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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Paul dosing her with Danner Formula.

That didn't happen in the common sense timeline.

Its probably another flare up of pointy stick launcher being mostly useless, would be fun if the sphere overhears Paul and Artemis having a discussion about it and it decides to awaken Artemis to godhood... Even more so because Paul would probably ask the same to get rid of his magic weakness.
Paul dosing her with Danner Formula.

Or telling her that since his power ring scans couldn't be blocked by anyone in the world at this point in the story, when he downloaded the information from every single computer, book, and information-storage capable body on Earth just in case he missed something, he found out her secret identity when handing the relevant parts to the league, who are about to arrest basically every supervillain who either use the law or non-magical secrecy to hide. Like Luthor, and the League of Shadows.
The SI asked Paula our or hit on her when he went to fix her spine, didn't he?

Artemis definitely wouldn't be petty enough to still be mad at him about that just after he healed her mother. I do think it's the kissing/arresting Jade thing though, which happened more smoothly than Paragon's version in Common-Sense chapter 2.

Incidentally, the lack of Paul's guilt about using excessive force on Jade since he didn't lose control in this timeline could very well mean he never really visits Jade and tries to rehabilitate her (unless he finds out she's Artemis's sister earlier than Paragon did), which could mean she never gets slowly redeemed and they don't end up together; since Common-Sense Paul isn't lying about his age, he might feasibly go the Eros route and start dating Catwoman (which gave me a fun mental image of him giving her Garrick formula to make her the true terror of Gotham's criminal underworld).

Alternatively CS Paul could maybe actually be dating Paula, which might very well make Artemis angry or moody enough to override any gratitude she feels at him healing her (part of me would love this hypothesis to be true and then the Paragon version of the Crock-Nguyens find out).
But did that actually happen in the Common sense verse? Given that OL did it while merged with the Ophidian, which I don't think happened in this verse

Not to mention that the Common Sense chapter we just got is from the 3rd of September, the telepathic training session didn't happen until the 16th of October.
Honestly, considering the hyper focus of the Young Justice cartoon, we really don't know the international state of superheroism.

We don't know if Super Malon protects Argentina, we don't know if Hayoth works with Mossad, if Justicia protects Mexico, if Japan has the Super Young Team or Big Science Action, if Great Britain has the Victory V's, if China has the Zhuguan, if Russia has the Soyuz.

It's not like the Team were shown to spend a lot of time in Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Great Britain, China, or Russia in the cartoon, after all.
Common Sense (part 4)
4th September 2010
08:28 GMT -5

Kaldur and I stand as the United States' Ambassador to the United Nations Doctor Susan Rice walks into the conference room. Oddly, Atlantis doesn't actually have a representative here, which means that my first choice was impossible. On the other hand, Dr Rice has on several occasions spoken out against Bialya's human rights abuses and the whole… 'The nation is run by a supervillain' issue.

"Madam Ambassador, thank you for agreeing to see us."

She takes her place at the head of the table and Kaldur and I return to our seats.

"Gentlemen. You said that you have something I need to know about?"

I nod. "Yes. Ah, I'm sorry, I think there are a few things you need to know in order for.. the reason why we're here to make sense, and… How much do you know about galactic politics?"

She sits back slightly. "Not a lot. I know Krypton blew up and that Hawkman and Hawkwoman come from Thanagar. We don't even have regular communication with Mars. I don't think any country on Earth has diplomatic relations with any alien world."

"That's… I believe that Bialya does. A little while ago I.. detected… Very particular gravitational anomalies coming from a.. location in the Bialyan desert. Through observation I was able to identify the source as… Something called a 'Boom Tube'. It's… A particular type of wormhole portal. You can open one from anywhere to anywhere, and move… Anything from one end to the other. Anything that can fit; it takes more power to open larger ones."

"Okay." She nods. "That's worrying, but Bialya never signed the Ozma Accords. There's no obligation on them to declare extraterrestrial contacts."

"That's not-. If anything I'd be happy that countries on Earth were talking to more alien species. The problem is-. There are lots of different ways to travel faster than light. So… Usually, me detecting that a particular method had been used wouldn't tell me anything. For example, there are a dozen species who use gravitational spatial warping in this Sector alone. But… There's really only one species that uses Boom Tubes. And they're… Um, extremely dangerous."

"How so?"

"Their society is split into two competing groups, each occupying a different planet. But they're both… Fairly hardcore fascists. In the case of New Genesis, that only extends to believing that their leader is an unquestionable emissary from God, excluding the majority of the planet's population from their flying super cities and having a generally contemptuous attitude to other species. If Bialya were dealing with them… It might not be a problem. But the people of New Genesis don't deal with aliens very often, so it's more likely that they're dealing with the other guys, and that's very very bad."

"How bad?"

"Apokolips is a fully industrialised super-Earth controlled by an individual their culture identifies as the New God of Tyranny. It's a total autocracy, the majority of the population are slave workers conditioned to regard their conditions and misery as normal and good… It's not an efficient form of industrial production, but the point is that their leader derives power from their suffering. He's turned his entire planet, with a population of hundreds of billions of people, into a giant algemantic generator. They don't conquer and occupy places, but they do routinely invade planets and burn them back to the stone age. They've got a huge fleet, a huge army and their elite are the equivalent of mid to high tier supervillains."

Dr Rice's face gradually fell as I was speaking. "And you think Bialya is dealing with those people."

"I… Recovered an AI from New Genesis at the site which claims that they are. However, I can't authenticate its claims. If they were dealing with New Genesis it would obviously have reason to lie."

"And how can I confirm what you're saying?"

"I… Don't know what the process for formally requesting privileged information from a Justice League member in the know is, but any of the local members of the Green Lantern Corps should be able to confirm what I'm telling you. The Green Lantern Corps has fought Apokolips before and I'm sure that they have far more information than I do."

Dr Rice nods solemnly.

"And…" She looks at Kaldur. "What exactly is the Atlantean position on this?"

"I am not empowered to speak for the government of Atlantis. But as an Atlantean citizen, I have no desire for the Earth to be invaded by such a race of malevolent demigods."

"Are you two working together?"

"Orange Lantern has had little contact with the Justice League." And it's okay to say that for the purpose of a mission, even though it's obviously a lie. "As I do not have a secret identity, he came to me for advice on how to present this information. Since the Justice League is unable to operate in Bialya, I suggested that he come here."

She nods again. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Would you be willing to explain exactly what you saw to someone from the Central Intelligence Agency?"

I nod. "Yes, perfectly happy. I can even bring along the AI if that would help."

"Okay, I'll-." She blinks and look at me anew. "I don't suppose you've got a cell..?"

"Ah… Sorry, no."

"Okay. Phone my-" She passes me a card. "-secretary tomorrow, we'll give you a time and an address."

I take the card. "Thank you. Will you be talking to the League about this?"

"That's up to President Horne, but I expect so."


"If you do..? It.. might be worth asking for information on other galactic threats. So you can identify them early. There isn't all that much that Earth militaries can do against them other than.. fight their local agents and call in the League, but just knowing could save a lot of unnecessary difficulty."

"That sounds like a good idea."

Kaldur actually frowns. "Forgive me, but I am surprised that your government has not already done that. I know that King Orin has such a list."

"Yeah." Dr Rice frowns back. "Now that you point it out, it does seem a little odd. Rest assured I'll be pushing the President to do the same."

I nod, smiling. "I'm glad to hear it."

"Well. Thank you for bringing this to me. Is there anything else?"

I shake my head. "No." Kaldur and I push our chairs back and stand up. "And thank you for taking this so seriously."

"Thank you for coming to the government instead of throwing together a superhero team and charging in there." Kaldur and I don't flinch. "Dealing with rogue nations like Bialya is exactly the sort of thing the United Nations is designed for."

I nod. "Because none of the other permanent members of the Security Council have a stake in Queen Bee remaining in power."

"That's.. not.. quite how I'd put it, but it won't hurt."

The three of us file out, and Kaldur leads me in the direction of the exit. I'm.. feeling.. quite good about how that went. All of those comic book governments who basically exist to miss things that superheroes need to fix -when they're not backing the villains- rather made me think that this wouldn't go anywhere.

"That went well."

"Yes. Though I am not sure that Batman will approve."

"Intimidating as he is, keeping Batman happy is very much secondary to keeping the world uninvaded. If we can't arrest -or kill- the people doing this, we need to hand it over to politicians who can authorise extraordinary measures." I glance at him and smile. "I suppose working directly for King Orin lets you bypass that sort of thing."

He nods. "I imagine that my legal situation is more simple than that of our colleagues."

He presses the 'call lift' button and we wait.

"Will there be further difficulty between you and Artemis?"

"Ah… Probably."

"You had appeared to be cooperating well. What is the source of your dispute?"

"I-. Some of it's personal to her… A… Member of her family had a serious injury and I repaired it with this ring." Kaldur frowns. "And then I asked the person in question out to dinner. Um. Artemis is disquieted by that."

What I shouldn't-. Probably shouldn't tell him is that I'm dating Artemis' mother, and that while Paula and Lawrence had been separated for years they haven't actually divorced yet. And that seeing Paula and I kiss one another when she came back from patrolling Star City was a bit of a shock and means that she now thinks that I'm stalking her, rather than what actually happened which is that I met Paula through Jade.

"Given how protective American superheroes are concerning their personal information, I will trust that the two of you can resolve this without my intervention."

I nod. "Yes, we'll.. talk about it later today." We step into the lift. "I'm sure that we'll be able to sort something out."

"I am glad to hear it."
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4th September 2010
08:28 GMT -5
More common Sense? Are you just taking a break from coloured punctuation?:p

Kaldur and I stand as the United States' Ambassador to the United Nations Doctor Susan Rice walks into the conference room. Oddly, Atlantis doesn't actually have a representative here, which means that my first choice was impossible. On the other hand, Dr Rice has on several occasions spoken out against Bialya's human rights abuses and the whole… 'The nation is run by a supervillain' issue.
So, more likely to actually take this under consideration rather than "we'll look into it."

"Okay." She nods. "That's worrying, but Bialya never signed the Ozma Accords. There's no obligation on them to declare extraterrestrial contacts."
'Ozma' accords? Someone's a fan of Frank L. Baum.

"That's not-. If anything I'd be happy that countries on Earth were talking to more alien species. The problem is-. There are lots of different ways to travel faster than light. So… Usually, me detecting that a particular method had been used wouldn't tell me anything. For example, there are a dozen species who use gravitational special warping in this Sector alone. But… There's really only one species that uses Boom Tubes. And they're… Um, extremely dangerous."
Odd that this OL is using so many pauses. Trying to think of how to phrase things?

"I… Recovered a AI from New Genesis at the site which claims that they are.
"I… Recovered an AI from New Genesis at the site which claims that they are.
(Surprised you didn't use 'Ay Eye' :p)

"I… Don't know what the process for formally requesting privileged information from a Justice League member in the know is, but any of the local members of the Green Lantern Corps should be able to confirm what I'm telling you. The Green Lantern Corps has fought Apokolips before and I'm sure that they have far more information than I do."
Passing the buck onto the more well-known and trusted guys. Clever.

"Orange Lantern has had little contact with the Justice League." And it's okay to say that for the purpose of a mission, even though it's obviously a lie. "As I do not have a secret identity, he came to me for advice on how to present this information. Since the Justice League is unable to operate in Bialya, I suggested that he come here."
Kaldur being a fairly well-known and accessible sidekick, I suppose...

"If you do..? It.. might be worth asking for information on other galactic threats. So you can identify them early. There isn't all that much that Earth militaries can do against them other than.. fight their local agents and call in the League, but just knowing could save a lot of unnecessary difficulty."
Be funny if this gets an X-COM/SWORD-style organisation founded...

"Yeah." Dr Rice frowns back. "Now that you point it out, it does seem a little odd. Rest assured I'll be pushing the President to do the same."
Hmm... Is this Horne a robot duplicate, like Renegade prevented? Or did that plan go through later on?

I shake my head. "No." Kaldur and I push our chairs back and stand up. "And thank you for taking this so seriously."
It's almost refreshing to see someone else with common sense.

The three of us file out, and Kaldur leads me in the direction of the exit. I'm.. feeling.. quite good about how that went. All of those comic book governments who basically exist to miss things that superheroes need to fix -when they're not backing the villains- rather made me think that this wouldn't go anywhere.
It might still not...

"Intimidating as he is, keeping Batman happy is very much secondary to keeping the world uninvaded. If we can't arrest -or kill- the people doing this, we need to hand it over to politicians who can authorise extraordinary measures." I glance at him and smile. "I suppose working directly for King Orin lets you bypass that sort of thing."
I can see this OL being at odds with Batman, just based on his pragmatism.

"I-. Some of it's personal to her… A… Member of her family had a serious injury and I repaired it with this ring." Kaldur frowns. "And then I asked the person in question out to dinner. Um. Artemis is disquieted by that."
Heh. One OL dates the Daughter, this one goes for the Mom.

What I shouldn't-. Probably shouldn't tell him is that I'm dating Artemis' mother, and that while Paula and Laurence had been separated for years they haven't actually divorced yet. And that seeing Paula and I kiss one another when she came back from patrolling Star City was a bit of a shock and means that she now thinks that I'm stalking her, rather than what actually happened which is that I met Paula through Jade.
Teenagers. It's always all about them, isn't it.

Heh, reasonable government personnel. What an amazing sight.
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You're needs to be you've.
Thank you, corrected.
Nice. I wonder if she'll be in the Eros rotation.
Dr Rice is happily married.
"I… Recovered a AI from New Genesis at the site which claims that they are.
"I… Recovered an AI from New Genesis at the site which claims that they are.
(Surprised you didn't use 'Ay Eye' :p)
Thank you, corrected.
Isn't Guardians' official position as far as information on Apokolyps goes "we don't know of any such place"? At least at this point in the timeline and for non Honor Guard GLs.
I think that was the Sector 666 debacle (not the sector itself, the events there). I don't think they're denying the existence of Apocalypse, due to the place raiding worlds that live nearby, and generally being infamous in the area around that.
I wonder what a Paul with a broken/buggy ring or with a dumb ring like Larfleeze's would do in a DC setting... other than Young Justice. Perhaps he would perform experiments on Alan's lantern to eventually convert it? Or he would summon the Ophidian early after depleting his only charge? Or he'd poke at the White Entity if he ends up in a less dangerous DC setting...
"I-. Some of it's personal to her… A… Member of her family had a serious injury and I repaired it with this ring." Kaldur frowns. "And then I asked the person in question out to dinner. Um. Artemis is disquieted by that."
Heh. One OL dates the Daughter, this one goes for the Mom.

Called It :D. Does Common Sense Paul have access to the Danner and Garrick formulas? Paula might have typical Muggle-uncertainty about getting empowered but it would be cool to see. An expert martial artist with super speed would be awesome.

Someone should find some theme music for the Common Sense Interrupt.
Isn't Guardians' official position as far as information on Apokolyps goes "we don't know of any such place"? At least at this point in the timeline and for non Honor Guard GLs.

Sector 666 doesn't exist. Apokalyps is 'we don't go there, and there are certainly no Green Lanterns being held captive there'.
Sector 666 doesn't exist. Apokalyps is 'we don't go there, and there are certainly no Green Lanterns being held captive there'.

"And we certainly didn't arrange for him to have a specially constructed lantern independent of the central battery and get slipped another ring because having a Green Lantern on Apokalips is all we actually wanted in the first place so that "our loss" resulted in us getting absolutely everything we wanted and losing nothing we actually care about in the least."
Can't believe I'm typing this, but I prefer Common Sense to OPaul. I know the writing is less... Thick (I'll go with that). The fight with the Silver City picked things up, but things are back to "Opinion Journal of OPaul" mode it seems. So if we're getting Opinions I'm glad it's Common Sense opinions.
I wonder what a Paul with a broken/buggy ring or with a dumb ring like Larfleeze's would do in a DC setting... other than Young Justice. Perhaps he would perform experiments on Alan's lantern to eventually convert it? Or he would summon the Ophidian early after depleting his only charge? Or he'd poke at the White Entity if he ends up in a less dangerous DC setting...
Which setting? Batman/Superman Generations would be rather different to Red Son.
Ah, no. Not Condelezza, Paula.
I don't think that Dr Susan Rice and Condelezza Rice are the same person.

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