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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

...Remind me, how does she know about Cir-El? Did OL mention the possibility at some point or..?
Paul mentioned her once, when the two Karas met one another.

Okay, now this is a good use of schizo-tech advances. He stands to make a lot of money if he can make it work, and patent/license it for production. I wonder if the Renegade-verse version was working on this.
He was in a meeting/about to meet the Renegade when the Sheeda attacked. I don't remember if they discussed what he was working on.
...I don't think 'Smart cop, dumb cop' is going to work too well here. ...I leave it to the reader as to who's which

I don't know, Paul can be pretty dense sometimes.

Remind me, how does she know about Cir-El? Did OL mention the possibility at some point or..?

Maybe she used some Kryptonian future viewing tech to see here.

Let's face it, she'd probably have something like that.

Still, worrying information about the Alliance. Letting assholes like White Dragon go about their business without proper oversight sounds like a recipe for trouble. I can't imagine this isn't ringing alarm bells in OL's head.

They don't have a lot of legal authority so they may not be able to bring legal action against some people.

Plus, as far as they know the only thing White Dragon is guilty if is holding some shitty beliefs, so they can't arrest him but chose to work with him since that way they could probably ensure he's less of a problem.

He was in a meeting/about to meet the Renegade when the Sheeda attacked. I don't remember if they discussed what he was working on

I think they talked about his tech being used for pest control.
"He's… I don't know if he was actually a Nazi or not, but he was part of some sort of white nationalist group. He kept his mouth under control most of the time, but it was pretty clear that he thinks-. Thought, I mean, of immigrants and black people as criminals in waiting. He didn't like gays much either."

I raise my eyebrows.

"And the Alliance was alright with that?"

"The Alliance is about making vigilantes more effective." He shrugs. "They don't really care if he goes after ethnic minority criminals as long as they are criminals. And… It's not a command and control relationship. We don't work for the Alliance. It helps us get the tools we need to work, but that's about it. And vigilantism is usually a crime, it's just that the police don't bother enforcing the laws against it a lot of the time."
Makes sense if he's working for the alliance and they kept him focused on criminals and not society as a whole it was probably a good thing.
"Oh. It's a ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but neither of them do much to stop cancer.
Another idea occurs to me of some kind of ritual using sympathetic magic to place a very targeted curse that kills only cancer cells- again, very specific, but if they can magically distinguish between cancer cells and normal cells, they could/should be able to use an extracted sample of the former to mystically affect only other cancer cells in the body. Healing and killing are two sides of the same coin, and all that.
But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched.
And with a slightly different pitch you can do the opposite and create Deadpool!
Mr Zoat, if Crimson Avenger II is going after those responsible for unjust deaths and has already gone after superheroes, does that mean she's also already killed some supervillains? I ask because Pamela Isley would be an easy target now that she's got a stable but weaker connection to the Green. I'm also asking this because I want to see what she's up to nowadays and what abilities she has after eating a fruit given to her by Swamp Thing. The last thing I remember is that she helped develop a non-lethal poison that was used in the training scenario Paul helped set up for the Justice League in Episode 91: Bended.

Also, random question. How did Kahndaq fare against the Sheeda? I don't remember anything about how well or badly that country took them on, or what Adom thinks about it. Did he at least talk with his trusted friend Paul afterwards about ways to improve his country's defenses against invasions like that in the future?
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"The Alliance is about making vigilantes more effective." He shrugs. "They don't really care if he goes after ethnic minority criminals as long as they are criminals. And… It's not a command and control relationship. We don't work for the Alliance. It helps us get the tools we need to work, but that's about it. And vigilantism is usually a crime, it's just that the police don't bother enforcing the laws against it a lot of the time."
Huh, pragmatic but still a little concerning. All it takes is one bad egg to ruin rep of group after all.
"Huh?" Kara's floated over to a mostly-complete machine and is studying it in fascination. "Oh. It's a ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but neither of them do much to stop cancer. But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched." He smiles happily. "I'll be able to help a lot of people once it gets approval."

With purple healing rays and magical healing being a thing the worst medical issues will likely be genetic diseases, cancers, and such that body can't really heal from naturally. Of course, if causal genetic engineering becomes a thing that would handle most of those too.
Vantavendi (part 11)
20th October 2012
21:34 GMT -5

"That was so disappointing!"

I raise my left eyebrow at New Kara, and give her a moment to finish her thought. She's clearly frustrated about something, but it's really not obvious to me what it is.

"We've been here nearly two hours and we haven't been attacked by a single supervillain!"

"Yes. Lenny and Mister Rathaway are reformed. Mister McCulloch is considering grey hat work. Digger's probably still recovering from last night's drinking. Mister Giuseppe found out that military contracts pay far better than robberies. Central City is pretty stable these days."

She snorts, glaring down at the city as if it has personally offended her.

"If you want somewhere less stable, there's a whole list of cities that could benefit from having a superhero as powerful as you look after them."

"Aqualad wants us here, so here is where we stay! We're staying here until we crack this!"

She looks at me expectantly.

"What? The only other person I know who's part of the Alliance is Marcus Aelius. Honestly, I think our time would be better served by mapping-."


Kara and I both look in the direction of the explosion as glass flies across the street and a plume of fire erupts into-

And she's gone.

-the sky. I transition into a better observation spot, looking down at the street where six people with various injuries are either lying on the ground or seeking cover. I connect filaments to each of them, moving them away from the site-

Kara flies into the hole in the building and them rebounds back out with tremendous force! She flies across the street, through a parked car, through the wall behind it and into the building's interior.

-of the blast before extracting the glass and playing a purple healing ray over them.

"More haste less speed, Kara!"

She pulls herself out of the building, patting brick dust off her costume. "More speed, got it! Just like the Flash!"

"That's not what I-."

She dives in again, maybe a little bit faster, I can't really tell. And right out again, hitting the bonnet end half of the car she hit last time and taking it with her through the wall behind it.

At least it's only one insurance claim.

Alright, one for the car and one for the building, but if she'd been a little to the left-.

And she's back again, this time carrying the broken half-Renault.

"Same speed, more mass!"

I shake my head. No one appears to be in danger, apart from possibly Kara, and that's only from herself. But perhaps I should-


Crash mat construct!

-put up a kinetic barrier just to keep the property damage down.

The closest of the civilians gets up as he checks himself over, then watches Kara rebound for the third time. Kinetic barrier works, and there's an odd expression on her face as she gets stopped dead in the air, arms and legs spread-eagled across the barrier's surface.

"Did she hit her head or something?"

"We can only speculate. Sir, if you aren't still injured, please retreat to a safe distance while we deal with this."

"No, no, I'm good." He takes a step away. "Ah, thanks-. Oh, you're the cake guy!"

"For my sins." Abandoning her car chunks, Kara shoots up into the air. "Sir, I really think it would be a good idea if you got out of the potential blast zone."

"Ah, right. I'll do that." He backs up a couple of steps, then pulls out his mobile phone. "Should I call the police?"

"After you're out of the way, yes, thank you."

A red blur f-. Flashes down the street, heading into the building before being knocked back. It recovers, then dashes through a wall in one of the neighbouring buildings. I suppose that Mister Allen is-.

Another blur approaches, this one a little slower. As it reaches me Mister Garrick precipitates out, looking at me in mild irritation.

"I've got a bone to pick with you."

"If you're out and about in costume, I'm more worried about what Joan will say than what you will."

He shakes his head. "Oh no. She knows I'm out. I can't let-"

There's a bang and a yelp from inside the building.

"-that out of my sight."

"Did something happen to Flash-"

The red blur reappears and stops.


"Vhere do you vant these two, vater?"

I hadn't realised how much her costume is an evolution of Jay's rather than it's own thing like Mr. Allen's is. Red shirt with logo, blue trousers and metal helmet with lightning bolts. Coal scuttle design rather than Brodie helmet, but the whole thing is one big visual link. And best of all, not one swastika.

"Blitzen-. Fath-er?"

Jay's face tightens as Blitzen smiles.

"Jah! The scientists did not have the speed formula, so they had to verk with Herr Jay Garrick's preserved tissue. Several decades later, unt here I am." She looks at the man in her left arm. "This one has skin made of playing cards. This is very strange to me. Unt this one-" She shakes the man with fragments of armour still strapped to him. "-appears to be the vort I am not meant to use on this Earth. He is lucky he is blowing up buildings here, jah?"

"Blitzen. How did you get here?"

"Overgirl vants to convince me to adopt a more li-ber-al outlook by showing me a vorld of degenerates. Honestly, I thought such a vorld vould be more fun than this. More parties, you know? So far it has just been a… Ah, Englisch… 'Busman's holiday'."

"I'll…" I attach constructs to both of her prisoners. "Take those for you."

"Ah, vot a gentleman. No injured inside, though there is a lot of damage and I do not know what they were doink."

"I'm sure that the police can look into it. If we-"

"Supergirl away!"


I look up as a blue blur slams into the-

The ground shakes with the force of her impact.


"Jay, could you please look after these gentlemen while I check on Kara?"
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Mr Zoat, if Crimson Avenger II is going after those responsible for unjust deaths and has already gone after superheroes, does that mean she's also already killed some supervillains? I ask because Pamela Isley would be an easy target now that she's got a stable but weaker connection to the Green. I'm also asking this because I want to see what she's up to nowadays and what abilities she has after eating a fruit given to her by Swamp Thing. The last thing I remember is that she helped develop a non-lethal poison that was used in the training scenario Paul helped set up for the Justice League in Episode 91: Bended.
Dr. Isley is actually a bit of a hard target at the moment. She's surrounded by super strong people and a plant demigoddess, and her connection to the Green is as strong as it ever was.
Also, random question. How did Kahndaq fare against the Sheeda? I don't remember anything about how well or badly that country took them on, or what Adom thinks about it. Did he at least talk with his trusted friend Paul afterwards about ways to improve his country's defenses against invasions like that in the future?
Not great, not terrible. Adom and family could locate and fight the Sheeda far more easily than people in most places.
We're been here nearly

'We've been'

Did she hit her head or something?"

Or something.

No, no, I'm good." He takes a step away. "Ah, thanks-. Oh, you're the cake guy!"

This will never get old.

Ohh....ohhh....ohhh shit.
Another blur approaches, this one a little slower. As it reaches me Mister Garrick precipitates out, looking at me in mind irritation.
That should say 'mild'.

"Vhere do you vant these two, vater?"

I hadn't realised how much her costume is an evolution of Jay's rather than it's own thing like Mr. Allen's is. Red shirt with logo, blue trousers and metal helmet with lightning bolts. Coal scuttle design rather than Brodie helmet, but the whole thing is one big visual link. And best of all, not one swastika.

"Blitzen-. Fath-er?"
That explains why Jay is peeved with Paul. Are there any other New Reichsmen running around? And will this lead to big problems down the line?

"Supergirl away!"


I look up as a blue blur slams into the-

The ground shakes with the force of her impact.


"Jay, could you please look after these gentlemen while I check on Kara?"
New Kara really needs to learn caution before she makes a mistake she can't make up for.

Dr. Isley is actually a bit of a hard target at the moment. She's surrounded by super strong people and a plant demigoddess, and her connection to the Green is as strong as it ever was.
I didn't know she's in whatever used to be Brazil. How is her standing in that country? Do the locals think she's a demigod or something?
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That should say 'mild'.
Thank you, corrected.
I didn't know she's in whatever used to be Brazil. How is her standing in that country? Do the locals think she's a demigod or something?
High Priestess/Archdruid.
Valerie Kameya is a public hero in this universe, right? How does she feel about a Nazi running around with her superhero name?
She probably doesn't know.
Valerie Kameya is a public hero in this universe, right? How does she feel about a Nazi running around with her superhero name?

I think she's married to that Danner enhanced German lady.

And she may be a bit okay with this.

She probably spent several months with Angelika and may think that it's important for one more Earth 10 native to become less of a Nazi.
20th October 2012
21:34 GMT -5

"That was so disappointing!"

I raise my left eyebrow at New Kara, and give her a moment to finish her thought. She's clearly frustrated about something, but it's really not obvious to me what it is.
And unfortunately, with someone this temperamental, boredom often leads to excitement... Well, exciting for her, more dangerous for everybody else. Probably a good idea to have OL running herd on her for now. Who knows what trouble she'd get into?

"We're been here nearly two hours and we haven't been attacked by a single supervillain!"

"Yes. Lenny and Mister Rathaway are reformed. Mister McCulloch is considering grey hat work. Digger's probably still recovering from last night's drinking. Mister Giuseppe found out that military contracts pay far better than robberies. Central City is pretty stable these days."
Well, there's always new Rogues coming up and going down. Usually without a lot of the sense and scruples the originals did. Like the outlook on collateral damage and especially casualties.

She snorts, glaring down at the city as if it has personally offended her.

"If you want somewhere less stable, there's a whole list of cities that could benefit from having a superhero as powerful as you look after them."
...I hear Blüdhaven's looking lively this time of year. Putting the fear of El into the locals might make it slightly less shitty.. for a day or two.

"Aqualad wants us here, so here is where we stay! We're staying here until we crack this!"

She looks at me expectantly.
...What, do you expect him to whistle up a super-criminal for you?

"What? The only other person I know who's part of the Alliance is Marcus Aelius. Honestly, I think our time would be better served by mapping-."

...Thank you, narrative convenience. :rolleyes:

Kara and I both look in the direction of the explosion as glass flies across the street and a plume of fire erupts into-

And she's gone.
Right, possibly-Pre-crisis Kryptonian. As in, faster than time. Too bad she's not used to thinking before she moves.

-the sky. I transition into a better observation spot, looking down at the street where six people with various injuries are either lying on the ground or seeking cover. I connect filaments to each of them, moving them away from the site-

Kara flies into the hole in the building and them rebounds back out with tremendous force! She flies across the street, through a parked car, through the wall behind it and into the building's interior.
Huh. Guessing either super-strong guy inside, or some manner of kinetic-energy repulsion effect.

-of the blast before extracting the glass and playing a purple healing ray over them.

"More haste less speed, Kara!"
...She is up to speed on Earth idioms, and their meanings, right?

She pulls herself out of the building, patting brick dust off her costume. "More speed, got it! Just like the Flash!"

"That's not what I-."
:rolleyes: Goddamit, Kara. this is why your Superman had you in an orphanage for years while you got used to your powers...

She dives in again, maybe a little bit faster, I can't really tell. And right out again, hitting the bonnet end half of the car she hits last time and taking it with her through the wall being it.

At least it's only one insurance claim.
'Act of cape' policy costing extra, alas.

Alright, one for the car and one for the building, but if she's been a little to the left-.

And she's back again, this time carrying the broken half-Renault.
No, Kara! Bad! Don't you know that if you're strong enough to lift the car, you hit harder than it would?

"Same speed, more mass!"

I shake my head. No one appears to be in danger, apart from possibly Kara, and that's only from herself. But perhaps I should-
...Just... Let her tire herself out a little, then take the smart approach.


Crash mat construct!

-put up a kinetic barrier just to keep the property damage down.
...Seriously, girl. :confused: How many times do you need to get bounced to realise it isn't working?

The closest of the civilians gets up as he checks himself over, then watches Kara rebound for the third time. Kinetic barrier works, and there's an odd expression on her face as she gets stopped dead in the air, arms and legs spread-eagled across the barrier's surface.

"Did she hit her head or something?"
Alas, I suspect her variety of kryptonians where too tough even without yellow sunlight to really suffer that kind of damage... No matter how many times she might have been dropped as a child.

"We can only speculate. Sir, if you aren't still injured, please retreat to a safe distance while we deal with this."

"No, no, I'm good." He takes a step away. "Ah, thanks-. Oh, you're the cake guy!"
Hey, if his phone is okay, he can film this and put it on their equivalent of Youtube and make bank on views.

"For my sins." Abandoning her car chunks, Kara shoots up into the air. "Sir, I really think it would be a good idea if you got out of the potential blast zone."

"Ah, right. I'll do that." He backs up a couple of steps, then pulls out his mobile phone. "Should I call the police?"
Save the filming for when you aren't likely to become part of the action, yeah.

"After you're out of the way, yes, thank you."

A red blur f-. Flashes down the street, heading into the building before being knocked back. It recovers, then dashes through a wall in one of the neighbouring buildings. I suppose that Mister Allen is-.
Damn, OL, really going with the cliches this episode... Then again, never would such a term be more appropriate than in this city. :D

Another blur approaches, this one a little slower. As it reaches me Mister Garrick precipitates out, looking at me in mind irritation.

"I've got a bone to pick with you."
Which one? I'm sure there's lots of things to discuss. Like, say, the Crimson Avenger possibly targetting him? Rag Doll I, remember?

"If you're out and about in costume, I'm more worried about what Joan will say than what you will."

He shakes his head. "Oh no. She knows I'm out. I can't let-"
Well, that's good. Don't want to worry the missus at her age.

There's a bang and a yelp from inside the building.

"-that out of my sight."
...So, that's not Barry? Oh, dear.

"Did something happen to Flash-"

The red blur reappears and stops.
...Wait, is he still on sabbatical or not?


"Vhere do you vant these two, vater?"
...Ah, right. Earth-10's counterpart.

I hadn't realised how much her costume is an evolution of Jay's rather than it's own thing like Mr. Allen's is. Red shirt with logo, blue trousers and metal helmet with lightning bolts. Coal scuttle design rather than Brodie helmet, but the whole thing is one big visual link. And best of all, not one swastika.

"Blitzen-. Fath-er?"
It's definitely flattering, certainly. I'm sure she has many admirers back on Earth-10.

Jay's face tightens as Blitzen smiles.

"Yah! The scientists did not have the speed formula, so they had to verk with Herr Jay Garrick's preserved tissue. Several decades later, unt here I am." She looks at the man in her left arm. "This one has skin made of playing cards. This is very strange to me. Unt this one-" She shakes the man with fragments of armour still strapped to him. "-appears to be the vort I am not meant to use on this Earth. He is lucky he is blowing up buildings here, yah?"
Ah, a couple of b-grade Rogues. I wonder what they were up to, hmm?

"Blitzen. How did you get here?"

"Overgirl vants to convince me to adopt a more li-ber-al outlook by showing me a vorld of degenerates. Honestly, I thought such a vorld vould be more fun than this. More parties, you know? So far it has just been a… Ah, Englisch… 'Busman's holiday'."
Heh. Still worrying that they have relatively casual transit between their Earths. Let's hope some of the hardliners on Earth-10 aren't looking for new enemies...

"I'll…" I attach constructs to both of her prisoners. "Take those for you."

"Ah, vot a gentleman. No injured inside, though there is a lot of damage and I do not know what they were doink."
Nothing good, probably. I mean, what did the building they were in used to be? Given that it's probably fit to be demolished now?

"I'm sure that the police can look into it. If we-"

"Supergirl away!"
Whoops, she's still here?


I look up as a blue blur slams into the-

The ground shakes with the force of her impact.
...I get the feeling even she didn't know what she was planning with that little display...


"Jay, could you please look after these gentlemen while I check on Kara?"
And here, I picture her legs sticking out of a hole in the pavement, just.. pointing straight. It's like the girl thinks the world works on cartoon logic...

Man, I think OL is going to get sick of keeping Kara out of trouble before long. The girl is too enthusiastic for her own good. Or the rest of the world's good. She probably did more damage than the two wanna-be Rogues in a couple of minutes there. On the upside, OL can fix it up, but still... Girl needs to learn restraint, before she learns about Worlds of Cardboard the messy way.
What? So now Nazis can just visit?! What the heck?Somebody should look into that.

We still don't know what's the general aftermath of things on Hell Earth. And what happened with the anti-parallel barrier technology? Somebody should turn that back on.

And New Kara needs a fucking leash already. That girl is a menace. What if somebody was in the car? Or behind that wall? Or if her ground impact damaged something and the city has an underground sub system and she Invincible'd the place, huh?
Its odd that members of the public still think of Paul as "the cake man" instead of "The first man in recorded history to earn an open death warrant from the hosts of heaven"
I think people would rather think of Paul as the guy they can laugh at than the superhero who's also killed more people than both world wars combined.
Its odd that members of the public still think of Paul as "the cake man" instead of "The first man in recorded history to earn an open death warrant from the hosts of heaven"
There are politicians in our world, that I won't name, that people think of as the one who shat themselves at a maccas, rather than some of the bad things that resulted of their decisions.

So, it happens.
I wonder if New Kara isn't 4th wall aware. Because that would explain some things about her actions, she thinks the world is a comic book so she acts like in a comic book and expects the narrative to carry it on.
What? So now Nazis can just visit?! What the heck?Somebody should look into that.

Maybe she got approval from the League to visit.

They'll probably be perfectly happy with a person becoming less Nazi.

We still don't know what's the general aftermath of things on Hell Earth

Michael Holt is probably repairing the planet.

And what happened with the anti-parallel barrier technology? Somebody should turn that back on.

It may be turned on right now but some people may be allowed to visit.

I think people would rather think of Paul as the guy they can laugh at than the superhero who's also killed more people than both world wars combined.

Ehh, he hasn't killed more people than both World Wars, but he has killed a lot of people.
"More haste less speed, Kara!"

She pulls herself out of the building, patting brick dust off her costume. "More speed, got it! Just like the Flash!"

"That's not what I-."

She dives in again, maybe a little bit faster, I can't really tell. And right out again, hitting the bonnet end half of the car she hits last time and taking it with her through the wall being it.

At least it's only one insurance claim.

Alright, one for the car and one for the building, but if she's been a little to the left-.

And she's back again, this time carrying the broken half-Renault.

"Same speed, more mass!"

I shake my head. No one appears to be in danger, apart from possibly Kara, and that's only from herself. But perhaps I should-
I find this less funny and more worrisome.
Maybe try making her work at a minimum wage job to pay back any costs the bystanders incurred from her being an enthusiastic doofus who isn't even attempting to minimize the collateral damage or assess the situation first?
...I hear Blüdhaven's looking lively this time of year. Putting the fear of El into the locals might make it slightly less shitty.. for a day or two

Hmm, now I can't help but imagine some of the myths about God's name being El were due to a Kryptonian visiting Earth.

What, do you expect him to whistle up a super-criminal for you?

Paul dies have a lit of connections.

One if them must be some kind of freak that likes getting beaten up by superheroes.

Huh. Guessing either super-strong guy inside, or some manner of kinetic-energy repulsion effect.

Now I can't stop imagining that TFS Cooler episode where he keeps punching Vegeta.

Just... Let her tire herself out a little, then take the smart approach.

Given her powers, it may take centuries foe her to tire.

Seriously, girl. :confused: How many times do you need to get bounced to realise it isn't working?

If it didn't work the first time it just means you haven't been trying hard enough.

And here, I picture her legs sticking out of a hole in the pavement, just.. pointing straight. It's like the girl thinks the world works on cartoon logic...

It kinda does.

At least from time to time.
"Supergirl away!"


I look up as a blue blur slams into the-

The ground shakes with the force of her impact.


"Jay, could you please look after these gentlemen while I check on Kara?"
... even demonic!Supergirl has been less trouble than New Kara. This is getting ludicrous.

I suggesting either figuring out how to send her back to her own universe immediately after the current crisis, or sticking her under some red sun lamps for a week or three.
And here, I picture her legs sticking out of a hole in the pavement, just.. pointing straight. It's like the girl thinks the world works on cartoon logic...

Man, I think OL is going to get sick of keeping Kara out of trouble before long. The girl is too enthusiastic for her own good. Or the rest of the world's good. She probably did more damage than the two wanna-be Rogues in a couple of minutes there. On the upside, OL can fix it up, but still... Girl needs to learn restraint, before she learns about Worlds of Cardboard the messy way.
I've already made my comparison of her to the Heterodyne Boys previously. Still unsure if she's really just used to a "Nothing truly bad ever happens to/because of good people!" or playing a long... very annoying... con.
Its odd that members of the public still think of Paul as "the cake man" instead of "The first man in recorded history to earn an open death warrant from the hosts of heaven"
It's less terrifying.

Also, people understood the resolution of that whole mess as something like 'angels made a mistake as a result of demon trickery'.
Ehh, he hasn't killed more people than both World Wars, but he has killed a lot of people.
I don't know. That's only about ninety million. You don't have to bombard many planets to hit that total.
I find this less funny and more worrisome.
Maybe try making her work at a minimum wage job to pay back any costs the bystanders incurred from her being an enthusiastic doofus who isn't even attempting to minimize the collateral damage or assess the situation first?
You really want to take that risk?
So Jay is now busy trying to reform his Nazi clone daughter from another earth, who seems to have a personality that is a mix of canon Kid Flash jokyness with the military discipline of Aqualad... yeah I'd be annoyed with Paul as well.
At some point, I hope Earth 10 becomes the victim of a threat that's basically what the Nazis did in the war. My idea is for Eradicators to come out of nowhere and see that Kryptonian technology is being used by "lesser beings". They would then decide to eradicate them and turn Earth 10 into a new Krypton, which will be populated with the only Kryptonians left in that universe: the prisoners of the Phantom Zone.

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