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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Well, Knockout is going to be interesting. I doubt she's Lantern material right now, but at least she'll be simple to manage.

Ahah, Dox commanding Paul to take a break. Good luck on him doing that.

Well, that will add motivation for Zartok to improve.
Huh. I was expecting godspeech.
There was one:

I feel Jade's attention pass over me for a moment as she manoeuvres for space. Knockout looks like she's bracing for something, but Jade's posture relaxes and she raises her right hand to stop-.
Fight Better!
Knockout lunges across the arena as my barrier turns into a giant draconic fist, grabbing her and crushing her before spinning her around hard enough to turn a normal human into a bag of broken bones and shredded organs before slamming her into the toughened ground hard enough to crater it once, twice and thrice.
Xenopsychology (part 7)
6 563 938.M41

"I have…" Bo'ohk's nasal cleft is twitching spasmodically. "Concerns."

I take a moment to watch the recording of the Faultless One as he leads teams of gue'vesa medics and technicians through the factory complexes of the planet below us. The cameras following them are recording this more for propaganda purposes than anything else, but it's still a useful monitoring tool. The humans in the team aren't from the puppet world who are officially occupying this planet, but rather from a world that was t'auified a good deal longer ago. The people from there are considered far more politically reliable, to say nothing of being much better trained than their equivalents from most Imperial worlds.

"I suspected."

"What..? Is he?"

"Not sure."

"P'ol, I am going to have to explain this to the aun'ar'tol. Not the Lar'shi'aun'ar'tol, the T'au'aun'ar'tol. Aun'o'T'au'Acaya'Va'Denta himself will want to question me. This is not merely a matter of practicality. It affects everything about how the Tau Empire deals with these creatures. So, please; as much as I usually enjoy our banter, this is a time for absolute seriousness."

I nod. "Understood."

"That is a daemon."

"That depends on what definition of daemon we're using. So far as I can tell, he isn't related to the four greater Gods of Chaos."

"According to the records we have taken from the Imperium's daemon hunters, neither are the furies. They are still the enemy of the Greater Good."


"And can never be anything else. That is important. Tyranids can never be anything other than devourers. Orks… The orks are the reason why we have a list of species who cannot be a part of the Greater Good, and… Grem'len…"

Oh, hang on, he's… Blinking erratically, which combined with the nasal twitching-.

I step closer, firmly place my hands on his shoulders to lock him in place, then sharply exhale directly at his forehead. He shudders, eyes opening slightly wider for a moment. I stare directly into them, waiting for a sign that he's back with me.

"I… Thank you."

I nod, then pull him into a hug. Tau do hug, a gesture that has more or less the same meaning to them that it does to humans. The usual difference is that tau rest their foreheads against each other rather than putting them over the other person's shoulder.

"You alright?"

"Hah? No. But… This is the disadvantage of being the ethereal on the mission: you do not have anyone to turn to for counsel."

I pull back. "So…"

"The wisdom of Aun'Va is considerable, but-. But no one is flawless. Humans of the Imperium are often shocked by our lack of fear where the warp is concerned. Everything I have seen about the nature of the creatures that live there has led me to believe that they are right, and that we were right to say that nothing that comes from the warp is anything other than anathema. But I thought that of orks and Grem'len has been receptive to the concept. For the good of my… Soul, if I have one, I need you to explain this to me as best you can."

"I'm not sure. I thought that daemon princes of chaos undivided were a… Group project. They made offerings to the four, built up rewards from all of them, and at some point absorbed enough warp-stuff to fully transform. But…"

I link to the ship's computer and call up the file on eldar Avatars.

"That thing's a fragment of the eldar God of War, shattered when Kaela Mensha Khaine lost a fight with Slaanesh. Not allied to the Gods of Chaos. In fact it doesn't even spend significant time in the warp. If you destroy one, its spirit goes right back to its home craftworld."

I assume that it goes through the Warp when that happens… I've never heard of the process being interrupted. Logically, it… Should be possible for warp phenomena to interrupt it. The warp spiders would stop a daemon infiltrating the infinity circuit, but trapping a recently dematerialised Avatar sounds… Plausible.

"And then there's the Emperor."

"You said that he was created by human psykers killing themselves and merging their minds together."

"Right. A synthetic god. Not tied to Chaos. Because while-. The strongest and most universal emotions create… Most creatures in the warp… The reason why there aren't 'kindness daemons' despite the capacity for kindness being just as universal as bloodlust is because they'd get eaten. The most powerful warp currents just tear things like that apart. So the Emperor can exist because from the first moment of his existence he was strong enough to look after himself, and had an anchor in the materium. Kaela Mensha Khaine didn't… Merge with Khorne because… I don't know, because the eldar are so psychic that they could prevent it? Because their particular attitude to violence was different enough? I don't know. But it is."

Bo'ohk nods. "There are records of orks being aided by manifestations of their gods also."

I shake my head. "That's just weirdboyz manifesting things with waaagh energy. As far as I know, Mork and Gork aren't directly involved. Other… I guess the Legion of the Damned would be similar, but we don't have good records on them. The point is, warp-native beings can exist who aren't.. exclusively hostile, they're just… Really unusual. And that will be part of their nature. No daemon of Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh or Tzeentch would act like this in a genuine way."

"So why does this one behave in this way? He has been close to many psykers, and they have not reacted in the usual manner. Is he, then, different enough from daemons that we should consider him something else?"

"I watched him absorb… Souls. But he wasn't eating them for their power. He made them his skin, adding them to himself. All… Human, so… The warp stuff was… Filtered? By human nature and human perceptions."

"Like the Emperor."

"No, the Emperor's components were psykers in their own right, and he had a material body. But… More like that. And their emotions… Resignation, suffering, betrayal by what they served… On a planet where those feelings were normal. It probably.. alters the local warp.. reflection. What I saw… Machines made of people. Because… That's sort of what it is."

"You said that daemons are fragments of the greater warp powers."

"Most are. Sort of. But 'daemon' isn't a purely descriptive term. The Imperium calls Avatars 'daemons', and they're different to most of the things that get called daemons." I point to the video as the factory machines are shut down and emergency field medicine is carried out on the scalded work force. "We won't actually know what he 'counts as' until we bring a holy relic into close proximity and see what happens. And even then, that might just be the Emperor's opinion rather than a statement about his nature."

Bo'ohk nods slowly. "Can we trust him?"

"I don't think-. He didn't seem particularly deceitful. He wants to help brutalised humans everywhere, and… Goodness knows there are a lot of those around the place. He has no loyalty to the Greater Good and I doubt that he ever will." I shrug. "But if we have him keep doing things like this, there shouldn't be a problem."

I take a breath.

"And then, there are the study opportunities. And the possibility that we can have him shield human psykers from other warp-entities, though we'd have to study him a lot. And he'd probably have to learn from scratch."

"What about human theology?"

"The Ecclesiarchy's faith doesn't have theological space for things like him. So we can't use him as a figurehead without provoking a crusade-. A bigger crusade, as they assume that the Tau Empire has fallen to Chaos. We should probably record his unusual appearance as being due to archeotech armour on.. databases we think that the Imperium can access. So… What's next?"

"We work to incorporate this world into the Tau Empire. And then, we journey to T'au to explain ourselves."
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cannot be apart of the Greater Good

"a part"

I step closer, firmly place my hands on his shoulders to lock him in place, then sharply exhale directly at his forehead. He shudders, eyes opening slightly wider for a moment. I stare directly into them, waiting for a sign that he's back with me

I can't bevthe only one that found this hilarious since their foreheads are compared to vaginas

. But I thought that of orks and Grem'len has been receptive to the concept

"that the orks" and "had been"

Kaela Mensha Khaine didn't… Merge with Khorne because… I don't know, because the eldar are so psychic that they could prevent it? Because their particular attitude to violence was different enough? I don't know. But it is."

Or Old One shit.

And even then, that might just be the Emperor's opinion rather than a statement about his nature."

And Big E isn't exactly unbiased when it comes to Watp entities.
Thank you, corrected.
I can't bevthe only one that found this hilarious since their foreheads are compared to vaginas
I don't know what that word is supposed to be.
"that the orks" and "had been"
No, that's correct as it is.
I'm not sure they were in 2nd Edition.
'they assume that the Tau Empire'.
Thank you, corrected.
"Most are. Sort of. But 'daemon' isn't a purely descriptive term. The Imperium calls Avatars 'daemons', and they're different to most of the things that get called daemons." I point to the video as the factory machines are shut down and emergency field medicine is carried out of the scalded work force. "We won't actually know what he 'counts as' until we bring a holy relic into close proximity and see what happens. And even then, that might just be the Emperor's opinion rather than a statement about his nature."
Depending on how The Faultless One develops, them becoming an "Aengel" of The Greater Good, helping the philosophy to grow into a metaphysical force of Order/Faith in the Immaterium to counter the Ruinous Powers would certainly be welcome!
6 563 938.M41

"I have…" Bo'ohk's nasal cleft is twitching spasmodically. "Concerns."

I take a moment to watch the recording of the Faultless One as he leads teams of gue'vesa medics and technicians through the factory complexes of the planet below us. The cameras following them are recording this more for propaganda purposes than anything else, but it's still a useful monitoring tool. The humans in the team aren't from the puppet world who are officially occupying this planet, but rather from a world that was t'auified a good deal longer ago. The people from there are considered far more politically reliable, to say nothing of being much better trained than their equivalents from most Imperial worlds.
Yes, I rather imagine you do. This is far from a typical assimilation integration scenario. Still, sensible to use people less likely to screech 'Heresy Foul daemonic heresy!' when they see the giant being of metal.

"I suspected."

"What..? Is he?"
...That is a very complex question. And I'm not sure P'Aul can answer it with any accuracy, metaknowledge or not.

"Not sure."

"P'ol, I am going to have to explain this to the aun'ar'tol. Not the Lar'shi'aun'ar'tol, the T'au'aun'ar'tol. Aun'o'T'au'Acaya'Va'Denta himself will want to question me. This is not merely a matter of practicality. It affects everything about how the Tau Empire deals with theses creatures. So, please; as much as I usually enjoy our banter, this is a time for absolute seriousness."
...Holy shit, that's going right to the top.

I nod. "Understood."

"That is a daemon."
...Kind of? :confused:

"That depends on what definition of daemon we're using. So far as I can tell, he isn't related to the four greater Gods of Chaos."

"According to the records we have taken from the Imperium's daemon hunters, neither are the furies. They are still the enemy of the Greater Good."
Furies are still beasts of Chaotic energies. Faultless here... Is decidedly anything but Chaotic.


"And can never be anything else. That is important. Tyranids can never be anything other than devourers. Orks… The orks are the reason why we have a list of species who cannot be apart of the Greater Good, and… Grem'len…"
Yeah, trying to 'civilise' Orks is a useless endeavour. Their own nature and reinforcing parapsychic field self-corrects 'abnormal' behaviour. It's also why they never seem to fall to Chaos, or suffer from Genestealer cults.

Oh, hang on, he's… Blinking erratically, which combined with the nasal twitching-.

I step closer, firmly place my hands on his shoulders to lock him in place, then sharply exhale directly at his forehead. He shudders, eyes opening slightly wider for a moment. I stare directly into them, waiting for a sign that he's back with me.
...Was he doing the Tau equivalent of hyperventilating? This has him so worried that he's having panic attacks? Shiiiit.

"I… Thank you."

I nod, then pull him into a hug. Tau do hug, a gesture that has more or less the same meaning to them that it does to humans. The usual difference is that tau rest their foreheads against each other rather than putting them over the other person's shoulder.
Probably not as reassuring given P'Aul's smooth forehead, but whatever works.

"You alright?"

"Hah? No. But… This is the disadvantage of being the ethereal on the mission: you do not have anyone to turn to for counsel."
When the buck stops with you, expect a rough ride... :oops:

I pull back. "So…"

"The wisdom of Aun'Va is considerable, but-. But no one is flawless. Humans of the Imperium are often shocked by our lack of fear where the warp is concerned. Everything I have seen about the nature of the creatures that live there has led me to believe that they are right, and that we were right to say that nothing that comes from the warp is anything other than anathema. But I thought that of orks and Grem'len has been receptive to the concept. For the good of my… Soul, if I have one, I need you to explain this to me as best you can."
Oh, Tau do have souls. In the Chaos God's eyes, they're small, thin things with no real taste to them. But they do have them.

"I'm not sure. I thought that daemon princes of chaos undivided were a… Group project. They made offerings to the four, built up rewards from all of them, and at some point absorbed enough warp-stuff to fully transform. But…"

I link to the ship's computer and call up the file on eldar Avatars.
Like filling up a bucket of water with other fluids until all the water is gone...

"That thing's a fragment of the eldar God of War, shattered when Kaela Mensha Khaine lost a fight with Slaanesh. Not allied to the Gods of Chaos. In fact it doesn't even spend significant time in the warp. If you destroy one, its spirit goes right back to its home craftworld."

I assume that it goes through the Warp when that happens… I've never heard of the process being interrupted. Logically, it… Should be possible for warp phenomena to interrupt it. The warp spiders would stop a daemon infiltrating the infinity circuit, but trapping a recently dematerialised Avatar sounds… Plausible.
...Please, don't try that. o_O I rather suspect it would earn the eternal enmity of whatever Craftworld that Avatar belongs to.

"And then there's the Emperor."

"You said that he was created by human psykers killing themselves and merging their minds together."
Accurate, but really understating the sheer enormity of the concept...

"Right. A synthetic god. Not tied to Chaos. Because while-. The strongest and most universal emotions create… Most creatures in the warp… The reason why there aren't 'kindness daemons' despite the capacity for kindness being just as universal as bloodlust is because they'd get eaten. The most powerful warp currents just tear things like that apart. So the Emperor can exist because from the first moment of his existence he was strong enough to look after himself, and had an anchor in the materium. Kaela Mensha Khaine didn't… Merge with Khorne because… I don't know, because the eldar are so psychic that they could prevent it? Because their particular attitude to violence was different enough? I don't know. But it is."
And why would Khorne give up his Gym Buddy? :p (That's a TTS side-gag reference, folks.)

Bo'ohk nods. "There are records of orks being aided by manifestations of their gods also."

I shake my head. "That's just weirdboyz manifesting things with waaagh energy. As far as I know, Mork and Gork aren't directly involved. Other… I guess the Legion of the Damned would be similar, but we don't have good records on them. The point is, warp-native beings can exist who aren't.. exclusively hostile, they're just… Really unusual. And that will be part of their nature. No daemon of Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh or Tzeentch would act like this in a genuine way."
Heck, there's even precedent for Humans becoming something... More. The Legionnaires as mentioned there, Living Saints, entities like the Sanguinor... Strange things can happen.

"So why does this one behave in this way? He has been close to many psykers, and they have not reacted in the usual manner. Is he, then, different enough from daemons that we should consider him something else?"

"I watched him absorb… Souls. But he wasn't eating them for their power. He made them his skin, adding them to himself. All… Human, so… The warp stuff was… Filtered? By human nature and human perceptions."
There's old fan theories of daemons of Order. Though they all vary in how and why and even what... Perhaps this guy could be one such possibility.

"Like the Emperor."

"No, the Emperor's components were psykers in their own right, and he had a material body. But… More like that. And their emotions… Resignation, suffering, betrayal by what they served… On a planet where those feelings were normal. It probably.. alters the local warp.. reflection. What I saw… Machines made of people. Because… That's sort of what it is."
Perhaps that very mechanisation, that reduction of emotion and self, is what allowed Faultless to survive the birthing process without being eaten by another Warp entity. Such a place, a collection of feelings, would be like a dull, dark spot in the Immaterium.

"You said that daemons are fragments of the greater warp powers."

"Most are. Sort of. But 'daemon' isn't a purely descriptive term. The Imperium calls Avatars 'daemons', and they're different to most of the things that get called daemons." I point to the video as the factory machines are shut down and emergency field medicine is carried out of the scalded work force. "We won't actually know what he 'counts as' until we bring a holy relic into close proximity and see what happens. And even then, that might just be the Emperor's opinion rather than a statement about his nature."
To be fair, Big E does have... Opinions... About all manner of Warp entities. Not just daemons. Enslavers, Vampires, Astral Hounds and so many more... And most of them hostile to mortal beings.

Bo'ohk nods slowly. "Can we trust him?"

"I don't think-. He didn't seem particularly deceitful. He wants to help brutalised humans everywhere, and… Goodness knows there are a lot of those around the place. He has no loyalty to the Greater Good and I doubt that he ever will." I shrug. "But if we have him keep doing things like this, there shouldn't be a problem."
In other words, play nice with Faultless, and they'll have no reason to be hostile.

I take a breath.

"And then, there are the study opportunities. And the possibility that we can have him shield human psykers from other warp-entities, though we'd have to study him a lot. And he'd probably have to learn from scratch."
The joy of apparently being the first of your kind.

"What about human theology?"

"The Ecclesiarchy's faith doesn't have theological space for things like him. So we can't use him as a figurehead without provoking a crusade-. A bigger crusade, as they assume that Tau Empire has fallen to Chaos. We should probably record his unusual appearance as being due to archeotech armour on.. databases we think that the Imperium can access. So… What's next?"

"We work to incorporate this world into the Tau Empire. And then, we journey to T'au to explain ourselves."
...Yeah, that isn't going to be a fun road-trip.

I didn't expect this to be able to be kept secret for long, honestly. But having the highest authority of the entire Tau Empire wanting a word? :confused: That... Okay. It's not even going to be an easy discussion, simply because of all the unknowns involved. Still, at least the Faultless One is making themselves useful to the Greater Good, if only by encouraging better working conditions for their Human worlds.

...emergency field medicine is carried out of the scalded work force.
...emergency field medicine is carried out on the scalded work force.
...emergency field medicine is carried out on the scalded work force.
Thank you, corrected.
Yeah, trying to 'civilise' Orks is a useless endeavour. Their own nature and reinforcing parapsychic field self-corrects 'abnormal' behaviour.

It's also why they never seem to fall to Chaos, or suffer from Genestealer cults.
Chaos Orks were a Rogue Trader thing, but orks have been genestealer-compatible for the whole run.
Also... Everyone congratulate this Paul on dooming an entire sector to a fate worse than death.

Because there is no debate about what happens in these cases. The Daemon Princes very existence in the Materium draws Real Space and The Warp closer and closer together till inevitably the planet is warped into a Daemon World.
Also... Everyone congratulate this Paul on dooming an entire sector to a fate worse than death.

Because there is no debate about what happens in these cases. The Daemon Princes very existence in the Materium draws Real Space and The Warp closer and closer together till inevitably the planet is warped into a Daemon World.

If I understand the implications of the conversion correctly, they are going to be moving him around from world to world. Assuming he never stays anywhere too long that probably won't happen. Also thus far he seems to be on the weaker end of Daemon Princes, which would impact the speed of any passive corruption.

That aside, if his nature really is closer to that of an avatar or stable Daemon Prince equivalents like Saint Celestine then it might not be an issue at all.
6 563 938.M41

"I have…" Bo'ohk's nasal cleft is twitching spasmodically. "Concerns."


I take a breath.

"And then, there are the study opportunities. And the possibility that we can have him shield human psykers from other warp-entities, though we'd have to study him a lot. And he'd probably have to learn from scratch."
Here's a thought: could the ring translation system serve to allow communication with a C'tan?

I don't mean one of the ones the Necrons messed with, I mean one of the ones still in a star somewhere.

Because I'm noticing that the Necrons went straight from being restricted to a limited area of space, to being at war, to being hostile to embodied C'tan and sealing both the shattered embodied C'tan, and themselves away.
They cannot have checked every star in the galaxy, and if any C'tan didn't get caught by Necrons or warp threats, and if in their natural state C'tan reproduce, there should be a thin scattering of the species across the galaxy.
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Here's a thought: could the ring translation system serve to allow communication with a C'tan?

I don't mean one of the ones the Necrons messed with, I mean one of the ones still in a star somewhere.

Because I'm noticing that the Necrons went straight from being restricted to a limited area of space, to being at war, to being hostile to embodied C'tan and sealing both the shattered embodied C'tan, and themselves away.
They cannot have checked every star in the galaxy, and if any C'tan didn't get caught by Necrons or warp threats, and if in their natural state C'tan reproduce, there should be a thin scattering of the species across the galaxy.
They may not exist. 2nd Edition Necrons were rather different to both 3rd and... When was the next Necron retcon? The poc'tan one.
"And then there's the Emperor."

"You said that he was created by human psykers killing themselves and merging their minds together."

"Right. A synthetic god. Not tied to Chaos. Because while-. The strongest and most universal emotions create… Most creatures in the warp… The reason why there aren't 'kindness daemons' despite the capacity for kindness being just as universal as bloodlust is because they'd get eaten. The most powerful warp currents just tear things like that apart. So the Emperor can exist because from the first moment of his existence he was strong enough to look after himself, and had an anchor in the materium. Kaela Mensha Khaine didn't… Merge with Khorne because… I don't know, because the eldar are so psychic that they could prevent it? Because their particular attitude to violence was different enough? I don't know. But it is."

Bo'ohk nods. "There are records of orks being aided by manifestations of their gods also."

I shake my head. "That's just weirdboyz manifesting things with waaagh energy. As far as I know, Mork and Gork aren't directly involved. Other… I guess the Legion of the Damned would be similar, but we don't have good records on them. The point is, warp-native beings can exist who aren't.. exclusively hostile, they're just… Really unusual. And that will be part of their nature. No daemon of Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh or Tzeentch would act like this in a genuine way."
Cue a number of Tau scientists and recruited psykers being tasked with the help of The Faultless One to create an enclosed environment safe from warp predators and the more vicious currents, so as to grow warp entities that aren't Chaos aligned, help them become strong enough to handle what lies beyond and guard the souls of the Tau Empire.
Cue a number of Tau scientists and recruited psykers being tasked with the help of The Faultless One to create an enclosed environment safe from warp predators and the more vicious currents, so as to grow warp entities that aren't Chaos aligned, help them become strong enough to handle what lies beyond and guard the souls of the Tau Empire.

Assuming that Living Saints and the more powerful Machine Spirits are warp entities grown at the warp reflection of their physical location, rather than created as fragments of their associated god.

I think growing a useful warp entity might still take hundreds of years, and potentially a lot of worship, extreme mental states, and sacrifice of lives.
I think taking that on as a deliberate project might be within the abilities of a society that has life extension (to make the span of the project seem more politically tenable), and which operates on a far larger scale than the scale required to create a warp entity.
But I'm not sure that the Tau have those features at this time. Whether in longevity or scale. Do they?
Assuming that Living Saints and the more powerful Machine Spirits are warp entities grown at the warp reflection of their physical location, rather than created as fragments of their associated god.

I think growing a useful warp entity might still take hundreds of years, and potentially a lot of worship, extreme mental states, and sacrifice of lives.
I think taking that on as a deliberate project might be within the abilities of a society that has life extension (to make the span of the project seem more politically tenable), and which operates on a far larger scale than the scale required to create a warp entity.
But I'm not sure that the Tau have those features at this time. Whether in longevity or scale. Do they?
I like to think creating Tulpas is MUCH easier in places where the Warp is calm.... or at least calmer than in most areas, hence my idea of creating a specially prepared area for the purpose of the creation of such entities.

Besides, I find the thought of the Faultless One being something of a nanny to the developing "egregores" gathering healthy thoughts/emotions for the "little ones" to feed on and grow strong entertaining.

Course, given that Paul's shared on how The Emperor came to be, I wonder if the Ethereals might get the idea to replicate the feat, (minus the mass suicide part), seeking to create gestalt souls from the Tau dead, their souls preserved with the Faultless One's help, (or by any technological help if they succeed where the Thorians failed), which would then reincarnate as Tau with incredible strong souls.

And should it prove successful, the process would be repeated on a greater scale, over and over....
If I understand the implications of the conversion correctly, they are going to be moving him around from world to world. Assuming he never stays anywhere too long that probably won't happen. Also thus far he seems to be on the weaker end of Daemon Princes, which would impact the speed of any passive corruption.

That aside, if his nature really is closer to that of an avatar or stable Daemon Prince equivalents like Saint Celestine then it might not be an issue at all.
Wouldn't work, for a number of reasons. Most obvious of which being they would have to transport the thing through a warp rift. Which would fuck things up even worse.

To be absolutely blunt about this, people have tried to do this before. It's an easy and obvious way to power/protection. And each and every time it ends the same way because there's no other way it can end.

Also Saint Celestine isn't a Daemon.

She's a human soul that's durable enough to do what the Eldar used to do and re-coporiate after dying.
Course, given that Paul's shared on how The Emperor came to be, I wonder if the Ethereals might get the idea to replicate the feat, (minus the mass suicide part), seeking to create gestalt souls from the Tau dead, their souls preserved with the Faultless One's help, (or by any technological help if they succeed where the Thorians failed), which would then reincarnate as Tau with incredible strong souls.

And should it prove successful, the process would be repeated on a greater scale, over and over....
I doubt it. They know that tau have much less of a warp presence than humans, and as such make terrible building materials for gods. If they don't believe the SI, they can check with warp-capable allies.
I doubt it. They know that tau have much less of a warp presence than humans, and as such make terrible building materials for gods. If they don't believe the SI, they can check with warp-capable allies.
It's not so much "gods" but rather stable Psykers that I was thinking of, creating gestalt souls who besides being naturally spiritually resistant to the daemonic thanks to the strength of their souls, can pass on their psychic traits to their descendants when they grow up, with said descendants being designated to receive gestalt souls as well, thus starting the cycle anew, which will continue for hundreds if not thousands of years until they eventually start producing "Anathema/Emperor" grade Psykers.

The process might be quicker with human souls though.
It's not so much "gods" but rather stable Psykers that I was thinking of, creating gestalt souls who besides being naturally spiritually resistant to the daemonic thanks to the strength of their souls, can pass on their psychic traits to their descendants when they grow up, with said descendants being designated to receive gestalt souls as well, thus starting the cycle anew, which will continue for hundreds if not thousands of years until they eventually start producing "Anathema/Emperor" grade Psykers.

The process might be quicker with human souls though.
The problem is that's not a thing that can be done anymore.

The Eldar fucking the Eye of Terror into existence functionally broke the Warp. Worse, the Chaos God's are actively working to keep the Warp broken. And because of this certain things that were possible to do before the Eye of Terror formed, just aren't possible to do anymore.

One of these things is forming new gods or entities like the Emperor.

It's why the Eldar had to create their own closed system outside the Warp to create Ynnead.
Does anyone have an image in mind for this Faultless warp entity?

I wonder if any Kroot shaman or spiritualist will have strong opinions about the way this entity integrates souls into its form, rather than tearing them apart.
They may not exist. 2nd Edition Necrons were rather different to both 3rd and... When was the next Necron retcon? The poc'tan one.
I can't find it on the internet, and I haven't really read the tabletop editions, I'm mostly into the books, fanfics, and I once read the Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy rulebooks.

Though thinking of this has once again sparked another thought: thematically The Faultless One seems like it'd be into arranging for neglected or ill-used bits of machinery, or possibly ill-used people, to turn on those responsible for their poor situation, and kill them.

I'm wondering whether the personalityless pre-retcon Necrons are still supposed to all have been people that were converted at some point(I can find reference to human blanks being turned into necron pariahs that makes me think that may be the case), and I'm wondering whether Oldcrons had the sort of 'even their impossibly advanced self-repair systems are gradually running down and letting them fall apart under the weight of millions of years' aesthetic that I've seen some fics describe Necrons as having, or whether Oldcrons were supposed to be new-build technology the C'tan just recently created.

Because there are possible states of affairs where the Faultless One should have really good attacks to use on Necrons. If there's not enough stuff interfering with warp entities around.
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They may not exist. 2nd Edition Necrons were rather different to both 3rd and... When was the next Necron retcon? The poc'tan one.

C'tan went from single God Beings to Shards when they got to....5th edition if I have my sources right.

In 3rd ed's BBB (Big Black Book, aka core rulebook) 'crons were lumped in with other xenos, before that they were 'chaos androids' and 'Necron Raiders' under 2nd ed stuff. They got their Full Codex under 4th, and the Dynasties show up in 5th, which puts New 'Crons sometime after 2008, same time they removed Pariahs as a unit.
I like to think creating Tulpas is MUCH easier in places where the Warp is calm.... or at least calmer than in most areas, hence my idea of creating a specially prepared area for the purpose of the creation of such entities.

Besides, I find the thought of the Faultless One being something of a nanny to the developing "egregores" gathering healthy thoughts/emotions for the "little ones" to feed on and grow strong entertaining.

Course, given that Paul's shared on how The Emperor came to be, I wonder if the Ethereals might get the idea to replicate the feat, (minus the mass suicide part), seeking to create gestalt souls from the Tau dead, their souls preserved with the Faultless One's help, (or by any technological help if they succeed where the Thorians failed), which would then reincarnate as Tau with incredible strong souls.

And should it prove successful, the process would be repeated on a greater scale, over and over....

You got this idea from the TTS episode where that one guy mentioned making more entities like Big E and then having them breed, right?

I doubt it. They know that tau have much less of a warp presence than humans, and as such make terrible building materials for gods. If they don't believe the SI, they can check with warp-capable allies.

Maybe human or alien psykers that strongly believe in the Greater Good could pull something like that off.

I think there was once a story in which some humans traveling through the Warp were helped by an entity that may have embodied the Greater Good.
I think there was once a story in which some humans traveling through the Warp were helped by an entity that may have embodied the Greater Good.
That wasn't humans, it was the remains of the Tau's fourth sphere expansion fleet.

And that event involved the Tau fleet getting stuck in the warp, and ritually sacrificing every single non-tau in their fleet. An act which the fourth sphere survivors have continued to repeat to any new non-tau auxillery's assigned to them.

So yea, if you want Chaos Corrupted Tau, that's how you get Chaos Corrupted Tau.
Hence my earlier mention of the possibility of an enclosed space fashioned for the purpose of creating beneficial warp entities.
It's straight up not possible for anyone outside of the Eldar because doing such a thing requires Spirit Stones, Wraithbone, and billions of souls that are at least at the level of a moderate psyker.

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