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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I wonder what a Paul with a broken/buggy ring or with a dumb ring like Larfleeze's would do in a DC setting... other than Young Justice. Perhaps he would perform experiments on Alan's lantern to eventually convert it? Or he would summon the Ophidian early after depleting his only charge? Or he'd poke at the White Entity if he ends up in a less dangerous DC setting...

I've often thought it would be interesting for Mr Zoat to do a version that got a potent superpower, but not a power ring, and see what he would do with that.

I kind of view the the YJ SI fic Assimilation as a something of a sister fic to WtR for that reason. Machina is not dissimilar to our OL in bringing a certain degree of common sense and maturity to a comic book setting, but though his nanomachine body is potent he doesn't have a magic ring capable of operating on a planetary scale.
Hey Zoat have you given any thought what the SI would do in Dragon Ball?
Hey Zoat have you given any thought what the SI would do in Dragon Ball?

Probably spend most of his time beating people upside the head for not sharing their special utility techniques, and the other half beating them upside the head for failing to apply their special utility techniques in favor of shouting louder.
So, just so you know, Dragon Ball Z is about as much about martial arts as something like Batman. It uses the idea of techniques that people can learn, but often don't due to not having what it takes. Goku is Superman if he was an idiot and loved fighting for the heck of it. Vegeta is Zod, but if he had a half human son with a female good Dr. Sivana. You also have a supporting cast full of people who also like punching things a bit too much, and constantly forget to use their special abilities in order to show how powerful a threat actually is. Namely, Krillin. Earlyish Z was based around 3 main power-up concepts. First, Goku's race get stronger whenever they get beaten and not killed. Second, weighted clothing, to passively train muscle. This one was eventually switched out for a third one - transformation. So eventually each arc always resolves down to either the Sayans or the enemy (often previously used in a previous arc) using a new visual transformation. This obviously sells more merchandise. Because of this, few major antagonists die in a way they can't return from with "character growth" and it ends up looking a lot like DC comics, but with people who like violence for the sake of it.
The two most famous arcs are the Cell saga, which is about a genetically engineered lizard man cyborg who can absorb the strengths of his defeated foes to create new battle forms making a martial arts tournament so that he can 1v1 Earth's mightiest warriors, and the Buu saga, in which a villain convinces a childlike Kirby lookalike to be evil and it eventually becomes the strongest being in the universe by absorbing things. This arc introduces combination, where by performing a wierd dance and pointing their fingers together, the main characters can combine with each other to make stronger combination versions that are the best of both people. Unless they get it wrong, in which case they are the worst of them. Also, more character merchandise.
Really, just watch the abridged series and you get the jist.
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Really, just watch the abridged series

I think he has? Some of it at least. He's certainly linked to it before in the story:

An unintelligent person might try to ram him. A moderately intelligent person like Jordan or Stewart would stop and create a striking construct. I like to think that I am a little more than moderately intelligent. That is why the now musclebound Mister Flinders finds himself hoisted into the air by the awesome power of the full nelson. Once he's off the ground I stick a flight aura around him as well. I do that second as it isn't impossible that he could flail around enough to break its hold, and I really don't want to make this a fair fight. Superboy and I tested it, and sufficient force can break the flight aura from inside.

The robot raises its left hand, and generates an aura of fire around it. I involuntarily pull back a little. The new light gives me a better look at my interrogator. Feminine in shape, its outer surface is red with a gold line like the base of a Mohawk across the centre of her scalp. There's also a gold band from her right shoulder down between her -presumably purely decorative- breasts and across her torso until it disappears around her left side. Her chassis is noticeably more slender than the water robot who got me.

Maybe there's an advantage to building a female seeming chassis, but for the life of me? I just don't see it.

"Not the primary weapons, but if those hit you then it's your own fault for not dodging. It will however severely reduce the ability of their point defences to harm you, and those are far more effective against small targets like Lanterns when at close range. Did your training on Okaara cover ship to ship combat at all?"
In the case of New Genesis, that only extends to believing that their leader is an unquestionable emissary from God,
Well, technically he IS one, of a sort.

Although, I rather hope Highfather in Young Justice will be more in line with the one of Jack Kirby's vision like in the DCAU, NOT so much the decidedly more, uh, aggressive Post-Flashpoint version.
I've often thought it would be interesting for Mr Zoat to do a version that got a potent superpower, but not a power ring, and see what he would do with that.

I kind of view the the YJ SI fic Assimilation as a something of a sister fic to WtR for that reason. Machina is not dissimilar to our OL in bringing a certain degree of common sense and maturity to a comic book setting, but though his nanomachine body is potent he doesn't have a magic ring capable of operating on a planetary scale.
Never heard of this before. After reading the first few chapters, I have to say it wowed me.
Well, technically he IS one, of a sort.

Although, I rather hope Highfather in Young Justice will be more in line with the one of Jack Kirby's vision like in the DCAU, NOT so much the decidedly more, uh, aggressive Post-Flashpoint version.
In Zoat's version of the DCEU, even God is sometimes questionable.
Definitely the most "uncommon" super power, even more than being genre savvy.

Common Sence is actually not common at all.

Will any Paul ever use his ring to look in his middle twenties? Looking eighteen must be quite annoying.

At 25 you are still quite fit and young, more so with the power of a orange ring making you be so, but you avoid the whole "being a kid" thing.

I've often thought it would be interesting for Mr Zoat to do a version that got a potent superpower, but not a power ring, and see what he would do with that.

I kind of view the the YJ SI fic Assimilation as a something of a sister fic to WtR for that reason. Machina is not dissimilar to our OL in bringing a certain degree of common sense and maturity to a comic book setting, but though his nanomachine body is potent he doesn't have a magic ring capable of operating on a planetary scale.

My fanfic Science Will RUIN THE DAY! I mean save the day dang it! (DC/SI OC) started as a Paul that got "MAD SCIENCE!" as a superpower snip series. I changed it to an OC/SI to make it a fanfic, but is still supposed to take part in the Batman:The Brave and tbe Bold cartoon universe.
Probably spend most of his time beating people upside the head for not sharing their special utility techniques
Off the top of my head, about the only thing I can think of that really stands out is the flying technique. Also worth noting that a majority of the owners of these techniques are planet busting Blood knights who are quite capable of beating the holy high hell out of OL, especially if he runs out of ring charge.

Beyond that, you already have all manner of shizo tech available to the public. Capsule corp being one of the biggest suppliers.

Then you have the fact that the average person doesn't have nearly enough Ki to actually perform said techniques, and that gaining enough can take decades of extreme effort. Even then, you still might not be able to. The former strongest man in the world, Roshi, can't fly. Hell, just developing a way to manipulate Ki into a destructive beam took him, one of the greatest who ever lived, 50 years to develop.

Finally, you have the fact that after all that effort, they will learn that; sorry, you weren't born better as a member of the ultimate fighting race. Which basically means you will NEVER catch up, or even be meaningful.

Plus, you're going to beat Goku "upside the head" for nothing thinking of doing something he doesn't' care about? Hope you have access to fucking amazing medical care...because Goku historically has the tendency towards majorly fucking up anyone who sufficiently pisses him off. To the point of casually destroying high tech armies, with one hell of a body count.

Also? It's Goku. Not exactly a 12th level intellect, hoarding advanced tech. Best he can do is point you towards Bulma.

and the other half beating them upside the head for failing to apply their special utility techniques in favor of shouting louder.
Again, Blood knights. Vegeta and Piccolo will just kill you after a point, while Goku will probably just beat you into a coma. I really can not stress enough that there will be no "beating upside the head."

And if you DID manage to actually beat one into submission? Congratulations. At least two of those three will now spend every waking moment, devoting themselves to surpassing you in power for the sole purpose of kicking your ass.

Also, the only meaningful power tech in the world is whatever is in the Cyborgs known as Androids 17 and 18. Whose creator is not only dead, he was firmly not on the side of the planet busters you're going to try and "beat upside the head."

Plus, this OL would have no power battery. Now, while the DBZ universe almost assuredly has something that would recharge his ring. I would say that finding/developing that would be a much larger priority then pestering the cabal of face punchers who ONLY care about face punching as a rule. He's gonna need that recharge too...because the DBZ earth is even MORE of a death planet then the DC one.

Superman wants to make the world a better place. Goku wants to throw down with the strongest of the strong.
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Off the top of my head, about the only thing I can think of that really stands out is the flying technique. Also worth noting that a majority of the owners of these techniques are planet busting Blood knights who are quite capable of beating the holy high hell out of OL, especially if he runs out of ring charge.

Beyond that, you already have all manner of shizo tech available to the public. Capsule corp being one of the biggest suppliers.

Then you have the fact that the average person doesn't have nearly enough Ki to actually perform said techniques, and that gaining enough can take decades of extreme effort. Even then, you still might not be able to. The former strongest man in the world, Roshi, can't fly. Hell, just developing a way to manipulate Ki into a destructive beam took him, one of the greatest who ever lived, 50 years to develop.

Finally, you have the fact that after all that effort, they will learn that; sorry, you weren't born better as a member of the ultimate fighting race. Which basically means you will NEVER catch up, or even be meaningful.

Plus, you're going to beat Goku "upside the head" for nothing thinking of doing something he doesn't' care about? Hope you have access to fucking amazing medical care...because Goku historically has the tendency towards majorly fucking up anyone who sufficiently pisses him off. To the point of casually destroying high tech armies, with one hell of a body count.

Again, Blood knights. Vegeta and Piccolo will just kill you after a point, while Goku will probably just beat you into a coma. I really can not stress enough that there will be no "beating upside the head."

And if you DID manage to actually beat one into submission? Congratulations. At least two of those three will now spend every waking moment, devoting themselves to surpassing you in power for the sole purpose of kicking your ass.

Also, the only meaningful power tech in the world is whatever is in the Cyborgs known as Androids 17 and 18. Whose creator is not only dead, he was firmly not on the side of the planet busters you're going to try and "beat upside the head."

Plus, this OL would have no power battery. Now, while the DBZ universe almost assuredly has something that would recharge his ring. I would say that finding/developing that would be a much larger priority then pestering the cabal of face punchers who ONLY care about face punching as a rule. He's gonna need that recharge too...because the DBZ earth is even MORE of a death planet then the DC one.

Superman wants to make the world a better place. Goku wants to throw down with the strongest of the strong.
One thing: Power tech is not actually all that rare: there's the intergalactic space ship they use to travel in the first Freeza arc. From there you've got all of Freeza's tech.
And if this is the Abridged universe: the muffin button.
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One thing: Power tech is not actually all that rare: there's the intergalactic space ship they use to travel in the first Freeza arc. From there you've got all of Freeza's tech.
And if this is the Abridged universe: the cookie button.

Fuckin heretics spreading lies about the Muffin Button
Jiggity-Jig, part 1

8th February
13:27 GMT

"Oh, good throw." I look at the x-ionised axe floating in the air just in front of my face. "And good reflexes."

Zaark just bares his teeth. It's a display intended to intimidate rather than a sign that he's about to attack, and given that throwing his axe at me didn't work I'm assuming that he realises that there isn't anything he could meaningfully do to me.

"Why are you here? Dumping someone else?"

"Yes. Well, technically one of my subordinates is, but I'm overseeing it so I thought that I'd see how you were doing."

He turns his head away, looking at the fields which the gordanians have planted around the homes they've built out of the remains of their ships. Most of them are filled with fruit-bearing vines, but a few have young trees and several have pens containing… Some sort of local giant slug-like animal. I say animal; given how the local semi-humanoids reproduce I suppose that I shouldn't assume that.

I'm not sure that Xor's collection of mid-to-high level Alignment politicians will take to farming in the way the gordanians have, but it isn't as if the gordanians had a lot more experience of it. Tearing Bite farmlands were -and probably still are- slave-operated, and exclusively on Karna. The ships imported their food from their clan mates, only growing small amounts onboard. And -of course- they never thought to trade with the Tamaranians.

"Fine. You've seen."

"I see you've been promoted."

He bares his teeth again. "Are you trying to be friendly?"

"Would you rather I be hostile?" I shrug. "You and I come from very different cultures. I realise that you haven't done anything that would be considered 'wrong' in your culture. I hope that you understand that you have in mine."

"And you're stronger, I know."

"That's not-. Well, yes. If I were weaker then I wouldn't be able to punish you. But if you were a member of my culture I would actually be punishing you, as opposed to… Putting you in a position where you were unable to reoffend and hoping that your culture will change into something less incompatible with my own."

He grimaces. "Yes, I've been promoted. I can't have my old rank back, but since we have no contact with the part of the clan which is still on Karna our elders can give me a different one." He snorts. "And since we won't get back in contact while I'm still alive, I'll probably die at this rank."


"You can leave now."

I nod. "Okay. Is there anything that you need?"

My rings interpret his expression as a frown, though gordanian faces aren't mobile enough to actually frown.

"My intent is for this colony to function, but you were the first people I've marooned. It's possible that I missed something vital to your settlement's sustainability. If you tell me what it is-" He straightens his posture slightly, looking for a moment at the structure that's either a meeting hall or a canteen. "-then I'll get it for you."

"No. Between what you gave us and what we can make ourselves, we don't need anything. But many of us have family on Karna. I know you won't risk telling them what happened to us, but we want to know what has happened to them after you destroyed the clan war fleet."

I nod. "Reasonable. I should be able to find Tearing Bite easily enough, but if you have names or.. genealogies you want me to look into I'll need a list."

"Just.. get the central clan records. I'm sure your ring can take a copy without anyone finding out about it."

"Alright. Will do."

I raise my right hand to my forehead,

step out,

and appear next to Lantern Xor. "Everything set up here?"

The other members of his species are… The fact that they can't talk appears to be giving them some difficulty. Xor did think to give them simple typing pads so that the ones who don't know any sort of sign language aren't totally stuck for ways to communicate complex ideas. A couple are fiddling with the robot plough, a few more appear to be taking an inventory and one… Who used to be a military officer, is cutting down trees. Most are standing around or having a weird text argument that looks like it's only a few misplaced punctuation marks from a fistfight.

"Yes." He regards them thoughtfully.

"Having second thoughts?"

"No." He turns his head to look at me. "I am trying to work out whether or not it would dishonour me if they were to kill each other."

I think for a moment. "I don't see how it would. You've given them what they need to survive. They did some things that would be called serious crimes in more honourable societies and they're getting off more lightly than they'd let you get off if your positions were reversed."

"But I have judged them. I have decided that this is all they should suffer, until a court can make a new decision. I have not judged that they should die. It would be dishonourable to pronounce sentence and then change it."

"I don't think it's your fault if they fail to take advantage of the opportunity you're giving them."

"But if one did, and they were killed by one who did not, what then?"

"I would say that unless you deliberately set it up to happen like that, the murderer was dishonourable, their victim dies with honour and you are blameless."

"They are not farmers. If I ordered a recruit to take point position during an attack and they died, I would be dishonoured. It would be my failure to position them somewhere equal to their skills. If I take a position where I have authority, the results of the actions I oversee are my responsibility."

"Alright. You're going to be coming back here, right?"

"Yes. I think that I will add many more dishonourable people to this colony before my work is done."

"There you go, then. You've given them a decent start, and you can check on them to make sure that things haven't gotten too bad whenever you come back. A leader is generally responsible for the things that happen under them, but they can't reasonably be held completely responsible for every little thing. People are people, with their own will. Sometimes they just don't do what you tell them to."

He considers for a moment, then nods. "But if they did such dishonourable things, I would need to reconsider.. this."

"Unless they dealt with the problem themselves."

"Yes. It would please me to see that."

"Anything else you want to do here?"

"No. My War Hounds have turned the ship back towards Alignment space. I am ready to follow your orders."

"Alright. I need to check on everywhere, but I think that Tamaran is the most urgent place."

"Tamaran." His eyes glow for a moment. "The world you rescued."

"I'm sure that King Myand'r and Adam Blake know what they're doing, but as you were saying: I set up the situation. That makes it at least partially my responsibility."

"You gave their world two Lanterns. Why are you not more concerned about the other worlds in Vega?"

"Because Tamaran was closest to being something good. If I can't even manage to work out how to fix Tamaran, then I need to rethink my whole strategy."

He nods.


He nods again, and we shoot towards the sky.
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I admit, I am genuinely sick of Xor at this point. His overall character and personality are tiresome as all get out. But OL's gonna OL, and maybe this big lug can learn something.

Seriously...honor, honor, honor.....is he Xor or Zuko? (Alright, you got me, I never watched more then an episode of Avatar)

That being said, adding more people to the same planet, kinda...bothers me. It just feels like it could go bad.
To be fair, if you plop them down on different continents then it could take generations for them to meet. I'm more worried about the X-ionized axe myself. That seems excessive for a marooning.

Also, Zuko's the poster boy for well done redemption arcs, not that I expect that to matter to you.
Oh, this should be good...

Zaark just bares his teeth. It's a display intended to intimidate rather than a sign that he's about to attack, and given that throwing his axe at me didn't work I'm assuming that he realises that there isn't anything he could meaningfully do to me.
More sensible than some.

He turns his head away, looking at the fields which the Gordanians have planted around the homes they've build out of the remains of their ships. Most of them are filled with fruit-bearing vines, but a few have young trees and several have pens containing… Some sort of local giant slug-like animal. I say animal; given how the local semi-humanoids reproduce I suppose that I shouldn't assume that.
Good to see they're settling in...

He bares his teeth again. "Are you trying to be friendly?"
Now, now. No need to be snippy, is there?

My rings interpret his expression as a frown, though Gordanian faces aren't mobile enough to actually frown.
Dude's not used to kindness, is he?

"No. Between what you gave us and what we can make ourselves, we don't need anything. But many of us have family on Karna. I know you won't risk telling them what happened to us, but we want to know what has happened to them after you destroyed the clan war fleet."
A reasonable concern. Most people would be concerned about family...

The other members of his species are… The fact that they can't talk appears to be giving them some difficulty. Xor did think to give them simple typing pads so that the ones who don't know any sort of sign language aren't totally stuck for ways to communicate complex ideas. A couple are fiddling with the robot plough, a few more appear to be taking an inventory and one… Who used to be a military officer, is cutting down trees. Most are standing around or having a weird text argument that looks like it's only a few misplaces punctuation marks from a fistfight.
So, basically an internet argument, but you can actually punch them in the face. Marvelous. Good to see someone actually working too.

"But I have judged them. I have decided that this is all they should suffer, until a court can make a new decision. I have not judged that they should die. It would be dishonourable to pronounce sentence and then change it."
But you're not changing it. It's on their heads.

"There you go, then. You've given them a decent start, and you can check on them to make sure that things haven't gotten too bad whenever you come back. A leader is generally responsible for the things that happen under them, but they can't reasonably be held completely responsible for every little thing. People are people, with their own will. Sometimes they just don't do what you tell them too."
Something the Orange Lantern corps knows better than anyone...

And the road trip continues. It'll be interesting to see Xor's perspective on Tamaran and it's culture.
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To be charitable, if you don't know anything about a character, then a redemption arc will not be very compelling no matter the quality .
He has a scar and shoots fire (Shrug)

Saw his voice actor pop up on a webseries, and though it was particularly cool that he would do that. So, either way, thumbs up from me.

I just don't have any interest in Avatar, nor it's ending theme. Besides, I already read most of the major info when I got curious.
I never got "Honor". It seems such a dumb, convoluted concept that leads to only suffering and pain with nothing to show for it.

Mostly it seems to be used to manipulate young men into doing what someone else wants.
Well... it was used to control orphans that were turned into living war machines. You're hardly wrong.

It's just that Xor doesn't particularly want to change it, after the fact.

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