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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Now we have the testimony of a skilled magic user who has access to one of the most powerful sources of Order magic on the planet.

A skilled magic user who has spent a considerable amount of time in a house which includes, among other things, the former library of a immortal, millennia-old magic expert.

Would you like a fork for those words?
Oh come on now Buggy, you know better than that. We've had WoZ on topics that Vaermina still insisted were wrong.

And when you openly tell the author of a story that they themselves have the final say, that they are wrong about the fictional shit that they just made up and clarified....wow. I mean WOW. That is impressive.
Oh come on now Buggy, you know better than that. We've had WoZ on topics that Vaermina still insisted were wrong.

And when you openly tell the author of a story that they themselves have the final say, that they are wrong about the fictional shit that they just made up and clarified....wow. I mean WOW. That is impressive.
No, it isn't.
Well, it will be interesting to see what Zoat does here, I know what I'd have done.

Matrix, who merged with Linda Danvers, for those who have never heard of her, was an anti-kryptonian bioweapon created by Lex Luther. Her psychokinesis is powerful enough to knock out a kryptonian, her invisibility hides her even from kryptonian supersenses.

It was just the good, young Lex Luthor who built her to deal with evil Kryptonians in a pocket dimension.

Well, creating an anti-kryptonian bioweapon does sound like the kind of thing that Lex Luthor would do in most dimensions, yes?

Matrix was basically Alex Mercer with psychic powers instead of eating people. Well without a tendency to eat people, a few people got dissolved in Supergirl by the leftover sludge that couldn't fit in Linda Danver's body that held a grudge about the whole being left behind thing.

So I'd make her an escaped Lexcorp project that merged with Linda Danvers, keeping her origin as close as possible without going into the whole pocket dimension.
Angelic (part 14)
28th January
13:02 GMT -5

Frederick Danvers lowers his telephone, shaking his head. "She's not picking up."

I nod. I assumed that something was up when I tried to scan for her and found nothing. "When was the last time you spoke to her?"

He hesitates. "Ah… Three.. weeks ago?" He nods. "Yeah, three weeks ago."

With the number of people we've taken into custody far outstripping what the local police station could hold, Tula and Mr Quinn have taken our suspects to the Fort Pickett National Guard base. Artemis and Raquel are out trying to find any of Linda Danvers's friends who might have dodged the police raid while I try to work out what our next substantive step should be.

"Do you have a regular contact schedule..?"

"We… Don't. My daughter and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things." His face tightens. "And it looks like I was right about her friends."

"Now now, Officer Danvers. Don't count your chickens until they're convicted. Mister 'Buzz' might simply have been in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"I doubt that. I told-."

"Orange Lantern?"

I raise my left hand to my ear. "Chief Clayborne. What news?"

"Someone just phoned in to report a 'burning figure' entering the house where we picked up the drug users. I've got a car on the way, but I don't want to send them in if it's the woman who set fire-."

"No, no. Sensible. I'll get over there now."

"You need backup?"

Mr Quinn isn't Nabu, so I don't want to call Tula away because he might well need the help. Raquel isn't fire-proof, Artemis is-. Her skin, anyway. But if they trip over a jizzer while making their rounds I'd rather have them together.

"No, I'll handle this on my own. I'll call you back if I find out anything useful."

"Alright, if you're sure. Good luck."

I lower my hand and nod to Officer Danvers. "Thank you for your help. I'll let you know when I find out where Miss Danvers is."

He.. doesn't really react, then the universe skips as I transition to the house indicated. Police tape flaps across the broken-down door, but otherwise the place appears to be in a reasonable state of repair. Basic scan shows nothing untoward, infrared shows-. That the place should be on fire. But I'm not seeing any flames

I stride up the short path and bang my right fist on the wall. "Hello!"

"Fuck off!"

Voice matches Miss Danvers.

"I'm afraid-" I take a step inside. Opens directly into the lounge, which is an interesting design choice. Can't immediately see her. "-that it's sort of my job-" A few more steps inside. Heat is coming from upstairs. "-to not fuck off in situations like this."

"Well make a fucking exception!"

Empathic vision… Shows a mess. Major recent psychological trauma probably. I stand at the bottom of the stairs, looking up. She's in the master bedroom.

"Miss Danvers-."

"What is your fucking-" Stomping feet as she storms out, thrusting the door open and emerging, glaring, onto the landing. "-problem!"

She spots me, and her face freezes. She's wearing a.. shapeless pullover on top of what is clearly a feminised Superman costume.


"Miss Danvers, I understand that you're in a spot of bother. I'd like to help."

"You don't know anything. This all happened because of you!"

"What all happened?"

"Everything! I was happy, I had power, then you happen and suddenly everyone's looking for demon magic!"

"Stopping demon magic is usually a good-."


She throws her head back, eyes squeezed shut as a wave of flame passes over her! Her hair -which was short and brown- becomes long and blonde and her chest grows-.

I intensify my environmental shield as the fire caster appears in Linda Danvers' place. She… Isn't looking at me, but is taking the time to get her breath back.

"Vile and maleficent sinner, what den of vice have you brought me to now?"

"That's a slightly-" Her head jerks up in astonishment. "-grandiose way of describing it-."


Genuine loathing that time. Not sure why, but it's coming through loud and clear. Disassociate identity combined with physical change isn't unknown in metahumans, but that was a little strange.

"I don't believe that we've met, Miss..?"

"I am Noriel."

"I see. From the costume I assumed that you were going to go with Supergirl."

"No, I am Noriel."

We look at each other for a moment.

"Your voice doesn't sound right and I'm not seeing any wings. Plus you tried to set fire to some police officers and I don't think that an agent of the Silver City would do that."

"I must fight every moment to keep this demon's harlot from directing me. And as for my wings, I lost them when you cut me with your accursed knife!"

"When am I supposed to have done this?"

"When you fled from Karrien Excalibris!"

Did-? "Oh yes, I did hit one of you, didn't I? You should know that Karrien was working with Neron and has been cast down for his transgression. And I'm in the clear as far as the remaining Angel Kings are concerned."

"Why should I believe a single word that flows from your excrement-flecked lips, heretic?"

"Why would I bother lying to you? Excalibris beat me using theurgy. You're here because being stabbed by the Sword of the Fallen removed your arcane abilities. You aren't a threat to me, but it looks like you have useful information and I'd like to trade that for my help."

She glares at me slightly less aggressively.

"I mean, how did you even survive?"

"I did not."

Oh. Yeah, that would make sense.
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He should really get in touch with the Silver City and see if he can arrange for some sort of announcement. The whole "heaven denounced Orange Lantern " thing is gonna keep biting him in the butt if they don't officially rescind it.
Cue self-righteous angel fused with unrepentant demon worshiper. Wonder why they went with Superman-chic as a costume? If Noriel is stuck, being put on the Team could be a way to keep an eye on her. Maybe the League could even get Zauriel to act as her minder or something.
With the number of people we've taken into custody far outstripping what the local police station could hold, Tula and Mr Quinn have taken our suspects to the Fort Pickett National Guard base. Artemis and Raquel are out trying to find any of Linda Danvers's friends who might have dodged the police raid while I try to work out what our next substantive step should be.
Must be a lot of people impacted by the whole situation...

"We… Don't. My daughter and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things." His face tightens. "And it looks like I was right about her friends."
An age-old story.

I raise my left hand to my ear. "Chief Clayborne. What news?"
Every time he does that, I picture either the Commander Shephard ear-tap or the Gadget-phone pose (thumb at the ear, pinkie at the mouth, the rest curled in.

Mr Quinn isn't Nabu, so I don't want to call Tula away because he might well need the help. Raquel isn't fire-proof, Artemis is-. Her skin, anyway. But if they trip over a jizzer while making their rounds I'd rather have them together.
In other words, solo mission time.

Voice matches Miss Danvers.
Well, that was easy...

"Well make a fucking exception!"
Language, young lady.

She spots me, and her face freezes. She's wearing a.. shapeless pullover on top of what is clearly a feminised Superman costume.
And it all comes together...

"Everything! I was happy, I had power, then you happen and suddenly everyone's looking for demon magic!"
And the demon magic thing didn't appear to be a bad thing to you, Miss Danvers?

"Vile and maleficent sinner, what den of vice have you brought me to now?"
Huh, like a female Etrigan, minus the literal switching places.

Genuine loathing that time. Not sure why, but it's coming through loud and clear. Disassociate identity combined with physical change isn't unknown in metahumans, but that was a little strange.
Look again, OL...

Not quite as impressive without the '1.1', narrative voice and different font...

"I must fight every moment to keep this demon's harlot from directing me. And as for my wings, I lost them when you cut me with your accursed knife!"
Oh, boy...

Oh. Yeah, that would make sense.
You think? This is what happens when you don't research your weapons in intensive detail.

Interesting twist on the Earth Angel Supergirl. And I'm guessing someone else got to corrections before me. Joy of being stuck in a raid online.
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Cue self-righteous angel fused with unrepentant demon worshiper. Wonder why they went with Superman-chic as a costume? If Noriel is stuck, being put on the Team could be a way to keep an eye on her. Maybe the League could even get Zauriel to act as her minder or something.
I'm not sure if the angel was fused with a demon worshiper...I'm assuming that this if this is going to be close to the entire Earth Angel stuff, Linda Danvers wasn't actually part of the entire mess that caused everything.
"Why would I bother lying to you? Excalibris beat me using theurgy. You're here because being stabbed by the Sword of the Fallen removed your arcane abilities. You aren't a threat to me, but it looks like you have useful information and I'd like to trade that for my help."

She glares at me slightly less aggressively.

"I mean, how did you even survive?"

"I did not."

Oh. Yeah, that would make sense.
Did Paul already forget that the Sword of the Fallen was unable to actually kill things?
Did Paul already forget that the Sword of the Fallen was unable to actually kill things?
No, Grayven probably still remembers it just fine. Paul has not found out that the sword's magic is supposed to do that, and to my memory, he is unaware of any instances of that happening aside from the First of the Fallen.
"I mean, how did you even survive?"

"I did not."

Oh. Yeah, that would make sense.
Huh. The sword doesn't kill things. It just reincarnates them..... Back to the non-magical world. As normies... Sorta?
This one is a voice in someone's head. Eh.

I HEARBY DUB THEEE "REVERSE TRUCK-KUN!" Your loss will forever be mourned!
No, Grayven probably still remembers it just fine. Paul has not found out that the sword's magic is supposed to do that, and to my memory, he is unaware of any instances of that happening aside from the First of the Fallen.
Paul found out about it when he was told about the First returned to life as a human.
I think part of his confusion is the fact that Noriel wasn't reincarnated in a new mortal body but instead in the head of a still living person.
Yeah, it's odd to me too. Presumably there will be a some exposition in the next update explaining why.
So. Not a superman costume. Just a fan t-shirt with a coordinated outfit most likely.

Noriel seems much more obnoxious compared to Matrix.
Yeah, it's odd to me too. Presumably there will be a some exposition in the next update explaining why.

I take it you haven't heard of the concept of the walk-in?

Basically it was suggested that instead of waiting to be born to be reincarnated, a spirit will just move in when someone is done with their body, like a spiritual hermit crab kind of thing.

That was the origin of one of the more modern Hawkgirls, she wasn't a reincarnation of the Egyptian superheroine until she committed suicide as a teen and the spirit of Hawkgirl entered her body. Oddly enough, her mind apparently never noticed the difference, so finding out "Oh you aren't you, you died years ago and your great aunt made herself at home in your body" was a bit of a traumatic experience.

Presumably, that would also be how Vandal Savage's nemesis Immortal Man's reincarnation works. He reincarnates when killed, but he doesn't do the "getting born and going through diapers etc" thing, he just becomes a new person immediately.

Considering Linda's origin in the comics was Buzz murdering her with a knife, I'm assuming that is the kind of situation that Zoat is going for.

I might certainly be wrong though.

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