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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Here's hoping she casts Grayven down! And then she uses his lasso to tie him to the bed. And then she stands on his back, and pushes his head forcefully right into that pillow. And then she teaches him a lesson with a brutal slap. And again. And again. And then she rips his armour off him. And then slaps him forcefully again. And again.

Thank you for sharing with the class.
Oh, yeah, she wasn't exactly keeping a high profile, outside of that one time in the eighties...
It didn't happen. Like Highlander 2 and Disney Star Wars.
I would love to know how that conversation went! Are we going to see it in a flash back at some point?
If someone writes it? Sure.

Just to be clear, she's the one who surprise-attacked Adam.
Then why is Hippolyta still with the Renegade?
Because he picked her up afterwards. He still wants her observing him and eventually reporting to Diana.

Also, I... I know that I asked a while ago, but I... Um. Didn't write down the answers. What were the dangling plot threads people wanted resolved? I've already written a segment about Zod and another about the computer game.
Also, I... I know that I asked a while ago, but I... Um. Didn't write down the answers. What were the dangling plot threads people wanted resolved? I've already written a segment about Zod and another about the computer game.
I asked about what happened to Richard Simpson after the reveal of what John Quinn was. You said it'll be revealed in the next episode. It would also be nice to know how the rest of Paul's friends are acclimating post Anti-Life, since we didn't see most of them during or after the disaster. We only saw Robin, KF, Match, Artemis, Osiris, and Canis during that whole thing, if I remember correctly.
I asked about what happened to Richard Simpson after the reveal of what John Quinn was

If you're talking about the techno demon then the last I remember seeing him in the Paragon timeline was when Hephaestus and Vulcan built him some kind of robot body to inhabit after his scheme to become a techno god fell through.
If you're talking about the techno demon then the last I remember seeing him in the Paragon timeline was when Hephaestus and Vulcan built him some kind of robot body to inhabit after his scheme to become a techno god fell through.
He also had to stay with John Quinn, who was going to act as his parole officer. Unlike the evil magicians who were locked up in the Tower of Fate, he wasn't shown infected by the Anti-Life. Though we only saw Felix Faust, Wizard, and Blackbriar Thorn, not Dark Druid nor Anton Arcane, so maybe he escaped with them somehow.
Because he picked her up afterwards. He still wants her observing him and eventually reporting to Diana.

Also, I... I know that I asked a while ago, but I... Um. Didn't write down the answers. What were the dangling plot threads people wanted resolved? I've already written a segment about Zod and another about the computer game.

I think you answered that the congregation mostly got killed by the anti-life controlled people besides a very small few that got the Helmets on them or avoided capture, and I assume they will be back in force and numbers in a short time considering the white light entity looks like an angel. There is also a long list of heroes and villains that we aren't sure if they are alive, we assume we would know if anyone on the youth team or the league died, but confirmation would be nice specially foreign ones like the Ice lady that is Green Lantern's girlfriend, etc.
We do know most of the suicide squad died and the survivors got pardoned so the team no longer exist, but the final tally of those that died is still unknown.
There is also the plot elements left in the air with the God realms of earth, the green. the red, etc.
Because he picked her up afterwards. He still wants her observing him and eventually reporting to Diana.

Also, I... I know that I asked a while ago, but I... Um. Didn't write down the answers. What were the dangling plot threads people wanted resolved? I've already written a segment about Zod and another about the computer game.

I don't think we ever saw if Renegade Artemis managed to integrate back into the Team / World after her adventure with Grayven in the future.
not Dark Druid nor Anton Arcane, so maybe he escaped with them somehow.

Given the connection those two had to death with being necromancers, they may have been particularly useful agents.

We do know most of the suicide squad died and the survivors got pardoned so the team no longer exist

They may still exist.

Yeah, they're pardoned, but I doubt most of them have the desire to try their hand at a 9 to 5 job, and even if they're pardoned they may be notorious enough that employers would be hesitant to hire them, so they may decide to work for the government as disposable agents.

There is also the plot elements left in the air with the God realms of earth, the green. the red, etc.

Yeah, like what's up with Swamp Thing and the Parliament of Leaves.

She is currently back in the youth team and school and having a tolerable time of it, but she has plans to drop that entire charade soon.

I think Zoat mentioned that she's gone back to high school to try and relearn how to be a human, but is going to join Renegade's security team when she graduates.

Calling it "dropping the charade" is a lot harsher than what's happening.

She's trying to get back some semblance of sane normalcy.

Well, as sane as a DC world is at any rate.
Because he picked her up afterwards. He still wants her observing him and eventually reporting to Diana.

Also, I... I know that I asked a while ago, but I... Um. Didn't write down the answers. What were the dangling plot threads people wanted resolved? I've already written a segment about Zod and another about the computer game.
Speaking for myself here.
Has Ragnar gotten to fight a scarab yet?!

Sorry, sorry- I'll organize these. Here is the TVtropes character index, if anyone has trouble with names like I do.

Renegade Paul's Atlantis after the timetraveling archwizard- how is that affecting Grayven's Light? Were any coasts damaged, or were any strange artifacts uncovered on the villain's person?

What has happened to X'hal, the near-goddess progenitor of the Tamaraneans? In either story… Assuming she isn't trapped by the Reach?

Are the Kobra/Kali Yuga cultists actually happy that the Anti-Life is gone? Are they a good and wholesome religion now, perhaps with some internal strife? Perhaps interested in Jeffrey Burr's brother, Jason, or Paul for their evolving faith?

Has the succubus-turned-love-elemental interacted with anyone in the wake of the world's rebirth? Perhaps gotten into Love magics or acted as a hero to protect the sanctity of love… or done anything outside of Constantine plots.

Is Eris working for Hephastean on assigned goals now, since the pantheon is operational, or is she just working on her own projects? Perhaps she was inspired by the divine changes she helped bring about for her new boss, or she sees value in expanding to other planets.

I'm pretty damn sure you intend to return to the world Superboy, Match, and the others are investigating… but are the natives of our story's earth able to return to their homes now?

Has the Indigo Corps or anything resembling Ganthet's Blue Corps popped up? Any traces that one of the Indigos popped up on Earth would count- and they're bound to target a human eventually. Heck, the indigos could be responsible for some villain disappearing decades prior to the story!

Is Brainiac-1 impossible to track? Does he wipe out anyone who escapes the worlds he shrinks? I get the feeling anyone in power would want information on Brainiac's movements. So if he is going to "ally" himself with Sinestro? Or attempt to hijack the remaining Starros? Or screw with the Reach like Paragon!Grayven is? I'd like to see it.

What is the fate of Swamp Thing, now that the Green's Parliament has been… cut down?

Can Martian tech interface with Mother of Mercy's Black Mercies? Perhaps to help her reproduce for real, or create variant black mercies; sounds like a potential way to help folks recover from trauma. Oh! Or maybe the martians have some desire to mine the psychic neuromatter filling Pluto? I can't imagine it rotting much.
What has happened to X'hal, the near-goddess progenitor of the Tamaraneans? In either story… Assuming she isn't trapped by the Reach

Hasn't appeared yet.

Though I think it was mentioned way back that the Renegade is going to try and recreate the experiment that made her into the Tamaranean version of Superman One Million, and that that would somehow result in him meeting the Teen Titans from the 2003 cartoon.

I'm pretty damn sure you intend to return to the world Superboy, Match, and the others are investigating… but are the natives of our story's earth able to return to their homes now

After experiencing Anti-Life, some of them may not want to go back.

Has the Indigo Corps or anything resembling Ganthet's Blue Corps popped up

Some Indigos have appeared, but the only Blue Lantern is Alan Scott.

I think it was mentioned that Ganthet shelved the whole blue ring plan since Alan got his new color scheme.
Has Ragnar gotten to fight a scarab yet?!
Renegade Paul's Atlantis after the timetraveling archwizard- how is that affecting Grayven's Light? Were any coasts damaged,
A bit. Nothing exceptional for the setting.
or were any strange artifacts uncovered on the villain's person?
Maybe. The Atlanteans kept them.
What has happened to X'hal, the near-goddess progenitor of the Tamaraneans? In either story… Assuming she isn't trapped by the Reach?
Vega isn't anywhere near Reach space. X'Hal is still in the nebula with Auron.
Are the Kobra/Kali Yuga cultists actually happy that the Anti-Life is gone? Are they a good and wholesome religion now, perhaps with some internal strife? Perhaps interested in Jeffrey Burr's brother, Jason, or Paul for their evolving faith?
They've gone to ground.
Has the succubus-turned-love-elemental interacted with anyone in the wake of the world's rebirth? Perhaps gotten into Love magics or acted as a hero to protect the sanctity of love… or done anything outside of Constantine plots.
I'll get back to you.
Is Eris working for Hephastean on assigned goals now, since the pantheon is operational, or is she just working on her own projects? Perhaps she was inspired by the divine changes she helped bring about for her new boss, or she sees value in expanding to other planets.
Her own projects.
I'm pretty damn sure you intend to return to the world Superboy, Match, and the others are investigating… but are the natives of our story's earth able to return to their homes now?
Which world? You mean Earth -16? That might come up again.
Has the Indigo Corps or anything resembling Ganthet's Blue Corps popped up? Any traces that one of the Indigos popped up on Earth would count- and they're bound to target a human eventually. Heck, the indigos could be responsible for some villain disappearing decades prior to the story!
The Indigos exist, but they're keeping their heads down.
Is Brainiac-1 impossible to track? Does he wipe out anyone who escapes the worlds he shrinks? I get the feeling anyone in power would want information on Brainiac's movements. So if he is going to "ally" himself with Sinestro? Or attempt to hijack the remaining Starros? Or screw with the Reach like Paragon!Grayven is? I'd like to see it.
He's not impossible to track, but it's really hard. He's quite good at avoiding notice.
What is the fate of Swamp Thing, now that the Green's Parliament has been… cut down?
He's fine.
Can Martian tech interface with Mother of Mercy's Black Mercies? Perhaps to help her reproduce for real, or create variant black mercies; sounds like a potential way to help folks recover from trauma. Oh! Or maybe the martians have some desire to mine the psychic neuromatter filling Pluto? I can't imagine it rotting much.
It... Could? But she can do that fine herself.

A bit. Nothing exceptional for the setting.

Maybe. The Atlanteans kept them.

Vega isn't anywhere near Reach space. X'Hal is still in the nebula with Auron.

They've gone to ground.

I'll get back to you.

Her own projects.

Which world? You mean Earth -16? That might come up again.

The Indigos exist, but they're keeping their heads down.

He's not impossible to track, but it's really hard. He's quite good at avoiding notice.

He's fine.

It... Could? But she can do that fine herself.

what about Barda? She got kidnapped at the beginning of the anti life arc
If I remember correctly it was mentioned that she was apparently rescued and was helping Canis come to terms with the fact that the guy he served so faithfully his whole life doesn't give a flying fuck about him.

Fair, I guess, not everything happens onscreen. On a related note, what happened to black orchid, Anita fite, and the question? I assume they're dead
Justice Segue (part 13)
17th November 2017
10:37 GMT

Captain Adam is sitting… On the top of the hyperblaster, which… Could kill him if it fired with him in that position. From here we can see the swirling hole in the universe being maintained by the hush tube generators.

"I thought that thing made more noise."

"At that size it would deafen the dock workers and wake up everyone on the continent." I shrug. "The quiet version is bigger and requires more power, but it can be a lot more convenient."

The Absolute Dominion begins to accelerate, rising smoothly from its berth and moving towards the portal. Adam feigns taking a deep breath.

"This is okay for me, right?"

"You don't breathe. You don't have orifices. Your metal skin is proof against stellar radiation even if you had biology underneath to be adversely affected by it, which you don't." I sit down next to him just as we pass through the portal. "Your life is about-. No. Sorry. Your life from the moment you were pushed into the quantum realm has become very strange. You can't do a lot of the things you used to and you will.. almost certainly never get them back. Even aside from… Your family-. Well, you were a soldier. I assume you had periods of separation, but you never had entire days of not breathing."

He looks at me askance. "Are you trying to..? What, reassure me?"

"No. It's just…" The bow of the Absolute Dominion emerges from the hush tube, pointing directly at the Earth. Adam's eyes widen slightly. "You got all the bad bits of this life right at the start, full force. But this… No normal human could do what you're doing right now. No normal human could sit on a starship as it flies through a hush tube into a vacuum and stare down at their planet. No human astronaut has seen this in the way that you are. And… There will be other good parts, too. I… Won't try and tell you that it makes up for everything you've lost, but… They do exist."

"And there's no way for me to become human again?"

"Eh…" I frown. "Maybe? It's not an area of physics most of my species are interested in, but the universe is a big place. Help me out with killing my father and I'll point a few worlds out to you where you might be able to get help. Alternately…" Ah. I don't get the New God feeling from this Hippolyta that I get from Hippolyta 16. I really don't know if they're… Compatible with the Awakening in the way that humans 16 are. "I don't know. There are some things I could try, but again, I don't want to get your hopes up unduly."

"Thank you for being realistic about my chances." He stares at the Earth for a few moments. "This… Do we really need to do this?"

"Define 'need'. I already killed the guy who was going to attack Earth. My father will send someone else for the other parts of the Father Box he left there, but will he do it soon? Could we put him off the idea by just giving him the Box? Maybe? Could Earth pull itself together well enough to make this unnecessary? Maybe? But I doubt it."

"I knew my war, the Vietnam War, wasn't going anywhere good. And here we are, invading the Earth because your dad's an asshole. He runs your home planet?"


"Just one planet? You said that you ruled a bunch of planets. I'd have thought you could just out-produce him."

"Apokolips is a completely industrialised super-Earth. Its output is colossal, and he's had a lot longer to build up."

"'Super' as in..?"

"Bigger. Not all small rocky worlds are the same size."

He nods. "I guess I just thought that a species as advanced as yours would have a whole lot more answers. Be.. wiser than we are."

I shake my head. "Technological advancement does not go hand in hand with wisdom. In fact, the opposite might be true. When you can do anything easily, there's no obvious reason to think things through first. When you can flee from your mistakes, there's no motivation to confront them."


I nod. "I've made a few. But then again… Too few to mention."

He chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm sitting on a spaceship and an alien warlord is singing Frank Sinatra. Jesus."

"Never met him." I stand, opening a-


-boom tube to the bridge.


"Well I didn't meet Jesus either, but I doubt that he was much of a singer. Come on."

He stands, and in defiance of physics he walks after me, back into the ship.

"Right, friends, and Hippolyta. Here's what we're going to be doing. We-."

"We will turn the weapons of this ship upon the planet?"

Subjekt-17 sounds a bit too excited about the prospect.

"No. That would kill any other Subjekts on Earth. It's important that we only kill the people who need killing. So, Adam, you might not be up to date on modern communications technology, but it's a lot easier to make information widely available to the general population than it was back in your day. Mother Box?"


"I just released-."


"Mother Box just released every dirty secret of every government on the planet to everyone, and removed everyone's ability to censor any of it. Honestly, given human governments, that's probably just going to overload things, but Mother Box will highlight anything relating to anyone who tries making any sort of public pronouncement. Meanwhile, I'll make a big speech explaining mankind's place in the universe and what I'm doing here. Once that's done, we're going to acquire the other two parts of Father's Box in case they're sending some sort of signal, and get to work preparing the Earth more generally."

Hippolyta shakes her head. "How can you hope to take control of an entire planet?"

"It's a combination of things. Once I show how vile their existing leaders are and the benefits of joining my empire, I expect that a substantial number of people will volunteer to be ruled by me. I'll pick an area where they're in the clear majority and use that as a base of operations, expanding outwards with minimum force while bringing in my own administrators to make the transition function. Once things are stable, the public trials of literally everyone who used their authority to duck accountability will begin as a reminder why I'm better, and I'll get to work discovering why Father finds Earth so interesting."

I smile at Captain Adam. "Captain, I realise that you're on the fence about the whole me-taking-over-Earth thing, but that file I showed you about how they did you over? Tip of the iceberg. Sometimes, you need to clean house, and this house is thoroughly rotted through. How good and noble the rules are doesn't matter if the enforcement is heavily biased."

"And… The rights guaranteed by the Constitution will still be there if you win?"

"I'm abolishing the right not to incriminate yourself. That was added to guard against torture which I will not be authorising, but I intend to make heavy use of involuntary telepathy in the trials. It'll just take too long otherwise. That benefits the innocent as my telepaths can immediately establish their innocence and they don't have to go through months of imprisonment and the stress and expense of the trial itself. I already have a legal framework written up and ready to be put into use."

Physician raises his eyebrows. "And Tibet?"

"Independence from China. I'll be a hands-off constitutional sovereign."

Subjekt-17 glowers. "And killing humans?"

"I'll make you my official executioner. I'll make sure that everyone knows exactly what-"


"-the condemned are being.. killed-" Luna trots out of the boom tube. "-for. Luna, darling!"

I walk over to her and lean down to kiss her. She tilts her head back to meet me.

"We thought that We would bear witness to your latest-"


"-bout of foolishness." She turns to Adam. "Doth your silver knight have some comment that he wishes to share?"

"You married a talking horse?"

I frown at him. "Not every intelligent species in the universe is bipedal, Captain Adam. And no. I married a pony."
Last edited:
Luna trots out of the boom tube. "-for. Luna, darling!"

I walk over to her and lean down to kiss her. She tilts her head back to meet me.

"We thought that We would bare witness to your latest-"


"-bout of foolishness." She turns to Adam. "Doth your silver knight have some comment that he wishes to share?"

"You married a talking horse?"

I frown at him. "Not every intelligent species in the universe is bipedal, Captain Adam. And no. I married a pony."
She's probably going to disapprove of Diana slapping Grayven about a bit. Why'd you bring her in? :(
"Mother Box just released every dirty secret of every government on the planet to everyone, and removed everyone's ability to censor any of it. Honestly, given human governments, that's probably just going to overload things, but Mother Box will highlight anything relating to anyone who tries making any sort of public pronouncement. Meanwhile, I'll make a big speech explaining mankind's place in the universe and what I'm doing here. Once that's done, we're going to acquire the other two parts of Father's Box in case they're sending some sort of signal, and get to work preparing the Earth more generally."
I really wish we could see the reactions to the secrets Mother Box just released, especially Batman's.

"-the condemned are being.. killed-" Luna trots out of the boom tube. "-for. Luna, darling!"

I walk over to her and lean down to kiss her. She tilts her head back to meet me.

"We thought that We would bare witness to your latest-"


"-bout of foolishness." She turns to Adam. "Doth your silver knight have some comment that he wishes to share?"

"You married a talking horse?"

I frown at him. "Not every intelligent species in the universe is bipedal, Captain Adam. And no. I married a pony."
How flummoxed is everyone at the sight of this terrifying alien invader making out with a pony? I also wish we could see their reactions to this.
Just one planet? You said that you ruled a bunch of planets. I'd have thought you could just out produce him.

Add a " at the end.

I've made a few. But then again… Too few to mention."

"Too few" isn't exactly accurate.

"Well I didn't meet Jesus either, but I doubt that he was much of a singer

Given the fact that angels in this setting use their powers by singing, and Jesus was half angel, he honestly may have been a singer.

"You married a talking horse

Hippolyta: Eh, I've seen weirder.

I frown at him. "Not every intelligent species in the universe is bipedal, Captain Adam. And no. I married a pony

Adam: So...you're a zoophiliac pedophile.
Given the fact that angels in this setting use their powers by singing, and Jesus was half angel, he honestly may have been a singer.

This is the DCEU, or a weird alternative where Amazons don't have the superpowers they have in the DCEU movies anyway, neither of those things are established in this setting.

Although with the way Zoat likes making the universes conform in details, there is a good chance here.
She's probably going to disapprove of Diana slapping Grayven about a bit.
No, she has enough of an insight into his personality to know that he probably deserved it.
Thank you, corrected.
"Too few" isn't exactly accurate.
Too few for Grayven to consider them worth mentioning.
Adam: So...you're a zoophiliac pedophile.
"What? No. When we first met she was older than me."
Technically Luna is a Winged Unicorn, traditionally an Alicorn referred to the horn of a Unicorn from what I remember.
That's how it was in the first episode. The fans decided otherwise. Also, that's anti-earth pony tribalism right there.
Mr Zoat, how is Atlantis after getting back into contact with the rest of the world post Anti-Life? Because I remember that Cadbury needed their expertise for Dolmen Gates, and I think the world might want to have more things like that now that Earth is recovering.

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