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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

scrap my fingernails
Either "A rap of my knuckles and a scrape of my fingernails" or "I rap my knuckles and scrape my fingernails"
Thank you, corrected.
Missed part of the correction: "scrap" should be "scrape"

but I could just be a crystalline structure
You COULD? That's impressive, I figured you would be one of the Pauls that wants to stay human.

(I think you meant "it could be".)
The various Paul's have assimilated some horrible beings without suffering any mental taint.
I suspect that's because the ring's AI acted as a buffer. Grayven had trouble with the amount of memories, but it didn't screw up his personality.
Doesn't this iteration's ring have a proper AI? Part of the advantage of non-green rings is letting it do the mental heavy lifting.
Starring (part 3)
14th August 2013
A few minutes later still



Caution, yes, that would make sense. Hostility too. If they saw me coming in and are aware of space travel, and had good relations with the last visitor, then they might be pleased to see me.

I've got no idea why they're doing this.

I walk a little closer to the younger man.

"Ah, thank you, but that's really not necessary."

He cautiously raises his head slightly-.


His father turns his head to look sideways and hiss at him. His son immediately turns his face back down.

They're reacting to me as… Some sort of God-King. Which would make a degree of sense if I was openly using constructs, or if I was dressed like one of the figures in the mosaic. But I'm only dressed like… An upper-middle class person. Which might get a deferential nod in some places but it shouldn't result in faces being thrown to the ground on their own land.

'Reverend'. Probably a translation, so he thought I was a priest. Then this… My best guess is still that they think I'm a god, and telling them that I'm not… Probably won't help, if only because they lack a mental model for what I actually am. So… Well, I knew that the first introduction might not go right, that's why I picked somewhere small and isolated. Ah, so, go with it until they calm down?

Not like I have a better plan.

"I-" Not 'thank'. "-acknowledge your obeisance. You will now rise."

The young man glances at his father, who actually motions with his right hand that he should stay where he is. The younger man does, and his father hesitantly rises, clearly torn between looking at my face to try to gauge my reaction and averting his eyes.

"Yes, Divine Mammon."

Mammon, the man in the hologram. So… He was doing a 'Wizard of Oz', and they all think he was a god. Assuming that he's dead and not just in stasis or on another planet or something. And they both think that I'm him. I don't know why.

Can I ask? I didn't see any sign that he or anyone else outside of this civilisation had contact with it recently. The roads might be a sign of contact with a civilisation with a higher level of industrial development, but… I don't know.

"I have never set foot in this village. How do you know me?"

"Your eyes, Divine One. They glow with your power, just as your priests teach."

I look down and bring my right hand slightly closer to my face-. Yes, my eyes are glowing orange. I didn't notice.

"Well spotted." I walk past them a few paces in the direction of the village, which will hopefully make me look like less of an immediate threat. "Young man, I was serious about rising."

Out of the corner of my eye I see his father nod, prompting him to get up.

Alright. They think I'm a god. These two might be the village idiots, but I can't count on that. It's entirely possible that most if not all people will respond to me like that if my eyes glow. My eyes glow because I'm wearing the power ring. If I take it off, not only would I be vulnerable but I almost certainly wouldn't understand a word they were saying. And if I couldn't learn French or German, I'm certainly not going to be able to learn their language well enough to converse in it.

So… I guess that I'm a god for the foreseeable future. I don't think I'm qualified. I mean, studying the political and economic reforms Japan and Taiwan underwent when they industrialised hasn't really prepared me for 'everyone-falls-on-their-face-when-they-see-you' levels of obedience.


The underground structure clearly had technology more advanced than anything I've seen on the surface. I'm not a trained scientist or engineer, but I can see and copy. Scan and copy. The ring will also let me detect genetic residue and finger prints if part of godhood requires me to judge criminal cases. I don't know how much crime they actually have

I don't think I'm going home anytime soon. Might as.. well make myself useful.

"What are your names?"

The older man hesitates for a moment. Am I supposed to know everyone's name as well? Maybe I can just tell them that I don't care to go through the effort. Though it could get awkward if they ask what happens to their souls when they die.

"Dalilu, Divine Mammon. My son is Risat."

"And my priest in your village?"

"Nohra, Divine Mammon."

"There is no need to refer to me as 'Divine Mammon' in every sentence. I haven't forgotten who I am."

"A thousand pardons, Div-."

I turn my head towards him as he cuts himself off, smiling as I do so. "Quick on the uptake, good. I like that. One of you can keep working, but I would like the other to introduce me to the people of this village. And then I will need to speak with Nohra at length."

I return to looking in the direction of the village, the ring showing me as the son tries to volunteer only for the father to emphatically refuse with a gesture and send him back to his hoe with another.

"Please, follow me."

He leads me through the bare earth field, eventually leaving it and getting onto the main path to the village. All unpaved, naturally.

"Dalilu, what do you think could improve your life here?"

"Nothing-. I am content."

"Then your great-grandchildren will be farming exactly as you do. Advancement comes from discontentment. From seeing a problem and overcoming it. Surely there is something?"

"Perhaps… Paved roads."

"Paved roads." I nod. "Which would make transporting goods to and from your land easier."

"I meant-. For the village. It would make travel between Durshu and Morat much faster, especially after the rains."

Ring, scan the paved roads.

Scan complete.

I glance back at the track behind us.

And paste.

The land behind us glows as bare earth is replaced with mortar and brick. Dalilu doesn't immediately notice, but I spot it when he does. His head jerks a little to the side and his pace slows as he tries to work out where the sound he just heard is coming from. Then he spots the transmutation behind me and his eyes widen.

"Divine Mammon-."

"I still haven't forgotten. And this is a trifle for me."

"You are-. The priests, they say… You do not give things away."

"No. But I am prepared to invest in my people. For I will still be here to see your great-grandchildren use it to ease their labours. I will see them expand upon your work, knowing that they walk upon my gift as they do. And it really is quite easy for me."

"I… See."

"Now, tell me about your village? What do you grow? Who do you trade with? How long has it been here? I would hear about it from you."
Last edited:
14th August 2013
A few minutes later still


...They're still kowtowing? I'd say fear played a large part of their peoples' worship. After all, if they don't look upon you, they can't tell you're not actually all that different to them. Though they're probably expecting something from you...

Caution, yes, that would make sense. Hostility too. If they saw me coming in and are aware of space travel, and had good relations with the last visitor, then they might be pleased to see me.

I've got no idea why they're doing this.
Well, the hologram did call himself 'Great God Mammon'. :p Surely that might tell you something about their relationship to glowing people?

I walk a little closer to the younger man.

"Ah, thank you, but that's really not necessary."
Now, how will he react? Steadfastly keeping his head down, or...

He cautiously raises his head slightly-.

Ah, good, curiosity. Natural for the young.

His father turns his head to look sideways and hiss at him. His son immediately turns his face back down.

They're reacting to me as… Some sort of God-King. Which would make a degree of sense if I was openly using constructs, or if I was dressed like one of the figures in the mosaic. But I'm only dressed like… An upper-middle class person. Which might get a deferential nod in some places but it shouldn't result in faces being thrown to the ground on their own land.
Unless said upper-middle class has a reputation for violent reprisal against 'defiance'...

'Reverend'. Probably a translation, so he thought I was a priest. Then this… My best guess is still that they think I'm a god, and telling them that I'm not… Probably won't help, if only because they lack a mental model for what I actually am. So… Well, I knew that the first introduction might not go right, that's why I picked somewhere small and isolated. Ah, so, go with it until they calm down?

Not like I have a better plan.
See, this is the kind of thing that ends with different yous on a team of teenagers and afraid to blab about their real age. :D

"I-" Not 'thank'. "-acknowledge your obeisance. You will now rise."

The young man glances at his father, who actually motions with his right hand that he should stay where he is. The younger man does, and his father hesitantly rises, clearly torn between looking at my face to try to gauge my reaction and averting his eyes.
Ah, bravery. Helped along by the fact that the 'god' is encouraging it.

"Yes, Divine Mammon."

Mammon, the man in the hologram. So… He was doing a 'Wizard of Oz', and they all think he was a god. Assuming that he's dead and not just in stasis or on another planet or something. And they both think that I'm him. I don't know why.
Huh. That is actually a good point, as the Goa'uld do maintain multiple worlds under their control. If this is a less-visited colony of Mammon's...

Can I ask? I didn't see any sign that he or anyone else outside of this civilisation had contact with it recently. The roads might be a sign of contact with a civilisation with a higher level of industrial development, but… I don't know.

"I have never set foot in this village. How do you know me?"
Best case, he assumes you're just pulling a YWYH, testing him for their own reasons.

"Your eyes, Divine One. They glow with your power, just as your priests teach."

I look down and bring my right hand slightly closer to my face-. Yes, my eyes are glowing orange. I didn't notice.
Ah, rookies. Little effort, you can get that under control in no time. Question is, would it be safe to do so?

"Well spotted." I walk past them a few paces in the direction of the village, which will hopefully make me look like less of an immediate threat. "Young man, I was serious about rising."

Out of the corner of my eye I see his father nod, prompting him to get up.
I get the feeling Paul's going to get very tired of having to tell people that.

Alright. They think I'm a god. These two might be the village idiots, but I can't count on that. It's entirely possible that most if not all people will respond to me like that if my eyes glow. My eyes glow because I'm wearing the power ring. If I take it off, not only would I be vulnerable but I almost certainly wouldn't understand a word they were saying. And if I couldn't learn French or German, I'm certainly not going to be able to learn their language well enough to converse in it.
Ironically, the linguistic problem is rarely addressed in Stargate, if I remember right. Most of the time they gloss over the 'learning the local dialect of whatever root language' process in favour of immediate English-speaking locals. The movie at least had a reasonably realistic take with Daniel Jackson knowing some old Egyptian well enough to start communicating.

So… I guess that I'm a god for the foreseeable future. I don't think I'm qualified. I mean, studying the political and economic reforms Japan and Taiwan underwent when they industrialised haven't really prepared me for 'everyone-falls-on-their-face-when-they-see-you' levels of obedience.

Eh, hopefully it sinks in to folks that no, you don't need them denting the floor with their foreheads every time you pass by.

The underground structure clearly had technology more advanced than anything I've seen on the surface. I'm not a trained scientist or engineer, but I can see and copy. Scan and copy. The ring will also let me detect genetic residue and finger prints if part of godhood requires me to judge criminal cases. I don't know how much crime they actually have

I don't think I'm going home anytime soon. Might as.. well make myself useful.
So in the end, this might be one of the best-run goa'uld worlds SGC ever encounters. :p

"What are your names?"

The older man hesitates for a moment. Am I supposed to know everyone's name as well? Maybe I can just tell them that I don't care to go through the effort. Though it could get awkward if they ask what happens to their souls when they die.
Probably Mammon spouted some guff about 'becoming part of his celestial treasury' or something if they were good little pets.

"Dalilu, Divine Mammon. My son is Risat."

"And my priest in your village?"
Because of course there's a local church.

"Nohra, Divine Mammon."

"There is no need to refer to me as 'Divine Mammon' in every sentence. I haven't forgotten who I am."
Bet that'll make anyone who knew the previous host of 'Mammon' a little confused.

"A thousand pardons, Div-."

I turn my head towards him as he cuts himself off, smiling as I do so. "Quick on the uptake, good. I like that. One of you can keep working, but I would like the other to introduce me to the people of this village. And then I will need to speak with Nohra at length."
No point dragging both of them away from their fields during what is probably planting season.

I return too looking in the direction of the village, the ring showing me as the son tries to volunteer only for the father to emphatically refuse with a gesture and send him back to his hoe with another.

"Please, follow me."
Taking the hit in case the 'divine one' turns out to be mercurial and vindictive, eh?

He leads me through the bare earth field, eventually leaving it and getting not the main path to the village. All unpaved, naturally.

"Dalilu, what do you think could improve your life here?"
A good, leading question. Both to find out what he can do for them, and learn from his reaction to it.

"Nothing-. I am content."

"Then your great-grandchildren will be farming exactly as you do. Advancement comes from discontentment. From seeing a problem and overcoming it. Surely there is something?"
And what parent doesn't want a better life for their descendants, after all?

"Perhaps… Paved roads."

"Paved roads." I nod. "Which would make transporting goods to and from your land easier."
A simple request, that might normally have taken weeks to get fulfilled, if ever, with regular manpower...

"I meant-. For the village. It would make travel between Durshu and Morat much faster, especially after the rains."

Ring, scan the paves roads.
...But for a 'god'? Well, said and done, easy as.

Scan complete.

I glance back at the track behind us.
And presumably map out the whole village's roads, of course.

And paste.

The land behind us glows as bare earth is replaced with mortar and brick. Dalilu doesn't immediately notice, but I spot it when he does. His head jerks a little to the side and his pace slows as he tries to work out where the sound he just heard is coming from. Then he spots the transmutation behind me and his eyes widen.
Bet that made for a few surprised people, if he did that to all of them at once.

"Divine Mammon-."

"I still haven't forgotten. And this is a trifle for me."
Probably like one percent charge. Two if he did a wider area. But with a Lantern in hand, he has power to spare. :D

"You are-. The priests, they say… You do not give things away."

"No. But I am prepared to invest in my people. For I will still be here to see your great-grandchildren use it to ease their labours. I will see them expand upon your work, knowing that they walk upon my gift as they do. And it really is quite easy for me."
Assuming that 'Mammon' was always pressing for profit, of course.

"I… See."

"Now, tell me about your village? What do you grow? Who do you trade with? How long has it been here? I would hear about it from you."
It'll pass the time and distract him, if nothing else.

The roads suddenly converting will have everyone in quite a flap, I'll bet. Hopefully Paul will get a decent reception when he arrives in town. And not, say, a waiting band of soldiers. We still don't know if Mammon left peacefully last time he was around, or if they expected him to stay gone. Regardless, I suspect the locals are going to have to get used to some changes.

I return too looking in the direction of the village...
I return to looking in the direction of the village...
...eventually leaving it and getting not the main path to the village.
...eventually leaving it and getting onto the main path to the village.
Ring, scan the paves roads.
Ring, scan the paved roads.
Ironically, the linguistic problem is rarely addressed in Stargate, if I remember right. Most of the time they gloss over the 'learning the local dialect of whatever root language' process in favour of immediate English-speaking locals. The movie at least had a reasonably realistic take with Daniel Jackson knowing some old Egyptian well enough to start communicating.

I think it was once explained that the Stargate implants people with the ability to understand the various languages.

It would be hilarious if Paul took off his ring and found himself being able to understand what everyone was saying.

Bet that'll make anyone who knew the previous host of 'Mammon' a little confused.

Not necessarily.

If they know that he can possess people then they may think that he just took another body.

at least worship won't actually make him into a god here... right?

Not unless he ascends.
14th August 2013
A few minutes later still
I really hope this is pre-canon. Preferably by… lets say ten years or so. Meaning that when the US black-ops team turns up on Abydos that will find Supreme System Lord Mammon desperately trying to drag a galactic empire into some semblance of functionality.
... So who wants to bet that'll be on this Paul's immediate to do list the second he finds out it's a thing?

That's not necessarily true.

If he finds out about their non-interference clause then he may not want to do it.

Though I can see him trying to gain some advanced abilities from advanced tech, like the device Nirrti used to give people psychic abilities.
So... If this is Stargate shouldn't his Ring have detected the Stargate and DHD when he was doing his scan?
So I checked the early chapters as this Paul's thinking should more or less be the same as the SI at the start of the story. With the possibility divergence caused by this SI waking up over an alien planet instead of Earth. This is what was said when he was looking for ways to recharge.

"Ring. Scan planet for compatible power sources."

"None found."

Shiiiiiit. Wait, no lanterns at all?

"Ring. Scan planet for power lanterns, any colour."

"Will detected."

"How many?"

Given the fact that this planet had an orange lantern it would seem likely that he would stop scanning after his first scan found an orange lantern.

With that being said I would assume this SI will scan for advanced tech once he know a bit more.

Edit: i don't think OL could charge from the DHD since it is not orange light.
In the previous chapter they referred to him as "revered"
I return to looking in the direction of the village...
...eventually leaving it and getting onto the main path to the village.
Ring, scan the paved roads.
Thank you, corrected.
... So who wants to bet that'll be on this Paul's immediate to do list the second he finds out it's a thing?
Not really. Stargate ascension sucks.
I really hope this is pre-canon. Preferably by… lets say ten years or so. Meaning that when the US black-ops team turns up on Abydos that will find Supreme System Lord Mammon desperately trying to drag a galactic empire into some semblance of functionality.
Couldn't happen. Every System Lord hated Mammon, and the SI hasn't heard of the Tok'ra who might be able to help.
Basically, Mammon was Ra's tribute collector. Then he picked up an orange lantern and started keeping more than an acceptable amount for himself and Ra 'dispensed with his services'. None of the system lords minded because he was their tax collector.
2013 in Stargate universe would be after Stargate Universe ended, so the biggest threat around should just be the wraith. Unless he is in an alternative timeline the System Lord's wouldn't be a thing. Definitely want to see where this story is going.

I already mentioned that and Zoat said that 2013 is the date the SI thinks it is.

For all we know he may be centuries in the past.
Couldn't happen. Every System Lord hated Mammon, and the SI hasn't heard of the Tok'ra who might be able to help.
Basically, Mammon was Ra's tribute collector. Then he picked up an orange lantern and started keeping more than an acceptable amount for himself and Ra 'dispensed with his services'. None of the system lords minded because he was their tax collector.
Not seeing how that is relevant. Paul can't say his name so will almost certainly adopt 'Mammon' out of simple inertia. A half-way competent Lantern can curb-stomp the System Lord empire, at least pre-Anubis upgrades. And given the general outlook of the SIs once the System Lords are dead Mammon!Paul will feel obligated to drag the galaxy into being civilised. Lacking a convenient Braniac he will have to do it himself and the hardest challenge he will face is convincing people he isn't a god.
Hence: Supreme System Lord Mammon, the great reformer.
a convenient Braniac he will have to do it himself

If you're talking about a scientist that can help him uplifting with tech then there's Machello.

Or if he helps the Tollan then they could also potentially provide something.

But jf you're talking about an organizer and administrator then I can't really think of anyone.
Ugh, I'm trying to find a comic I half-remember and getting nothing. It's a Superman story where they redid the Silver Age Lexor story. It ends with a cult of Lex-worshippers sending a kryptonite-enhanced clone of him back in time to kill Superman while he's a boy. Anyone else remember it?
So... If this is Stargate shouldn't his Ring have detected the Stargate and DHD when he was doing his scan?
Yes, but he was previously looking for specific things, and Stargate didn't fit the criteria. That was an oversight of his, possibly encouraged by the SI rule that he doesn't remember the canon of what he was inserted into.
Yes, but he was previously looking for specific things, and Stargate didn't fit the criteria. That was an oversight of his, possibly encouraged by the SI rule that he doesn't remember the canon of what he was inserted into.

It's also possible that the Stargate could be undetectable by power ring scans, or there never was a Stargate on this world.

Mammon could have brought them using ships, or he removed the Stargate.
Oh god damn it, he's doing another Grayven.

at least worship won't actually make him into a god here... right?

No, the turning into a god thing is Ascension, in which one turns into a nigh omnipotent psychic energy being, which has been shown to be achieved through spiritual enlightenment or psychic evolution. Robots developed a inferior equivalent whereby they uploaded their consciousness into hyperspace, they were hoping to improve the process though.

Now the Ori were ascended beings who created their own religion because the faith directed towards them gave them a shared pool of extra power, but that wasn't actually shown to help with the process itself.

So Mammon here could become a god, but the fact people are worshipping him won't actually have anything to do with it, directly anyway.
The Ori and Alterans were the same people but with different ideology, the Ori became energy beings first while the Alterans left their galaxy and moved to the milky way to live their physical lives with the power of science and made allies with the locals.

At some point the Alterans got sick due to a plague (the Ori were heavily implied to have been the culprits) and then most of the Alterans either died, or became energy beings like their siblings the Ori with a small number of them escaping to Andromeda were eventually they also got fucked.

The ascended Alterans couldn't really do much of anything because they had some sort of agreement with the more powerful and numerous Ori. In short becoming a "God" is bad idea because the Ori will mug you and tie you to the chair.

Also the power you get out of the deal is mostly theoretical, if you use it to any meaningful degree the Ori will show up and fuck you, the Alterans saw their empire crumble, their people driven to extinction, their pets/descendants enslaved and their allies and friends fucked to hell... They couldn't do anything, the Ori didn't let them... Or else. That is a terrible deal for eternal "god hood".
... So who wants to bet that'll be on this Paul's immediate to do list the second he finds out it's a thing?
Paul's Power Ring should stop him from being able to Ascend.

The Ori and Alterans were the same people but with different ideology, the Ori became energy beings first while the Alterans left their galaxy and moved to the milky way to live their physical lives with the power of science and made allies with the locals.

At some point the Alterans got sick due to a plague (the Ori were heavily implied to have been the culprits) and then most of the Alterans either died, or became energy beings like their siblings the Ori with a small number of them escaping to Andromeda were eventually they also got fucked.

The ascended Alterans couldn't really do much of anything because they had some sort of agreement with the more powerful and numerous Ori. In short becoming a "God" is bad idea because the Ori will mug you and tie you to the chair.

Also the power you get out of the deal is mostly theoretical, if you use it to any meaningful degree the Ori will show up and fuck you, the Alterans saw their empire crumble, their people driven to extinction, their pets/descendants enslaved and their allies and friends fucked to hell... They couldn't do anything, the Ori didn't let them... Or else. That is a terrible deal for eternal "god hood".
That's like half right.

We don't know when the Ori became energy beings. And they were never stated as being 'more' powerful or numerous then the Alterans. Also the Alterans didn't figure out how to ascend till after they had moved to Pegasus.
Unreal (part 2)
29th March 2013
15:27 GMT -5

Kon, M'gann and I watch from our seats outside the Surf's Up café as another moving van drives through Happy Harbour.

I frown. "That's three while we've been sitting here."

Kon nods. "Yeah, we've been seeing a lot of new kids starting school. They've started building a whole new housing development on the south side of town."

Happy Harbour wasn't big enough for a city boss and never had a transmitter, and we could generally spare a member of the team if it looked like someone was going to get Anti-Lifed. Still…

"Why? What's so special about Happy Harbour?"

M'gann shakes her head. "It's not so much about Happy Harbour as where they're moving from."

"But.. we… Basic services should be up and running in every city in the country by now. Rural locations are harder to fix."

Kon shrugs. "Yeah, but they didn't get damaged so much, either. In the US, the Sheeda only bothered attacking cities. And the Alliance focused on cities, too. Everyone who can get out wants to get out."

That.. means… Decentralisation. Mister Atom can probably handle it, but for everyone else… Most companies have been moving towards centralised supply networks because there's usually one place where it's cheapest to make things and then why make things anywhere else? Efficient, but vulnerable. And at this point it looks like 'vulnerable' has finally become a big enough deal that everyone who can is trying to reduce that vulnerability.

M'gann nods. "Uncle J'onn says that Middleton's never been quieter. With all the people who.. died, and everyone trying to leave…"

"It's a shame we don't have the resources to start an off-world colonisation program. I think we could get a lot of people to go for it. And everyone moving to towns that don't have the infrastructure is just going to create more problems than it solves."

Kon nods, but M'gann's frowning thoughtfully. "What if we..? Could?"

"That would be great. Did you have an idea?"

"We can grow bigger bioships. We just haven't, because there hasn't been any demand. But with how things are on Mars, I think we could talk people into it."

"But if the starting population was low, wouldn't that still cause problems?"

She nods. "Martians would have to wait until the colony was bigger before moving there. But humans don't have that problem. We'd just have to provide the ships."

"There are a couple of worlds in this region that are… Places Devlos Ungol depopulated. They'd need a lot of terraforming, but they could be turned into nice places to live."

Kon looks puzzled. "But Earth and Mars don't have faster than light drives. It would take centuries to get there." He looks at me. "Unless you're offering to tow them?"

"No, because I can't guarantee that I would be around if there was some sort of emergency. I mean, there shouldn't be, but…" I look away. "This wasn't supposed to happen either."

"Maybe Luthor can come up with something?"

I try imagining 'Lexor'-.

"I'm.. not happy with how much-."

"No, not our Luthor. Alexander Luthor, from the Crime Syndicate world." He frowns. "One of them, anyway."

That's… Less of a problem. "Is he still working on fixing the financial system?"

He shakes his head. "Who do you think's buying the houses they're leaving?"

"He's… Moving people from Negative Sixteen in?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I know, I don't know if moving people from an evil universe here is a great idea, but they're still people, right?"

"Maybe we should just check that their alter-egos all have extensive criminal records. I don't suppose anyone suggested taking them to demon Earth?"

M'gann frowns at me. "Paul, they've got even less infrastructure than we do. And they didn't get shown the white light like we did."

"Yeah, sorry, wouldn't work." I sigh. I wanted to spend time with friends today because… Things are a bit less manic now, and because I've only really seen them for… A few minutes here and there since New Year. Friendships evaporate if you don't put any work into them and… And we're talking about work and brainstorming the next step. "Alright, let's-. How's school going?"

"It's.. okay." M'gann doesn't sound okay. "The Bumblebees haven't been very… Cheerful lately. Mary's family were in Washington…"

I wince.

"And a couple of people from the church group were in the Congregation. We had their remembrance service last week."

I nod. The Congregationalists were just as susceptible to the Justifier helmets as anyone else, but if they didn't get caught they… As far as I can tell, none fell to the Anti-Life. Whether that was due to God or just the effect of having a magic connection to other people to buoy you up, I don't know.

"Not… Trying to start a loss-off or anything, but in a lot of places the Sheeda-."

"I know." She nods. "But it's… Different. When it's your home, and… People you know."

"Did anyone on Mars..? Hear anything?"

She shakes her head. "Mister Scott took Uncle J'onn to check up on everyone. A few people heard.. suffering, but it doesn't look like anyone heard the Anti-Life. Not as far as they could tell."

"That's a mercy."

"Hey, ah…" Kon looks at me. "Are you gunna rebuild your place in Bir Tawil?"

I smile and snort. "Between that and the Ice Fortress I don't have the best luck with houses. Yes, probably, but I think I'm going to have to upgrade the defences. And increase the lethality."

"And the clones?"

"I'll make one, with a better self-destruct system on the pod. I'll put-. When we get Themyscira back, I'll put one there as well. That should do for most situations."

"Is.. one still missing?"

"Oh, that's gone, now." I make a push-away motion with my right hand. "I don't know where, but I'd guess it's a toss-up between the Reach and Apokolips. It'll turn up when it turns up." I shrug. "What have you two got going on this week?"

"After Mister Atom's ceremony?" Kon shrugs. "We're hitting the books. School's open again, but we were basically cutting class for two months."

"Tut tut."

M'gann looks down at the table. "Lots of kids were. It didn't get as bad as it did in some places but… People weren't really up to studying."

I nod, and check my watch.

"Alright, we should probably get going. It's not every day a former supervillain joins the Justice League."
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"Why? What's so special about Happy Harbour?"

Well it's not a big town and big cities are known for being stressful, and people are probably more conscious of their mental health now more than ever.

"No, not our Luthor. Alexander Luthor, from the Crime Syndiate world." He frowns. "One of them, anyway."

That's… Less of a problem. "Is he still working on fixing the financial system?"

He shakes his head. "Who do you think's buying the houses they're leaving?"

"He's… Moving people from Negative Sixteen in?"

Hmm, it was mentioned that his planet seemed unnatural in how crime and violence worked there.

Maybe he's trying to see if being moved away will change them.

"I don't"

Yeah. Yeah, I know, I'm don't know if moving people from an evil universe here is a great idea, but they're still people, right?"

Plus on their Earth most people were complete bastards, so being like them was a necessary thing in order to succeed, but not here.

"Maybe we should just check that their alter-egos all have extensive criminal records

"if their alter-egos"

I don't suppose anyone suggested taking them to demon Earth?"

Well it's probably less populated.

"Oh, that's gone, now." I make a push-away motion with my right hand. "I don't know where, but I'd guess it's a toss-up between the Reach and Apokolips.

Now I'm picturing a future scenario where he fights a strong opponent in either Scarab or Apokolips armor only for it to be revealed that he's fighting himself.

. It's not every day a former supervillain joins the Justice League."

Now who is this?


Edit: sorry, didn't see that it was Atom.
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"He's… Moving people from Negative Sixteen in?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I know, I'm don't know if moving people from an evil universe here is a great idea, but they're still people, right?"

It ought to be weird to have refugees / immigrants from parallel universes, there's always a chance that you could encounter an alternate version of yourself.

Heroes have had experience with alternate versions of themselves, but this would be new grounds for the average person.

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