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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

They are cattle in the same way crocodiles are cattle.

These demon infused humans are like high functioning zombies, smart enough to function to keep themselves alive, but excessively violent towards those that aren't like them and do not bear his mark and taint

Yes, they are like crocodiles, but the thing is that OL and the ones with him can handle them with ease.

Plus, as I mentioned, they're probably too far away from the group to be able to reach them.

If one of the most powerful demons in hell couldn't corrupt Paragon while he was a magical sponge and literally inside hell why would normal people get turned any faster

If you're talking about the time Paul became a demon, then I have to point out that he didn't overcome the corruption by force of will.

Jade shot him with the Ace of Winchester and all the demon-y parts were scrubbed from his system.

Though yeah, I don't think there's anything that contradicts that willpower can overcome corruption.
In actual DC any type of corruption can be resisted through raw force of will (and I can't recall anything that contradicts that in any of WTR) and they've been on Earth 666 for all of a few minutes.

If one of the most powerful demons in hell couldn't corrupt Paragon while he was a magical sponge and literally inside hell why would normal people get turned any faster?

Because that is what was set up in the dialogue by Nabu, Morgan, and Diana. If the setup isn't true then 60% of the words written in those updates were pointless padding.

Paragon soul is extremely atypical acting as a shard of the embodiment of Avarice, Crusader with his maxed up faith stats is closer to a normal human than Paragon is, heck Superman is closer to a human than Paragon is.

We know spiritually significant beings are resistant to corruption, we know fae creatures are also resistant. Ergo the Wonder Women, the Vampire, Paul and Crusader should have resistance by default, and the meta wraith may have some as well, a Nazi in power armor is neither of those things and the group has at least three of those.
Because that is what was set up in the dialogue by Nabu, Morgan, and Diana. If the setup isn't true then 60% of the words written in those updates were pointless padding.

Paragon soul is extremely atypical acting as a shard of the embodiment of Avarice, Crusader with his maxed up faith stats is closer to a normal human than Paragon is, heck Superman is closer to a human than Paragon is.

We know spiritually significant beings are resistant to corruption, we know fae creatures are also resistant. A Nazi in power armor is neither of those things and the group has at least three of those.

I asked why it would happen faster, not why it would happen. You've made your opinion on the latter readily apparent.
Because that is what was set up in the dialogue by Nabu, Morgan, and Diana. If the setup isn't true then 60% of the words written in those updates were pointless padding.

Paragon soul is extremely atypical acting as a shard of the embodiment of Avarice, Crusader with his maxed up faith stats is closer to a normal human than Paragon is, heck Superman is closer to a human than Paragon is.

We know spiritually significant beings are resistant to corruption, we know fae creatures are also resistant. A Nazi in power armor is neither of those things and the group has at least three of those.
While you are right...

That would show that Paragon was an idiot for not insisting those people stay behind...

And since that will never happen, there is obviously something off screen we never heard about protecting them from the corruption effects.
I asked why it would happen faster, not why it would happen. You've made your opinion on the latter readily apparent.

Because that is what Diana and Nabu established and Morgan supported when she claimed letting her humans wander off her castles and Camelot or cleansing other humans from the corruption was pointless.

I quote: Like draining the water off a ship that is already deep underwater.

If the effect is slow then draining wouldn't be pointless. If the effect wasn't quick then the entire narration made by Diana on how her and a small band of heroes were resisting superdemon and his army of turned super humans makes no sense.

Then are the claims made by Nabu.

A lot of Chekhov guns were primed and the logical expectation is to see most of them fire off, if they don't then what was the point of setting them in the first place.
You will have to run that pass the thread again because the implied situation is that the people with overflowing demon magic inside them are predisposed to attack and kill anyone that isn't marked, so not having anyone to direct them shouldn't matter a single iota because they cannot be a hapless neutral party that will leave the "good guys" alone unless they are told otherwise. So by default they cannot be hapless civilians as it's implied in the latest update.

Yes, they're all corrupted. Therefore, there is no one for them to attack. Because everyone is corrupted. They don't attack each other, only the unmarked.

You may have a point that I should have been clearer that everyone taking part in the attack has been either issued with a ward or charmed to resist. It's not perfect, but they're assuming that things are going to be resolved one way or another before it becomes an issue.
I was rereading the story and spotted this error.

I've checked most of the rest of the Aegean and no luck. They recognised Diana so there must be a Themyscira, but it's not… Here.
Thank you, corrected.
Let's speculate what truthbombing an entire Nazi world will look like, that's going to have spectacular results.
You're... Assuming that they care.
"I'm claiming all of Germany as my Fatherland. Is your night vision so bad that you cannot see the swastika?"

The Markovan vampire looks puzzled.

"You're actually a Nazi? I thought it was just for decoration."

"I am a proud National Socialist and a loyal son of the Fatherland."

"Then perhaps you should be concerned to know that I have left followers in every town that I have passed. They are ordered to send a supply of blood to sustain us… But they can be ordered to-"
This is so sureal! Can you actually imagine this happening?
Krummkreuz (part 18)
17th September 2012
02:25 GMT +1

Mildly interesting fact: the whole thing about wooden stakes is a myth. It's just that most vampires can heal fast enough that stab wounds such as might be inflicted by a narrow stabbing weapon don't really threaten their existence. A wide wound through the heart on the other hand is virtually impossible to heal, and those tough enough to survive it are obviously impaired by the lack of blood flow.

Point is, it's-


-not the wood.

Construct hooks work just fine.

"How are you still moving?"


"Superior to humans?"

"TO-! GAH!" The vampire reaches up to the construct hook sticking through her chest with both hands, but isn't able to muster enough strength to damage it. "WEAKER VAMPIRES!"

"Ah." I nod. "Just wanted to be certain. What exactly do you mean by that?"


"That doesn't sound like a good idea. Though I am impressed that you're still functional."

I look over to the Tree of Pain that I've set up, the other vampires on it somehow still being animate.

"Orange Lantern to Count Berlin. I've identified and removed all vampires in the region."

"Finally. Out."

I bring the hook a little closer.

"Immune to what?"


"And crosses?"


"How about religious symbols from other religions?"




"Well." I pull a vial of what I suspect to be an alchemical solution out of her clothes. "It's interesting, anyway."

I put construct clamps on her arms and legs, remove the hook-

She gasps with relief.

-and impale her on the Tree.


And then pick up the Tree.


And fly back to where the boss vampire was talking to Count Berlin.

Boss vampire is shivering on the floor, trying to crawl away from Shadow of War. Reichsmark-

"Stand up and fight, trouser-shitter!"

-is squaring up to a vampire who has already had half of their face caved in but gamely throws himself at the metal-skinned git, claws and surviving teeth extended. Reichsmark takes a stance and extends, the blade of his right hand punching right through the vampire's chest and spine.

A vampire who feels lucky lunges at Baroness Reiter, and he completes his lunge in the form of dust as a torrent of pink energy erupts from her face and disintegrates him.

Angelika floats down over the caravan.

"Would everyone who would like to surrender-"

Energy pulses from Baron Gestapo's robots begin hitting home as they lumber into view.

"-please come over here-"

Ms. Brauer picks her opponent up and hurls them into a wooden caravan face first. The vampire punches through the side, then the other side, and lands under Angelika.

"-and adopt a submissive posture."

I replant the Tree. Angelika regards it for a moment.

"Impaling yourself is not necessary."

White Dragon looks up from where he's incinerating a couple of vampires.

"And suddenly I respect you."

"The difference is that they can answer questions, and can amend their lives and live moral lives in-" His flames are turned away by a construct barrier. "-future."


"I will take that as a compliment."

"I surrender! I surrender!"

A quick-thinking vampire uses their just-short-of-super speed to dive and cower under Angelika. The other survivors cringingly scurry in the same direction, another flame blast from White Dragon hitting another construct shield.

"I bet you're the kind of faggot who fucks his own asshole."

"That would require my penis to be about fourteen inches long. Are you sure that's the insult you wish to make?"

White Dragon stares at me for a moment, then turns around and stomps back towards the portal site.

"Good." Angelika puts her hands on hips and looks down at the bedraggled-looking undead below her. "Now, who is in charge?"

"Prince Roderick!"

Multiple fingers point towards the man cowering before Shadow of War.

"And why are you following him?"

"We would starve if we did not!"

"Miss Talkative over there-" I point to the Tree. "-was trying to feed me a line about vampiric superiority?"

"She does that with everything! Even before she was a vampire!"

"Starvation shouldn't be a problem. I can build you a machine to create new blood for you."


"Yes. But I'm afraid that we're going to need some things from you in return."
Last edited:
"I bet you're the kind of faggot who fucks his own asshole."

"That would require my penis to be about fourteen inches long. Are you sure that's the insult you wish to make?"
White Dragon is really obsessed with homosexuality, possibly in a 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks' kind of way.
In Hitman they really upped the abilities of Vampires.

The vampires weren't killed by freaking decapitation.

Hitman wasted a guy who was doing the whole Monty Python Black Knight bit while only a head.

The Russian formula vampires might be even harder to kill than that- Andrew Bennett became truly immortal, reviving after "true death" again and again after he took the Russian formula.
Paul could always drop that time he geneocided the… citadelians? Wasn't really party to the psions but ehh.
I think that if the Nazis found out about how the Citadelian cloning program resulted in them degenerating in intelligence to that of someone who they would have sterilised as part of the Nazis' eugenics programs, they'd probably react with something like "preventing this sort of dysgenic outcome is why eugenics are so important".

If they labelled the Citadelians as subhuman, I'm not even sure they'd be wrong, really - and let's be honest, the Citadelians are bad enough that even if
the Nazi Party leadership decided to launch an invasion of the Vega System using Kryptonian warships to conquer them, being ruled by the Nazis would arguably be an improvement.
17th September 2012
02:25 GMT +1

Mildly interesting fact: the whole thing about wooden stakes in a myth. It's just that most vampires can heal fast enough that stab wounds such as might be inflicted by a narrow stabbing weapon don't really threaten their existence. A wide wound through the heart on the other hand is virtually impossible to heal, and those tough enough to survive it are obviously impaired by the lack of blood flow.
To be fair, a lot of the things that hurt Vampires hurt everyone. Head cut off? Pretty fatal for anyone who can't detach and reattach body parts. Several-inch-thick shaft of anything through the heart? Even if you don't use it, it's still gonna hurt...

Point is, it's-

Amusingly, I'm picturing them swearing in whatever eastern European language the Blade movies used for the 'Vampire Tongue'...

-not the wood.

Construct hooks work just fine.
:cool: ...Hardcore.

"How are you still moving?"

A superior breed of leech. Yes, that's such a noble status. Or do you mean you're superior at sex? :rolleyes: Seriously, 'Fuck' should not be an adjective...

"Superior to humans?"

"TO-! GAH!" The vampire reaches up to the construct hook sticking through her chest with both hands, but isn't able to muster enough strength to damage it. "WEAKER VAMPIRES!"
Well, okay, that could be concerning...

"Ah." I nod. "Just wanted to be certain. What exactly do you mean by that?"

Boy, she's chatty, even with the massive thoracic trauma. Seriously, I'm impressed. Evidently he aimed to miss the lungs and trachea.

"That doesn't sound like a good idea. Though I am impressed that you're still functional."

I look over to the Tree of Pain that I've set up, the other vampires on it somehow still being animate.
...I'm picturing that, and shuddering. Well done, Mr Zoat.

"Orange Lantern to Count Berlin. I've identified and removed all vampires in the region."

"Finally. Out."
I take it the caravan hasn't been sitting on their hands, then. Still, if it lets the Nazis blow off a little steam...

I bring the hook a little closer.

"Immune to what?"
To be fair, every vampire seems to have different weaknesses, especially the powerful ones.


"And crosses?"
...Oh, come on. Even Dracula was resistant to sunlight (he was weakened but not destroyed by it. Mostly, he lost his more exotic powers.)


"How about religious symbols from other religions?"
Like, say, Stars of David? A Svastika? Depictions of Buddha? Lucky Cats? :p


Poppy Seeds, for example. Some breeds of Vampire were compelled to stop and count them if spilled. Jiangshi, of China, had the same thing about rice grains.


"Well." I pull a vial of what I suspect to be an alchemical solution out of her clothes. "It's interesting, anyway."
And there's some of the Rashnikov Formula (as linked in yesterday's chapter.) I doubt it's anywhere as good as the Danner Formula, but it never hurts to have samples.

I put construct clamps on her arms and legs, remove the hook-

She gasps with relief.
Sure that's not just the breeze blowing through the hole? :p

-and impale her on the Tree.

Oh, hush. :rolleyes: At least you're alive... Er, Un-alive. He could just have railgunned each of you from a mile up, simultaneously.

And then pick up the Tree.

...Yeah, that's going to make an impression. On everyone.

And fly back to where the boss vampire was talking to Count Berlin.

Boss vampire is shivering on the floor, trying to crawl away from Shadow of War. Reichsmark-
Ah, not so brave now, eh? Evidently some manner of Penance Stare or Fear Gaze effect on the lady's part, I'm guessing.

"Stand up and fight, trouser-shitter!"

-is squaring up to a vampire who has already had half of their face caved in but gamely throws himself at the metal-skinned git, claws and surviving teeth extended. Reichsmark takes a stance and extends, the blade of his right hand punching right through the vampire's chest and spine.
How very Hellsing of him.

A vampire who feels lucky lunges at Baroness Reiter, and he completes his lunge in the form as dust as a torrent of pink energy erupts from her face and disintegrates him.

Angelika floats down over the caravan.
...I'm guessing Superman is quietly standing off to the side with the other strategists, pointedly not listening...

"Would everyone who would like to surrender-"

Energy pulses from Baron Gestapo's robots begin hitting home as they lumber into view.
I suspect she'll get a lot of takers...

"-please come over here-"

Ms. Brauer picks her opponent up and hurls them into a wooden caravan face first. The vampire punches through the side, then the other side, and lands under Angelika.
...Does their surrender count if they weren't moving under their own power? :p

"-and adopt a submissive posture."

I replant the Tree. Angelika regards it for a moment.
Yeah, when even your allies are giving you looks, you might have gotten carried away.

"Impaling yourself is not necessary."

White Dragon looks up from where he's incinerating a couple of vampires.

"And suddenly I respect you."
A fact I'm sure OL is quite disgusted by.

"The difference is that they can answer questions, and can amend their lives and live moral lives in-" His flames are turned away by construct barrier. "-future."

Half-right, white boy.

"I will take that as a complement."

"I surrender! I surrender!"
Seriously, I suspect even Sinestro would be impressed at that absolute moment of terror.

A quick-thinking vampire uses their just-short-of-super speed to dive and cower under Angelika. The other survivors cringingly scurry in the same direction, another flame blast from White Dragon hitting another construct shield.

"I bet you're the kind of faggot who fucks his own asshole."
...You think about that stuff a lot, huh? Any repressed feelings you'd like to share, white boy? :D

"That would require my penis to be about fourteen inches long. Are you sure that's the insult you wish to make?"

White Dragon stares at me for a moment, then turns around and stomps back towards the portal site.
Admittedly, it'd also likely need to be prehensile. Fun for him and her...

"Good." Angelika puts her ands on hips and looks down at the bedraggled-looking undead below her. "Now, who is in charge?"

"Prince Roderick!"
I think he's a little occupied right now.

Multiple fingers point towards the man cowering before Shadow of War.

"And why are you following him?"
I rather doubt he's all that qualified, after all, whatever that smarmy attitude earlier suggested.

"We would starve if we did not!"

"Miss Talkative over there-" I point to the Tree. "-was trying to feed me a line about vampiric superiority?"
There's always one...

"She does that with everything! Even before she was a vampire!"

"Starvation shouldn't be a problem. I can build you a machine to create new blood for you."
Heck, he could even make it flavoured, I expect. Get rid of that nasty iron after-taste.


"Yes. But I'm afraid that we're going to need some things from you in return."
Ooh, that discussion should be interesting.

Well, that's one annoyance dealt with. And with a minimum of bloodshed (What's a little maiming of vampires between friends, after all?) Hopefully the others have worked out some kind of plan while OL and the grunts have been keeping themselves busy. And hopefully it's more refined than 'Tie Demon-Superman in the Lasso until he's purified...' I don't foresee that going at all well.

...he completes his lunge in the form as dust...
...he completes his lunge in the form of dust...
Angelika puts her ands on hips...
Angelika puts her hands on hips...
His flames are turned away by construct barrier.
His flames are turned away by a construct barrier.
White Dragon is really obsessed with homosexuality, possibly in a 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks' kind of way.

You think about that stuff a lot, huh? Any repressed feelings you'd like to share, white boy? :D

That does often seem to be the case IRL in my opinion and from what I've heard of such people.

As we learned in the Shameless episode where Mickey and Ian finally got married, all homophobes are gay deep down.
A vampire who feels lucky lunges at Baroness Reiter, and he completes his lunge in the form as dust as a torrent of pink energy erupts from her face and disintegrates him.

Power Rangers did warn us that too much pink energy is dangerous. I guess Zordon was right!

"I bet you're the kind of faggot who fucks his own asshole."

"That would require my penis to be about fourteen inches long. Are you sure that's the insult you wish to make?"

There's a subreddit that pretty conclusively disproves this. And since we're on QQ, I can share it! /r/selffuck. Note that it's not just regular NSFW; it's the sort of NSFW that disproves that you'd need a 14" (possibly prehensile) penis. I guess they don't have reddit on Nazi Earth. Probably for the best.
"How about garlic? And.. stakes?"

"The one vampire I've spoken to says that she doesn't like the smell of either the bulbs or the flowers, but she can soldier through it. Stakes through the heart wreck the blood magics which keep vampires functioning, but stakes through the heart generally kill humans too. As well, it isn't any easier to stake a vampire than it is a human, so any film you've seen of a human hitting a vampire in the chest and killing it? Probably not accurate. You either hit a rib, or it gets embedded in the muscle and doesn't punch through."

so paul was wrong about wooden stakes and vampires when he talked about it in "guys from Gotham (part 15)" ?
Mr Zoat, may I ask if the work done by gustyeagle works for you in order to fix all the links?
I'm going to try and fix that and the image links tomorrow morning. I'll let you know.

I'm not ignoring everyone and I do appreciate the effort. I just don't have unlimited time to work on things.
so paul was wrong about wooden stakes and vampires when he talked about it in "guys from Gotham (part 15)" ?
Wrong. Or rather, incomplete. It's not as if he had a lot of vampires to test it on.
...he completes his lunge in the form of dust...
Angelika puts her hands on hips...
His flames are turned away by a construct barrier.
Thank you, corrected.
Mmm... I want some bread now
Thank you, corrected.
And bend backwards. Because, let me assure you, trying to bend it that way when it's hard, is excruciating.
"Immune to what?"


"And crosses?"

Now I have to wonder WHY these kinds of vampires lack the vulnerabilities their "lesser" kin have.

Is their vampirism more scientifically based, (nano-tech, mutagens, meta-humans, super-science in general, etc), or does the Magic that grants them their power lack any Evil/Infernal origins, making them exempt from most of the weaknesses that the opposing Magical Correspondences would impose on most supernatural-type vampires?

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