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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Coup Data

27th October 2012
01:23 GMT

Jade glances at me as I pull myself out of bed after her.

"You don't have to get up. I know you came to bed a while after me."
I suppose it's kind of hard to stay asleep when your partner is rattling around getting ready for work. And a little rude. Still, the usual quiet start to an episode. I wonder where things will go this time...

"No, that's not the point. I moved in-"

She tosses her pyjama shirt to me and I catch it as she heads towards her quarters' sonic shower.
That's either a request to shut up, an invitation to join her, or both...

"-because I want to spend more time with you, and if that means getting up out of sequence and taking a nap later, then so be it. " I walk towards her the wardrobe. "Ah, uniform or exercise clothes?"

"I already laid-" There's a burst of sound distortion as the sonic shower activates, effectively limiting the pitch of sound that can escape the shower unit. "-it out in here last night."
Nice touch with the harmonics of the shower making her speech randomly bolded.

"Oh, okay." I hold out my hands, calling my rings to me from the dressing table. A flicker of orange and I'm clean of the night's dead skin and sweat and dressed in my own light armour. Then I clean, iron and fold her shirt and lay it down on her pyjama trousers "Breakfast?"

"Something that doesn't make me need to spend an extra hour working out."
Heh. I bet OL likes his heavy foods. If you aren't waddling a little, then you haven't really eaten.

I walk towards the kitchenette.

"I'm hearing pancakes and golden syrup!"
x3 Tease.

"No you're not!"

The distortion cuts out, and as I pull out the… Foil… Alien oats packet? I hear the quiet rustle of her donning her clothes. With sonic showers not actually involving water they can double as a changing room, because there isn't any need for them to dry after they share in the cleaning process.
Ah, if only they existed now (in a reliable and affordable form.) On the other hand, no better way to cool off in hot weather than a below-room-temperature shower...

Okay, alien probably-milk, or-? Oh, right, lactose intolerant. I'm sure it says something about Jade that she was happy to change the structure of her own brain in order to improve her emotional awareness but it didn't occur to her to gain the ability to digest milk properly. Heck, that means that this isn't actually milk, it's-.
Ah, the Internet. Still masters of grabbing a lame joke and running with it to extremes.

Well, she's clearly fine with drinking it or it wouldn't be in here. I'm having the actual milk that my majority Anglo Saxon digestive tract is evolved to process in stead of...

I'm not going to scan it.
To be fair, the only real difference would be the lactose content. Once you hit a certain level of technology, it's probably easy to manufacture nutrients in roughly the right ratios.

Okay, two bowls of porridge and under the smart microwave cooker they go. And fire. It's essentially the same as a microwave on Earth, only lacking the whole box element and the turntable. It's also quieter than the models I'm used to, leaving me to watch the countdown.

Fruit juice is chemically synthesised, but given how I've been agitating for the return of Still Tango I'm hardly in a position to complain about that. Darkstar food processors are able to adapt to produce food that's nutritious and palatable to just about any carbon-based species, though… Obviously the components aren't going to be recognisable due to not occurring in nature. For obvious reasons most Darkstars prefer to bring in food from home rather than subject themselves to the synthesiser.
Especially those species who prefer their food still live. With such a diverse groups of species, I'm sure there's some...

Though I will admit that the green lumps it came up with yesterday were actually quite nice.

Jade strolls in wearing her uniform, picking up her juice cup and taking a small sip.
I'm guessing non-combat duty, so no exo-mantle? Or he would have noted that.

"Briefings today, then?"

"I think we're nearly getting to the point where we can leave them to take care of themselves."
Eh, there's probably still some surprises that might turn up...

"Oh? Where are we off to next?"

"I don't know for sure, but I'm due a rotation on one of the liberated worlds. Investigation, counter-insurgency, that kind of thing."
So, relatively light duties. Makes sense after a combat tour. At least you're not stuck flying a desk, doing paperwork.

"Still got room for a plus one?"

She smiles faintly. "They're not going to say 'no' to you even if we don't."
Admittedly, given the things she'll be doing, having you around will be like swatting flies with a nuke. ...And likely as messy.

"I don't want to take advantage of my status."

A quiet non-beep tone as the microwave cooker finishes its work, and I offer Jade her bowl.
Dude, what's status for, if not taking advantage of it? Enjoy the privileges for a bit.

"I have real fruit and nuts-."

"It's been so long, I don't know if I can handle real food. Why is mine a different color?"
There's the downside of eating the same thing for ages: one different meal and your stomach goes 'what the hell? I'm not prepared for this!' and next thing you know you're spending the next day or two on the loo.

"Because I can handle real milk." I frown. "I know I offered it to Artemis but I don't remember ever offering it to you; are you at all interested in improved milk digestion?"

Besides potentially mission-endangering gassiness if you accidentally eat something with the wrong chemicals? Seriously, given the variety of Darkstar recruits, I would not be surprised if some had better senses of smell, such that they have to learn to tolerate the odours of their squadmates...

"Because it would let you ingest milk-based products without ill-effects?"

"Considering what happened last time I modified myself with a power ring, I-"
...I don't see you complaining about improving your ability to empathise with others...

I frown and look at her breasts. They look like they've gone back to normal size to me, but-.

"-think-." She follows my gaze, then averts her eyes with an expression of amused embarrassment. "No, my brain, not.. that."
...To be fair, most people think of themselves as more attractive than they actually are. So an Orange Ring would only reinforce that impression when it adjusts the wearer to match their self-image. I know if I got a Ring, I would definitely make some improvements.

"Oh. Ah, while the lactase gene might have a knock-on effect, it would be a very minor one. Humans all produce lactase at some point during their lives."

"Did you give yourself that gene?"
True, dicking about with genes can lead to all manner of odd biological crashes. Humans are lucky they're as stable as they are... And we still have lots of problems.

"No, I was born with it. Like your-." Oops. "Un-cle."

"I'll.. stay with the nut-milk, thanks."
Oof, still salty about her father, I see.

"As you will. I -on the other hand- am trying different fruit combinations, and today is…"

Awfully organised.

"Apricot, apparently."

"Don't you like apricot?"
On the upside, if he doesn't like it, he can always change the taste he receives.

"Last time I ate apricots, it was with a pork chop."

"For breakfast?"
...It'd be odd if it was.


"Do you like pork chops?"

"No. Honestly, I just want to try everything once. I don't have high hopes, but I've been wrong before."
Brave man. He's come such a long way since those early chapters...

Seven apricot halves appear in my-. And there's the eight half so that I won't be thinking about the missing half all day. Thank you, ring. I generate a construct spoon and dig in.

"What are you doing today?"
Assuming he's not going to hang around his lady at work...

"Quick check up on my students, then I'm in the Themysciran forum all morning. Elections are coming up and I'm hoping that we can finally get Clyemne out of office."

"Are you standing?"
I guess she's been blocking plans to shake up Themysciran culture a bit?

"Hah! Ah, no, I don't think that Themyscira is ready for a male senator. Maybe when the war's over."

I take a spoonful of-.

Time for the old 'Ring, make this taste... Not like this.' trick.

"Not good?"

"It's… Interesting."
Well, you did this to yourself. I know I couldn't push through it like that...

A pleasant start to things. While I doubt the Themysciran politics will amount to much, you never know. No, I think the title hints at something a little messier. What have the Computer Tyrants of Colu been up to since OL helped free the people, again? At any rate, I'm sure we'll see soon enough.

And there's the eight half so that I won't be thinking about the missing half all day.
And there's the eighth half so that I won't be thinking about the missing half all day.
I guess she's been blocking plans to shake up Themysciran culture a bit?

See my post above about the time she showed up in the comics.

A pleasant start to things. While I doubt the Themysciran politics will amount to much, you never know. No, I think the title hints at something a little messier. What have the Computer Tyrants of Colu been up to since OL helped free the people, again? At any rate, I'm sure we'll see soon enough

I still think it'll involve the Amazons.

Though seeing as Jade mentioned a liberated world, or may be the Reach trying to reclaim it.

Tgough the Tyrants is an interesting idea and seeing the "Dara" in the title, it makes sense.
What have the Computer Tyrants of Colu been up to since OL helped free the people, again? At any rate, I'm sure we'll see soon enough.
If I remember correctly, Captain Comet said he deleted them, though it is almost certain that Brainiac still has a version of them available.
Hmmm.... so what I'm gathering from the mention of a nap is that OL's desire for sleep is greater than his desire to be bright eyed and bushy tailed. Otherwise I reckon his ring would "heal" any fatigue he might have.

Honestly? Understandable.
I would love to know Gary-woman's opinion on the fact that they changed it to Gary. I'd be so chuffed. Especially if they stopped calling nut-juice, milk.
Traditionally, 'milk' has been the word for, approximately, 'white or whitish liquid that you can drink' (hence for example 'coconut milk'). It's only fairly recently, when animal milks started to become available year-round, that people in the English-speaking world started forgetting that 'nut milk' is indeed the correct term in English.

'Cheese' is still something made with animal-milk, though, so calling a cheese-like food that isn't cheese 'gary' is entirely acceptable to me.
So, I might be wrong, but I think the Amazonian senate seats have a "I propose whomever for a seat" as a way to get a list for people that should be voted on for that spot. So while Paul might not try to run, somebody might push his name forward, and somebody else might second that.
I'm not sure if that's correct or if it should say 'instead'.
Thank you, corrected.
I don't remember Jade unconsciously giving herself a breast expansion when she modified her brain. I'm guessing Paul didn't mention it and Jade asked that he turn them back to their normal size when she noticed?
That was something they did for fun off-page. Jade's always had an athletic physique, but wondered what it would be like to more generously proportioned.
Exactly how much does she dislike Paul for everything that he's doing to change Themysciran society?
She's far too misandrist to blame a man for doing anything. She's horrified at the actions of many of her fellow Amazons.
Nice little callback to your early episodes. Did Paul ever tell Jade the duck foot story?
No water… So the sonic showers don't double as a biological waste disposal unit? How dare they call it a shower. Not all apes have steel bladders, am I right?
Of course they can deal with waste. The dirt and skin has to go somewhere.
As a man that pisses on occasion in a shower, I agree with you.
I... Don't understand why you would. I mean, in my bathroom I could urinate into the toilet from the shower, but... Why wouldn't you just urinate before you got in the shower?
And there's the eighth half so that I won't be thinking about the missing half all day.
Thank you, corrected.
Looking at the story dates, it's been about a week. I'm not entirely sure what Paul's been doing, but seeing as how he has time to dabble in Themysciran elections, I don't think he's working all that hard on finding Constantine. And that's really strange, from what I can tell. It's the equivalent to misplacing an unhinged god. And like, five or more people have asked him to look into it, because they think it's really weird. And if Paul has looked into it, and found no trace at all, that's not an excuse to take a break and try again later. It just means that there is something really, really wrong going on.
Well, often times one doesn't have the feeling of needing to urinate until after they've gotten into the shower and that hot water is blasting them.

Wouldn't want to get out of the shower, towel off, pee, then climb back in.
Well, often times one doesn't have the feeling of needing to urinate until after they've gotten into the shower and that hot water is blasting them.

Wouldn't want to get out of the shower, towel off, pee, then climb back in.
Darn it.

I watched a film years ago where one of the characters insisted writing with his feet. When asked why he did that given how much harder it is that writing with his hands, he answered that many worthwhile things were hard to achieve but that was no reason not to do them.

Sadly, I can't remember the name of the film. But I'm disappointed on you lazy arseholes anyway. Do you at least clean the shower afterwards?
Darn it.

I watched a film years ago where one of the characters insisted writing with his feet. When asked why he did that given how much harder it is that writing with his hands, he answered that many worthwhile things were hard to achieve but that was no reason not to do them.

Sadly, I can't remember the name of the film. But I'm disappointed on you lazy arseholes anyway. Do you at least clean the shower afterwards?
Being difficult doesn't make a course of action inherently worthwhile, or superior to a more efficient alternative.

Also, showers have a hole to send away waste fluids that a savvy urinator can aim for. What kind of idiot would pee "upriver" of their own feet?
Coup Data (part 2)
27th October 2012
06:08 GMT +3

I wave at the fishing boats as I pass over the fleet at sail-height, getting a few waves back from those women who have a free arm. Others are already unloading their catch at the docks, or laying them out at the morning market. I smile as I see one of the night fishers shaking a bucket of ice out over their catch to preserve it.

I did that. They're using ice created using a machine I put into commercial service on Themyscira, and no one acts like it's anything strange. No one's shying away. I mean, it'll be a while before we get to the stage where there are fridges or freezers in every home, and I've… Really got to see about sorting out some way for my fellow Themyscirans to get formal magic tuition-.

After I've found John Constantine. No new projects until that one is done. So far I've only got as far as tracking down every dodgy street magician on the planet and asking if they've seen him. If I'd known there were this many of them I'd have tried to start an actual Trench Coat Regiment.

Huh. Usually, Diana makes a point of being around when it's one of my days in the forum. I'm not sure what she thinks is going to happen; I'm not persuasive enough to convince them to do anything too crazy just by speaking. Maybe she's there as a calming influence. Or maybe she actually finds it funny?

No. No, I don't think it's that.

"Orange Lantern to Wonder Woman. Diana, are you actually giving me a-?"

"Wonder Woman not found."

Oh. Well, that explains it. If she's not on the planet then she can't lurk on the outskirts of the forum, covering her eyes with her right hand and slowly shaking her head.

For example.

I'm not seeing Kon or Mitchell either. Maybe they went with her? Seems… Unlikely though. Mitchell's been trying to catch up on Kon's superior social skills so I doubt that he'd want to miss a weekend like that. Ring-?

Kon and Mitchell are in Mount Justice.

I'm actually a little touched at her faith in m-. No, there's Alkyone. Interesting choice, given that Alkyone likes me more than anyone other than Hippolyta and her three circlemates, but a logical one. She has pretty conservative instincts while still being willing to give me a fair hearing. I should check in with her first.

I cross the lower city forum low enough and slow enough for my passage to be clearly visible to everyone. I see a few regulars -some of whom will be seeking office or trying to keep it- shuffling through their notes in preparation for the morning disputation. Some are recorded on vellum, but it looks like Man's World paper is also making inroads.

Alkyone comes to alert as she sees me heading towards her, and I slow and land a not too close distance in front of her.

"Good morning."

A shallow inclination of the head. "Illustres."

"Did Princess Diana leave a message for me?"

She visibly hesitates, which isn't something I'm used to from her. "Queen Hippolyta requests your presence in the palace."

"Um, okay, I'm at her disposal. Can you give me a clue what this is about?"

"I am sorry." And now there's no doubt, which means that this is something that Queen Hippolyta has ordered her to do or told her is right. "But the Queen wants to tell you herself."

Then that's the most I'm going to get out of her. I look around, but none of the other Amazons appear to be acting strangely. Alright, I.. suppose. It's not as if Hippolyta is unpleasant company.

"Rightoh. Do you want a lift back?"

"The Queen has tasked me with overseeing the debates to make sure that things don't get out of hand."

"Out of hand? Should I leave a camera?"

"Cameras have been forbidden during elections since we first learned of them." She makes a very small smile. "If people wish to see politicians make fools of themselves, they may stir themselves and come to the forum to see it in person."

"Fair enough. Have you given any consideration to how you'll be voting?"

"That will be a matter for consideration once I have heard-." She considers me for a moment. "Yooou are not standing yourself, are you?"

I grin and hold her gaze. Then I raise my arms, holding them out to the sides as if to embrace the world.

"No. Much as it would delight Eris, you would be conducting yourself differently if you were. You are simply playing on my expectations and prejudices."

"You're pretty insightful for a woman who spent ninety years in a box."

"You are fairly insightful also. Do you inhale fumes, as oracles do, or does it come naturally?"

I reduce my smile to slightly more normal proportions, give her a mock-salute with my right hand and then transition to the palace plaza.

Ooh. Demeter's temple is looking a little more overgrown than normal. Has Euanthe been visiting? Hera's temple has… A satellite dish, which is… Okay. The rest looks much as it has for the last two thousand years or so. One of the guards-.

She's running into the palace. That's unusual. I'm not normally a 'panic stations'-. Something's up.

I trade my light armour for my heavy armour and generate construct armour to go along with it. That sends a wave of uncertainty through the remaining guards, but unusually none of them say anything. They've all been ordered to leave this to Hippolyta. Why? I like Hippolyta well enough but we're not super-close. Certainly not 'we need someone to talk Orange Lantern down' close.

What's going on?

And… Here comes Hippolyta. And Captain Philippus and… Menalippe. Has Eris done something? Why the heck is-?

"Paul, that…" Queen Hippolyta looks over my preparations. "Won't be necessary."

"Your majesty, something about this situation makes me think that you might -and I say this with all due respect- be mistaken."

"Diana has received a mission of great importance from Lord Zeus, King of Olympus."

Oh. Is that all? Not exactly a frequent occurrence, but Diana's been clued in on supernatural threats by him about… Three times before? And while the lightning hurt, I'm prepared to take the occasional cheap shot in the name of maintaining the peace.

"What sort of mission?"

"Lord Zeus is concerned about the circumstances of Donna Troy's creation, and has charged my daughter with ensuring that Tartarus remains an inviolate prison."

"How? I'm fairly sure that Diana doesn't have anything like the knowledge of thaumaturgy that would require."

"By attending to its security in person."

"Al.. right? How long is that going to take?"

"Lord Zeus did not specify a time limit. I assume that she will visit each of those imprisoned within and ensure that they are not attempting to escape or otherwise violate their bounds."

I frown. This does sound like something that a demigod might be asked to do, but where Zeus is concerned… "She's going to Tartarus indefinitely?"

"Yes, but-."

"Not a problem." I rise off the ground. "I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon."
Last edited:
I'm actually a little touched at her faith in m-. No, there's Alkyone. Interesting choice, given that Alkyone like me more than anyone other than Hippolyta and her three circlemates, but a logical one. She has pretty conservatives instincts while still being willing to give me a fair hearing. I should check in with her first.
That should say 'likes' and 'conservative'. It's nice to see that they've been given their freedom back. Would Alkyone actually consider Paul a friend, or just someone she can trust to an extent and respect?

"Lord Zeus is concerned about the circumstances of Donna Troy's creation, and has charged my daughter with ensuring that Tartarus remains an inviolate prison."

"How? I'm fairly sure that Diana doesn't have anything like the knowledge of thaumaturgy that would require."

"By attending to its security in person."

"Al.. right? How long is that going to take?"

"Lord Zeus did not specify a time limit. I assume that she will visit each of those imprisoned within and ensure that they are not attempting to escape or otherwise violate their bounds."

I frown. This does sound like something that a demigod might be asked to do, but where Zeus is concerned… "She's going to Tartarus indefinitely?"

"Yes, but-."

"Not a problem." I rise off the ground. "I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon."
Will Zeus finally make an appearance? I've been hoping to see him interact with Paul, since the latter will most likely insult him within a few minutes of their meeting.
27th October 2012
06:08 GMT +3


"She's going to Tartarus indefinitely?"

Yeah, this is going to fly like a neutronium pie thrown by a particularly anemic child...

"I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon."

Did not take long. Will be interesting to see if this punishment detail or if "it's not rape if they don't dare tell me 'no' or think I'm their husband."-Zeus is actually worried that someone else is bringing new half-gods into play.
After I've found John Constantine. No new projects until that one is done. So far I've only got as far as tracking down every dodgy street magician on the planet and asking if they've seen him. If I'd known there were this many of them I'd have tried to start an actual Trench Coat Regiment.
Pffft, do it! The shady trenchcoat wearing wizards of the world need a proper organization.:p
I frown. This does sound like something that a demigod might be asked to do, but where Zeus is concerned… "She's going to Tartarus indefinitely?"

"Yes, but-."

"Not a problem." I rise off the ground. "I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon."
Is Zeus getting to Paul through Diana, dick move if so.
I did that. They're using ice created using a machine I put into commercial service on Themyscira, and no one acts like it's anything strange. No one's shying away. I mean, it'll be a while before we get to the stage where there are fridges or freezers in every home, and I've… Really got to see about sorting out some way for my fellow Themyscirans to get formal magic tuition

You must feel proud.

After I've found John Constantine. No new projects until that one is done

So you do remember him.

If I'd known there were this many of them I'd have tried to start an actual Trench Coat Regiment.

Don't you mean brigade.

Though I think that already exists. At least judging by a comment I remember Ambrose making.

Huh. Usually, Diana makes a point of being around when it's one of my days in the forum. I'm not sure what she thinks is going to happen; I'm not persuasive enough to convince them to do anything too crazy just by speaking

Yeah...I think she doesn't want to take that risk.

And you're capable of so many shenanigans.

Or maybe she actually finds it funny?

No. No, I don't think it's that.

It could be that.

Politics js a dreary, boring thing.

Orange Lantern to Wonder Woman. Diana, are you actually giving me a-?"

"Wonder Woman not found."

Well now I'm concerned.

Also I don't think the " should be there, since in the next ring AI reply they weren't.

. Well, that explains it. If she's not on the planet then she can't lurk on the outskirts of the forum, covering her eyes with her right hand and slowly shaking her head.


"Cameras have been forbidden during elections since we first learned of them." She makes a very small smile. "If people wish to see politicians make fools of themselves, they may stir themselves and come to the forum to see it in person

That may not be so practical.

They may have jobs they can't get away from, or it could be too far.

But with a camera they can see what happened.

"You are fairly insightful also. Do you inhale fumes, as oracles do, or does it come naturally


I really like her!

And it's a bit of both, actually.

Hera's temple has… A satellite dish, which is… Okay.

Now I'm getting the image of her worshippers watching her show as a form of service.

d while the lightning hurt I'm prepared to take

Maybe 'hurt, I'm prepared'

Lord Zeus is concerned about the circumstances of Donna Troy's creation, and has charged my daughter with ensuring that Tartarus remains an inviolate prison."

Now I'm getting the feeling that the Titans are somehow going to take over Tartarus.

I frown. This does sound like something that a demigod might be asked to do, but where Zeus is concerned

Yeah, you can't tell anything with that guy.

"Not a problem." I rise off the ground. "I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon

I can't help but imagining that they'll be gone a lot longer than that.

I see, did the amazons think Paul was going to end up going to war with Zeus or something?

Given his previous record, it's not an outlandish thing to believe.

He convinced his wife to leave him, had another god knocked unconscious and thrown in mud, and once had another pantheon try, and succeeded, in killing him.

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