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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Hold it. Apep has been dead for 3 millennia. Like, dead-dead. Death of the Endless confirmed it.

Hold it. Apep has been dead for 3 millennia. Like, dead-dead. Death of the Endless confirmed it.


That may be true in the comics, but it's not necessarily true here.

In the comics Daniel took over Dream's position while he was still young, but here he's a young man and way past the point where he took it.

Not everything will be adapted a 100% from the comics.
Khepri sponsored a superhero in DC actually- Scarab.

He actually evolved from a rejected Dr Fate pitch, but the end result was more What if the Blue Beetle Scarab was an Egyptian god.

Although he predates Reyes, which is the beetle he's most similar to.
I wonder why daemons are bad ad defending themselves from ego theft?
Shouldn't they be harder to yoink because of how much in control of their own essence?

As for the new chapter.
Superboy found a potential investor/patron.

I wonder how powerful he would be if he had the blessings of every sun god on earth.+Rao.
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I wonder why daemons are bad ad defending themselves from ego theft?
Shouldn't they be harder to yoink because of how much in control of their own essence?

Are daemons really in control of themselves? Identity Theft essentially works, from my perspective, hijacking your desires to infiltrate your metaphysic. Then use that as a vector, like a virus, to inject and spread the orange light, replacing the previously natural composition of the victim's soul (and body, in the case of living beings).

I wouldn't count Daemons as individuals well-adjusted or self-aware enough to cut off/block/shield what allows Identity Theft to attach to them, their selfish wants and desires. Even if they knew what is essentially soul magic, the emotional electromagnetic spectrum is such a different and abstract method that they would probably need to study it to even understand what's happening to them and during the assimilation itself there's definitely not enough time.
Wait Time (part 21)
17th February 2013
16:51 GMT

Black sands in a black desert under a black sky, illuminated only by the light of my ring and Kon's built-in sun. Why? Don't know. The Ancient Kahndaqi didn't really have a concept of Hell. The ultimate punishment in their religion was annihilation, not eternal torture. That's what I condemned Theodore Adam to when I convinced the Kahndaqi gods that his soul wasn't up to snuff. Now, I'd pick Hell, because I think I could eventually get out of it, but I can… I'm intellectually aware that some people would choose differently.

While we can all fly here, we're staying relatively low because…

"I'm staying low because I don't want to be seen from further away. What's your excuse?"

Kon nods his head at the sky. "In case there's something up there. If there is, we're an obvious target."

"Because I can see where the beetles flew."

"You can?"

I can see giant beetle footprints and chariot wheel ruts, but none of the scuffs look like small beetle footprints, and I'd be surprised if they weren't flying. Ring, analysis?

Images flash across my visual field as the ring tries to make sense of the shapes on the sand.

Results unclear.

"I'm a God of Hunting. There are faint disturbances in the air and impressions in the sand, and that's enough for my magic to work."

"Alright then. Which way?"

He flaps his wings, accelerating forwards. Kon and I match his pace.

"Do either of you know what Apep looks like?"

"Giant snake, but that could be a snake, a person with a snake for a head, or a metaphor."

"I've never seen him. If it helps, there are no giant snake tracks near here."

"I guess he's pretty powerful?"

"He's never managed to stop the sun once with over a million attempts."

"Yeah, but that's part of the story. There could be something about his nature that means that he can't actually stop the sun, but is great at doing other stuff."

"What sort of range can those flies manage undirected?"

"No idea. Honestly, I'm surprised that they can follow complex instructions without a rider. Superboy, did I miss an intelligence briefing?"

"No, they never showed that kind of intelligence."

"Magic? Possession? Cybernetics?"

"Sheeda don't use cybernetics, and-" Kon frowns. "-I don't think Britain has cybernetic brain implants designed for giant beetles."

No, I don't suppose they could have designed something for an entirely new species that quickly. And if they did, they still wouldn't have a reason to use giant beetles like that over a robot or an augmented soldier that could behave intelligently.

"I won't be able to tell if someone's inside the beetle until I can see it with my own eyes."

"I guess-." Kon dims, then looks down at himself in concern. Looking down, I can see that we're turning away from the sun's tracks.

"Are you alright?"

"I think so." He maintains pace, but looks with a degree of concern at his right forearm. "I guess the sun kinda… Can't exist in other places."

"If you feel like you're about to not exist, head back to the entrance and make your way back to Otherworld."

He nods. "I don't feel that different. It's just the light that's faded." He looks up at me and shrugs. "The other end is at sunset, right? It's not like the beetles want to come out the other side."

"No, I suppose-."


What was that? I heard something-.


I've stopped in the air, staring in the direction I thought I heard… Something.

"Did you not hear that?"

"No?" Cernunnos is pulling ahead, and Kon looks from him back to me. "We probably shouldn't get-"

"No, you're right." I start flying again.

"-distracted." He flies after Cernunnos alongside me. "Hey, is Mercury still with you?"

Ah. "Don't know. Mercury?"

There's no response. Kon looks back towards the entrance.

"Oh no! Anyway-."


"Seriously, can you not hear that?"

"No. What is it?"

"It's saying 'Life?', but there's a resonance to it…" I accelerate, catching up with Cernunnos a moment later. "Any idea how far we're going?"

"They got closer to the ground. I think we're nearly there."

I generate construct armour, which… Goes awkwardly with my elongated neck. Kon's dimmed, but he's still all there. Okay, now we-.


A sheeda beetle slams into me, mandibles clamping onto my armour and squeezing as the beetle tries to push me into the sand! Cernunnos dodges the one that aimed at him while Kon counters with a punch that shatters its head and sends it tumbling to the ground.

"Push on!"

My head darts out and I bite the beetle, fangs piercing the weaker armour plates of its head and stabbing it in the brain! I pull back my head and twist, kicking off the corpse as it falls and flying after Cernunnos. "How close-?"

And then I spot it: two stone pillars behind an altar of some sort. The altar is made of light grey stone, with discoloured patches which suggest it's had blood spilled on it. The two pillars are decorated in the Aztec style and certainly shouldn't be here. If it's a portal then it looks like its inactive.


"The thing I heard, it's getting closer!"

Cernunnos lands next to the altar, biting his left hand and slamming the wound onto the stone surface. The gateway shimmers to life almost immediately.

"I heard it too!"

The beetle that attacked him makes another lunge, only for Kon to punch it in the thorax and send it flying. It flies about a kilometre-. And then sort of fades into a white cloud before vanishing. Kon and I stare at the point it disappeared-.



The three of us fly between the pillars, and-.

Is… That… Themyscira?
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Now, I'd pick Hell, because I think I could eventually get out of it, but I can… I'm intellectually aware that some people would choose differently.

And oblivion may also be better for stopping evil people from getting power like Harm and that speedster demon.

I'm staying low because I don't want to be seen from further away. What's your excuse?"

Kon nods his head at the sky. "In case there's something up there. If there is, we're an obvious target."

"Because I can see where the beetles flew."

"You can?"

He is a god of the hunt.

"I'm a God of Hunting


"I guess he's pretty powerful?"

"He's never managed to stop the sun once with over a million attempts

He's still gone up against it and survived, so that says a lot.

I've stopped in the air, staring in the direction I thought I heard… Something.

Add a space between these two.


The three of us fly between the pillars, and-.

Is… That… Themyscira

Well this is interesting.

Granted, I can see the Olympians going to Khandaqi territory since in some myths they are connected to them.

Assuming they went willingly.
Given that Apep was said to be the greatest enemy of Ra, at least sixteen yards long with a head made of flint, had the title of World-Encircler and was said to be the cause of Earth quakes? I'd say he is pretty Fing formidable! Or at least he would be if he wasn't also really, really stupid.
17th February 2013
16:51 GMT

Black sands in a black desert under a black sky, illuminated only by the light of my ring and Kon's built-in sun. Why? Don't know. The Ancient Kahndaqi didn't really have a concept of Hell. The ultimate punishment in their religion was annihilation, not eternal torture. That's what I condemned Theodore Adam to when I convinced the Kahndaqi gods that his soul wasn't up to snuff. Now, I'd pick Hell, because I think I could eventually get out of it, but I can… I'm intellectually aware that some people would choose differently.
I think the aesthetic is more because this is a shadow realm, a place of darkness and night. A place where the light, the Sun is a foreign invader. Possibly also a place where people who lose dramatically important Children's Card Games get sent. :p

While we can all fly here, we're staying relatively low because…

"I'm staying low because I don't want to be seen from further away. What's your excuse?"
Smart move, though it does make dodging a little tougher, especially if you're having to dodge the crests of dunes.

Kon nods his head at the sky. "In case there's something up there. If there is, we're an obvious target."

"Because I can see where the beetles flew."
Okay, Cernie's reason might be just a little bit more useful.

"You can?"

I can see giant beetle footprints and chariot wheel ruts, but none of the scuffs look like small beetle footprints, and I'd be surprised if they weren't flying. Ring, analysis?
So, traces of Khepri's passage? Logical enough. He must get bored, though, walking the same route constantly...

Images flash across my visual field as the ring tries to make sense of the shapes on the sand.

Results unclear.
In other words, you ain't found shit?

"I'm a God of Hunting. There are faint disturbances in the air and impressions in the sand, and that's enough for my magic to work."

"Alright then. Which way?"
Excellent. Good thing you decided to let him come along.

He flaps his wings, accelerating forwards. Kon and I match his pace.

"Do either of you know what Apep looks like?"
...Quick guess: Is it a giant black snake? :cool: It's on theme with everything else around here.

"Giant snake, but that could be a snake, a person with a snake for a head, or a metaphor."

"I've never seen him. If it helps, there are no giant snake tracks near here."
So no having to dodge him... Yet.

"I guess he's pretty powerful?"

"He's never managed to stop the sun once with over a million attempts."
That doesn't necessarily mean he's bad at what he does...

"Yeah, but that's part of the story. There could be something about his nature that means that he can't actually stop the sun, but is great at doing other stuff."

"What sort of range can those flies manage undirected?"
...Honestly a good question. I mean, a normal fly wouldn't have that great a range, given metabolic needs, but Sheeda creatures operate on different rules.

"No idea. Honestly, I'm surprised that they can follow complex instructions without a rider. Superboy, did I miss an intelligence briefing?"

"No, they never showed that kind of intelligence."
And what little brain they do have is probably optimised for managing flight mechanics.

"Magic? Possession? Cybernetics?"

"Sheeda don't use cybernetics, and-" Kon frowns. "-I don't think Britain has cybernetic brain implants designed for giant beetles."
That would require a very specific sort of inventive logic. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there was some insect-focused hypercognitive out there.

No, I don't suppose they could have designed something for an entirely new species that quickly. And if they did, they still wouldn't have a reason to use giant beetles like that over a robot or an augmented soldier that could behave intelligently.

"I won't be able to tell if someone's inside the beetle until I can see it with my own eyes."
Really, a good helicopter would do the same job as the flies or beetles.

"I guess-." Kon dims then looks down at himself in concern. Looking down, I can see that we're turning away from the sun's tracks.

"Are you alright?"
Probably a symbolic thing.After all, he is descending into darkness to aid another. Of course the blessing is weakened this far from the path of the Sun.

"I think so." He maintains pace, but looks with a degree of concern at his right forearm. "I guess the sun kinda… Can't exist in other places."

"If you feel like you're about to not exist, head back to the entrance and make your way back to Otherworld."
You're hoping he gets time to recognise it. ideally it'd be like 'Back to the Future's slow dissipation rather than, say, Alucard's little Schrodinger moment.

He nods. "I don't feel that different. It's just the light that's faded." He looks up and me and shrugs. "The other end is at sunset, right? It's not like the beetles want to come out the other side."

"No, I suppose-."
And it's not like it's simply a giant tunnel under the world above...


What was that? I heard something-.
Oh dear. I hope that's not Apep. It would make sense for it to be Death-aligned, after all.


I've stopped in the air, staring in the direction I thought I heard… Something.
...Ah, it was something akin to godspeech, then. In the same way his own spiritual 'whispers' are...

"Did you not hear that?"

"No?" Cernunnos is pulling ahead, and Kon looks from him back to me. "We probably shouldn't get-"
Yeah, splitting up would be bad here.

"No, you're right." I start flying again.

"-distracted." He flies after Cernunnos alongside me. "Hey, is Mercury still with you?"
Hopefully she's just keeping her head down. This place is probably damn scary to a spirit literally born yesterday.

Ah. "Don't know. Mercury?"

There's no response. Kon looks back towards the entrance.
...I mean, where is your shadow being cast?

"Oh no! Anyway-."

I understood that reference! :p

"Seriously, can you not hear that?"

"No. What is it?"
I mean, Kon hasn't picked up any Godspeech before. I's not likely he would now.

"It's saying 'Life?', but there's a resonance to it…" I accelerate, catching up with Cernunnos a moment later. "Any idea how far we're going?"

"They got closer to the ground. I think we're nearly there."
Or they got tired and stopped for a rest?

I generate construct armour, which… Goes awkwardly with my elongated neck. Kon's dimmed, but he's still all there. Okay, now we-.

Hey, at least you're not trying to do it for a full snake form. That would end up looking like a slinky, I suspect.

A sheeda beetle slams into me, mandibles clamping onto my armour and squeezing as the beetle tries to push me into the sand! Cernunnos dodges the one that aimed at him while Kon counters with a punch that shatters its head and sends it tumbling to the ground.

"Push on!"
Ah, they did stop... To set an ambush. Presumably whoever's controlling them considered them expendable.

My head darts out and I bite the beetle, fangs piercing the weaker armour plates of its head and stabbing it in the brain! I pull back my head and twist, kicking off the corpse as it falls and flying after Cernunnos. "How close-?"

And then I spot it: two stone pillars behind an altar of some sort. The altar is made of light grey stone, with discoloured patches which suggest it's had blood spilled on it. The two pillars are decorated in the Aztec style and certainly shouldn't be here. If it's a portal then it looks like its inactive.
...Let's hope that isn't Elvish blood. Or this will have been a wasted trip and all they can do is avenge Nuala.


"The thing I heard, it's getting closer!"
Well, shit. Looks like they got Apep's attention.

Cernunnos lands next to the altar, biting his left hand and slamming the wound onto the stone surface. The gateway shimmers to life almost immediately.

"I heard it too!"
In which case, wherever this portal leads, it's better than here. Which is likely about to re-enacting the sandworm attack scene from Dune.

The beetle that attacked him makes another lunge, only for Kon to punch it in the thorax and send it flying. It flies about a kilometre-. And then sort of fades into a white cloud before vanishing. Kon and I stare at the point it disappeared-.

...Why are you not running? Flying? Anything that will get you away from that?


The three of us fly between the pillars, and-.

Is… That… Themyscira?
Huh. :confused: Well, hands up, anyone who was expecting that?

Fascinating. How did a portal into Themyscira end up here? And more importantly, who made it? Assuming it wasn't Constantine. More importantly, this does sidestep a few of the stages of this sidequest. Though there's still an Elvish maiden to rescue. And I get the feeling they won't be able to access Erebus from here until some other arbitrary annoying vital task is completed.
Now, I'd pick Hell, because I think I could eventually get out of it, but I can… I'm intellectually aware that some people would choose differently.
I used to think I'd always choose life. Then I experienced near peak pain.

If such pain was constant, with no hope of reprieve, desensitization, something.... I would choose to not exist. Probably quite fast.

If I knew for sure, that the pain will stop after... not sure. One month? I still might not make it.

Of course, in real world I could probably muddle through with enough painkillers, but if that peak pain continued at that level, without easing.... heck, I'm not sure how many days I could last.
Yeah, against the most commonly understood concept of Hell, that of eternal damnation, torture and pain, I'm most emphatically choosing non-existance. That's what I believe in right now, anyway, and I'm fine with that; just biological process taking care of my remains and memories for those who know me, that's it.

Really curious how this quest is unfolding. They went through the Kahndaqi Shadow Realm, found proof of Sheeda Beetles being used and an Aztec sacrificial portal to Themyscira, possibly created with thre divine blood bought. And, was that "Life?" Just Apep resonating with Anti-Life or just with Death? Or was it something else and Apep is gone/possibly dead? And does this place have some conceptual connection to the Shadowlands or just similarities?
War Mastered (part 10)
4th Sigmarzeit 2512

"Not so docile, it seems."

I nod to the Countess. "No, it seems not. But I wanted to be sure."

The giant… Rat… Blob.. thing.. that's the only thing in the Nuln warrens that scanned as 'female', lies dead, a construct spear piercing it through the throat and out through its spine. It's about three meters long, with proportions halfway between a normal rat and a normal male skaven. I'd sort of assumed that this sort of thing was a specialised breeder variety, and its.. large womb, distended abdomen and eight warpstone-enhanced ovaries seem to lend a degree of credence to that idea. But I'd also assumed that such breeders were a Clan Moulder product rather than a natural part of their species, and that as such there would have to be at least some regular females as well.

Does the Curse of the Horned One spell turn women it hits into men? Or do females just not occur naturally amongst skaven and they have to breed with giant rats in the same way that beastmen can breed with livestock?

I moue as.. tiny hairless skaven infants start clawing and biting their way out of its vagina.

"Burn this abomination."

"Ah. I'm actually not very good at burning things."

I point, and the construct plaguebearers on perimeter duty step in and start stabbing. It's unedifying, but those are male skaven infants. There's a limit to how many Creatures of Chaos I can attempt to rehabilitate without spreading myself too thin.

A way behind us, I hear Richilde and one of the Countess's younger Greatswords keeping each other company in their ersatz vomitorium. The other Greatswords bear oddly-shaped scars which I've noticed amongst those who've survived one of the more unpleasant poxes, and I imagine that they got that surviving the aftermath of Tamurkhan's attack. After fending off an army of Nurgle-worshippers a giant mutant rat appears not to impress them. I haven't seen any sign of Nurgle's Rot in them, which is good because I don't have any idea how to remove a disease that infects the soul.

"Besides, I've removed the diseases from its body. It could be a fascinating object of study for your anatomists."


The Greatsword with a beard down to the middle of his cuirass nods. "Countess?"

"Have the men clear the closest square and acquire firewood. I will have this… Thing and the others of its kin we recover burned where my subjects can bear witness."

"I'll see to it directly, Countess."

I feel it as my construct lanterns begin to return.

"All done, Countess. It might be worth filling in the passages, but the warren is uninhabited."

"And Gruber, find some volunteers from the dungeons." She looks my way. "Dungeon-delving is work for a not-yet-Free Company. They're far cheaper than adventurers."

"Yes, Countess. Will there be anything else-?"

"Get on with it, man." As he bows and then leaves she walks over to the skaven and prods it with the handle of her dagger. "Well, you've done it. You'll have my support in the Prime Estates, and I suppose that a more limited road-building program might be wise in any case."

"Thank you, Countess. I'll notify the Light College, so that their representative can liaise with your architect."

One down…

4th Sigmarzeit 2512
Later Afternoon

Graf Boris Todbringer peers at the severed, one-eyed head.

"No. Not him."

Since her brother is shortly to be marrying his daughter, Richilde thought that talking him around would be a straightforward business. I offered to restore his eye, but he wasn't keen on having his body unnaturally altered. Which isn't unreasonable, but…

I sigh as I toss the head onto the pile. "With the greatest respect, Graf, there are a lot of one-eyed beastmen in the Drakwald. Did he have any other distinguishing features?"

"He carried a whip and a sword."

But this is getting to be.


Scanning. Scan complete. Matches available.

Just about every charioteer has a whip. Swords are even more common.

"Four horns or two?"


Scanning. Scan complete. Matches available.

"Two big ones straight up and two small curved ones?"

He nods. "Yes."

"Excuse me."

I rocket away from Middenheim, heading for the Drakwald again. Target locked. Beastmen became their own army after I stopped being interested in Warhammer and I've got no idea if the beastlord I'm about to kill is at all important. But if it makes Todbringer happy…


I raise my left hand, aiming at the large beastman standing next to the.. mutant dog thing. And fire! The beastlord is knocked back, his armour holding out against my shot surprisingly well. Fortunately it doesn't appear to include a gorget, so his neck disintegrates and I grab the trophy as the beastmen around him begin braying in alarm.

Hopefully, that's another one down.

4th Sigmarzeit 2512
Early Evening

"A… Head? A head! You got one-eye a one eyed head!"

Richilde and I nervously glance at each other as Elector Count Marius Leitdorf… Starts getting excited. His couriers appear used to it, in the manner of psychiatric orderlies who no longer start at sudden exclamations from their patients. His horse -which is standing nearby, in this second story room in the middle of his castle- snorts quietly.

"I am.. happy to get a head for you, your highness."

"Yes! I want to eat it!"

"I can cook as well?"

He lunges at me. "No!" He grabs me by the jacket, staring wide-eyes into my eyes. "I will eat it raw. Raaaaaaaw."

Probably… Best I make sure that it's completely clean, because if there's anyone who has the will to eat an entire head raw and the rank to ignore anyone who tries to stop him, it's Marius Leitdorf.

"Whose head, your highness!"


Another glance shared with Richilde. "You want to eat your own head, your highness?"

"It seems about as reasonable as paving over the realm of Chaos." He releases his hold, then flaps his right hand at me. "Get on with it."

Hm. Well, actually…

I envelop his head in an orange glow. If I remove it piece by piece and replace it with a copy… I'll have to fake doing that to his brain, obviously, but that should be well within my abilities.

"Would your highness like a mirror?" I numb his nerves and then detach a portion of his neck while using constructs to maintain blood and air flow. "You may find this educational to watch."

He grins even more broadly, before pointing at a flunky as I slot the removed portion of his neck into a construct head mould.

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Another glance shared with Richilde. "You want to eat your own head, your highness?"

"It seems about as reasonable as paving over the realm of Chaos." He releases his hold, then flaps his right hand at me. "Get on with it."

Hm. Well, actually…

I envelop his head in an orange glow. If I remove it piece by piece and replace it with a copy… I'll have to fake doing that to his brain, obviously, but that should be well within my abilities.

"Would your highness like a mirror?" I numb his nerves and then detach a portion of his neck while using constructs to maintain blood and air flow. "You may find this educational to watch."

He grins even more broadly, before pointing at a flunky as I slot the removed portion of his neck into a construct head mould.

I kinda wish we could read about people's in-universe reactions to this.
4th Sigmarzeit 2512

"Not so docile, it seems."

I nod to the Countess. "No, it seems not. But I wanted to be sure."
Ah, seeing to the process of extermination? I do hope the lady has at least donned some more appropriate clothing for trudging through skaven-loaded sewers and underpassess. Otherwise, that sounds like a nasty way to get unpleasant infections.

The giant… Rat… Blob.. thing.. that's the only thing in the Nuln warrens that scanned as 'female', lies dead, a construct spear piercing it through the throat and out through its spine. It's about three meters long, with proportions halfway between a normal rat and a normal male skaven. I'd sort of assumed that this sort of thing was a specialised breeder variety, and it's.. large womb, distended abdomen and eight warpstone-enhanced ovaries seem to lend a degree of credence to that idea. But I'd also assumed that such breeders were a Clan Moulder product rather than a natural part of their species, and that as such there would have to be at least some regular females as well.
Honestly, not one of the prettier aspects of Skaven biology. :p Sorry, folks, the hot rat-chick market isn't open here.

Does the Curse of the Horned One spell turn women it hits into men? Or do females just not occur naturally amongst skaven and they have to breed with giant rats in the same way that beastmen can breed with livestock?

I moue as.. tiny hairless skaven infants start clawing and biting their way out of its vagina.
:eek: Well, that's the stuff of nightmares there. I certainly hope the countess hasn't been turned off children, though.

"Burn this abomination."

"Ah. I'm actually not very good at burning things."
Surprising. Not even a thermal emitter? A simple flamethrower fed from subspace stocks of oil?

I point, and the construct plaguebearers on perimeter duty step in and start stabbing. It's unedifying, but those are male skaven infants. There's a limit to how many Creatures of Chaos I can attempt to rehabilitate without spreading myself too thin.

A way behind us, I hear Richilde and one of the Countess's younger Greatswords keeping each other company in their ersatz vomitorium. The other Greatswords bear oddly-shaped scars which I've noticed amongst those who've survived one of the more unpleasant poxes, and I imagine that they got that surviving the aftermath of Tamurkhan's attack. After fending off an army of Nurgle-worshippers a giant mutant rat appears not to impress them. I haven't seen any sign of Nurgle's Rot in them, which is good because I don't have any idea how to remove a disease that infects the soul.
Compared to the shit they saw in the invasion, this would be nothing.

"Besides, I've removed the diseases from its body. It could be a fascinating object of study for your anatomists."

I don't think the lady is interested in science.

The Greatsword with a beard down to the middle of his cuirass nods. "Countess?"

"Have the men clear the closest square and acquire firewood. I will have this… Thing and the others of its kin we recover burned where my subjects can bear witness."
Just watch out for any unusual particulates in the smoke.

"I'll see to it directly, Countess."

I feel it as my construct lanterns begin to return.
I doubt anything here's tough enough to kill them, even three-on-one, so that would be their job done?

"All done, Countess. It might be worth filling in the passages, but the warren is uninhabited."

"And Gruber, find some volunteers from the dungeons." She looks my way. "Dungeon-delving is work for a not-yet-Free Company. They're far cheaper than adventurers."
If they survive, they get time reduced? At the risk of dying horribly? I can see some standing up., Otherwise, they'll be volun-told.

"Yes, Countess. Will there be anything else-?"

"Get on with it, man." As he bows and then leaves she walks over to the skaven and prods it with the handle of her dagger. "Well, you've done it. You'll have my support in the Prime Estates, and I suppose that a more limited road-building program might be wise in any case."
...Well, it's a start. That's about all you can hope for.

"Thank you, Countess. I'll notify the Light College, so that their representative can liaise with your architect."

One down…
...Ten or so more to go.

4th Sigmarzeit 2512
Later Afternoon

Graf Brois Todbringer peers at the severed, one-eyed head.
The doughty Elector Count of Middenheim. Nearly any invading Chaos army's first stop on the way south. A grim leader for a grim folk.

"No. Not him."

Since her brother is shortly to be marrying his daughter, Richilde thought that talking him around would be a straightforward business. I offered to restore his eye, but he wasn't keen on having his body unnaturally altered. Which isn't unreasonable, but…
Besides, the ladies probably find the eyepatch dashing.

I sigh as I toss the head onto the pile. "With the greatest respect, Graf, there are a lot of one-eyed beastmen in the Drakwald. Did he have any other distinguishing features?"

"He carried a whip and a sword."
...Not all that distinguishing. Especially if he changed his equipment over the years.

But this is getting to be.

I doubt that'll refine matters any.

Scanning. Scan complete. Matches available.

Just about every charioteer has a whip. Swords are even more common.
Blame the limited poses of early models of the era. :p

That will be a bit more of an identifier, yes. And if it turns out to have six... I'd honestly be impressed.

Scanning. Scan complete. Matches available.

"Two big ones straight up and two small curved ones?"
Still describes a lot of Beast characters. They were a good way to indicate status in models back then. :D

He nods. "Yes."

"Excuse me."
Why not show remote imaging of them first? It seems troublesome to have to fly off each time.

I rocket away from Middenheim, heading for the Drakwald again. Target locked. Beastmen became their own army after I stopped being interested in Warhammer and I've got no idea if the beastlord I'm about to kill is at all important. But if it makes Todbringer happy…

And honestly, Beastmen characters hardly played significant roles in major campaigns anyway. It was all about the humans.

I raise my left hand, aiming at the large beastman standing next to the.. mutant dog thing. And fire! The beastlord is knocked back, his armour holding out against my shot surprisingly well. Fortunately it doesn't appear to include a gorget, so his neck disintegrates and I grab the trophy as the beastmen around him begin braying in alarm.

Hopefully, that's another one down.
And a tribe or two disrupted, as they sort out their leadership situations.

4th Sigmarzeit 2512
Early Evening

"A… Head? A head! You got one-eye a one eyed head!"

Richilde and I nervously glance at each other as Elector Count Marius Leitdorf… Starts getting excited. His couriers appear used to it, in the manner of psychiatric orderlies who no longer start at sudden exclamations from their patients. His horse -which is standing nearby, in this second story room in the middle of his castle- snorts quietly.
Ah. Marius the Mad. One of the drawbacks of these positions being for life. Still, get him aimed the right way and on task, and he'll pursue it to the bitter end.

"I am.. happy to get a head for you, your highness."

"Yes! I want to eat it!"
As long as it isn't someone important to the Empire.

"I can cook as well?"

He lunges at me. "No!" He grabs me by the jacket, staring wide-eyes into my eyes. "I will eat it raw. Raaaaaaaw."
...Remember, you want him on your side.

Probably… Best I make sure that it's completely clean, because if there's anyone who has the will to eat an entire head raw and the rank to ignore anyone who tries to stop him, it's Marius Leitdorf.

"Who's head, your highness!"
Certainly, any random beastman is an easier ask than...

...<facepalms> Good gravy. ;) ...Which he'd probably refuse, despite it likely improving the flavour.

Another glance shared with Richilde. "You want to eat your own head, your highness?"

"It seems about as reasonable as paving over the realm of Chaos." He releases his hold, then flaps his right hand at me. "Get on with it."
Oh, you are going to love this, your lordship...

Hm. Well, actually…

I envelop his head in an orange glow. If I remove it piece by piece and replace it with a copy… I'll have to fake doing that to his brain, obviously, but that should be well within my abilities.
Pity you can't do a little tinkering while you're in there. It'd only be an improvement.

"Would your highness like a mirror?" I numb his nerves and then detach a portion of his neck while using constructs to maintain blood and air flow. "You may find this educational to watch."

He grins even more broadly, before pointing at a flunky as I slot the removed portion of his neck into a construct head mould.

Let's hope you don't get distracted in the process. Though losing him would probably make his court happy, you'd still have to wait for a new Count to be selected.

...Honestly, it's probably not even the strangest thing he's been asked for. Hopefully the rest of them are easy compared to these last couple. I expect most will simply ask for some housecleaning, clear out some particularly aggressive warbands or the like. Or just demand a lot of money. neither thing being that difficult for Paol.

Graf Brois Todbringer peers at the severed, one-eyed head.
Graf Boris Todbringer peers at the severed, one-eyed head.
But this is getting to be.
But this is getting to me.
I rocket away from Middenheim, heading for the Drakwald again. Target locked. Beastmen became their own army after I stopped being interested in Warhammer and I've got no idea if the beastlord I'm about to kill is at all important.
At this point, the Orks, Daemons, Servants of Chaos and Beastman alike probably all think the same thing: "F@#$, NOT AGAIN!"

I dare say the color Orange is probably the most accursed in the eyes of the forces of Chaos and Destruction by now.
Probably… Best I make sure that it's completely clean, because if there's anyone who has the will to eat an entire head raw and the rank to ignore anyone who tries to stop him, it's Marius Leitdorf.

"Who's head, your highness!"

TECLIS: (Amazed) You actually fed the mad count his own head?

PAOL: WHY is that the one thing that everyone focuses on?!
Considerably more mad than he was in Honour of the Grave. Did the Turmoil of 2512 take place earlier in the year, if he's already the Elector Count?
"And that, Lady Richilde, is why I prefer democracy. The bureaucracy moves at the speed of slow, but it's also a hell of a lot easier to remove someone in power who is unfit to be in power."
That's an improvement on both counts. In a democracy, the bureaucracy moves at the speed of slow... but under feudalism, it moves at the speed of a tired and ornery mule. Mostly because said mule is required to carry tax papers by the wagonload, up and down winding dirt roads to the capital. If they actually arrive intact, instead of being ruined by rain, bandits, mishandling, accident, or 'accident', then the excisemen can puzzle through them, comparing lists of figures in sloppy and uneven handwriting to the pile of coins in quaint local denominations received, while they try to determine if the amount received is approximately correct... likely by reference to other documents, which are stored in the third subbasement under the old castle. Should a long search through dark and poorly-organized rooms full of disintegrating old papers turn up any useful finds, and should said findings meaningfully conflict with the results of the count and not be meaningfully explained by the documentation, then they'll need to direct any questions to the lord responsible for that region. Should some inquisitive soul arrive at his manor to so ask, they'll find that he's off on a hunting trip and won't be back for the next week or so. If they do return in a week, and actually catch the lord in question, they can have an circuitous and unhelpful conversation about the discrepancies, in which they are given a pile of excuses and no additional gold (unless they seem bribeable, in which case they'll return with full pockets and close the matter for now). Should they feel the need to continue pursuing the matter, they'll need to meet with another noble of sufficient rank to seriously accuse the allegedly delinquent lord (cue a couple more repeats of the 'lord is busy/absent at the moment' scene on each leg of the trip, and perhaps the turning of the seasons). If by that point all evidence and witnesses relevant to the problem haven't mysteriously gotten 'lost', perhaps there'll be sufficient grounds to actually do something about it.

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