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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Kinda funny that he said "call me with any questions". Did he put a number at the bottom of his broadcast? And if they do? How would he manage that volume of calls? I imagine at the beginning people won't believe that they can actually call, but once a few brave ones do it? That opens the gates. Even if it's only 0.001% of people on the planet, which I doubt, that's still thousands of calls coming through.

Just thinking about it makes me chuckle. What's the hold music? Will he put Mother Box as the automated system? Please rate your experience with this call.
Just realized there's an error.
"Power is a drug like none other. And like any addict, those who allow themselves to become addicted will say anything, do anything, make any deal and indulge in any vice so that they can keep that high. It is not about achieving any particular end, it is about being able to achieve whatever end they want, and it that goal they are unified with each other and against the people they rule. No one on Earth has had the time to go through everything that I've shared, but you won't have to look far to find the proof of my words."
That should say 'in'.
"You coming, Luna?"

"Neigh." Adam covers his mouth with his right fist. "We believe that We shall watch from a safe distance this time."

"With me, lady and gentlemen."

Adams is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will.

Because if an alien overlord brought out a talking horse he married, and she unironically used "neigh" to respond in the negative to something, I'd be fucking howling.
It... Could? But she can do that fine herself.
Delightful! Thank you. I hope your forum account is free of April 1st's influence. You're certainly clever enough to turn fake lore drops into some sort of long con reveal.

And yes, I was referring to Earth -16. I guess I could have called it "hero-Luthor's reality."
"You coming, Luna?"

"Neigh." Adam covers his mouth with his right fist. "We believe that We shall watch from a safe distance this time."

"With me, lady and gentlemen."

I do like that Grayven has mellowed out a bit after his time on Planet Wilson but he still has his desire to take over the world and fix things.

Luna's reaction to Grayven attempting to take over a planet is interesting and her words tells us that this isn't the first time he's done it since she and him started dating.

I wonder how Celestia feels about her brother-in-law taking over planets while her sister has a front row seat.
Mr Zoat, can we get an update on the members of the Team, Justice League, and Light? It's been some time since the last list/s was/were released and it'd be nice to know how much has changed considering all of the major events recently.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Doctor Mist's entry on this fic's TV Tropes page, and it reminded me of the fact that he achieved enlightenment after glimpsing the White Entity. Has the fact that it appeared to humanity in response to the seven lights clued him in to the fact that Paul knew about it already and doesn't want to talk about it? Because I would expect him to have some questions over what it is exactly, though perhaps his experience could've given him the wisdom to know that he shouldn't ask Paul about it.
Wonder if he needs to be truthful when using that God Speak?
Technically, no, but it's really uncomfortable and messes with his power if he isn't. And anyone with even the slightest amount of magic ability would be able to tell.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading Doctor Mist's entry on this fic's TV Tropes page, and it reminded me of the fact that he achieved enlightenment after glimpsing the White Entity. Has the fact that it appeared to humanity in response to the seven lights clued him in to the fact that Paul knew about it already and doesn't want to talk about it? Because I would expect him to have some questions over what it is exactly, though perhaps his experience could've given him the wisdom to know that he shouldn't ask Paul about it.
He's mildly surprised that the SI only used it in response to the Anti-Life, and that restraint has actually improved his impression of the SI. Dr. Balewa assumes that most people know things they don't want to share, and won't complain unless it causes a big problem.
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He's mildly surprised that the SI only used it in response to the Anti-Life, and that restraint has actually improved his impression of the SI. Dr. Balewa assumes that most people knnow things they don't want to share, and won't complain unless it causes a big problem.
Nice. What was his opinion of Paul before that happened? And how has that changed now that he knows Paul is aware of the Life Entity and isn't going to do anything stupid with that knowledge?
Nice. What was his opinion of Paul before that happened?
Mildly concerned. Dr. Balewa doesn't think much of the whole 'superheroing' thing, and the SI was more proactive than most.
And how has that changed now that he knows Paul is aware of the Life Entity and isn't going to do anything stupid with that knowledge?
As I said, he's a little less worried. 'Running through mindfields, yes, deliberately pulling the plug out of the universe, no'.
I was rereading on the story only thread and noticed an error that pops up a few times.
The Director's expression doesn't change. "Kid Flash, under my direct command I have Sergeant Pushkin, ten Rocket Reds with advanced suits, two platoons of Red Rockets with standard suits, a company of soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and various other specialists. With a phone call I can call upon any of the resources of the Russian government. I have the authority -should I deem it essential to the national good- to deploy a tactical nuclear device on my own recognisance. But where should I deploy it? If this 'Black Flash' is as fast as you then he could be anywhere within three thousand kilometres and moving faster than anything we could send after him. If he is as fast as the Flash then he could be anywhere on the Earth." Wallace wilts slightly. "No. Now is not the time for rash action. Now is the time for a careful discovery and examination of facts."
He leads us into what appears to be the communications room. Kaldur and Richard are already present, Richard crouched down and running a small sonic probe underneath the server cases to get a look at their insides. Kaldur nods at Sergeant Pushkin. "Red Rocket. Thank you for coming."
**Sir, Plastic Man and Superboy could probably take a hit without being killed. Red Rocket would have a chance of survival. If you got hit there wouldn't even be ash.**
"Now that the Russians have their Red Rocket Brigade up and running, Mister Luthor might be betting on the American military panicking instead."
"po-ssible, but unlikely." Richard and I lag slightly behind the others as we make our way to the training area. "Flag Sergeant Pushkin is a career soldier in an elite military unit. The minimum age the Red Rockets are taking anyone is twenty five, and they'd be top flight officers and elite soldiers. There aren't… Red Rocket Juniors or anything like that."
"Recognized, Red Rocket, two six."
"I am Red Rocket, but you can all call me Dmitri."
Ah. The individual I know as Red Star strolls out and stands at ease next to Red Rocket.
"The Director…" He looks a little uncomfortable. "Knows that the Justice League is not entirely comfortable with government-backed, non-American superheroes. To reduce this discomfort, I and Red Rocket are to be supported to the fullest extent possible. I may be recalled, but ship is assigned with me."
"Doctor Mist and Red Rocket. Kinda surprised, but apparently Red Rocket doesn't celebrate Christmas."
These should say 'Rocket Red' or 'Rocket Reds'.
Found images that don't work anymore.
It's so good to have a Box again, even if it is like having a Sphere I can't just escape by walking up some stairs constantly attached to me. Himon was.. pleasant enough, once Scott explained things to him and to the crowd of Lowlies at the resistance gathering. I assume that Barda killed Amazing Grace before the mob could beat her to death as a result of all of the superhero exposure she's been getting lately; there's no way the old her would have been anything like that merciful. I'm still not sure if he incorporated the yellow sigil for decoration or if it's so much a part of my nature that it had to be included or… What? Maybe that's just the shape this Mother Box has and the resemblance is a coincidence.
I remember the first image being a Mother Box that had imagery that looked similar to the yellow sigil but was a complete coincidence, since it was probably made years before the Sinestro Corps was even a thing. The second was just the yellow sigil.
He should have handed the dude an instruction manual.

He's probably gonna plasmarize his dog.

I agree that an instruction manual would be nice.

But A, anyone who can't identify the side of the gun that fires projectiles clearly has never seen one in the first place. Yes this is a sci-fi gun, but I doubt a human made plasma gun is gonna have an engineering philosophy so alien it's impossible to figure out which way the barrel is pointing.

And B, anyone who's willing to fire any kind of weapon while a person, their animal, object of personal or sentimental value is near the theoretical line of sight. Is an idiot, and should take gun safety courses immediately.

Apologies, not trying to sound antagonistic or anything. I just wanted to breakdown your second statement as I find that a wild notion. Of course it can happen if your not careful or you don't know at all what you holding or doing.
I was rereading on the story only thread and noticed an error that pops up a few times.

These should say 'Rocket Red' or 'Rocket Reds'.
Thank you, corrected.
Found images that don't work anymore.

I remember the first image being a Mother Box that had imagery that looked similar to the yellow sigil but was a complete coincidence, since it was probably made years before the Sinestro Corps was even a thing. The second was just the yellow sigil.
Thank you, corrected.
I agree that an instruction manual would be nice.

But A, anyone who can't identify the side of the gun that fires projectiles clearly has never seen one in the first place. Yes this is a sci-fi gun, but I doubt a human made plasma gun is gonna have an engineering philosophy so alien it's impossible to figure out which way the barrel is pointing.

And B, anyone who's willing to fire any kind of weapon while a person, their animal, object of personal or sentimental value is near the theoretical line of sight. Is an idiot, and should take gun safety courses immediately.

Apologies, not trying to sound antagonistic or anything. I just wanted to breakdown your second statement as I find that a wild notion. Of course it can happen if your not careful or you don't know at all what you holding or doing.

It's more about figuring out where the safety is, and/or how to safely unload the thing than about accidental firing.
"po-ssible, but unlikely." Richard and I lag slightly behind the others as we make our way to the training area. "Flag Sergeant Pushkin is a career soldier in an elite military unit. The minimum age the Red Rockets are taking anyone is twenty five, and they'd be top flight officers and elite soldiers. There aren't… Rocket Red Juniors or anything like that."
I double checked, and one correction was missed. That should say 'Rocket Reds'.
Mighty Morphin' Lantern Rangers (part 15)
1st April 1995
22:27 GMT

"Giant steps are what you take"

The Power Rangers teleported up in their zords, which is something that Zordon doesn't like to do because it drains the power reserves. But under the circumstances…

Pink overflies the giant crater of molten glass where Casa Rita used to be. "Are we safe? Being this close?"

The Triceratops Dinozord is noticeably ahead of the rest of the pack as it approaches the edge of the crater. "The armor on the exterior of our zords is more than thick enough to block the alpha, beta and gamma radiation, and the air filtration system will keep out radioactive particulates. In four years someone in a regular space suit could walk through the crater without any consequences for their health."

"Huh. I thought it was, like, hundreds of years?"

"It's about a hundred for salted nuclear weapons, where they're deliberately designed to spread as much highly radioactive material as possible. But Earth's nuclear powers don't actually have those. I checked."

Yellow pings me. "Why did you check that?"

"Well, if I'd used a salted nuke, it would have motivated you more and blowing up Rita's base would have been even more emphatic. It's not like anyone is actually using the moon for anything."

The Tyrannosaurus Dinozord looks over the crater rim, its head turning left and right.

"And you're sure this isn't a trick?"

"I didn't use five nuclear bombs because I wanted recoverable body parts, but these warheads were designed to incinerate hardened bunkers and anyone standing within a mile of them. Rita's facility wasn't actually all that big, and the protective spells appear to have mostly been designed to deal with attacks from the outside."

"Pterodactyl Dinozord's sensors show nothing. I mean, other than the glass bowl. And dust. And radiation. B-blue, are you sure this isn't dangerous?"

"I am as sure as modern human science allows me to be that the radiation isn't dangerous to us. It wouldn't be dangerous through our armor either, I just thought this was a reasonable precaution in case Rita was storing something dangerous."

Ring, scan.


"Did you know that mildly elevated radiation exposure is actually good for you?"

"I don't believe that's true. Every chart I've seen shows an almost completely straight line correlation between radiation levels and cancer rates."

"Yes, above a certain point that's true. The problem is that because it was such a straight line at higher levels the researchers just assumed that it would carry on at lower levels and didn't check. Partly because people who had received lower levels of exposure were harder to find. Low but elevated levels appears to trigger the human body's radiation countermeasures, causing-."

"Well I'm not getting out." The Pterodactyl Dinozord wheels around. "She's gone, good riddance."

"Did you..?" Zack sound uncertain. "Plan all this?"

"I didn't think Red would use the zords like that. Good work there, genuinely impressed."


"But aside from that-. Yellow, did Squatt even turn up for your fight?"

"Yes. And then he left."

"About what I was expecting."

"I still had to fight the putties."

"And now you'll never have to fight them again."

"But…" Something's giving Zack difficulty. "Even the nuke? And where you put them, you knew where they could go to wreck the planet."

"Of course I did. Back in the comic, we used to keep an eye on places like that so we could be there in time to stop someone doing what I pretended to do. You can't guard your vulnerable spots if you don't know where they are."

"And you knew they'd do what they did?"

"There was a chance that Goldar would demand to stay behind. Him surviving on his own wouldn't be much of a problem. And there was a small chance that they'd find the bombs and disarm them or teleport them away… It was a calculated risk. But it paid off. Any plans for your new free time?"

"There's a new hair and nails salon that just opened in the mall-." I hear four quiet sighs. "I need to de-stress, okay? I'm not used to nuclear explosions."

"Wait." The Tyrannosaurus Dinozord's head turns towards me. "All those wars you said we could stop. Is that what this is about?"

"No-. Well, sort of. It's never about any one thing. I'm not sure exactly what Zordon authorises you to use your Power Ranger equipment for, but I'm aware that you might start using it for forceful interventions against human war criminals. Or you might not."

"He could just take it back. With Rita dead, he might not need Power Rangers any more."

"No, because Lord Zed is probably going to send someone else in a few years, and-."

"Who's that?"

"Lord Zed? Rita's employer, and the one who sent her to Earth in the first place?"

The communications systems go quiet for a moment.

"You didn't know about him, did you."

"No, but it makes sense." William sounds phlegmatic about it. "Rita was already a highly capable magician when she came to Earth. There's no obvious reason why Earth would be the first planet she conquered."

"So the added field training will be useful. Oh! Good news! With Rita's base completely destroyed, there's no more green candle. Green Ranger can return to active duty. I'll.. get the Dragonzord valeted."

"Forget the salon, I'll go tell him as soon we we're done!" … "Are we done, Red Ranger?"

"We're done. Zordon, we're at the site. There's nothing here. Are you picking up anything that we're not picking up?"

"No. The detonation appears to have been completely successful. I will return you to Earth now. Orange Lantern, I wish to speak with you upon your return."

"Certainly. I'll transport myself back."

Now that I'm paying close attention, I can feel the difference between my old transitioning and what I'm doing now. I scan the Command Centre and… It's like I'm literally jumping at faster-than-light speed. I appear at the entrance a moment later and then jog inside, a lightness in my heart. Yes, alright, everyone I know and love never existed-.

And it's gone.

1st April 1995
15:30 GMT -7

"Orange Lantern." Zordon doesn't look annoyed, so I suppose that someone of his experience can take things like this in his stride. "Congratulations on killing Rita Repulsa."

"Glad to help."

"The governments of Earth are in uproar. This will make my work of protecting the Earth much more difficult if someone does not explain things to them."

No rest for the wicked…

"I'll get right on that."
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Glad Zordon is wise enough to know that what he was waging was a war and either he or Rita could die during it along with their servants in her case and his charges in his. So now Orange gets to play peace maker with the world after stealing nuclear weapons.

Oh joy.
"The governments of Earth are in uproar. This will make my work of protecting the Earth much more difficult if someone does not explain things to them."
Alright neat.

For a second there I was worrying about this being an AU power rangers parody universe like the one you linked a video to, and finding that Zordon was actually Rita in disguise(which was the borderline-nonsensical plot twist featured at the end in that video)

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