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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Well, I guess Adom wasn't aware of how insulted Sekhmet felt by the Illustres' comment.

On the Olympian side, I'm hoping Athena and Heph reconnect and get together. Their son is out of Erebos after all, probably on his way to apotheosis as well, there is probably a new god of war that will get established, a wiser one than Ares; so Athena may expand on new responsabilities and who is better to support Heph among the Olympians?
Missing quotation marks, or is that signifying special speech?
...but I have never had cause to have dealings with an elf."
...the hole in his chest over where his heart should be.
...as we reach the end of the thoroughfare ...
Thank you, corrected.
Well, I guess Adom wasn't aware of how insulted Sekhmet felt by the Illustres' comment.
She isn't one of his patrons, so he only heard about her response indirectly.
I get Sekmet is a god but Paul is the avatar of a Universal embodiment who is partly manifesting being backed up by a Kryptonian who's the Avatar of a Titan.
She should be weary of picking a fight here.
Because LePaul's not an avatar.

At most he's a favored acquisition, and well, that's getting less the more Orange Lanterns there get to be.

Also given how often the Entities are stuck in lanterns, you're likely over estimating their metaphysical weight a good bit.
There aren't enough Guardians left for them to be willing to send someone to oversee an experiment like that. As for a Lantern… Maybe? I wouldn't want to take the chance on one of the local ones, myself included.
Pretty sure at least part of this paragraph should have quotation marks, since it seems to be a statement Kon reacted to in their conversation, rather than solely being Paul's internal thought process about how to respond.
Being so far from the polar gates, Arabyan magicians making use of bound elementals are a common enough sight, but they don't usually glow orange and they certainly don't have my complexion.
If you think about it, given how weak The Winds of Magic are in both Araby and Nehekhara, (for whatever reasons there may be), it makes sense how the practice of Magic is more widely accepted in those lands, given how said practices could be more easily developed through study and experimentation over the ages with little fear of posession, madness or mutation most of the time.
Was he trying to make a cat joke? I can't find an obvious one in either of the relevant chapters.

Paul and Diana, having a relevant conversation:


He isn't.. part of the same family."

"That isn't a reason not to bring him in. And if it's really a problem.. well, Athena's still single, right?"

Her mouth drops open. "I'm not going to try-." She suppresses a chuckle. "To try and persuade the goddess of wisdom to.. to 'hook up' with a Viking god to satisfy your desire to play musical pantheons!"

"Persuade? Wait. Aphrodite or someone has had a chat with her, right? She does know people don't normally spring fully formed from their fathers' foreheads."

She bows her head slightly, unable to trust herself to respond. "I don't-. I don't think-."

"Ooh. Right. Amazons. Got it. I think Sekhmet's single." A splutter. "You know, if gods aren't her thing. She's got a bit of a temper, but get some beer in her and she's a real pussycat."


"Athena's an adult, she can make her own choices. Or maybe Hera."

"H-Hera isn't single."

"She's married to the god of adultery. She doesn't really get anything out of being queen at this point so-."

"He... Lord Zeus doesn't behave like that anymore. One of the advantages of not having so many worshippers. Not that I'm excusing him, but their marriage is now one of genuine love and respect."

Eh? "Sir, did you read that file on potential future recruits I handed to Batman?"


Emphasis mine. In a rush, will fix quote soon
Wait Time (part 17)
17th February 2013
14:54 GMT

Sehkmet is a goddess of war and violence, ruthless in defence of her cubs and people. She's also a goddess of healing, because if you get on her bad side you're going to need it.

On the other hand lying to a goddess isn't a particularly good idea either. And I've just spotted Cernunnos behind her and the deer-man appears to want me to avoid angering the lioness-woman. Yes, obviously, but how?

"I find that adding a little humour makes the central point-"

Her eyes glow and then she's there, claws slashing as commerce is continued by other means!


Guh-! I've been knocked back into a semi-human-. My head is still snake-shaped, but the rest of my body-.

"What are you doing?"

Kon's crested the stairs and is taking a stance. I try shaking my head, but his eyes have gone up to sun-on-the-horizon.

"A little humour makes the central point more memorable, but if I have offended you-"

Does this type of snake have the ability to spray venom? No? Okay, change what type of snake I am, load the venom glands and try and tempt her closer.

"-then I am sorry. The fault is purely mine. Please tell me what I must do to make amends."

She ignores Kon to glare at me, clearly still unhappy.

"The people of Kahndaq are-."

Claws in the chest!

"They don't worship me any-"

And spray! Get as much as possible in her mouth and up her no-

Agh! A slash wound, but she was too distracted to give it her all.


Ah, I've got a small amount of ambrosia left over as a gift from Hephaestaean, put it in a pressurised tube and squirt it down her throat and then back the heck off because I'm not actually sure this is going to-

Sekhmet hisses, wiping her muzzle with her teeth showing!

-work come on come on!

She shakes her head, blinking and staggering a pace as the alcohol reaches whatever passes for her bloodstream.

"I will not forget this."

Then her facial structure begins to change, cheeks widening and muzzle flattening and fur changing from dirt yellow to dark grey. She blinks for a moment, then rearranges her robe to adjust it to her more feminine frame.

She makes a lapping motion as she tastes the high strength alcohol I just sprayed her with, then appears to become aware of me.

"I know you. You're Adom's friend, the Orange Lantern."

"Yes, divinity."

I bow politely-. Then find myself snake-tongue-first in cat boob.

"And you are the one to whom we owe this restoration of our estates!"

I retract my tongue, but not before tasting her health and vitality. There's a sense of retreating tiredness, and injury recently healed-.

And a finger on my forehead pushes me back.

"I think that you have tasted enough of my teats."

From slightly further away, yes, I see that new and vital fur is growing over patchy older fur, new meat and fat pushing shrunken skin back to healthy dimensions.

"I am glad to see that you're well. I wasn't sure exactly what effect restoring Adom would have on the domain of the Kahndaqi gods, but it looks like a positive one."

"It has been." She looks out towards the rest of the city. "We have not quite been fully restored as yet, but as more people reach out to their older gods, that will come in time."

The advantage of modern communications technology. She doesn't need to displace Allah from Kahndaq. A few worshippers here and there will be plenty to keep her in good condition.

"I had a few ideas about speeding that up, but I'm afraid that I have more urgent business to attend to at the moment."

"Even when this place was nothing but ruins, I still had eyes everywhere. And now there is so much more to see." She turns back around as Kon strolls over to stand besides me, checking my wounds as he does so. "What is this business?"

"Can we get to Erebos from here?"

Bast turns to look at Kon. "Nephthys has not fully reawakened, and I don't think that the other gods with authority over the dead could take you there. Is it passage between the realms that you seek?"

"No, that would just let us skip a stage. We need to know about a couple of elves who came here while acting as couriers. If you can tell us who they were buying from or transporting goods to that would help a great deal."

"Why should I share their private affairs with you?"

"Because the male elf -Cluracan- was lucky to escape the people who successfully abducted his sister Nuala, and he's asked us to free her. Our only interest is in securing her safety."

"And not in the undoubtably underhanded dealings of the merchants? They are my city's lifeblood."

"In your realm, the trade laws are what you make them. The material world is in such disarray that enforcing any particular law at this point is impossible. Unless they are trading with people infected with the Anti-Life, in which case I will attempt to persuade you to authorise me to kill them."

I pointedly look towards the city.

"After a certain point, I suspect that your city's recovery will be made easier by trade treaties with other realms, rather than enabling single individuals to sneak in and out. I would be most happy to act as your emissary, or to guide your emissary to receptive ears."

"I have already had an offer on that subject."

"From the Japanese? I half-expected that. My advice would be to turn down direct inclusion now that you've got another option, but be open to cooperation. And make sure that the other gods are prepared to transfer power to Amon if anything happens to Adom, because at the moment he is your brand and this could all reverse if he dies."

"That's a sensible idea, but I wasn't referring to them. It seems that the pantheon of the Aztecs have undergone a similar rebirth to the pantheon of Kahndaq. Do you know anything about that?"
Last edited:
Sekhmet hisses, wiping her muzzle with her teeth showing!

-work come on come on!

She shakes her head, blinking and staggering a pace as the alcohol reaches whatever passes for her blood steam.

"I will not forget this."

Then her facial structure begins to change, cheeks widening and muzzle flattening and fur changing from dirt yellow to dark grey. She blinks for a moment, the rearranges her robe to adjust it to her more feminine frame.
I'm confused, why did Sekhmet turn into her sister?
"That's a sensible idea, but I wasn't referring to them. It seems that pantheon of the Aztecs have undergone a similar rebirth to the pantheon of Kahndaq. Do you know anything about that?"
Oh that's interesting! Wonder why? I don't know as much about DC's older versions of the gods, compared to the new where they're (all) from Ugrund and Thirteen Heavens is a giant old god-tech construct. Wiki shows me some issues I should probably check out. I did already know that Mageddon was somehow related to them previously, so I'm gonna be wondering about that connection.

My advice is to avoid dealing with the Aztec gods as much as possible, that mythology tends to be VERY nasty and as bloodthirsty as Sekhmet at her worst.
If Zoat is drawing on pre-new 52 lore as he usually does, my money is on Feathered Serpent, an All-Star Squadron villain that's essentially Aztec Captain Marvel. No magic words required as far as I know, however. ACHMQTT would probably be it from looking at the listed gods.

Edit: Speaking of gods and South America, are there other amazon tribes in WTR? I don't expect to see Yara Flor since she's a relatively new character (awesome intro run tho) but the concept of the egyptian and amazonian tribes aren't new. And the anti-life crisis would be a good reason to reconnect.
Because over time some of the Egyptian goddesses got associated with each other to the point that there were occasional periods of Egyptian history they were thought to be different aspects of the same being. (Probably didn't help that there were quite a few cat/lioness headed goddesses.)

So sometimes Sekhmet just becomes docile when she's tricked into getting drunk. Other times that story ends with Sekhmet turning into Bast when her drunkenness calms her down. Hell, there's at least one version where she turns into Hathor instead.
Oooooh boy.....


So... after the current crisis we need to worry about gods who kept demanding more human sacrifice long after their region ran out of enemies to put on the altars?

Oh and let's not forget about competition for best snake - :p
17th February 2013
14:54 GMT

Sehkmet is a goddess of war and violence, ruthless in defence of her cubs and people. She's also a goddess of healing, because if you get on her bad side you're going to need it.

On the other hand lying to a goddess isn't a particularly good idea either. And I've just spotted Cernunnos behind her and the deer-man appears to want me to avoid angering the lioness-woman. Yes, obviously, but how?
Oh, she's already angry, Kernie. This is just OL trying to stop her from ripping his astral form into strips of jerky. And given that we've just had a reminder of said 'cat joke' he made, it won't be easy. (Props to boo600 on that front!)

"I find that adding a little humour makes the central point-"

Her eyes glow and then she's there, claws slashing as commerce is continued by other means!
I don't think she thinks much of your humour, OL.


Guh-! I've been knocked back into a semi-human-. My head is still snake-shaped, best the rest of my body-.
So now you fit in with the local aesthetics even more. :D

"What are you doing?"

Kon's crested the stairs and is taking a stance. I try shaking my head, but his eyes have gone up to sun-on-the-horizon.
Let's not have another meltdown, shall we? OL had enough trouble fixing the previous one. :p

"A little humour makes the central point more memorable, but if I have offended you-"

Does this type of snake have the ability to spray venom? No? Okay, change what type of snake I am, load the venom glands and try and tempt her closer.
And to be fair, Diana did laugh at his joke.

"-then I am sorry. The fault is purely mine. Please tell me what I must do to make amends."

She ignores Kon to glare at me, clearly still unhappy.
To be fair, her ignoring Kon is probably a good thing, as he's not got nearly the same level of arcane defence as OL does, what with his kryptonian nature.

"The people of Kahndaq are-."

Claws in the chest!
...Well, it's not like you're really using those lungs right now, are you? :p

"They don't worship me any-"

And spray! Get as much as possible in her mouth and up her no-
Aw, up the nose? That's gotta sting something fierce.

Agh! A slash wound, but she was too distracted to give it her all.

If she had, you might well have been sliced snake fillets.

Ah, I've got a small amount of ambrosia left over as a gift from Hephaestaean, put it in a pressurised tube and squirt it down her throat and then back the heck off because I'm not actually sure this is going to-

Sekhmet hisses, wiping her muzzle with her teeth showing!
Going for the 'pacify with booze' route, eh? At least you used the good stuff.

-work come on come on!

She shakes her head, blinking and staggering a pace as the alcohol reaches whatever passes for her blood steam.
Let's hope she doesn't start speaking in cat memes.

"I will not forget this."

Then her facial structure begins to change, cheeks widening and muzzle flattening and fur changing from dirt yellow to dark grey. She blinks for a moment, the rearranges her robe to adjust it to her more feminine frame.
Okay, that calmed the lady down. Let's hope she feels like being a happy drunk.

She makes a lapping motion as she tastes the high strength alcohol I just sprayed her with, then appears to become aware of me.

"I know you. You're Adom's friend, the Orange Lantern."
Presumably by word of mouth amongst the pantheon. Which makes me wonder just what she's heard about him...

"Yes, divinity."

I bow politely-. Then find myself snake-tongue-first in cat boob.
Well, if you've got to go, that's probably one of the most fun. :V

"And you are the one to whom we owe this restoration of our estates!"

I retract my tongue, but not before tasting her health and vitality. There's a sense of retreating tiredness, and injury recently healed-.
Now, now, OL. Don't you know it's rude to 'taste' a lady like that?

And a finger on my forehead pushes me back.

"I think that you have tasted enough of my teats."
And a very nice set they are. She must be very proud of them, given the way she's showing them off. ;)

From slightly further away, yes, I see that new and vital fur is growing over patchy older fur, new meat and fat pushing shrunken skin back to healthy dimensions.

"I am glad to see that you're well. I wasn't sure exactly what affect restoring Adom would have on the domain of the Kahndaqi gods, but it looks like a positive one."
And the ambrosia surely didn't hurt either. 'Nectar of the Gods' and all that.

"It has been." She looks out towards the rest of the city. "We have not quite been fully restored as yet, but as more people reach out to their older gods, that will come in time."

The advantage of modern communications technology. She doesn't need to displace Allah from Kahndaq. A few worshippers here and there will be plenty to keep her in good condition.
As long as one faith's followers don't turn hostile to the other's. But with Adom as a big stick to discourage that, I don't foresee more than one or two incidents...

"I had a few ideas about speeding that up, but I'm afraid that I have more urgent business to attend to at the moment."

"Even when this place was nothing but ruins, I still had eyes everywhere. And now there is so much more to see." She turns back around as Kon strolls over to stand besides me, checking my wounds as he does so. "What is this business?"
Cats are an extremely popular pets, after all.

"Can we get to Erebos from here?"

Bast turns to look at Kon. "Nephthys has not fully reawakened, and I don't think that the other gods with authority over the dead could take you there. Is it passage between the realms that you seek?"
Ah, well. Nice to ask, but I guess there's no dodging this side-quest. Best not to leave Nuala in whoever's hands anyway.

"No, that would just let us skip a stage. We need to know about a couple of elves who came here while acting as couriers. If you can tell us who they were buying from or transporting goods to that would help a great deal."

"Why should I share their private affairs with you?"
Because whoever took her might come looking for your locals next.

"Because the male else, Cluracan was lucky to escape the people who successfully abducted his sister Nuala, and he's asked us to free her. Our only interest is in securing her safety."

"And not in the undoubtably underhanded dealings of the merchants? They are my city's lifeblood."
What do OL and Kon care? As long as it isn't directly in their faces, they can overlook it.

"In your realm, the trade laws are what you make them. The material world is in such disarray that enforcing any particular law at this point is impossible. Unless they are trading with people infected with the Anti-Life, in which case I will attempt to persuade you to authorise me to kill them."

I pointedly look towards the city.
It would hardly even take that long.

"After a certain point, I suspect that your city's recovery will be made easier by trade treaties with other realms, rather than enabling single individuals to sneak in and out. I would be most happy to act as your emissary, or to guide your emissary to receptive ears."

"I have already had an offer on that subject."
Heh. Give you one guess who that is.

"From the Japanese? I half-expected that. My advise would be to turn down direct inclusion now that you've got another option, but be open to cooperation. And make sure that the other gods are prepared to transfer power to Amon if anything happens to Adom, because at the moment he is your brand and this could all reverse if he dies."

"That's a sensible idea, but I wasn't referring to them. It seems that pantheon of the Aztecs have undergone a similar rebirth to the pantheon of Kahndaq. Do you know anything about that?"
...Huh. :confused: I guessed wrong. Aztecs, huh? Mexico must be finding new faith in these times. Or rather, older faiths.

So, a bit of horse-trading going on amongst the many gods of Earth, eh? Wonder if that's a direct result of the Anti-Life, or if OL's actions have prodded other pantheons into trying to put themselves out there a little more after seeing the luck the Olympians have been having. It'll be curious to see how things align going forth. But for now, there are more important matters to deal with...

...the rearranges her robe to adjust it to her more feminine frame.
...then rearranges her robe to adjust it to her more feminine frame.
"Because the male else, Cluracan was lucky...
"Because the male elf, Cluracan was lucky...
If Zoat is drawing on pre-new 52 lore as he usually does, my money is on Feathered Serpent, an All-Star Squadron villain that's essentially Aztec Captain Marvel. No magic words required as far as I know, however. ACHMQTT would probably be it from looking at the listed gods.
Edit: Speaking of gods and South America, are there other amazon tribes in WTR? I don't expect to see Yara Flor since she's a relatively new character (awesome intro run tho) but the concept of the egyptian and amazonian tribes aren't new. And the anti-life crisis would be a good reason to reconnect.

1. I know next to nothing about how DC presents Mesoamerican gods.
2. Even in the link you gave there was a god of War, the sun and Human Sacrifice.
I remember something like this happening in Marvel as well. They are two sides of the same coin. When drunk, the less violent half comes out.
But in DC the two are always portrayed as two different gods..

So LePaul would have no way to know or even suspect that was an option.
My advice is to avoid dealing with the Aztec gods as much as possible, that mythology tends to be VERY nasty and as bloodthirsty as Sekhmet at her worst.
there is a lot of prejudice by mostly euro descendent people that the aztec gods were "worse" than those from the old continent. just because afroeurasia had the great fortune to have the easies animals to domesticate and were able to climb the civilization ladder doesn't mean we should in any way say their origin myths were better. all of the pantheons that predate modern christianity even ancient christianity had nasty and bloodthirsty mythology.
But in DC the two are always portrayed as two different gods..

So LePaul would have no way to know or even suspect that was an option.

Replying to Vaermina.
In Egyptian myth she goes on a rampage that comes close to killing all of mankind until she is tricked into getting drunk which calms her down. So even if he had no idea that she would go from being Sekhmet to Bast? It's still a good bet that getting her tipsy would calm her down.

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