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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

As we learned in the Shameless episode where Mickey and Ian finally got married, all homophobes are gay deep down.
Don't say that, because it's the equivalent to saying all of the barriers gay people face are caused by other gay people, with none of the challenges caused by straight people.
"I bet you're the kind of faggot who fucks his own asshole."

"That would require my penis to be about fourteen inches long. Are you sure that's the insult you wish to make?"
As amusing as this come back is, it's not completely true. There's plenty of porn to back it up.:oops:
Now I have to wonder WHY these kinds of vampires lack the vulnerabilities their "lesser" kin have.

Is their vampirism more scientifically based, (nano-tech, mutagens, meta-humans, super-science in general, etc), or does the Magic that grants them their power lack any Evil/Infernal origins, making them exempt from most of the weaknesses that the opposing Magical Correspondences would impose on most supernatural-type vampires?

It's because these are vampires created by the Rashnikov Forumula (or, as referred to in universe, the "Russian Formula"), which was explicitly, er, formulated to have its creations not have any of the standard vampire weaknesses.
White Dragon is really obsessed with homosexuality, possibly in a 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks' kind of way.

This scene reminded me of the time when Troia first met Paul and was teasing him about his interest in Kon. The two certainly aren't the same, nor have the same meaning or intentions. Probably doesn't help that I also recently re-read that scene. It really shows how Paul changed from being more of a person to something more robot-like.
This scene reminded me of the time when Troia first met Paul and was teasing him about his interest in Kon. The two certainly aren't the same, nor have the same meaning or intentions. Probably doesn't help that I also recently re-read that scene. It really shows how Paul changed from being more of a person to something more robot-like.
Or, because he doesn't particularly like the homophobic jerk and has no reason to interact with him outside of what's absolutely necessary, Paul decided to answer with either the most confusing answer he could think of, or one that would get the Nazi to leave him alone.
Now I have to wonder WHY these kinds of vampires lack the vulnerabilities their "lesser" kin have.

Is their vampirism more scientifically based, (nano-tech, mutagens, meta-humans, super-science in general, etc), or does the Magic that grants them their power lack any Evil/Infernal origins, making them exempt from most of the weaknesses that the opposing Magical Correspondences would impose on most supernatural-type vampires?

In that storyline, vampirism, despite it's obvious supernatural elements, is a virus. The Russian lab genetically edited out the bits that give vampires their weaknesses.

Although it wasn't clear on exactly what counted as a weakness. Immune to sunlight, sure, but do they even require blood to survive or can they get by on regular food?

Bennett when he took the formula died, because it was never meant to be taken by someone who was already a vampire, but then promptly resurrected, which then became a new power, much to his displeasure as he apparently committed suicide several times.

While not stated out right, that means the Russian formula vampires might have self-resurrection abilities.

Or maybe that was a weird side effect of a vampire taking the formula, or maybe the Lords of Order had already planned on using Bennett to rage quit the universe.

Because oh yeah Andrew Bennett destroyed the universe, but then God built it right back. That was a weird Dr Fate storyline.
Because Supes and Diana here aren't okay with giving the Nazis a device that can give them power over peoples minds and souls they're somehow more prejudiced than them?

You do realize that not giving Nazis more power is a good thing, right?

Diana is the one who told Supes the plan to give Crusader the spear. Then with only the information of his name Superman prejudged him as, 1. a Nazi 2. one of the Evil Nazis (Redundancy is Redundant) 3. despite it being Wonder Woman telling him this plan, and the plan being Paul's, not being the person he want's to give the spear to.

When Diana explains his mistake his response is,
"That's a little more reassuring.

So he still doesn't want to give him the spear, but at least it's not a Nazi, when Angelika and Overman are right there. Was he worried about either of them having the spear? Would he have fought them if one of them had picked it up in Peru?

Now this is the internet so I have to make this clear yes giving power to Nazis is bad, but prejudice, even against Nazis, is bad.

Edit: spelling
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Diana is the one who told Supes the plan to give Crusader the spear. Then with only the information of his name Superman prejudged him as, 1. a Nazi 2. one of the Evil Nazis (Redundancy is Redundant) 3. despite it being Wonder Woman telling him this plan, and the plan being Paul's, not being the person he want's to give the spear to.

There was also the fact that Superman thought that he came from the Nazi Earth and if he came from there then he was most likely a Nazi.

We know none of that is true, but Supes didn't and so he made the perfectly reasonable statement that he doesn't want to give power over to someone he thinks is a Nazi.

They didn't bring anyone named Crusader when they came to Earth 666 and it was unlikely that after Paul went to Nazi Earth that he traveled to another universe to recruit someone else.

The plan can be made by someone that more or less knows what they're doing and be delivered by someone you trust, but if it contains the possibility of a Nazi getting more power, especially the power to control minds, then anyone with half a brain would say that they're reluctant.

So he still doesn't want to give him the spear, but at least it's not a Nazi, when Angelika and Overman are right there. Was he worried about either of them having the spear? Would he have fought them if one of them had picked it up in Peru

I don't think he'd have a problem with them since he knows one of them has disagreed with Nazism for decades and he probably knows Angelika personally now, so he knows that she's become someone that lost faith in Nazism.

I also don't think they'd have a problem with him being reluctant to give the spear to a Nazi, seeing as they probably don't want to see someone who actually believes in Nazism get into the heads of people and control them.

Now this is the internet so I have to make this clear yes giving power to Nazis is bad, but Predigest, even against Nazis, is bad

Yes, being prejudiced is bad, but being prejudiced against Nazis is probably one of the few exceptions.
Germany shouldn't have ANY baseline humans civilians, it either has crazy demon cultists or they are protected by an entity similar to Morgan and her Fae, or the God of the Hawk people. Thus the latest update doesn't really make sense.

Either the Vampires are hunting demon cultists humans thus not really civilians, they are hunting humans under the protection of at least a lesser god or these humans remain non corrupted BECAUSE of the Vampires and their magic and Paul is jumping the gun.

You will have to run that pass the thread again because the implied situation is that the people with overflowing demon magic inside them are predisposed to attack and kill anyone that isn't marked, so not having anyone to direct them shouldn't matter a single iota because they cannot be a hapless neutral party that will leave the "good guys" alone unless they are told otherwise. So by default they cannot be hapless civilians as it's implied in the latest update.

Where are you seeing base line German civilians in the update? We have the party greeting Superman, Overman and Angelika; a group of Vampires approaching the party; and threats from both Vampires talking. I don't see any civilians anywhere. Now if you are implying that there must be baseline humans because vampires can't feed on demon blood, I don't think that has ever been a rule. Usually they can feed on any blood Human, animal, angel or artificial. Demon or demon infused should not matter.

You directly state that demon infused humans can't be civilians, why not? If everyone around them is possessed and wearing the mark of EL they have no reason to attack anyone. They still need to eat so they would still go about their lives. Because they are possessed the probably don't care about being good or protecting society but they don't want to die themselves, unless it is for HIM, so they don't just kill each other, also that would be killing one of his possessions, so they just continue their boring meaningless lives, until they can do what HE wants.

Also if the demon corruption it's as implied by Nabu, Morgan and Diana then Paul made a terrible mistake by dragging these Nazis here because by most of them by default lack proper protection they should be getting turned into cultists at speeds, the vampire would be obviously immune, the wraith is a maybe, but the humans in power armor that are by all accounts evil? Those are a huge liability. Heck Overman, Superman and Angelika are only "protected" because Paul gave them anti magic defenses before they left 16.

I was getting interested on the idea that these clearly horrible people were going to get fucked by the ambient Demon Magic of Earth 666 and that Paul would have to end up fighting what he brought to be reinforcements when they got turned. Heck I was half hoping Overman would have issues too due to his self identity and the Karmic debt he has self imposed on himself and that would up the stakes to a fair degree.

So what Paul, the guy who passes out anti magic amulets like he's Santa who, as you pointed out, gave defenses to Superman, Overman and Angelika, who will give Kinetic belts to any one he thinks could use it, including a demigod that couldn't fly just so he didn't have to wait on him, he went absolutely pants on head before returning to a world seeped in Demon energy?

No, Diana clearly says people changed when Superman changed with unprotected ones going crazy fairly quickly and it's portrayed as such in the comic that originated the premise of the episode.

"There was no sign that I could see. One day the greatest, most noble man I knew simply… Took leave of his reason."

Diana hesitates for a moment, then presses on. Egeria appears to have cleared her schedule, because this meeting of the government of Themyscira assembled very quickly once I made it known that Diana wanted to meet them. In addition to the Archon herself there's the local Wonder Woman, Philippus, leading priestesses, senators and even Magala lurking in the background.

"He tore apart his home city, killing many of those who were his friends. Then he rose into the sky and laid waste to the entire world. Themysicra was… Burned. There were no survivors."

"No idea why, at all?"

"From the overwhelming power of the demonic magic that now blankets the world, I think that he was somehow possessed." She shakes her head. "The few magic users who weren't driven mad by the sudden change in Earth's magic systems… He killed them during our counterattack."

"I'm sorry to press you like this, but if there was any indication of which demon, or who might have conjured it, or anything that would help banish it…"

She gives her head a small shake.

"Zatanna tried to discover its name. She could not find a match in any of her tomes. Jason Blood conjured demons to interrogate, and none of them knew either. Perhaps… Perhaps it was not a demon, but some combination of telepathic control and mutagen?"

Diana says Superman changed in an instant, then he began destroying, some time close to or when Superman changed so did the magic system, driving most mages insane. After that Zatanna and Jason Blood tried to discover what Demon had done this, that would take a couple hours, finally the heroes of 666 attacked Superman. So there were several hours between when the word was covered in demon energy and when they lost during which they weren't infected themselves.

This is further proved by Morgana, she was not on the earth when Superman was possessed, and magic on the scale to protect several different locations with a changed magic system and a dearth of expendable skilled mages would most likely take several hours to several days to set up. Yes at this point it's not worth it for her to help any of the infused humans, as she says
"It's impractical. The process requires me to pull a form of magic energy out of someone in an environment that is full of it. It's like bailing out a boat that is already underwater!"
but everyone Paul just brought through, if they have no protection, is just starting to sink. They have time for Paul to grab a possessed person, plunk him in front of the Nazis and say here this is what will happen to you if you don't wear this "Magical" amulet, and wear the symbol of the house of EL. Yes it must look like a penis.

Unless he gave them protections offscreen or maybe becoming corrupted can take a long time. And they're not planning on staying there for long.
That is what we call bad writing.

I agree that it would be better if we saw/see it on screen but honestly this is what is going to happen,
Paul tells the Nazis they have to do something.
One of the Nazis makes a Nazi remark.
Paul comes back turning the remark into an insult of the Nazi.
The Nazi gets mad.
The Bat tells them to do what Paul said.

If it happens on Earth 666 repace The Bat with Overman.
I've come to a horrible realization: The Life Entity. The thing that birthed the others and tied to Life of the whole entire universe chills out in Earth yeh? What if all that demon power corrupts the Life Entity? Demon Universe. (个_个) OMG that terrifying.

Maybe not? The Guardians did happen to trap the Fear Entity in the Central Power Battery surrounding it with Will and all that did was give all the Greenies a weakness to yellow

All of these demons might be weak to the colour White?
Where are you seeing base line German civilians in the update

When that vampire said that they were there to feed on the surviving humans, I think Chaoswind thought that meant people that weren't corrupted, since he may not consider the corrupted to be human anymore.

And, yeah, it's an easy mistake to make.

Usually they can feed on any blood Human, animal, angel or artificial.

Probably not the angel blood.
Where are you seeing base line German civilians in the update? We have the party greeting Superman, Overman and Angelika; a group of Vampires approaching the party; and threats from both Vampires talking. I don't see any civilians anywhere. Now if you are implying that there must be baseline humans because vampires can't feed on demon blood, I don't think that has ever been a rule. Usually they can feed on any blood Human, animal, angel or artificial. Demon or demon infused should not matter.

You directly state that demon infused humans can't be civilians, why not? If everyone around them is possessed and wearing the mark of EL they have no reason to attack anyone. They still need to eat so they would still go about their lives. Because they are possessed the probably don't care about being good or protecting society but they don't want to die themselves, unless it is for HIM, so they don't just kill each other, also that would be killing one of his possessions, so they just continue their boring meaningless lives, until they can do what HE wants.

So what Paul, the guy who passes out anti magic amulets like he's Santa who, as you pointed out, gave defenses to Superman, Overman and Angelika, who will give Kinetic belts to any one he thinks could use it, including a demigod that couldn't fly just so he didn't have to wait on him, he went absolutely pants on head before returning to a world seeped in Demon energy?

Diana says Superman changed in an instant, then he began destroying, some time close to or when Superman changed so did the magic system, driving most mages insane. After that Zatanna and Jason Blood tried to discover what Demon had done this, that would take a couple hours, finally the heroes of 666 attacked Superman. So there were several hours between when the word was covered in demon energy and when they lost during which they weren't infected themselves.

This is further proved by Morgana, she was not on the earth when Superman was possessed, and magic on the scale to protect several different locations with a changed magic system and a dearth of expendable skilled mages would most likely take several hours to several days to set up. Yes at this point it's not worth it for her to help any of the infused humans, as she says
but everyone Paul just brought through, if they have no protection, is just starting to sink. They have time for Paul to grab a possessed person, plunk him in front of the Nazis and say here this is what will happen to you if you don't wear this "Magical" amulet, and wear the symbol of the house of EL. Yes it must look like a penis.

I agree that it would be better if we saw/see it on screen but honestly this is what is going to happen,
Paul tells the Nazis they have to do something.
One of the Nazis makes a Nazi remark.
Paul comes back turning the remark into an insult of the Nazi.
The Nazi gets mad.
The Bat tells them to do what Paul said.

If it happens on Earth 666 repace The Bat with Overman.

The baseline hapless humans were implied to exist by the Vampire before Paul Greed ported and the update ended.

And I am going to dismiss every ounce of non credible criticism you have because this update was significantly shorter than the usual and we know Zoat writes updates well in advance so it's more than fair for me to assume my criticism was valuable enough to result in a couple hundred cut words of a random hapless German civilians thanking Paul for saving them from the Vampires because the scenario painted by Nabu, Diana and Morgana stated such people shouldn't exist in earth 666.

My entire line of criticism was preemptive of an implied narrative fuck up that had yet to be published and finalized, you must be new here because 90% of my rants are of that nature and I have been doing that dance for almost a decade.

My rant would have been 100% justified if the aforementioned German civilians were shown in any capacity that wasn't high functioning zombie that attacks anyone that isn't like them, however the point of publishing a fic on a interactive forum is to get a bunch of people to give feedback and that isn't just limited to grammar corrections, predicting bad/good future plot points also comes with the medium.

The moment Mr Zoat decides my input holds no value he can just block me in the same way he blocked Vaermina.
The baseline hapless humans were implied to exist by the Vampire before Paul Greed ported and the update ended.

"We're here to feed on the surviving humans of Germany, of course! Pickings are getting rather thin out east."
So this line? I disagree with you that it means non demon possessed humans, but I know where you are coming from now.

And I am going to dismiss every ounce of non credible criticism you have

isn't that what everyone does with non believable information?

My entire line of criticism was preemptive of an implied narrative fuck up that had yet to be published and finalized, you must be new here because 90% of my rants are of that nature and I have been doing that dance for almost a decade.

Yes I am new, just caught up and whether you have been doing it for a decade or a week I will still point out where I think you are wrong. There is no way for us to understand each other otherwise. And I am not the only one who disagrees with you so my newness has nothing to do with the belief that you might be wrong.

My rant would have been 100% justified if the aforementioned German civilians were shown in any capacity that wasn't high functioning zombie that attacks anyone that isn't like them,
"Seems quickest. Overman, how much caution did the superhumans who attacked you show?"

"None. The Marked cultists, a little more."

"There we go. If they're all violent Demon Superman-fixated crazies, I should be able to fit right in."

The weakest one but shows the cultists have some caution if not much.

I frown as a green glow rises from the Fortress. A Lantern? That might explain why the Corps were so concerned, but assuming they remote destructed the ring's AI they shouldn't have to worry about them getting off the planet. The figure heads my way and I… Don't recognise them. They have the signature wide mouth and a green-burning 'S' on their forehead, but I have no idea of their character.

I don't alter course and react to them coming my way at all, even as they fly towards me. Looks like he's slower than me.

"Who are you? Why are you-"

I fly past him, and he reverses direction to keep up with me. His legs… Huh. They're actually constructs. Curious.


"I hear his commands and I obey! There is no other purpose!"

He gives me a too-broad smile. "Excellent! We are all his dutiful servants. I will guide you to his prophet, who will lead us to spread his word!"

I grin back. "Take me there!"

A superhuman cultist is able to have the willpower to use constructs and the intelligence to carry on a conversation

Regular cultists move with purpose through the Fortress, but like Overman said they're not interacting directly with the superhumans. Other than my escort, they're just sort of… Hanging around. I'd guess that listlessness is a consequence of the control spell Wolf Krieger is using because I've never known people under the influence of demon magic to be anything but effusive.

Again the regular cultists are moving with purpose they have a job to do and are doing it without direct supervision.

Wolf Krieger isn't in his customary Thule Society robes. Or in any sort of disguise. Rather, he's wearing a robe of blue and red with a prominent yellow 'S' on the back, front and shoulders. Same face I remember, plus the Glasgow grin and mildly glowing eyes. The Spear of Destiny has been stabbed into a crystal monolith and Wolf himself is grinning extra wide as he stares at me.

Wolf Krieger is a standard human, no super powers, no super intelligence, some magic ability but that seems to come from the spear not him. The portal tech is Kryptonian so he wouldn't get his hands on it until after the possession.

"How can I serve him? Tell me how I can serve him!"

"Advanced parties are already moving amongst their populations, spreading his word and shedding blood in his name."

Overman's people didn't get them all. They presented an obvious threat so that the more subtle team members would be ignored, while… What, moving to places of magical significance? Overman said that arcane science was underdeveloped on his Earth. Would they even know where to protect?

"You will go through with the next group. Engage their champions so that his hidden followers may complete their work."

Right here, some of the cultists sent through the portal are smart enough to hide among the Nazis and in Krieger's words Spread his word, I can tell you proselytizing only looks like it can be done by a zombie, to get someone to engage with you is a lot of work.

-he's doing something as the portal flickers into life as the result of the blood sacrifice. I can detect motion in the corridors as superhumans rush towards us, their passivity instantly removed as a threat appears.

Oh look they're like zombies, or like supers that just found a enemy in there base.

A shocked face looks up from where its owner is prostrate on the floor, his Superman-themed robes matching those worn by Wolf Krieger on the other side. There are other cultists.. around, but none of them appear to be participating in the ritual.

"Is something-?"

Killing the ritualist has a chance of keeping the portal open and I need it closed now. Sander constructs slash out, scouring the blood-daubed walls free of runic inscriptions as I fire a pulse of orange light at the open portal itself.



The ritualist leaps to his feet, his youth making him look a little ridiculous even as his hands glow a sort of purple-red.

"Blasphemer! I will cast-."


A hail of bullets rattle off my environmental shield, prompting me to erect construct shields around the two of us.

The cultists attempt another volley, but give up when it clearly doesn't work. They then make way for another of their number carrying an oxyacetylene torch. Which won't work, but I'm mildly impressed by how rational a move it is.


The torch flares into life as I feel the last of the demonic magic drain from whoever this is.


I extend orange filaments and send the oxyacetylene torch into subspace before shock crowning the cultists.


Exit is this way, and I'll take summoner boy with me. Scans don't show any other cultists on-site, and it didn't look like any of the other cultists were magic users.

So Crusader is smart enough to set up this end of the portal. The cultists, non magic users, use range weapons then when they realize that doesn't work they change plans and try a different weapon.

The entire fight with Wonder Woman.

There's a blast from behind us, and a rocket-.

Atom Man deploys his lasers and shoots the rocket in mid-air, then counter-fires at the cultist with the rocket launcher.

again using the appropriate weapon for a job. and a rocket launcher takes some skill to use.

The moment Mr Zoat decides my input holds no value he can just block me in the same way he blocked Vaermina.
That's Zoat's call but personally, your posts required me to go back and make sure I was understanding the story correctly.
For the discussion about the Life Entity hanging around demon Earth, I don't think that it would be all that bothered about the change in the magical atmosphere. The Life Entity, like all the other emotional entities, has a universal connection to all of its element in every living being, everywhere. That's a pretty powerful thing, especially for something that represents all of life. Demon energy seems to be a result of a society's religious or moral beliefs on what is bad or sinful made magically and metaphysically manifest. That's a powerful mixture as well, but all of that is just a portion of what makes up life. I doubt it's anything new to the several billion years old Life Entity. At most, the Life Entity probably tasted the environment, went, "Oh, this flavor again", and went back to whatever dreams it was having before.

I don't know if a change in environment for an emotional entity is enough to significantly change the universal emotional spectrum, but despite Paul becoming the host for the Ophidian, I doubt the desires of everyone in his universe have started to become more aligned with practicality and functionality. Same with Larfleeze not making everyone want to live in a cave.

As for the German villagers, Mr Zoat very well could have planned to make them regular villagers, having forgotten that they would be demonic, but we have little proof of this. It's still a noteworthy possibility. I'll choose to believe the most likely scenario based on the parts of the story currently available, which is that the vampires were feeding on demonic villagers. It's not impossible that this could be the case, although I would imagine that, for the vampires, it would have been like trying to keep angry pet foxes. Suicidally angry demonic foxes. The vampires seem tough enough to be able to handle it.
The moment Mr Zoat decides my input holds no value he can just block me in the same way he blocked Vaermina.
Considering it. You're being kind of a dick at the moment. You do have a reasonable point but you're expressing it in an unnecessarily impolite way.
So this line? I disagree with you that it means non demon possessed humans, but I know where you are coming from now.
Yes, it means corrupted humans. Who are humans. I didn't spot that's what Chaoswind was talking about either. Demon magic doesn't stop vampires feeding on their blood.
Krummkreuz (part 19)
16th September 2012
21:02 GMT -5

"Shadow of War, in position."

In Babylon 5, the character Mr Morden once told the character Prime Minister Londo Mollari, 'What are you going to do, Mollari, eh? Blow up the island?'. And Mollari replies, 'Actually…'.

"Baron Gestapo, in position."

In the comics, that… Weird, Middle Eastern Zod once turned the sun red in order to weaken Superman. I could do that, eventually, but it wouldn't be very healthy for the Earth or the Sun. Instead, I'm creating a giant filter and surrounding it with gold kryptonite crystals. Superman, Overman and Overgirl know not to come anywhere near this, but demons aren't known for their sound judgement.

"Baroness Reiter in position."

Of course, it's still dark where the Demon Superman is, but this is a misdirect/trap, so-.

Gosh… Darn he's huge. I thought the big heat vision beam when we first arrived was… I don't know, diffusion in the atmosphere due to the distance. Nope. That's just how big possession has made him. Somehow. I… Don't know enough about demon magic to know how that could happen. I mean, I'm hoping it's just a result of the presence of the demon, because… I don't know what we'll do if he's stuck like that.


Ahcrap I think he just looked at me. I think. He looked this way and he was using telescopic vision, I know that for certain. But I don't know if he was looking at me specifically.

Aahhh, I hate the fact that cold fields don't work in a vacuum. I've set up some cold-field-gas-contained-by-force fields traps, but I'm pretty sure he can just fly around those. But I'm as ready as I'm going to get.

I generate a gold kryptonite laser.

"Orange Lantern in position."

Bombarding Demon Superman with kryptonite won't work when he's got no pressing reason to stay in one place. And I can't do it while he's fighting because we've got three kryptonians on our side who will be affected as well. And that's assuming that I can keep up when they're moving at maximum speed, which…

Probably not.

I watch as… Yes, they actually found Demon Flash. The local one is an older Wallace West, according to Diana. According to her, Demon Superman had him attacking the few people who managed to resist the corruption effect in America, but she had no idea what he'd been doing recently. I watch as the red blur runs back into Metropolis, completely ignoring the various people trying to scratch out a living from the ruins. It passes them in a f-. Second, and few of them bother to react.

Demon Superman doesn't look around. Instead, he lowers his head and looks back across the Atlantic to where our kryptonians are waiting.

And doesn't react at all as Baroness Reiter dashes past him wearing Flash's stolen uniform, x-ionised knife flying from her right hand to bite into his right ankle.

That gets a reaction. Red light blasts from his eyes but she's still moving, not faster than the beam but faster than his head can turn. Or at least is turning at the moment. He still hasn't got up from his customary seat in the wreckage of the Daily Planet but the expression on his face has gotten just a little more wrathful.

I fire the kryptonite laser.

From this far away I actually get to count a few seconds before-.

It hits, but all the reaction it gets is a quick look up-.

Plasma shots from Baron Gestapo's robots slam into his left side from their position on the ruins of the Statue of Providence in the harbour. Okay, he's not affected by gold kryptonite.

"It looks like he's not affected by gold kryptonite."

"Counter-fire read-."

Heat vision ignites the air between Demon Superman and the Statue, only to vanish as three of the other robots fire cold beams into its path. Some radiation gets through, but they're easily tough enough to survive it.

"Ready." Baron Gestapo can't keep the smugness out of his voice. "I told you that the targetting-."

Demon Superman lowers his gaze, moving the heat beam so that it's pointing at the water of the bay. The cold gun armed robots match his angle even as their brethren continue to pepper him with shots. We were pretty sure that they wouldn't do any damage, but that's not what they're supposed to do.

"That the targetting system would be able to cope."

Another knife buries itself into Demon Superman's leg as Baroness Reiter dashes past him on the opposite side, and I see it as his right hand turns the rubble it's resting on into dust.

He's not hurt, but he's getting annoyed. Okay, can I do anything about his protective aura? If he stays exactly where he is, maybe. Diana said that they didn't have any specifically anti-magic weapons, so he's probably never encountered anything exactly like my mage slayers before.

I'm mostly supposed to be a distraction until he gets up, so… Yes. I change the laser construct into a teleport gun construct, because a railgun shot would be far too slow. It won't hit hard enough to hurt him… Heck, if he makes an effort he could still dodge it. But it looks like we haven't annoyed him enough to even get up yet.

What is he waiting for?

A few miles south west Demon Citizen Steel is intercepted by a vampire enthralled to Count Berlin. The vampire won't be able to hurt him significantly but the reverse is also true as the vampire can turn into mist or a cloud of bats to evade Heywood's punches. If we're really lucky the vampire will be able to mesmerise him, but we don't need that to happen.

We don't want anyone providing cover for Demon Superman, and we want him to know that we're blocking them. We're not.. sure what the mechanism is for him getting corrupted superhumans to aid him. Diana said that he couldn't do it when he first transformed, but that it definitely predated Wolf's efforts. If we could work it out… We might have tried interfering with it using magic. But those vampires can earn their clemency.

The sea between the bay and the statue is completely frozen and Demon Superman cuts off his heat vision. He's smiling faintly. Okay, so-?

Hordes of rag-clad cultists charge out from the city and begin the run towards the statue.


Ah, that would explain-.

The plasma gun armed robots shift their fire-. And he's using the stun setting, thank goodness. We had a talk about the inadvisability of killing people in an area affected by demonic magic, but it's nice to see that it actually sunk in.

Baroness Reiter dashes past again, this time running directly in front of him. He ignores the hit, instead, using… Flashes of heat vision to turn the broken ground into a series of molten pits that will make it far harder for her to travel there again.

There's a flash of light next to-

"No mark?"

-me as a twisted version of Michael Holt appears, T-spheres with a pentagram decorating their face floating around him.

"No life."

Filaments flash out from my construct armour, reaching for-. Passing through him. Phasing? I can get around-.

The T-spheres glow and agh!
Last edited:
16th September 2012
21:02 GMT -5

-me as a twisted version of Michael Holt appears, T-spheres with a pentagram decorating their face floating around him.

"No life."

Filaments flash out from my construct armour, reaching for-. Passing through him. Phasing? I can get around-.

The T-spheres glow and agh!

Nice. OL is usually savvy enough to deal with the normies and heavy hitters, but when he faces one of the actual Big Brain characters he doesn't have a fun time.
Gosh… Darn he's huge. I thought the big heat vision beam when we first arrived was… I don't know, diffusion in the atmosphere due to the distance. Nope. That's just how big possession has made him. Somehow. I… Don't know enough about demon magic to know how that could happen. I mean, I'm hoping it's just a result of the presence of the demon, because… I don't know what we'll do if he's stuck like that.
So Demon Supes is a Malvolio-sized titan that's immune to kryptonite. Great what is their plan exactly?
16th September 2012
21:02 GMT -5

"Shadow of War, in position."

In Babylon 5, the character Mr Morden once told the character Prime Minister Londo Mollari, 'What are you going to do, Mollari, eh? Blow up the island?'. And Mollari replies, ' "Actually…'.
Heh. Extreme measures for an extreme foe, is it? And completely understandable. If you go at Demon-Superman, you're only going to get one chance at it. because once he's pissed off... Well, you can guess what he'll do, and it'll make what he did to his Earth look pleasant...

"Baron Gestapo, in position."

In the comics, that… Weird, Middle Eastern Zod once turned the sun red in order to weaken Superman. I could do that, eventually, but it wouldn't very healthy for the Earth or the Sun. Instead, I'm creating a giant filter and surrounding it with gold kryptonite crystals. Superman, Overman and Overgirl know not to come anywhere near this, but demons aren't known for their sound judgement.
The early Noughties was a weird time in comics, huh? Oh, not the giant filter thing, that's honestly, refreshingly comic-booky. No, that incarnation of Zod... Just... :confused: Wat.

"Baroness Reiter in position."

Of course, it's still dark where the Demon Superman is, but this is a misdirect/trap, so-.
And he's probably so pumped up with demon energy he thinks he's invincible anyway.

Gosh… Darn he's huge. I thought the big heat vision beam when we first arrived was… I don't know, diffusion in the atmosphere due to the distance. Nope. That's just how big possession has made him. Somehow. I… Don't know enough about demon magic to know how that could happen. I mean, I'm hoping it's just a result of the presence of the demon, because… I don't know what we'll do if he's stuck like that.

If he's cured, soak him in red sunlight until he's drained dry, ring him back to what his genes say is optimal, then recharge? I mean, you did it for Conner back when you fixed his ears, right?

Ahcrap I think he just looked at me. I think. He looked this way and he was using telescopic vision, I know that for certain. But I don't know if he was looking at me specifically.

Aahhh, I hate the fact that cold fields don't work in a vacuum. I've set up some cold-field-gas-contained-by-force fields traps, but I'm pretty sure he can just fly around those. But I'm as ready as I'm going to get.
Probably mild curiosity. Like I said, He (or rather, the demon Rakkar) is probably overconfident, due to being the 800-pound gorilla around here...

I generate a gold kryptonite laser.

"Orange Lantern in position."
...And you know the precise wavelength of Gold K in this universe how? Or are you just going to shoot and hope?

Bombarding Demon Superman with kryptonite won't work when he's got no pressing reason to stay in one place. And I can't do it while he's fighting because we've got three kryptonians on our side who will be affected as well. And that's assuming that I can keep up when they're moving at maximum speed, which…

Probably not.
Unless you create a beam so broad it'd cover half a continent, no. And at that range, the radiation would probably be so diffuse that it'd barely work.

I watch as… Yes, they actually found Demon Flash. The local one is an older Wallace West, according to Diana. According to her, Demon Superman had him attacking the few people who managed to resist the corruption effect in America, but she had no idea what he'd been doing recently. I watch as the red blur runs back into Metropolis, completely ignoring the various people trying to scratch out a living from the ruins. It passes them in a f-. Second, and few of them bother to react.
...Yeah, you almost said it. And also accurate to the timeline of the era. Barry Allen didn't return until Final Crisis. Which is honestly scary, as Wally West was one of the more powerful Flashes. Hopefully his demonic version is too dumb to use some of his tricks.

Demon Superman doesn't look around. Instead, he lowers his head and looks back across the Atlantic to where our kryptonians are waiting.

And doesn't react at all as Baroness Reiter dashes past him wearing Flash's stolen uniform, x-ionised knife flying from her right hand to bite into his right ankle.
Ow. Right in the hamstring. Admittedly, not too useful against someone who can fly... Unless you can force him to fight on the ground.

That gets a reaction. Red light blasts from his eyes but she's still moving, not faster than the beam but faster than his head can turn. Or at least is turning at the moment. He still hasn't got up from his customary seat in the wreckage of the Daily Planet but the expression on his face has gotten just a little more wrathful.

I fire the kryptonite laser.
Heh. Much like the 'Justice League' Flash versus Superman moment... Fast enough to dodge, not strong enough to hurt him...

From this far away I actually get to count a few seconds before-.

It hits, but all the reaction it gets is a quick look up-.
...And a shitload of Aggro.

Plasma shots from Baron Gestapo's robots slam into his left side from their position on the ruins of the Statue of Providence in the harbour. Okay, he's not affected by gold kryptonite.

"It looks like he's not affected by gold kryptonite."
Not ideal. Or maybe he was, but his demonic energy infusion is compensating for the loss of power. He's charged up enough that his magical protection is probably as strong as his innate telekinesis...

"Counter-fire read-."

Heat vision ignites the air between Demon Superman and the Statue, only to vanish as three of the other robots fires a cold beam into its path. Some radiation gets through, but they're easily tough enough to survive it.
On loan from OL, I take it. More stuff to repossesses when this is all over. Hope you have a running tally.

"Ready." Baron Gestapo can't keep the smugness out of his voice. "I told you that the targetting-."

Demon Superman lowers his gaze, moving the heat beam so that it's pointing at the water of the bay. The cold gun armed robots match his angle even as their brethren continue to pepper him with shots. We were pretty sure that they wouldn't do any damage, but that's not what they're supposed to do.
So, all of you are distractions for the real damage-dealers?

"That the targetting system would be able to cope."

Another knife buries itself into Demon Superman's leg as Baroness Reiter dashes past him on the opposite side, and I see it as his right hand turns the rubble it's resting on into dust.
Another hit like that and he might stand up... And then you're really fucked.

He's not hurt, but he's getting annoyed. Okay, can I do anything about his protective aura? If he stays exactly where he is, maybe. Diana said that they didn't have any specifically anti-magic weapons, so he's probably never encountered anything exactly like my mage slayers before.

I'm mostly supposed to be a distraction until he gets up, so… Yes. I change the laser construct into a teleport gun construct, because a railgun shot would be far too slow. It won't hit hard enough to hurt him… Heck, if he makes an effort he could still dodge it. But it looks like we haven't annoyed him enough to even get up yet.
Be glad for that, I think. At least he won't be expecting tricks like this from a Lantern, since his previous experience where the various Greenies. I think the biggest thing he'd seen from them at this point was... creating tethers to tow Earth? Kyle containing a Solaris going supernova?

What is he waiting for?

A few miles south west Demon Citizen Steel is intercepted by a vampire enthralled to Count Berlin. The vampire won't be able to hurt him significantly but the reverse is also true as the vampire can turn into mist or a cloud of bats to evade Heywood's punches. If we're really lucky the vampire will be able to mesmerise him, but we don't need that to happen.
More distractions, eh?

We don't want anyone providing cover for Demon Superman, and we want him to know that we're blocking them. We're not.. sure what the mechanism is for him getting corrupted superhumans to aid him. Diana said that he couldn't do it when he first transformed, but that it definitely predated Wolf's efforts. If we could work it out… We might have tried interfering with it using magic. But those vampires can earn their clemency.

The sea between the bay and the statue is completely frozen and Demon Superman cuts off his heat vision. He's smiling faintly. Okay, so-?
Well, shit. Outplayed.

Hoards of rag-clad cultists charge out from the city and begin the run towards the statue.

...Riiight. I'm curious as to how they knew to go there, but I assume the brand allows Demon-Superman to control them remotely.

Ah, that would explain-.

The plasma gun armed robots shift their fire-. And he's using the stun setting, thank goodness. We had a talk about the inadvisability of killing people in an area affected by demonic magic, but it's nice to see that it actually sunk it.
That side-effect being making nice, empty corpses for demons to move into, right?

Baroness Reiter dashes past again, this time running directly in front of him. He ignores the hit, instead, using… Flashes of heat vision to turn the broken ground into a series of molten pits that will make it far harder for her to travel there again.

There's a flash of light next to-
Sheesh. Supes putting that big Kryptonian brain to use.

"No mark?"

-me as a twisted version of Michael Holt appears, T-spheres with a pentagram decorating their face floating around him.
Crap. Because of course he has the smart heroes as well as the strong ones... And in case you were wondering how he got so close? Mister Terrific is invisible to technological observation thanks to that nifty mask.

"No life."

Filaments flash out from my construct armour, reaching for-. Passing through him. Phasing? I can get around-.

The T-spheres glow and agh!
I'm guessing a mental attack, similar to what he'd use against a Green Lantern... And that's one of the few weaknesses OL has left.

And so the fight begins... And OL is already practically out of it. It does make sense that he wouldn't be playing a primary offensive role, given the power imbalance involved. Most of his options for dealing with Demon-Superman would fail due to massive defences or speed, and others would impair his kryptonian allies. On the upside, Mister Terrific is only human under the technology and demonic upgrades...
'"Actually..." '
'be very'
'robots fire a'
Thank you, corrected.
Parallel universe Kryptonite don't work on native kryptonians Paul. You need to find native gold kryptonite.... Which he threw into the sun.
While that's technically sort of true, gold kryptonite and gold kryptonite are very similar, and it's not hard to perform tiny alterations to one to make the other. And sometimes they're close enough that you don't even need to do that.

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