological reference I could make. On the other hand, Amazons are generally fairly well educated and used to things other people would consider very strange.
And they don't have preconceptions you'd be fighting in other places. For a start, they know that other layers of reality exist - Olympus and Underworld amongst them.

"How different would life be if we all made different choices? What if Queen Hippolyta had led the Amazons north rather than south? What if Amazons regrouped on the island for a time and then reached outward towards their new neighbours rather than remaining isolated? What if Zeus was a faithful husband?" I shrug. "So many possibilities."

"Do you mean that you got through the wards because it is possible that you would have been permitted through the wards if people had made different choices?"
Zeus... Being a faithful husband? You could at least make the possibilities plausible. :D

"Not exactly. Imagine if there were a world… Out there, somewhere, where different choices had been made. Imagine it was possible to move between them. One where I'm a journalist in a county you've never heard of, and another where I'm a Themysciran citizen."

She stops, glaring intensely at me.
Or another where you're simply writing a story about all this happening... :p But that's probably approaching dangerous levels of Meta. Don't want Superboy Prime punching reality again in a fit of fanboy rage...

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I didn't build the universe; I just work here."
...Somehow, I don't think that's what she meant, OL.

"They made a man a citizen?"

"Four, actually. One citizen married-. A man, and they had a son, and the Crown Princess adopted a son and trained a male student. That's me. Hello!"
...Would that citizen happen to be Lyta Hall? Because that sounds familiar... :rolleyes: I could be wrong, though.

She looks like she strongly suspects that I'm lying, but can't prove it right away.

"Your.. Themyscira must be a very different place."
Once again, he wisely doesn't mention the Amazons he helped have children. I suspect she might take that poorly, though... So best he keep mum about that.

"I haven't seen enough of this one to say. Oh, do you want your-"

She leads us out into a small plaza, and I look up to see the party ready to receive us.

"-arrow back?"
Surprised half the city isn't out watching. This would be one of those things they'd be talking about for years to come.

Wonder Woman 10 kneels, receiving a nod from the figure in the robes extravagant robes in return. She has scars on the left side of her face and her left eye is covered by a patch, but… I don't remember any Amazon on Themyscira 16 looking like that.

"Hail Egeria, Archon of Themyscira."
Well, that's a pretty big divergence right there. Presumably a blow struck a little shallower, allowing her to survive, or something. Might be a bit early to offer, but perhaps an offer of healing that eye might help improve relations.

"Hail Wonder Woman."

Ah, Philippus's predecessor. I assume that in this timeline she survived her injuries. I… Suppose that she'd have been in the running. She'd certainly have demonstrated the sort of martial ability and selflessness that the Amazons respect. Philippus herself is standing at her right hand, still wearing the Captain's armour.
...Presumably not as romantically loyal to the ruler as she is on Earth-16, though.

I float the arrow back into the new Wonder Woman's quiver as I bow.


"As a citizen, you are entitled to petition me. Though if all you want is aid for one of our sisters I cannot imagine that I will refuse."
Though I suspect there's an undertone of 'But don't push your luck, Man.'

How did she-? Okay, I… Guess they've got radios or something.

"Did you overhear the part about worlds where different choices were made?"
...So, was Artemis on an open mike all the way here? Bet they've already got an impression of how he'll act formed...

"I did. This may be your first audience, but it is customary to introduce yourself."

Oh. Darn.
Ah, yes. The name... Good thing you already have an Amazon name.

"I apologise. The Amazons back home usually call me 'Pavlos'. I hold the rank of Illustres in the Orange Lantern Corps. But about that.. aid. If you're minded to grant the request, I doubt that her condition is going to improve for getting it to her more slowly."

"The healers will be here to examine her shortly."
And if the Amazons are as advanced as they seem to be, those healers should have some impressive tools to put to use... Not least amongst them, the Purple Healing Ray...

"Might I request-? I don't know how different your history is, but is your Magala still alive? Given the nature of Diana's injuries, I think it would be a good idea to include a dedicated human magic user."

Egeria turns her head slightly to the right and nods, one of the guards nodding back and leaving at a jog.
Probably not a risky move, after all.

"If she is willing, it shall be as you ask."

"Thank you. I'd really like to get her back on her feet."
One more high-tier superhuman would definitely help in the fights ahead...

"Who is she?"

"Um. Okay, my version of Themyscira is ruled by a woman named Hippolyta."
Now, to see how they react to that name...

"Yes. We were as well."

"Right. So about eighty years ago she got a bit broody and arranged to have a daughter sculpted from clay and then brought to life by magic. That's a version of her. Incid-."
What's that noise? ...Ah, right, the sound of jaws hitting the paving stones. :V

I stop talking, because even I can read the room better than to continue.

"A daughter?"
Now, is that mood shock, horror or astounded disbelief? Or some mixture of all three.

"Um. Yes. I mean, that's not your version. As far as I know, she's from a world where a hugely powerful demon twisted everything and everyone with its magic. She had a helmet which was warping her mind, which I destroyed before bringing her here."

"She is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta."
...Is that... A bad thing here, or...

"I haven't had a coherent conversation with her, but that seems most likely. I mean, I don't know what sort of state-"

Three priestesses dressed as clerics of Apollo enter the plaza and immediately head towards Diana with a stretcher. I lay her out on it before removing my construct hold on her.
But not the chains, I see. Hopefully they take note of that, and leave her restrained. I don't think her going on a rampage if she wakes up would endear OL to the Amazons...

"-she'll be in when she wakes up. I imagine that she'll want to go home. Archon, I feel like I'm missing some pertinent information that would allow me to better understand what's going on."

She nods. "It seems that you are. Allow me to explain the state of things."
Ah, another history lesson? A much-needed on, given the differences here. I'm guessing Hippolyta did something that left her disgraced and exiled... Say, around 1940 or so? :p

Good to see things going so well... Up until he mentioned Hippolyta. Let's hope that doesn't sour things. I mean, he's only had one arrow fired at him so far... At any rate, learning the local history should at least let him (and us) get an idea of the dangers. Because he's almost certainly going to need the Amazon's aid out there.
That can mostly be blamed on the rationing from two World Wars (mainly the second being so close to the first) that turned Britain's national palate into what it has since become. So, blame the Germans and the French (sort of, it's flipping complicated).

That still doesn't explain Spotted Dick, Toad in the Hole or fish pies that have the heads sticking out of the top.
Another chapter without catching up with the local Paul... Paul is kinda heartless I would be helping myself above anyone else if I had his powers and the ability to jump parallels... I mean is not like Paul doesn't know the local one had a really bad time and got tortured to hell by psychopaths.

But I guess Paul wants to play nice with the Nazis and recalling the ring of the local Paul would be too much of an aggressive move against them same as removing the local Paul from their custody.

Paragon is kinda trying to stop the whole demon invasion thing.

You know that if they manage to invade then Freeman is also fucked, right?

Freeman couldn't really contribute much to stopping the invasion, so Paul is going to prioritize things that may help.
I don't know, he is approaching the level of 'elemental'. He only really wears flesh out of preference... I don't doubt that there's some folks out there worshipping him, or at least revering him. And he does plenty of smiting evil

The people from the eye planet may worship him now.

But wouldn't the Goddesses be aware of his approach?

Unless they weren't paying attention.

Would that citizen happen to be Lyta Hall? Because that sounds familiar... :rolleyes: I could be wrong, though.

Good catch.

Ah, another history lesson? A much-needed on, given the differences here. I'm guessing Hippolyta did something that left her disgraced and exiled... Say, around 1940 or so? :p

I'm guessing she was this world's version of Wonder Woman.
The people from the eye planet may worship him now.
All Mr Zoat said was that the OLC is loved on Tillettit. Nothing about worshiping Paul, though I wouldn't be surprised if a small amount of people do that, especially after helping kill the eye monster.

I'm guessing she was this world's version of Wonder Woman.
Mr Zoat previously mentioned that Diana was the one who was killed in WWII on Earth 10.
Last edited:
Paragon is kinda trying to stop the whole demon invasion thing.

You know that if they manage to invade then Freeman is also fucked, right?

Freeman couldn't really contribute much to stopping the invasion, so Paul is going to prioritize things that may help.

Freeman with his ring is already the second best lantern on the planet by default (first being Paul) because he already has A LOT of the high end lantern combat figured out (just needs practice) and that puts him above 99% of the Nazis fighting the demon cultists and certainly above the teammates he had in the previous fight.

All standard Paul needs to do is to give him a lantern and recover his ring from the Nazi/leather wing both things that can be done in minutes without considerable effort.

If he has time to leisurely check for themesira to help demon wonder woman to get intel (and he isn't even in a rush to do that) then he has the few minutes he would need to sort up the best lantern backup he can get on Nazi earth from the ONLY local he can actually trust... The fact he hasn't done so is brain dead and kinda PIS (plot induced stupidity).

I mean who is he to trust? The Nazis or the guy that is a literal copy of him with his same overall morals and values?

It shouldn't even be a question.
I kinda want to hear a little more about the man who actually got married to an Amazon.

Hector Hall? He was in the episode where they visited Thanagar.
How does that work exactly, what with her only being immortal on the island and him aging normally?
Lyta doesn't actually spend much time on Themyscira.
Also, did Paragon!Wonder Woman not adopt Match? I guess Match is living with the Kents in the Paragon timeline.
precedence -> precedent
Thank you, corrected.
Should that be "North" and "South"? I think your usage is probably valid but I'm not sure what the rules are with cardinal directions.
I think it's correct?
Iirc Faust dons a robe and basically one shots every Amazon that faces him. He's looking for the doorway to (Tartarus\Hades?) to release Aries because Aries, the god of War promised him all the knowledge. I think Diana finds out by heading home then fleeing. Then when she heads back the JL convinces her that she needs to take them along. Faust succeeds, gets all the knowledge under the header of pain and horror before crumbling, then Aries gets beaten before the JL gets rewarded then banished with Diana.
Hades. Ares is the blond one.
Freeman with his ring is already the second best lantern on the planet by default (first being Paul) because he already has A LOT of the high end lantern combat figured out (just needs practice) and that puts him above 99% of the Nazis fighting the demon cultists and certainly above the teammates he had in the previous fight.

All standard Paul needs to do is to give him a lantern and recover his ring from the Nazi/leather wing both things that can be done in minutes without considerable effort.

If he has time to leisurely check for themesira to help demon wonder woman to get intel (and he isn't even in a rush to do that) then he has the few minutes he would need to sort up the best lantern backup he can get on Nazi earth from the ONLY local he can actually trust... The fact he hasn't done so is brain dead and kinda PIS (plot induced stupidity).

I mean who is he to trust? The Nazis or the guy that is a literal copy of him with his same overall morals and values?

It shouldn't even be a question.
Not a bad plan, if not for the fact that orange rings make you crazy and they're about to fight demons. He would need at least a week to teach the mental discipline techniques needed to a level that would make him think it was worth the risk.
Hector Hall? He was in the episode where they visited Thanagar.
Thanks for that clarification.
Lyta doesn't actually spend much time on Themyscira.
I'm a little confused on how Lyta and her mother work here. I know you mentioned that Fury fought in WWII. So she was made an Amazon and settled down after the war and raised her daughter. Because of that, Lyta is considered an Amazon despite not living on Themyscira, and both her husband and son are also considered Amazons. Is that right?
Not a bad plan, if not for the fact that orange rings make you crazy and they're about to fight demons. He would need at least a week to teach the mental discipline techniques needed to a level that would make him think it was worth the risk

Hinon already explained why Paul is uniquely qualified to handle orange corruption and the local one still counts for all of them.

The local one has meta knowledge on the spectrum and knows orange needs to be handled with care.

Freeman is unlikely to have developed much of an accompany arcane construct (soul) in the time he has spent on Nazi earth without the custom made spells or circumstances that leads to developing one, meaning he is extremely resistant to spectrum mental pollution.

The mental philosophy ought to be similar enough to the one he had when he was novice lantern even if the torture probably had an overall negative effect.

In short, Freeman isn't going to need to be baby sat by Paul if he gives him the ring and a lantern, he is going to be the second most powerful lantern by default and will be above 99% of the individuals OL can count as support against the Demon cultists and its 100% the only local he can actually trust.

The one issue Freeman would have would be against demon magic and Paul can literally solve that issue by loaning him one of his charms.

It's PIS.
I actually expect a nuke set off inside the ship would cripple it but not fully destroy it. If it's in orbit it's probably going to stay in orbit, not fall to Earth. Even a good knock downwards or backwards as it breaks up is only really going to make its pieces orbit a bit more elliptically. Might give us a headstart on Kessler Syndrome though.
The ships not in Orbit, it's flying around only a couple miles up.
Freeman with his ring is already the second best lantern on the planet by default (first being Paul) because he already has A LOT of the high end lantern combat figured out (just needs practice) and that puts him above 99% of the Nazis fighting the demon cultists and certainly above the teammates he had in the previous fight.

No, whatever gave you the impression that Freeman is the second best Lantern with his ring in Earth 10?

The second best lantern would be Sentinel.

Freeman had his ring for a day or two and in the two fights he had had since then, he's lost both of them.

I think that while she adopted him he may still live with the Kents, since Clark was more accepting of him.

Hinon already explained why Paul is uniquely qualified to handle orange corruption and the local one still counts for all of them.

The local one has meta knowledge on the spectrum and knows orange needs to be handled with care.

Freeman is unlikely to have developed much of an accompany arcane construct (soul) in the time he has spent on Nazi earth without the custom made spells or circumstances that leads to developing one, meaning he is extremely resistant to spectrum mental pollution.

The mental philosophy ought to be similar enough to the one he had when he was novice lantern even if the torture probably had an overall negative effect.

In short, Freeman isn't going to need to be baby sat by Paul if he gives him the ring and a lantern, he is going to be the second most powerful lantern by default and will be above 99% of the individuals OL can count as support against the Demon cultists and its 100% the only local he can actually trust.

The one issue Freeman would have would be against demon magic and Paul can literally solve that issue by loaning him one of his charms.

It's PIS.

You're really not seeing how what you described wouldn't really work, are you?

Freeman has spent two years on Earrth 10 so he may have developed a soul.

Also, as Zoat mentioned, it would take him at least a week to teach him some techniques to stop him from going crazy.

They may not have a week before more corrupted people start pouring in.

And even if they had a week Freeman has basically zero combat experience except for two fights which he lost.

If he goes up against the corrupted people then he will most likely be killed unless everyone there protects him, since he doesn't know any techniques, has no combat experience and his greatest contribution to the fight would basically be him becoming a powerful meat shield to protect those that can actually do something.

And Paul's magic charms would only protect him from people casting magic on him.

Most of the corrupted people seem like the type that like to punch or tear people to death instead of casting spells, so those charms may as well be useless.

Freeman can't help him here.
I'm a little confused on how Lyta and her mother work here. I know you mentioned that Fury fought in WWII. So she was made an Amazon and settled down after the war and raised her daughter. Because of that, Lyta is considered an Amazon despite not living on Themyscira, and both her husband and son are also considered Amazons. Is that right?
Her husband and son have citizenship. They're not really part of Amazon culture.
Freeman has spent two years on Earrth 10 so he may have developed a soul.
paul can't develop a soul Just from being on Earth he had to get Tattoos just be able absorb the energy and hold it in place to start making a soul because he was never going to be able to do it himself since his body doesn't do it naturally. This is why he had to go to John, Atlantis, and the Tate Club form help since he was never going to be able to make one on his own.
From what I recall, he actually could have developed a soul naturally over time. It was just a really slow process.

That tattoos weren't required for the development of a soul, they just sped the process up.
Then i may be wrong but if so then we should ask Mr Zoat for clearance on how long would it have taken paul to develop a soul naturally.

I would assume that since he isn't mainlining any God or Magic and isn't giving a small piece that was done at birth it would take years for him if he was lucky.
16th September 2012
17:16 GMT -4

"Right. So about eighty years ago she got a bit broody and arranged to have a daughter sculpted from clay and then brought to life by magic. That's a version of her. Incid-."

I stop talking, because even I can read the room better than to continue.

"A daughter?"

"Um. Yes. I mean, that's not your version. As far as I know, she's from a world where a hugely powerful demon twisted everything and everyone with its magic. She had a helmet which was warping her mind, which I destroyed before bringing her here."

"She is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta."

- So this is a Hippolyta was Wonderwoman in WWII but she died before making Diana world? And Paul has just presented the Amazons with a new queen?
If Ward permissions cross over, do Acts of Devotion do so as well? Or will Paul need to fart in Overman's face to get the attention of the local version of Eris?

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