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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Dear John (part 15)
7th November 2012
Roughly 10:16 GMT -5

"Eagle, vulture, any idea how we get back to the material world?"

The eagle's back on Alan's perch, but he's slightly hunched over and his head jerks around to stare in a new direction every few seconds. Since we have no idea where we're going Alan and I opted to take position directly above the Liberty Fountain-.

"And you don't think this is the blood of patriots and tyrants, do you?"

Alan frowns. "Patriots and-? Oh. I'm not sure that fits, thematically. Americans are supposed to be willing to bleed to see tyrants brought down, it's virtuous behavior. I think it's more likely to be the blood of innocents ground under wheels, something like that."

I turn my head to look at the vulture on my pauldron, who ruffles her wings.

"I don't usually ask where the blood comes from."

"I thought that vultures could smell corpses from a mile away."

"Corpses generally stay in one place, and by the time they're dead enough to smell the bleeding has generally stopped. Kind of why I was hanging around here, actually. If I see something bleeding this much it usually means that something is about to die and it's time to short it."

"Short it-?" Ugh. "You're the Vulture of Freedom, because in a free economy asset stripping and short selling and debt loading are viable strategies, even if they're harmful to society as a whole."

"I don't kill things. But if they're dying anyway, why not fill my beak?"

The eagle actually perks up, staring at.. either me or the vulture.

"She is death! Death!"

Alan chuckles quietly to himself, prompting the three of us to turn and give him a funny look. He just shrugs.

"Oh, come on Paul. How many new experiences do you think I get at my age? It's not all positive, but… What was it you said? When I'm confronted by evil, I will rejoice, because when I'm done with the evil then it won't be there any more." He looks over at the city. "This place is a mess. But if it's literally the worst parts of American history made manifest… What happens when we fix it?"

"I think it's meant to be broken."

He looks a little disappointed. "Well, now. That doesn't sound like you. What happens to America if we change things around here?"

"We… Mind control an entire country, which is something I'd rather avoid doing."

He frowns. "Is that how it works?"

"This place is a representation of the American psyche, right?"


"Now, the influence is probably two-way at this point, so we can probably justify some improvements, but I don't want to root-and-branch the whole place."

"No, I… You're probably right. So, any idea how to get out?"

The eagle shrugs. "Normally, you find a site of spiritual significance and make a ritualistic connection. But that Prince of the World thing forced us through."

"Whow whow whow." The vulture fans out her wings and then goes rather still. "The Prince sent you here?"

Alan nods. "That's right."

"You're not getting out, then. This is his place. He controls the ways in and out."

"This is the bad place!"

Alan strokes the eagle's head in what I imagine is supposed to be a reassuring way. It doesn't appear to be helping.

"Paul, any ideas?"

"I imagine that-. Okay, before we go any further, did you read my report of my meeting with Boss Smiley?"

"Ah… Yeah, but I don't remember all the details."

"He claimed to be an arcane life form devoted to controlling humanity by limiting our development. He offered me a deal where I could develop all of the technology I want with his institutional aid but he would control what went mainstream."

"So we find him and beat him up?"

"If it were that simple I'd have already done it. He's nebulous, hard enough to pin down that even the angels weren't sure that he even really exists." Great. "At least we know who's replaced Uncle Sam; the living embodiment of political corruption. Vulture, does he actually..? Have a physical form here?"


"'Maybe' as in you want something for telling us, or 'maybe' as in you don't know?"

"'Maybe' as in I'm only here so I can eat you when you die. I'm not about to share what I know about the god of my conceptual world because that sounds like a good way to have a little accident."

"Do you know Professor Demetrios Prokopios?"


"He's the man who protects Earth's economy from people like you. Not always successfully, but well enough to keep things functioning in a nearly-sane way. He's a friend of mine. So I'm pretty sure that he'd be rather happy if I removed you as a problem."

"You can't risk it. And you don't want to mind control people."

"Ah, it's about judging the greatest risk to people. And I don't need to kill you, not when I've got an orange power ring. I can just convert you into orange light. Or brand you into compliance and then undo it once we're finished. I don't think that would cause lasting harm, but given what you are I don't think I'd mind too much if it did."

The vulture peers into my eyes for a moment, then cringes slightly. "I can respect a strong negotiating position. He's strongest at focuses of political power."


"The First of the Fallen used to come here, in the guise of Abraham Lincoln. He hasn't been here recently-."

"And he won't be back."

"Boss Smiley's people don't appear when he's around."

"His people?"

"I don't know what they are, exactly. His favourites. The aspects of corruption that he likes the most."

"And what can they do?"

"Anything. This is their place. Everything here's as bad as Boss Smiley likes it to be, which is pretty bad."

Right. Conceptual realm, conceptual beings. We can… Probably only beat them by playing their game better than them.

Alan nods. "But we can get out in Washington?"

"Rule by force is a pretty normal thing, here. If you can pull it off then you've been vicious enough to demand it."

"Then I guess that's where we're going."

"Yes, but after I find out where this blood is coming from."

I angle myself to fly down, then stop when I feel Alan's hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, Paul? Maybe you shouldn't do that."
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literally the worse parts of American history

"worst parts"

"The First of the Fallen used to come here, in the guise of Abraham Lincoln. He hasn't been here recently-."

"And he won't be back."

"Boss Smiley's people don't appear when he's around

Yeah, I doubt they'd risk getting destroyed

Smiley like it to be, which is pretty bad."

"likes it"
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Alan chuckles quietly to himself, prompting the three of us to turn and give him a funny look. He just shrugs.

"Oh, come on Paul. How many new experiences do you think I get at my age? It's not all positive, but… What was it you said? When I'm confronted by evil, I will rejoice, because when I'm done with the evil then it won't be there anymore."
And this is why Alan is awesome.
"He's the man who protects Earth's economy from people like you. Not always successfully, but well enough to keep things functioning in a nearly-sane way. He's a friend of mine. So I'm pretty sure that he'd be rather happy if I removed you as a problem."

"You can't risk it. And you don't want to mind control people."

"Ah, it's about judging the greatest risk to people. And I don't need to kill you, not when I've got an orange power ring. I can just convert you into orange light. Or brand you into compliance and then undo it once we're finished. I don't think that would cause lasting harm, but given what you are I don't think I'd mind too much if it did."

The vulture peers into my eyes for a moment, then cringes slightly. "I can respect a strong negotiating position. He's strongest at focuses of political power."
Hehe, even the Vulture of Freedom, who's whole thing is happily stripping the bodies of others, has to admit Paul's threat was good.
"Boss Smiley's people don't appear when he's around."

"His people?"

"I don't know what they are, exactly. His favourites. The aspects of corruption that he likes the most."
Oh boy, those will be both scary and annoying.

I imagine conceptional being of disinformation or something is in there somewhere.
Right. Conceptual realm, conceptual beings. We can… Probably only beat them by playing their game better than them.
Will be neat to see Paul and Alan try to out dirty the literal embodiments of dirty.
"Yes, but after I find out where this blood is coming from."

I angle myself to fly down, then stop when I feel Alan's hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, Paul? Maybe you shouldn't do that."
Listen to Alan here Paul, unless you want to get motivation to mass mind control a whole country.

I bet if Rocket were here she would happily search out and beat up the embodiment of racism or something, consequences be damned.
"Oh, come on Paul. How many new experiences do you think I get at my age? It's not all positive, but… What was it you said? When I'm confronted by evil, I will rejoice, because when I'm done with the evil then it won't be there anymore." He looks over at the city. "This place is a mess. But if it's literally the worse parts of American history made manifest… What happens when we fix it?"
Is that misquote intentional because Alan doesn't memorize it?

"I think it's meant to be broken."

He looks a little disappointed. "Well, now. That doesn't sound like you. What happens to America if we change things around here?"

"We… Mind control an entire country, which is something I'd rather avoid doing."

He frowns. "Is that how it works?"

"This place is a representation of the American psyche, right?"


"Now, the influence is probably two-way at this point, so we can probably justify some improvements, but I don't want to root-and-branch the whole place."
It's nice to see a reminder that, although Paul can go a bit too far sometimes, he's the pragmatic one who realizes when something might be more complicated than at first glance. In order words, he's not some single-minded "Righteous Face Puncher".

"Do you know Professor Demetrios Prokopios?"


"He's the man who protects Earth's economy from people like you. Not always successfully, but well enough to keep things functioning in a nearly-sane way. He's a friend of mine. So I'm pretty sure that he'd be rather happy if I removed you as a problem."

"You can't risk it. And you don't want to mind control people."

"Ah, it's about judging the greatest risk to people. And I don't need to kill you, not when I've got an orange power ring. I can just convert you into orange light. Or brand you into compliance and then undo it once we're finished. I don't think that would cause lasting harm, but given what you are I don't think I'd mind too much if it did."

The vulture peers into my eyes for a moment, then cringes slightly. "I can respect a strong negotiating position. He's strongest at focuses of political power."
I also like seeing Paul's ruthless side, especially when the people he's going against realize that he's complete serious and will go through with whatever he threatened to do.
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I'm starting to worry about Alan being susceptible to being influenced while he's stuck here. He's a classic icon of American super culture, and part elemental to boot. Is it possible for Smiley to corrupt him given sufficient time and exposure?
A soul made of hope will probably make him resistant to corruption, and his will certainly isn't any weaker than it was before.
I say go wild with the fixing.

Paul is all about managed risk to improve after all.

Summon Eris. Call upon Plutos and Hermes to deal with the literal embodiment of economy corrupted.

Go full ham!



MUAHAHAHA!!! > : )
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I say go wild with the fixing.

Paul is all about managed risk to improve after all.

Summon Eris. Call upon Plutos and Hermes to deal with the literal embodiment of economy corrupted.

Go full ham!




Start fixing things and cleaning house until they kick him and Alan out for causing a disturbance.
I have a plan. First, we get a female eagle and introduce her to Freedom Eagle. Then we take:
  1. some of their fresh eggs,
  2. the world's most Pro-Freedom incubator ever designed (down to the smallest part),
  3. a time-distortion chamber for rapid aging,
  4. and a lifetime supply of pro-science propaganda movies for the developing chicks.
  5. We release the aged eagles in Anti-Heartland with some drone bodyguards.
Repeat until the Anti-Heartland has been converted to new, wiser, bird overlords. Repeat for each of these USA-derived pocket realms the Yankees spawn through their holiday rituals.
7th November 2012
Roughly 10:16 GMT -5

"Eagle, vulture, any idea how we get back to the material world?"

The eagle's back on Alan's perch, but he's slightly hunched over and his head jerks around to stare in a new direction every few seconds. Since we have no idea where we're going Alan and I opted to take position directly above the Liberty Fountain-.
Why even have that laying around anyway? Aesthetics? Or is it just the Smiling Bastard flexing his power over things? At any rate, looks like Roger's in no shape to be leading them anywhere, no matter how free of this place he might want to be...

"And you don't think this is the blood of patriots and tyrants, do you?"

Alan frowns. "Patriots and-? Oh. I'm not sure that fits, thematically. Americans are supposed to be willing to bleed to see tyrants brought down, it's virtuous behavior. I think it's more likely to be the blood of innocents ground under wheels, something like that."
Sadly more accurate, I bet. Such is the Grinning Fucker's way.

I turn my head to look at the vulture on my pauldron, who ruffles her wings.

"I don't usually ask where the blood comes from."
Just in case it's the blood of people who ask questions like that?

"I thought that vultures could smell corpses from a mile away."

"Corpses generally stay in one place, and by the time they're dead enough to smell the bleeding has generally stopped. Kind of why I was hanging around here, actually. If I see something bleeding this much it usually means that something about to die and it's time to short it."
After all, if the blood's fresh, whatever killed the corpse is probably still there, eating its fill. And not interested in company.

"Short it-?" Ugh. "You're the Vulture of Freedom, because in a free economy asset stripping and short selling and debt loading are viable strategies, even if they're harmful to society as a whole."

"I don't kill things. But if they're dying anyway, why not fill my beak?"
Okay, gender is irrelevant, I'm gonna call you Gordon.

The eagle actually perks up, staring at.. either me or the vulture.

"She is death! Death!"
Roger, please, keep the frenzied ranting to a minimum, this is no time to be irrational. Save that for later, when you're celebrating your escape with pi.

Alan chuckles quietly to himself, prompting the three of us to turn and give him a funny look. He just shrugs.

"Oh, come on Paul. How many new experiences do you think I get at my age? It's not all positive, but… What was it you said? When I'm confronted by evil, I will rejoice, because when I'm done with the evil then it won't be there anymore." He looks over at the city. "This place is a mess. But if it's literally the worse parts of American history made manifest… What happens when we fix it?"
That's impossible, methinks. More important is whether the longer you stay here, the more muck will get stuck to you. Especially with OL's soul-feeding tattoos.

"I think it's meant to be broken."

He looks a little disappointed. "Well, now. That doesn't sound like you. What happens to America if we change things around here?"
Two sides to every coin, Alan. Can't have light without dark. Hope may shine bright, but it also casts long shadows...

"We… Mind control an entire country, which is something I'd rather avoid doing."

He frowns. "Is that how it works?"
If it does, do you want to be the one to find out?

"This place is a representation of the American psyche, right?"

Yeah, you of all people know how dark things can get.

"Now, the influence is probably two-way at this point, so we can probably justify some improvements, but I don't want to root-and-branch the whole place."

"No, I… You're probably right. So, any idea how to get out?"
Improvements made in the name of self-defence, if anything.

The eagle shrugs. "Normally, you find a site of spiritual significance and make a ritualistic connection. But that Prince of the World things forced us through."

"Whow whow whow." The vulture fans out her wings and then goes rather still. "The Prince sent you here?"
Ah, not so eager to hang around now you know they're on the Yellow-faced Asshole's shit list, huh?

Alan nods. "That's right."

"You're not getting out, then. This is his place. He controls the ways in and out."
...Unless someone else with more metaphysical oomph can kick the door in...

"This is the bad place!"

Alan strokes the eagle's head in what I imagine is supposed to be a reassuring way. It doesn't appear to be helping.
To be fair, he has good reason to worry. What's his being here doing to the Heartlands, I wonder? Will a new Eagle have appeared, or will things slowly be getting less 'free' out there?

"Paul, any ideas?"

"I imagine that-. Okay, before we go any further, did you read my report of my meeting with Boss Smiley?"
Because Alan is one of the few you'd expect to be able to keep up on that stuff. And not just because of his ring.

"Ah… Yeah, but I don't remember all the details."

"He claimed to be an arcane life form devoted to controlling humanity by limiting our development. He offered me a deal where I could develop all of the technology I want with his institutional aid but he would control what went mainstream."
Like he'd allow that, ever. Can't maintain the status quo if someone's dropping safe flying cars or magic cell phones on the country.

"So we find him and beat him up?"

"If it were that simple I'd have already done it. He's nebulous, hard enough to pin down that even the angels weren't sure that he even really exists." Great. "At least we know who's replaced Uncle Sam; the living embodiment of political corruption. Vulture, does he actually..? Have a physical form here?"
Or even... What if the real Sam is in here somewhere, laying asleep in an alley while street punks carrying gasoline and a lighter eye him up? (And yes, that happens in the 'U.S.' mini-series.)


"'Maybe' as in you want something for telling us, or 'maybe' as in you don't know?"
Ah, one word with so many subtle shadings.

"'Maybe' as in I'm only here so I can eat you when you die. I'm not about to share what I know about the god of my conceptual world because that sounds like a good way to have a little accident."

"Do you know Professor Demetrios Prokopios?"
Yeah, if you wanna compete in a dick-waving contest of Gods, OL has you beat on that front.


"He's the man who protects Earth's economy from people like you. Not always successfully, but well enough to keep things functioning in a nearly-sane way. He's a friend of mine. So I'm pretty sure that he'd be rather happy if I removed you as a problem."
No need to mention that he's a God. Let that be a surprise for the Round-faced Prince if he ever tries anything.

"You can't risk it. And you don't want to mind control people."

"Ah, it's about judging the greatest risk to people. And I don't need to kill you, not when I've got an orange power ring. I can just convert you into orange light. Or brand you into compliance and then undo it once we're finished. I don't think that would cause lasting harm, but given what you are I don't think I'd mind too much if it did."
Heck, she's deeply Orange anyway, given her nature smacks of avaricious greed.

The vulture peers into my eyes for a moment, then cringes slightly. "I can respect a strong negotiating position. He's strongest at focuses of political power."

God only knows how that looks in this place. Fake Sam sitting on a throne of TVs playing news reports and mind-numbing pap? (Also a thing from the 'U.S.' series. Seriously, read it if you cam.)

"The First of the Fallen used to come here, in the guise of Abraham Lincoln. He hasn't been here recently-."

"And he won't be back."
What's more disturbing is that he felt the need to disguise himself.

"Boss Smiley's people don't appear when he's around."

"His people?"
Well, sounds like a place to start holding people up by the feet and shaking them until they agree to help...

"I don't know what they are, exactly. His favourites. The aspects of corruption that he likes the most."

"And what can they do?"
Ah, the literal embodiments of 'Screw The Rules, I Have Money!'

"Anything. This is their place. Everything here's as bad as Boss Smiley like it to be, which is pretty bad."

Right. Conceptual realm, conceptual beings. We can… Probably only beat them by playing their game better than them.
Or by playing a game they can't even comprehend, perhaps? Though that would take some doing.

Alan nods. "But we can get out in Washington?"

"Rule by force is a pretty normal thing, here. If you can pull it off then you've been vicious enough to demand it."
Well, we know OL can be vicious in the name of expediency.

"Then I guess that's where we're going."

"Yes, but after I find out where this blood is coming from."
...Seriously? OL, focus.

I angle myself to fly down, then stop when I feel Alan's hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, Paul? Maybe you shouldn't do that."
See, this is what you need, OL. someone who can keep you on task when your curiosity gets out of hand.

Well, this promises to be a wild ride. The Lanterns, working their way out of a dark reflection of a nation's psyche. Complete with beleaguered escortee to protect (the American Eagle, who's going to need some therapy once they get out, I think.) A dour, sarcastic local providing running commentary. And watching them, the dark Prince ruling the demiplane, laughing his ass off as he places down obstacle after obstacle in their path...
I wonder if going into the avarice subspace thingie could spill over and damage the entire thingie ? Because that sounds like massive problems.
Why even have that laying around anyway? Aesthetics? Or is it just the Smiling Bastard flexing his power over things?

Or maybe the Badlands automatically changes to reflect the worst parts of America.

Okay, gender is irrelevant, I'm gonna call you Gordon.

Naming the scumbag bird after a scumbag corporate bastard.

To be fair, he has good reason to worry. What's his being here doing to the Heartlands, I wonder? Will a new Eagle have appeared, or will things slowly be getting less 'free' out there

Yeah, if he's killed then who knows what that'll do to the concept of Freedom in America.

What's more disturbing is that he felt the need to disguise himself.

He might have done it for matephysical reasons or because he finds it funny to dress up as a guy responsible for freeing slaves while he would enslave everyone.
'1619'? Oh, dear. Looks like a reference to this: First Africans in Virginia. Let me guess, it embodies the Chuckle-fuck of Exploitation's birthdate, much like July 4th, 1776 would be Uncle Sam's?

If something that happened in 1938-1945 can be a "Ban Without Warning" Rule 8 violation because it still being talked about makes it current politics, then something that happened in 1619 is also a Rule 8 violation if a 2019 media/education project makes it current politics.

1640 would be a more suitable date because that is when Virginia first changed from 'Indentured Servitude' to 'Slavery For Life', or 1662 when they made slave status inherited.
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I narrow my eyes. "And what are you supposed to be?"

"Oh, you know. This and that. Don't mind me."

"She's the Vulture of Death!"

"No I'm not." She looks away for a moment. "Scavengers have an important role in the ecosystem, I'll have you know. We don't usually kill things ourselves."

Funnily enough the bald eagle is also a scavenger.

"He is a bird of bad moral character; like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy." - some dude named Franklin in 1784
The fact that we're exploring American conceptual metaphysics and Memorial Day is in a couple days?

Chef's kiss.
I have no idea what that is. On an unrelated and far more important note, in four days Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth celebrate having the same Head of State for 70 years.

I use to think that the thing about her being undead was a joke, then I found out that she rides a fell pony.
Is that misquote intentional because Alan doesn't memorize it?
If something that happened in 1938-1945 can be a "Ban Without Warning" Rule 8 violation because it still being talked about makes it current politics, then something that happened in 1619 is also a Rule 8 violation if a 2019 media/education project makes it current politics.

1640 would be a more suitable date because that is when Virginia first changed from 'Indentured Servitude' to 'Slavery For Life', or 1662 when they made slave status inherited.
The way I see it, I'll follow the rules. If the moderators choose not to, well... There's always Frozen in Carbonite.
Mr Zoat is Barry still on leave from the JL and does he have any plans to return soon or is he solely focusing on getting better?
I see that OL has encountered a true Vulture Capitalist. Now if only he wasn't lying about only eating things that were already dead or dying.
"If it was weak enough to be eaten, then it was dying, even if it didn't know it yet. Actually it's better if no one else knew it yet, because then you don't have to deal with competition."

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