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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The SI wouldn't hire Lobo for the same reason he wouldn't hire Mxyplyzyk. He doesn't like people with poorly defined abilities.
Pay Lobo for testing and Reach Fighting. Best way to define those abilities is to view them in action. Run tests. Can't expect the to be defined without the scientific method. Would he just wait till he met a Paul that did the work.

Wonder if the Reach would hire mercs to take out Paul?
Personal Question:
Which Lobo do you prefer?
Mars is, but there's no Green there. Even back in the old days, Mars's plant life was too different for them to interface with it easily.
Paul created an alien plant and the dryad gave it life way back when on Themascryia.
Couldn't he bring plants from there to here or here to there like that? Then the dryad ( I forgotten her name) create\become Mar's Green? Or this at least acts as an adapter for her manipulation of Mar's plant life?

  1. The first was a joke based on a reference to the YouTube series If The Emperor Had A Text To Speech Device. 1 episode involved him explaining the C'tan origin. That they used to be happy little barely sentient Oort Cloud farts munching away on star radiation till the still organic Necrons stuffed them into robot bodies with all their species knowledge in an attempt to make living weapons.
  2. The Thanagarian mentioned something about even Paul doesn't take advantage of his world's technology?
  3. I was referring to that meeting of Paul talking about different threats from the galaxy and when he talked about Thanagar they insisted that was foolhardy. Granted they currently aren't talking about strip mining the planet like Paul suggested might happen but you are clearly setting something up here.
  4. Paul was thinking about offering NATO or Legion help to fix those baby titans homeworld Thaumasphere? After the civil war was over the survivors didn't really accept I think? Either way it isn't currently happening. So same could apply to Thanagar?
  5. And finally I get those Thanagarian agents imbedded with the cultists were stoking up the fight, in part, to test Paul and wipe out Seven Devils for their future plans. Then maybe stop them. But it was implied that they had other orders to carry out separate from all that. Because Jade stopped to them. So what were they supposed to do if Jade hadn't killed\captured them?
Sorry I didn't make it clear but I was proposing a solution for Swamp Thing to terraform Mars.

The original question was can the lack of Green magic and water be rectified by hiring some dryads and magic practitioners and using the ring to acquire ice glaciers from space and bringing it to Mars make it possible for Swamp Thing, the Avatar of the Green to possibly bring back the plant biodiversity with the only restriction being time and study?

Is the Swamp Thing just the Avatar of The Green on Earth only in this story?

Sorry for the questions but I'll drop it if you need some time to think about the inclusion of Swamp Thing into the plot.
Pay Lobo for testing and Reach Fighting.
Well that's a terrible idea. The Reach, due to territory controlled and technological level, can likely afford to pay more than OL can, currently. My understanding of Lobo is that he would happily switch sides of the Reach gave him a better offer, at which point he goes from being a non-participant to being an active problem. One with strong but poorly defined abilities, no less.
Well that's a terrible idea. The Reach, due to territory controlled and technological level, can likely afford to pay more than OL can, currently. My understanding of Lobo is that he would happily switch sides of the Reach gave him a better offer, at which point he goes from being a non-participant to being an active problem. One with strong but poorly defined abilities, no less.
I'm not sure of Lobo's mercenary code, but I'd say with Maltusian resources that Paragon should definitely have the technological edge. Hiring Lobo for stuff seems more like Renegade's MO; if he can deal with ponies, he can probably deal with all the powers that come with Lobo's (semi-) joke-character status.
The Thanagarian mentioned something about even Paul doesn't take advantage of his world's technology?
They said humans generally.
Paul was thinking about offering NATO or Legion help to fix those baby titans homeworld Thaumasphere? After the civil war was over the survivors didn't really accept I think? Either way it isn't currently happening. So same could apply to Thanagar?
Sorry I didn't make it clear but I was proposing a solution for Swamp Thing to terraform Mars.
The martians are working on that themselves. There isn't really any need for external observation.
The original question was can the lack of Green magic and water be rectified by hiring some dryads and magic practitioners and using the ring to acquire ice glaciers from space and bringing it to Mars make it possible for Swamp Thing, the Avatar of the Green to possibly bring back the plant biodiversity with the only restriction being time and study?
They already hired Mother of Mercy. Changing a biosphere shouldn't be a minimal participant activity if you want people to actually care about it.
Is the Swamp Thing just the Avatar of The Green on Earth only in this story?
Swamp Thing is the champion of the Green. He's there to beat things up, not set policy.
Vantavendi (part 1)

20th October 2012
09:23 GMT -6

"Oh." Leonard looks at me over the chain attaching his door to its frame. "It's you."

"Good morning, Leonard!"

He looks… Ah, hung over. Also suspicious, though that could just be the lasting effects of the alcohol and lack of sleep.

I hadn't taken it entirely seriously when Waller said that the Governor was minded to pardon the Beresfords, but it seems that she was right on the money. Several of the supervillains I was working with are out on licence already. If they had a record of good behaviour inside and a job lined up…

I cautiously extend a vial of healing potion towards the gap in the door.

"This should fix the hangover?"

Good behaviour, a job lined up, and probably took part in operations against the Sheeda. There isn't a Taskforce X -I checked that hard- but things were dicey enough worldwide that I can't really fault them for asking for volunteers. At least amongst the rehabilitatable prisoners. If I'd found out that they'd made a deal with Satanus then we'd be having words.

He extends his right hand through the gap and takes the vial before pulling it back to him. He removes the stopper with his left hand and lifts it to his nose, taking a cautious sniff.

"What is it?"

"Healing potion. KordTech are taking it through FDA approval, but the League already uses it."

"… Healing potion." He looks away for a moment, then tips his head back and downs the contents of the vial. Then he puts the stopper back on and stows it in his dressing gown pocket. "How long does it ouwh."

He blinks, suddenly looking more alert.

"Fuck me."

"I appreciate that you're grateful, but that won't be necessary."

"Fuck you." He blinks again. "That's good stuff. What's the problem with the FDA?"

"They don't have the skills to properly regulate magic. It's not even entirely clear that they have the authority to regulate magic. But plenty of companies are fighting over the rights to bring Sheeda technology products to market so there's a huge furore in Washington over who gets to do what, and the presidential election's coming up…"

"Fucking politicians."

"A politician got you out of Belle Reve several years early. It's a little ungrateful slandering his entire occupation."

I hear a masculine mutter from inside the apartment. Leonard's eyes move a little before refocusing on me.

"It's Louisiana. He can't be that useful. What took you so long, anyway? I was expecting you to be right outside the gates."

I shrug. "I was on holiday. First proper sustained period of inactivity since I arrived on this planet. And I honestly had no idea it was even in the works. If Ted Kord hadn't been on the ball, Kadabra would be rather narked with me right now, and with good reason."

"I bet it didn't take you two weeks to visit that cat girl."

"No, but she's got nicer tits than you.""So… Are you going to invite me in, or..?"

"I've got… Company over."

"And I can see emotions through walls." I cup my right hand against the side of my mouth. "Good morning Mister Harkness!"


"Ah." He reaches over and removes the chain. "You might as well come in, then."

Door open, he steps out for a moment and checks both directions before going back inside. I follow him in, the smell of smoke and alcohol-.

I sniff again.

"Is that bhang?"

Leonard freezes for a moment. "No."

"Good enough for me." I close the door behind me. "No problems accessing your accounts?"

"Not for long."

He leads the way into the living/dining room, where Mr. Harkness is lying on a settee with a pillow over his face.

"Hello again, Mister Harkness. How's life treating you?"

"I'll go to prison for an aspirin."

"I'm not sending you to prison. You're not important enough." I pull another vial out of one of my pouches and lay it between the beer cans on the probably-misnamed coffee table. "Hangover cure on the table."

Leonard looks from me to Mr. Harkness. "You met?"

"My first week here. I needed directions. My original costume was designed by Peter Gambi."

Mr. Harkness extends his right arm, knocking cans aside as his questing hand tries to find the vial without exposing his face to light.

"So, are you taking Ted's offer?"

"Don't know. Haven't decided."

"The terms of your parole do say-."

"I know."

"If you want to go into business for yourself I'm happy to invest or lend you the money, but now you're out… I am going to be paying you a certain amount of special attention. You're far too dangerous for me not to."

He looks mildly pleased by that comment, though he tries not to show it.

"How about the twins?"

"Already tearing their way through an old cargo ship and loving every minute of it."

He nods.

"I'll probably go with Kord. Can't see any reason not to. But right now I just want to enjoy being out."

"Fair enough. Oh." I smile. "Before I go, I thought I'd let you know that I've shown your work to a number of alien engineers and scientists from interstellar civilisations and they don't have anything like it either."

"That right."

"So if you ever get bored of Earth, you've got a galaxy of worlds to choose from."

"I like Earth fine."

"Alright. I'll see you when you make a dec-"

Mr. Harkness sits up suddenly, empty tube flying across the room and his eyes staring! "Fucking Jesus!"


Leonard shrugs.

"Why? You got somewhere you need to be?"
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I hadn't taken it entirely seriously when Waller said that the Governor was minded to pardon the Beresfords, but it seems that she was right on the money. Several of the supervillains I was working with are out on licence already. If they had a record of good behaviour inside and a job lined up

And probably working for a Suicide Squad.

Good behaviour, a job lined up, and probably took part in operations against the Sheeda. There isn't a Taskforce X -I checked that hard- but things were dicey enough worldwide that I can't really fault them for asking for volunteers

Ahh, so no Squad.

At least amongst the rehabilitatable prisoners. If I'd found out that they'd made a deal with Satanus then we'd be having words.

They may have been tempted, seeing as he's a powerful magic user and the Sheeda use magic.

"Fuck me."

"I appreciate that you're grateful, but that won't be necessary

You're not really his type, Snart.

You're more of an angry adult with issues.

Paul likes angry teenage boys with issues.

I know how this sounds, but it's true.

on the ball Kadabra would be rather narked

'ball, Kadabra'

Ah." He reaches over and removed the


Liquid pot?

The world is a strange and beautiful place.

." I pull another vial out of one of my pouches and lays it between

'lay it'
You didn't answer if they could or couldn't activate Thanagar's Thaumasphere?

Did Paul swing back around to give Bleez a ring?
"I bet it didn't take you two weeks to visit that cat girl."

"No, but she's got nicer tits than you.""So… Are you going to invite me in, or..?"
And now he's in a happy committed relationship with excellent sex with her so good luck making him feel guilty Mr. Jelly.

No I think that's correct.

20th October 2012
09:23 GMT -6

"Oh." Leonard looks at me over the chain attaching his door to its frame. "It's you."
Well, holiday's over, back to work it is. And first on the list: Checking in on certain persons of interest, eh? Presumably he's out legally, since I doubt he'd want to fuck up his chances at a clean parole by making an escape attempt.

"Good morning, Leonard!"

He looks… Ah, hung over. Also suspicious, though that could just be the lasting effects of the alcohol and lack of sleep.
Probably far too early in the morning for cheerfulness, as far as he's concerned. Even if it is nearly lunchtime.

I hadn't taken it entirely seriously when Waller said that the Governor was minded to pardon the Beresfords, but it seems that she was right on the money. Several of the supervillains I was working with are out on licence already. If they had a record of good behaviour inside and a job lined up…

I cautiously extend a vial of healing potion towards the gap in the door.
Unfortunately, outside of OL, how many options do they have? I can't help but think one or two might be thinking 'railroading' about his offers...

"This should fix the hangover?"

Good behaviour, a job lined up, and probably took part in operations against the Sheeda. There isn't a Taskforce X -I checked that hard- but things were dicey enough worldwide that I can't really fault them for asking for volunteers. At least amongst the rehabilitatable prisoners. If I'd found out that they'd made a deal with Satanus then we'd be having words.
I suppose fighting to protect others would provide a good reference of character for a pardon. Wonder if any simply used the opportunity to duck out and flee?

He extends his right hand through the gap and takes the vial before pulling it back to him. He removes the stopper with his left hand and lifts it to his nose, taking a cautious sniff.

"What is it?"
Your new best friend, Lenny. :D Drink up, and feel the sunshine.

"Healing potion. KordTech are taking it through FDA approval, but the League already uses it."

"… Healing potion." He looks away for a moment, then tips his head back and downs the contents of the vial. Then he puts the stopper back on and stows it in his dressing gown pocket. "How long does it ouwh."
Huh, healing potions will fix hangovers? Well, I suppose they can be considered a harmful medical condition (altered chemical balances and dehydration, among other things.)

He blinks, suddenly looking more alert.

"Fuck me."
Sorry, OL's taken.

"I appreciate that you're grateful, but that won't be necessary."

"Fuck you." He blinks again. "That's good stuff. What's the problem with the FDA?"
Well, can you imagine trying to list the 'active ingredients' in something that does its' thing by magic?

"They don't have the skills to properly regulate magic. It's not even entirely clear that they have the authority to regulate magic. But plenty of companies are fighting over the rights to bring Sheeda technology products to market so there's a huge furore in Washington over who gets to do what, and the presidential election's coming up…"

"Fucking politicians."
Hey, it's not unreasonable that they might be genuinely concerned what the potions actually do to people. I mean, a mystical supervillian could easily make a version that adds a mind-control effect.

"A politician got you out of Belle Reve several years early. It's a little ungrateful slandering his entire occupation."

I hear a masculine mutter from inside the apartment. Leonard's eyes move a little before refocusing on me.
...Oh, I know that's not a date. So, Lenny, who'd you go drinking with last night?

"It's Louisiana. He can't be that useful. What took you so long, anyway? I was expecting you to be right outside the gates."

I shrug. "I was on holiday. First proper sustained period of inactivity since I arrived on this planet. And I honestly had no idea it was even in the works. If Ted Kord hadn't been on the ball Kadabra would be rather narked with me right now, and with good reason."
Oh, I bet he would. All those promises he made, and... Whoops, he's not in the office when Kadabra gets out of the pen. That could lead to some hurt feelings, all right.

"I bet it didn't take you two weeks to visit that cat girl."

"No, but she's got nicer tits than you.""So… Are you going to invite me in, or..?"
Cheetah? Well, an alternate of him is dating a version of her. And OL knows that, if he asked that Clayface about it. But OL's interest is probably purely professional.

"I've got… Company over."

"And I can see emotions through walls." I cup my right hand against the side of my mouth. "Good morning Mister Harkness!"
Ah, Digger 'Captain Boomerang' Harkness. Probably pardoned on the same deal (assuming he was in jail,) and celebrating their newfound freedom with a proper old piss-up, then.


"Ah." He reaches over and removed the chain. "You might as well come in, then."
To be fair, it's not like you could really keep him out if he really wanted in. At least he's asking.

Door open, he steps out for a moment and checks both directions before going back inside. I follow him in, the smell of smoke and alcohol-.

I sniff again.

"Is that bhang?"
Liquid Cannabis? The things people will do to get high. And nominally legal for use in America, if I read the article right.

Leonard freezes for a moment. "No."

"Good enough for me." I close the door behind me. "No problems accessing your accounts?"
I mean, he knew what it was the second his ring scanned the place... Still, staying on Lenny's good side is probably worth more than a minor arrest for drugs...

"Not for long."

He leads the way into the living/dining room, where Mr. Harkness is lying on a settee with a pillow over his face.
Ah, the good old 'The light, it burns us' response of the hung-over.

"Hello again, Mister Harkness. How's life treating you?"

"I'll go to prison for an aspirin."
How about not, and something far better.

"I'm not sending you to prison. You're not important enough." I pull another vial out of one of my pouches and lays it between the beer cans on the probably-misnamed coffee table. "Hangover cure on the table."

Leonard looks from me to Mr. Harkness. "You met?"

"My first week here. I needed directions. My original costume was designed by Peter Gambi."
And that is one heck of a callback indeed.

Mr. Harkness extends his right arm, knocking cans aside as his questing hand tries to find the vial without exposing his face to light.

"So, are you taking Ted's offer?"
He should, it's a damn good deal. But then, there's his ego to consider...

"Don't know. Haven't decided."

"The terms of your parole do say-."

"I know."
Specifically, the 'find gainful employment' part. Kind of important.

"If you want to go into business for yourself I'm happy to invest or lend you the money, but now you're out… I am going to be paying you a certain amount of special attention. You're far too dangerous for me not to."

He looks mildly pleased by that comment, though he tries not to show it.
Told you. Ego. Cause of more than a few of his problems over the years.

"How about the twins?"

"Already tearing their way through an old cargo ship and loving every minute of it."
I can see them being popular in ship-breaking. Being able to bend and tear metal with their bare hands and all...

He nods.

"I'll probably go with Kord. Can't see any reason not to. But right now I just want to enjoy being out."
Just don't leave it too long. Don't want a Flash turning up looking for you.

"Fair enough. Oh." I smile. "Before I go, I thought I'd let you know that I've shown your work to a number of alien engineers and scientists from interstellar civilisations and they don't have anything like it either."

"That right."
And now he's grinning like a loon on the inside. Even if he's trying to keep his poker face on the outside...

"So if you ever get bored of Earth, you've got a galaxy of worlds to choose from."

"I like Earth fine."
...But... Technicolour space babes!

"Alright. I'll see you when you make a dec-"

Mr. Harkness sits up suddenly, empty tube flying across the room and his eyes staring! "Fucking Jesus!"
Heh, bit of a jolt, eh? I guess some people have more lively reactions than others.


Leonard shrugs.

"Why? You got somewhere you need to be?"
Drinking before noon? Not exactly classy.

So, OL's getting caught back up after his holiday, then. That'll take... Two days tops, the rate he moves. Still, that can soak up a few chapters. Then what? Any thoughts on what the title means, or may foretell about the episode's plot? Because... o_O I'm drawing a blank. Still, I guess we'll see soon enough.
So were Captain Boomerang and Captain Cold just getting wasted to celebrate Cold's release or is this just something they do?
They were testing the effects of temperature on biological systems. Specifically thermal expansion and friction.

It seems all that research late into the night left them dehydrated.
'ball, Kadabra'
'lay it'
Thank you, corrected.
Liquid pot?

The world is a strange and beautiful place.
It's a reference to Bruce Has A Problem.
So were Captain Boomerang and Captain Cold just getting wasted to celebrate Cold's release or is this just something they do?
No it wasn't.
You didn't answer if they could or couldn't activate Thanagar's Thaumasphere?
Oh, it's perfectly possible. It's just beyond the current abilities of any featured characters.
Did Paul swing back around to give Bleez a ring?
No I think that's correct.
I don't think it is.
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True, but just because a group can overcome the methods you are using to beat that group, that doesn't mean you shouldn't use them while you can.
If you really need it, sure, but when there's a very real risk of that being the last time it'll work (which is far from assured, but likely enough for this context), one should make it really count.
I think corporations are referred to using plural pronouns; so "are" is correct.
At least, they are in the UK, and since OL is the one talking, it fits. In the USA, corporations are theoretically individuals, though none have ever been executed, and thus Americans often use 'is' for some groups, including companies.
At least, they are in the UK, and since OL is the one talking, it fits. In the USA, corporations are theoretically individuals, though none have ever been executed, and thus Americans often use 'is' for some groups, including companies.
Ah, thank you, of course that makes sense. Yet again, a 'correction' isn't correct due to the whole US vs. UK divide.
"They don't have the skills to properly regulate magic. It's not even entirely clear that they have the authority to regulate magic. But plenty of companies are fighting over the rights to bring Sheeda technology products to market so there's a huge furore in Washington over who gets to do what, and the presidential election's coming up…"
Nice word games there Paragon.

They don't have the authority to regulate Magic.

They do have the authority to regulate potions as those would fall under their definition of a drug.
"I like Earth fine."

"Alright. I'll see you when you make a dec-"

Mr. Harkness sits up suddenly, empty tube flying across the room and his eyes staring! "Fucking Jesus!"


Leonard shrugs.

"Why? You got somewhere you need to be?"
I don't really understand the ending. Why would Leonard say that? To who is he talking? Or is it Harkness speaking? I don't see any reason for him to ask that question to the SI either, so maybe he's asking that to Leonard?

Can someone explain to me, please?
I don't really understand the ending. Why would Leonard say that? To who is he talking? Or is it Harkness speaking? I don't see any reason for him to ask that question to the SI either, so maybe he's asking that to Leonard?

Can someone explain to me, please?

It's just Snart making polite talk, nothing more.

Paul's last line implied he was going to go somewhere and Snart asked him if he had somewhere he needed to be.
Mr Zoat, I found a broken picture.
Klarion floats in the air in front of the hall's main window, small holographic screens in the air around him. On the ground next to him Guy's kneeling. He's glowing brilliant green and appears to be shaking. Savage stands a little further away, talking to a large blonde man wearing black body armour with red are those swastikas!? And a figure in purple wizard robes decorated with gold thread and carrying a spear who is facing away from us.

Edit: I also found a video that doesn't work because it's private. I assume this is Yami Yugi doing this to someone?
I feel the oppressive force of Manhunter going for a mind crush as Diana lunges at me sword in hand and Jordan fires a boxing glove construct at Guy. I shift aside, turning away her sword arm while using a filament to tag her with a wafer as she goes past. She staggers a pace and then falls bonelessly to the ground. King Orin's slower, the lack of breathable air is clearly causing him difficulty. The boxing glove hits Guy right in the face only to stop dead and then blink out.
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