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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

On earth 12 humans can even reproduce with Thangarians, i doubt a woman with some cat is going to be a problem.

I think that the life entity being on earth has something to do with humans ability to reproduce with aliens,gods, demons and anything else. life uh.. life finds a way.
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No, it was a metahuman ability that awoke during that ordeal. IMO it's more likely that it was merging with an Embodiment that was the trigger, not the enlightenment itself.

That said, colored text has nothing to do with the main character SEEING the emotion. It was used long before that power showed up.
No, it's an enlightenment thing. Or at least directly tied to his enlightenment. He can only do it while wearing his ring. It's also an active scan thing, and inherently tied to the Orange Light. The latter part was brought up when Paul talked to Hinon about the Zamarons' reaction to him using the ability from an appreciable distance.
On another topic: American readers. If the President nominates a sitting Senator to a cabinet position, what happens to their seat in the Senate? Is there a by-election, is someone nominated to sub in for them or are they expected to do both jobs?

A congressman cannot hold a job in the Executive Branch. A senator who wishes to take a cabinet position would have to resign. (Of random note, the same clause also means that if the salary for that position was increased during the congressman's time in office, it gets rolled back for him to the lower level.)

The process for their replacement depends on their state's laws. The most common is for the governor to appoint a replacement until the next election, but that's not universal.

He can only do it while wearing his ring.

Readers being able to see the colors != Paul being able to see the colors

There have been more than a few occasions where colored text appeared in situations where it was plain that Paul couldn't see it (e.g., Jade calling him during her Darkstar training).
You know, part of me keeps wondering what sort of Paul would have ended up on the Earth of Justice League: Gods and Monsters. Or rather, what ring color and how they would have interacted with the setting.

Readers being able to see the colors != Paul being able to see the colors

There have been more than a few occasions where colored text appeared in situations where it was plain that Paul couldn't see it (e.g., Jade calling him during her Darkstar training).
Yes? I don't think we're referring to the same thing here. Paul can only see people's emotions when he's wearing his ring(s), and he has to be looking at them. I never said he could see the colored text at all. I only said that his ability was either a result of his enlightenment, or at least tied directly to his enlightenment. And that it was likely tied to the Orange Light in some way, but that's extrapolation from given information, rather than something that was outright stated.
Actually, empathic vision doesn't require the ring. Not any more, anyway. The less good version he used to use was a ring ability, but the one he has now isn't. He used on Holly during Spring in Blume. Which means that he is a metahuman and could theoretically join the Legion of Superheroes.
I really enjoy this, I wonder what their union rep would negotiate for?

"Look, Peter I understand where you're coming from but Isley is holding out until we're carbon netural, and Snart says the strike holds til you give up the name of Mister Element."
Heh, on one hand Peter's backing of cosmic rod tech for power generation would likely make his company the biggest carbon-negative company on the planet (one big avenue of current research is taking carbon out of the atmosphere and turning it into plastics; Peter could definitely get a jumpstart on that kind of work with cosmic rod power). On the other hand, Isley is one of those who can probably never be trusted to join his company: as much as she claims she's "power for the trees" what she really wants is "power for me" with trees being the way she gets there.

OTOH, I do recall there was one episode where Harley actually gets paroled and seems to clean herself up for awhile, before backsliding. She could potentially be snatched up then, except I'm not sure Peter would even want her since she doesn't have any skills that are applicable in a corporate setting.
Yes? I don't think we're referring to the same thing here. Paul can only see people's emotions when he's wearing his ring(s), and he has to be looking at them. I never said he could see the colored text at all. I only said that his ability was either a result of his enlightenment, or at least tied directly to his enlightenment. And that it was likely tied to the Orange Light in some way, but that's extrapolation from given information, rather than something that was outright stated.

What does a green-light version of Ophidian-Vision show then? What a person is focusing on? Their driving motivations? (The second one sounds a bit more like orange/desire to me though). I suppose a user's eyes become giant fish-eyes then, which isn't as cool as most of the other Entities (I've seen the panel showing the Entities before they channeled the emotional spectrum, but I'm not sure what Ion is actually supposed to be).
Heh, on one hand Peter's backing of cosmic rod tech for power generation would likely make his company the biggest carbon-negative company on the planet (one big avenue of current research is taking carbon out of the atmosphere and turning it into plastics; Peter could definitely get a jumpstart on that kind of work with cosmic rod power). On the other hand, Isley is one of those who can probably never be trusted to join his company: as much as she claims she's "power for the trees" what she really wants is "power for me" with trees being the way she gets there.
Oh yes, don't let your shipping goggles deceive you: Isley 12 is a mental serial killer who was fine with the idea of killing all humans on the planet. Except Harley. If Peter needed a super-botanist there are far better options.
OTOH, I do recall there was one episode where Harley actually gets paroled and seems to clean herself up for awhile, before backsliding. She could potentially be snatched up then, except I'm not sure Peter would even want her since she doesn't have any skills that are applicable in a corporate setting.
It was more that she panicked, fled a security guard who just wanted to take a tag off some clothes she'd actually paid for, grabbed a hostage who wasn't really all that scared and tried to calm her down, then got attacked by the army.
Why would he even want it?
Because super powers. Seriously, how boring is your world that you'd actually turn down super powers? Especially those granted by a power ring.

And I'm not even talking about fighting villains or any of that.

With the ring, there is literally no project Paul can not attempt. He can, in time, build ANYTHING just about, all by himself.

He can explore ANYWHERE. Screw watching a documentary, you could explore the depths of the ocean, down to the bottom of the bottom. Fuck's sake, YOU CAN FLY. You can go to the moon or stand on the god damn sun.

You can explore the wonders of space, seeing things that no human being has ever, or honestly would ever see.

You can go anywhere in the world, without having to worry about language barriers, or dying of some exotic disease (Something I see more and more in the news.) You can walk down the darkest alleys, never having to worry about being mugged, or shot to death by some punk with a gun after you've already handed over your wallet.

Random violence, psycho murderers, engine of a airplane blowing up...literally not a problem for you.

And then, if some shit DOES go down, you are NEVER HELPLESS. Small child about to burn to death 7 stories up in a raging building fire? Hey, you can do something. Boat sinks and people are trapped below decks? You got this. Religious nutjobs storming a building with guns, screaming about their magic sky daddy's wrath? Man, they picked the wrong day.

Never helpless, never dreaming without recourse, able to live life at a level of fullness that your entire species will never achieve.

What sort of boring ass, brain dead, god damn FOOL, are you to give something like that up?

Except he didn't master those dangers because he's been sliding closer and closer to Larfleeze territory.
Sometimes Vaermina, it's actually cute how you just make shit up in your head and insist it's canon.

Howso? His new mentality seems stable and consistent to me.
Well you see, apparently just about every word and deed OL-16 has performed upsets Vaermina....so clearly he's...whatever Vaermina choses to label him.

I mean, there OL is, pushing arcano-tech into the mainstream, freeing enslaved planets and destroying galactic empires, freeing imprisoned Superheros, cleaning his world's oceans of literal seas of trash, healing the great barrier reef, refreezing the polar ice caps, earn Gaia herself's praise, helping fend of demonic invasion from the closest thing to the actual Devil there is, and bringing down a chaos boy-witch who murdered thousands of children.

You know, shit Larfleeze would do.
I think that the life entity being on earth has something to do with humans ability to reproduce with aliens,gods, demons and anything else. life uh.. life finds a way.

DC has alien hybrids who are hybrids of two different alien species.

Lobo had a kid with a Durlan.

Supergirl and Brainiac 5 had a daughter.

Superman had children with the New God Beautiful Dreamer.

So no.

Plus, the Life Entity is in no way canon for the Justice League cartoon, so an explanation that doesn't actually exist in the setting isn't a very good explanation.

I could just as easily say that Thanagarians and humans can interbreed because Thanagar is a human colony as per Brightest Day, but that's not true in the Justice League cartoon either.
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It was more that she panicked, fled a security guard who just wanted to take a tag off some clothes she'd actually paid for, grabbed a hostage who wasn't really all that scared and tried to calm her down, then got attacked by the army.
I meant in subsequent episodes she backslid: she got back together with the Joker at least three times after that episode. Flying her out of the country might have been the best possible way to rehabilitate her, although I don't really see Peter going for it since this version of Harley just doesn't have any skills he's really looking for.
I meant in subsequent episodes she backslid: she got back together with the Joker at least three times after that episode. Flying her out of the country might have been the best possible way to rehabilitate her, although I don't really see Peter going for it since this version of Harley just doesn't have any skills he's really looking for.
Secretary, maybe?
Maybe as bait to lure the Joker out of Gotham so he can be killed "in self-defence"?
If that happened, you know that Batman would be regularly targeting Peter in petty revenge. There's no doubt that a world without the Joker would be better than one with it, but the amount of trouble Peter would be bringing down on himself and his company's worth of recovering Villainous Face-punchers wouldn't be worth it.
You can go to the moon or stand on the god damn sun.
I wouldn't recommend trying that last one. Kyle Rayner did it once, but that was with J'onn J'onzz piping the design for sun-proof armour into his brain.
Maybe as bait to lure the Joker out of Gotham so he can be killed "in self-defence"?
The Joker isn't a problem for someone with a power ring if they know he's around. Thing is, even Lanterns sleep sometimes, and Peter doesn't have a ring that he can rely on. While he has reasonably impressive defences by most standards they're nothing the Joker couldn't get past if he really put his mind to it.
OTOH, I do recall there was one episode where Harley actually gets paroled and seems to clean herself up for awhile, before backsliding. She could potentially be snatched up then, except I'm not sure Peter would even want her since she doesn't have any skills that are applicable in a corporate setting.
Oh yes, don't let your shipping goggles deceive you: Isley 12 is a mental serial killer who was fine with the idea of killing all humans on the planet. Except Harley. If Peter needed a super-botanist there are far better options.

It was more that she panicked, fled a security guard who just wanted to take a tag off some clothes she'd actually paid for, grabbed a hostage who wasn't really all that scared and tried to calm her down, then got attacked by the army.
I meant in subsequent episodes she backslid: she got back together with the Joker at least three times after that episode. Flying her out of the country might have been the best possible way to rehabilitate her, although I don't really see Peter going for it since this version of Harley just doesn't have any skills he's really looking for.

She also went straight during the "Batman and Harley Quinn" movie, which was also a part of the DCAU. She did try to find a new, completely legal, job before the movie started. But, no one wanted to say they had the Joker's number one henchwoman working for them. Well, besides some "artsy" films and a superheroine/villainess cosplay cafe. But, in this story, thanks to Peter having a bunch of reformed villains on his pay roll, I imagine Harley trying to get a job at Peter's company if she does try to go straight. Not saying she'd get a job. But, she'd certainly would try.

Anywho, first time posting in the thread(I think). @Mr. Zoat, this is a great story! I hoped you enjoyed writing the previous chapters, and enjoy writing all future ones!
What skills and/or abilities does any version of Harley has that you can't find in someone else less insane and/or obsessed with the Joker? (and/or friendly with Ivy?) I mean, I get the character is a fan favorite and I liked her as a side character in B:TAS (and the Mad Love episode), but why would any intelligent person that finds themselves in a DC universe go look for her or pay her any special attention?

Anyway, I have really liked these few segments dedicated to Peter's life. I appreciate that the guy isn't really involved in superheroics and I would wish him the best of times. Maybe he does manage to get something to recharge his Ring (I think Sinestro shows up on Earth a couple of times, if there was somebody smart enough to steal his Battery I think Peter would pay for it handsomely) but if not, then the guy doesn't really have to focus on it or anything, I don't think. He seems happy enough.
OTOH, I do recall there was one episode where Harley actually gets paroled and seems to clean herself up for awhile, before backsliding. She could potentially be snatched up then, except I'm not sure Peter would even want her since she doesn't have any skills that are applicable in a corporate setting.
How about being a psychiatrist with enough combat experience and skill to help ride herd on the genuinely mentally unstable ones?
What sort of boring ass, brain dead, god damn FOOL, are you to give something like that up?
Even talking about Zoat rings which can pull off shit the comics only really dreamed of, the massive mental alteration that results from any ring other then Green and White just isn't worth it for any sort of long term use.

Especially when there are much better methods of gaining power available to him.

Heck, with Splicing tech and a sample of Superman/Supergirls DNA Peter could turn himself into a half Kryptonian. Combine that with his cosmic rod, which can do almost anything that a power ring can and he would be pretty much set.
Even talking about Zoat rings which can pull off shit the comics only really dreamed of, the massive mental alteration that results from any ring other then Green and White just isn't worth it for any sort of long term use.

Especially when there are much better methods of gaining power available to him.

Heck, with Splicing tech and a sample of Superman/Supergirls DNA Peter could turn himself into a half Kryptonian. Combine that with his cosmic rod, which can do almost anything that a power ring can and he would be pretty much set.

Can a half-Kryptonian wielding a cosmic rod:

  • Manufacture nanotech, bleedtech, and xenotech, along with just about any other kind of tech, and repair/maintain it easily?
  • Perfectly perform incredible medical procedures that would make any medical professional drool at the mouth?
  • Scan anything from individual objects to huge regions, acquiring detailed information down to the atomic level, without requiring line of sight, at vast or even interplanetary distances?
  • Remotely contact anyone else with a power ring with no signal delay, as well as interfacing with just about any kind of communication device, with perfect real-time conceptual translation?
  • Produce a variety of analogues of just about any device instantly via constructs, with greatly increased durability, functionality, and ease of use?
  • Fly and travel at FTL speeds to rival even highly advanced spacecraft?
  • Perform computational feats that make Moore and his puny law cower in fear, with a memory capacity of "Basically infinite. No, really.".
  • Store objects in a hammerspace-esque subspace pocket, kept in stasis so that even food remains edible, with capacity to put the most violent hammer-wielding waifus to shame?

Damn, cosmic rods much be pretty rad if they can do almost all of that, huh?
Can a half-Kryptonian wielding a cosmic rod:
Some of them, yes.

Produce a variety of analogues of just about any device instantly via constructs, with greatly increased durability, functionality, and ease of use?
Depending on the continuity, yes. At one point in the comics the rod was able to create a construct replica of itself. That's a bit ridiculous and the AI support probably isn't that good in this continuity, but... yes, cosmic rods can make constructs.

Fly and travel at FTL speeds to rival even highly advanced spacecraft?
Yes. How do you think Starman ended up where he did?

Perform computational feats that make Moore and his puny law cower in fear, with a memory capacity of "Basically infinite. No, really."
Not directly, but I would be very surprised if it couldn't be integrated into a schizo-tech computer that can.

Can a half-Kryptonian wielding a cosmic rod:

  • Manufacture nanotech, bleedtech, and xenotech, along with just about any other kind of tech, and repair/maintain it easily?
  • Perfectly perform incredible medical procedures that would make any medical professional drool at the mouth?
  • Scan anything from individual objects to huge regions, acquiring detailed information down to the atomic level, without requiring line of sight, at vast or even interplanetary distances?
  • Remotely contact anyone else with a power ring with no signal delay, as well as interfacing with just about any kind of communication device, with perfect real-time conceptual translation?
  • Produce a variety of analogues of just about any device instantly via constructs, with greatly increased durability, functionality, and ease of use?
  • Fly and travel at FTL speeds to rival even highly advanced spacecraft?
  • Perform computational feats that make Moore and his puny law cower in fear, with a memory capacity of "Basically infinite. No, really.".
  • Store objects in a hammerspace-esque subspace pocket, kept in stasis so that even food remains edible, with capacity to put the most violent hammer-wielding waifus to shame?

Damn, cosmic rods much be pretty rad if they can do almost all of that, huh?
If we are using the same scale of "has all the abilities shown in the comics" that Zoat used for Power Rings, then yes to everything but the subspace pocket.

With the addition of being able to dimension hop and never needing to recharge.
Don't forget that the Sivanas In Earth 16 also created sub space pocket technology, including the ability to pickpocket them. Assuming they sometimes partner with Peter, if not work for him, he might have access to subspace pockets.
Speaking of cosmic rods, from what I remember from the comics (and they might very well have gotten around that limit afterwards) the cosmic rod is star powered. Which according to DC writers mean that it can't recharge during the day.

Maybe one could attach them to solar panels, so solar power at day star power at night.

Or maybe Zoat isn't using that limitation because it doesn't actually make sense....
If you want Harley to go straight, you pretty much have to wait until the Joker gets himself killed trying to convince Tim Drake, twisted into Joker Junior, to kill Batman.

Then Harley basically fakes her death and goes straight, only to have her twin granddaughters join one of the Jokerz gangs. Much to her displeasure.

Because the Joker being dead is the only thing that makes her attempts at being reformed stick, and the Joker is still around during the events of Batman and Harley Quinn. Which means she eventually went crawling back to him. Again. Plus, you know, the whole thing where the Bat Family was convinced she died the same night that the Joker did.
If you want Harley to go straight, you pretty much have to wait until the Joker gets himself killed trying to convince Tim Drake, twisted into Joker Junior, to kill Batman.

Then Harley basically fakes her death and goes straight, only to have her twin granddaughters join one of the Jokerz gangs. Much to her displeasure.

Because the Joker being dead is the only thing that makes her attempts at being reformed stick, and the Joker is still around during the events of Batman and Harley Quinn. Which means she eventually went crawling back to him. Again. Plus, you know, the whole thing where the Bat Family was convinced she died the same night that the Joker did.
That event got retconned away due to time travel.

Instead Harley broke away from Joker some time before that resulting in the events of the "Batman and Harley Quinn" movie where she ended up sleeping with Nightwing.
Considering how diminished the Justice League was in Beyond compared to how they were in Justice League Unlimited, it was pretty much the whole future.

The only original Leaguer left was Clark.
Honestly, that's not remotely true. Yes the League is much reduced from it's heyday, but that's result of the League's own success in smashing all the major organized super villains and the general advancement of technology(outright stated to be a main reason for the League's reduction by Superman in the first issue of Superman Beyond).

From what we saw from the Zeta Project, most crime in the rest of America outside of Gotham is mostly just petty or minor organized crime(just like in real life), with the only major threats left being the Society of Assassins and Kobra. And the Society basically decapitates itself in "Final Cut". And granted while Kobra is still a major threat(in one episode they almost release a plague bioweapon in gotham that would have killed millions and in another they almost induce massive climate change), they aren't anything a single super hero or small group like the Justice League cant handle(especially as the Justice League has boomtube travel thanks to Barda).

Add in the advanced technology in the hands of law enforcement, government and standard military forces,

And they could easily handle the average super villain. And with the government's network of defense satellites(not as powerful as the Watchtower's old binary fusion cannon, but faster firing, no cool down and many more of them) and it would take a truly massive invasion force to contest earth.

And frankly? Most superheroes don't become superheroes to fight massive alien invasions, they become superheroes to fight crime and corruption, something most places don't need help to deal with. By the time of Batman Beyond the Justice League is mostly obsolescence, not yet obsolete and still useful but getting there and the only reason Superman stays on is because with Louise likely dead and his secret identity of Clark Kent likely nonviable(people would have ended up noticing if he wasn't aging anywhere near as much as he should have been), Superman simply didn't have much else to do with his life(unlike J'onn who had his human wife and probable family and Dianna who had themyscira), and then he got Star Conquered.
Realigned (part 1)

6th February
07:08 GMT -5

"Um." Holly stares at Artemis's tight-fitting work out trousers as she and Paula jog closer to our meet-up point in Robinson Park. "Damn."

Karon arches her right eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh, come on. Look at that!"

Karon turns her head away slightly and raises her right hand.

And Holly realises her mistake. "Karon. I didn't mean-."

"She's romantically involved with a young man, so I think you're out of luck."

"I'm window shopping, not-." Karon starts walking away. "Oh, no, that's not…"

Artemis jogs up beside me as Holly goes after Karon. "Ah… Are they… Not jogging with us?"

"Perhaps they'll… Join us later."

"Are they having a fight?"

I give my legs a quick stretch. My identity, Paula's former identity and Jade's identity are public knowledge, so anyone with a working brain should be able to tell that Artemis=Artemis. Then again, people around here… But, she doesn't want to strengthen the painfully obvious association so I'm wearing only one ring, it's on my left ring toe and my environmental shield is down so low that it's virtually invisible in this light. I mean yes, Gotham's better these days, but I'm not stupid.

Point being, I have to at least look like I'm warming up normally in order to maintain the pretence.

"Holly appreciated a certain person's physique out loud. Karon was less than impressed."

Artemis snorts as Paula slows to a stop alongside us. "Yeah?" Artemis looks around the park. "Who'd she check out?"

I look at her.

"That black chick over there?" She turns back and sees me looking at her. "She-. Oh. Huuuuuuh."

"I haven't spoken to Wallace about-."

Her eyes widen slightly. "I hadn't realised you'd met Wally."

"Yes, we've bumped into one another at KordTech a few times."

Not often, in reality, because neither of us are based there and we don't visit the same parts of the company. But it's a believable place for us to have met as far as a casual observer would be concerned if a) they knew who I was b) they don't know who Artemis is c) they know who Wallace is but don't know that he's Kid Flash, and, d), probably some other conditions as well.

"Oh. Right, yeah."

I smile at Paula. "Paula, good morning."

"Good morning, Paul. Ready for a run?"

"Yep. Just think I need to phone Wallace and warn him about 'that black chick' stealing his girlfriend first."

Artemis grimaces, growls quietly, then takes off down the path. Paula follows at a slightly slower pace, and I take a moment to make eye contact with Holly and wave before dashing to catch them up.

With crime falling and Pamela Isley reformed, Robinson Park has seen a resurgence of joggers. Mister Freeze murdering those people in Grant Park probably helped send the overflow here as well. Still, it's a cold part of the year and so we don't have that much competition for the pavement on work days.

So far Zatanna hasn't decided to tell everyone my age, and as I briefly meet Paula's eyes I'm sorely tempted to just come out with it. It's… Like the reason Bob gives in The Atrocity Archives for homosexuals being -historically- banned from the British intelligence services: being gay meant that you could be blackmailed by foreign agents… Because being gay meant that you could be fired, which was only a problem because of the rule banning homosexuals. After someone pointed out this catch 22 they changed the rules so that homosexuals were fine as long as they weren't in the closet, because if they were out and proud they couldn't be blackmailed about it.


If someone actually did blackmail me… What exactly happens? It's not as if I'm obsessed with public opinion, and… Compared to Grand Theft Baking Supplies, I doubt the fact that I told people I was twelve years younger than I actually am is going to arouse all that much excitement. Threatening to tell my friends? A bit awkward, but nothing compared to how anything someone could blackmail me into doing would make me feel. Police? I'm not a US citizen and I doubt that Hippolyta would care. I'm publically nineteen, so other than the fact that I'd be able to buy alcohol around here not a lot would change legally.

"Did you do a lot of running before you starting running with us?"

I glance at Paula for a moment before returning my attention to the path ahead of us.

"No, not really. Treadmills-" Once or twice, more to be sociable or because I was taking a break from my rings than for the purpose of exercise. "-or exercise machines were more my thing. Though my trainer did once make me run the marathon."

"Which one?"

"No. The marathon. I had to run from Athens to Sparta, retracing the route of Pheidippides. There's some nice countryside in Greece, but I can't honestly say that I recommend it."

"That could be interesting."

"I didn't know that you were into endurance running."

"When I was younger, I trained myself so that I was ready to commit whatever crime was most profitable. After I recovered from my injury, I tried to get back to that same level of fitness. But I no longer have anything to aim for."

"Perhaps you should try a normal marathon first? I mean, I can arrange passage to Greece-" By flying you there. "-and I'd be happy-" In the interests of building good relations with my future mother-in-law, not because I like running. "-to run it with you."

She smiles as we reach the northernmost part of the park and turn east. "Thank you."

I look right and see Holly and Karon cut across the grass to catch up with us, their disagreement apparently resolved. I'm not seeing any real emotional damage, but… Come on, Holly! At this point you should know that while Karon doesn't expect you to police your eyes she does expect you to police your mouth a little.

"Have you heard from Jade yet?"

"No, and I doubt that I will for a few days. She'll probably want to familiarise herself with her new working environment fairly intensely at the start."

"Who will she be fighting?"

"Hopefully, no one for a while. The place she's being sent to is a solid ally, but the… Enemy are really good at infiltrating and exploiting internal divisions. When she does, it will probably be locals armed with local weapons. Less dangerous than plenty of things she's fought on Earth."

She nods as Artemis slows to allow us to jog alongside her.

"I am sure that you are right, but I still worry. We had not fully reconnected when she left. I am not.. complaining that you found her the opportunity. If she must fight, then I would prefer her to fight for a good cause than for the League of Shadows. But I miss her."

I nod. Jade knows I can get access to instant communication technologies… But she hasn't asked me to give one to anyone. But I could nudge her about writing, or.. something. "I'll see if I can come up with something."
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