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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Flim and Flam had a great product the first time they appeared. It wasn't until Applejack called in five more ponies including the most powerful unicorn on the planet that they struggled, and they still won the bet.

The problem is that since then they have been a lot more scummy, plus it was evident that once they had a monopoly they would lower the product quality.

But of course the blame lies in Granny Smith for having no tolerance at being called a coward.

Dammit, now I want to write a FiM fic were Granny Smith died before season one of FiM.
The problem is that since then they have been a lot more scummy, plus it was evident that once they had a monopoly they would lower the product quality.
No, they panicked and turned the quality control off once they started losing, but before that there wasn't anything to indicate that the quality was lower.

They would have made terrible apple farmers of course, so the quality would have gone down in the longer term, but the original bet wasn't for control of Sweet Apple Acres.
But of course the blame lies in Granny Smith for having no tolerance at being called a coward.

Dammit, now I want to write a FiM fic were Granny Smith died before season one of FiM.
Do..? Do they at least get a surviving parent?
dent. I grew up on Apokolips, exposed to the Anti-Life Equation, and I worked it out for myself

Not quite.

Granted, you do have the memories of a guy that grew up in that shit pile.

Or you were the guy that grew up there, but you were mind-whammied to become someone else.

Granted, in Lex's case, a certain amount of coercion and murder was involved. But he's almost thirty percent over that now


"As sovereign goddess, you mean. Human kings and queens on Earth can pal around with each other or other highly placed nobles without it being awkward. But in Equestria, it's just you. And Luna. And Cadence

And Twilight.

Granted, she and Cadance may still view Celestia as a superior, so it may be difficult.

"Twilight Sparkle lived here for eight years. If I couldn't survive a daily dose of lists, Cadence would already be controlling the sun

which could have one without is saying anything about the real universe."
is -> it

I wonder if any of the controllers have concluded anything after months of watching Larfleeze. His body permanently suffused with orange, just as Alan's is green, right? Aren't any of them arrogant enough to poke the bear? Only one of their kind was killed by Larfleeze after all.
is -> it

I wonder if any of the controllers have concluded anything after months of watching Larfleeze. His body permanently suffused with orange, just as Alan's is green, right? Aren't any of them arrogant enough to poke the bear? Only one of their kind was killed by Larfleeze after all.

As an aside, that is quite the situation to imagine. Living for untold aeons, then the story ends with "killed by Larfleeze".

Actually, now I am wondering if that controller is even dead. Given their tech and magic level mundane death shouldn't really be an issue, should it? Or was the controller converted into a construct?
As an aside, that is quite the situation to imagine. Living for untold aeons, then the story ends with "killed by Larfleeze".

Actually, now I am wondering if that controller is even dead. Given their tech and magic level mundane death shouldn't really be an issue, should it? Or was the controller converted into a construct?
Pretty sure a White Lantern can undo an Orange Conversion.
As an aside, that is quite the situation to imagine. Living for untold aeons, then the story ends with "killed by Larfleeze".

Actually, now I am wondering if that controller is even dead. Given their tech and magic level mundane death shouldn't really be an issue, should it? Or was the controller converted into a construct?

Larfleeze turned to controllers into constructs, yes.

Although post flashpoint Larfleeze offended a goddess who responded by resurrecting the entire Orange Lantern Corps.

Since Zoat isn't fond of post flashpoint as a rule, an orange lantern construct entering a Lazarus Pit might be interesting...

Isn't that retcon to be Earth Pony magic in Gen 5?

Since I vaguely remember the Mane 6 filling in, I don't think so.

Not that Earth ponies aren't supposed to be good at farming and animal husbandry and such, but kicking apples out of trees is not a magic trick as far as I recall, just a break from reality.
Larfleeze turned to controllers into constructs, yes.

Although post flashpoint Larfleeze offended a goddess who responded by resurrecting the entire Orange Lantern Corps.

Since Zoat isn't fond of post flashpoint as a rule, an orange lantern construct entering a Lazarus Pit might be interesting...
No, he made constructs of Controllers, they weren't the actual one's.
No, he made constructs of Controllers, they weren't the actual one's.

Sayd claimed that Larfleeze couldn't convert Guardians into orange lanterns in Green Lanterns: New Guardians, she said nothing about not being able to convert Controllers.

Or do you have a cite where it was actually stated or shown that the Controller orange lanterns are facsimiles?
Butcher's Blood (part 2)
20th January 2013
21:09 GMT

My giant radar construct is pointing directly at New Genesis while Lantern Lacuray maps local space under Ragnar's observation. I never actually asked Mr. Free how best to get in contact with his people, and… I should probably have brought Lantern Allyn along. Or maybe they'd have considered that an aggressive move?

"…that area looks like it was either subjected to kinetic bombardment, or else a very big bomb."

Ragnar nods. "Yes, good. Why do you think they targetted that point?"

She thinks for a moment, then calls up… A map of the planet's waterways. Most of the crater they're looking at is an inland sea now, but by checking the neighbouring landforms and the routes of the remaining rivers, it should be possible to somewhat recreate what used to be there.


"This is the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps calling Supertown."

No, wait, maybe I'm doing this wrong. I close my eyes, fading from the material as I project my desire for communication through the Honden. That's not exactly how the New Gods-.
Righteous Authority.
A giant translucent face appears a little way in front of us. Male, pale skinned and with white hair and beard. No moustache, which means it looks like he has a mane framing his face. That matches the image of what I was expecting Highfather Izaya to look like.

"I hear you, Illustres."

I bow.

"Highfather. Thank you for responding."
Blessing of Benevolence.
"My son's allies on Earth have already requested the aid of New Genesis. If you are here to repeat their request, I regret to tell you that have sent all that I can."

"Not exactly. I believe that I have a power ring-based solution to the Anti-Life infestation. However, there are certain components I need before I can put it into effect."
"Say no more. You and your colleagues may approach New Genesis. I will greet you when you arrive."

"Thank you!"

The floating head fades as Lantern Lacuray stares after him.

"What was that?"

"It was their ruler, Highfather Izaya the Inheritor."

"No, I-. It wasn't a hologram. There's no projection signal or display medium. It wasn't a telepathic narrowcast or plasma construct. What was it?"

"Reality superposition."

"What-? How..?"

"I just made that up. Izaya is empowered by the Source, so he might just be able to tell reality to put his head somewhere but I'm not concluding that based on any particular intelligence. Shall we?"

She nods, while Ragnar crosses his arms and shrugs to demonstrate that it will take more than a giant head to impress him. I tether them both and then space blurs around us before we appear high up in the atmosphere of New Genesis.


Aside from the faint.. golden smudge of Supertown itself, New Genesis looks completely pastoral. I can't see any roads or buildings… I guess the primitives wouldn't use things like that, and the… Local insectoids live underground.

Thinking about the primitives… Oh, I just spotted… They've still got New God physiology, haven't they? So it's not as if they're making life all that difficult for themselves by returning to nature. It's… Like a human going 'off-grid' with a miniature nuclear power plant to fuel all the mod-cons made by their personal matter transmuter. Or like reaching the top of Everest in a plane. Or dynamite fishing rather than grabbing the fish with your bare hands. Living without technology is impressive when a normal human does it, but with New Gods…

"Is it a hunting reserve?"

I look at Ragnar with my left eyebrow raised. He gestures to the planet with his right hand.

"They've removed all marks of industrial civilisation from their homeworld. Did they want a place to hunt?"

"No. Though I don't know enough of their history to know how they ended up like this."


Lantern Lacuray points, not at the planet but out into space. Their fleet, ships with silver armour and… Weird glowing patches, and… Pipes? There are shared design elements across the fleet but as far as I can see each ship is unique. I'm not… Sure what I'm looking at, but they're on station in case of trouble.

"They don't look like Grayven's ship."

"New Genesis and Apokolips share a technology base, but they have a rather different design philosophy. Alright, down we go."

I aim at Supertown and accelerate, the atmosphere parting around me. I could just appear there -and given boom tubes they're probably used to that sort of thing- but I think for a first meeting I should take things a little slower.

And the clouds parts and I see that being a New God doesn't give you taste.

"It's very… Gold." Ragnar sounds puzzled. "Were they concerned about lasers?"

"Wouldn't that blind them when the sun shines on it?"

"We're not here to criticise their horrible taste in city decoration-."

"Horrible?" I glance at my other side, where a white-suited-. That's Lightray. "As opposed to your grim grey ensemble?"

No technological aid I can see and he's effortlessly keeping pace with us. And not having to shield his face. Superman tends to squint a bit if he flies at this speed.

"It doesn't show the dirt."

"Is that what they told you?"

"No, that's-. You don't know what orange power rings do, do you?"

"Let you mimic even a fraction of our power?"

"Whatever we want. I'd have to want to be dirty to get dirty."

He tilts his head, pointedly focusing his attention on my cuirass.

"Your mental dysfunctions are yours to deal with."

"Which way to Highfather?"

"This way."

He accelerates, drawing ahead and leaving a trail of gold behind him. He leads the way towards a… Park near the city's rim.

"Did we come at a bad time?"

"When it's you? Hah, it's always a bad time!"

I turn my head to make eye contact as he smirks.

"Have we met before?"

He blinks, frowning, before breaking into a grin.

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A couple of Godspeech asides from Highfather...
No, wait, maybe I'm doing this wrong. I close my eyes, fading from the material as I project my desire for communication through the Honden. That's not exactly how the New Gods-.
Righteous Authority.
A giant translucent face appears a little way in front of us. Male, pale skinned and with white hair and beard. No moustache, which means it looks like he has a mane framing his face. That matches the image what I was expecting Highfather Izaya to look like.

"Highfather. Thank you for responding."
Blessing of Benevolence.
"My son's allies on Earth have already requested the aid of New Genesis. If you are here to repeat their request, I regret to tell you have I have sent all that I can."

"Not exactly. I believe that I have a power ring-based solution to the Anti-Life infestation. However, there are certain components I need before I can put it into effect."
"Say no more. You and your colleagues my approach New Genesis. I will greet you when you arrive."
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Sayd claimed that Larfleeze couldn't convert Guardians into orange lanterns in Green Lanterns: New Guardians, she said nothing about not being able to convert Controllers.

Or do you have a cite where it was actually stated or shown that the Controller orange lanterns are facsimiles?
In Canon all Orange Construct Lanterns are facsimiles.

Its why Nekron was able to fuck Larfleez so hard by calling back his victims as Black Lanterns.
20th January 2013
21:09 GMT

My giant radar construct is pointing directly at New Genesis while Lantern Lacuray maps local space under Ragnar's observation. I never actually asked Mr. Free how best to get in contact with his people, and… I should probably have brought Lantern Allyn along. Or maybe they'd have considered that an aggressive move?

"…that area looks like it was either subjected to kinetic bombardment, or else a very big bomb."
I suspect they'd regard Allyn with mild curiosity as an extant example of the Old Gods. As for the condition of New genesis... Well, it has been at war with Apokalips for a long time. And not all of that time has been under a ceasefire...

Ragnar nods. "Yes, good. Why do you think they targetted that point?"

She thinks for a moment, then calls up… A map of the planet's waterways. Most of the crater they're looking at is an inland sea now, but by checking the neighbouring landforms and the routes of the remaining rivers, it should be possible to somewhat recreate what used to be there.
At least Ragnar's not wasting the opportunity to give a rookie with potential some one-on-one instruction.


"This is the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps calling Supertown."
Eh, probably not going to get an answer via those channels. Unless you want to be stuck talking to a robo-receptionist...

No, wait, maybe I'm doing this wrong. I close my eyes, fading from the material as I project my desire for communication through the Honden. That's not exactly how the New Gods-.
Righteous Authority.
A giant translucent face appears a little way in front of us. Male, pale skinned and with white hair and beard. No moustache, which means it looks like he has a mane framing his face. That matches the image what I was expecting Highfather Izaya to look like.
Okay, not the black-haired warlord version, at least. That one didn't seem much better than Darkseid in terms of consideration for 'lesser' races' sovereignty... Not that He appeared all that often in New 52 books...

"I hear you, Illustres."

I bow.
Yeah, best to be very respectful. This guy is basically a conduit of Source energies.

"Highfather. Thank you for responding."
Blessing of Benevolence.
"My son's allies on Earth have already requested the aid of New Genesis. If you are here to repeat their request, I regret to tell you have I have sent all that I can."
In other words, no more than what Apokalips has set upon the planet, since I would assume that's an element of their peace treaties.

"Not exactly. I believe that I have a power ring-based solution to the Anti-Life infestation. However, there are certain components I need before I can put it into effect."
"Say no more. You and your colleagues my approach New Genesis. I will greet you when you arrive."
Remarkably trusting... But He can probably scan their souls with relative ease given their lack of metaphysical defences (outside of spell eaters and OL's wards, neither of which are great against New God techniques...)

"Thank you!"

The floating head fades as Lantern Lacuray stares after him.
Yeah, quite an experience. Her race doesn't have any active local deities, do they?

"What was that?"

"It was their ruler, Highfather Izaya the Inheritor."
No doubt He has a list of titles as logn as OL's arm, but most are likely the sort that only gets dragged out for super-special occasions like dick-waving contests with Darkseid.

"No, I-. It wasn't a hologram. There's no projection signal or display medium. It wasn't a telepathic narrowcast or plasma construct. What was it?"

"Reality superposition."
More specifically, Him telling Reality to 'sit down a sec, hush up and let me work'.

"What-? How..?"

"I just made that up. Izaya is empowered by the Source, so he might just be able to tell reality to put his head somewhere but I'm not concluding that based on any particular intelligence. Shall we?"
To be fair, His powers are somewhat nebulous, outside of 'speaker for the Source' and the usual New God buffs.

She nods, while Ragnar crosses his arms and shrugs to demonstrate that it will take more than a giant head to impress him. I tether them both and then space blurs around us before we appear high up in the atmosphere of New Genesis.

No FTL interdiction? Surprising, unless they opened the way for OL for that brief moment.

Aside from the faint.. golden smudge of Supertown itself, New Genesis looks completely pastoral. I can't see any roads or buildings… I guess the primitives wouldn't use things like that, and the… Local insectoids live underground.

Thinking about the primitives… Oh, I just spotted… They've still got New God physiology, haven't they? So it's not as if they're making life all that difficult for themselves by returning to nature. It's… Like a human going 'off-grid' with a miniature nuclear power plant to fuel all the mod-cons made by their personal matter transmuter. Or like reaching the top of Everest in a plane. Or dynamite fishing rather than grabbing the fish with your bare hands. Living without technology is impressive when a normal human does it, but with New Gods…
Once you hit a certain level of magitech, 'Civilisation' is just hanging out with other people.

"Is it a hunting reserve?"

I look at Ragnar with my left eyebrow raised. He gestures to the planet with his right hand.
...Not unless they hunt the Forager-folk...

"They've removed all marks of industrial civilisation from their homeworld. Did they want a place to hunt?"

"No. Though I don't know enough of their history to know how they ended up like this."
Perhaps you can correct that lack of knowledge today, OL.


Lantern Lacuray points, not at the planet but out into space. Their fleet, ships with silver armour and… Weird glowing patches, and… Pipes? There are shared design elements across the fleet but as far as I can see each ship is unique. I'm not… Sure what I'm looking at, but they're on station in case of trouble.
Ah, Kirbytech at its finest. Seriously, look up his artstyle and picture that.

"They don't look like Grayven's ship."

"New Genesis and Apokolips share a technology base, but they have a rather different design philosophy. Alright, down we go."
Yeah, New Genesis is artisanal and individualistic... Apokalips is more about brutalist style and functionalism.

I aim at Supertown and accelerate, the atmosphere parting around me. I could just appear there -and given boom tubes they're probably used to that sort of thing- but I think for a first meeting I should take things a little slower.

And the clouds parts and I see that being a New God doesn't give you taste.
...Sometimes, you have to wonder if they saw a point where they should have stopped, and said 'nah, let's keep going and see where we end up'. :confused:

"It's very… Gold." Ragnar sounds puzzled. "Were they concerned about lasers?"

"Wouldn't that blind them when the sun shines on it?"
I suspect the multitude of defences diffuses the sunlight in a pleasant manner...

"We're not here to criticise their horrible taste in city decoration-."

"Horrible?" I glance at my other side, where a white-suited-. That's Lightray. "As opposed to your grim grey ensemble?"
Give you one guess what he's New God of. :D

No technological aid I can see and he's effortlessly keeping pace with us. And not having to shield his face. Superman tends to squint a bit if he flies at this speed.

"It doesn't show the dirt."
Yeah, copping a bug to the eye at supersonic speeds can't be pleasant, even if you are invulnerable enough to shrug off bullets.

"Is that what they told you?"

"No, that's-. You don't know what orange power rings do, do you?"
'They' who? The Frees? Though I can't picture someone like Lightray being all that cynical about anything anyway. Or humble...

"Let you mimic even a fraction of our power?"

"Whatever we want. I'd have to want to be dirty to get dirty."
Boy doesn't get out much, does he?

He tilts his head, pointedly focusing his attention on my cuirass.

"Your mental dysfunctions are yours to deal with."
...Are you calling OL crazy? :oops: I mean, it's true, but...

"Which way to Highfather?"

"This way."

He accelerates, drawing ahead and leaving a trail of gold behind him. He leads to way towards a… Park near the city's rim.
Given that half the place looks like parklands, I doubt any one is better than another.

"Did we come at a bad time?"

"When it's you? Hah, it's always a bad time!"
...OL's never been here before. Or have you mistaken him for someone else, Shiny?

I turn my head to make eye contact as he smirks.

"Have we met before?"
Or maybe he's generalising about Lanterns? I bet the Green Lanterns have visited before...

He blinks, frowning, before breaking into a grin.

Care to share the joke, Shiny?

Something odd is going on. :confused: That's all I can see right now. But hopefully Highfather will clear things up when they meet Him. Because that 'sniggering at some private joke' thing is going to get really annoying before long. And I don't see Ragnar being patient enough to tolerate it before someone gets challenged to a duel...

You and your colleagues my approach New Genesis.
You and your colleagues may approach New Genesis.
He leads to way towards a…
He leads the way towards a…
"Did we come at a bad time?"

"When it's you? Hah, it's always a bad time!"

I turn my head to make eye contact as he smirks.

"Have we met before?"

He blinks, frowning, before breaking into a grin.

...are we about to find out that this is one of the continuities where all versions of a New God are actually the same person, aware of all the universes they manifest in, and the locals recognize Renegade Grayven's soul in Illustres Paul?
...OL's never been here before. Or have you mistaken him for someone else, Shiny?

My best guess? I recall seeing somewhere that in some stories the New Gods (New Genesis or Apokolips) were multiversal existences: All versions of them across alternate realities/timelines are actually the same soul/mind/entity, just expressed differently in terms of powers/appearance/memories due to local reality variations. So Lightray may have met ReneGrayven, knows/sees that he's the alternate version of ParaPaul, and is referring to that.
That matches the image what I was expecting Highfather Izaya to look like.
'of what'?
If you are here to repeat their request, I regret to tell you have I have sent all that I can."
Extraneous 'have'
"Say no more. You and your colleagues my approach New Genesis. I will greet you when you arrive."
Come on, different strokes for different folks.
Its why Nekron was able to fuck Larfleez so hard by calling back his victims as Black Lanterns.

I don't know why anyone would think Black Lanterns normally have souls when Deadman was floating around while his body was a black lantern.

Deadman was floating around from the very beginning of the first issue until the end of the last issue. Making it quite obvious that no, black lanterns don't have souls. That's basic "Did you even read the event?" level stuff.

Deadman coming back to life to be the first white lantern was the climatic ending.

Of course, you should know this, since I've already pointed this out to you.

When Robotman was confronted by his brainless body in Doom Patrol? Since Robotman was alive, which means his soul was rather preoccupied, again, making it obvious that no, black lanterns don't normally have souls.

When Katana, with her souleating sword, stabbed her "husband" only to find out that the lights were on but nobody was home in Outsiders?

When Deathstorm stayed around despite Jason and Ronnie being alive in Brightest Day? So exactly whose soul did you think Deathstorm had?

When the Black Lanterns included both Hawkman and Hawkgirl and their previous incarnations Prince Kufu and Princes Chay-Ara? i doubt they were using a time share deal there.

When Solomon Grundy joined the Black Lantern Corps despite Cyrus Gold's soul being in hell never to return as Solomon Grundy thanks to the Phantom Stranger?

The same issue the black lanterns revived the Orange Lanterns' bodies as black lanterns, they did the same to the planet Xanshi. Xanshi was not a living planet like Mogo, it was a hunk of rock hurtling through space. The black lanterns revived something that was never actually alive in the first place.

Black Lantern Spectre was the exception, not the rule.
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I don't think these New Gods are "multiversal" (awful idea, by the way, doesn't even make sense to me).

It was useless puffery to make Darkseid seem powerful and threatening despite his hideous overuse by DC writers turning him into a shallow caricature of himself.

Not constantly milking Kirby's corpse would have been too easy a solution.

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