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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"As you will. I -on the other hand- am trying different fruit combinations, and today is…"


"Apricot, apparently."

"Don't you like apricot?"

"Last time I ate apricots, it was with a pork chop."

"For breakfast?"


"Do you like pork chops?"

"No. Honestly, I just want to try everything once. I don't have high hopes, but I've been wrong before."
Have you the writer since tried Apricot so as to be able to model your SI's reaction?
I've been hoping to see him interact with Paul

You mean, beyond the interaction we already saw?

Looks like the King of the Amoebas has temper control issues. I look up into the clear sky. "Nice try, jackass. Next time give it your A game." Helps that Apokoliptian armour is specifically designed to stop divine magics. In fact I'd have to say that was mostly the armour. I doubt there'll be a follow up. Once is 'I've got my eyes on you' but two would be an embarrassing failure. If the armour held.

Speaking of which, that video link is broken. This works.
She's far too misandrist to blame a man for doing anything. She's horrified at the actions of many of her fellow Amazons.
What? Who does she blame for having driven the Amazons off their original homeland? Or for all the terrible bad no good stuff one can find in "Man's World"? Overly weak and permissive women who don't know how to tame their mens animal natures?
27th October 2012
06:08 GMT +3

I wave at the fishing boats as I pass over the fleet at sail-height, getting a few waves back from those women who have a free arm. Others are already unloading their catch at the docks, or laying them out at the morning market. I smile as I see one of the night fishers shaking a bucket of ice out over their catch to preserve it.
Huh, that's not how a pre-industrial society would manage it. Not unless it had easy access to fresh ice. No doubt one of OL's little projects, eh? And Clyemne isn't happy about it. I'm sure the fisherwomen appreciate being able to keep their catch in good shape longer.

I did that. They're using ice created using a machine I put into commercial service on Themyscira, and no one acts like it's anything strange. No one's shying away. I mean, it'll be a while before we get to the stage where there are fridges or freezers in every home, and I've… Really got to see about sorting out some way for my fellow Themyscirans to get formal magic tuition-.

After I've found John Constantine. No new projects until that one is done. So far I've only got as far as tracking down every dodgy street magician on the planet and asking if they've seen him. If I'd known there were this many of them I'd have tried to start an actual Trench Coat Regiment.
Well done! Finally, you manage to focus on this one important thing! It only took months of getting sidetracked repeatedly... As for refrigeration, one issue would be getting the island's technical infrastructure up to the level needed to maintain even the simplest methods... Even if it's simply an icebox with someone making fresh blocks each day using a preset Cold gun...

Huh. Usually, Diana makes a point of being around when it's one of my days in the forum. I'm not sure what she thinks is going to happen; I'm not persuasive enough to convince them to do anything too crazy just by speaking. Maybe she's there as a calming influence. Or maybe she actually finds it funny?

No. No, I don't think it's that.
To be fair, she probably does feel some manner of responsibility for you, still. In the eyes of Themyscira, you're probably still her apprentice. And any fuck-up you make reflects on her.

"Orange Lantern to Wonder Woman. Diana, are you actually giving me a-?"

"Wonder Woman not found."
...Well, that's not worrying or anything, no. :confused:

Oh. Well, that explains it. If she's not on the planet then she can't lurk on the outskirts of the forum, covering her eyes with her right hand and slowly shaking her head.

For example.
I get the feeling that's basically her normal mode of operation most of these 'forum days'.

I'm not seeing Kon or Mitchell either. Maybe they went with her? Seems… Unlikely though. Mitchell's been trying to catch up on Kon's superior social skills so I doubt that he'd want to miss a weekend like that. Ring-?

Kon and Mitchell are in Mount Justice.
Huh. Grounded, or simply enjoying a day without Mom hanging around? :cool:

I'm actually a little touched at her faith in m-. No, there's Alkyone. Interesting choice, given that Alkyone like me more than anyone other than Hippolyta and her three circlemates, but a logical one. She has pretty conservatives instincts while still being willing to give me a fair hearing. I should check in with her first.

I cross the lower city forum low enough and slow enough for my passage to be clearly visible to everyone. I see a few regulars -some of whom will be seeking office or trying to keep it- shuffling through their notes in preparation for the morning disputation. Some are recorded on vellum, but it looks like Man's World paper is also making inroads.
Imported, of course. I doubt the island has enough trees to make actual paper production viable, never mind the tech-base. Even with dryads regrowing what the Amazons consume.

Alkyone comes to alert as she sees me heading towards her, and I slow and land a not too close distance in front of her.

"Good morning."
Hmm... She seems a little tense...

A shallow inclination of the head. "Illustres."

"Did Princess Diana leave a message for me?"
A reasonable question, but...

She visibly hesitates, which isn't something I'm used to from her. "Queen Hippolyta requests your presence in the palace."

"Um, okay, I'm at her disposal. Can you give me a clue what this is about?"
...A concerning response. Something is rotten in the state of Themyscira. And I'm not talking about the fish. :p

"I am sorry." And now there's no doubt, which means that this is something that Queen Hippolyta has ordered her to do or told her is right. "But the Queen wants to tell you herself."

Then that's the most I'm going to get out of her. I look around, but none of the other Amazons appear to be acting strangely. Alright, I.. suppose. It's not as if Hippolyta is unpleasant company.
Not public knowledge, then. No doubt linked to Diana's absence.

"Rightoh. Do you want a lift back?"

"The Queen has tasked me with overseeing the debates to make sure that things don't get out of hand."
So, stop the ladies getting physical during arguments, then. I mean, it's a given that weapons would be banned, but the average Amazon is still a well-trained badass citizen-soldier.

"Out of hand? Should I leave a camera?"

"Cameras have been forbidden during elections since we first learned of them." She makes a very small smile. "If people wish to see politicians make fools of themselves, they may stir themselves and come to the forum to see it in person."
Assuming they aren't busy keeping the island fed, or clothed, or sheltered, or any number of vital jobs... :rolleyes:

"Fair enough. Have you given any consideration to how you'll be voting?"

"That will be a matter for consideration once I have heard-." She considers me for a moment. "Yooou are not standing yourself, are you?"
As if he'd have the free time? Not unless he could be in multiple places at once... :p And greediporting doesn't count!

I grin and hold her gaze. Then I raise my arms, holding them out to the sides as if to embrace the world.

"No. Much as it would delight Eris, you would be conducting yourself differently if you were. You are simply playing on my expectations and prejudices."
:V It's just a prank, sistah. No doubt Eris is chuckling, since she'd probably be watching the forum anyway for laughs.

"You're pretty insightful for a woman who spent ninety years in a box."

"You are fairly insightful also. Do you inhale fumes, as oracles do, or does it come naturally?"
Eh, while some people he talks to might end up feeling the vapours, he is sadly immune.

I reduce my smile to slightly more normal proportions, give her a mock-salute with my right hand and then transition to the palace plaza.

Ooh. Demeter's temple is looking a little more overgrown than normal. Has Euanthe been visiting? Hera's temple has… A satellite dish, which is… Okay. The rest looks much as it has for the last two thousand years or so. One of the guards-.
Hmm... Did Hera get a TV deal at some point? Because I could see her setting her priestesses up with satellite TV to watch it as part of their religious obeisances. Or maybe one of them visited Man's World and got hooked on Oprah or something. x3

She's running into the palace. That's unusual. I'm not normally a 'panic stations'-. Something's up.

I trade my light armour for my heavy armour and generate construct armour to go along with it. That sends a wave of uncertainty through the remaining guards, but unusually none of them say anything. They've all been ordered to leave this to Hippolyta. Why? I like Hippolyta well enough but we're not super-close. Certainly not 'we need someone to talk Orange Lantern down' close.
Oh, someone's grabbing the wrong end of the pointy stick...

What's going on?

And… Here comes Hippolyta. And Captain Philippus and… Menalippe. Has Eris done something? Why the heck is-?
Honestly, you spend a few days away, and all hell breaks loose.

"Paul, that…" Queen Hippolyta looks over my preparations. "Won't be necessary."

"Your majesty, something about this situation makes me think that you might -and I say this with all due respect- be mistaken."
...Ah. They expect him to be temperamental about something he's about to be told, then.

"Diana has received a mission of great importance from Lord Zeus, King of Olympus."

Oh. Is that all? Not exactly a frequent occurrence, but Diana's been clued in on supernatural threats by him about… Three times before? And while the lightning hurt I'm prepared to take the occasional cheap shot in the name of maintaining the peace.
Probably irks Zeus a little that his usual display of displeasure can be foiled by a suitably sturdy lightning rod. :D

"What sort of mission?"

"Lord Zeus is concerned about the circumstances of Donna Troy's creation, and has charged my daughter with ensuring that Tartarus remains an inviolate prison."
Okay, not unreasonable. Definitely don't want all Tartarus breaking loose. Took his time about it, though, given that the story was outed months ago.

"How? I'm fairly sure that Diana doesn't have anything like the knowledge of thaumaturgy that would require."

"By attending to its security in person."
...Still reasonable. A personal inspection of matters isn't too much.

"Al.. right? How long is that going to take?"

"Lord Zeus did not specify a time limit. I assume that she will visit each of those imprisoned within and ensure that they are not attempting to escape or otherwise violate their bounds."
And with the Lasso, she can actually ensure they're truthful about it...

I frown. This does sound like something that a demigod might be asked to do, but where Zeus is concerned… "She's going to Tartarus indefinitely?"

"Yes, but-."

"Not a problem." I rise off the ground. "I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon."
"Ah, Pavlos, I don't think that was what he intended..." Then again, maybe Zeus wants OL barging in downstairs. Not sure what he could set up that Hades wouldn't promptly take issue with, but it's possible...

No wonder they were all walking on eggshells around him. I mean, he's on good enough terms with Hades he could probably get clearance to join Diana on her little inspection tour without too much hassle anyway. But did they really expect him to launch himself down the tunnel, all guns blazing? :rolleyes: How disappointing to see how little they think of him... At any rate, I'm sure things are perfectly fine down there.
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What? Who does she blame for having driven the Amazons off their original homeland? Or for all the terrible bad no good stuff one can find in "Man's World"? Overly weak and permissive women who don't know how to tame their mens animal natures?

Don't think that prejudiced people have any logic behind their beliefs.
That should say 'likes' and 'conservative'.
Thank you, corrected.
It's nice to see that they've been given their freedom back. Would Alkyone actually consider Paul a friend, or just someone she can trust to an extent and respect?
I'm not sure I'd even go that far. Alkyone's social skills aren't the best.
Will Zeus finally make an appearance? I've been hoping to see him interact with Paul, since the latter will most likely insult him within a few minutes of their meeting.
Yes, though not until near the end of the episode.
Don't you mean brigade.
There's a limit to what one man can manage,
Though I think that already exists. At least judging by a comment I remember Ambrose making.
Ambrose was using brigade to refer to a group of like-minded people. The SI was referring to a formal organisation.
Also I don't think the " should be there, since in the next ring AI reply they weren't.
No, it should. The AI usually responds out loud if spoken to out loud, and inside if thought at.
Maybe 'hurt, I'm prepared'
Thank you, corrected.
Have you the writer since tried Apricot so as to be able to model your SI's reaction?
Not for years.
Speaking of which, that video link is broken. This works.
Thank you, corrected.
What? Who does she blame for having driven the Amazons off their original homeland?
Hippolyta, for trusting the emissary of a brutish, barbaric male demigod.
Or for all the terrible bad no good stuff one can find in "Man's World"? Overly weak and permissive women who don't know how to tame their mens animal natures?
Something like that.
Hmm... Did Hera get a TV deal at some point? Because I could see her setting her priestesses up with satellite TV to watch it as part of their religious obeisances. Or maybe one of them visited Man's World and got hooked on Oprah or something. x3

Yep, she's a TV personality now.

We actuallysaw her and Paul talk about Adam Blake on her stage.

Honestly, you spend a few days away, and all hell breaks loose

And that may be more true in the following chapters.

Ah. They expect him to be temperamental about something he's about to be told, then.

Which is fair.

Okay, not unreasonable. Definitely don't want all Tartarus breaking loose. Took his time about it, though, given that the story was outed months ago.

Zeus probably hasn't had to do much actual work in a long time, so it may be taking him time make decisions.

Or that may be normal for gods.

Remember, they're immortal, so a few moths may not be all that much time for them.

Ah, Pavlos, I don't think that was what he intended..." Then again, maybe Zeus wants OL barging in downstairs. Not sure what he could set up that Hades wouldn't promptly take issue with, but it's possible...

It may not necessarily be something he set up to take out Paul.

It's possible that he's genuinely worried about the Titans having further influence.

But did they really expect him to launch himself down the tunnel, all guns blazing? :rolleyes: How disappointing to see how little they think of him... At any rate, I'm sure things are perfectly fine down there.

To be fair, despite Paul's caution and preparedness, he can still go into situations without much info.

At any rate, I'm sure things are perfectly fine down there.

Yes, perfectly fine.

Nothing to see there.
Hippolyta, for trusting the emissary of a brutish, barbaric male demigod.
I thought they left the mainland for Themyscira because the gods told them to? I seem to remember you saying that in the past.

Something like that.
I'd like to see her meet the Citizenry then. They're the perfect representation of what she thinks is how the world should work would actually look like. Bonus points if they tell her that if she doesn't impress them, she'll be made part of their porridge.
Will Zeus finally make an appearance? I've been hoping to see him interact with Paul, since the latter will most likely insult him within a few minutes of their meeting.
I mean, not getting involved with a guy who can easily crush you has served him well this far...

But the old Greek gods were a bit rapey and willing to do some pretty horrible shit, I would avoid all modern superheroes just on principle if I had that kind of back history.
Hmm... Did Hera get a TV deal at some point? Because I could see her setting her priestesses up with satellite TV to watch it as part of their religious obeisances. Or maybe one of them visited Man's World and got hooked on Oprah or something. x3

I think that she did, I seem to recall something like that when he tried to set her a date.

Also are we sure it was Zeus and not somebody pretending to be Zeus to get Diana out of the way ? Or into the pit ?
"Why you want dried leaves in water"

Oh ! I know ! I know !

It's because it's the Briton equivalent of the magic potion !
Oh that series is amazing. It's probably too much to expect a Paul that will encounter the crazy Gauls/Gaulois. But I am curious, is there anybody in this thread who knows the series Asterix? And if so which book was your favorite?
Also are we sure it was Zeus and not somebody pretending to be Zeus to get Diana out of the way ? Or into the pit ?
Good idea but the amazons especially Diana have interacted with Gods a lot so it would take some especially skilled to trick them.
Oh that series is amazing. It's probably too much to expect a Paul that will encounter the crazy Gauls/Gaulois. But I am curious, is there anybody in this thread who knows the series Asterix? And if so which book was your favorite?
Pretty much all the books written by René Goscinny are good. Sadly since his death, the scenario quality dropped significantly.

Astérix and Cleopatra is of course a classic, both the comic and the animated version.
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I frown. This does sound like something that a demigod might be asked to do, but where Zeus is concerned… "She's going to Tartarus indefinitely?"

"Yes, but-."

"Not a problem." I rise off the ground. "I'll pop down and help her. We'll be back this afternoon
So much for no new projects.
Whatever spell work being made to keep Paul from looking into Constantine must be working overtime.
Pretty much all the books written by René Goscinny are good. Sadly since his death, the scenario quality dropped significantly.

Astérix and Cleopatra is of course a classic, both the comic and the animated version.
I quite agree, it is a particularly good one. But I find that Asterix en Corse might surpass it with certain scenes.
Well, that sure didn't take long.
(Replying to Vaermina)

Now I just have to wonder, is there some magic effect on earth preventing people from looking for John or is it a conspiracy by someone (possibly John) preventing people from looking for John.
(Replying to Vaermina)

Now I just have to wonder, is there some magic effect on earth preventing people from looking for John or is it a conspiracy by someone (possibly John) preventing people from looking for John.

Constantine is the Laughing Magician probability itself bends for him.

He is the Fool, unlimited potential, luck and improvisation are on his side.

Sadly the same cannot be said about his friends and loved ones, which is why they are seemingly in a contest for who can find the newest and most gruesome way to die.

Synchronicity Wave Travelling is just the active form of that.

The fact that he can con gods and demons with stunts that a 13 year old would see through would be the passive form of that.

Golden Boy seemingly spanked probability until it called him daddy since he was declared the most powerful magus in the world and wasn't he king of England or ruler or the world or something?
Constantine is the Laughing Magician probability itself bends for him.

He is the Fool, unlimited potential, luck and improvisation are on his side.

Sadly the same cannot be said about his friends and loved ones, which is why they are seemingly in a contest for who can find the newest and most gruesome way to die.

Synchronicity Wave Travelling is just the active form of that.

The fact that he can con gods and demons with stunts that a 13 year old would see through would be the passive form of that.

Golden Boy seemingly spanked probability until it called him daddy since he was declared the most powerful magus in the world and wasn't he king of England or ruler or the world or something?
So option A then?
Coup Data (part 3)
27th October 2012
06:21 GMT +3

"Zagreus?" I frown at the hunt-god. "That's a little… Heavily armed for you, isn't it? Are you hunting dragons or something?"

His normal hunting gear has been replaced by a mixture of orichalcum plate and… Scaly leather? I'm assuming that the donor was some sort of mythological creature, probably the same one that donated his cloak. A bandoleer of knives, two short swords-. Gladiuses, a Colt single-action army revolver and an AK-47. That's not 'today we're hunting wabbits', that's 'I could totally take Kratos'.

"Just… In case Diana finds anything concerning. I've never hunted a titan before, and I wouldn't dare to be less than fully equipped should she call for aid."

I look away for a moment, down towards the queue of souls still awaiting judgement, then over to the new settlement built not too far from the palace. The 'foreign quarter', for souls who have other afterlives they'd rather go to but are staying here until some sort of transfer can be arranged. It's an interesting mix of architectural styles, though they've clearly compromised in some areas due to not having access to some types of more advanced materials.

"Is that likely? I mean, Cronus has been down there for a very long time and hasn't really achieved all that much."

"True, but Zeus was there when they were bound and has wisdom that we lack."

"Zeus's 'wisdom' doesn't even remind him to put a condom on while playing away after Hera put him in the last chance saloon."

"Ahhhh…" Zagreus awkwardly looks up towards Erebos's false sky. "Perhaps you could avoid insulting the King of Olympus when in the domains of Greek myth. It's usually not conducive to health and long life."

"He shot me with lightning, Zagreus. I'm not planning on doing anything about it, but I haven't forgotten it. If he wants my respect then he can pull his finger out, do something with his life and stop sending my friends and mentors off on pointless busywork quests."

Zagreus takes a deep breath.

"Are you familiar with the concept of nemesis?"

"Colloquially, a person's greatest enemy. Traditionally, it was the source of destruction the hero of a story created by their actions. Anger the gods and you make enemies. Eventually, one of them bests you. It exists to remind even the powerful that they can be brought low and that they should remember the virtues even if they can maintain their position without needing to."

"Quite. So-."

"You think I'm Zeus's nemesis? The natural consequence of his bad behaviour?" I shake my head. "I'm not sure that follows, and real life is seldom like the plays."

Zagreus looks at me despondently for a moment, then nods with a sigh.

"You are of course free to travel into Tartarus. I don't know exactly where Diana is, but I'm sure you can get directions from the Hekatonkheires. Or perhaps the other inmates."

"Thank you. All the best to Melinoë."

He nods as I rise into the air, heading 'east north east' towards the gateway into Tartarus. Not sure what the weapons were really in aid of. I've been… Assuming that efforts to fight a titan in purely material space were more or less doomed to failure, but I suppose that he might be able to do a little better with godly magic than I managed against Oceanus.

Despite the enlarged population, Erebos looks much the same as normal. I wave down at the orchards as I pass over them, though I doubt that anyone at ground level can see me. The rivers, the blasted plain, the… New road going up to the Fields of Punishment. And the people walking it don't exactly look unhappy. Walking in either direction, I should say. I suppose that knowing their punishment has a definite end helps? Or maybe they're masochists who pled guilty or something, I don't know.

No trouble getting the door open, and there's the inky void that I remember from my last visit. However, my increased familiarity with the Ophidian's empathic abilities means that while conventional light is denied to me, I can navigate using the wisps of feeling… Is that Tartarus itself, or left over from the inmates? Diana's trail stands out, and while I can't see where my navigational feeler filaments are I can still feel them. She's not going particularly fast, which makes sense as while her senses are acute, they're not supernatural. She's stuck with normal sound and light like the rest of us. Not that I think that, say, a kryptonian's vision would provide much benefit in here.

"Who goes there?"

"Hail, Wonder Woman!"

A burst of sonic energy gets me a 'look' at her. Looks like she's in her standard Wonder Woman corset, and holding… A dense hand, which is pointing in the direction she was travelling. As she turns towards my voice the hand moves so that the pointing finger remains extended in the same direction.


"Paul. Why are you here?"

"Thought we could get this done faster if I helped. Can I offer you a lift?"

Sonic scans show her bow her head slightly.

"This is not about speed."

"Right, it's about thoroughness. But you can't see in here. I can-" I fabricate an echolocation headset. "-help with that, even if I don't know what this place is supposed to look like."

"Paul, do you-?" I nudge her in the shoulder with the headset and she takes it, feeling around it to work out what it's for before putting it over her head. She takes a moment to look around before focusing on me. "Thank you. Paul, do you understand what is meant by religious faith?"


"Compliance with the will of what the believer believes to be a higher power?"

"Lord Zeus has given this task to me. I appreciate that you want to help, but I am the person it was given to."


"Your mercenary approach to religion isn't normal. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, but-! It's Zeus! He's not exactly inscrutable."

"Even if he does not choose to live in accordance with the highest virtues at all times, Lord Zeus is a god. He is aware of the universe in ways that neither of us can comprehend."

"I'm not sure that's true for either of us." I sigh, looking away and shaking my head. "You really think you've got to do this on your own?"

"I do."

"Okay. Okay, fine. Have fun, or religious enlightenment or whatever."

I shake my head and I back away from her, then turn and fly at speed towards the gates. I mean… It's not impossible that Zeus is… I don't know, doing this to help her train her god-senses or something. I would be surprised, given Diana's lack of enthusiasm for that aspect of her power and him waiting this long to do something he could just have well done seventy years ago, but this sort of situation might do something like that. Not sure why it's suddenly become so urgent…

I pass through the gates and close them behind me. Okay. While I'm here-.


Akhlys walks towards me, looking pretty miserable but not as miserable as she used to. Her arms and legs clatter from the bracelets, armlets and other rune-inscribed charms I've had made for her, spells for promoting health and wellbeing and others that are designed to absorb sickness. The result is no better than a draw, but it's where we are now and Sephtian said that making them taught him a lot.

"Akhlys. Any worse?"

"No. Thank you for asking. I am very sorry about Diana."

"She's managing."

"Still. It is disgraceful that Zeus could not simply accept his rejection with good grace."

"I beg your pardon?"
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