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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Wasn't John Quinn the one who asked Paul about John Constantine and started this witch hunt in the first place? Why would he be the one hiding him?
Wasn't John Quinn the one who asked Paul about John Constantine and started this witch hunt in the first place? Why would he be the one hiding him?
No, he isn't the one who asked Paul to look for John Constantine. It was various other people, who were worried that him disappearing off the face of the Earth was a sign that something bad is happening.
"No, you could not. There are subtle uses of magic that are well within John Quinn's abilities thet could be used to move the Tower to places you could not reach. Or use your own hunger to delude you, and draw you into a trep."

You know I actually quite like this, Paul sometimes really does feel like he thinks he can nom his way through any mystical problem now that he's figured out devouring magic with the orange light (something that I imagine someone will eventually use as a trap once they figure out what he's doing). I'm personally really eager to see more of Dr. Mist in action. Sidebar and this may have been answered ages ago, but do any of the mystical doctors possess an actual doctorate? I fully believe Nommo has the smarts and knowledge to qualify for an MD of some kind, but does he have the little and very expensive piece of paper?
Accomplished Perfect Physician had past life experience as his source of medical information, on top of his sonic abilities for healing.I don't think he has a doctorate in his current life.

I think the ye old Hawks were archeologists and might have had doctorates before they got their past life memories back, but nothing medical there.

Don't know if Bruce ever got any paper trail from his global learning tour, but I'm sure he could challenge a few courses under the cowl to make him Dr. Batman. The Atom might have one in physics or nanotech, but the league IS a bit shy on higher education.

In the Dresden 'verse, Wizards tend to live a couple extra centuries compared to normal folk, so one of their medical experts goes back to school every couple decades to keep up to date on the latest in the trade. I could see some of the longer lasting members of the league taking that up as a hobby.
No, the fairy blessing stopped her aging. The psychopathy was from a British-made augentation formula.

Question, does Paragon have any interest in fixing Sally Sonic and if so, how? Only thing i can think of is having Alan and the Succubus turned love elemental shove Blue and Sapphire light into her.

I dunno, at the very least merging Demon C. back in may make John less likely to pull this bullshit in the future, and I think we can all agree that Constantine replicating via fission is worth taking a few risks to prevent.

Pretty sure John cut away the worst/most tainted by hell parts of his soul to create the Demon, putting them back would only make John a worse person.
Pretty sure John cut away the worst/most tainted by hell parts of his soul to create the Demon, putting them back would only make John a worse person.

Not quite.

Constantine channeled the traits he liked least about himself into the golem that became Demon Constantine, so very similar but not quite the same thing.

Demon Constantine's affection for Kit was specifically one of those traits Constantine chose to pawn off on his golem, as I understand it. I think we can all agree that Constantine has character traits that are worse than that. But being with John endangered her and Constantine hated that, so he chose to jettison those feelings.

Just as presumably he chose the traits he thought would make the most trustworthy Lord of Order for Quinn, and yet John got kidnapped for his trouble.
Sidebar and this may have been answered ages ago, but do any of the mystical doctors possess an actual doctorate? I fully believe Nommo has the smarts and knowledge to qualify for an MD of some kind, but does he have the little and very expensive piece of paper?
I think it was explained Dr.Fate took the title doctor not because he was a healer but he wanted a title people would respect? Nabu probably could be a healer or medical professional if he tried though I don't think he is. As for Mist I have no idea.
Accomplished Perfect Physician had past life experience as his source of medical information, on top of his sonic abilities for healing.I don't think he has a doctorate in his current life.
He's taking an intense course now. I'm not sure how long that would take for someone in his position, but he'll have a medical doctorate in a year or two.
Question, does Paragon have any interest in fixing Sally Sonic and if so, how? Only thing i can think of is having Alan and the Succubus turned love elemental shove Blue and Sapphire light into her.
That goes over the line from 'staging an intervention' to 'assault and mind control'.
Pretty sure John cut away the worst/most tainted by hell parts of his soul to create the Demon, putting them back would only make John a worse person.
As far as I remember it, there were two occasions in the comics where John offered to merge with the Demon.
Just as presumably he chose the traits he thought would make the most trustworthy Lord of Order for Quinn, and yet John got kidnapped for his trouble

He may have given him the traits he thought would be best for a superhero, including doing what is necessary to stop evil and destruction.

Unfortunately Quinn got John's skills in that area and John has never been known for his mercy or willingness to back away from certain situations.

Plus, John was a Lord of Chaos and even in his mortal days he'd bring destruction everywhere, so Quinn may have thought that he was a threat.

Can't really disagree with him if that's what he thought.

I think it was explained Dr.Fate took the title doctor not because he was a healer but he wanted a title people would respect? Nabu probably could be a healer or medical professional if he tried though I don't think he is. As for Mist I have no idea.

I think Mist is an actual doctor, but I'm not fully sure.
I think it was explained Dr.Fate took the title doctor not because he was a healer but he wanted a title people would respect? Nabu probably could be a healer or medical professional if he tried though I don't think he is. As for Mist I have no idea.

If Nabu's portfolio as a god actually reflected his interests as opposed to just being randomly assigned by people making things up, then Nabu's interests would have been agriculture, writing, and natural philosophy.

So if Nabu got an actual doctorate it would probably be in agriculture, poetry, or physics.

Although i think Nabu having a doctorate in poetry the most amusing of the three options.
If Nabu's portfolio as a god actually reflected his interests as opposed to just being randomly assigned by people making things up, then Nabu's interests would have been agriculture, writing, and natural philosophy.

So if Nabu got an actual doctorate it would probably be in agriculture, poetry, or physics.

Although i think Nabu having a doctorate in poetry the most amusing of the three options.

Weirdly, a degree in poetry might be perfect given the form mystical incantations often take.

I wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Mist was a pretty good field healer from his younger days, though obviously he would probably be more focused on herbalism. But he might have some ingenious ways to handle things without medical supplies.
Also, Renegade conquered Africa does that timelines Doctor Mist not care that a foreign god is taking control of regular people, or is he planning something?
Also, Renegade conquered Africa does that timelines Doctor Mist not care that a foreign god is taking control of regular people, or is he planning something?
Maybe he subtly approves of Grayven? or maybe he's worried that Grayven seems to kill everyone who harms him or his.
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Also, Renegade conquered Africa does that timelines Doctor Mist not care that a foreign god is taking control of regular people, or is he planning something?

He may still be opposed to step in.

True, renegade is a magical being but he's also improving the lives of the people instead of hurting them, so Mist may not see it as necessary to interfere.
That goes over the line from 'staging an intervention' to 'assault and mind control'.

Considering what was done to her? I'd say it's more like a cross between an organ transplant and healing some fairly bad brain damage. Also, it is something that could be done after getting her consent even if that would be extremely difficult. But I'm not going to argue further.

As far as I remember it, there were two occasions in the comics where John offered to merge with the Demon.

Ok, I haven't read that much Hellblazer and am more if a Marvel fan.
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False Dawn (part 4)
8th November 2012
08:32 GMT -5

I haven't had much cause to visit Boston. I'm not sure if that's odd. I've lived in New York and Happy Harbour and neither are all that far away, but… When you can move as fast as I can, there isn't much reason to visit a city just because it happens to be fairly close.

"Did they really keep the place open for him? I would have thought that once he didn't appear for a few decades someone would have tried to get him declared legally dead."

Alan shakes his head as we walk up the driveway of the Dodds manor.

"Wesley was always good with his money. I think this place went to a trust when he died, 'til someone found out for sure whether Sandy died or not. They paid to keep the place looking nice."

"Nice that they were so honest about it."

"I… Guess it was, but given the law firm involved I think it was probably more that they didn't pay it enough attention to consider trying anything on. And Jay and I kept an eye on the place."

"So what's he doing with himself?"

"Enrolled in college. He's doing a business management course."

"Brave of him. The culture shock must be pretty harsh."

"Yeah. That's why I'm keeping an eye on him. You know that… Ah, quote. 'The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there'."

"And the future's a foreign country where no one knows who I am. Hartley, yeah."

"Not everyone can just drop everything and cope with living somewhere… Foreign, quite as easily as you did."

"I grew up watching so much American television that it's barely foreign."

"Oh yeah? What about all the super heroes?"

"Not a new concept, either. And… You know how I complain about some… Behaviours that exist within our-."

"Yeah, I… Did pick that up."

"If superheroism had made any change to the underlying mechanisms of our society, I'd-. I might have had more trouble with it."

Alan smiles as he steps up to the front door and knocks the door knocker three times.

"So you should be grateful that we're a bunch of bums."

"I don't know. The learning curve would have been steeper, but I think I'd have adapt-."

The door swings open, a… Professionally dressed Sanderson Hawkins standing in the doorway. He smiles as he sees who it is.

"Good morning, sir."

Alan does a sort of sigh-laugh. "You don't need to call me 'sir', Sandy."

He looks mildly bashful. "Force of habit, Green…" Alan pantomimes an affronted expression. "Alan. And… Paul, isn't it?"

"You can call me 'sir' if you want. Good morning."

He steps back, opening the passage into his house. "Please, come on in. What brings you here?"

"Super hero business, son." Alan walks into the hall area and I follow him, closing the front door behind me. "I don't suppose you've given it any thought?"

"Ah, gee, Alan. I haven't-." He looks away, wincing. "I just said 'gee', didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did."

"I've got to stop doing that. The other fellahs in class think I sound like a-. Ah, like their grandfathers."

"There are worse things to sound like."

"And what do the girls think you sound like?"

He shifts awkwardly. "They… Ah. They're pretty crude about it, actually. I don't… I don't really like talking to them."

"You need to start spending time with a better class of people."

"It's not all modern girls. The girls at my church group are really nice. It's just…"

"Standards of dress and behaviour have fallen quite a long way, haven't they?"

"I-I don't want to be that judgemental. You…" He looks to Alan. "You said you wanted to talk about super hero business? I've fixed up all of Wesley's old things." He smiles. "Even the car, which took some work I don't mind telling you."

Alan nods. "You used any of it?"

"Well, not in the field. But I've tested it all; it all works. Why? Is something going on?"

"A friend of ours is being held prisoner in the Tower of Fate, and we think the guy wearing Nabu's helmet is up to no good. Our plan is to creep in to the Tower through the Dream."

He looks decidedly unhappy at the prospect.

"Do you..? Need my help with that?"

"We don't need it, but Doctor Mist thinks that having you along would be real helpful. Finding our way through is going to be pretty difficult."

"Thing is… You know how I can turn into sand now?"

Alan nods. "Yeah? We've all seen stranger things than that."

"I know, but I…" He looks decidedly awkward for a moment. "Normally, it isn't a problem. But when there's a lot going on, sometimes I.. change back without meaning to."

"Okay? I can see how that's a little awkward, but we're trying to avoid fighting anyway."

"No, I mean… I change. My clothes don't."


"Sanderson, we're all men of the world here. I doubt it's anything we haven't seen before."

"Sure, but… But I don't-. I'm just not comfortable… Like that."

"Okay… Um. Do you lose everything when you turn into sand, or just some things?"

"I took the lenses of Wesley's old goggles with me once, but I'm not sure how that really helps."

"'Took with' as in..?"

"I was touching them when I changed, then when I changed back they were still in my hand."

"Okay, well, we don't need to rush off. How about we experiment with different materials and see if we can make you some clothes you can transform with. No obligation."

He smiles.

"Gee, thanks Paul. That's real nice of-. I did it again."
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Nice that the were so honest about it."

"they were"

He looks mildly bashful. "Force of habit, Green…" Alan pantomimes an affronted expression. "Alan. And… Paul, isn't it

Plus it's now Blue Lantern.

You can call me 'sir' if you want

Don't, it will inflate his ego.

"I've got to stop doing that. The other fellahs in class think I sound like a-. Ah, like their grandfathers

Wwll they're kinda right.

being held prison in the


having you a long would be real helpful. Finding our way through is


would be real helpful


We're all seen stranger things than that."



Gee, thanks Paul. That's real nice of-. I did it again."

Don't worry about it.
8th November 2012
08:32 GMT -5

I haven't had much cause to visit Boston. I'm not sure if that's odd. I've lived in New York and Happy Harbour and neither are all that far away, but… When you can move as fast as I can, there isn't much reason to visit a city just because it happens to be fairly close.

"Did they really keep the place open for him? I would have thought that once he didn't appear for a few decades someone would have tried to get him declared legally dead."
Hey, maybe he had a laywer friend who kept things together for him. I'm sure he'd met plenty of folks in his night work. If he was anything like the Shadow who inspired him, then surely he had a few discreet allies...

Alan shakes his head as we walk up the driveway of the Dodds manor.

"Wesley was always good with his money. I think this place went to a trust when he died, 'til someone found out for sure whether Sandy died or not. They paid to keep the place looking nice."
Surprising amount of forethought. Guess he just knew Sandy might need such help one day.

"Nice that the were so honest about it."

"I… Guess it was, but given the law firm involved I think it was probably more that they didn't pay it enough attention to consider trying anything on. And Jay and I kept an eye on the place."
In other words, there wasn't that much money involved. :rolleyes:

"So what's he doing with himself?"

"Enrolled in college. He's doing a business management course."
Oooh, boy. I hope his classmates aren't too wild...

"Brave of him. The culture shock must be pretty harsh."

"Yeah. That's why I'm keeping an eye on him. You know that… Ah, quote. 'The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there'."
Better than a forgotten world. It's why time travel stories require so, so much suspension of disbelief. Linguistic drift, cultural drift, fashions... So many issues to be wary of.

"And the future's a foreign country where no one knows who I am. Hartley, yeah."

"Not everyone can just drop everything and cope with living somewhere… Foreign, quite as easily as you did."
Still a bit salty about your previous experiences with time travellers, OL?

"I grew up watching so much American television that it's barely foreign."

"Oh yeah? What about all the super heroes?"
As if... Probably the first thing anyone from a world without a solid concept of superheroic fiction might be confused at would be all the people in odd clothing.

"Not a new concept, either. And… You know how I complain about some… Behaviours that exist within our-."

"Yeah, I… Did pick that up."
Hey, at least you never wore your underwear on the outside, Alan. Though the jury's still out on the shirt. :p

"If superheroism had made any change to the underlying mechanisms of our society, I'd-. I might have had more trouble with it."

Alan smiles as he steps up to the front door and knocks the door knocker three times.
Sometimes... You just have to say 'fuck it' and roll with the madness.

"So you should be grateful that we're a bunch of bums."

"I don't know. The learning curve would have been steeper, but I think I'd have adapt-."
At least the DC Earth is still reasonably sane, unlike some Superheroic settings.

The door swings open, a… Professionally dressed Sanderson Hawkins standing in the doorway. He smiles as he sees who it is.

"Good morning, sir."
Old instincts die hard, eh, chum?

Alan does a sort of sigh-laugh. "You don't need to call me 'sir', Sandy."

He looks mildly bashful. "Force of habit, Green…" Alan pantomimes an affronted expression. "Alan. And… Paul, isn't it?"
Remind me, how old is Sandy here? in physical age, rather than chronological? Eighteen or nineteen? Only natural to defer to your old mentor's friends like that...

"You can call me 'sir' if you want. Good morning."

He steps back, opening the passage into his house. "Please, come on in. What brings you here?"
Heh. No respect, eh, OL?

"Super hero business, son." Alan walks into the hall area and I follow him, closing the front door behind me. "I don't suppose you've given it any thought?"

"Ah, gee, Alan. I haven't-." He looks away, wincing. "I just said 'gee', didn't I?"
Hey, don't be ashamed. As long as you aren't calling guys 'chum' or women as 'dames', you're cool.

"Yeah, you did."

"I've got to stop doing that. The other fellahs in class think I sound like a-. Ah, like their grandfathers."
Well, hopefully they aren't the sort to use 'fuck' as punctuation, I hope.

"There are worse things to sound like."

"And what do the girls think you sound like?"
I'm sure he has his fans. Fella's handsome.

He shifts awkwardly. "They… Ah. They're pretty crude about it, actually. I don't… I don't really like talking to them."

"You need to start spending time with a better class of people."
Or more mature ones. Ones who aren't just twelve-year-olds in adult bodies... :oops:

"It's not all modern girls. The girls at my church group are really nice. It's just…"

"Standards of dress and behaviour have fallen quite a long way, haven't they?"
Watch out for those girls, Sandy, they can be the naughtiest of all...

"I-I don't want to be that judgemental. You…" He looks to Alan. "You said you wanted to talk about super hero business? I've fixed up all of Wesley's old things." He smiles. "Even the car, which took some work I don't mind telling you."

Alan nods. "You used any of it?"
I'm sure he hasn't had time to go patrolling lately, Alan.

"Well, not in the field. But I've tested it all; it all works. Why? Is something going on?"

"A friend of ours is being held prison in the Tower of Fate, and we think the guy wearing Nabu's helmet is up to no good. Our plan is to creep in to the Tower through the Dream."
And talk about tossing Sandy in at the deep end.

He looks decidedly unhappy at the prospect.

"Do you..? Need my help with that?"
I mean, you are a kind of sand-man... :p

"We don't need it, but Doctor Mist thinks that having you a long would be real helpful. Finding our way through is going to be pretty difficult."

"Thing is… You know how I can turn into sand now?"
...Ah, the old 'Invisible Man' conundrum, eh? Mundane clothing plus exotically mutable biology equals...

Alan nods. "Yeah? We're all seen stranger things than that."

"I know, but I…" He looks decidedly awkward for a moment. "Normally, it isn't a problem. But when there's a lot going on, sometimes I.. change back without meaning to."
Heck your classmates probably consider it a cool party trick, huh?

"Okay? I can see how that's a little awkward, but we're trying to avoid fighting anyway."

"No, I mean… I change. My clothes don't."
I'm honestly amazed some bright spark hasn't created 'Unstable Molecule' clothing or something, that can adapt.


"Sanderson, we're all men of the world here. I doubt it's anything we haven't seen before."
...Unless there's something you want to ask someone about, biology-wise.

"Sure, but… But I don't-. I'm just not comfortable… Like that."

"Okay… Um. Do you lose everything when you turn into sand, or just some things?"
And here we see OL going into 'fix it' mode. :D I'm amazed he's lasted this long.

"I took the lenses of Wesley's old goggles with me once, but I'm not sure how that really helps."

"'Took with' as in..?"
...Let me guess: Glass lenses?

"I was touching them when I change, then when I changed back they were still in my hand."

"Okay, well, we don't need to rush off. How about we experiment with different materials and see if we can make you some clothes you can transform with. No obligation."
Probably something involving silicate-based polymers.

He smiles.

"Gee, thanks Paul. That's real nice of-. I did it again."
Entirely understandable, Sandy.

Boy, what a nice guy. Let's hope nothing bad happens to him, huh? At least OL can hopefully assist with that little 'wardrobe malfunction' issue. Would make it kind of hard to go out in costume, when one moment of sanding out tends to leave you 'out of uniform', as it were. I can't imagine how many parties he's ducked out of after an 'incident'...

"Please, come on in. What brings you here?"
Double Space.

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