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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Wonderful chapter. I'd love to see Paul hang with the Rogues. I wonder if Flash and Kid Flash will show up since they have a fairly good relationship with their Villains
Well that's a terrible idea. The Reach, due to territory controlled and technological level, can likely afford to pay more than OL can, currently. My understanding of Lobo is that he would happily switch sides of the Reach gave him a better offer, at which point he goes from being a non-participant to being an active problem. One with strong but poorly defined abilities, no less.

not as terrible as you think. however undefined the rest of him is, one of the few constant defining traits of Lobo is that his own person sense of honor/duty/whatever prevents him from reneging or quitting a job before seeing it completed. if anything, the main problem that i see with hiring him to take on the Reach is a lack of a single Big Bad to point him at. you could just say "Lobo, destroy the Reach" and then a whoooole lot of innocents are going to die, which isn't ideal. if Paul or Vril Dox could give him an ongoing list of single targets, that would be better. besides, even if Lobo did end up taking a contract against Paul or any one of the good guys, i fully believe the Maltusians or Paul could easily capture and imprison him indefinitely.

edited to add: a dialogue between Hinon and Lobo could be hilarious.
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Mr Zoat hey did Overgirl go back to her earth and if she did is she helping Overman reform Nazi earth
How in the world did I miss this possibility (during that arc)? Great question. I doubt she'd feel super comfortable on her homeworld, but I reckon at least a trip was in order. And a debriefing on our earth. I hope we learn about her situation during this catch-up arc. I have a feeling only a fraction of this arc will really be about recent happenings and things will take a chaotic turn soon enough.

Hm. Kara has also gone a month without the SI. I'm curious if she has changed much during the time skip.
Mr Zoat hey did Overgirl go back to her earth and if she did is she helping Overman reform Nazi earth
I thought it was said, that she would go back if it was possible to visit.. But she didn't want to go back and stay on her earth. So if she has a way back and forth, she's visiting. If she has no way, she's on our Earth.
At least, they are in the UK, and since OL is the one talking, it fits. In the USA, corporations are theoretically individuals, though none have ever been executed, and thus Americans often use 'is' for some groups, including companies.
Eh... "thus" implies causation, which just isn't true. American English doesn't distinguish groups from any other kind of noun when deciding whether to use singular or plural grammar, which means the form of a word itself decides what verbs to use with it.

Also, Ma Bell was drawn (new articles of incorporation) and quartered (into the Baby Bells) so I'm not sure you can rightly say that none have ever been executed. :p
I thought it was said, that she would go back if it was possible to visit.. But she didn't want to go back and stay on her earth. So if she has a way back and forth, she's visiting. If she has no way, she's on our Earth.
That doesn't sound safe. While Overgirl and Overman would be fine the rest of Nazi earth having easy access to earth 16 is going to cause some serious problems.
Planning on re-reading this. Anyone mind telling me what differences there are in the second rewrite?
Is Vulcan willing to move to Thaanagar or were they just going to have him make Nth metal for them on earth and ship it to them?
Vantavendi (part 2)
20th October 2012
09:41 GMT -6

Lenny plonks a plate of fried food down in front of Mr. Harkness and me, while Mr. Harkness continues to stare at me over the rim of his coffee mug. He then heads back to the cooker to plate up what's left for himself. Lenny's kitchen is pretty clean, something that's at odds with the homes of a lot of supervillains and something I put down to the fact that he probably does electronic engineering in here.

Watching 'Captain Cold' work a frying pan, grill and griddle was an interesting experience. I enjoy cooking, but I've never bothered putting the sort of effort into a fried breakfast that he is without really thinking about it. And then I looked a little closer, and I understand. It's not like his father was going to feed them.


Lenny looks around and then shifts his eyes up-

"Cupboard behind you."

-before moving back to the fried egg he's transferring.

I pick up my knife and fork, pinning the fried slice and cutting through a segment. Mr. Harkness puts down his coffee mug and sidles out of his chair, reaching back for the cupboard handle-.

"Mister Harkness." And cut through the bacon, pleased that Lenny didn't microwave it as Wallace used to. "I.. don't know why you're acting like this. We've never fought each other. I don't have anything against you."

Mr. Harkess flicks his eyes towards Lenny as I put my fork in my mouth, and Lenny shrugs.

"And if you can pick fights with a man who runs at the speed of light while armed with a bent stick, I'm-"

"It's carbon fibre-reinforced plastic."

"-sure-. Oh. Sorry. Carbon fibre-reinforced plastic. I'm sure you can avert your eyes for five seconds to get some ketchup."

He considers for a moment as Lenny takes his place at the head of the table, then turns around, flicks open the cupboard, plucks out the ketchup and returns to the table in about a second.

"My compliments to the chef."

Lenny's mouth is already full, but he nods pleasantly. Mr. Harkness-


-squirts a circle of ketchup onto his first fried bread slice, then puts the bottle down and begins piling fried food on top of it.


I take a card with my name on it out of subspace and hold it up, facing him. He frowns at it as he finishes assembling his fried sandwich, then picks it up and takes a squelchy bite.


"We're not getting Kadabra back, are we?"

I smile at Lenny and shake my head. "I found a way to meet his desires lawfully. He can come back to Central City, but unless he's picking up some of his technology-"

And he shouldn't be, because I did look for anything like that.

"-he's got no real reason to come back." Lenny affects a look of mild hurt. "Other than the fine company."

Digger frowns. "It's been bugging me. First time we met. What was that crack you made about New Zealand?"

"I said that if you meet someone with an antipodean accent, you should ask if they're from New Zealand. If they are, then they'll be happy-."

He nods. "Like it, because you didn't say 'Australia', and if they're from Aus they'll just laugh. I've been bleedin' tryin' to remember that for a year."

I scoop up some more bacon. "Glad I could help."

"Yeah, and I was wondering when you was gonna reappear. Just walk up to me in a bar, then next time I hear about you it's because you've grabbed Kedebra."

"There was never any plan for me to come after you."

"What, I'm not worth your time?"

I wave my fork as I chew, then swallow. "I can take you in if you want?"

He freezes for a moment. "Hey. Come on now."

I shake my head as a I take another bite.

"Did something happen to the Flash?" I turn back to Lenny as he gazes at me. "When I was inside. He paid me a visit after I got back. Didn't sound like himself."

"He boarded one of the Sheeda harvest ships. I don't think he'd seen anything quite that horrific before."

"More than that."

"He also killed their queen, while we were talking to the person she fled to for protection-" Digger leans back slightly. "-under flag of truce."

Lenny nods. "Yeah. That'd do it. She had it coming, but that would mess him up."

"Not your problem any more, mate."

"Yeah." Lenny smiles at his former colleague. "Sucks for you, though."

Digger just takes another bite, while Lenny points at my plate with his knife.

"Any good? I spent a lot of time working in prison kitchens."

"Yes, thank-."

Digger looks dubious. "Prison kitchens? When did they let you anywhere near-?"

"Every bachelor should master at least one meal, even if he doesn't usually cook for himself. One of the proudest moment in my early career was Green Arrow calling my chilli 'okay', and I know that Batman does a mean steak."

"Anyone can fry." Lenny uses knife and fork to crack a slice of fried toast. "Takes practice to do it well."

Digger nods. "I can-."

"Not including barbecues. Inside, with an oven."

"Oh." He appears to sour on the concept. "Just queers then."

"Um." I make a show of tilting my head back as I mentally match the male members of the Justice League to their female paramours. "No, as far as I know all of the men of the Justice League are straight."

"You mean the women aren't? 'cause I've always wondered about Wonder Woman."

"Um. Honestly? Diana's an Amazon, so I just sort of assumed?" They both nod. "But, having worked with her, and talked to other Themyscirans about it, I'm starting to wonder if she's a closeted straight woman."

Digger frowns. "How's that work?"

"In our culture, homosexuality was traditionally taboo and is definitely a minority interest anyway. You don't come out as straight. On Themyscira-."

"There aren't any men on Themyscira. It's not the same thing."

"I got hit on once, and she waited until there wasn't anyone else around. Though speaking of queers, what is Pied Piper doing with himself these days?"
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Lenny plonks a plate of fried food down in front of Mr. Harkness and me, while Mr. Harkness continues to stare at me over the rim of his coffee mug. He then heads back to the cooker to plate up what's left for himself. Lenny's kitchen is pretty clean, something that's at odds with the homes of a lot of supervillains and something I put down to the fact that he probably does electronic engineering in here

Calling Snart "Lenny".

You really must like him.

then I looked a little close,


"Mister Harkness." And cut through the bacon, pleased that Lenny didn't microwave it as Wallace used to. "I.. don't know why you're acting like this. We've never fought each other. I don't have anything against you

Some people just don't like other people.

They sometimes dislike them for no reason.

Either add or remove a ' from 'uwl'

but unless he's pickup up some of his technology

'picking up


'forgot to pickup some'

because you've grabbed Kedebra

If this isn't just has accent then ut should be 'Kedabra'

"Did something happen to the Flash?" I turn back to Lenny as he gazes at me. "When I was inside. He paid me a visit after I got back. Didn't sound like himself

Nice to see that he cares about Barry.

while Lenny point at my plate with his knife.

Did something happen to the Flash?" I turn back to Lenny as he gazes at me. "When I was inside. He paid me a visit after I got back. Didn't sound like himself."

When he (as in the flash) got back. Unless Lenny got out of prison to fight the sheedah, got put back in again, the flash visited, and then just got out again

also yay, I missed the character stuff
When he (as in the flash) got back. Unless Lenny got out of prison to fight the sheedah, got put back in again, the flash visited, and then just got out again

also yay, I missed the character stuff
Lenny is asking if something happened to the Flash while Lenny was in prison. The Flash visited Lenny after he was released.
"Um. Honestly? Diana's an Amazon, so I just sort of assumed?" They both nod. "But, having worked with her, and talked to other Themyscirans about it, I'm starting to wonder if she's a closeted straight woman."
That seems a rather odd assumption for Paragon to make given I can't think of a single version of Diana that's a lesbian...
"Did something happen to the Flash?" I turn back to Lenny as he gazes at me. "When I was inside. He paid me a visit after I got back. Didn't sound like himself."

"He boarded one of the Sheeda harvest ships. I don't think he'd seen anything quite that horrific before."

"More than that."

"He also killed their queen, while we were talking to the person she fled to for protection-" Digger leans back slightly. "-under flag of truce."

Lenny nods. "Yeah. That'd do it. She had it coming, but that would mess him up."

"Not your problem any more, mate."

"Yeah." Lenny smiles at his former colleague. "Sucks for you, though."
I love how even Flash's rogue's gallery is worried about him after his understandably traumatic experience.

They don't like their funny and happy go lucky speedster being down in a the dumps, partly cause they are worried what would happen if he hit rock bottom to them.

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