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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

getting in the turf of something powerful enough to shield them from the corruption.
Could also be that whatever is protecting this part of Germany does not care at all about humans or vampires, and the protection it provides is an unintended consequence of its unrelated presence or actions. I'm sure Swamp Thing is keeping his corner of the globe all nice and tidy, regardless of the swamp people coming to him for protection.
Maybe some parts of the world aren't as corrupted as other parts and civilians can exist there.

Makes no sense when the corruption is global and has been implied as such in the writing.

It would make some sense if this was in far east Asia (Japan, Korea, etc), but Germany is literally a stone throw away from the British Isles and Italy, both places that were deeply corrupted.

Edit: Just remembered Italy doesn't border Germany, so it's not a literal stone throw by a normal human, but mildly super human can manage it easily.

Europe is geographically tiny, there is no way the corruption covers all of the Americas, the British Isles and Italy and somehow fucking Germany has no corruption.

Could also be that whatever is protecting this part of Germany does not care at all about humans or vampires, and the protection it provides is an unintended consequence of its unrelated presence or actions. I'm sure Swamp Thing is keeping his corner of the globe all nice and tidy, regardless of the swamp people coming to him for protection.

Would Kreiger actually allow for that shit to happen when we know he choose to target Nazi earth for corruption.

Kreiger wouldn't invade Nazi earth while the Germany 666 sits right there without an ounce of ambient demon magic.

It's a continuity error and the more you think about it the more egregious it becomes.
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Makes no sense when the corruption is global and has been implied as such in the writing.

It would make some sense if this was in far east Asia (Japan, Korea, etc), but Germany is literally a stone throw away from the British Isles and Italy, both places that were deeply corrupted.

Europe is geographically tiny, there is no way the corruption covers all of the Americas, the British Isles and Italy and somehow fucking Germany has no corruption.

I didn't say Germany wasn't corrupted, I just said that it may not be as corrupted as other parts of the world.

The entire planet may be saturated in demon magic, but some parts may be just be more saturated while others are less saturated.
I didn't say Germany wasn't corrupted, I just said that it may not be as corrupted as other parts of the world.

The entire planet may be saturated in demon magic, but some parts may be just be more saturated while others are less saturated.
Yeah. No guarantee that the demonic saturation of the world is uniform.
I didn't say Germany wasn't corrupted, I just said that it may not be as corrupted as other parts of the world.

The entire planet may be saturated in demon magic, but some parts may be just be more saturated while others are less saturated.

That goes against the scenario as initially presented in the previous episode and parts of this one and would count as a narrative nerf for no reason, like Spiderman suddenly failing to lift a two door car when minutes earlier he was throwing buses around like nothing.

Earth 666 is a threat because of the scenario established by Nabu, Morgan, Diana and the Italian chick that probably worships Trigon.

In the scenario presented by them standard magic users went crazy and those without adequate arcane protections went demonic fairly quickly, to the point only a extreme minority remained non corrupted and able to fight against demon Superman and his army of cultists.

If normal people can actually exist on earth 666 without magical defenses then Earth 666 is a joke and there is absolutely no tension in this episode. It even goes against the established character of Kreiger that selected Nazi earth for HIS vector of attack, because doing that makes absolutely no sense if Germany 666 has low levels of corruption to the point normal humans can apparently live in it.

Plus it's possible that some people are just more resistant to it than others.

Explain that one then, why would the Germans randomly have more resistance than the people of the Americas, the British or the Italians? Why are they special? It's it because Nazi earth is involved in the episode and low quality narrativium grants them that arcane defense because the Nazis from Earth 10 are destined by fate to save earth 666?

Its absolutely rubbish.

I was getting interested on the idea that these clearly horrible people were going to get fucked by the ambient Demon Magic of Earth 666 and that Paul would have to end up fighting what he brought to be reinforcements when they got turned. Heck I was half hoping Overman would have issues too due to his self identity and the Karmic debt he has self imposed on himself and that would up the stakes to a fair degree.

If that isn't going to happen then this episode has no tension and it's honestly the worst episode so far...
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Why shouldn't he stop them?

It's not like they're an actual threat to him and he can easily track them down very quickly so he's neither risking his time or his life.

They're also fairly easy to get rid of, while the demon corruption may be much, much more difficult to get rid of.

That's honestly time and ring power better spent fighting demon superman in my opinion.
If normal people can actually exist on earth 666 without magical defenses then Earth 666 is a joke and there is absolutely no tension in this episode

Not really.

Some normal people can exist on Earth 666, but that doesn't mean their lives are somehow easy or that they won't eventually succumb to the corruption.

View Earth 666 as something like a war-torn country.

Now in such countries it's possible for people to still exist and do normal things like grow food, raise kids, get married, trade things etc.

All of these are things normal people do despite living in what is basically a nightmare.

Now does that make the war-torn country a joke?

Of course not.

Their lives can still be incredibly hard and they can die.

It even goes against the established character of Kreiger that selected Nazi earth for HIS vector of attack, because doing that makes absolutely no sense if Germany 666 has low levels of corruption to the point normal humans can apparently live in it.

Except this world already has excess demon magic flowing through it so even if there are a few scattered survivors left here and there, it may not matter in the end since eventually they'll die out or join the corrupted.

Krieger may think that trying to find all these uncorrupted humans is a waste of time since they'll eventually either die or join him.

have more resistance than the people of the Americas, the British or the Italians? Why are they special? It's it because Nazi earth is involved in the episode and low quality narrativium grants them that arcane defense because the Nazis from Earth 10 are destined by fate to save earth 666?

Its absolutely rubbish

I never said the Germans were somehow more inherently resistant to it than the others.

I just said that some people, not specific to any country, may be more resistant to it.

And we also haven't really seen a whole lot of countries and how they're specifically doing so as far we know there may be scattered survivors in various countries that don't live under mystic protection.

The likes of North America may not have any since Superman could have killed everyone.

And Peru may not have any since Krieger turned it into Demon Vatican.

I was getting interested on the idea that these clearly horrible people were going to get fucked by the ambient Demon Magic of Earth 666 and that Paul would have to end up fighting what he brought to be reinforcements when they got turned. Heck I was half hoping Overman would have issues too due to his self identity and the Karmic debt he has self imposed on himself and that would up the stakes to a fair degree.

If that isn't going to happen then this episode has no tension and it's honestly the worse episode so far

Then you don't have to read it.

That's honestly time and ring power better spent fighting demon superman in my opinion.

Demon Superman is a thousand times more powerful than these guys, so they may not even be able to stop him.

At least this way he can do something to make people's lives easier.

And if they win against Demon Superman then this also stops the world from experiencing future vampire problems.
I doubt it, these guys were smart enough to arrange for a tithe of blood to feed their vampire warrior caravan as they move on a new area. So it's unlikely they are running around killing people for shits and giggles. Then again it depends on how often they have to fight demon cultists humans.

I am going to call a continuity error in here Mr Zoat Morgana already established that all humans (probably some aliens too if Kara is representative) without protection have their soul infused with demon magic constantly and that humans can only live without becoming crazy demon cultists under the aegis/protection of a greater entity. This being why all the humans in Britain have to live inside/around the castles she and her fae troops maintain.

This is supported by the bird guys that initially attacked the group when they were getting vision blasted by demon Superman.

Germany shouldn't have ANY baseline humans civilians, it either has crazy demon cultists or they are protected by an entity similar to Morgan and her Fae, or the God of the Hawk people. Thus the latest update doesn't really make sense.

Either the Vampires are hunting demon cultists humans thus not really civilians, they are hunting humans under the protection of at least a lesser god or these humans remain non corrupted BECAUSE of the Vampires and their magic and Paul is jumping the gun.
I never said that the local civilians weren't corrupted. They just don't have a target or anyone directing them.
But everyone's fucked anyway until they deal with demon superman.

Should one roving gang of vampires really be his priority right now?
Mostly true. The people that he will probably save in the next episode will be less fucked than they were. And, right now, there's some planning going on and he's been asked to deal with this problem; I guess so it doesn't become a bigger one.
Mostly true. The people that he will probably save in the next episode will be less fucked than they were. And, right now, there's some planning going on and he's been asked to deal with this problem; I guess so it doesn't become a bigger one.
More like they're making a plan to take down Demon Superman. And since Paul and the vampire aren't necessarily needed in the planning stages, the two can go out and deal with a possible threat that is already nearby and getting closer.
I can't do anything with the Spear, but we're hoping that the Crusader can."

"I don't know if I like handing this over to a Nazi."

"No." She shakes her head. "Crusader is from this Earth. He's not a Nazi.
It says terrible things that the nazis are not the most prejudiced people involved in this.

Time for Paul to show off a little for the arrogant and ignorant Nazis. Hopefully a demonstration of what he can do will get them to think twice about any potential ideas of betrayal or multiversal invasion. I'm sure at least some of the idiots that they have are thinking of it.
Be fair, a lot of the idiots on Paul's side are also thinking of invading their multiverseal allies.

Soo, brand the lot and use them as fodder?
Reminder: Young Vampires are called 'thralls' because their progenitor can compel their obedience. Most of these people are victims.
It says terrible things that the nazis are not the most prejudiced people involved in this.

Because Supes and Diana here aren't okay with giving the Nazis a device that can give them power over peoples minds and souls they're somehow more prejudiced than them?

You do realize that not giving Nazis more power is a good thing, right?

It doesn't say terrible things about them.

It says that those people have a brain and are using said brain.

Be fair, a lot of the idiots on Paul's side are also thinking of invading their multiverseal allies.

Probably not.

The situation with the Nazi Earth is quite different compared to say the Crime Syndicate Earth.

On Earth -14 the main problem was the Crime Syndicate, so removing their leadership, as well as their soldiers would have effectively solved the problem.

Getting rid of the Reichsmen may not do much to solve the issues on Earth 10 since aside from them the government is run by Nazis, and even if they got rid of the government the populace believes in Nazi ideas so they'd just form a new government.

Plus the League may not have time to deal with another universe like the one Earth 10 is in, since after the Sheeda invasion they've probably been dealing with too many things to be able to try and fix Earth 10, which would be a very long process.

Reminder: Young Vampires are called 'thralls' because their progenitor can compel their obedience. Most of these people are victims.

All vampires who haven't chosen to be turned are victims.

Though these vampires may not be just following his orders due to being compelled.

If they're similar to the ones from Buffy, then it's possible that whatever good they had in them went away when they were turned.
So is Paul going to stock up on assimilated demons here if given the chance? Personally, going Ophidian!Paul and assimilating Demon Superman seems like it should be the ultimate play. He'd be able to force evil Supes into telling what exactly happened and why, and have a powerful tool in his arsenal for his eventual war with Grayven (and Apokolips, because we know that has to happen).

I highly doubt that will happen, though.

Can Paul turn Vamps back into regular humans? That might be the play here. Turn them all into humans, and bid them good luck surviving. That would be fitting justice.
Y'know for all the hesitation about working with nazis Paul is awfully quick off the mark to purge a bunch of 'subhumans' for one of them.
Re-read the end of the scene, between Paul's actions.

> "Then perhaps you should be concerned to know that I have left followers in every town that I have passed. They are ordered to send a supply of blood to sustain us… But they can easily be ordered to kill everyone just as easily-"

Paul isn't 'purging subhumans', he's slaying vampires so that the civilians who have no further crime than (possibly/probably) being demon corrupted - something proven, repeatedly, as being recoverable from - don't get slaughtered.

So is Paul going to stock up on assimilated demons here if given the chance? Personally, going Ophidian!Paul and assimilating Demon Superman seems like it should be the ultimate play. He'd be able to force evil Supes into telling what exactly happened and why, and have a powerful tool in his arsenal for his eventual war with Grayven (and Apokolips, because we know that has to happen).

I highly doubt that will happen, though.

Paul has been said to have a future falling out with Batman, not Superman; assimilating another Superman would be the fastest way to reverse that order.
is Paul going to stock up on assimilated demons here if given the chance? Personally, going Ophidian!Paul and assimilating Demon Superman seems like it should be the ultimate play. He'd be able to force evil Supes into telling what exactly happened and why, and have a powerful tool in his arsenal for his eventual war with Grayven (and Apokolips, because we know that has to happen

I don't think so.

Aside from no demons showing up yet, Paul ma want to see if it's possible to somehow help the Demon Superman first and purify him.

Can Paul turn Vamps back into regular humans? That might be the play here. Turn them all into humans, and bid them good luck surviving. That would be fitting justice.

I don't think he can.

I know he apparently wanted to see how it works so he can potentially see if it can be made safe so everyone can get the benefits without the drawbacks, but I don't think anything has come from that.
So is Paul going to stock up on assimilated demons here if given the chance? Personally, going Ophidian!Paul and assimilating Demon Superman seems like it should be the ultimate play.
That sees like an incredibly harsh thing to do to someone whose only fault was getting possessed.
Can Paul turn Vamps back into regular humans? That might be the play here. Turn them all into humans, and bid them good luck surviving. That would be fitting justice.
That would result in them going cultist immediately. I mean... It would fully neutralise them as a threat, but they're trying to purify the planet so... Then they'd just be humans again.
I had to re-read the part where Berlin talks with the vampires several times to understand who was saying what. It's been a while since Zoat's habit of never pointing out who is speaking tripped me up this badly.

That said, a couple of comments on the Hell invasion arc:
"Or you'll have the Angels on your ass."

"I've been working under the assumption that I'll have to fight them eventually anyway." I slide the Sword of the Fallen out of its sheath. "If this worked on the First…"
That's precisely the attitude that resulted in him losing one of the greatest weapons in the universe. Which isn't a bad thing, it's good for the protagonist to suffer a loss now and then.

It's all to primal too have any permanence or attachment
"too primal to have"

Also, every single droplr link in this story arc are dead. It's probably also the case for all the earlier droplr links, but I haven't checked them all as thoroughly. I normally don't mention dead link without a replacement suggestion, but this arc makes heavy use of droplr to illustrate the alien hellscape and creatures involved. I remember that those images did a lot to improve my experience first reading these posts back in 2018, so Zoat might want to spend the effort required to fix that.
How did you fail your reading comprehension check so badly that you thought I confused Zoat's invention for comics canon when I freaking typed that it wasn't canon for the comics and specifically typed that Earth is the only world that the White Light Entity has ever been in the comics?
To be fair, your post was awkwardly worded. It's only after I re-read it twice that I understood what you were trying to say. Which is interesting, I knew that Earth being the 5th world and the host of the Life Entity was canon, but I didn't know that the Earth being the 5th world because of hosting the Life Entity was purely an invention of Zoat.

I don't know if you can quote my quote to most easily have everything formatted, but the file can just be copy pasted into the BBcode editor
If you want someone to be able to directly copy/paste from your post to the BBcode editor, you can use the [/code] tags instead of [/quote]
That sees like an incredibly harsh thing to do to someone whose only fault was getting possessed.

That would result in them going cultist immediately. I mean... It would fully neutralise them as a threat, but they're trying to purify the planet so... Then they'd just be humans again.

By that definition, though, assimilating Nabu-666 was a bit harsh. Maybe my impression of him was off (and I know there's a Nabu bias both in story and with the readers because he's an asshat body stealing wraith), but I felt like the Lord of Order just gave up and decided humans weren't worth it. Assimilating him was, of course, the right play, but maybe calling in Blue Lantern and trying to saturate Nabu-666 in Hope might have helped restore him. I'm not saying it's a practical plan or would have worked but it is a potential alternate plan that doesn't involve assimilation (though a Blue Lantern Nabu does sound like an interesting idea now that I'm thinking about it).

Assimilating a possessed Superman does sound harsh, while unpossessing him seems like the better plan. But... do we actually think Superman would be able to live with himself after everything he's done if/when he's freed from whatever is controlling him? Turning him into an assimilated puppet might actually be more humane. Paul has enough meta knowledge to know what can happen when Superman goes off the rails. When Darkseid mind controlled Superman-12 and used him to attack Earth (not to mention the rape baby Renegade met), Superman became so obsessed with Darkseid that he was willing to die to make sure that Darkseid died too. Only Batman forcing his retreat saved his life. Then there's what Injustice!Superman turned into after he was whammied into killing his pregnant wife and blowing up Metropolis.

Not arguing that Paul should try and assimilate Demon Supes, because even with the Ophidian, it probably wouldn't be a quick job. Paul's solution isn't to assimilate his problems away, even if sometimes it would make things easier for him later on. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get his own Orange Vampire Thralls, since their very existence puts any remaining human lives at risk. Unless Paul's going to just put them all somewhere safe, save this world, then come back and turn them humans so that humanity has a chance to survive.

Until, you know, Trigon. Or Darkseid. Or the Reach/Thanagarians/Dominators/etc.
"too primal to have"
Thank you, corrected.
Also, every single droplr link in this story arc are dead. It's probably also the case for all the earlier droplr links, but I haven't checked them all as thoroughly. I normally don't mention dead link without a replacement suggestion, but this arc makes heavy use of droplr to illustrate the alien hellscape and creatures involved. I remember that those images did a lot to improve my experience first reading these posts back in 2018, so Zoat might want to spend the effort required to fix that.
I'll look at it when I get time.
By that definition, though, assimilating Nabu-666 was a bit harsh. Maybe my impression of him was off (and I know there's a Nabu bias both in story and with the readers because he's an asshat body stealing wraith), but I felt like the Lord of Order just gave up and decided humans weren't worth it. Assimilating him was, of course, the right play, but maybe calling in Blue Lantern and trying to saturate Nabu-666 in Hope might have helped restore him. I'm not saying it's a practical plan or would have worked but it is a potential alternate plan that doesn't involve assimilation (though a Blue Lantern Nabu does sound like an interesting idea now that I'm thinking about it).
Yes, but the SI hates Nabu.
Assimilating a possessed Superman does sound harsh, while unpossessing him seems like the better plan. But... do we actually think Superman would be able to live with himself after everything he's done if/when he's freed from whatever is controlling him?
Maybe not, but that's his decision to make.
All vampires who haven't chosen to be turned are victims.

Though these vampires may not be just following his orders due to being compelled.

If they're similar to the ones from Buffy, then it's possible that whatever good they had in them went away when they were turned.

Traditionally in DC, the vampires' deal is their bloodlust.

Basically blood is cocaine, heroine, and meth all rolled into one for them, so even good people transformed, well, it will probably end with more blood than a Kill Bill sequel rather quickly.

It's not impossible to keep your morals though, Looker is apparently an exception thanks to her psychic powers and Andrew Bennett is more prone to existential angst than slaughter. Dagon was able to keep his cool, it seems his genetic engineering just left him with a regular style hunger instead of blood essentially being all the drugs for him.

An example would be the Vampire Batman from Blood Rain. He was able to resist for some time thanks to his willpower but when he slipped, well, more blood than a Kill Bill sequel.
I want to argue against the idea of Earth 10 invading other Earths, but, well, fucking comic books. It seems like every single universe with an evil version of the Justice League feels compelled to invade a universe with a good Justice League, then somehow lose even though the evil versions shouldn't be holding back and would thus be more dangerous.

This despite the fact that they should be more than busy managing the version of Earth they already control before adding other Earths to the equation.

But if we pretend to be even halfway sensible with Earth 10 . . . They have heaps upon heaps of Lebensbraum with what regions they ended up depopulating then colonizing. Then there's the fact that they even have Lunar and Martian cities, so they're also colonizing the solar system. But oh, sure, they would totally just try to conquer another Earth when they didn't even have the manpower to totally occupy their own Earth. Collaborator and allied governments to help maintain their hegemony? What are those? Never heard of them.
I never said that the local civilians weren't corrupted. They just don't have a target or anyone directing them.

You will have to run that pass the thread again because the implied situation is that the people with overflowing demon magic inside them are predisposed to attack and kill anyone that isn't marked, so not having anyone to direct them shouldn't matter a single iota because they cannot be a hapless neutral party that will leave the "good guys" alone unless they are told otherwise. So by default they cannot be hapless civilians as it's implied in the latest update.

Also if the demon corruption it's as implied by Nabu, Morgan and Diana then Paul made a terrible mistake by dragging these Nazis here because by most of them by default lack proper protection they should be getting turned into cultists at speeds, the vampire would be obviously immune, the wraith is a maybe, but the humans in power armor that are by all accounts evil? Those are a huge liability. Heck Overman, Superman and Angelika are only "protected" because Paul gave them anti magic defenses before they left 16.

In short, 70% Of the reinforcements Paul brought are a liability.

Crusader ought to be normally immune due to his unrelenting faith.
The Wonder Woman's ought to be immune or at the very least resistant.
The Vampire is immune.
The Wraith Meta may be immune.

Everyone else is a liability and I hope this is setup to be a narrative land mine that will blow up to make the stakes higher because if they can exist in earth 666 without defenses long enough to fight against 666 superdemon without getting fucked then 666 isn't living to the hype of its setup and its getting nerfed to oblivion.
You will have to run that pass the thread again because the implied situation is that the people with overflowing demon magic inside them are predisposed to attack and kill anyone that isn't marked, so not having anyone to direct them shouldn't matter a single iota because they cannot be a hapless neutral party that will leave the "good guys" alone unless they are told otherwise. So by default they cannot be hapless civilians as it's implied in the latest update

They're pretty hapless seeing as the vamps apparently turned them into cattle.

And they won't pose a problem for Paul or the ones he brought with him since they're located miles away from them, so even if they're freed, they can't exactly reach them before they're gone.

Also if the demon corruption it's as implied by Nabu, Morgan and Diana then Paul made a terrible mistake by dragging these Nazis here because by most of them by default lack proper protection they should be getting turned into cultists at speeds, the vampire would be obviously immune, the wraith is a maybe, but the humans in power armor that are by all accounts evil? Those are a huge liability. Heck Overman, Superman and Angelika are only "protected" because Paul gave them anti magic defenses before they left 16.

Unless he gave them protections offscreen or maybe becoming corrupted can take a long time. And they're not planning on staying there for long.

Everyone else is a liability and I hope this is setup to be a narrative land mine that will blow up to make the stakes higher because if they can exist in earth 666 without defenses long enough to fight against 666 superdemon without getting fucked then 666 isn't living to the hype of its setup and its getting nerfed to oblivion.

It can still live up to the hype, even if it doesn't go full grimderp.
if the demon corruption it's as implied by Nabu, Morgan and Diana

I was under the impression that the current theory was that demon corruption 'progressed' as it had so far via channeling demonic energies into the Spear, which can now no longer happen as it has been claimed by our protagonist party. There may be some ambient contamination occurring, but I would guess it would be much slower now without Wolf jerking the Spear.
I've checked most of the rest of the Aegean and no luck. They recognised Diana so there must be a Themysica, but it's not… Here.

I was rereading the story and spotted this error.

I've checked most of the rest of the Aegean and no luck. They recognised Diana so there must be a Themyscira, but it's not… Here.

Speaking of that one, I once read a fic in which that version replaces the Zeus from Percy Jackson and acts the way he'd usually act towards his Hera, with love and care.

It is time. *searches on google for answers* - disney zeus inserted into percy jackson fanfic -
Second result under first sub result.
Spacebattles thread authored by Redchaos1. 8 chaps 11k words, all updates concentrated into a few months in 2021 then moved on, likely dead

Speaking of truth, a good way towards reforming Earth-10's society would be to find the local Spear of Destiny and get Diana to inject some Truth into it. Might do that world a whole lot of good if that remark about the lasso is anything to go with.

Or it might lead to mass suicides. Either way, Earth 10 would be a better place, relatively.

Let's speculate what truthbombing an entire Nazi world will look like, that's going to have spectacular results.

This entire exchange just rolls out into the open here in Zoat's stuff. Combined with the feeling of 'these are nazis why do I care?'. I'm amused and horrified that the idea of resolving cognitive dissonance worldwide could potentially cause mass suicides and be a net benefit for Nazi earth. Speaking of which, this situation could be an opportunity for Overman and Overgirl to take advantage of the inevitable ideological shitstorm that will happen.

17th September 2012
02:21 GMT +1

She watches him for a few moments, studying his face-.

Superman shakes his head. "I'mSorry, I'm not him."

"-kill everyone just as easily-"


step out

Ah, it's always good to see a Superman being himself. Meanwhile, OL stepping out like that so ominously will never stop being awesome.

The imminent massacre by vampires seems like an appropriate time to do some cleaning before the main event.

Hopefully, demon-hunting goes smoothly or batshit insane, either would still bring joy to me.
I was under the impression that the current theory was that demon corruption 'progressed' as it had so far via channeling demonic energies into the Spear, which can now no longer happen as it has been claimed by our protagonist party. There may be some ambient contamination occurring, but I would guess it would be much slower now without Wolf jerking the Spear.

No, Diana clearly says people changed when Superman changed with unprotected ones going crazy fairly quickly and it's portrayed as such in the comic that originated the premise of the episode. Kreiger was probably using the Spear to get more acolytes and to cement his position as a "prophet", he wasn't the cause of the corruption of all humans. Crusader may be able to use the spear counter the influence of the ambient demon magic and to help humans better resist it, but that is as far as it would go because we know mental fortitude or being insane is enough to resist spear influenced mind control.

They're pretty hapless seeing as the vamps apparently turned them into cattle.

And they won't pose a problem for Paul or the ones he brought with him since they're located miles away from them, so even if they're freed, they can't exactly reach them before they're gone.

They are cattle in the same way crocodiles are cattle.

These demon infused humans are like high functioning zombies, smart enough to function to keep themselves alive, but excessively violent towards those that aren't like them and do not bear his mark and taint.

Unless he gave them protections offscreen or maybe becoming corrupted can take a long time. And they're not planning on staying there for long.

That is what we call bad writing.

It can still live up to the hype, even if it doesn't go full grimderp.

Not really. This isn't grimderp, it's the exact opposite. It's following the logic of the established setup and all the Chekhov guns that have been set and primed in the dialog. Not following on all the setup would be the actual derp.
Not really. This isn't grimderp, it's the exact opposite. It's following the logic of the established setup and all the Chekhov guns that have been set and primed in the dialog. Not following on all the setup would be the actual derp.

In actual DC any type of corruption can be resisted through raw force of will (and I can't recall anything that contradicts that in any of WTR) and they've been on Earth 666 for all of a few minutes.

If one of the most powerful demons in hell couldn't corrupt Paragon while he was a magical sponge and literally inside hell why would normal people get turned any faster?

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